The job is yours, but…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


The job is yours, but.

In 2007  I went to Huggins Applied Healing for an interview with the General Manager, a woman called Pat Sweat, after two and a half hours she said she’d like me to take the job but she wanted me to meet the owner Dr Hal Huggins. At first I was happy but the position and money just wasn’t right for me so sadly I refused and explained why. Pat then went on to emphasize that the sales job wasn’t why she wanted me to see “Doc”, the job she wanted me for was the Client service director which obviously carried a lot more responsibility and a had a much better salary. A week later “Doc” returned from the two week clinic he held at Marble Falls Texas, the interview was intense and lasted three and a half hours. Actually to describe it as intense isn’t a fair description, he was an incredibly interesting and passionate man. He was the world’s leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing, even that description didn’t do him justice. His success rate in treating patients with what was considered to be incurable diseases was 86% meaning most were able to continue with a far better quality of life. Anyway I digress, at the end of the interview he said he wanted to offer me the position but he had to ask me one more question, and that was…… “was I prepared to lose all my friends”.  Obviously I was confused and asked why? he said “When you know what I’ll teach you, people won’t want to stay friends with you”. I was intrigued, thought for a moment and said yes and accepted the job.

It took a few months for the gravity of “Doc’s” words to truly sink in but over time I gradually comprehended what he meant and in reality was honoured that he shared a little of his knowledge with me. What I learned over the years was quite extensive, I was studying so much and sat in on his consultations I felt incredibly good about myself to have absorbed this special information, a small amount in relation to what he knew and the decades he spent in acquiring this, I also felt very honoured and humble.

During my three and a half years I personally helped literally thousands of people via some personal meetings and a lots of phone consultations and calls. But I am most proud to know hundreds went to on to be treated at clinics with him and either Dr Nunnally in Texas or Dr Grube in Pennsylvania.

It’s been very strange in so many ways since first meeting “Doc” nearly ten years ago, seeing, listening and reading the constant stream of lies and misinformation being fed to people via TV, radio, the internet and the people they should be able to trust, doctors and dentist’s. If you knew what I know it would sicken you to understand the power of the despicably corrupt pharmaceutical giants.

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The best..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I decided a while ago that I could either sulk and feel sorry for myself, I could complain about how life is just so unfair, I mean I’m one of the good guys, I’ve gone out of my way to help others when the needed me. I could just suck it up and get on with life however limited it is right now, ok accepting that I’m sick is the truth now so deal with it. But as I’m sure you know, I’m not Bobby freaking normal, this isn’t a situation, a condition thats acceptable to me.

I’m certainly not going to live in hope that something miraculous will happen  to me and sit back waiting, hoping and praying for divine intervention, no….. I’m not going to wait for the magic to happen, I’m going to Make the magic happen, I’m going to be the Best I can be everyday..

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Eh, Duh…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I was born in 1955, woah I’m fricken old, whatever, anyway I was born in 55 to a tough guy who’d served 18 years in the army, I am one of seven kids so it was always busy in our house, either playing or fighting with, I’d like to say my brothers but in reality my big sister Suzie took no prisoners when it got out of control.  This was in a nice gentle countryside area of the country, lots of green fields, trees and animals, no, that’s not quite true, actually it wasn’t in the countryside it was in a rough part which is every part of Liverpool. As for the fields and trees, I think I saw my first field and tree in 1965 so about ten years later. As far as animals were concerned, I saw lots but they were in school books. My point is that my childhood was far from easy, nice and easy was not getting a whack of some sort for a whole day or nice was getting a chocolate bar once a week if I was lucky. But I wouldn’t change a thing about my childhood, I still love my mum and we talk at least twice a week. My childhood taught me some very valuable lessons that enabled me to live and succeed in life. Respect, Gratitude, Love, Discipline and a never give up attitude, oh yes, competitiveness, is MS going to beat me….DUH…

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


It’s strange that the world of drugs/medicine and health according to the people that should be trusted is based on not scientific fact or absolute proof, no it’s based on an idea…. yes an idea. The idea is something called homeostasis….. apparently everyone regardless of the country or altitude or weather temperature, like being born and raised at 5,000 ft high or at sea level on a tropical island should have the same levels in bodily functions and organs. This means a medical doctor will look at a reading on a  medical apparatus or chart  and give a drug to raise or lower the reading so it complies with the suggested level for All people. The reality of this belief is that more people are sick in 2017 than in 1980, In the early 80’s a newborn child would receive about 15 vaccinations, that has steadily increased to in excess of 45  in the U.S. before the child is one year old. Now the GP or drug pusher insists a drug is prescribed for anything and everything, tell your doctor you have indigestion every time you eat certain foods, there’s a pill for that, you’re worried or concerned about everyday things, there’s a pill for that. In fact there’s a pill for any issue, all that’s happening is the human body is becoming less and less capable of regulating itself because of drugs artificially compensating for it. Statistically every other child or 1 in 2 in the U.S. is unhealthy and is taking a drug.

The idea of homeostasis is ridiculous, it’s absolutely stupid, if you were born and raised as an Eskimo your heart rate, cholesterol level, your blood pressure and every other bodily function will be massively different to someone born and raised in Jamaica so how on earth should they be expected to comply with homeostasis chart.

99.99% of people are born with the same organs, have the same glands but each of these do their job specifically for that particular individual. They aren’t all the same, they do it as it should be done based on where you were born. Everyone is different, every person is unique, everyone…..even identical twins..

Drugs treat symptoms, symptoms are good, they are the body’s way of letting you know something is wrong, find the individual cause and fix it, don’t shoot the messenger.

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Never ending challenge..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Never ending challenge.

With the new daily exercises I think that I’m very slowly getting stronger, does that make sense? Anyway what I mean is that at the start of each new day I am feeling more stable and a little stronger. It’s very difficult to quantify but after each group of exercises and again I pushed myself to 70 on the second set, my first this morning was 50, yes I’m very weak at the end but 10 minutes later I feel really good. No the results aren’t as good as my mate Tony J after an Insanity workout but it does feel good.

I’m in a frustrating and confusing place as I cool down then get quite cold so I put a fleece top on to stop my shivers, good for an hour or so to get back to normal. The frustrating and confusing part is that there is a very fine line between me feeling comfortable and just going over the tipping point. As I pass over this point I become frighteningly weak, so much so that standing and trying to get to the loo almost in desperation is extremely difficult. I’m learning everyday, I’m always searching and researching for possibilities that can help but at this time, this is a never ending challenge and it’s hard…….

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Not normal….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Not normal.

As each day starts I tend to be more optimistic about my life, I’m probably far too optimistic than how other people looking at me think I should be. I mean looking from the outside, I’m sick and I’m always in pain and occasionally I fall, so why should I maintain my enthusiasm?

Well I suppose I see things differently than other people, I’ve said before that if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change… and that perspective is exactly how I am, it’s how I have to be. There’s no question in my mind that “Positivity rules” I just cannot accept defeat which is quite frankly the way the drug pushers masquerading as doctors think.

During the day as I’ve mentioned before, I’m constantly tired and in pain, a weakness that is sickening, constantly resides in my whole body. So doing an exercise, any exercise is totally exhausting but I know that not exercising will only help the diseased cells to spread and make the weakness worse, so each day as demoralizing as it is I try my hardest to do the exercises. A couple of days ago I said that I changed from doing 3 sets of 10 reps of press ups and a sort of leg press. I did this three times during the day, the change was to do a combination of both exercises and to continue to failure. Now obviously at the end I knew I’d be exhausted but I also felt that pushing myself was the only way to improve my strength. Yesterday I managed a set of 50  then a few hours later 55. Today I managed a set of 60 then was completely exhausted, two hours later I amazed myself to do a set of 70….Seventy….admittedly I couldn’t get up off the floor for 15 minutes but I did 70….OMG I’m not normal….

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


What does it mean? When you notice changes in your physical and mental self, you get concerned and worried, it’s only natural to wonder, to think of the possibilities, I know I did. Back in 2001 I’d been staying with my sister Suzie who at that time lived about an hour from central London.

I went to her local GP who after my blood test proclaimed I was just suffering from a minor viral infection and would be back to normal in a few days. He was right about one thing, I felt good again in a week so for the time being I just forgot about it. The new business I was starting, a web based company required me to be there in Norwich obviously so off I went.

Over the next 9 months or so I didn’t experience any significant health issues so when the opportunity to move to Colorado came up I had no hesitation and made the leap of 5,000 miles or so in February of 2002.

It was exactly two years later that the horrible symptoms struck again and after a couple of doctors visits and three days in hospital I was told of the disease I apparently had. They couldn’t be specific about the time I’d had it but we’re confident it was MS and had been in the Remitting/Relapsing stage for at least three years.

As I’ve said before I didn’t at the time and never have taken any of the prescribed drugs they shamefully describe as medication. I know there is something wrong, something evil and horrible living inside me. After studying how the amazing human body will constantly try it’s very best to heal itself when given the natural nutritional supplements, rest and meditation I know I will not just improve my health, I will cure…….CURE myself.

What does the doctors and neurologists diagnosis mean? it means they just don’t understand whats truly happening in me or how powerful I am…

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My starting point….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Uncategorized


I often write about my current situation, my health and my daily challenges, I say this as a plural simply because that’s what it is or they are in my case. I normally wake between 5 and 6 a.m. even though I’m often still awake to after midnight. I’ve had to take something to help me fall asleep and it’s been that way for 20 plus years, my body seems to be ok with about 5 hours or just a bit less.

After the half hour in the bathroom then getting dressed I normally spend 30 or 40 minutes getting a light breakfast and my supplements for the day. Once that’s sorted I usually spend about 30 minutes doing my first of three exercise periods. Obviously the exercises would seem quite basic to most people but at the end of each session I am totally exhausted. That’s not a bad thing feeling absolutely exhausted compared to just very weak as my starting point.

I’ve completed two sessions so far today and it’s 1.45 in the afternoon, my routine today was different than normal and I think this is going to be how it is from now on. It can be a little frustrating knowing how weak I’ll feel for the rest of the day but not exercising would only speed up the weakening process so as tiring and frustrating as it is I know I have to persevere.

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James Patterson….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


My life is ….. different from most other people in that I’m never 100% sure how my day will start, what will happen and how I’ll feel during the day. I’ve made a statement about what condition and state I’ll be in by the year’s end, so I’ve no worries or concerns about that. it’s the part between now and start of 2018 that sort of worries me. Well not so much worry because I don’t, it’s more a case of I know there will be good times and bad times during that 365 day period I’m just hoping that the bad bits aren’t too painful, but it’ll be what it will be on this journey.

The title James Patterson is referring to my favourite author, if you haven’t read any of his books and they’re mainly crime thrillers then do yourself a favour and read one and you’ll be hooked. I love his writing and storytelling, something I never do is ruin the book by looking at the last page but this is honestly how I feel about me. I’ve picked up the book entitled Stefan Cairns, read the first chapter then looked at the last few pages so I truly KNOW  how the book about the tough part of my life has a happy ending, not end of life but end of bad times.

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Big con….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


In so many ways there are constant reasons being relayed to your body that are being ignored. We can’t be perfectly strong and determined to always do the right thing when it comes to our body which is sad really because that’s where you’ll live all your life. It’s silly really because we look after our possessions like a new car or house, we respect themvand ask others to do the same. We make sure it’s clean and tidy, ask family members to scuff their shoes on the door mat or take them off before walking on the new or just cleaned carpet.

But when it comes to our body the majority of people are held to ransom by one thing and that’s taste. Our tastebuds seem to have total control, the final say as to whether it goes in or stays out of our body. Frightening to think that we live or die, succeed or fail depending on that small insignificant factor.

If the attitude to health were different and this life important subject were taught  to kids in school then life as we know it would be so different. Most animals in the wild spend their day foraging or hunting for food. Admittedly this lifestyle is a world away from that of humans. We are supposedly a more intelligent species. This is true when we compare the mechanical and technological achievements. But this has also created a selfish group, in the main, man isn’t concerned about anything other than him/herself and the possessions we can acquire and accumulate during the time on earth. Having health is far more important and unfortunately that’s a lesson very few take the time to learn before it’s too late.

Allowing the taste which has been modified using chemicals to appeal to tastebuds and the brain rather than actually being nutritious and truly helping the organs function as they were designed to do, only creates problems that may not be obvious initially but progress into allergies then disease. Most of the food and drug companies profess to be helping or at least to want to help but the fact of the matter is that all they want to do is make more profits and often at your expense.

Curing disease sounds good but preventing it would have been so much easier. If only I knew then what I know now…..

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