But I’ll be…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

But I’ll be…
I’m writing this at 11.45 pm Saturday night, I’m reasonably confident that in the majority of my posts that I give the impression that I’m doing great, in some ways that’s not the true impression I’m trying to give. Because Saturday was a hot and humid day as I’m sure 99.9% of readers also experienced, MS doesn’t affect everyone exactly the same, heat and humidity for me is a killer, not literally of course but it’s bad. So much so that I stayed in my bed for most of the day, I was so weak that I was unable to do anything and struggled big time all day and even now the improvement is only marginal. I have several windows open and a fan on full blast which obviously is helping a little. It was 29 Celsius for a large part of the day, a little cooler now, but still 21c…of course there are some in other countries that regularly have much hotter temperatures, but you’re not me and not effected the same.
If I were to describe how I’ve been today, I’d say I’ve been in a terrible state, but when compared to previous years, I’m significantly better off, the effects during those hot hours are no different at the time but because I’ve been sticking very closely to the ABP, the bad times are much quicker recovered from.
Getting back to the impression I’m intending to give…it’s not only that I’m doing great after 22 months, which I am and happy about it, the main impression I hope to give whether you’re new to this or as far along or further on than me is more important. The impression I hope to give is that regardless of setbacks or speed bumps, they are just hiccups, nothing more so don’t ever think about giving up..
The title to this post… yes I’ve struggled today, but I’ll be better tomorrow..


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

As I’ve said many times before, and is always requested by Janet when newbies start the protocol, is to write about it, I continue to write about my progress as I near the end of my twenty second month, I write as a way of reminding myself of the progress I’m making. When someone is starting the protocol, and going through the very difficult early months, it’s only natural to have doubts especially when loved ones are seeing the pains we endure. So since my start I’ve written four or five hundred word posts at least ten times each month and I occasionally look back and amaze myself at the differences I’m experiencing daily now compared to then.
June 2019 has been rather special to me, the pain that was constant is now only rarely felt, I’m finding it easier to exercise and the muscle tone in my arms and legs are visible…. to me.
I’m finding it easier to negotiate my way from room to room, obviously I’m having to lean against furniture, walls and grab rails but it’s not as difficult as it was.
What I feel is so important when doing this is putting the plan, the time it takes, the effort, the sacrifices and the rewards into perspective, this isn’t a quick fix plan, non of us are going to make the commitment one day then wake up healed the next. The world’s medical experts are convinced this disease is incurable. We know differently, we know that if we follow the very clearly laid out guidelines, that in about four years we will be healed.
We’re not perfect, we all make mistakes so the four year plan will probably be longer, but big deal, it’ll happen, it’s not an “If” it’s a “When”.
So how am I doing?…
It’s going according to plan.

Easy done…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Easy done…
Some experts say that the controller of the human body is the brain, others say it’s the gut and the immune system, I’m not qualified or arrogant enough to dispute or argue for or against either or another school of thought. But I do acknowledge both are infinitely complex and can effect our functionality in a negative or positive way, not in a heartbeat or the blink of an eye but in a nanosecond…think about that… nanosecond, one thousand-millionth of a second…
In the brain there are between 100 trillion and 1000 trillion synapses between neurons that form neural networks… So every thought, action, and reaction to foods, drinks or anything put into the body creates or alters the neurons and neural networks… mind blowing..
So a food stuff eaten today is more than likely going to create a different and potentially harmful neural network to what appeared to be the same food eaten yesterday, why? because not just millions or billions but trillions of things have happened in the labyrinth we call our body.
Why am I saying this? because although I feel so positive about my progress through following the ABP, things can change if we are complacent, Kay one of my two favourite carers, cooked me a lovely meal on Wednesday made with compliant foods, initially I felt great but as I was about halfway through eating, I noticed I was feeling a little weak. So as Kay was still there I decided to try and get to my bed, lucky for me as my legs wouldn’t move properly, which was quite frightening. With the help of two carers I managed to get to my bed then drank lots of water and took a couple of activated charcoal capsules.
So my point is that even at this stage in my healing journey, that foods I thought were acceptable can create a disturbance to the myriad of neuron synapses and neural network that disrupt the healing process I believed was well established….
The lesson to be earned: Take nothing for granted…. Because messing this up is…
Easy done.

Because, we know…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Because we know….
In less than two weeks I’ll have completed twenty two months on the Ann Boroch Protocol and I have to say making the decision to start is possibly the best decision I’ve ever made, of course at different stages of my life there’s been things at the time that I thought were very important, but in hindsight were just “things”….
As I’ve mentioned before, the first forty six years of my life included participating in sports and hobbies that most normal people wouldn’t think about… it was after this that “living” became just desperately looking for an answer to reversing a so called incurable disease that has now taken control of my body.
Starting the protocol which although had had thousands of successes… was for me a little daunting, but twenty two months later, as my “scouse” self would day… “I’m dead chuffed”.. which for the non brits reading this means… Very, very happy…
I haven’t healed myself yet, I’ve still a very long way to go, but I’m in far less pain now, I have greater control of my limbs, I have improved fine motor skills, I can exercise for short periods and not suffer with total exhaustion for hours, I do get very tired but it’s nowhere near as bad. Contrary to what 99% of western medicine practitioners will tell you, multiple sclerosis is beatable.
The Ann Boroch Protocol works… she did it in four years but she was in her twenties and hadn’t suffered with it for many years as most of us have before starting the protocol, this basically means that although we now have a very detailed and strict plan to follow, we also have a much harder job ahead of us, so four years might be five, six or seven years and will probably need to be a lifetime commitment to prevent those damn evil little shitbags getting a hold again.
The world of medical professionals, doctors, neurologists and scientists all stand together and state that millions of hours in research has been spent by specialists but non of them have ever found a solution to the hideous disease called multiple sclerosis, so how is that thousands of sufferers of MS have healed their body and no longer have any symptoms….
The “experts” say one thing and encourage MS-ers to take pharmaceutical drugs that treat symptoms and create long term debilitating problems… we don’t take them and our lives are slowly but surely improving… Why?

Because we know the truth.

How does it work?

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

How does it work….
I’m referring to the Ann Boroch Protocol or the ABP for short, it’s so weird, almost unbelievable that a life threatening supposedly incurable disease can be corrected by adjusting the foods eaten or not eaten. The powers that be, the health professionals are like people wearing blinkers, the blindly refuse to see the truth, they insist on attempting to address symptoms instead of addressing the root cause.
As I write, I can feel myself getting angry because of the injustice of it, that being said I’ll move on.
Having read the books, done lots of personal research, experimented with foods and food combinations I feel reasonably confident in myself and 100% confident in the protocol. So as has been said, the process of removing the “bad guys”and carefully repairing the damage caused isn’t done overnight or a few weeks, it’s a lengthy program, four years to be exact. Actually there’s no exact timescale really because there are thousands of potential distractions.
After the first three months, the improvements started to happen more frequently and substantially, and after twenty one months I’m so confident and optimistic for the future. However it’s easy to be complacent and make silly adjustments that seem harmless but in reality cause terrible problems, setbacks, fortunately when corrected the problem is reversed providing the the discrepancy becomes a thing of the past.
As I personally start to improve, I find myself taking risks, stupidly, attempting physical steps that are really beyond where I’m at… I’m 21 months in, not 48 so I have to appreciate where I am and not to indulge in anything…. anything that just sounds good but common sense says it won’t help.
So my question, “How does it work”….the answer is simple…
Do it properly

Closer and…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Closer and….
The Ann Boroch Protocol is a forty eight month plan to health, forty eight months give or take an undefined period plus or minus depending on a multitude of things, a participant, me in this case might well indulge in non compliant foods or experience things that disturb one’s emotional balance. In reality there must be hundreds or potentially thousands of things that might jeopardize the goal. I think that I’m compliant on the food front although I’ve managed through lots of experimenting to find what appears to be a limited but perfectly acceptable diet. I’m at the point where I’m happy with the foods I eat, I’m never yearning for the taste of non compliant junk that would knock me off the strict but very rewarding plan.
The improvements are very subtle and could easily be ignored in the grand scheme of things, I’ve managed to condition myself into accepting this is a protocol that will succeed in time, in four years, so being twenty one months into a forty eight month-ish plan is still less than half way.
Will I or anyone else stay sick and suffering right up to month 47 then miraculously transform into a healthy person?…. I don’t think so, my guess is that I will experience less and less of the debilitating symptoms as the months pass. That being the case it’s so easy to become complacent, to not necessarily recognize or mentally acknowledge what IS happening.
I’ve been going through a physical and mental disruption over the past week or so, knowing the builders would be in my home converting the bathroom prior to them starting then last week having up to four guys making significant changes to my daily procedures, definitely off putting. Today however will be the last day, they’ve already done an incredible job, today will result in finishing everything, I’ll have my bathroom back and all their tools will go and my home will be mine again.
Getting back to the ABP and it’s progress, the small subtle improvements are happening, of that I have no doubt and over the weekend I genuinely noticed changes that might seem inconsequential but are making me very happy. Twenty one is still less than halfway into the forty eight month plan, I’ve still a very long way to go, but…. I’m on track and I know I’m getting closer and closer

The change…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The change..
I think for any able bodied healthy person the thought of becoming sick with any serious illness, and multiple sclerosis is a very serious illness, the idea of being so limited would be a horrible thought.. as I’ve said before there’s roughly 2.3 million sufferers worldwide, of that there’s more than 100,000 in the UK…of which I’m one…
I’m not special or better but I know myself and certain others are different, we are 100% certain and committed to doing what’s right for our body, I said the other day that reading her books, researching and talking with others that know the facts…. not people that have misguided opinions, but facts that will provide unquestionable, irrefutable evidence that the Ann Boroch Protocol will heal your body.
When someone has MS, they become accustomed to how it feels to have the multitude of debilitating symptoms, not being able to stand or walk, having little or no feelings in an arm, hand or fingers, not having the sensitivity of touch. Being nauseous, having pain and very limited mobility….
The idea of doing something different that initially causes pain and discomfort isn’t something you want to do, regardless of the possible long term outcome. It’s very difficult to motivate yourself to do that… however….!!
Myself and thousands before me made that decision, we made a commitment, not to anyone else, we made it to ourselves and trust me when I say it was probably the best decision of my life.
I’d been living in the beautiful state of Colorado for two years when I was diagnosed, I was discarded by my American wife four years later, I then continued to work full time for another six before I chose to return to England because I was getting sicker and sicker. Four and a half years later I heard about Ann Boroch, I read one of her books, talked with Janet Orchard then started on the ABP…that was twenty one months ago and I believe I’m on track for a forty eight month healing.
How did I start ? How did Janet start? how does anyone start.
When the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain…of
Making the change