Me and me…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Me and me….

Almost every minute of every day there’s a voice chatting away in my head, in everyone’s head,  in my case it’s me talking and giving me an opinion, sometimes it’s about the foods I can or can’t eat or about a book I’m reading or movies I’ve watched, but in the main it’s about me. The two me’s are the one that thinks and talks and the other is the one that does or doesn’t in my case. The two me’s are quite different, there’s the conscious one that thinks and tries to physically do things and then there’s the subconscious one that in reality controls everything I actually do. The conscious mind can probably think and control about five things at any one time, I think it’s closer to seven in a healthy person. Now compare that to the subconscious mind, a completely different kettle of fish. Most people will dismiss the talk of the subconscious mind as a bit “Out there” a bit weird and not real or important. It might be hard to comprehend when you just think about it.

The subconscious mind, everyone’s subconscious mind makes decisions constantly in fact billions of actions are controlled every……wait for it…….. every second. So my subconscious and your subconscious is making decisions thousands of times faster than the world’s most advanced computers. Even if this fact seems too incredible to believe, it’s still true, and while you and everyone else have been reading this short paragraph the subconscious mind has made more decisions than there are seconds in a month. So being that powerful I believe it’s perfectly acceptable to trust it has the computing power to fix what’s wrong in my body.

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Being alone…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Being alone..

No not me, it’s strange in that yes I live alone and in my flat in the main for 24/7 but I’m never lonely, I never feel depressed or despondent, maybe I’m just weird or maybe I am the one in a million I talked about yesterday but for different reasons. Whatever…. the difference with me is not just that I feel I know the truth about so many things that everyone else should know but don’t, inside the very core, the deepest part of me I know that I will be healthy again and that there is life to be lived ahead of me.

I’m talking about this because for some strange reason I was reminded of a woman I talked to when I worked at Huggins Applied Healing in Colorado. I think it was in 09 when she  called as a last resort, she had the worst of the worst diseases, ALS or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the same disease that the incredible Stephen Hawking has. During my years with “Doc” I probably talked with fifteen or twenty people with it. Normally people with ALS live for as little as 3  to 5 yrs, Stephen Hawking is an anomaly. The woman that called and talked with me for an hour or more on three occasions, as I said she knew it was her last hope as the doctors had given her their prognosis that she’d be dead in a few years and it was likely going to be a very painful and difficult time. Sadly she had no family and no close friends and no way of raising enough money to attend a clinic with Dr Huggins and Dr Nunnally in Texas. Sadly I never talked with her again, this was one of the many times I sat outside the office a cried like a baby. I often think about my own situation and to be quite honest looking at my circumstances having a so called incurable disease and living on disability benefits probably looks like a desperate situation, but I really don’t feel like I’m alone, I have family, friends and an unbreakable faith.

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One in a million, literally…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

One in a million.

Everyday I think about the things that are happening to innocent people all the time, I know just living isn’t an easy thing to do, everyone has challenges, for some it might be physical like mine such as having an illness or it might be a mental or emotional challenge. Whatever they are, they’re challenges and we either can or can’t cope.

Having them is sometimes exacerbated by things totally out of our control, I know most people reading this will often dismiss what I write as conspiracy theories. I’ve written about fluoride in toothpaste and mouthwash and why it’s just bad for your health. The fact… not theory but fact that the quantity of fluoride in an inch of toothpaste is 34 times the scientifically proven as safe amount to help in preventing decay in teeth….34 times the safe amount.

Do you want to know how to kill a toddler….let them swallow an inch of fluoride toothpaste, scary….

On top of that the American manufacturers are using sodium fluoride, a by product of aluminium smelting, and get this……..they buy it from China!!!!!!!

Cholesterol and how it’s constantly berated, maligned and accused of causing heart attacks, total crap, cholesterol is actually good, there isn’t good and bad cholesterol, it’s all good which is why it’s produced in your body. It’s there to protect you from all the damaging scummy foods being sold with mountains of contaminants and toxins that are masked my chemical taste enhancers and MSG.

It’s so frightening for me to realise that  there are so many things being touted as safe and healthy when it’s just not true, I’m not like the character played by Mel Gibson in the 1997 film “Conspiracy theory” that I’m sure many people think, no I’m not, but I am someone that knows the truth about the lies being told and believed by most, no I’m not a weirdo but I am a “one in a million”.

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So surprised

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


The exercises I’ve been doing are really helping, I can actually feel the muscles in my legs it’s a really reassuring feeling, after so many years of seeing and feeling the loss of the muscle in my limbs. Yes the exercises are very basic and to an able bodied person they probably took like nothing, but for me it’s been great, very, very tiring but great. On Tuesday I felt great for most of the day, I’d exercised twice and performed the exercises better and for longer than previous days….

The problem or problems started in the afternoon, at first it was minor but after about three hours I was really worried and confused, I mean how could everything seem so good then change so dramatically? At one point I wasn’t able to move either leg, I was stuck gripping the door frame like my life depended on it, I actually fell quite heavily but amazingly I didn’t really damage anything. By 7.pmI was feeling a little better and was able to move around reasonably well, whatever it was that had caused the trouble was wearing off.

Now you know I’m very concerned and cautious about the foods I eat, there are foods that I know have a bad effect on so me so I  avoid them like the plague, normally…. but today I had some gluten free fish cakes. Now I know that fish in general isn’t good for me so why did I have fish cakes? Because I’m an idiot….I really didn’t think two poxy fish cakes would cause so much of a problem, I should have known better but I was so surprised at how bad they made me feel, definitely never again.

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Bad…or good..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Bad……or good!!!

Everyday we listen to the radio, watch TV or surf the internet, in between the program the music or the website we’d been viewing there are commercials or advertisements about a food or drink or slimming product telling us what the manufacturer wants you to know. This isn’t necessarily what you want to know but it is what they want you to believe. Now normally if actually listening or watching by choice you would probably just dismiss it as rubbish, your conscious mind switches off but your subconscious mind hears everything. This information, this garbage is being recorded in the subconscious mind then set aside for later use. The problem with this is the subconscious doesn’t have an opinion, no filter, it doesn’t put this into the rubbish pile, it just stores it, then at a later date something happens and your subconscious plucks the rubbish information out and you remember it, not that it’s good or bad, just that for some unbeknownst reason you want it.

That’s the fact behind bad brainwashing, it’s happening all the time. So why not employ the same tactics but in a positive and good way…

Watch positive YouTube videos, tell yourself repeatedly how good things are, not how or when things will happen but as if it’s now. Things like “I am” and “I have”.. planting these positive seeds into your subconscious will at some point have a positive effect. I absolutely believe in the power of positive thinking, I absolutely believe that my mind, my subconscious will bring about positive changes in my life.

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Simply brainwashing…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


In some ways I think of myself as the scouser that liked to take risks, I suppose that is who I was but as I’ve gotten older I’ve tried to be a more responsible person, not just in the last ten years but I see things in a different way now.

For a long time I think I was the same as most other people and believed what I saw and heard in the media. Advertisers can make you believe that the product is healthy or at least not harmful. But I think a very large percentage of commercials and advertisements are only designed to mislead you and encourage you to part with your hard earned money. The business of advertising to promote a product a product seems like a positive way to grow a company’s revenue. The idea is right but when the advertising is totally misleading and is basically telling cleverly worded lies then surely those lies and the way it’s being told is simply brainwashing.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


The last week has been strange in a good way for me, several days ago I started using a stretchy band that the physiotherapist gave me a few months ago. I think when I first tried using it, it was so difficult and so tiring that I thought it was too embarrassing for me to struggle with a skinny piece of green plastic so just didn’t try again and concentrated on my own more manly exercises. Well as I said about a week ago I swallowed my pride and mentally berated myself for being an A-hole….yes the exercises really really fatigued me while doing them and for hours later I could feel the weakness in my shoulders, arms and more than anywhere else in my legs. But as each day has passed I’ve definitely noticed the difference, the improvement in my stability and strength especially at the end of the day. The thing is it’s only been 6 days and each day I’ve been able to do a little bit more and do it a little bit better. Actually today was strange as I said but the weirdness, the strangeness was because the feelings in my body were because I felt I was remembering how to move around normally again. It hasn’t happened exactly but it’s only been six days.

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Three A’s…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The three A’s

During the 80’s and 90’s I was an active skydiver, my jumping was mainly done here in England but probably a quarter of my jumps took place in Florida, Z Hills was a brilliant place that attracted skydivers from all over the world. It’s strange that when talking with a non skydiver about the hundreds of jumps I’d done they are quite impressed but in reality although it was nearly a thousand it paled into insignificance when compared to others I knew or knew of that had ten or fifteen times more.

Over the ten plus years I jumped I was part of several four man jump teams that competed in national competition, it sounds impressive but my teams where small potatoes really.

When putting a team together the four members tended to be four friends but choosing a team member wasn’t always that simple, certain requirements had to be met. The three A’s had to be considered, Attitude, Ability and Availability. Now thinking about skydiving and the complexity of performing specific aerial sequences you’d think that Ability was the most important. But that wasn’t the case, being able to do these things and being available was obviously very important but in reality having the right attitude was the number one requirement.

I think in my own personal situation as in getting and coping with MS, my attitude is crucial in getting through this, always being able to deal with the physical and just as importantly the mental and emotional aspect of how my life is and doing what’s necessary to hopefully one day beat it. Life for everyone is challenging and we either complain and trudge along waiting to get to B from starting at A. Or you can have a different, positive and optimistic attitude and do your best while negotiating the bad times and pushing on to the good, that’s the way I have to be.

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What a difference….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

What a difference.

This morning I was absolutely determined to follow my guidance based on the lesson I learned yesterday, a very painful and extremely frightening lesson. After getting up and having already drank a litre of water I decided to take no chances of a repeat performance from Thursday. So before 9.0 am I’d drunk another half litre and actually finished the two and a half litres of my mornings water by 10.30. Normally this wouldn’t have happened until about 11.30, negatives and positives, the negative side is only that I’ve had to go to the loo 7 times already and it’s only 11.00 am  but in reality that’s a small price to pay for feeling good. No, the shorter time to drink the water hasn’t miraculously cured me and no I didn’t expect that. But I feel massively better than yesterday morning.

It’s surprising and not surprising that by keeping myself well hydrated can help so much and make such a difference.

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Never ending job.

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Never ending job.

There are days that the normal cycle of events I routinely do are taken for granted in how I feel and can function throughout the day, I wake early, often around 5am and start the process off by drinking water. Over time I’ve adopted a routine of drinking water with bicarbonate of soda first thing. I have a litre before I get out of bed, after my 30 minutes getting sorted in the bathroom I tend to have the first of my supplements with another 1/2 litre of water, this time with lots of natural and very essential nutrients.

This morning I deviated from my normal way and was reading/researching so didn’t have my water before getting up to get my main supplements, anyway while standing up for 20 minutes sorting them out for the day I noticed I was really weak, I could stand straight up but my body kept folding from the waist every 5 to 10 seconds. I was scared much more so than normal, I took my first group and the other two groups I put into my pockets. Trying to get back to the sofa was so difficult, my whole body was so weak and t was so difficult to support myself. Anyway I obviously got back the 10 feet which seemed like a marathon then quickly drank a 1/2 litre of water. Wow… the transformation was amazing, in 5 minutes I felt back to my normal level of weakness which honestly feels so good in comparison to how I felt earlier.

Now we all know that water is essential and most people will simply drink when thirsty, sadly it’s not the same for me, it would be so much easier to just have the normal quantities of fluids instead of the 4 plus litres of water I drink each day.

Every cell in the body uses water and needs it to function correctly, in my case as in an old geezer with MS the requirement is massively more. The diseased cells can’t retain liquids like normal so as they dry out and the cell efficiency becomes nigh on useless so the ability to perform the normal and essential jobs to live simply don’t happen. This morning  I honestly thought my body was about to give up and totally fail, it was so frightening to feel that it was all about to end. I realise that the understanding, the knowledge I’ve gained over the years isn’t enough, learning about my body and MS is a never ending job.

Note to self…Drink, Drink and Drink.

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