If I’d had me as well…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

If I’d had me…

Strange title for this post but don’t worry I’m not going doolally just yet, at least I don’t think so, or maybe I am as I’m talking to myself again, haha.

Anyway, when I started back in September, only four months but I’ve learned and adapted so much in that time, it seems like another life ago, this post is primarily for the newbies and Journeymen that have slipped a little over the festive and distracting period. I’m not an expert… in this so please don’t take this as advice from someone slapping your wrist, it’s only been four months but it’s Four!!! Months and on this journey it’s a lot. I don’t know, I’m getting more like Ronnie Corbett everyday, not the height thing but wandering verbally. During my first month I definitely became frustrated because I’d have a good day for me followed by a horrendous day and as a 14 year MS sufferer living alone it was hard. But I have something that not everyone has and that’s an unbreakable conviction to the ABP. If you’ve heard this before, I apologize, I’m not boasting just trying to put my challenge into perspective, in my younger life I was a skydiver, hang glider, scuba diver, mountain biker, rock climber and a pilot, okay big breath….. I was also the client service director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing, so I’m no expert in the ABP but I do know a thing or two, sort of.

The protocol works but just requires one thing….. it requires you to help it to fix you, after four months, I still have a very long way to go but I know that if I keep doing the right things then I’ll keep getting closer to where I need to be. Be strong, not having the forbidden foods makes you feel massively better long term than the immediate satisfaction of eating them. When I started I could ask Janet a question and still do quite frequently, she has been amazing but from an inspirational and motivational side I didn’t have anyone writing, I know I would have got through the first two months a lot easier if I’d had me as well.

The Journey…..done right…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The Journey…. done right.

When I first started the Journey, capitalised because although I’ve been lucky enough to have been on more journeys than most people, this is far and away the most  important I’ve ever been on. Since September 1st when I started I think there’s probably been twenty horrible days, especially during the first 2 1/2 months, there appeared to be no rhyme or reason as to why they happened, they just did. During the last month or so, if a bad day happened, it wasn’t  for no apparent reason but specifically because I’d eaten something I shouldn’t, although it wasn’t a case of me just having it for the hell of it, no it was because I honestly thought it was okay, but I was wrong. I think during our lives we all eat or drink something just because it tastes nice but giving no regard to whether it’s good or bad for our body. As I’ve said before, the person we are is more important than being a slave to our taste buds. In my case and you if you’re on the same journey, my existence requires me to give more credence to how I intend to enable myself to live. Waking up and going to sleep at night is the start and finish if the day but t’s not a case of getting through that waking period and allowing the “must do’s” to be interspersed with pleasurable indulgences of foods and drinks that taste good. In our case it has to be clearly thought out, whatever we put into our body is doing one of two things… to a certain degree it’s either helping us to live or speeding us towards death. The past month has taught me some very, very valuable lessons, we can all get better, get healthy again if the influence on the vital decisions we make everyday are made with our logical mind not our taste buds that don’t give a damn about whether we live or die.. Wake up every morning and make a promise to yourself that your goal today is to follow the plan, priority one is to follow “The Journey……. done right”.

P.S.    This is my first post of 2018,  so following tradition…Happy New Year.xxx