
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

About a year or so ago, I had flu like symptoms which as I’m sure you can appreciate can be even harder to cope with if, like me you have a serious disease, hence a majorly compromised immune system. I stand by my actions of refusing conventional western medicine , a.k.a. drugs that treat symptoms and do more long term harm than good. Several days ago, the bug hit me again and has been causing terrible problems, but the stubborn “I will not be beaten, regardless of what you hit me with” me, has remained strong. It’s been really hard, I’ve hardly slept, I’ve been completely exhausted and in a greater level of pain and discomfort than usual. Thankfully I’m reasonably confident I’ve broken it’s back and am feeling so much better, thankfully. Sunday afternoon was a “pig”…. about 4.30 I had a serious bout of spasms that resulted in me sliding off my bed, it probably looked like a “Mr Bean” comedy scene as I had my head wedged between the bedside table (nightstand) and my bed. My legs were twisted in a weird position and my naked ass pointing at the ceiling, but trust me there was nothing humorous about the pain I was in or the frustration of simply not having the strength to move.
After about 30 minutes of totally exhausting my head, untwisted my legs and moved into a better position, fortunately that was when my carer Kay arrived, I reassured her that it looked worse than it was so absolutely no need to call an ambulance.. another carer Sara was on hand and with a little assistance I was able to get back in bed.
It’s now about 20 hours later although I’m not back to my normal self but I am definitely a lot better, as you can see from being able to write about it.
For anyone on the life changing, life saving system I’m doing, The Ann Boroch Protocol, staying away from drugs that are simply treating symptoms is so important. We have a disease “dis-ease” that is trying every trick in the book to make you believe that nothing will help, nothing will restore your health..
But… we know that’s not true… we know the ABP will do it… in order for that to happen… You my friend have to help it to help you..
Believe in the Ann Boroch Protocol, believe in yourself!!!
I constantly remind myself that I’m strong enough to win this war, I constantly watch positive YouTube videos and affirm, then re-affirm my commitment.
In this scenario, multiple sclerosis is the devil
One of my favourite T shirts confirms this..


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


As we all individually progress along this lonely, painful, worrying, frustrating but oh so rewarding journey to health, there are always going to be times when we are second guessing ourselves, “have I done the right thing?or should I keep this up”.
About on my 22nd month I stopped taking the Anti Fungals as I felt it was the right time to stop. I think most people would agree that I’m making very good progress, I certainly think so myself.
About a week or so ago I started to experience a greater level of fatigue around 12.00 ish…
Sometimes before I’d eaten lunch, sometimes after, so it didnt appear specifically to be food related.
So this is where the serious second guessing kicked in…
I think I’m 100% compliant…?
I think I’m drinking enough water…?
I think I’m taking the right supplements…?
The only thing I think it could be is a serious case of die off after 6 months of eating certain foods that although are compliant, might not work for me. So I’ve restarted AFs a couple of days ago.
Anyway, I understand that this disease is desperately trying to stay inside my body, and I appreciate that D.O. can happen to anyone of us at anytime.
But what I Know is that giving up is….

Never going to happen


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Firstly… Merry Christmas…
As we all know multiple sclerosis is an evil never give up, I’m going to make your life a misery type of disease… it’s a hard thing to accept for everyone when told that this so called incurable is resident in your body…I know when I was initially diagnosed back in February 2004 I was gutted. My thoughts revolved around “why me”… I was (am) a good person…ish.. so what had i done to deserve this… I’d not done anything bad, consciously. But i had been a two cans per day Diet Coke addict which was sweetened with aspartame which research has shown can mimic symptoms of ms.
Obviously my food intake, as the majority of people these days do, included foodstuffs that we know aren’t good. I’d also had various dental work such as root canals and amalgam fillings that all contribute to a compromised immune system.
Back to my post… over the last week or so I’ve felt a little weaker and more unstable than I normally do, now that could be unusually higher “die off” or simply that I’ve eaten off protocol which I’m not aware of, or it could be not moving about as much. That seems the most likely to me at this time.
The muscle atrophy is such a dominant symptom of MS and fighting against that particular debilitating symptom is extremely difficult in a multitude of ways…but as I’ve said on numerous occasions, beating the unbeatable (supposedly) is not an easy thing to do. I’ve also said giving up and letting this shitbag (excuse me) best me, is not an option, which leads me to one conclusion… in order to win (which I will) I have to get out of my
Comfort Zone

R, R and R…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

R, R and R
I absolutely believe in the Ann Boroch Protocol as a way of healing the body, which in turn removes the disease, what she did was find a way of healing the body regardless of the specific disease, I know multiple sclerosis was the original reason and that’s the case for the majority of readers, but as I said, this really applies to most health issues, especially the ones the drug pushers proclaim to be incurable. I think governments around the world should enforce a law that big pharma, a.k.a. The pharmaceutical industry, a.k.a.drug pushers, a.k.a. evil pariahs…. Should reclassify the diseases they call Incurable as “diseases we want to rob you blind” or ones “we have no intention of curing”..
Can you tell from my posts that I “hate” these people, there I go again “ranting”about those companies that are genuinely only interested in helping mankind….hopefully you’ve realized that “they” have only one priority……profit..
So getting back to genuine healing as opposed to treating symptoms, the ABP is straight forward, it simply addresses the causes, the instigators of the cumulative problems that are grouped together and called multiple sclerosis…
The protocol requires you to abstain from certain foods and adding specific supplements to enable the body to do what it’s designed to do…. Heal itself…
The evil pariahs, oops, sorry, the pharmaceutical industry don’t make money by healing a disease, so what they do is spend millions on creating drugs that ease or mask a symptom which creates a never ending supply of customers and billions and billions in profit.
The protocol was created very specifically to “heal”….In order to do this there are lots of individual cells, 37 trillion, that need fixing.
The title of this post is R, R and R..
Rest… Regeneration and Repair

How important…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

How important…
Being told you have a serious illness, especially one that the worlds so called medical experts consider to be incurable, is definitely a hard thing to come to terms with. What’s expected from you is to accept what they’re telling you as the truth….. it is the truth that “they” believe but it isnt the whole truth…. okay I know that probably seems like a strange thing to say so I’ll try to explain…
What the worlds medical experts who are financially funded by the pharmaceutical industry are saying, is that according to current research (again funded by big pharma) is that they haven’t been able to manufacture a drug that will cure the disease. In reality they’ve never actually been looking because it’s not in their best financial interest to cure anything…. what they really do is create drugs that ease or mask a symptom which simply means they create a never ending supply of “Customers”…
I think I’m one of the lucky ones really, now I know having a disease like multiple sclerosis as I do cant possibly put me into the lucky category of people. But when I was diagnosed way back in February 2004, I’d done a lot of research into prescription medication… a.k.a. Drugs.. and I knew that if I started on them, it would be for life, and my life would be a much shorter period of time.
Because I refused to take them, the neurologist that diagnosed me became rather agitated to say the least, actually he got really mad and called me an idiot, then he really got in my face and said I’d be in a wheelchair permanently within six months. Fifteen years later I’m still not in a wheelchair and have never taken any medication/drugs for multiple sclerosis.
I worked full time for a further 7 years, admittedly I was not able to completely stop MS from progressing in my body, but I was able to keep the symptoms at bay.
Just over two years ago I started a four year program called the Ann Boroch Protocol which has been proven… Catagorically Proven to heal the body… now understand that multiple sclerosis is essentially a combination of symptoms, it’s not exactly the same for everyone. Which is a great thing for big pharma as it’s much easier to justify to their customers.
I personally have made a great headway into this and am 100% confident I’ll be free of all symptoms in another couple of years.
The disease isnt incurable, it’s just not financially profitable for the pharmaceutical industry.
There have been thousands before me that have changed their eating habits and gone on to heal their disease ridden body, it’s not easy to start with, the first three months can be hard, but at the end of the day it just comes down to one thing…. your health, your life, do you want to have it and if so….
How important is it..

Not what it seems…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health
Not what it seems.
I am forever thinking about this hideous disease and if I’m fooling myself, am I doing the right thing and making any headway into overcoming it? no, not the right word, it’s not overcoming as that intimates the body still has it,but through one method or another I’m able to live even though it still lives in me. So overcoming isnt the correct verb. Beating it is more accurate, yes my aim, my goal is to beat this hideous, demoralising, frustrating, debilitating, life sucking mother F#####.. excuse my language..
As each day goes by and I try my best to adhere to the protocol especially from a diet, food intake standpoint, I fight to not get demoralised if, as it occasionally happens that I seem on the face of it to not be moving forward, not going backwards, but not obviously improving.
Being alone isn’t necessarily any easier as the “mind”… can imagine a multitude of negative reasons as to why certain things have or haven’t happened, there’s no one to bounce ideas off or get another opinion from. So I think, I justify and then make a decision.
I’m not in a unique position, I’m sure there are many other’s living through the same quandary, as I’ve progressed along this life changing journey, I incorporate foods that are not allowed during the first three months but are allowed in small doses later on. I believe I’m not cheating per se, but my body isnt happy about certain foods, as Janet clearly points out when following the ABP…diet is the key.
The physical exercises I’m doing are definitely helping, maybe I’m doing too much and too often… but I’m certainly going to revert back to my weekly 24 hr fast and eliminate certain only after 3 month food’s.
Getting back to the title of this post, I’m 100% confident that the Ann Boroch Protocol works and my physical and mental health is getting better. The negative impression I’ve had for a couple of days is because of slight changes I’d made and certainly not permanent, so…”clear my head, make the appropriate adjustments and move on”, because the negative is…
Not what it seems


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Over the last two years and three months since starting this life changing protocol, I’ve written on a regular basis of the changes and improvements that happen slowly, but on a regular basis. The initial three months will in the main deter all but the strongest of minds, because having an okay day followed by a terrible one is very challenging, but as each week goes by the bad days are not quite as bad as they were in previous weeks, in addition the “good day” becomes “good days”, then good weeks.
Telling others just starting or in the early phases of what “will” happen, good and bad, is in my humble opinion, very helpful. It is also good for me to document the positive changes, because unless you personally are experiencing this, it just appears to our nearest and dearest that there is no change, or at least no significant change.
However, for you and I personally, feeling pain or physical limitations at 6 is soooooo much better than when they were at 7 or 8….
Now as I have just completed my 27th month I like to look back and reflect on what are life changing improvements, I’m still a long way from being healed, but on reflection I realize that there are so many things I take for granted (my bad), feelings and movements in toes that had forgotten they had brothers and sisters that could also wiggle. Yes that may seem like a trivial thing, but trust me its monumental for us.
There have been occasions while making the 50 mile trip in bare feet over sharp rocks to my bathroom…. okay, okay, it’s only 20 feet and it’s carpeted, but that’s how I feel, completely exhausted .. on those occasions as I’ve felt an incredible strain as I’m desperately gripping a door frame or hand rail as if my life depended on it and i was holding on by the skin of my teeth.
But in the main, I feel good, I push aside all negatives and remind myself that I’m beating a disease that the worlds medical experts STATE is incurable… then i smile like a Cheshire Cat…
The Ann Boroch Protocol … is strict.. its challenging but most importantly, it works, You have to do it, no one else can do it for you, others will poo poo it and try to put you off, they’ll tell you to just take the drugs that the doctor prescribed, but just keep telling yourself that it gets better, I’m proud of myself because of my determination and successes as you should be because

We….yes We will be healed