No doubt…
In everything I do everyday I have an unfailing belief in myself, so much so that I can imagine to others it might seem a little strange or that I’m fooling myself. During the years I worked and studied under Dr Huggins I rapidly learned a great deal about health in general as well as the specifics of safe dentistry and body chemistry re-balancing. Between 2007 and 2011 I talked with more than 17,000 clients and patients. Obviously some had a great deal of interest in understanding how and why Dr Huggins had discovered through tireless research the reasons behind most, not all but most disease. So when talking with them I always felt it was necessary to justify my credibility as a senior director, in my view at the time establishing who I was and my knowledge and experience would lead to an easier acceptance of the answers and guidance I was hopefully providing.. Okay skipping forward to now and how I’m perceived by people that talk with me, obviously not about their own personal health but mine and the disease I’m coping with. The reality now is that it doesn’t matter whether someone, anyone thinks I’m doing the right or wrong things, it doesn’t matter if they, you think I’m living in a dream world. The only thing that matters right now is what I think and believe about my health, I know that my tactics are 180 degrees from what Big Pharma and the brainwashed medical profession think, but when I’m cured and living a normal life it’ll be me with a smug smile on my face, I will tell others when I’m asked about how I felt back then and I’ll reaffirm that even on my darkest days that I had no doubt about the end result.
So if you met me on the street for the first time or as an old friend, would you want to sit and chat over a Starbucks, ok well as it happens I’m not able to get out and I need financial help for treatment, so instead of buying me a coffee why not donate the same cost or a little more. Just click the donate button, select an amount then select your country and click, thanks in advance.