But I’m…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

But I’m….

Firstly I have to say….Covid19…
How its affecting everyone in the world…
Killing someone is terrible, but killing the thousands and thousands worldwide…
Just over two weeks ago I’d been feeling really good, primarily because of the really positive progress I’m making by following the Ann Boroch Protocol….
I’ve said before that the majority of MS symptoms have gone after 31 months, it’s obviously going to take another couple of years of strictly adhering to the ABP before I can jump up and down shouting that I’m healed, but I have every confidence that I will.
Going back to the Sunday 16 days ago, I was cleaning the loo as I’ve previously said, when both thighs gave up resulting in me being dumped on the floor with my legs bent at 90° to each other. I know I’ve written about this before, but bear with me, theres a point…
So after the paramedic visit and being put in bed, I’ve been hoping my knees would recover, but, having previously had 7 surgeries over 20 years ago they are not recovering as quickly as I’d hoped, but I believe they will.
Something I’ve said before and a life philosophy I live by,  is..
“What you believe…you make true”
Getting back to Covid19…
I moved into the house I live in now, a lovely 350 yr old converted barn owned by my beautiful sister in September 2018…
I’ve seen a doctor twice, primarily to register as a new resident, also to have a blood test. I’ve been out for a meal once but I’ve not actually been outside since for about 15 months….
So yes theres probably 75% of the country in self isolation, theres often news coverage of people saying how horrible it is and how they are getting “stir crazy”…
I say think about all of the people with serious disease like me that have been confined to their house, or one room in bed, unable to get to the bathroom….
The country…the world will heal, in time if we all do what’s necessary..
Self isolation for a month or two or three in reality is no big deal…
My knees are still sore, stopping me from strengthening my thighs, and I’ve been in bed for sixteen days…

But I’m okay

The body knows…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

The body knows…

I’m sure that only 117 years ago when people heard about the Wright brothers making a flight in a “plane”.. that their initial thoughts were that it couldn’t possibly have happened. It must have been hearsay… gossip.. it wasnt possible…. then !!! but now, not only do millions fly everyday but “man” has flown all the way to the moon, and walked on it..
So… when people in general, medical professionals and sufferers
of multiple sclerosis hear or read that people with the disease have been healed, their disbelief is no greater than that of others back in 1903..
How has that been done?
Well as myself and thousands before me will testify, it’s by specifically following a dietary protocol, not just any one, but a very specific one called the Ann Boroch Protocol (ABP)..
Am I healed ?
Not completely yet… no..
But as I’ve said before, MS isnt a one size fits all disease… it’s a combination of many symptoms all of varying intensity that have been grouped together and called “Multiple sclerosis “…
Look at the 2.3 million sufferers worldwide who all have similarities but not exactly the same symptoms.
In my personal case, I never had some of the problems that others have, and vice versa..
But, of all the many significant problems I did have, 31 months into the 48 ish month protocol there is really only one major problem and one small one lingering on.
Weakness in general is the major one and having a “hummingbird bladder” is the small one.
As Janet can confirm, when leg muscle atrophy happens over decades, it’s very difficult to rebuild..
It does happen, but it’s a slow process.
The ABP clearly states what needs to be done, it’s not Rocket science, but it is specific.. Ann Boroch learnt of the primary cause which is Candida and how it wreaks havoc in the various organs which go on to create symptoms at various levels..
Eliminating sugar, dairy and gluten initially cause very negative responces in the body and repairing cells, tissue and organs takes time. But when done properly, they will create “Forever changes”…
During the 4 year ish protocol there will be phases of “die off” that appear bad but in reality are markers of saying bye bye to certain symptoms..
As I said, the ABP isnt rocket science, but it must be done correctly.. do it wrong and it wont work.. do it right and it will heal the body…
There are signs, markers along the journey, how do you know if it’s being done correctly? you will feel better in various parts of your body, it will tell you, and guess what?
The body knows best

Misleading, … But

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Misleading, but…

The Ann Boroch Protocol is a 4 year program to follow to Heal the body….
There’s no curing involved, it simply enables the follower to eliminate the toxins and pathogens that have accumulated in the body over a number of years by eating certain foods… some of which had been laden with additives, MSG and E numbers which may have made the food taste better, to eat more and totally mess up the functionality and efficiency of human organs that were very specifically designed to keep you healthy.
Ann Boroch created the protocol to help herself as she had been diagnosed with MS..
As I said, the protocol “heals” the body….
Meaning it enables it to repair and rejuvenate cells that had previously been damaged, and encourage candida growth.
In Ann’s case the candida had run riot which resulted in symptoms that collectively are called multiple sclerosis..
However, variations of candida overgrowth and toxins will developed into other health problems and diseases.
I’m not saying that every illness and so called incurable disease is caused by candida, but many are which means the protocol will help with whatever serious health problem you have.

I’m sure many people have heard the phrase..
“You have to get worse before you’ll get better”…
Well with the ABP the body goes through various elimination phases that result in good and bad feelings, specifically die off…
This can happen and last for undefined periods that can give the impression the protocol isnt working..but trust me, it is..
For me personally, I’ve been experiencing just that for the past few days, weakness and loose bowel movement that would have been so much worse if I hadn’t been taking Activated Charcoal every 4 hours.
All in all I’m very pleased by the progress I’m making, my overall strength, balance and demeanor is massively better than it would have been after 16 years of this hideous disease.
I still have MS, I’m only 30 months into the 48+ month protocol, I’m experiencing die off right now, saying I’m happy, might seem a bit misleading… but I am healing…

You’re right…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

You’re right…

In life in general we are faced with choices and decisions to constantly make, and the same but multiplied by a thousand in importance is what happens when we have multiple sclerosis and are following the Ann Boroch Protocol. But here the choices and decisions we make aren’t just about what shoes or clothes to wear, our choices affect our life.. do we exist or “live”…
What I mean by this is that being diagnosed with this hideous disease is a horrible thing to hear, I know it was for me sixteen years ago.
The choice I made was to try and find a natural, drug free way of removing it from my body. I’d moved from England to the USA, and living and working in the beautiful state of Colorado. The neurologist at The Rose hospital in Denver was shocked and offended when I refused medication. Even though I was told I’d be in a wheelchair permanently within 6 months, I didnt, nor have ever taken any MS medication (pharmaceutical)…
I started on the ABP in September 2017 so I’m 30 months in, and am extremely happy with my progress.
There are many schools of thought about diet in general, Ketogenic, Vegetarian, Vegan, and so many others extolling their virtues, and I’m sure the so called “experts” believe they help.
But when it comes to MS, they might improve things to a certain extent but this protocol works to genuinely the body, as thousands before me will testify.
Back to my point…
When faced with the potential life changing decision of actually following and sticking to this protocol, lots will say it’s just too rigid, too hard and walk away…
It is hard in some ways but the rewards are amazing.
The choice is yours..
But think about it, it might not work , but then again, it might…whatever you think and believe…
You’re Right…