Posted by: admin / Category:
Looking back on my life so far its been, hmm how should I describe it… different, interesting exciting… all of the above, it certainly hasn’t been boring.
I know I’m in an unenviable position now but rest assured that I’ve a lot more to do in my life and I’m 100% positive I’ll achieve it.
I was born in 1955 in a tiny 2 bedroom house with no bathroom, at that time in Liverpool it was only posh wealthy people that had bathrooms..(kids these days have no idea how lucky they are).
We played in the street with a ball or climbed in the houses that were derelict after ww2, affectionately known as “the bombdees”..
In 1971 (May 4th) I left school and joined the army… well I actually went to the Army Apprentice College at Chepstow in South Wales to further my education. I got my degree in Building Construction and Building Science…and I also
qualified for my City and Guilds as a carpenter and joiner and then became a Combat Engineer in the Royal Engineers, years later I married and after a two year spell running my own small Handyman business, I got into sales and I had more than 24 years in the I.T. industry.
During those years I did almost a thousand skydives, I qualified as a Hang glider pilot, a SCUBA diver and I got my pilots licence in only 43 hours, quite good as the national average in the USA where I qualified is 75 hours.
I was in the Guiness Book of Records in 1989 as I was part of the 60 way skydiving formation which at the time was the biggest in the UK. After my 2nd divorce I moved to the USA and lived in the beautiful state of Colorado for 11 years, during which I was the Client service director for Dr Hal Huggins who at the time was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing, I learnt a great deal and personally helped thousands of people.
Between the army and 2008 I’ve had 3 marriages, the first I was an idiot…but had 2 children who for some unbeknown reason haven’t talked to me in 8 years. My 2nd wife cheated on me and left me for her personal trainer. The 3rd ran off a Hispanic guy she worked with and took me for everything, then left me with a $125,000 debt.. luckily all cleared now.
This isn’t a post to brag about some of my achievements, its to say I’m quite happy about the full life I’ve lead thus far, especially looking back to when as an 18 yr old squaddie I was asked what I’d be doing when I was 50 yrs old…
My reply was…”50….50..yrs old!!! I’ll be dead before I’m 50… 50 yrs old is ancient”.
And as yesterday was my 65th birthday and I’ve proved 4 neurologists wrong who stated… categorically stated that I’d be in a wheelchair permanently if I didn’t take their drugs… sorry prescribed medication, that was 16 yrs 8 months ago and I’ve never have taken any MS medication.
Admittedly I’m in bed now, but thats not because of multiple sclerosis, its because I had a nasty fall, buggered my knees and getting a surgery is unlikely because of the Pandemic..
The point of this post is to emphasise that regardless of the good and bad things that have happened, my choice is to accept that those good, bad, exciting, frustrating things are in the past… nothing can be done about the past…
Its now that matters, Now!!! Do whats necessary to make sure you have a future…
I developed multiple sclerosis almost 17 years ago but I’m 3 years into the Ann Boroch Protocol which may take 4 or 5 years in total before my body is healed. Considering that the neurologists have said that MS is incurable, I am very happy about the progress I’m making and I honestly believe eating the protocol foods from now on is a very small price to pay to have my life back.
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Posted by: admin / Category:
Sadly, primarily because of the crap thats been added to foodstuffs these days, such as additives, preservatives, GMO’s and others that improve shelf life and the taste enhansers to make you want more, the health of mankind in the western world has become less important to growers and makers of our daily nutritional need. This improves profitability for them and the pharmaceutical industry as some people look for temporary ways to ease the nasty symptoms caused my the crap that they’ve eaten, so they take drugs…
I’ve heard so many people say things like….. “I know its not good for my health, but I’ve got to have some tasty things because I really love them”…. thats monosodium glutamate talking…
Your taste buds are a natural part of your body, they tell you personally if you like it or not.
They don’t tell you if its good for you or not….
But as I said, with the use of synthetic, chemical and completely alien additives, some manufacturers have over ridden our natural safe guards to fool and convince our minds into eating more and more of their shite…. excuse my language…sorry.
When this happens, so many people ignore the information being clearly shown to them and instead of not having them anymore they just take a pill which eases the symptom.
The symptom maybe pain or discomfort or muscle loss or weakness or weight gain..
But this is your body telling you that something you’re doing or eating or drinking isn’t right, its not good for you… ignoring them won’t help you live a better and longer and healthier life, it just puts more money into the pockets of the people that Don’t care about anything but their own profits.
Lots of people refuse to face facts and maintain that the taste of things are more important than the damage being caused, thats an addiction….
Sugar is more addictive than heroin, just because some foods don’t taste sweet doesnt mean that sugar or one of the 50 plus variations are not in it, look at the label, just about anything ending in “ose” is sugar.
Getting back to discomfort and pain.. they are messages from Your body…
Don’t shoot the messenger..
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Posted by: admin / Category:
A thousand years….
I know it might sound rather amazing, but everyone is blessed with their own personal army specifically to protect you!!!!
We’ve all heard of the “Immune System”…. well thats it and just like every other army there is a tiered progression of who is needed and when they need to be deployed…
Now I know after I post this that there will be some comments disputing my words from the more traditional so called experts in the Allopathic medical world, but remember that I’m avoiding some of the medical terminology that often confuses and misleads regular people.
So getting back to my point….your army…
As I said they are basically divided into 5 groups or 5 different levels of necessity…
Lymphocytes are your first line, the police that are their for basic disturbances, you know the scratches, cuts and bruises.
Monocytes… when things get out of hand, its the military, the foot soldiers….
Okay when things get a little more serious, the next group are the Armed guard, these guys have got weapons and will use them if necessary… they are called.
If these guys are overwhelmed by the invaders, then your body gets serious and calls for help from the penultimate group, these guys have Tanks and take no prisoners, who are they?
They are called..Eosinophils…
So when you have a problem, initially its the Lymphocytes then Monocytes, then Neutrophils then Eosinophils, but the police, the Army, the Armed guards and the Tanks have all tried to beat off the bad guys to no avail, so now what?
You’ve asked the invaders nicely, you’ve tried your best to take it easy on them but now its time for the big guns, these guys are going to do some serious damage… the last line is the…..
Sadly the invaders are getting worse and worse, they are getting stronger and stronger because they are inadvertently being helped…
Their helpers actually aren’t doing this on purpose to hurt people. They don’t realise or understand, at least I hope they aren’t…
These added bad guys have been created, actually invented by companies, not to harm you but to fool you, to mislead you into wanting more and to not know it Will harm you…
They come in the form of “E numbers” Preservatives and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)….
So the poor old innocent human body at this time hasn’t been able to adapt or reinvent itself yet.
But not to worry, we know from history books and encyclopedias that it will happen eventually, we just have to hang around for another…
Thousand years..
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