The best…
In one week I’ll have completed three years on the Ann Boroch Protocol, its been difficult at times especially when I’ve succumbed to the dreaded taste buds nagging away at me to just have a little bit of something that could possibly be okay. Admittedly I should have known better, I should have read the label.. properly and not fooled myself into believing it wouldn’t create a significant problem…
Duh!!!! Hello!!!!
But in the main I feel happy about what I’ve been doing for 1,088 days so far.
I do a lot of research into specific symptoms that appear to be bothering me more so than I think normally should be clinging on as the protocol is eliminating others.
The weakness that seems to become worse around midday regardless if whether I’ve eaten or not. I would say that that my overall strength can drop by 50% for a few hours and be restored without any rhyme or reason.
The second and more worrying thing for me is how dramatically I’m affected by heat and humidity.. not even excessive heat like the 30c plus days like we’ve had recently, but mid 20’s and high humidity seem to suck the life out of me to the extent that I really need physical assistance. But as I said, when that happens its only for very short periods of time.
Apart from the two instances I truly believe that the cumulative symptoms described as multiple sclerosis are becoming fewer and less frequent in me.
I think from an outside observers point of view, seeing me in bed since the week before lockdown they would assume differently. But it was a fall that was partially my own fault thats resulted in the ligament, tendon and cartilage damage thats keeping me here.
The exercise I can do is rather limited, but there is improvement slowly but surely so I’m optimistic about resuming my progress prior to my fall.
The title of this post is referring to the choice I made to attempt to emulate the results of the young woman that ignored the worlds medical experts and pain stakingly formulated what we know as the Ann Boroch Protocol (ABP) …
I truly believe that making that choice is saving my life and in my mind is the best decision I’ve ever made..
Why and How….
There are thousands of people, not just a few lucky ones, but literally thousands that didnt and did believe…
No thats not a stupid grammatically incorrect thing to state, what I’m referring to is the people who categorically didn’t believe the doctors, neurologists and the so called specialists when they looked you in the eye and stated that the disease you had contracted, that was illegally living in your body was impossible to remove…
At the time of being told that in February 2004 I didn’t know what i know now, but I didn’t believe them, I didn’t know how it could be done, but I absolutely did believe there was a way…
The medical world and 99.9% of the general public all think its impossible…. so when everyone else think its impossible, does that mean its correct…. no!!!
What we have to do is to constantly tell ourselves that its possible, by doing that our minds will be forever searching for a way to make it happen, regardless of the difficulties, there can be no acceptance of the obvious reasons why not.
Before April 1954 it was the worldwide belief that it was impossible to physically run a mile in under 4 minutes, it had been tried by the thousands of athletes hundred of thousands of times.
But on that date Roger Banister broke the 4 minute mile and amazingly since then more than 20,000 people including some school kids have also done it..
So those 20,000 people knew it could be done and have trained differently and harder than they had previously done to achieve what was considered impossible…
4 years after being told she had multiple sclerosis, Ann Boroch did what she believed possible and with trial and error, with discipline she healed her body…
As I said earlier thousands have gone on to do the same…
The way I look at things is that i don’t want to be sick, I dont want to just exist…
I want to live, I want to walk in the rain, I want to do some of the things I did before…
Why go though the pain, why experience the frustration, the anxiety, the humiliation…
Because I believe in the Ann Boroch Protocol and I believe in me and I will to whatever it takes..
Thats my How…
How will it happen?….
When I look at my own personal situation now, its a world away from what it was….
I was fit and healthy, I was a very active man, much more so than the majority of people…
I truly believe that a person can achieve whatever they really want to…. nothing is impossible, obviously there are certain limitations in life such as location or finances or opportunity. But in the main most of those things can be overcome in time, you just have to make sacrifices or adjustments, look for alternatives, if something isn’t reachable or achievable one way, then try a different way or try harder, no excuses, no justification for not doing it…
Sixteen years ago my life changed completely, the organs in my body were all infected by a disease, not just a cold or flu, not just something that gave me an ache or pain for an hour or two or even a week, it wasnt a cut or bone break that would heal in a short period of time… no… this was something that all the so called medical experts in the world say is incurable…
What I was told… what the experts said to me was that the pain, weakness and limitations I was experiencing at that time were horrible.. depressing, life sucking… it sounded horrible to me especially as I was such an adrenaline junkie…
But then they told me that even though that that was completely opposite to how I’d lived for 49 years, that from then on it would keep getting worse, it would take away all my strength and inevitably my will to live….
At that time I didnt know what I know now, it was still 2 years before I’d meet Dr Hal Huggins, and 14 years before learning about the Ann Boroch Protocol.
But fortunately my attitude is one of optimism, I dont give in when things get hard, I say I dont like how things are so I need to go around the obstacle, or over it or under it, just keep trying and looking with an open mind.
It isn’t happening right this moment, or today or tomorrow, but it will happen…how?
By doing whatever it takes, even though its not easy or comfortable, for me to do what is considered to be impossible, I will do it because no-one can do this for me, so if I want things to be better it means that I have to do…..
Whatever is necessary…
What YOU believe….
We all have motivations in life, some are things we’d like to achieve or accomplish, it might be something that we’ve seen others do, successful people. I’ve heard others say things like, “they just had it easy”… or “they had lots of help, they didn’t do it by themselves”… or, “I dont like having to get up early”.. or ” whatever” … in reality they are just excuses….
In my mind one of the hardest of problems to overcome… is our taste buds… they convince our minds into thinking that it will be okay to just have a small amount of a food that in reality we know is wrong and I know I’ve personally been guilty of doing it…
So going back to the others that have achieved their personal goal… it wasnt easier for them, they didn’t get to where they are because of help…
They got there because they personally did what they needed to do… whatever was necessary…
So when we are given a blueprint, a specialised course of action, an achievable plan..we just need to follow it…. not make excuses and create what the weaker parts of our minds think of as justification and succumb to temptation…
The blueprint in my particular situation is the Ann Boroch Protocol that was created to overcome a supposedly insurmountable problem….multiple sclerosis…
So the way to successfully move forward is to read the specialised course of action, the blueprint of success to heal the body…
In our case its a book called “Healing Multiple sclerosis “….
When its read…. more than once, so
when you/we/me truly understand, when we believe, not just think it might work for others, but know in our hearts its the right thing to do, it will work, we will be successful… why?
Because what you believe..
………You make true…….
The killer for me…
I must start this post by categorically stating that the Ann Boroch Protocol works… what that amazing woman did, was considered impossible by the world’s medical experts.
Since I started on the ABP in September 2018, I’ve tried my hardest to adhere to the protocol, but as most humans will do, I occasionally succumb to the always demanding taste buds and have protein bars that superficially look acceptable. A day or two later the symptoms permeate my thick scull when I realise the itty bitty sugar content is too much.
So as I approach 3 yrs I’m very pleased with my progress, I’ve not used the recipe section as I previously said but just stuck to compliamt foods.
A few weeks ago I was pretty pleased with myself as I’d found a gluten free and dairy free protein bar…
After trying one and liking it, I didn’t notice any obvious side effects so I bought a box of 20 of them and had 3 each week.
On Tuesday of this week I’d noticed a few little problems that were just a bit bothersome, not diarrhoea per se but loose movements.
After looking deeper into my regular food intake but not finding anything I looked closely at the small print on the bars..
Guess what… the dairy free bar included…Native whey…
So… the Testa cuadra…I live in (thick scull) realised my problem.
I’ve always understood that gluten, dairy and sugar should be avoided.
In addition to non compliant veggies.
They are all bad foods for followers of the ABP..and I’ll do that obviously but looking at my own personal situation…
The killer for me is Dairy….
- What do you want…
No-one chooses to be sick, we don’t contemplate life and its difficulties then decide to be sick.
Some people make lots of wrong decisions that have been based on their taste buds… yes, certain foods taste great and stimulate an overwhelming almost uncontrollable desire to eat more… thats not a natural desire you have when eating strawberries, its because of additives such as monosodium glutamate… MSG is added to give you the “moreish” desire you get from foods like Pringles…
Other people aren’t necessarily conscious of problems that can be created by certain additives that don’t bother other people’s organs but they are just unlucky.
I think that 99% of people just accept what the doctors tell them, those people are supposed to be the experts in the medical world, so its only natural to believe them…
Sadly, that ceased to be true about 30 years ago, maybe more, that was when the pharmaceutical companies became pharmaceutical giants and financially influenced our doctors…
My choice on medical care changed when I learned very different things, working for Dr Hal Huggins in Colorado I met and talked to several leaders in the wrongly described as “alternative medicine”…
In reality the Homeopathic and Ayurvedic methods where therapies are typically based on complex herbal compounds and minerals to treat the cause is natural, whereas the Allopathic method is to treat the symptoms using an artificial pharmaceutical drug..
So addressing the disease that doctors using pharmaceutical drugs considee impossible, and by using the ABP, a “tried and tested” method thats shown thousands of times to work, is I believe to be the logical way.
Why would anyone choose to take pharmaceutical drugs that mask the problem on a temporary basis while creating many other health problems and generate the need for more and more drugs that slowly sap your life away.
What I’m doing is following a protocol developed by Ann Boroch who healed herself in four years.
I’m not healed yet, but I am taking great strides forward towards health.
I’ll be 65 in 6 weeks, I’ve had MS since February 2004, over the years I’ve known several others that went along with the doctors recommendations to take unnatural, pharmaceutical drugs but sadly they are no longer with us.
I’m not doing this perfectly, but I am doing it nearly right, I know I occasionally have small treats… not things that knock me off track, just slow me down a little.
What do you need to do the ABP, you need to truly want it… to believe it will work if you just “Do it”..
If you have discipline now you’ll make it easy for you later…
Discipline now, easy later… or
Easy now and suffer later…
Think about it, making commitments and being disciplined now is definitely easier than trying to be harder on yourself as you get older, as you get weaker physically and the symptoms of your personal disease are stronger.
Keep doing what you’ve always done and you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got…
Or…. do the Ann Boroch Protocol and get your life back…
What do you want ?…