Lies….Blatant lies…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Lies…Blatant lies..

My previous post was about parasites and how the medical world know all about them, admittedly the average doctor knows of them but probably does not have a detailed in-depth understanding of them. There are so many things that are simply misdiagnosed because their training was never focused on healing or truly curing, it’s about keeping their jobs. Harsh words I know but it’s the truth, if parasites were removed from the body then probably 40% of doctors visits would be stopped so why not prescribe a drug that temporarily eases the problem, it just means they’ll have to come back and pay for more drugs. The drug companies, Big Pharma don’t create cures, they create customers and it’s  a great and extremely profitable business for them. There’s so much misinformation being distributed to drug pushers, oops sorry doctors through medical schools sponsored by drug companies and  most people have been brainwashed by tv ads into wanting instant relief instead of long term cures so they just want the quick fix drug.

Anyway you might have guessed from this and previous posts that I’m pretty passionate about this. So blatant lies…. “oh you just have a tummy bug”, a more pleasant way of saying “you have a parasite infection”… the bugs are just that, freaking bugs, so they just giive a “one size fits all” anti biotic, and by the way look up biotic… “living organisms”  so you get an anti life pill that doesn’t distinguish between good and bad, it just kills.

Another is the dentist telling you he’s giving you a “silver filling”…LIE !!!! yes it’s silver coloured but only 8 or 10% is silver, 52% is mercury the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth.

I don’t blame the doctors per se, they themselves have been conned into doing it Big Pharma’s way… “Keep them sick”.

It’s so frightening to see how most people are so accepting, it just goes to show, money talks..


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


While I firmly believe that the main factor exacerbating and perpetuating my MS is Candida related, I also believe that the parasites in my gut are making this even worse. I think when we hear of parasites the natural thoughts lead to something disgusting that can only happen to people in third world countries, sadly that’s not the case. For some unbeknownst reason parasites are not mentioned, not talked about by doctors, but it’s estimated that more than 250 million people in what is considered the civilised world to be suffering with parasitic infections.

Parasites can be as tiny as single celled Guardia to a 60ft long Tapeworm, not nice and guess where they live, primarily in the gut.

The gut is full of both neurons and neurotransmitters, specifically serotonin. It makes up what is known as the enteric nervous system. The gut and the brain have a direct relationship, commonly called the gut-brain axis.

This relationship means that distress in the gastrointestinal tract can show up in the nervous system.

When there is inflammation in the gut, this can lead to inflammation in the brain.

Likewise, inflammation in the brain has also been linked to directly cause inflammation in the gut.

Inflammation of the brain will cause mental distress, like depression, anxiety, and cognitive disorders and autoimmune disorders.

Many times, autoimmune conditions have a relationship to one another. The autoimmune flare-ups that have been documented to be specifically related to parasitic infection are gut and joint related, parasitic infections are more common than you may think.

Many times, a parasite can thrive in the human body and show no signs of its presence.

Other times, a person will feel constantly ill, be on several medications (including antipsychotic drugs), and have no idea that a chronic parasitic infection is at the root of their problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and reactive arthritis.

With this in mind I’ve invested in a Zapper, without getting too complicated here I’ll just say that the Zapper, both the Dr Hulda Clarke and Don Croft  versions have been used very successfully by many thousands of people to kill parasites. Mine arrived yesterday so I’m very excited about using it today.

Wow, what a difference….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Wow, what a difference.

On Tuesday I knew that it was going to be a bad day from about mid morning, I really struggled to do most things, it was difficult to just sit up straight, I kept leaning to one side, but as I said I refused to be sad or frustrated because I knew it was temporary and I’d feel great on Wednesday. So after a decent nights sleep, which for me that was five hours but as I said it was more than enough and I’m now ready for this great day. The difference between yesterday and today is like night and day, yesterday getting up and negotiating my way to the bathroom was scary but today it’s as if I’ve taken a huge step forward. Sounds good doesn’t it, well the above description is what I will be feeling tomorrow because I’m writing this at 7.30 pm Tuesday evening and I know it’s going to be great on Wednesday as I’ve described. That’s how confident I am about what I’m doing, as my body goes through changes as the fungus and yeast is prized off the various organs in readiness for expulsion, they try to cling onto other organs in a desperate to continue ruining my life, but guess what you parasites I’ve learned from a friend the correct procedure to get rid of you forever, so see ya, don’t want to be ya.

Different agendas…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Different agendas.

I personally think that the world, or the people of the civilised world have slowly but surely become a sad bunch, not everyone but a very large percentage. The reason for what I believe to be people with no concern for life, or should I say quality of life, is that it’s become perfectly acceptable for people to be overweight and unhealthy. These days there are constant commercials and advertisements for unhealthy foods, admittedly they taste good and it’s normal to taste or drink them and want more. Very few processed foods are actually good for you, the prominent lettering shouts that it’s healthy and has been enriched or that it’s fat free and other misleading verbiage. The reality is that most processed foods are riddled with additives like MSG, monosodium glutamate is an Excitotoxin that fools your brain into wanting more, you know when you eat some Pringles it’s hard to stop at six or seven, you’re not hungry but you just want to cram more into your mouth. The clever advertisers portray them as something good, you’ll have more friends and have a great time. What they don’t tell you is that the nutritional value is probably equal to the container it came in….. really!!!

Foods that are quite basic such as crisps or beans or peas should be just that, basic!! but they aren’t are they…  read the label, look and actually read and comprehend, why does just about everything have sugar in it or ten unpronounceables that quite frankly shouldn’t be in a human body

They make foods from crops that have been sprayed with herbicides and pesticides, to do what? kill insects, guess what if it kills insects then enough of it will kill you. Why do 75% or 80% of people take an Over the counter, OTC or prescription medication. They’re all scratching each other’s back, Big Pharma, Food Companies, Advertisers, you see, you buy, you get sick and go to the doctor who prescribes a drug that does no more that ease a symptom. You continue to eat, drink or cover your body with more toxins and the cycle continues. Whose to blame…. the Money grabbing pariahs, but it’s you that’s enabling them, use your common sense, don’t be a slave to your taste buds because “they” and “you” should have completely different agendas.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Yesterday evening and how I felt was confirmation that the hold up in my quest for health was indeed the coconut water, at the end of the day my movement which of late has been quite frighteningly limited, was a lot better. No I wasn’t able to walk like a normal person of course but I wasn’t desperately clinging to the door frames as if my life depended on it, it was much more comfortable and far less anxious. This morning I was able to get into my bath with magnesium chloride, that’s been a Godsend to me it really has, anyway after an hour soak my usual struggle to get out was actually quite easy, well easy in comparison to previous times so it was far less stressful. That may seem a little strange to you but being able to get out at first attempt and not slip back in sending a tidal wave over the bath and soaking the floor which takes thirty minutes and four towels to mop up was really good.

I’ve had to make some serious changes to my shopping cart, delivery of course, and I know there will be some experimentation as I get accustomed to not having the occasional treat, but in reality that’s a very small price to pay.

I think for anyone that is faced with the option of staying sick or getting healthy, not with every disease, but with most, the challenge is there, be confident that this will work and have the courage of your convictions.

A possible answer…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Possible answer.

Now in the main since as I’ve embarked on this exciting journey of restored health I’ve slowly experienced very subtle improvements, as I’ve said before, the differences are things so small they wouldn’t be noticed by an onlooker but for me they’re making a difference. As I’m trying to negotiate my way to my bedroom or more frequently the bathroom, I have to steady myself by holding onto the door frame’s, actually it’s not just holding, it’s gripping like I’m on the edge of a precipice. There’s no guarantee that my legs will move as I attempt to walk, There’s the natural movement as my upper body anticipates the step which could rest in a fall if the bottom half stayed rooted to the floor.  When it does, which isn’t every time I’m always relieved as my toes remember to curl up ever so slightly, but on occasion as I’ve said, they don’t always comply, resulting in the “foot drop” and my poor toes get dragged across the metal carpet strip…… ouch… skin being ripped off toes isn’t nice. Anyway that subtle improvement has genuinely pleased me. However a negative of late has been in me feeling incredibly weak at around the lunchtime everyday, so much so that I’ve had to desperately, and I mean desperately get to my bed and stay there for three hours. After my rest I’ve gradually felt much better then returned to the living room for another three hours. These changes have meant I’m actually spending about fifteen hours in my bed each day. Last night about 10.30 I spent some time rereading the lists of foods to eat and more importantly to avoid. My morning drinks include coconut water, about 500 ml in the morning and another 250 ml in the afternoon. I sent a text message to my friend Janet who is much more experienced in the Ann Boroch method and asked about coconut water, she very clearly but firmly replied that coconut water was definitely a No No because of the sugars. Now I’m annoyed with myself because I know that that all variants of sugar, all the “ose’s” including fructose make my life hell so are normally avoided like the plague. So a clear explanation, my mornings of feeling good initially then desperately weak, a three hour rest, feel good then three or four hours followed by another desperately weak spell now has an answer. Stupid, stupid Stefan, it was my much loved coconut water, no more…..  period.

Ups and downs….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Up’s and downs.

I think it’s definitely the yeast, fungus and Candida that collectively are the reasons why I’ve been suffering for the last 13 plus years, obviously Candidiasis and multiple sclerosis are two different things. One considered a very easily contained and cleared infection and the other an incurable disease. It wasn’t known or even considered that the two are very closely connected and will exacerbate the cumulative symptoms, that was until the late Ann Boroch highlighted the connection and then went on to remove the combined problems from herself. The combination of anti fungals and various other supplements along with a very specific diet is the way to go. That’s not a hope or estimation of possibilities, it’s a proven fact that has and is being done by a group of people of which I’m fortunate to be one.

I’m sure you can appreciate that in order for a successful outcome there has to be a determined effort that although is not rocket science, it is a very specific and detailed plan that must be followed. Obviously I don’t know exactly when or what changes will happen, there has to be some up’s and downs as organs are cleared of the pathogens and parasites . As my friend Janet was telling me I am going to experience days that seem fantastic followed by horrible ones as I travel along this bumpy and smooth, straight and curvy road but that’s exactly what it is. The journey is unpredictable but now I absolutely know there’s a specific destination and at times it will probably be very dark but now I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.