
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


When most people are asked a question about how they feel about pain I’m sure the majority will respond with a reply similar to “I hate it”. That’s completely understandable really, I mean unless you have a strange attitude or a “dark side” then pain isn’t a nice thing. But in reality there’s always going to be justifiable and understandable exceptions and here is where my personal situation comes into play. Me waking up in pain or me falling over as is sometimes the case isn’t what I’m referring to. Everyday is a physical challenge for me and I accept the difficulty, the pain and frustration, not accepting it as there’s nothing that can be done about it but more of a “bring it on, you aren’t going to beat me” sort of way. So knowing it’s trying to beat me into submission is a challenge and as I’ve said before, it’s not going to beat me.

Getting to the point, each day I know that a symptom of this illness is muscle atrophy meaning everyday the muscles in my body are getting weaker and weaker which obviously leads to completely debilitating condition. So the “German scouser” in me says ” not happening!!!” and refuses to capitulate. The pain I’m feeling right now is actually good because it’s coming from aching muscles due to multiple exercises during the day, I’m actually really enjoying it.

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Complex connections….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

It’s strange how we all take “living” for granted, I mean the millions of functions that take place every second of everyday just to exist. When you think about moving, even just blinking or swallowing there is a very complex process that happens  seamlessly that enables that to take place. Ok now I’ll try to explain this in a way that is easy to understand because it’s so important. When your brain, be it consciously or subconsciously wants to do something, a signal is sent to the appropriate organ or limb telling it what to do. Sounds straightforward, but the connection between the brain and everything in the body is via a very complex system of nerves, in fact there are hundreds of thousands of miles making up the nervous system. Now the nerves themselves are not absolutely complete, there are breaks, obviously I don’t know how frequently they occur but it’s going to happen thousands of times on each section. Now this is where it gets complicated, in order for the signal to jump across the gap and continue its journey when it reaches a break or gap  there has to be a combination of five elements. Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Sodium and Chloride, when the correct combination and proportions are present then a synapse takes place, a little explosion. This synapse enables the signal to jump across the break. Now when all elements are in the right combination and proportions then this all takes place in a nanosecond making it appear seamless.

Four of the five elements tend to be present in abundance via reasonable nutrition in the diet but the magnesium is a little more complex, there are multiple forms of magnesium but it’s only one that the body truly needs and that is Magnesium Chloride which is not easy to come by.

There are approximately 800 separate enzymes, functions and organs that need magnesium chloride to function efficiently. Once a week I soak for about an hour or more in a bath with roughly a kilo of magnesium chloride flakes in, normally Sunday morning, after the soak I feel really good and would really like to do everyday but at £45 per tub it’s just not a viable option financially. Once a week is better than not at all and my body is letting me know it’s feeling good today.

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Softly, softly..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

softly, softly, catchee monkey

Proverbial saying, early 20th century, advocating caution or guile as the best way to achieve an end.

So often I’ve found myself getting mad when watching TV and a commercial comes on about a subject very close to my heart and that’s health. I reckon that at least a hundred times each there’s a commercial on telly promoting a drug, a food or dental product that they are saying is good for your health. The reality is that the makers of these products are blatantly lying. Some of the lies are worded in a way that you almost feel guilty if you don’t use or try them. Clever marketing no doubt, but I wonder if these people actually have a conscience, do they give a damn about the potential long term detrimental effects on someone’s body.

I can’t remember when it was specifically that cigarette packs started having a warning printed on the label, it didn’t stop all people from smoking but it did help.

If you say something often enough and make it sound feasible then gradually it’s believed.

Blatant lies are being advertised constantly about everyday products, some of the most dangerous are:


Cholesterol, as in foods low in.

Spreads like margarine.


Soy beans

Artificial sweeteners

There are so many lies about foods that mislead people and guide them in the wrong direction, a direction that is slowly but surely damaging the lives of you and your kids.

They are very clever, softly, softly catchee monkey..

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Looking in the wrong place..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Over the past 25 or 30 years there have been many changes, small subtle changes that have seriously changed the way we live. The ideas were initially thought of as being a way to better mankind so they were genuinely good. Sadly the initial motivation gradually morphed into something completely different, completely selfish. It’s now become so ingrained into 99.9% of the population that what’s being told is perfectly true and acceptable, “it has to be the truth!!! Surely”.

What am I referring to? The pharmaceutical giants, initially they were genuinely looking for ways to stop disease, to cure and enable mankind to live better lives. In order for us the people to know anything about the cures or preventative medicines we had to be told by the respected experts, the medical doctors.

All well and good at that time until there was a shift in the paradigm, the law was changed allowing the initially good people to make money, no, not just a good justifiable profit for all the time and efforts they were making, but disgusting sums of money. They achieved this in a few ways, inventing a disease, yes inventing a disease and a drug to combat a symptom of the disease. They invested very heavily in this then used very smart advertisers to promote their wares.

I know this sounds a bit extreme but it’s not, these pariahs spend multi millions doing this in order for them to make billions in profits. So many so-called incurable diseases have cropped up in the last 30 years and now it seems perfectly acceptable. ALS, MS, MD, Motor Neuron Disease to name a few. Degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, childhood diseases like ADD and ADHD then the most rapidly spreading problem of Diabetes these diseases didn’t exist. The rapid rise of disease isn’t because they weren’t understood and medical research has found a way to treat it, no it just didn’t exist until the crops were genetically modified and sprayed with deadly chemicals.

The media who make billions through clever advertising skills are happy to work for the pharmaceutical giants because it’s fantastically profitable.

Looking at ways to ease a symptom is done purely for profit, if they honestly wanted to help people then they should stop looking in the wrong places, they should be looking at what is causing the problem.

I’m going to get off my soapbox now because I know what they’re doing and that the vast majority will be thinking I’m talking out of my backside. Please don’t just ignore this, do your own research and if you spend the time you’ll see I’m telling the truth.

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No wishes or hopes…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

It’s a strange thing, life that is, it’s strange because the majority of people go through their life with a very different set of goals to me.  I’m not demeaning everyone else I’m just saying that I see things in a very different way. I’m not planning for the holiday away with the kids or making wishes about the future with someone or being somewhere. As you will have seen from my previous posts there is a massive limiting factor in my life. So in order for me to exist everyday knowing there’s a 200 lb gorilla on my back I have to have a different mindset. I can only believe, I can only have absolute unbreakable faith and confidence.

I can…

I will..

I am…

With this as my mantra I know that whatever obstacle gets in my way that there has to be a way past it, left or right, under or over or whatever, there has to be and if i haven’t seen it yet then I’m just not looking correctly. I honestly believe that anything is possible.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Since returning to the UK there have been so many things I’m extremely grateful for especially as the last year in the U.S. was so hard. I’d lost my job, a job I’d considered to be my career, then struggling to find decent employment and surviving on unemployment benefits until that ended. So coming back to England was at that time my only hope and with help from family I’ve got a decent life, OK an existence at this time but far better than I had before I returned.

I’m focused on the things that matter as in my life, I read a lot, some of it simply for entertainment which can distract me for several hours each day. I also spend a few hours researching and rereading books written by Dr Huggins or Dr Levy or both or some of the many others I was fortunate to know.

So being back here has definitely been beneficial in a variety of ways, but when I stop reading the books and surfing the web I meditate and find it really helpful to quiet my mind, a difficult thing to do. When I ignore the obvious problem, as in my health I find that my mind tends to wander, not aimlessly but constantly back to the work I did, the patients I talked with daily. I really miss two particular friends, Shari and Carolyn, I miss talking with “Doc” and picking his brain and expanding my knowledge which I’m proud to say is good although the knowledge I gained over the years was a lot to me could have been stored in his little finger. Two amazing dentists, Dr Blanche Grube and Dr John Rothchild helped and taught me so much, great friends, I love and miss you both.

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My priority..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Yesterday I talked about what I feel is my number one priority, I don’t think it was being selfish when I say it’s me, I don’t feel I need to justify this but I will say living and I mean actually living as in doing different things everyday and not simply existing is my goal. I’m not in any way shape or form depressed or anxious but I accept that at this stage of my life I’m existing not living. The fact that in my heart of hearts I believe 100% that the positive change will happen and as I’ve said before it might not be tomorrow but then again it might. So the way I see it is that this phase of my life, the phase that I have a problem that restricts me and limits my life in a horrible way is temporary. This is a stop over, ok it’s been a lengthy stop over but it’s not where my life ends, on the contrary, it’s the starting point for an amazing period.

By the way, there was more than 30 emails from people with questions about health, all but one were from outside the UK, interesting….

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Whatever it takes…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


If we look at our life as it is now, as in who’s in it, where we live and work, our family especially if we have kids. Looking at it I’m sure everyone reading this would not have a doubt in their mind that they would do whatever it took, whatever was necessary to protect that one thing that takes the number one priority, and that is your child or children. Regardless of the hours, weeks, years you’ve worked to achieve what you have, if the choice was keeping the financial and physical wealth or saving your child then there is no question, it’s the child every time.

That’s how I feel about the body I’m living in, as in what you know as Stefan. Where I’ve been and what I’ve done in life count for absolutely nothing when it comes to saving my life. The doctors and specialists I’ve seen over the last seventeen years have basically told me that there’s diddly squat they can do for me. That I have an illness that although is not terminal in itself. It does create turmoil in the body and causes so much havoc that the internal defenses, the immune system is so tied up that it leaves the doors wide open for the normally innocuous infections to run riot. This being the case it all comes down to what I can do for myself, there is absolutely no point in feeling sorry for myself, there’s no future in sitting back and accepting defeat. The future and that’s all I’m interested in is my number one priority, how do I get there? In my mind the only way is to think of my mind like a parachute, it doesn’t work unless it’s open. I will keep an open mind and do whatever it takes. So many things I’ve read about can be viewed as anecdotal evidence and in 99% of time I do my own due diligence before dismissing or possibly trying. But regardless of what anyone thinks I have to keep trying and believe I will succeed, it might not be tomorrow but then again, it might.

I know some of the thousands that read my blog daily have questions, be it about me, yourself or someone you know. I have a wealth of experience and knowledge especially after the incredible years working with Dr Huggins in Colorado. So if I can help you then please feel free to ask and if I can, I will.

You may not be comfortable airing a problem for all to see, I understand that so please don’t hesitate to contact me directly on [email protected]

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I’m so very lucky…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


A good friend of mine  over the water in a small and totally unpronounceable town in Wisconsin sent me hyperlinks to Dr Joel Wallach an incredible man talking about MS and the use of the supplements I use, there was also one for an MS patient who recently started using them. Quite amazing what he had to say and so good to see an MS patient who for twenty years has been following the recommendations of traditional neurologists. The improvements he’d seen in two days made me so happy. Now unlike 99.0% of sufferers  who have followed the guidance of traditional doctor’s I haven’t followed them, in fact from day 1 I refused to take any drugs that do nothing but alleviate one or two of the many debilitating symptoms. What I have done is do my own research and follow leaders in the field of alternative medicine. Some things were just different like acupuncture and acupressure, both helped to a degree. An extreme method was bee sting therapy, I talked with a wonderful lady, Pat Wagner if I remember correctly was the pioneer behind this and she made massive improvements, I tried but it just wasn’t a feasible option for me. There have been probably a hundred different things I’ve tried in this lifelong quest of mine. The current method I firmly believe is the one that will change my life, I’ve been following Dr Wallach’s methods on nutrition for seven months and I’m very happy.

I titled this post “I’m so very lucky” because when I watched the guy in the link who’s had MS for a couple of years longer than me then look at myself, I realise that staying away from the drugs and sticking to good nutritional methods is the way to go, I am so very lucky.

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It’s easier..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I think everyone has at sometime in their life said they wanted to do something, be it losing weight or a parachute jump or get a degree to enable them to get a better job. Often it’s a new year’s resolution and we make a promise to ourselves. But these are rarely completed and excuses are made to justify why this couldn’t be done. It’s strange how in 99.9% of the time the excuses are completely acceptable because the original goal was just too hard or impractical, I mean who wants to exercise for an hour before and after a hard day’s work or just eat salads or not have some alcohol or spend hours studying. All the excuses, the justification to not complete the task make good talking points over a beer. But at the end of the day completing any challenge requires determination, there’s no point in giving up without trying your very best, a challenge is a challenge, it’s going to be hard, painful, boring, frustrating and more, the reason most people, not everyone but most people don’t lose the weight, make the jump or get that degree is because of one reason and that’s because it’s easier to fail than succeed.  When the body says “no more I just can’t do it” a little speck in your heart and hidden in the depths of your mind has to say “No I’m not giving up, I will do it”. In my situation there are options available to me all the time, it would probably be easier to not drink 5 litres of water each day, not going to the loo as often would definitely be easier, eating more of my favourite tasty foods and treats would be so nice. But all these options have short term immediate benefits, It tastes nice or it’s more comfortable to rest but I have a desire to actually live again not just exist and although the other things are easier, in my mind it’s failing and that’s simply not an option, I’m not saying I’m better than most people but I know I’m different.

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