Fine balance…
Over this past week I’ve been rather pleased with myself as I’ve basically been doing more physically than I have previously for many months, in fact probably more than the previous two years. A week ago I was able to get up after a few hours rest after lunch and go back into the living room, have a cup of tea and watch something I’d recorded the previous night. I was also able to stand up without holding onto anything. Each day I improved on my previous days efforts, to the point that I’d been squatting from the sofa or my bed ten times, in fact on two days I did 10 squats on two occasions followed by 20 squats, the last few were very difficult but the feeling of muscular strength in my legs was so good to experience.
Today…. Saturday, I did twenty at 7.30 a.m. then about 20 minutes later did another 20, standing tall as I finished each on was really making me focus on all the anterior muscles surrounding my knees, again a great feeling. Before going into the living room I did another 20, I rested for ten minutes then started my normal day, my morning supplements and drinks etc.
I’d had to go to the bathroom twice before 10.30 which is normal, what wasn’t normal was how much I struggled, in fact before my carer arrived at 11.30 I attempted to go again but this time was as if what little strength I had was sucked out of me, even my grip strength in my hands was pathetically weak.
Eventually I made it back to bed, my carer is here making my lunch and preparing my drinks for tomorrow so all is good.
What have I learned from my efforts…. getting stronger is vitally important to healing but the efforts made are so demanding and a very, very fine balance.
In my opinion….
From an early age I’ve always been encouraged to ask questions, obviously there are credible sources of information that can be gleaned from books that are extremely useful and beneficial especially when actually seeing the subject you’re researching first hand isn’t possible. But is it right to accept an opinion as being fact when that opinion doesn’t provide conclusive proof… I’m now referring to the generally accepted views relating to the disease called multiple sclerosis which in reality is a name describing symptoms affecting the brain and central nervous system. The world’s so called experts in this area have an opinion based on them not being able to find a conclusive, definitive answer, in other words… they just don’t know!!!!
So the rest of us, the uninformed masses are encouraged to just accept the opinion of people that call themselves experts but don’t know the answer. Yes they state categorically that the immune system, our personal self defensive mechanism that’s there to protect us, has been fooled, it’s confused and is attacking itself, hence being categorised an autoimmune disease. The reality isn’t that our immune system is confused, it’s that they, the so called experts are confused, they just don’t know, so rather than saying that they’re not as clever as they’d like us the believe they are, they say it’s our body that’s fighting itself… going back to my opening statement…. Why is this happening?..
The world of Allopathic medicine, basically aim to treat symptoms, not to find the cause…
What “They” do is offer excuses and drugs to ease and alleviate some of the many symptoms knowing that this method is fighting a losing battle, this is like trying to dry yourself while still in the shower, getting dry is never going to happen.
In 2004 when I was officially diagnosed, I didn’t know the answer but I absolutely believed that there was one and decided I’d keep looking and not simply to give up as the doctors were recommending. I must have tried 50 or 60 different therapies and treatments, some helped to a certain extent. A full dental revision with the world best, body chemistry rebalancing, CCSVI and other treatments like Bee venom therapy with Pat Wagner….painful…
I suppose most people would have given up after so many expensive and painful treatments, but luckily I never lost hope and was rewarded 13 months ago when after reading a life changing book started on the ABP.. The Ann Boroch Protocol was created by Ann Boroch who healed herself completely in 4 years, no symptoms, no lesions, no markers… healed.. and guess what…. she didn’t use drugs!!!!! She worked out what was causing the multiple symptoms collectively called multiple sclerosis and she did it by addressing the deficiencies in nutrition and excesses of candida running rife in her body.
She asked questions and found answers then acted upon them, she never said “oh crap, I can’t find the answers” and gave up as the allopathic experts do.
So without a shadow of doubt in my mind, this is my course of action, it’s 4 years but big deal!!!! what’s 4 years when compared to life.
Misleading statistics..
Trying to do a search of mortality rates is extremely confusing and a tad misleading… if you think about the progress the world of medicine has made in the last 50 or 100 years you’d naturally presume the death rate would be lower per capita now than it was then but sadly that’s not the case. There’s more deaths per 1,000 people in 2018 than in 1968…strange!!!.
Hmmm, I wonder why that is, the western world in general has a far more specialized and better equipped health service, hospitals in the U.S. are now as common as Starbucks, okay not quite but you know what I mean.
Percentage wise more people survive cancer, heart disease and many other other common illnesses… if that’s the case then why are so many still dying or becoming incapable of living normal lives….do you ever think about it? Why are governments not genuinely questioning it, the answer is staring everyone right in the face but frustratingly being ignored..
The short answer is Money…
While the world of medicine want to do good, there are others that want nothing more than to make money, we are always told about how wonderful it is the have “whole grain” foods, that’s a big lie, and how great farming methods are, how there are greater quantities of wheat, barley, corn and rye, but do you ever wonder about how these things are done.
Why are more and more people suffering from food intollerance’s these days, did we just not know about sensitivity to gluten or nuts or certain seeds fifty years ago? It wasn’t a problem then but it is now, why? …. it’s because of all the chemicals that are constantly sprayed on the crops and the creation of genetically modified foods.
None of that crap should be in a human or an animal, even insects avoid that rubbish, leave a tub or margarine and a tub of butter in the garden, the following day all the butter would be gone but even ants…. ants wouldn’t touch Marge, why, because it’s freaking toxic.
Fifty years ago all crops, all dairy was organic, it was naturally grown, not sprayed with a chemical that if consumed would kill you…. so tell me please how it’s okay to eat foods that have been sprayed with this shite…. excuse me, I don’t normally use such language but these people are lying, cheating pariahs and brain washing the masses.
YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT… think about that for a moment, people eat crap and get sick, the doctors (brainwashed) prescribe drugs that treat symptoms, you feel better temporarily then go back to chemically saturated genetically modified foods and get sick again…never ending circle.
Visible change..
I can only function in life in a positive way, I think anyone that actually knows me and the thousands that read my blog will have to agree that I have a positive demeanour, since contracting this hideous disease and being told by many so called medical experts that it was incurable, I adopted the defiant, stubborn little kid attitude of, “I don’t give a crap what you say”….
The first four years I blindly stood my ground and applied common sense choices to what food and drink I consumed, I was able to continue to work full time and keep the majority of symptoms at bay. In 2007 I started working for Dr Hal Huggins, who also had MS and had a full life until his passing at 79 yrs old. I learnt so much about health in general, dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing which enabled me to not only improve my own life but also to help thousands of others and that’s not an exaggeration.
Thirteen months ago after reading what I truly believe to be the most important book in my life, “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch, I started on her protocol.. The ABP gave me genuine inspiration and hope that I was going to once again live my life instead of simply existing.
The first two months were damn hard, the protocol is not for the weak willed or those not really wanting to get better. The next four or five months were filled with far more good days than bad, from then on bad days were very few and far between, it became quite a shock to actually feel bad, that was until I moved house.
One year after starting the ABP I moved into a 350 yr old converted barn, I think the first 5 weeks I was very sad inside…. I tried to not let it show in my attitude to others but my heart was crying.
About 10 days ago things stated to change, the council disability people agreed to help with additional hand rails, DFS have changed my sofas which make a massive difference in being able to move around. I’ve also made a couple of adjustments to my supplements, I’ll talk about them in a couple of weeks when I know for sure it has been them that’s helped.
I’ve mentioned that I’ve been spending about 20 hours each day in my bed, well today.. Sunday.. I was able to get up and go back into the living room for an hour, get something from the kitchen and have a cup of tea, it might not seem like a big thing, but for me it was a massive visible change…
That in itself has reaffirmed I’m moving forward…
Visible change..
I can only function in life in a positive way, I think anyone that actually knows me and the thousands that read my blog will have to agree that I have a positive demeanour, since contracting this hideous disease and being told by many so called medical experts that it was incurable, I adopted the defiant, stubborn little kid attitude of, “I don’t give a crap what you say”….
The first four years I blindly stood my ground and applied common sense choices to what food and drink I consumed, I was able to continue to work full time and keep the majority of symptoms at bay. In 2007 I started working for Dr Hal Huggins, who also had MS and had a full life until his passing at 79 yrs old. I learnt so much about health in general, dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing which enabled me to not only improve my own life but also to help thousands of others and that’s not an exaggeration.
Thirteen months ago after reading what I truly believe to be the most important book in my life, “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch, I started on her protocol.. The ABP gave me genuine inspiration and hope that I was going to once again live my life instead of simply existing.
The first two months were damn hard, the protocol is not for the weak willed or those not really wanting to get better. The next four or five months were filled with far more good days than bad, from then on bad days were very few and far between, it became quite a shock to actually feel bad, that was until I moved house.
One year after starting the ABP I moved into a 350 yr old converted from, I think the first 5 weeks I was very sad inside…. I tried to not let it show in my attitude to others but my heart was crying.
About 10 days ago things stated to change, the council disability people agreed to help, with additional hand rails, DFS have changed my sofas which make a massive difference in being able to move around. I’ve also made a couple of adjustments to my supplements, I’ll talk about them in a couple of weeks when I know for sure it has been them that’s helped.
I’ve mentioned that I’ve been spending about 20 hours each day in my bed, well today.. Sunday.. I was able to get up and go back into the living room for an hour, get something from the kitchen and have a cup of tea, it might not seem like a big thing, but for me it was a massive visible change…
That in itself has reaffirmed I’m moving forward…
Just a bad…
About 2 years ago I was going through the toughest time since I was diagnosed in February 2004, I got progressively worse, I’d returned to England because I just couldn’t look after myself and needed a carer for an hour and a half each day to prepare foods and the waters I was drinking, the stubborn side of me maintained I would beat this on my own although in reality a solution wasn’t in sight.
Falls happened regularly, sometimes twice each week, I had one that resulted in a deep cut in my head and lots of blood staining the carpet, another left a 3 inch diameter dent in the wall where my thick skull had landed… after each I refused to go to hospital because I knew I’d only get worse in there and wouldn’t be able to take the waters and natural supplements I needed.
I remember one particular occasion when I’d had horrendous diarrhoea and made a disgusting mess of myself and the bathroom, again stubborn me took two hours to clean myself, it was ridiculously exhausting but I was so embarrassed and wouldn’t call for help. After struggling for two hours I attempted to get from the bathroom to my bed, the 15 foot distance took about 45 minutes, then another 30 to get up onto the bed.
In August last year I read “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch then in September I started the protocol, the first two months were hard but I persevered and things got better.
Thirteen months later with the support and guidance I received from others I truly believe, I know without a shadow of doubt that I will be healed within the next three years, it’s not a difficult thing to cope with knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The toughest times and experiences in my MS life are just a bad memory.
Different levels…..
I suppose from the outside looking in, what I’m experiencing and going through probably doesn’t appear to be any different now than it did a month or a year ago.. however from my perspective, from the inside looking out its a world apart. Yes I’m in pain 24/7, yes I struggle to move around, yes my fatigue is still horrible, but those things are on a totally different level now. The pain is more of a discomfort, getting to the bathroom is so much easier, of course the new sofas help, but I’m able to stay in the living room for an hour longer and when I do go to my bed it’s so much easier.
The squats I’m doing everyday are becoming normal for me, it’s not a true squat as in bending at the knee then holding that position, that will come but at this point I’m able to stand up from sitting on the bed or sofa and repeat that ten times, actually today I did a set of twenty and a set of ten with only a minute rest in between.
it’s only been 13 months since I started, and I’ve adjusted what I’m doing as and when necessary, I don’t do anything I shouldn’t and I believe I’m 100% compliant with the protocol, but I have added to it, as in full spectrum CBD oil and mega dose D3 which I believe are helping.
September 1st 2017 I was hopeful and optimistic because of what I’d read and my chats with Janet, jump forward 13 months, 1 week and 3 days, and those hopes and optimistic views are becoming reality. Still just shy of three years to go but I’m so excited and happy
Hard to describe, really…
I think most people reading my blog will have a good understanding of the type of person I am, I’ve said before that I don’t consider myself better than anyone else but I know I can be more focused and determined which in my opinion gives me a better than average chance of fulfilling my goal.
I watch two or three motivational YouTube videos everyday and I’m constantly myself that I will succeed, this on occasions is very difficult when I’m going through a tough patch such as the period since moving at the end of August.
However, watching the videos and telling myself I’m getting better and better everyday in every way is of no use whatsoever if my inner self, my subconscious mind doesn’t believe it….so overriding the obvious, the physical pain and mental anguish is hard, but it Must be done in order for me to genuinely Feel it.
This week as I get out of bed I’ve forced myself to stand up without leaning or resting against anything, yesterday and today I did two sets of ten squats unaided… My legs feel totally fatigued afterwards but stronger as the day goes on, I’m so, so proud of myself, I really am, it’s hard to describe the feeling.
There is only one Stefan Cairns, born in1955 in Liverpool, son of Harry and Gina, I only have one life and I only live one day at a time so I fully intend to be the best Me possible everyday …there are people alive and no longer with us that motivate me into being strong and to never give up. I’ve made a promise to myself and I don’t break my promises.
How do you do it….
Having a disease that the world of medicine consider to be incurable is….. was a daunting thing to deal with, because I’m who I am and my attitude towards pharmaceutical drugs and the pariahs that make them, when I was diagnosed in February of 2004 I stuck my chin out and told the neurologist that I’d deal with it. I remember very clearly how it was in the consulting room at “The Rose” hospital in Denver, Colorado, the indignant, confused look on the neurologists face…. he stated categorically that I’d be in a wheelchair permanently within six months if I didn’t take the drugs he was prescribing… as I’ve said before, that never happened and after almost 15 years I think I’ve done well. I continued full time work until mid 2011, admittedly I struggled after that to live a normal life, I had to use a cane to walk, and that was limited, but I just knew, I just had an unfailing belief that I’d find a way… I started to have concerns and doubts when the stress of losing my job, no unemployment benefits and no medical assistance became a frightening reality…
With the help of Mum and my sister Suzie I came back to England, according to the neurologist I was beyond pharmaceutical help so it was down to me, to keep looking, to keep believing.. there’s no doubt it was really hard to stay positive although any doubt I had completely disappeared in August 2017. I’d been told about Ann Boroch who’d healed herself, I read her book, “Healing Multiple Sclerosis”, then I chatted with Janet Orchard and arranged to start the Ann Boroch Protocol (ABP) in September.
Understanding that this was not going to happen overnight, that it’s a four year program, is difficult to deal with physically, emotionally and mentally, but there’s very positive steps that inspire and motivate. The bad bits happen, but they’re just that, bits…. and become less frequent as I move further into this.
Nothing great happens instantly and without effort, but it’s definitely happening… how do I or you persevere?…. little by little…