Humble but very proud…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Humble but very proud.

During my four years as the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins who before his passing two years ago was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing. I’d read every book he’d written including numerous papers for various medical and dental authorities, such as the IOAMT. I sat in on most of his patient consultations during my first two years, so as you can imagine I was able to learn a lot, I felt very proud of myself when he asked me to take certain classes at the clinics that were held several times each year, when I say take classes I mean to host/teach the patients, admittedly they weren’t crucial but still… I felt honoured.

My point… I’m not your average, everyday, ho hum, run of the mill geezer. Each day was filled with telephone discussions and client consultations either in person or mainly on the phone but my days were filled with the dangers of modern dental practices and how the blood is negatively affected resulting in illness and disease.

I personally talked with more than 17,500 over the years, obviously the majority blended in to each other but there’s still about ten I remember by name, where they lived (State or country) and their particular health challenge.

One day in July 2009, I remember as it was a friends birthday, anyway reception called and asked if I could talk with an older lady that was very concerned about a family member, she introduced herself as Pat and proceeded to explain why she was worrying. My initial explanations revolved around amalgam fillings, the ones most people are told are silver. I explained that an amalgam filling before 1976 was 52% mercury then zinc, copper, tin and maybe 8% or 10%  silver, after “76” they became high copper amalgam, 33% mercury, tin and silver, less mercury but worse effects. The combination of dissimilar metals creates mini batteries in your teeth and emit electrical signals. “Pat” was extremely interested and asked lots of questions, I was in my element explaining the intricacies of body chemistry rebalancing, and spent a good 45 minutes with her, Dr Huggins wasn’t happy as I should have made that a paid consultation. At the end Pat spent several minutes telling me how grateful she was and that she was going to send me something, I honestly tried to deter her but she was adamant.

A few days later a parcel arrived from Hawaii, I didn’t open it until I got home and was pleasantly surprised to see five bottles of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, ACV drinks and Amino Acids plus three books. They were all by Paul C Bragg and Patricia Bragg, it was only when I opened the book on Fasting that I read the hand written note saying, “Thank you Stefan for spending so much time with me, Pat”

Imagine how I felt, I’d spent 45 minutes explaining body chemistry rebalancing and the dangers associated with dentistry to Patricia Bragg, N.D. PhD. The fact that she listened intently and asked so many questions, I sat reading her book and felt so humble and very proud.

The Secret….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The Secret.

No not the Rhonda Byrne Secret…. just mine as in what I do and what I believe is fundamental to succeeding in the quest that I and many others have… transforming a weakened contaminated body that’s become the host of an unwelcome disease. First and foremost…. stick to the tried, tested and proven protocol, as in the ABP, what Ann Boroch did regardless of what any negative naysayers and unbelievers say, it works..

I follow the protocol probably 95% of the time, I firmly believe that everyone of us are different in tiny little ways, yes we all have an illness that’s been categorized by the so called medical professional as incurable and they call it multiple sclerosis. However because of thousands of factors the “disease” affects us a differently and its down to us to monitor the changes, the effects that having or not having certain foods and liquids.

In my case I drink more water than most others, around 9 pints or 5 litres per day, I’ve tried reducing my water intake on numerous occasions, the effects have always been the same and let me tell you it hasn’t been nice.

Now, on waking and before I get out of bed at around 7.45 am I drink a litre of water with bicarb in, after the bathroom I drink two mugs of Red Clover tea, I also have 2 x 80,000 iu Serrapeptase and 2 Salt capsules, then another 1/2 litre of Acilis water, rich in Silica which has been proven to remove Aluminium from the body, great research from at least two universities.

I rarely have breakfast, mini fasts 5 days per week, I then take my supplements which are taken three times daily, these include my anti fungals, digestive enzymes, adrenal support and herbal thyroid. I have two 600ml of water, one with ACV and the other with Super Greens. The main supplements are from Youngevity, all cleared through Janet.

My main meal is at lunch and tends to be a protein rich concoction of either turkey or steak with quinoa and vegetables. As much as I enjoyed (past tense) gluten free bread, I no longer have it.

I still get ridiculously weak at around 12.30 so after my carer leaves I go and rest in my bed for a few hours, I drink just over half a litre of water with Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar and a little Stevia, it’s also a good time to meditate before going back to my place on the sofa,  I have another 1/2 litre of Acilis water and another mug of Red Clover tea.

P.s. my supplements also include Cannabis Sativa, Cod Liver oil and CBD oil.

Oh yes…. The Secret…..There isn’t one,

Just follow the protocol, Listen to your body and Believe 100% that this is right.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Way back in time, over 60 years ago in Everton which is in Liverpool a boy was born, the 3rd of what would become 7 kids, so including mum and dad there was nine of us living in a 2 bedroom house with no bathroom just three wall’s with a basic latched door in the backyard that was the toilet… it was tough but it was what we had, we didn’t know anything else so just enjoyed the love, very rare treats and good mate’s we had.

Jumping forward several decades I’d travelled to more than 20 countries and participated in sports most people would never ever think about, let alone try, I’d had fast bikes, fast cars, great well paid jobs and big houses. So for 20 of my 45 years I had a great and very privileged life which considering my very basic beginnings, I was proud of myself.

I’d moved from England to Colorado in the U.S. to marry a woman I honestly believed loved me, between the two of us we had a very good annual income, on saying that we both worked damn hard.

Two years after I moved there and was so happy living “the dream” I was really shocked when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, initially I just thought I was so much better, I was so lucky so the disease wouldn’t effect me as it did for everyone else, it couldn’t do… I was Stefan the kid born in a few steps up from poverty but fought his way out and made good. For the first 4 years I remained positive until my wife totally forgot about the ” for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health” and decided to have an affair and then divorced me. Obviously I was shocked, deeply hurt and frightened, I mean here I was having to leave the life I had previously thought of as fantastic, we, my wife and I had some great friends, or so I thought, but for some reason they all sided with her even though it was her that was being unfaithful. I think she being an American in America found it easy to justify why her English husband who’d got MS and unable to fulfil his husband’s duties deserved to be cheated on and divorced.

I suppose it would have been easy to feel bitter and depressed but that’s not me, I’m the kid from Liverpool with nothing, but against all odds made something of himself.

The disease is a shitty thing (excuse me) but I’m better than that, yes Dona, the ex took me for everything I had,  I lost my $500k house, my friends….. ha!!! I went into $100k debt, but all of that was then, not now… Now I’m better off, now I’m following a specific plan that works, now I don’t have an unfaithful wife, now I’m on my own and the only one that will make my life better is me…

I’m happy I’m alone and proud of what I’m doing, it’s not easy but then again nothing worth having is easy, I am healing myself physically and mentally and nothing or no one will stop me, I am better than the disease, I’m better than a selfish, unfaithful wife, it’s no one’s fault I got sick but it’s my responsibility to be the best Me I can be…

Complete acceptance…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Complete acceptance.

I think to a certain extent that the progress I’m making by following the ABP is greatly influenced by my mental attitude, during the first two months as I’d have bad days which was only expected, instead of feeling depressed and despondent, I’d tell myself that the bad would follow the good so it was nothing to worry about. On those bad days which gradually became fewer and further between I’d just go to my bed, rest and meditate and look forward to the following day because I knew it would be good or at least not another bad day. Following the plan, the ABP and the Candida Cure, regardless of the illness, disease or condition someone is in, will help, it will have a positive effect on the body. It’s been proven thousands of times by others that were also sceptical and had doubts. So a big part of enabling this protocol to work is not just sticking to it, it’s your own confidence, you have to “believe” !!!!! That voice that constantly natters in your head, has to be 100% convincing, it has to ignore minor setbacks because they are just speed bumps on the road, nothing more. You can’t just say to family and friends that you think it should work, that simply isn’t the way… it has to be something you absolutely believe, no doubts or concerns, it has to be total and complete acceptance.