The fat lady..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I am always tired at the end of my day, I go to bed early simply because it’s easier for me being in bed, I can watch a bit of tv or read or play words with Friends. It’s not a time that worries me because I’ve gone to bed, in fact it’s quite the opposite as I reflect on my day.

I think for the majority of people it might look a bit sad and depressing but it’s nothing like that at all to me.

More than a decade and change ago I was given some horrible news by a “Matter of fact, shoot from the hip, no punches pulled New York neurologist”, he basically told me that where I was physically, and that was a very bad place, was as good as it gets. In other words everything from that point on was going to be worse than how it was right then. There is no doubt that at that moment a wave of depression and doom flooded over me as if I was sheepishly looking at the Grim Reaper.

But as each day, week, month, year and country has moved on, as more information through my own research, experiments and good and not so good experiences have taught me, there is lots more to learn, lots more to try and the small subtle improvements I can experience everyday and to forget what the Grim reaper said to me in February 2004. In my mind, and that’s all that matters, “it ain’t over till the fat lady sings”.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


It seems nowadays that if someone wanted advice about health that asking your doctor would be the obvious person to ask, surely a medical health professional would know more about this than anyone else. Now if they know more about this very important topic then it would be perfectly acceptable to assume they themselves would follow their own advice and live healthy and long lives. A survey done by a totally unbiased independent organisation found the average age of death in doctors in the USA was 56. Hmmm… so following the advice of the medical professional isn’t necessarily a good thing.

Across the world there is about three trillion dollars spent on healthcare

Every year, approximately two trillion dollars of that is spent in the USA. Of the roughly 154 countries in the world the US ranked 24th in life expectancy, I thought it reasonable to expect a country spending two thirds of the money spent in the whole world to live longer than most others.

The country with the longest average life expectancy is Japan, a country where they consume between 12 and 16 grams of salt everyday and amazingly they have 85% less cancer and cardiovascular disease than the US where it’s strongly advised to avoid salt. The table salt you buy has been bleached and processed so much that there is very little of the trace elements and nutrition left, this salt is useless and should be avoided. Ideally Himalayan crystal salt or good quality sea salt is what you should be using.

Ask a doctor about nutrition and they’ll probably look at you as if you are naive and misguided if you think nutrition has any real impact on health and longevity. They’ll tell you to avoid salt and dairy specifically butter and eggs. In reality these people know diddly squat about true health and nutrition. Medical doctors all have a PDR a Physician Desk Reference I’m not sure of the name of it in the UK but that’s their bible, they know a lot about drugs. In it there is about 300,000 drugs that can be used, did you know that not one of them is designed to cure anything. Pharmaceutical companies design drugs to treat symptoms, not cure the cause but ease a symptom.

Every organ in your body was designed to do a specific job, the reason some fail is nothing to do with your age or heredity, it can be linked to what you put into it, good nutrition is the key, if you feed it with synthetic and genetically modified foods you’ll just harm it. If you were lucky enough to buy a top of the range Mercedes Benz would you put cheap oil and low grade fuel in and expect it to run as well as the day you collected it from the dealership, I don’t think so.

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Good salesman….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


For most of my adult life I worked in a sales or sales management role, this was primarily in the I.T. industry and most was done either working in London or based there. Now there were problems and negatives but that was the job. Having to get up really early like 5.00 am and then being in the car driving to work for an hour and a half or two hours was a pain in the butt. Obviously driving a thousand miles or more just getting to and from work definitely was challenging and very tiring especially knowing that that didn’t contribute to my actual working day.

But the positives certainly out weighed the negatives, I had a decent car that was maintained and insured by the company and private healthcare and of course a good salary with the option of great commission. Being in this position for most of the time seemed good as long as the pressure to do the job successfully didn’t get to be too much to cope with.

I’m telling you this because my attitude to sales especially when the product being sold required the prospect to part with hundreds of thousands of pounds, my biggest sale was a computer maintenance contract to British Gas for £700,000 and that was in 1989.. I always felt that it was best to actually provide them with a compelling argument that enabled them to chose to buy rather than me coaxing or trying to persuade them.

My point is that this method obviously worked and it’s working on me…..everyday I read my affirmations and statements in an attempt to provide my mind with a justifiable reason to heal itself. The efforts both physically and mentally are exhausting but I know in my heart that it has to be done. I’ve sold a lot over the years, some small and some very expensive but in reality this is the biggest and most important of my life.

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Dr. Joel Wallach..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Dr Joel Wallach.

Going back to my mid 30’s I was interested in nutrition, just slightly more concerned than most people, I’d been in the army so fitness was obviously part of my life. I ran 3 or 4 times each week and would be on my mountain bike or at the gym on the other days. Nutrition was something I was aware of but nothing like my understanding now.

About ten years ago the knowledge I gained from my time working for Dr Huggins in Colorado completely blew my mind, nutrition and body chemistry re-balancing changed the way I lived and my attitude towards the garbage being fed and forced into the minds of people absolutely sickened me. The sad thing is that money and profits played a big part in what happened in most of the western world, the U.S. primarily with the U.K. following a close second.

There is no doubt about the well documented bribes that have taken place that have enabled big food and pharmaceutical companies to mislead and basically con the public into using synthetic nutritionally bereft foods that has severely damaged the minds and bodies of a large percentage of the population. Around 56% of Americans take a prescription medication for problems caused by poor nutrition, I don’t know the figure for the U.K. but I bet it’s not far behind.

Dr Joel Wallach is one of the founders of “Youngevity” a company whose supplements are based on what he refers to as the Mighty 90. This is 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and 2 essential fatty acids that the human body needs to function correctly. How often? the same as Air and water, everyday…..

Dr Wallach is a naturopathic physician, a pathologist and a veterinarian which is where his interest in health began. His experience of performing almost 30,000 autopsies on animals and humans has enabled him to see exactly why death has occurred and why so many organs have simply failed.

I started using the Mighty90 about 7 months ago and I have noticed a significant difference in how I feel both mentally and physically, it might not be glaringly obvious to others but living 24/7 in my body it’s obvious to me.

Reading about me extolling the virtues of his work is one thing but seeing it yourself is completely different, if you search for “Dr Joel Wallach, someone should go to jail” on YouTube you’ll be shocked and amazed. Do yourself and your loved ones a favour and watch  part 1 and 2 today, you won’t regret it.

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Damn right….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I feel good, it’s strange that a simple change in mindset can have a profound impact on the way your body functions. I’ve openly declared that I will completely change all aspects of my life within one year. How exactly I don’t know but I have to accept that the internal workings of my mind and body are beyond the true understandings of everyone on earth. Yes of course there are doctors and neurologists that have a better and clearer comprehension of the general functionality. But at the end of the day it all comes down to the individual and what you believe. It probably sounds a bit “out there” to the majority of people, but in my head it’s definitely “What you believe, you make true”.

I make my statement at night and when I wake, am I feeling stronger and more stable and optimistic? Damn right I am.

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Joining the club….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


There’s a club that is growing by the day, no that’s not true, it’s growing by the hour, by the minute, by the second even. This club’s membership is not limited to an individual’s race, creed or colour, not even by the country you were born or live in. This club accepts requests to join from anyone, anywhere at anytime. Wow, a special club and regardless of your wealth or lack of,

it will welcome you in with open arms. There is one condition and everyone has to accept.

It’s strange how you’d think that in my case, living alone, in my 60’s, just,  that this would be perfectly acceptable to me, that I’d jump (if I could) at the chance to be part of this club. But that’s not the case…..maybe it’s because I was born in Liverpool to an amazing woman. Maybe it’s because I was in the army or maybe because I lived for 11 years in Colorado or that I worked for an incredible man. Hmmmm!! I think it’s probably the combination of them all that’s made me refuse to join the club.. The club in question is the club of people diagnosed with an incurable (supposedly) disease. That club, the one I refuse to join requires the membership to accept all stipulations without question, the ones with pain, fatigue, frustration I’m ok with to a point but the ones about depression, darkness and untimely death are just not going to happen. Therefore I absolutely refuse to join…

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New Year..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I don’t know if it still happens as frequently as it used to, looking back it seemed that everyone would make a new year’s resolution but very rarely did they actually happen and that wasn’t just for other people but for me too.

Maybe it’s just something that was said in the heat of the moment, it’s a new year so let’s just say something wild and outrageous with no real or genuine intention to actually make it happen.

However, it’s early afternoon on new year’s day, there’s no sense of euphoria, no fireworks going off, no one here with me to try to impress but I am going to make a statement. This isn’t going to be something I’ll try to do for a week or two, no, this is what Will happen. I will remove all disease from my body, I will get healthy again and that’s not an aim or a goal that I intend to make happen at some point be it a year or ten years. No I’m making a statement of fact, that this will happen before new year’s day 2018, no question, this is a Done Deal.

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