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Two years.
Is it really two whole years, that’s 730 days..or.17,520 hours…. Wow….that seems amazing to me because after day one on the ABP which was September 1st 2017 I really, really thought there was absolutely no way I could do this. As far as I was concerned the bad day I’d had was far worse than any of my previous MS days. Obviously it was much worse for me than it was for anyone else, well that was going through my mind, that was how I was justifying to myself why this supposedly successful method to heal the body just couldn’t possibly work for me.
Fast forward two years and I realise that everyone doing this has exactly the same thoughts, sadly not everyone has the same inner strength to persevere, the protocol is strict, it requires determination and absolute belief. As I said it’s probably only 25% of starters that see it through, that being said you have to understand that doing this properly makes you a very lucky and extremely special person. Lucky because you Will be healed and special because You will have beaten what the world’s medical experts say can’t be done and in my book that makes you an amazingly special person.
Since starting two years ago, I’ve written just over 200 posts, I think it’s obvious that I enjoy doing it, but it’s not just because I’m indulging myself, I write as a way of hopefully inspiring others on this journey and also to constantly remind myself of the progress I’m making. There has been occasions when I’ve struggled but we all do, it’s a necessary step we all make. I want others to see that 95% of the time at this stage I feel that I’m moving forward but now and then something I’ve eaten kicks my butt. Luckily those times are rare and it usually is only an issue for a matter of hours.
At the end of the day multiple sclerosis is a sneaky, evil, hideous and misunderstood disease. It takes great pleasure in knocking me down whenever I give it the chance because that’s what’s happening. If I give in to my taste buds and eat something I know is wrong then all the good work I’ve been diligently doing is temporarily pushed aside. Fortunately with patience and determination I get back up.
I’m 100% committed in completing what I started, why?….. Because I want to live again not simply exist as a prisoner…
I’m not unique, thousands have gone before me and done what I know I’ll do as well, I don’t think I’m better than anyone else, but I do know that I’m one of a very special group that are healed or are healing.
I don’t know you personally but I’m asking all like minded warriors to..
Join me.
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Posted by: admin / Category:
If only….
After almost 23 months I’m reasonably confident of my understanding of this protocol, it goes against the grain as far as basic nutritional recommendations, but this isn’t a standard for regular nutrition, it’s not “rocket science”, but it is very specific when it comes to restoring health to those like me suffering from multiple sclerosis.
So, my daily diet is without any of the non compliant foods, I’ve found certain treats that are allowed after three months, so all in all I’m quite happy about the foods I eat.
On Thursday I had something different, an Apple cider drink, I used to have one regularly when I lived in the States.. Anyway I have ACV on a daily basis and have always been an advocate of its many benefits so the cool refreshing drink really appealed to me. I quaffed it down before lunch, sadly it wasn’t 20 minutes later that I started to notice a difference, a negative one.
The improvements I’ve experienced since starting the protocol aren’t dramatically noticeable to others, but from my point of view they’re amazing. From an Allopathic medical standpoint where doctors will say the disease is incurable so after a person contracts it there will be a constant decline in health which in their view will be exacerbated when not taking the prescribed medication. I’ve never taken any medication for this disease in more than fifteen years. So for me to have stopped the progression of MS and to be actually getting better is rather amazing.
The ACV drink knocked me back, big time, my legs stopped working, I couldn’t stand, my carer had to wheel me to my bed and transferring onto it was a major challenge, I lost the ability to single finger type, I couldn’t hold a drink or even lift my hand to my mouth, in all honesty I was petrified. It was only when I looked at the ingredients of the ACV drink that I realised what the problem was. The Bragg ACV drink hadn’t been available when I’d done my online shop from Sainsbury so bought one that also included “the mother”… but it had sugar not honey and it kicked my butt.
So after 23 months I’m doing well, I’ve still a long way to go but I’m healing.. I think I know what I’m doing, but even so I still make mistakes, “Stupid boy”….. the information was clearly printed on the label, ten hours of suffering could have been avoided “If only” I’d looked at the label…
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Who are you..
We all have choices in our life, some have no bearing or real influence on the big picture, as in whether we live or die, admittedly there are many people that chose to drink or smoke in moderation, not the same for addicts that refuse to go without for a minimal period, their choice.
In my “pre MS” life, I lived a very active life, I’ll not go into depth again but general fitness was a pre requisite to enable me to skydive, scuba dive, mountain biking, rock climbing and flying small planes and hang gliders… So road running and the gym were my second homes.
When I was diagnosed with MS in February of 2004 I was devastated and initially felt so disheartened and depressed, but that period lasted no more than a couple of weeks. At the time I was married, we’d sold our house and staying with close friends while our new house was being built. This was happening only two years after I’d moved from England to Colorado in the USA. As I’m sure you can understand these changes in my life were all having a significant impact on me.
I was working in the computer software industry which was also very demanding and stressful, so when the opportunity to work as the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins who was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing came up I was very excited. He himself had MS and was keeping the symptoms at bay using his knowledge in both the previously mentioned.
Over a nearly four year period I learnt a great deal and like him, kept the worst of the symptoms at bay, but in mid 2011 things became very bad for me, I think because of stress primarily I was no longer able to function as was necessary and lost my job.
By the end of 2012 I returned to England, I continued with what I believed to be the best way forward, no drugs or medicine, just supplements and good nutrition. Then I was told about Ann Boroch and the protocol that healed her.
I’ve been following the ABP for just over 22 months and am 100% certain that my complete recovery will happen in give or take a few months of four years.. it’s not a quick fix or temporary solution, it’s a hard and strict dietary program that require dedication, determination, focus and belief. Some people think they have what it takes but for whatever reason, some justifiably so, have to stop.
In my case, stopping is never going to happen, I’m a proud, determined, stubborn man, I like what I’ve done in the past, I’m proud that I was in the Guinness book of records between 1989 and 19997. I’ve made a commitment, I’ve made a promise to myself that I will be road running again, admittedly it won’t be as fast as I did before, but it will happen. So, my fellow sufferers, ask yourself the question… Who are you…in my case, as Sammy Davis Jr said..
“I gotta be me
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Never fails.
When I first heard about the Ann Boroch Protocol back in August 2017, my first thoughts were that it sounded like an amazing thing, I bought the book, Healing Multiple Sclerosis and read it in a couple of days, which in reality was far too quick. Two days to read a book isn’t an unusual thing but in reality far too quick to genuinely absorb exactly what is said. Think about it, this woman, Ann Boroch healed herself of what the world of medical experts say is incurable, yet here is a woman that has done what they say is impossible, so reading her account is possible obviously but truly understanding the process takes more than one reading and a lot more than two days.
In fairness I’ve read that book twice from start to finish plus numerous paragraphs several more, in addition to the same with The Candida Cure… just as anyone else that’s made a solid commitment to follow the protocol with the long-term goal of eradicating this hideous disease from my body, I’ve had many, many highs along with the initial lows.
This disease as well as the numerous other misunderstood so called incurables are devious and evil, to humans obviously but when it comes to their own existence, they’re quite special.. the combination of numerous symptoms all exacerbated and perpetuated by Candida, essentially a yeast or fungus that the majority of people have in one form or another.
Ask any medical professional and they’ll tell you a yeast infection can be cleared relatively easily such as a course of medication or even just eliminating certain foods. If…. if we were only looking at the obvious such as nail fungus or the female vaginal issues then yes it’s quite simple to rectify. Sadly the problem is much, much bigger than that, the fungus and yeast has blossomed into a rapidly spreading network restricting the correct functionality of the very basis of life.
That my friends is why the process is not a case of taking drugs for a month or simply eliminating gluten from your diet. The ABP takes four years or more because it’s doing far more than eliminating multiple sclerosis, it’s Healing your body.
As I’ve said before, I’ve completed 22 months so far, I’ve had some lows along the way but I’ve also had lots of good, great and incredible days, I think I know a lot about this, but just when I’m feeling confident, something happens, today it’s been something really good in that I feel great, the protocol works and the body heals. I’ve never had doubts per se, I’ve been frustrated and concerned, but as I said, I’ve never doubted what I’m doing, I’m a positive, optimistic guy and I know I will be healed, but the Ann Boroch Protocol never fails to amaze me…
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