No doubt…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


No doubt…

In everything I do everyday I have an unfailing belief in myself, so much so that I can imagine to others it might seem a little strange or that I’m fooling myself. During the years I worked and studied under Dr Huggins I rapidly learned a great deal about health in general as well as the specifics of safe dentistry and body chemistry re-balancing. Between 2007 and 2011 I talked with more than 17,000 clients and patients. Obviously some had a great deal of interest in understanding how and why Dr Huggins had discovered through tireless research the reasons behind most, not all but most disease. So when talking with them I always felt it was necessary to justify my credibility as a senior director, in my view at the time establishing who I was and  my knowledge and experience would lead to an easier acceptance of the answers and guidance I was hopefully providing.. Okay skipping forward to now and how I’m perceived by people that talk with me, obviously not about their own personal health but mine and the disease I’m coping with. The reality now is that it doesn’t matter whether someone, anyone thinks I’m doing the right or wrong things, it doesn’t matter if they, you think I’m living in a dream world. The only thing that matters right now is what I think and believe about my health, I know that my tactics are 180 degrees from what Big Pharma and the brainwashed medical profession  think, but when I’m cured and living a normal life it’ll be me with a smug smile on my face, I will tell others when I’m asked about how I felt back then and I’ll reaffirm that even on my darkest days that I had no doubt about the end result.

So if you met me on the street for the first time or as an old friend, would you want to sit and chat over a Starbucks, ok well as it happens I’m not able to get out and I need financial help for treatment, so instead of buying me a coffee why not donate the same cost or a little more. Just click the donate button, select an amount then select your country and click, thanks in advance.

Subtle improvements…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


As each day passes it would be easy to get despondent, to fall into a “poor me” state and to get just a little depressed, but that’s not the case. I spend my days, just about 24/7 on my own, apart from an hour when my sister visits or when my carer is here but the rest of the time I’m alone. Actually it doesn’t feel like I’m alone because I’m researching or reading or talking to myself in my head. No I’m not going doolally, I tend to discuss with myself how I am, how I feel and what changes have taken place over the past few weeks and months. I have noticed changes and in the main they are positive, small and probably not noticeable to anyone else but to me they are huge. When I move around to go to the loo or into the kitchen there have been times  that my left leg just refuses to move or my left foot doesn’t raise ever so slightly as I walk, this results in my toes buckling under my foot, you can imagine the pain which is horrendous. But the Active Stem and the other addition Bone Broth appear to be minimising the problems, not removing them completely but making them less frequent. So all in all I’m pleased, the changes are there, they’re small and subtle but they are there.

Go on, yes you reading this, how little it would impact you and how much it would be helping me to make a donation, thanks for your compassion..

One thing in common….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Looking back at life, not my life but life in general, I’m talking about the people that have created things, things that are taken for granted as “they just are”. Kids nowadays will just buy a can of soda, coke, seven up or whatever and simply open it by pulling the ring pull on top, slightly different to when I first bought one and had to use a can opener to pierce two holes in the lid….. Cars…. we use a remote to turn the alarm off and unlock the doors, the cars can be petrol, diesel or hybrid and we can fill up or top up so much easier than  10 or 20 or 30 years ago. Today there are literally millions of things that have been invented or adapted to be more efficient. My point is that everything, yes everything started as an idea, the inventor saw a situation and had an idea to make it better or easier or more efficient. They had the idea and they believed in themselves regardless of what anyone else said or thought. I’m not saying I’m an inventor or that I’m going to create something that will improve the lives of many. But what I am saying is that I have one thing in common with all the special people that have done those things, I have total belief..


Like what you see? consider donating to help me have Stem Cell treatment to cure me….the donate button is active..

So nice….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

So nice.

As you know, my situation, my condition is not the best but by no means the worst so everyday I count my blessings and express my gratitude in prayer and meditation. I woke a little earlier than normal this morning about 5.15 so after twenty minutes of playing Words with Friends I decided to soak in the bath. I’ve spoken of the wonderful benefits of magnesium chloride before so as per normal I soaked for an hour, I can imagine most would say they couldn’t possibly soak for an hour or more, it would be so boring.

Anyway I usually play one of the thousands of meditations available on YouTube, this way I know specifically how long I’m in. Anyway my point is that after an hour or allowing the healing mag chloride to soak into my body and listening to inspirational Tibetan meditation I got out. I really feel good, stronger and more stable so I know what I’m doing is really helping, this feeling is so nice.

I truly believe that where I am is a stop over point, this is only temporary because I know I have better things to do and better places to be. A lot of what needs to be done is through myself, my attitude and self belief, however any help I can get financially to help me have Stem cell therapy, however small will be much appreciated, please click the DONATE button on the right, thank you.

Could I..?

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Could I..?

I think that everyday I imagine how it will be, not would be, but will be when I get my health back, what will I do? I really can’t imagine there’s anything that could take the place of what I did while working for Huggins Applied Healing in Colorado. I loved being in that beautiful state, yes for 4 months of the year it was a tad chilly but the summer and autumn or Fall as it’s called there was fantastic. I will have Stem Cell therapy and I will get better, it might not be 100% healthy but it will be as good as I was in the early years of having MS. Being able to help others is without a doubt so fulfilling to me and it’s something I hope to be able to do again. I have a wealth of experience and knowledge gleaned from working for a truly great man which I’d love to be able to put to good use.

So I will get healthy and I want to return to where I consider my home so the question is…Could I ?

I would be extremely grateful if you could help me keep my site open and donate what you can, any amount will help, thank you.

Waiting game…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized


To most people, having to wait for something you’ve wanted, expected or paid for is shall I say a rather tedious and frustrating thing to do. You wait in line to pay for the shopping or queue up to get into the cinema, but whatever it is you know it’s just a part of everyday life, nothing you can do about it, it is what it is….

Sometimes it’s a case of working hard and saving a bit of dosh so you can go take the family on a nice holiday or vacation if you’re American, lol. As I said it’s just a fact of life, however what if the “Life” part is what you’re queuing up for….. slightly different thing now. The normal part of life in my case is things like “can I stand”, or “will I only need to go the loo 20 time’s not 25 today”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful that I’m able to do some things, there are some so much worse off than I, but it is frustrating, it is painful, it is embarrassing to know and feel so limited. Knowing my life was so different before, having memories of skydiving, hang gliding, scuba diving, mountain biking, rock climbing and flying is great. I have some very thrilling memories but it’s not as it is now. I experiment, I sample, I research and constantly try to change what the medical professionals tell me to give up hope of ever seeing again. But I know without a shadow of doubt that I will, because I am me and I have patience and this is a waiting game.

If you’d like to help me as I am now disabled and operate this site on my own then please consider donating, you can do this by going to then click on Send money.

You’ll be asked to enter the email of the person which is me and my email is [email protected]

Regardless of all that….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Spending several years working with a visionary, a pioneer in dentistry and natural healing I think I learned a great deal, I learned about things the average, normal person has very little or no interest in. How the body its organs and life support system functions, how the body desperately needs food, no, nutrition to perform the billions of actions every minute to stay alive. So I think I know a tad more of this subject than most people.

The blood is a very complex organism, it’s not just red fluid, the blood , the main components, red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma to carry it. The red cells are the main transport system for nutrients, minerals and oxygen, the cell can be broken down to thousands of tiny, miniscule but extremely important parts. Do I completely understand how it does this ?…no.

The white cells are essentially your immune system, or part of it anyway, there are lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinofils, basofils and neutrophils, I know that when the body, its organs are attacked, then the necessary white cells go in to kill them, do I know how? No, I just know it does.

Everyday I try to work out why my immune system for some unbeknownst reason attacks itself, I don’t have a laboratory that I can use to analyse my blood when I eat certain foods. I can’t check on the changes that are taking place and why I become incredibly weak and unable to move my legs when it gets warm. I have to do everything by trial and error and that’s subject to a hundred other things, such as my sleep or lack of, if I’ve eaten or not, if I’ve exercised or not and so many other factors, I choose to find out but it’s hard, it’s painful. So just because I’m weaker, in more pain and so so frustrated, just because the medical profession around the world say this isn’t something they with all their finances and resources can be beaten, regardless of that, regardless of how futile it sometimes seems, I have no doubt of the end result…… I will win.

If you’d like to help me as I am now disabled and operate this site on my own then please consider donating, you can do this by going to then click on Send money.

You’ll be asked to enter the email of the person which is me and my email is [email protected]

What doesn’t kill you…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

What doesn’t kill you.

I’m sure we’ve all heard that phrase before and probably a lot of people have said it for one reason or another. So what does kill you? Being run over by a truck, yes that’ll do it, jumping off a tall building, the jumping won’t but the sudden stop at the bottom will. Very sadly and hopefully not disrespectful, cancer, ALS and several other diseases will as well. But the hideous disease that has taken root in my body is called Multiple sclerosis and that in itself doesn’t but it does make life very painful and difficult. Having contracted it in 2004, the official diagnosis, I’ve had a somewhat limited life, physically. I specifically applied for a position with Huggins Applied Healing in 2007 because I’d read a lot about Dr Hal Huggins and his work. I was able to learn extensively about body chemistry rebalancing and how he himself a sufferer with MS had been able to minimise the symptoms. Using what I learned I have definitely slowed the progression and changed me for the better. So in my particular case the full title of this post definitely applies, “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”.

If you’d like to help me as I am now disabled and operate this site on my own then please consider donating, you can do this by going to then click on Send money.

You’ll be asked to enter the email of the person which is me and my email is [email protected]

I owe it…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I owe it.

As I mentioned the other day I’ve always been competitive, as a kid I always wanted to win, if I was playing a game with my mates or family I would try my best to beat them. I loved running and realised I could run really fast, I entered lots of competitions as a boy soldier and won many, in fact during the three and a bit years I was at the Army Apprentice College I actually held the 100 metre record, it was 100 yards back then. I was also in the 4 x 100 squad that broke the previous record that had stood for 10 years. During my early adult life I always wanted and tried to be good at whatever I was doing. I wasn’t the best at my job in computer sales but I was good. Later on in Colorado It was great and really fulfilling knowing that I did really well as the Client service director with Huggins Applied Healing. Knowing that all my life how competitive I’ve been and how I’ve always prided myself on doing my best, so I was told there’s nothing that can be done about  this disease, that maybe so according to the doctors but I owe it to myself to keep trying.

If you’d like to help me as I am now disabled and operate this site on my own then please consider donating, you can do this by going to then click on Send money.

You’ll be asked to enter the email of the person which is me and my email is [email protected]

What drives me…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health
 Ever since I was a just a lad growing up in Liverpool and being one of seven kids I had to be competetive. .  If you weren’t you’d have the last chip or your beef sausage whipped off your plate when sitting in a small cramped room at dinnertime.
Playing “footy” with a bunch of mates who all had the same or worse conditions to live in meant you always had to be prepared to fight for what was yours.
Being a “Boy soldier” was also a tough time but no complaints, it taught me to survive.
So my first twenty years of life made me who I am today, it was a time when nothing came cheaply, anything I had, I had because I worked for, I knew to take nothing for granted.
So getting a disease that the medical world says is incurable was like showing a red flag to a bull. This disease probably thinks it’s got an easy job, big mistake because I’m one of seven kids born to tough Liverpudlian and a German woman and I’m a  a scouser, MS you’ve got no chance.

If you’d like to help me as I am now disabled and operate this site on my own then please consider donating, you can do this by going to then click on Send money.

You’ll be asked to enter the email of the person which is me and my email is [email protected]