Me and me….
Almost every minute of every day there’s a voice chatting away in my head, in everyone’s head, in my case it’s me talking and giving me an opinion, sometimes it’s about the foods I can or can’t eat or about a book I’m reading or movies I’ve watched, but in the main it’s about me. The two me’s are the one that thinks and talks and the other is the one that does or doesn’t in my case. The two me’s are quite different, there’s the conscious one that thinks and tries to physically do things and then there’s the subconscious one that in reality controls everything I actually do. The conscious mind can probably think and control about five things at any one time, I think it’s closer to seven in a healthy person. Now compare that to the subconscious mind, a completely different kettle of fish. Most people will dismiss the talk of the subconscious mind as a bit “Out there” a bit weird and not real or important. It might be hard to comprehend when you just think about it.
The subconscious mind, everyone’s subconscious mind makes decisions constantly in fact billions of actions are controlled every……wait for it…….. every second. So my subconscious and your subconscious is making decisions thousands of times faster than the world’s most advanced computers. Even if this fact seems too incredible to believe, it’s still true, and while you and everyone else have been reading this short paragraph the subconscious mind has made more decisions than there are seconds in a month. So being that powerful I believe it’s perfectly acceptable to trust it has the computing power to fix what’s wrong in my body.
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