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You have to have it..
This is a modified post from several months ago, it’s one I feel will hopefully help a lot of Journeymen/women…also as a way of reminding me how lucky I am to have been identified, encouraged and mentored by Janet, thanks m’dear..
This is written for two reasons really, firstly as a way of helping anyone struggling and having doubts or the newbies just in their first couple of months, secondly as a way of reminding myself just how far I’ve come and how very lucky I am. When I started on September first 2017, I was optimistic because of what I’d read and the conversation I’d had with Janet. The first month was exactly as it had been explained and no worse than it has been for every other person that’s chosen to follow this protocol. I had some okay days followed by a stinker, a day that definitely had me momentarily doubting my decision because I’d become frighteningly weak, I had diarrhoea and fallen several times resulting in some serious problems. But just as had been explained, a good day followed which over the months became much longer periods of good and even great days. Looking back I shudder at the thoughts of those horrendous times and even more so thinking I so very nearly gave up, not just because of what I was going through physically, when you’ve fallen out of bed at 2 a.m. and are naked, freezing cold and desperately needing to pee but not able to get off the floor, but also the massive temptation to eat some of the foods you’re denying yourself, taste buds are our personal killers.
In a few days I’ll pass my tenth month and I’m amazing myself everyday, little things that would appear to be nothing to a healthy person but to us… to us those little insignificant things are massive.
If you are a newbie, a journeyman or graduate and are having doubts or second thoughts, stop, and as the song says, “You’ve gotta have faith”.
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Less is more.
I know we’re all the same, as in those of us having a so called incurable disease, whatever it is, and I appreciate there are many the world of pharmaceutical related drug medicines consider to be incurable. In my humble opinion that’s just a scam being employed to earn billions if not trillions in unadulterated profits by people that have no concern for humanity.
So yes… being one in that group, I’m greatly aware of the debilitating effects the hideous symptoms can have, not just for those physically experiencing them, but also for those near and dear seeing us go through them, not as bad physically of course but seeing and knowing there’s nothing they can really do to take it away.
I understand the pain, frustration and heartache, I’m experiencing both actually, firstly because it’s happening to me, multiple sclerosis since February 04 and secondly because I know of family members that would benefit massively if they adopted the parachute mindset, as in the mind only works when it’s open.
Back to the title, Less is more…
I’ve been taking what I believed to be the best supplements in what was probably larger doses than recommended, reason being, I’ve been trying to compensate for an under active thyroid, getting ridiculously weak at roughly the same time everyday, also, a frightening reaction to heat and humidity.. strange for a guy that lived for two years in Florida and eleven in Colorado.
Anyway, about a week ago I halved my dosage of herbal thyroid and the antifungal supplements and it seems that my body is reacting in a very positive way which is making me very happy.
I’ll keep everyone updated on my progress over the coming weeks, as an aside note, I know that “Now” is what everyone is experiencing and when you are in the first few months and you’re having lots of horrible days, hearing about great things happening for someone else might not feel good. But think about it….where you are is only ten months from me…. when looked at as part of the big picture, it’s no time at all, be strong, I know you can do it.
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You are what you say…
I honestly believe the tagline… if you are struggling more than normal because of eating or drinking or taking something that just didn’t agree with you, you’re options really are to accept it, feel bad and adopt the “woe is me” attitude, or you can say to yourself that you won’t be beaten, think about it… if you say you can or if you say you can’t … you’re right…
As I’m nearing the end of my tenth month, I still have to use my walker some of the time and I have to be more careful as part of my subconscious mind remembers being healthy and I try to walk but the current physical side of me can’t manage it and I stumble but luckily I’ve not hurt myself. For some of the time, just hours, I sometimes feel really weak, Wednesday or at least part of it was like that, it looked overcast and initially seemed cooler and I thought I’d be ok, oops big mistake, it was quite warm and humid and that affected me really badly. I struggled even using the walker, my legs just didn’t want to move, my grip was really weak and my arms could hardly keep my body from doubling over. Getting from the living room to my bedroom via the front door which I needed to lock totally exhausted me, but… I have to live what I say… I was so weak, exhausted and in pain, my body just wanted to collapse on the floor, but I couldn’t allow that to happen, I knew resting and getting into cooler bedroom would help, I had to get there unscathed, I know the whole distance was only twenty feet but it felt like running a marathon with lead weights on my limbs, so a phrase I’ve used before and try to live by just kept repeating in my head… “I can and I will”…
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I suppose the word “Falling” can be associated with many actions that happen in our life, the odd one like “falling in love” but mainly negative things “falling flat on our face” or “falling off the step ladder” or just “falling over”… they all have negative feelings associated with them. But I’m not referring to any of them here because I’m talking about my life specifically and what’s happening. If I was to go back to September last year and think about how I was feeling on most days during that month, I would mostly remember living in fear actually because if it was a day that I wasn’t suffering, and they only equated to about 12 or so then I’d be dreading the anticipation of what was to come the following day. Having a disease like multiple sclerosis is a hard thing to live with for anyone, there might be various levels of pain and discomfort but it’s still a horrible thing, whatever stage, phase or designated level the medical professionals chose to call it… it’s MS and it’s a pain in the ass to live with, actually it’s not “living with” really, it’s more a case of “existing” with for 24/7….
Anyway, getting back to my point… September, yes it was tough, very tough actually and on reflection a month of lots of horrible days, but days that had to happen because my body was going through an extraordinary phase, it was attempting to eliminate yeast and fungus and parasites that were creating havoc in that incredibly complex and delicate place we live, as in our body. Imagine looking in a sink full of water that after a long time had accumulated lots of foods dregs and waste so the plug hole was blocked and wouldn’t drain… I know, I know… I tend to waffle a but but bear with me, it’ll make sense in a bit. So August, the water was clear but then in September I put my hand in and whoosh it all about… the waters not clear anymore, it’s all messy, but it had to happen in order to clear that clogged up drain.. leaping forward…. October, November, December, definitely getting much easier to cope with, January, February and March were mainly good months, April and May I only had the occasional bad sessions that lasted a few hours each and here I am in the last third of my tenth month, I still have MS obviously but it feels like I’m not just “existing” anymore, now I am excited that it feels like I’m “living”.
The “Falling”…. the complexity of the dietary changes, the supplements, the anti fungals and the effects they’ve had, now it all makes sense, now they are all “Falling into place”…
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One of my favourites..
A phrase that has become one of my favourites is : If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got…
Meaning, if you’re sick and have one of the so called incurable diseases but keep taking the drugs that address a symptom and just blindly live in hope but truly know you’re just on a slippery slope to no return, then I feel bad for you.
To a certain extent I was a member of that club, I was there and had been for almost fifteen years… fifteen freaking years!!!!, a slight difference was that I’d never believed the brain washed medical professionals and had never taken any of the “address a symptom drug’s” that the neurologists and doctors prescribe, so making a life altering adjustment wasn’t a difficult thing to do.
Ask yourself a question, “have things improved over time”, or “do you just keep taking higher doses of the drug to have the same results”, and if so then listening to the nay sayers and drug pushing defeatist’s has to end and then actually do something to rescue your life…
How you ask…. well following a well proven, tried and tested method used by thousands of others, who were like you until the light came on in that pitch black room. I’m one of those people, I was officially diagnosed in February of 2004, I refused to take any drug, medication or whatever you chose to call the useless pharmaceutical money spinning concoctions. I’ve also tried more than fifty different treatments, therapies and operations including a full dental revision and CCSVI, I have no hidden agenda and have nothing to gain, all I want to do is help others as I was helped.
The Ann Boroch Protocol (ABP) is and has been used for many years…. successfully, there’s no massive financial outlay and no travelling involved, the only thing is, can you read a book, can you follow guidelines and do you really want to heal….if so join me on that tough initially but oh so rewarding path.
Find me on Facebook, Stefan Cairns.
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No one…. No one is innocent, not completely or 100% anyway…. Guilty of what? I’m only referring to AB-ers now, wherever we are, on this journey, the most difficult but very achievable journey from sickness, a sickness the world of medicine says is incurable… hah…pick a finger…. to health… wherever we are right now, we all have to acknowledge that at one or two points along that path we were guilty of straying. It might have been inadvertently done but it happened and we learned from it.
Even Ann Boroch… the late but revered Ann Boroch made mistakes but that’s how she learned, that’s how we all learn, we try to do the right thing until that stupid annoying thing.. our taste buds take over and tells the weakest part of us that it’ll be okay to just have a little bit… just a small portion, a quarter of what I’d normally have….. big mistake….
But we are all human and it’s natural that we’ll make mistakes, there’s no secret to how to succeed, it comes down to understanding the protocol and sticking to it. As I said it’s inevitable that we’ll stray, don’t beat yourself up over it, just accept and make a promise to yourself… that’s important because I truly believe we can do anything we want…. anything, it just comes down to “do you want it enough?”, if you do then you’ll succeed.
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Not just Multiple Sclerosis.
Over the past nine months the majority of my posts have talked about my condition and how the method I’m strictly following is making a difference, the method is called the ABP.. or the Ann Boroch Protocol. Sadly Ann is no longer with us, as in she mysteriously died last year, her death, like that of more than 70 natural health practitioners who had been making a massive difference in healing people previously categorised as having incurable diseases. Weird really, the medical professionals that are essentially drug pushers for the money grabbing pariahs, oops sorry, pharmaceutical companies…. these people are perfectly safe from mysteriously dying but those that genuinely healed patients died……. how strange is that!!!!….
Anyway the Ann Boroch Protocol was painstakingly and meticulously created by herself after she was diagnosed with MS in her twenties, incredibly she healed herself in 4 years. I’ll not go into the specifics of the protocol other than say it is based on Candida and nutrition ..
To date there have been several thousand that are symptom free and living normal lives again, and it’s not just MS sufferers.
The same protocol will address bacteria, viruses, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Insomnia, Eczema, Liver Spots, Psoraisis, ADD, Autism, Chrohn’s Disease, Dysbiosis, Food Allergies, Mould, IBS, Leaky Gut, Asthma, Migraines, Fibroids, PMS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Hashimotos, Hypothyroid, MTHFR, TMJ, CCSVI.
If anyone would like to know more, please contact me via email, [email protected] or here on Facebook and I’ll be happy to tell you more, also my blog www.ratherbehealthy.com shows my improvements over the past nine months.
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And the answer is….
Eighteen months ago… is nine months before I started on what I genuinely believe is the start of a journey that will always be remembered as initially the most incredibly difficult but most rewarding of my life. So nine months before to nine months after….. the before period was one that I remember as quite dark… I was definitely getting weaker almost by the day, it was totally exhausting just to survive the hours I was out of bed, I remember one day when I’d been in the bathroom getting ready to go to bed, my body had become so frighteningly weak, I couldn’t stand, my legs just gave in, fortunately the toilet was behind me so I landed on it. It took about an hour before I could physically get up and then it was only to collapse on the floor. From where I lay to my bed, not bedroom but bed took about 30 minutes for me to crawl and drag myself then another 40 minutes before I was able to get up and into my bed. The effort of doing so absolutely drained me, I’d also taken a lot of skin off my right knee in the process. That along with one or two similar experiences are specific memories of the nine month prior to September 1st…
The nine months since have been remarkably different, yes during September and October I had some bad days but none like my pre September experiences, I can honestly say that each month I’ve improved. Little changes like being able to wiggle the toes on my left foot and better coordination with my fingers and hands, not getting so tired and recovering so much quicker than before, yes they are small, subtle improvements, but improvements all the same. I don’t take any medication… hah… that description makes me laugh, it’s not medication designed to help, which is what “medication” should do, no it’s simply a pharmaceutical drug specifically designed to mask a symptom. “Oh I can feel a rant coming so I’ll stop”…
So eighteen months prior to eighteen months after, was starting and sticking with the ABP worth it ?… and the answer is..a resounding 100% YES…..
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Be the person.
Starting something new is always different, it takes you out of your comfort zone, be it a new job or moving house or a new relationship or whatever… It’s new, it’s different, it’s exciting, that all sounds good but there’s an element of it when all those emotions are combined that takes away all the nice feelings…. It’s bloody hard. Think back to the week before you started, in our case and I’m grouping me who’s been on the ABP since September 1st 2017 with everyone, the new and old that embarked on this life changing journey, that’s exactly what it is…. Life Changing….Life Giving!!!!!… the medical professionals have given up believing there’s a way to heal, and do you know why they’ve given up? …. It’s because the unscrupulous, money grabbing heartless pariahs a.k.a. Big Pharma have conned them and if someone comments negatively to these words they probably work for or with the pharmaceutical industry so ignore them. Getting back to my point, a changing process that makes such a difference in your life is going to ask many, many difficult questions, put you in challenging situations, and not everyone is strong enough, some will fail sadly, not because the ABP doesn’t work… No not at all because it does work but you have to do your part… you have to be the person you believe you are… you have to be the hero that rides into town on the white horse, the hero.. I’ll end this post with four words, these four words have to be your daily mantra, no matter how hard it gets in the early months of this life giving journey…. what are they… I CAN DO IT….
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The way you look…
I suppose that some could look at my life, what I’ve done and how it is now the come to the conclusion that I should be sad and depressed, but that’s completely opposite to how I feel, the way I look at it is that I feel blessed to have been such an active person, I have incredible memories of climbing out of a Shorts Skyvan rear door at 13,500′ over Sibson Parachute Centre near Peterborough and being in a 60 man formation that at the time was a British record and went into the Guiness book of records, it was there between 1989 and 1997. I’m proud of that and happy about all the other “adrenaline junkie” type things I did….Okay I’ve had multiple sclerosis for 15 years but that doesn’t take anything away from the life and memories I had and have. If you encompass my life so far in a book, the 2004 to the day I beat this disease, which will happen, is simply a chapter in my book of life.
I’m a positive, optimistic person, I have no room in my life for negativity, that attitude will only push a person down a very slippery slope of gloom and despair and that’s somewhere I’ll never go.
A man in Egypt tells his two sons to go to a small town to sell some new inexpensive soft shoes to the thousands living there, the first son comes back and apologises to his father telling him he didn’t sell any because no one wears shoes… the second son is so happy and says what an amazing opportunity this was because no one had shoes….
I’ve said this before and I firmly believe it….. Change the way you look at things….and the things you look at change….
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