Bribery based….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Money rules….

The world is governed not by money but by the love of money, it’s a sad fact that there are cartels with incredible power to manipulate, coerce even bribe the public and governments into accepting what they say is true. Research and reports are manipulated and changed to show information that apparently displays favourable results for the use of a drug made by one of the many pharmaceutical companies that form the cartel known as Big Pharma.

They spend multi millions on creating a drug then billions getting it passed by the FDA  and global equivalents to enable it to be promoted as a viable medicine and sold to billions of uninformed people. Over the following years these companies rake in multi billions in profit. Now if the drug actually did something good then this wouldn’t be a bad thing, but that isn’t the case.

The drugs or at least 90% of them address a symptom,  what they are doing is masking the problem, it turns off the internal receptor so the brain is no longer aware. While this is happening the problem, the real cause is happily getting stronger causing more and possibly irreversible damage.

If you are taking a prescription drug and you probably are, then just spend a few minutes researching the specific drug, Google it. You’ll find a list of possible side effects, this actually will show what really did happen to some of the original testers. It maybe a drug prescribed for some innocuous problem like a rash or itch, you’ll see that they say there is a very limited chance of some horrendous side effect sometimes even death.

Last year in the U.S.  more than 110,000 people died because of using the correct dose of the correct drug prescribed for the health condition by the doctor.

It sickens me to hear the standard response by some medical professionals when asked about alternatives to drugs,  they’ll say that they only believe in evidence based medicine. The evidence proves that patented drugs do nothing good but treat one of the symptoms and could possibly kill. In reality patented pharmaceutical drugs are not evidence based, they are bribery based.

If you’d like to help me as I am now disabled and operate this site on my own then please consider donating, you can do this by going to then click on Send money.

You’ll be asked to enter the email of the person which is me and my email is [email protected]

A little “Out there”….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


An update on my current condition, it was so good waking up on Monday morning after the determined and concentrated efforts the night before to change the condition I was in using prayer and meditation. On awakening my first awareness was to internally shout “Yes” because I felt stronger and able to move my left leg. I felt great and for the next hour or so I added to the previous post and drank about two litres of water. I was a little unsteady getting to the bathroom but half an hour later was cleaned and dressed and up and out of my five day cell.

As the day wore on I was quite surprised but very pleased that I didn’t get weak or shaky in fact I actually felt stronger both physically and mentally.

My view on trying to cope and eventually beat this hideous disease living as a squatter in my body is probably seen by others to be a little strange, and that maybe that I’m a little “Out there”. If I’d have been able to look at myself and how I am from a place 20 years previously I probably would have thought my actions a little strange. But…..the fact that I’ve been able to address, cope and deal with some horrendous situations by using natural supplements, good nutrition, meditation and prayer is testament to the proof that this is the right way.

Maybe I should go back to Denver to see the neurologist that said to me in 2004 that if I didn’t take the prescribed drugs that I would be in wheelchair permanently within 6 months. hmmm, hellooo.

If you’d like to help me as I am now disabled and operate this site on my own then please consider donating, you can do this by going to then click on Send money.

You’ll be asked to enter the email of the person which is me and my email is [email protected]