Lifestyle change…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Lifestyle change…

When I was originally diagnosed with MS I was living and working in Denver, Colorado two years after I’d made what I believed was a lifelong commitment, I’d moved from England and married an American woman, so receiving that news was depressing to say the least. I’d been a very active man for twenty five years so hearing the news from who I thought of as experts put a whole new perspective on life. What I was told by these people was that my life was going to change, I would become wheelchair bound in a matter of years, I’d no longer be able to financially or physically support myself and I should mentally prepare myself for what I perceived to be a life not worth living. You can imagine the response from “The Expert” the neurologist when I categorically refused to take the medicine he was prescribing, he said he was offended, he called me stupid and stated that his prognosis wouldn’t happen in years….. by not taking the drugs it would happen in months.
I left the hospital with my wife who was also adamant that I was being ridiculous thinking that I knew better than the doctors who’d studied medicine for years, I think this was the start of the collapse of my marriage. The attitude of most people is that if you are unwell then “just take a pill”, that was definitely the way of the woman I was married to and her family, so I was under a lot of pressure as I’m sure you can imagine. Having had a very physically active and adrenaline junkie exhilarating life I just couldn’t accept it was over so I set about learning more about the natural non pharmaceutical possibilities.
Considering what I was told would happen in six months if I didn’t take the medication I think I’ve done pretty well, 15 years later I’m not in a wheelchair, admittedly I can’t walk unaided and have to lean on furniture and walls, but I think I’m doing well.
Now the explanation to follow is 100% true, I have absolutely nothing to gain in anyway shape or form from any person, company, organisation or group, I’m telling you what I’m doing because I truly hope I can help others. If some misguided, depressed, prefer to stay sick people chose to complain, slag me off or dispute my words then that’s their opinion and they should keep it to themselves, I’m telling the truth.
There are simple facts, not opinions that should be considered, ask a doctor, a medical professional, look at the big pharma website and they will state that drugs treat symptoms and no more.
I’ve never taken any medicine or pharmaceutical drug to treat my MS, what I have done is assist my body to heal itself, I’ve done this by adding good nutrients and removing synthetic and chemical additives. I’m not a doctor or PhD or specialist, I don’t know or profess to know the specifics of how good nutrition works to correct the impurities in our body, but I do know it does work and after 17 months of following the guidance of someone that did know, I’m very, very happy I did.
The effects of the ABP have undoubtedly proven to me that this is was the right path to follow and that taking the mega dose of Lipospheric Vit C has improved and speeded up what’s happening, I’m getting better.
Contrary to what the naysayers insist on spouting about, I’m having very positive improvements by sticking 100% to the Ann Boroch Protocol, this is not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle change…..

No interest….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

No interest..
Ever since I started working for Dr Hal Huggins in 2007, I became totally dedicated to helping people, nutrition and natural health became my passion. Obviously as Dr Huggins was the world leading authority in biological dentistry I was initially engrossed in that, my work required a great deal of study which naturally lead me into nutrition and the need for supplementation as I became aware of the lack of it and the plethora of synthetic additives being used in what most people consider everyday foods. I was shocked to find 10 or 20 chemical additives plus masses of sugar in basic foods like peas and beans, soups and most breakfast cereals.
During the four years in my role as client service director, not only did I talk with almost 18,000 patients but hundreds of doctors, dentists, scientists, researchers and PhDs in various fields, I read every book written by Dr Huggins and Dr Thomas E Levy plus numerous other well respected specialists. Now I’m not trying to blow my own trumpet here, I just want to give credence to my experience and personal observations
I have absolutely nothing to gain in any way shape or form by explaining what I’m personally doing or the experiences I’ve had, I’m just trying to help.
Why am I saying this?… because over the past few weeks a few people are writing extremely negative, slanderous remarks, suggesting I have ulterior motives which I don’t.
The people attempting to cast doubts in the minds of genuine health seekers are either just extremely negative or are aligned with big Pharma and want to keep people sick, what is sadly very obvious is that those people have no interest in helping anyone but themselves.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Over the past three weeks I’ve been taking much larger doses of Lipospheric Vit C, that already has an eight times greater rate of being absorbed, now just to clarify that statement, it’s not my opinion, it’s a scientifically proven fact!!!! . So after three weeks of taking the metabolized equivalent of 57.75 grams daily I can confirm that mentally and physically I’m noticing several positive improvements. The daily changes are, in my opinion making my life better, now obviously I can only say what is happening now and not confirm or deny how they will make me feel in the long term or permanently because that hasn’t happened yet.
However, based on the hundreds of well documented independent reports done worldwide I’m feeling confident that I’ve made a good decision and will continue for at least three months.
Several years ago I tried a Lipospheric Vit C that came in a bottle called Lipolife Gold, my initial thought were that there was no difference between that and the one I’d first used other than it was in a bottle not individual packets. The price was similar so at that time decided to stick with the one I’d previously used. However, since starting this new regimen of mega dosing I’ve done a lot more research and quite shocked by what I found regarding where it’s made.
This is written on the Lipolife Gold website:
All synthetic Vitamin C is manufactured in China. Quali-C is the world’s first branded Vitamin C, produced in a world-class DSM-owned facility in Scotland.
Having learned this, I’m going to continue taking the same dosage but from the end of my first month trial I’ll be using the Lipolife Gold.
As an aside; making a note of the changes I’m experiencing, which to date have all been positive is to help me and hopefully any others that make the choice of reading them, I have absolutely no other motive, I’ve nothing to gain, no incentives financially or otherwise are shared or passed on to me in any way shape or form. I make this comment because certain individuals that also have MS insist on making negative, inflammatory and offensive remarks about what I’ve written. As I mentioned earlier, when a person sees my posts, they then have the choice to read it or not… if you know you don’t like what I’m writing then simply don’t read any others….
Based on the majority of comments I have, it seems that lots of people are motivated and inspired, some don’t, but most do… Am I happy about being able to help others and will I continue to do it ? …..Definitely….

One in a million…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

One in a million.
Over the past fifty years or so, the pharmaceutical industry has grown out of all proportion, it’s not because of what they originally did by helping people which was a genuinely good thing, no, they made the ludicrously profitable change of creating drugs and misleading people into taking them.
They spend millions and millions on advertising to justify why they make drugs to ease a symptom rather than fixing the cause which may well take longer and is permanent but less profitable for them.
Anyway I’m digressing;
All disease is about foreign invaders getting into the body, some are reasonably easy to expel in a matter of days or weeks, the reality is that everyone, or 99.9% of people are born with a self preservation method, the immune system, and given a little help will do what it was designed to do which is to keep you healthy.
The more serious health problems, the ones that the DP’s are primarily concerned with and make big profits from are more difficult to deal with. Those diseases are working every second of every minute, 24/7/365 to perpetuate the problem and grow stronger and stronger.
Multiple Sclerosis is one of them, my mind and attitude to what hundreds of thousands of doctors and specialists around the world say is incurable is completely different. What I believe is that not only will I stop it’s progression but I’ll also reverse the damage it’s done.
Obviously that miraculous change isn’t going to happen overnight, it takes a determined effort over a number of years, it requires faith and an absolute belief, it needs unwavering commitment in doing what’s right.
There are millions of people suffering with this disease, the majority either don’t know about the ABP or they’ve heard of it but refuse to acknowledge it’s efficacy. This is working for me and thousands of others, slowly but surely, little by little, each and ever day I experience tiny changes that are noticeable by me. I’m 16 months into a 48 month protocol, but in reality is a lifestyle change, not everyone can do this but I know I can and will, this makes me sad, it makes me mad to think the sceptics and naysayers who inevitably will make another negative comment about this post will cast a doubt into the minds of others that desperately need help, so, sadly that makes me one in a million.

P.S. DP’s…. no, not Doctors or Protectors…it’s Drug Pushers..
P.P.S….. ABP… Ann Boroch Protocol

One in a million…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

One in a million.
Over the past fifty years or so, the pharmaceutical industry has grown out of all proportion, it’s not because of what they originally did by helping people which was a genuinely good thing, no, they made the ludicrously profitable change of creating drugs and misleading people into taking them.
They spend millions and millions on advertising to justify why they make drugs to ease a symptom rather than fixing the cause which may well take longer and is permanent thing less profitable.
Anyway I’m digressing;
All disease is about foreign invaders getting into the body, some are reasonably easy to expel in a matter of days or weeks, the reality is that everyone, or 99.9% of people are born with a self preservation method, the immune system, and given a little help will do what it was designed to do which is to keep you healthy.
The more serious health problems, the ones that the DP’s are primarily concerned with and make big profits from are more difficult to deal with. Those diseases are working every second of every minute, 24/7/365 to perpetuate the problem and grow stronger and stronger.
Multiple Sclerosis is one of them, my mind and attitude to what hundreds of thousands of doctors and specialists around the world say is incurable is completely different. What I believe is that not only will I stop it’s progression but I’ll also reverse the damage it’s done.
Obviously that miraculous change isn’t going to happen overnight, it process requires a determined effort over a number of years, it requires faith and an absolute belief, it needs unwavering commitment in doing what’s right.
There are millions of people suffering with this disease, the majority either don’t know about the ABP or they’ve heard of it but refuse to acknowledge it’s efficacy. It’s is working for me, slowly but surely, little by little, each and ever day I experience tiny changes that are noticeable to me. I’m 16 months into what is fundamentally a 48 month plan but in reality is a lifestyle change, not everyone can do this but I know I can and will, this makes me sad, it makes me mad to think the sceptics and naysayers who inevitably will make another negative comment about this post will cast a doubt into the minds of others that desperately need help, this,  very sadly that makes me one in a million.

P.S. DP’s…. no, not Doctors or Protectors…it’s Drug Pushers..
P.P.S….. ABP… Ann Boroch Protocol


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I think firstly I need to clarify my comments and observations about what’s happening regarding my condition, the protocol I follow and my suggestions to readers of my words.
I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in February of 2004, so since I was 48 yrs old I’ve had this life changing condition and as it was only two after I’d made a move to the USA and got married and living at altitude in the Rocky mountain city of Denver, Colorado, the effects were difficult to cope with. I’d also been a very physically active man participating in several speed junkie exhilarating sports.
Because of my background in health, nutrition and sport and what I’d read about pharmaceutical drugs, I refused to take synthetic chemical drugs that from personal research and documented evidence proved that they never addressed the true cause of problems just pacified the symptoms.
Three years after diagnosis, I was fortunate to be recruited as the Client Service Director for Dr Hal Huggins who at the time was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing. He himself had MS and had been able to live a normal life through his own research and dentistry.
Obviously I felt it necessary to adjust my life in order to take advantage of what I was learning, his teaching helped me a great deal but sadly it hadn’t taken away the damage caused by this disease, which to a lesser degree was still active in my body, and in April of 2011 I had to stop full-time work and 17 months later returned to England.
For the next 5 years I maintained my none chemical regimen, no drugs, no medication just natural healthy foods, in fact for the first 3 years of seeing a neurologist, as was required, I was constantly told to “keep doing what you’re doing because it’s working”… they all seemed surprised but happy for me.
In August last year I read “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch and after being contacted and chatting with an amazing woman called Janet Orchard, who had been strictly following the the ABP..the Ann Boroch Protocol was living a good symptom free life. I had no hesitation in making a commitment to follow this method and have been doing so for 16 months.
Having seen others having success and personally experiencing positive results I naturally want to help others and try to document my progress and write about it in my blog and Facebook groups that I personally think would benefit from knowing.
Now to clarify, there is no charge at all to know about or follow the ABP, this is the method created and perfected by Ann Boroch who healed herself in four years. Neither myself or anyone else benefits financially from this, there is no charge, all that’s required is a personal commitment to follow the proven successful protocol that heals the body.
Now I’m sure anyone reading this can understand that in order to succeed, there can’t be deviations, you can’t nearly do what works and combine it with having foods that negate the positive efforts previously done, doing it right, works…. doing it wrong… doesn’t.
So the simple fact is that if someone follows the ABP, the Ann Boroch Protocol and does it properly, then the will heal their body, this is an individual, personal commitment made by anyone choosing to do this, no money is involved and no guarantees are made, if I’ve previously given the wrong impression then please accept my apologies…

Being selfish….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Being selfish….
I think in life, whenever we’ve come across people that seem like spoilt kids always wanting things that seem not comfortably available, we’ve thought of them as not very nice people, people that we don’t want to mix with, and rightly so. However, that attitude is perfectly justifiable when the “I want, I want” attitude is referring to living or dying. I’m now referring to the strict dietary requirements of the ABP. Being alone in my particular situation makes these difficult choices easier. I’m not having to take family members into consideration, I just decide what’s best for me and if I want to live or just survive, my choice will always be to live.
So for all the others interested in following this life changing protocol, it’s as much of a commitment for your loved ones as it is for you, you have to have them understanding what this is and to agree to help you, they can’t be saying, “oh just have a small portion of a sweet creamy cake, it’ll be ok”. Temptation is hard enough to deal with on its own, you don’t need others justifying it’ll be ok to just have a little bite.
I know this has been an easier thing for me to do for a number of reasons, to start with I was a very physically active person and have been since my teens. Playing football, rugby and being active in athletics, I was in the Army so discipline was a way of life.
I was diagnosed with MS two years after I’d moved to the USA, I’d been very knowledgeable in nutrition and despised the way Big Pharma had transitioned into a selfish money grabbing heartless behemoth, from their roots of helping mankind.
Nearly four years of being an integral member of Dr Huggins organization and studying his work and several others dedicated to natural health helped me make the commitment to save my life. I’m not sure that everyone else realises that in order to succeed at taking your life back, you have to have discipline, you have to be like that spoilt little kid, you have to have specifically what You want, and regardless of the likes and wants of anyone else… Anyone !!! you have to focus on being selfish..

Moved forward…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Moved forward…
As I’m only a day away from the two week mark of taking the Lipospheric Vit C daily mega dose, in some ways I’m a little …. confused, isn’t the right word, but whatever it is I feel, I know for sure I’m happy about the physical and mental effect it’s having.
There’s no doubt in my mind that the bulk of what’s happened to me is because of the ABP and the Lipospheric Vit C is enhancing it, if the progress I’ve experienced in the first two weeks is replicated in the next two, I’m going to be so happy.
Anyone reading this that also has MS will be able to relate to my words more so than those that don’t, the everyday things like standing and moving about that are painful and extremely difficult to do, all seem to be not just a little easier but significantly easier, so much so that I have to stop myself from taking risks..
I’m able to do things that two weeks ago were really awkward, things I’d fumble are now easier and no longer a challenge.
At this time, halfway through the month commitment I made, my thoughts are that I will continue next month, albeit only four not seven sachets per day providing there’s no detrimental effect by the reduction.
As I’ve mentioned before, confirming the actions and positive attitude of Ann Boroch is of paramount importance in succeeding.
What really disgusts me is comments by the pharmaceutical pariahs and their drug infested lobbyists, contrary to them, I believe that following and adhering to the natural way is the way to live and not just exist.
The ABP is my life, taking the Lipospheric Vit C has enhanced it, so much so that myself and those around me like my carers and family all know that I’ve moved forward.

I’ll find….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I’ll find….
We all have choices to make every day of our life, admittedly a lot are inconsequential, it really matters diddly squat with most whether you choose one way or the other, other it’s simply down to preference of tastebuds or the colour of paint. But when it comes down to whether you actually live or die, mentally or physically, those are choices that must be seriously considered.
In my case, my own life I made the decision to live, not exist or survive as skin wrapped around organs, bones and blood, totally dependent on others for everything. Having made that decision, I am committed to live by the requirements that when completed, will enable me to fulfil my desire. What I mean by that is that regardless of how boring it might seem to others, regardless of how difficult it gets, regardless of the thousands of things that go against me on this journey, I will find a way.
I think of my life and the desire to live as a parent would think about their new born child…whatever needed to be done to protect that fragile, delicate babe, doesn’t matter how hard, boring, painful it was, I’ll find a way.

A week….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

A week.
On Tuesday New Years day I started what I said would be a months trial of daily mega dosing Lipospheric Vit C, so I’ve completed 7 days so far and I only have positive things to say about it to date. In all honesty I’m happy about using myself as a guinea pig, I have a history of being a user of Lipospheric Vit C from its initial creation so I felt confident that I would have a positive response, although there was a very slight concern simply because I’d not heard or read of an MS sufferer doing this specifically as I’m doing. Dr Thomas Levy has done some really detailed research and has shown some great documented results but not in this exact way and not for multiple sclerosis so all I’m going on is my belief, not proof. However…. I’m pleased about what’s happening, obviously I haven’t had a miraculous change, but I do feel better, my stability is improving, my recovery from exertion is better, quicker, I’m noticing a variety of improvements in finger/hand dexterity and my toes… I’m taking three grams during the morning and four in the afternoon and evening. Initially I was taking them 3 1/2 hours apart but for the last couple of days it’s been a two hour gap between them, so it’s been starting at 9 a.m. through to 9 p.m..
I know I’m repeating myself but I don’t want any misunderstanding, unlike any other form of vitamin c, the Lipospheric is absorbed in the small intestine so has the same effect as 8.25 grams, this means a daily intake of 57.75 grams. The commitment I’ve made is to follow the ABP for life and I believe by doing that I will be healed, I’ve also made a commitment to myself to take this mega dose of Lipospheric Vit C which I believe will improve the effects and I’m happy about it so far and it’s only been one week.
I want to emphasize this, please, please, please, do not jump into this blindly, watch what happens to me for a month, by which time I’m sure all the positives and any negative effects will be seen.