
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I think most people would like to think of themselves as reasonably savvy and not easily duped, I think having the wool pulled over our eyes is a little frustrating and it’s just not a good thing. But the fact is that it happens all the time,  in reality it’s become the norm. Probably 95% of people are completely unaware it’s happening and for the other 5% it’s really scary to see it happening and how it seems perfectly normal to everyone else. Now I’m saying this because it’s not your fault, it’s not as if you are stupid because you aren’t, its just that the advertisers are so good at what they do in selling their lies.

I wonder if most other people ever think about how a very large number of people either take OTC ( over the counter) meds or prescription drugs on a regular basis. It seems that so many people seem to be sick, suffering with minor irritations like allergies, hay fever or sniffles all year round.

Don’t be mad at me, don’t shoot the messenger, I’m sharing information and knowledge I’ve gained while working in the US with companies in this specific area, the problems are down to farming techniques, food manufacturers, big pharma mainly and the advertisers to a lesser degree. Farming techniques have changed dramatically, more than half the food eaten is grown, cultivated or raised by farmers. Because of pesticides and herbicides and GMO’s  and synthetic substances fed to animals there is far less actual nutrition and massively more chemicals in the foods we eat. The manufacturers now lace foods with excitotoxins so you get the “more-ish” desire so you always want to snack a little longer and they put massive amounts of sugar killing you from the inside out. They are working closely with big pharma, your body is becoming weaker by the day in that your immune system is working overtime trying to cope with the chemicals and synthetic additives that are simply alien to the organs in your body. Then when simple problems arise the immune system that under normal conditions could cope but now is occupied elsewhere so what happens ? you feel sick and take a drug. Drugs do not cure anything, they address symptoms, so you feel better temporarily and the cycle continues.

The advertisers only do what they are paid to do, the problem here is that what they tell you in most cases are blatant lies.

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But what if…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Everyday almost, we hear “stuff” through the media in one form or another be it TV, radio, magazines or the most watched and listened to source of information, the internet. If you look back in time to what appears only yesterday to me but in reality is years, no, decades, getting genuine information out to the public, the people that needed to know was quite limited. If you didn’t buy newspapers or watch the news programs on TV as I don’t then you only knew what you personally researched. These days sadly the information often in the form of misinformation, gossip, hearsay and absolute crap is force fed to everyone through  mobile phone ap’s, your tablet or laptop. Just about everyone has one or two of the electronic mindbending soul and personality destroying devices. So whether you want to know about the life changing drugs saturating the population or the weight shedding shake or not it’s going to be on your screen and subliminally altering your thoughts.

So when people like me who have no hidden agenda, who are not trying to sell you something, who do not benefit in any way whatsoever, share genuine truthfully and helpful information, information that has been diligently researched that may change the life of you or a loved one, take a moment and actually think. Am I telling you because I genuinely know something that can help and possibly stop you from doing something that could take years off your life!!!! Don’t ignore the help I’m offering, please don’t, because what if I’m right.

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Slaying the dragon…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


In everything I do I have a challenge, be it sitting more comfortably on the sofa, getting around the flat or anything really, being me living in this body is a challenge. So how would you personally cope, having the experience of being so physically active and now having what feels like wearing 25 kilo weights around your wrists, elbows, ankles and knees. Frustrating, infuriating, humiliating and very, very scary…

But, don’t think I’ve given up because that’s never going to happen, I am very lucky because I believe, I have faith. I have complete confidence because the ultimate power governing all life is with me. Is it God, yes, is it Universal law, yes. As I’ve said before in my mind they are one and the same, it’s just easier for some to perceive this in one way or the other, you chose for yourself.

There are times during every day that I’ve stumbled or fell and for a moment then yes I do wonder if what I’m doing is right. But then I stop my mind from doubting, it’s difficult but in my heart I know that now I have to step up to the plate…now I know that it’s down to me and me alone, now I have to slay the Dragon of negativity..

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


If you Google the disease that insists on squatting in me it states that most people with it live as long as those without it, obviously these people are those with what is classed as Remitting/Relapsing and are on the required medication.

Some of those can still get around probably with a cane or walker, but the statistics don’t reflect the other restrictions such as extreme fatigue or balance or even blindness. Once a year I see a neurologist, it was twice per year but because getting to see him took most of the day travelling to and from the hospital in Nottingham and a two hour wait it wasn’t a feasible option really. in order for me to get there required either Suzie or Debs to take me then the neurologist told me I was at stage 4 and nothing could be done with drugs so I couldn’t see the point of wasting mine or the hospital’s time.

The last visit to see the neurologist, a really nice Greek doctor, he talked to me for 10 minutes and said he thought that what I was doing was helping and because of it to keep doing what I’m doing.

In some ways I was frustrated that “The Doctors” said there was nothing they could do but in another way I felt good, actually very positive and proud of myself, “They” can’t help but little old me will bring about something they said wasn’t possible, in their eyes, possibly but as far as I’m concerned what I will do will be total healing.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I’ve often written about the depths of my beliefs, my unfailing confidence that my life will change, it will improve beyond all measure. As things are today, in October 2016 I live in Worksop in Nottinghamshire since returning from an eleven year spell in Colorado where I was a Director in an organisation called Huggins Applied Healing. It was the most rewarding and fulfilling time of my life, an experience never to be forgotten. But that was then and this is now, there will be a time in the future when this is reread and I’m sure you and I will be saying, wow!!! That was an amazing time for Stefan.

But as I said as I’m writing this the situation I find myself in at this precise moment could not be described as great, not even good but it’s what it is and I have to live with it, the way my inner self accepts this is knowing that “my now” is comfortable, it’s not the best it could be but it’s certainly not the worst.

Yes i have an unfailing confidence that all aspects of my life will be incredibly good, when that will happen I don’t know, in fact I don’t care. It will change when it’s meant to change and not before.

The experience of my life is incredible but it’s just that, an experience, a memory, but I’m happy and perfectly comfortable living here in the Now…

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Cheap Japanese watch….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


A commercial on TV brags about their product having plants stanols which are actually “phytosterols”, the advertisers state that they help in lowering cholesterol.

Now that may be correct, I’m not going to argue there, my disgust and it is disgust is the way these companies can make a statement that quite frankly is a blatant lie. What is so sad is that the research justifying this is 50 years old. Being this old in itself isn’t automatically wrong because it’s old but it’s wrong because literally hundreds of times by incredible researchers around the world, this has been proven wrong. The commercial I’m referring to was promoting an alternative to butter, Benecol the spread in question can do part of what it states. The problem is by lowering cholesterol it’s certainly not doing you a favour, when there are contaminants and toxins trying to attack everything good in the body then normally the natural defender which is cholesterol would kick the butt of the bad guy’s. But having been artificially lowered, it simply isn’t there to do the job it was DESIGNED to do.

As I’ve said many times before all three types of cholesterol, that’s HDL, LDL and VLDL  all have a specific part to play in keeping the human body alive  and well. The pharmaceutical giants make billions, multiple billions by pushing this disgusting drug. Statins do lower cholesterol as do plant stanols but this is why so many people get heart attacks, toxins attack various organs including the heart at this point cholesterol the second biggest natural detoxifying substance would normally protect you but the ugly statins  and spreads like Benecol have stopped them. So big pharma and the synthetic food giants make lots more money by lying like a cheap Japanese watch.


Note: The comment, “like a cheap Japanese watch” is not and should not be perceived as a disparaging comment to the beautiful country and people of Japan. Its simply a phrase used back in the 70’s and 80’s referring to the abundance of cheap digital watches.

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My choice alone….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


As each day passes and although I find it hard to come to terms with this dilemma, each passing day takes me further and further away but at the same time takes me closer and closer. Strange really as the exact same thing can be doing two completely opposite things at the same time. I wake up and of late my thoughts are only positive ones, yeah… I’m awake and feeling good, no, it’s not a good as in thinking I’m feeling better than yesterday, no, this is just, I’m feeling good so I have a smile on my face. The way I think is that there is absolutely no point in making comparisons. If that were the case then the day after the most amazing thing that happened, be it the birth of my daughter or when I won a fantastic holiday through work in 1987 or my first free fall jump or whatever then the day after was going downhill. So I cannot allow that indulgence which in reality breeds negativity, and I just will not allow negativity into my life. No, I’m just happy, I’m pleased, I have so many more fantastic days, times and experiences to look forward to.

Getting further away is getting further away from my day of birth, I’m so lucky, I’m so blessed to have gotten this far and knowing, yes Knowing I’m getting a day closer to being fabulously wealthy and perfectly healthy. Oh and don’t roll your eyes or tut tut, it’s really happening because it’s my choice alone and no one has a say in the matter..


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The two mind’s…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Often we are faced with an issue or question or choice and after some thought and contemplation we make the “hmm” expression and think or say “ I’m in two minds”. Why does this happen? Is it that we are a bit scatty and just have too much choice or is it that another force came into play.

We all have two minds!!! The mind is not a physical tangible thing, it can’t be touched. The mind is not your brain, it’s a compilation of thoughts and feelings and smells so how is it possible to have two minds.

Well after the incident yesterday as documented in my earlier post I spent several hours researching and reading, I came across a book about the conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is an argumentative beast, we see or hear or read something then spend hour’s if you’re like me mulling over the pro’s and con’s. Whereas the subconscious mind simply reacts to whatever the conscious mind had decided on.

The subconscious mind is operating 24/7 in the background to fulfil the request or definitive answer decided upon by the other one, the conscious mind. So the conscious decides and the subconscious will do all it can to comply.

So the way I see it is the conscious mind, the argumentative beast decides based on what it sees as logical, tangible evidence, in some ways that seems like the way to go. But I’m a “Against all odds” sort of person, if you tell me I can’t or it’s not possible then I will just fold my arms, furrow my brow and stamp my foot and say “whatever”. So in this case  i’m not going to think about things or look at past events, I’m deciding subconsciously to feel good and strong and consistently improving. My rational conscious mind is not having control anymore.

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No rhyme or reason…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Of late I think I’ve been emphasising my feelings about the improvement I’m experiencing, I feel confident about the nutrients I’m taking primarily in the form of supplements and drinks. The quantity of nutrition in foods these days is rather limited so the daily nutrition is coming from the Mighty90, the Green Powder and one other, although it’s not an eatable or drinkable supplement. Vitamin D3 cream is used on my body, mainly at the base of my neck to address the Thyroid gland.

So as I’ve previously mentioned, normally by the end of the day I’ve tended to feel a little weaker than I have for the first 8 hours. I’m accustomed to the gradual weakness and it’s not really an issue. I mean the disease squatting in my body certainly doesn’t want to let me feel good although my efforts are having a positive effect.

But at about 7 pm Saturday something happened that seemed to happen for no rhyme or reason. I got up to go to the loo but noticed I had become frighteningly weak. It scared the crap out of me. I literally had no strength in my legs and a bare minimum in my arms, at one point I was trapped clinging desperately to the door frame, my legs just wouldn’t move, I ended up on my knees trying to shuffle back to the sofa.

At 8.0 pm I thought it best to go to bed, if I could of course, amazingly the devastating weakness had gone….it wasn’t like I felt a bit better, I felt as good as when I woke that morning. I’ve been trying to think what it was that affected me so badly. If it had been food, then yes, it could have affected me very quickly after eating but it wouldn’t have corrected itself so quickly, so the idea it could be food is a no no.

It was warm in my flat but a window was open and the fan on so that’s also unlikely, I just can’t figure it out. I suppose I have to accept that the so called incurable disease is going to take some beating, it is going to be a challenge, but hey!!! It’s just a disease and I’m me, no contest. More research and thought required.

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