Nothing will change…
I consider myself to be a very lucky person in so many ways, yes I’ve had multiple sclerosis for almost fifteen years which in all honesty changed my life dramatically, to go from an extremely active adrenaline junkie type of guy to how I am now is very different and hard to deal with, but knowing what I already knew and what I’ve since learned makes me a very lucky man.
During the many years I worked for Dr Hal Huggins in Colorado, I met or talked with or learned of some incredible people, I’ll not name drop to boast or show off but I will talk of Dr Frederick Klenner who amongst other things was revered for his Vit C therapy. A patient with encephalitis was dismissed and thought would die in a couple of days so was moved into a hospice bed until the late Dr Klenner treated him with 5,000 mg of Vit C administered intravenously three times per day for three days. Incredibly he left the hospital on day four and returned to work on day five….
Why isn’t this therapy used more frequently now you ask… mainly because the pharmaceutical industry who can’t make serious profit from it have done all they can for the past twenty five years to belittle and discredit it.
Anyway I’ve had a lot of association with IV.C through my time with Dr Huggins and the many dentists and doctors I knew. I also met and talked several times with Dr Thomas E Levy, JD, MD who was a co-creator of lypo spheric Vit C which is absorbed in the small intestine instead of progressively losing its efficacy as regular oral Vit c is by going through five different stages before being absorbed.
I’ve decided to put my money where my mouth is, in that I have so much confidence in it that I’ve forked out nearly £300 for enough of it to mega dose everyday for a month starting January 1st….
As I said because it’s absorbed in the small intestine, one gram is equal to 8.25 grams absorbed orally and I’ll be having 6 grams of lypospheric during the day which is the equivalent of 49,500 mg per day for 30 days.
I’ll post ever other day with an honest update, nothing will change with my ABP foods or supplements.
What you believe…..
The process of following a protocol that you’ve been lead to believe will heal your body of an illness, a disease or whatever, is something that must be, not just followed nearly or closely, it must be adhered to, strictly…
Most people will simply go to who they believe are the experts in these matters, doctors, hospitals that have specialists and neurologists etc. When this happens, again most people will do what they’re told and expect the health problem to be cured…
However in the case of what’s been labelled an incurable disease the patient and loved one’s are told that they shouldn’t have high expectations but the so called experts will do their best, in other words there’s not much chance of success.
When I was told in a matter of fact way by the senior neurologist at the hospital in Denver that I had multiple sclerosis and that I’d be on a very slippery downward slope and to expect a rapidly declining quality of life, I didn’t agree with the neurologist, in fact I told him I wouldn’t take the recommended drugs.
As I’ve said before, he got really mad with me, called me stupid and irresponsible. His prognosis of in a wheelchair permanently within six months looks a bit stupid now considering its 15 years later and I’ve never taken any pharmaceutical drug and I’m certainly not in a wheelchair. Since starting the Ann Boroch Protocol 16 months ago I’m stronger physically and mentally than I was and feel absolutely confident that the progress I’m making is moving me closer and closer to achieving my goal of being completely healed.
I want to emphasize that my views and attitude is just that….. my opinion and has no scientific proof, I’m not in a situation where I’ve been able to have blood tests and to analyse and interpret them. But what I have been able to do is use myself as a guinea pig, by initially following the work of Dr Hal Huggins. This enabled me to be drug free, I never took any medication and never have. Then 16 months ago I started strictly following the ABP after reading her books, “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” and “The Candida Cure”. Both books absolutely filled me with confidence and absolute belief that I would also heal my diseased body.
Having the right mindset, being positive and confident is so important… So much so that in my opinion….. What you believe… You make true…
Different perspective….
Merry Christmas….. I understand what this day means from a religious point of view and how it’s been perceived by the majority of people worldwide, as a special day for giving family and friends a gift, or gifts in most kids cases.
It’s perfectly natural to want to treat them and see that incredibly heart warming smile of appreciation in most of their faces, although, sadly there are some that just “expect”… and others that don’t get to receive anything. Fortunately for me, as a child I was never part of that second group, my mum and dad had very little financially but they always made incredible sacrifices themselves to ensure their seven kids always enjoyed this time of year.
So in most people’s cases it’s a time of celebration and I wish you all the very best… Merry Christmas all……
I personally feel very happy because I saw my amazing and very much loved 87, almost 88 year old mum yesterday and will be able to spend time with her over this festive period plus I’ll get to eat lovely and compliant foods today and tomorrow…. yay…
Apart from seeing mum and eating yummy food, today is just Tuesday, it’s hopefully another day that I get to move forward on my 4 year quest, in reality it’s not just limited to 4 years, this is my lifestyle change. I gave myself a goal after reading “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch which is what she did…. she healed herself in 4 years so as lots of others have done the same by following the Ann Boroch Protocol (ABP) that’s what I will…Will do.
So Christmas is a special a special time for most others and I’m really happy about seeing mum and eating certain foods but I don’t see today in the same way as most other people, not because I’m a grumpy old Scrooge like character, no, not at all, it’s just because I have a very different perspective.
But, what if…..
Over the many years I worked for Dr Hal Huggins, who in his last twenty years of life was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing, I talked with more than 17,000 people, not all, but many of them did become patients, his success rate was 86%, meaning 86% had either complete healing or a significant improvement.
I often asked a question about their particular illness and if they’d had dental work done prior to diagnosis. Not a question asked by traditional doctors and dentists, an MS patient never went back to their dentist and told them they’d been diagnosed with MS after having fillings, placed or removed, or having root canals… they just had no reason to think the two were connected.
The work done by Dr Weston A Price and subsequently Dr Hal Huggins proved 100% that there are dental proceedures, work still being done to this day that causes very damaging problems long term, as I said, patients don’t go back to their dentist and accuse them for their health problems. Dentists don’t know about them, but I did… do.
I previously mentioned that prior to 1976 an amalgam filling was 52% mercury, zinc, copper, tin and 8% or 10% silver, the combination of dissimilar metals creates a mini battery that emits an electrical signal measured in micro amps.
The removal of amalgam fillings has to be done in a very specific sequence. Using a device called a RITA meter or an Amalgameter which isn’t quite as good but can significantly help, the amalgam’s are removed starting with the filling that recorded the highest negative frequency, then the remaining in that quadrant. If the next highest recoding after that quadrant was in the other side of the mouth crossing the midline then there has to be a minimum of 48 hours before they’re done, that same rule applies to the following three quadrants.
There are other rules that must be followed but I don’t want a dentist reading this to think they’ve been trained in the Huggins Protocol and then dismiss it because it didn’t work .
When the correct sequential removal isn’t followed precisely then it’s been proven that 63% of patients develop an autoimmune disease, it might not be the next week, next month but it did happen.
I can understand that a dentist will probably dismiss my words as anecdotal evidence, but… but What if I’m right…
Their own choice….
Over the past 16 months my posts have been mainly about my specific progress in the ABP, there have been two articles that I wrote prior to yesterday that digressed, today’s will also be dental related with a strong connection to health, obviously it’ll be the last of its kind this year.
The methods and materials used were considered safe when they were created, but time, further research and absolute proof has shown so much to be not just unsafe but downright dangerous.
I’ll briefly cover the following: anagrams, root canals, implants and cavitations..
I covered amalgam yesterday so now it’s the other three.
A dentist will recommend a root canal for two reasons, the second primarily relates to the U.S. not here so much, at least I can’t be certain as I’ve been away from the industry since I returned to England six years ago.
Reason one is that the damage or decay to the tooth is beyond acceptable repair, reason two is that it generates around $1,000 for 25 minutes work, big business in the U.S..
The dentist will drill through the enamel then the dentin tubules onto the root, which is removed, it’s the filled with a warm wax like substance called gutta percha. The replacement tooth or cover attached to a post is inserted.
The positive side is that the tooth looks great, the negatives are that the tooth is dead, as the gutta percha cools, it shrinks leaving a void which is now a breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria that thrive in that airless pocket. The bacteria is more toxic than botulism or tetanus so needless to say anything about the potential damage to your health.
All I’ll say about implants is that one of the biggest lies ever told is that stainless steel (Nickel) and titanium are perfectly healthy… anything implanted in the body… anything alien to a human will be rejected and create problems. The immune system looks for invaders, it searches for anything unnatural, everything natural to your own body carries a signal that it’s friendly, it’s called a major histocompatibility complex, an MHC.. if it’s not there, one of the five levels of the immune system will attack.
Cavitations, you’ll probably find that 75% of dentists deny the existence of cavitations, in fact they’d say there was no such thing, that attitude scares the life out of me because they are one of the main reasons that so many people are sick…
Okay I’ll explain why, all adult teeth are held in place by periodontal ligaments, there are six different types, thousands of them, some grow from the tooth while others from the bone, they’re like a shock absorber cushioning the impact of chewing. So, when a tooth is extracted, most of the ligament from the tooth comes out with it, but lots growing from the bone stay attached. The dentist will clean the area obviously, but in 90% of the cases some ligament remain, basically what happens is that over time, months or years, because ligament is no longer present at the top of the socket the body knows the tooth has gone and bone will proceed to grow, but at the base where ligament is still attached the body believes the tooth is still there… an airless pocket is created, a cavitation and the same problem as with root canals happens, anaerobic bacteria, the same type that grow in the absence of air and more toxic than botulism or tetanus will thrive. Because a cavitation isn’t obvious from normal sight it’s not known to most dentists and only seen by x-ray if the dentist has been trained to do so. The sad thing is that there’s probably only 1% of dentists worldwide that actually understand what a cavitation is.
The majority of information explain in these two posts is known by the dental authorities, like the A.D.A. in America and B.D.A. the UK and most dentists, apart from cavitations of course for the past 25 years. However, most dentists are prohibited to reveal this now as there would be an even bigger law suit than the one with the tobacco industry, but at the end of the day, revealing that information or not is their own choice.
All this and a more detailed explanation can be found in my first book in THJ files.. “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health”.
What You put in…
I’m going to start this post with an apology…. I’m sorry for offending and upsetting the majority of readers, because the following will either shock you or annoy and upset you…..
I’m making these statements not because I read an article in a magazine, not because I overheard some people chatting and certainly not because I’m related to someone that “had or died of something”… no, I’m stating this because “I Know”…
Okay, I can’t state for a fact that every so called “incurable disease” is man-made or inadvertently self inflicted, but I can say that most are…..Contrary to what most doctors of western medicine will say, you don’t get cancer, M.S… M.E. or M.N or whatever because your mum or dad or uncle had it, no, it’s because of what goes into your body in one way shape or form…
Most people don’t want to hear this because they don’t want to think it’s because of something they personally have done, they’d rather believe they were just unlucky to be related to someone, or they ate off the same plate or used the same fork.
Fact: Red blood cells live for 120 days whereas White blood cells live for 7 days….
Fact: Cancer feeds on sugar….
Fact: Mercury is the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth.
Fact: Sugar tastes nice, yes, but it’s toxic in large quantities.
As I said earlier, these are things I know, not just have an opinion on….
How do I know? Well I was the client service director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing and worked and studied with him for almost four years. I read all of his books (7) and numerous research papers he’d produced. I met and talked with several leaders in what is mistakenly called alternative medicine, it should be called True medicine, not pharmaceutically induced, symptom easing drug taking.
Think back to before you had MS, seeing the dentist, did you have amalgam fillings? no they aren’t Silver fillings, silver coloured yes… an “Amalgam filling” prior to 1976 was 52% mercury, zinc, copper, tin and maybe 8 or 10% silver, after 1976 they became the high copper amalgam which was mercury, copper and silver in equal parts, although there is less mercury it’s been proven to release mercury vapour fifty times faster.
Frustratingly the dentist always, always asks you to come back a week after your appointment, this is because it’s easier and more convenient for him or her, but bad for you because your white blood cells, your own personal self defence mechanism is compromised, they are dying 7 days later, New ones are being created yes, but your immune system is severely compromised. So not only are you affected by mercury vapour in your mouth and circulating in the dental surgery but you’re likely to have a sugary drink or treat shortly after.
Another, ignored and overlooked problem related to those two toxic ingredients, mercury and sugar.
Autism…. fifty years ago, the chance of a child being born with autism was 1 in 50,000, in the UK it’s now 1 in 106…
Think about the rise in the use of mercury in amalgam fillings and fish and sugary drinks, BTW in the USA it’s 1 in 59
Every time you brush your teeth, chew or drink hot drinks you stimulate the release of methyl mercury a vapour 50 times more toxic than mercury. The most sensitive parts of your body is the inside of your cheeks and under your tongue, so mercury vapour gets into your blood stream and settles in a filter organ, heart, liver, kidney or brain.
I’ll continue this thread tomorrow.
Right, not nearly…
When I started on this protocol nearly 16 months ago, I think I was at my lowest point, I’d been telling myself that I would be healed at some time in my life and it would hopefully be in time for me to still actually enjoy living. I kept telling myself this would happen although in all honesty I didn’t know how, it was so difficult to keep trying to prove to myself that I wasn’t living in a dreamworld even though I was getting sicker. In reality I honestly believe that the effort I’d made, the 50 plus therapies, treatments and supplements I’d used had certainly slowed the progression of this hideous disease. It’s easy to see how 99% of sufferers would succumb to the defeatist attitude of most medical professionals when it comes to what they believe is an incurable disease.
So when I read Healing Multiple Sclerosis by Ann Boroch I was a different man, it was as if I’d just been filled with energy and optimism for life, an optimism and energy that quite frankly had been drained from my mind and body.
The disease is constantly moving forward in its efforts to rid the mind and body of its host of all strength, mobility, dexterity and most importantly, the vital inner energy required to continue the quest to live…However, that was all renewed by reading the book, it’s amazing how reading about the success of someone else was like an adrenalin injection to me.
So, sixteen months of experiences that initially seemed to worsen this already hideous disease, then followed by constant small, subtle improvements that have solidified the belief that I’m 100% confident of my decision to start and stick with this protocol. It’s not easy by any stretch of the imagination, far from it, but it works, so make a commitment, an unbreakable one that regardless of setbacks, because they’re only temporary, they’re only stepping stones across the tumultuous waters. There are constant temptations along this four year plan, but it has to be done Right, not nearly right and giving up, quitting… is not an option..
Three letter word.
There are approximately 2.3 million people in the world that are living with multiple sclerosis, a hideous disease, I’m saying this from personal experience, I was officially diagnosed in February 2004, so almost 15 years that I’ve been living with it although it was probably 4 years before that in a milder remitting/relapsing state. The explanation of the diagnosis and prognosis is a shocking and frightening thing that we experience, the neurologist tries to be gentle and firm when explaining how your life will change…. forever and how the medication, I really, really dislike how they term a pharmaceutical drug that basically numb specific receptors in the brain as being medication because it’s not….
:Medication: the science and art dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease.
So tell me which of the many current or previous pharmaceutical drugs can honestly state they conform to the Wikipedia description…. hmmm let me think about that…. oh yes…. none… they basically turn off receptors so the brain isn’t specifically aware of the damage being done and fails even subconsciously to address the progressively worsening symptoms.
If the medical community worldwide stopped trying to ease one of the many symptoms and instead climbed down of their high horses, and accepted what is blatantly obvious to others, the body, it’s organs, blood, cells and enzymes are crying out… screaming, not for drugs, but nutrition… yes nutrition. Giving it what it needs to thrive, not drugs that enable you to survive in a painfully debilitating way.
The three letter word missing from their classification of incurable disease, is YET.
I personally think that making a solid commitment to make a huge change, a lifestyle change will always feel like too big a challenge for anyone, especially those, like me with what doctors say is an incurable disease. Think about it, the medical professionals, doctors, nurses and the experts… neurologists, the ones we are lead to believe know all the intricate details of what is specifically going wrong in our brains… actually they don’t know… which is why “They” say it’s an “Autoimmune disease”, it’s easier to tell people that our own body is attacking itself than it is to be honest and hold their hands up and say, ” I just don’t know”..
So the billions being spent on research isn’t really happening, it’s billions being spent on creating drugs that ease individual symptoms and making multi billions in profit….
So the lucrative business of pharmaceutical drugs needs to be perpetuated through very clever marketing and advertising campaigns, they have massively overpaid sales reps pandering to the front line of doctors who get fed up of hearing patients just wanting relief from whatever ailments they have. Giving a patient something to provide almost immediate relief has got be an easier task than trying to persuade them to completely change their eating and drinking habits. Who wants to stop drinking wine, beer or a few cocktails at the weekend or eating those sugary treats during this upcoming festive period.
So anyone that has a serious illness has a choice to make, believe the ones with the hidden agenda, you know the ones telling you to keep taking their drugs and waiting for hours…. literally hours to see the “Expert”, or do what myself and thousands of others have.
Why…. because it works…
There are roughly 23 million families in the UK, approximately 27 million people working full time, there are just over 65 million people living on this island, so there’s lots to take into consideration for the Prime Minister…
A difficult and challenging job, of that there’s no doubt, but in reality that doesn’t mean a lot to me because I personally have a different agenda… I have to make decisions regarding my body, I’m trying….. trying to save my life…
Now let’s put the PM’s job and mine into perspective….
My heart is beating about 70 times each minute, meaning it’s pumping more than 2,000 gallons of blood each day., sounds a lot doesn’t it until you realise that there are not just millions of functions happening every Second…. No, there are Billions of functions, every second and Trillions of individual cells that at this time have all been influenced by two things, … I have multiple sclerosis, a life threatening disease in its own right, and unbeknownst to 99.9% of people it’s being exacerbated by a seemingly innocuous problem called Candida…… Candidiasis is the result of eating certain foods that contain specific substances, this then makes what was already a supposedly incurable problem into a speeded up version.
So putting the PM’s job into perspective compared to mine….HAH!!!!