To go…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

To go…
This is not negative, it’s fact, after nigh on 23 months following the ABP I’m reasonably confident in my knowledge and understanding of a method that’s proven itself thousands of times to do what the world of medicine proclaim to be impossible. So I’m moving forward in a very positive manner and feeling rather pleased with myself, however, this past week with the hot temperature and high humidity has quite frankly kicked my butt. Everyday was horrible for me, as I’m sure for many others, but Wednesday and Thursday were absolute pigs..So much so that even my speech was limited, it felt like every ounce of strength had been sucked out of me, if it hadn’t been for help from my carers I wouldn’t have been able to get into bed. I had no core strength so I couldn’t even sit up straight.
But as I said to Start, this isn’t a negative post, the weather change just brought things into perspective, in reality after fifteen years with MS and being the best part of 64 yrs old, my body doesn’t have the strength or resilience of my skydiving younger self. But the bad parts we’re only temporary and my recovery has been so much better than pre ABP.
I’ve always been a fan of Apple cider vinegar, specifically Bragg ACV, and after a little advice from the fount of knowledge, “she who knows all” I’m now having two tablespoons three times daily… neat..
No negatives here, only positives, this week has just been a reminder that I’ve still a long was to go…


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I strongly believe it’s possible to do almost anything you truly want to, how? By paying attention, by focusing on your goal, taking advice and doing what others have successfully done before. Notice I said “anything you truly want to”, that’s because lots of people give up and justify their actions by saying “it was just to hard” or “it’s okay for others but I just don’t like this or that” or I just can’t do without my morning coffee”, but what they’re really saying is “I just don’t want it enough”… if they did, they’d find a way.
Janet Orchard is the perfect example of how to be focused and take direction, she was in a wheelchair for fourteen years, fourteen freaking years!!! can you imagine the mental anguish she went through and the horrendous muscle atrophy…but she healed her body, has absolutely no symptoms of MS anymore, obviously the muscle wastage is taking time to rebuild, but it’s happening.
I don’t think of myself as better than anyone else, yes of course the sports and activities that were a major part of my life, the commitment, the efforts, the willingness to learn and my determination are helping me. I’m not better than you, just different, I’m about to complete my 23rd month on the ABP and the improvements I’m experiencing are significant.
How do I know I’ll be healed, the Ann Boroch books have changed my life, I follow the protocol as closely as possible, I ask questions specifically of Janet my mentor, I do what’s required and I know without a shadow of doubt that I’ll follow in their footsteps to true health, that’s How…

Accept it or not…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Accept it or not..
We’ve all seen a movie or read a book that includes a loved one or close friend who’s life is being ruined through drugs, for one reason or another what initially appeared to be a very pleasurable excursion has now become a “must have” regardless of the cost physically or emotionally.
One of the main characters in the scenario tries their best to break the “need” by depriving the sufferer, going “cold turkey” isn’t the easiest thing to do, it doesn’t always work, there has to be an understanding that although it’s damn hard, it’s probably the best things, long term.
This example doesn’t just apply to taking drugs, it might be alcohol or food or a person, a lover or friend. Whatever it is, is often not seen as a problem by the person suffering, but from the outside it’s blatantly obvious and it’s of paramount importance that it’s dealt with sooner rather than later.
Trying to find a modicum of pleasure when going through a difficult time is very easy to justify…. “I’m going through hell right now, so doing or having this or that is my only pleasure” that may well be true but it probably isn’t the best thing when looking at the big picture. In fact there’s a strong likelihood it’s only perpetuating the problem.
Take MS for instance, we have pain 24/7, we have mobility problems, our joints ache, our arms hands, fingers don’t work properly, our strength is depleting fast, muscle atrophy is common, so if this is happening, if our life is worsening daily and the desire to fading, why is having a little bit of pleasure by eating something nice so wrong.
I’ll tell you why…. Because the bad things don’t need to happen, how can they be stopped? knowing that the so called experts insist on the complete opposite. It can be prevented quite easily, okay, it’s not easy per se, it is in theory but quite hard in practice.
I would never advocate trying to change things in one go, it’s too hard and unlikely to succeed. The genuine and proven thousands of times method to eliminate the offenders and restoring health for those like me suffering from multiple sclerosis is called the Ann Boroch Protocol or the ABP.
A four year protocol, developed by Ann Boroch who healed herself, it doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen…
By removing the bad, you can restore the good..
As I said, this doesn’t only apply to foods or drinks, they might well taste good, they might seem to you as a “must have”, but they aren’t, accept it or not, they’re just an addiction

What this has done…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

What this has done…
I often wonder about myself, am I the person I sometimes portray myself as, y’know the “I’ll never be beaten” sort of guy or am I just a stubborn, thinks he knows it all pain in the ass… or am I a bit of both.
I’m not halfway through the protocol so in reality I’m still a long way from being healed but my “I’m nearly healed self” always attempts to do things I shouldn’t be attempting which often results in a slip or fall. That happened on Thursday afternoon, after my usual afternoon rest I got up and made my way back into the living room, like an idiot I tried taking bigger steps and not being as careful as I should’ve been. The large stride meant the transfer of weight and grip wasn’t done correctly, one leg then the other collapsed beneath me and the pain was excruciating. When I finally stopped collapsing and laid on my back I realised I’d not done any serious damage, during my very physical past I’ve had nine operations on my knees so understandably they are a major concern, imagine my relief knowing I hadn’t seriously damaged them.
So I suppose I am a mixture of both the earlier descriptions because I actually laughed, well, laughed isn’t exactly what happened but I did smile a lot in the relief I felt realising the only real damage done was to my arrogant male I’m a superhero ego, oh and my butt which I landed on.
The twenty two and a half months have produced improvements in my mobility, my dexterity, my strength, my attitude and my confidence, justifying my initial decision and commitment.
I haven’t taken any drugs which the medical professionals misleadingly call medication, I haven’t healed yet, but what I have done is prove to myself that I’m 100% confident that…
The ABP is the right thing to do.

One day at…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

One day at…
Following the Ann Boroch Protocol with the long term aim of completely removing a supposedly incurable disease which in my case is multiple sclerosis is initially a very daunting endeavour…. in many cases the disease will have been an unwelcome resident for many years. I’d been suffering for thirteen and a half years before I started and just like many others had attempted a lot of programs, protocols, therapies, operations and “miracle pills” that according to “false testimonies” would restore my health.
In all honesty I believed the hype and wasted thousands of dollars and pounds because I desperately wanted to remove this hideous debilitating taker of life, out of my body.
I’m not bitter about the time, effort and money that to some extent was wasted, I’m not bitter because it enabled me to learn a great deal about what can and can’t be done and taught me a very valuable lesson.
Then in August of 2017 an old friend back in the States told me about the death of an amazing woman called Ann Boroch, she’d healed herself of MS in four years. The excitement I felt was slightly dampened by the possibility of this being another one of those “snake oil wonders”.
However, I bought the book “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” from Amazon and read it over a couple of days, at this point any doubts I had, had been blown away by Ann’s words. I commented on Facebook that I’d read the book and was about to start the Ann Boroch Protocol… ABP. The next day I received a message from someone called Janet Orchard who explained in more detail about how the protocol should be done.
Anyway twenty two months later, Janet has become a dear friend and mentor and I believe as big an influence in succeeding as the late Ann Boroch herself. The protocol isn’t a quick fix, it’s a permanent healing that if done properly can take four years or more… the change in food intake might appear rather restrictive to start, but trust me as those changes become the norm and the health improvements appear, it becomes no hardship at all. Four years or more, that’s 1460 days …. some people might see this as a long time and too difficult to achieve, it is a lot, and at times it can be very hard especially when you’re new to it, but when asked how do I and many others do this…. the answer is simple… think about living again and then you do it correctly and then take this…
One day at a time

Less and less…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Less and less…
The ABP is a straightforward, no nonsense method to restore one’s health, it’s not complicated, it’s not rocket science although it has to be followed precisely for it to work. Doctors and so called experts will state that multiple sclerosis is one of the diseases that cannot be beaten. The fact is that the disease completely confuses them, it doesn’t need to be suppressed, it needs to be removed and that can only be done by changing your diet and to stop feeding the disease.
Over the past 22 months I’ve been sticking closely to the plan, occasionally I’ve made mistakes, we all inevitably do, that’s part of being human not a robot, but in the main I believe I’m doing well. During my first three months I struggled as most people will do but I got it into my head that the protocol will work and I just had to be vigilant and stick to the plan.
Everyone is different, our age, gender, where we live, are we alone or do we have company, all these things affect how we do this, but as has been said by the amazing woman who created this life saving protocol, it’s difficult to start with, but it will work in time.
The genuine improvements I’m experiencing are so rewarding, obviously as my body gets accustomed to the changes it can be a little frustrating when a setback occurs by eating something that in reality should be avoided. But in most cases those things are just speed bumps to remind us to follow the rules.
I’m not healed yet, far from it, but I’m making very noticeable progress to me, I’m still weak in my legs, I can’t walk without the aid of walls and furniture, I get physically and mentally exhausted by exercise, but, and this is a big but, the symptoms of this hideous disease are affecting me less and less…