
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


As I start each day there is an optimistic feeling running through me, I know I’ve voiced that several times in the past but it hasn’t always been heartfelt. Well that was the case before last week, now it feels stronger inside me, now all my optimistic views, actions and attitude feel to be coming to fruition.

Every move I make, every step I take ( no I’m not Sting) has to be thought about, as I’m stepping I am so conscious of where my foot is about to land, ensuring my toes are not going to bend under my foot and break. Literally that’s what’s going through my mind, can I reach the door frame to keep my balance? Am I going to have an uncontrollable stretch mid stride? So yes, movement is a challenge, but of late I’ve been far more confident.

The drinks (green superfood) and the nutritionally crammed Youngevity drinks aren’t the nicest things to consume from a taste point of view. But I know they are making a huge difference to me.

I’ve said that what would be considered “normal food” rarely passes my lips although yesterday I did have a yummy pizza, gluten free of course. About four and a half litres of water which includes my special drinks, my supplements and protein shake make up my intake. But the fact is that I’m feeling really good and I know this will come as a shock to most people, I think I’m even more handsome than yesterday.!!!! LOL

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I thought after my post yesterday that it would be worthwhile posting an update to my comments about the improvement I’d experienced.

Did I make exponential improvements?

Am I cured?

Am I back to the healthy Stefan?

Well the answer to the above is no…

But if I had made exponential improvements then that would have been a miracle, so no I didn’t expect that. And the fact that I didn’t revert to the weak stumbling figure of a few days earlier made me very happy.

What I’m doing through my supplements and organic nutrients is based on solid research by world renowned specialists in their field. The results they’ve seen with their patients have been real and in reality groundbreaking. I’m not trying anything or putting “things” into my body that’s based on hypothesis or anecdotal evidence.

I met with my GP yesterday and although I have the greatest respect for her knowledge, experience and attitude to me, talking with her yesterday only helped in confirming my appreciation of her willingness to allow me to continue doing what I’m doing which is completely different to what she has been taught. My understanding has been based on genuine experience of things and practices ignored by western medicine.

The subtle differences I’m physically experiencing is happening, as I’ve said before the minor differences are just that, differences, improvements and unlike anything a pharmaceutical drug could do, especially since the “Experts” have told me there is nothing I could take (pharmaceutical drug) that could help. In other words according to those people , I am a lost cause.

So contrary to the professionals I actually I have genuine hope for the future, I know I will actually live my life and not simply slide down into the murky depths of oblivion.

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Night and day…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Night and day..

Over the past years as the disease has slowly but surely taken a firmer grip on me physically and even though I’ve tried my hardest it’s affected me mentally and emotionally.

I’ve often talked about how physically drained I’ve felt, I think it must be nigh on impossible for anyone to truly understand what that means and I’m not complaining about anyone and everyone not understanding. The fact is, it’s impossible for someone else to appreciate what it means unless you have experienced it yourself.

On occasions there have been days, literally days when I had less physical strength than a newborn baby. I described my struggle on Friday night and after a fall it literally took almost 3 hours to get from the bathroom to my bed which can’t be more that 15ft apart. It was impossible to pull my leg forward while flat on my belly. I can honestly say I was petrified, but as I was saying to a carer today (Tuesday), what was inside me was a desire and determination to never give in, I look back and I truly amazed myself, I really did.

So the heading of this post is “Night and day”, well as you know I’ve been focussing on nutrition to help restore my health. I’ve talked about the “mighty 90” a combination of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids that everybody needs to function efficiently. Over the past few days I’ve added to this with a “Supergreen drink and Rooibos tea. I’m not actually eating conventional food simply because the majority is totally bereft of genuine goodness contrary to what the label says.

Anyway it’s been a little difficult, I’ve mentioned “die off” which has resulted in more weakness and very loose bowel movement, not nice or easy to cope with, being me.

From mid afternoon Tuesday I noticed a difference, I felt better coordination and not as weak. As the day wore on I can honestly say the difference between how I’m feeling now and anytime in the past 6 months is like night and day.

I’m not having wild delusions thinking I’ve beaten it, well not just yet, but this is so nice, I’m so happy.

Wednesday morning.

Just adding to yesterday’s post, I’m not sure exactly what to say about how I’m feeling in comparison to yesterday, in some ways I went to sleep thinking how I was feeling was too good to be true and in the morning things would be back to the usual sickly me. Well I was wrong and right, wrong that it would be back to sickly me and right about my determination to stick with what me and in truth only me truly believed.

At this time I don’t genuinely believe I’ve totally beaten this disease, but the improvement I’m feeling now at 7.40am is better than at anytime in the past 5 years.

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Interesting day..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Interesting day, not particularly good, but it’s making me think. 


I’m not sure exactly how to interpret the feelings and sensations I’m having. I started a slightly different regimen of food and drink a few days ago and I’m sort of getting mixed messages. After day one I felt good all over, mentally and physically. But today (Monday) I’m feeling different, a little weak in general. Now my initial thoughts are that any significant change in added nutrition will result in the body struggling to deal with it. There’s something called “die off” where the body is attempting to eliminate essentially the “bad guys” living in the filter organs, liver, kidneys, heart and brain. So my logic is that I’ve got to feel worse while this is happening before I’ll feel better.

It’s now almost 10pm, by 8.00 I had become terribly weak again, it wasn’t the heat or humidity or at least I don’t think so as it wasn’t a hot day here and I had a window open all the time. Anyway using my trusty walker I managed to get to bed.

I want to make this very clear, I’m writing these posts for my own benefit, sort of keeping track of my progress or lack of recently.

I don’t want people to feel sorry from me, this is my life, it’s a challenge, yes, but it could be a awful lot worse than it is so I see this as an obstacle to get past, and I will.

Tuesday morning and after a good rest and a time restoring my faith I feel good. It’ll be interesting to see how I’m feeling later on today after my drinks etc. I’m really hoping that I haven’t been having a negative reaction to my drinks and as I said it is “die off” which hopefully won’t last too long.

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Just in case..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Just in case..

After my horrendous time on Friday I’m sure there are one or two that may be worried or at least a little concerned as to my condition. So for those interested I’ll put your mind at rest and let you know I’m fine. When I woke on Saturday morning I was still a little weak but able to get around, obviously with the help of furniture and the wall’s but much happier than the previous day.

The strange thing is that today (Saturday) I started with two new drinks for me, one is Rooibos tea and the other is a green superfood drink. Now I totally appreciate that eating or drinking something may have an initial positive effect but not necessarily a lasting one. Well it’s midnight now and I’ve been feeling physically good for several hours.

I’ll add to this post on Sunday morning to note of I’m feeling good after I continue with my drinks.

As I’ve said before, this disease is considered incurable so the regime I experiment with and follow may actually help others as well.

I write these to post on my blog which is which so far in the four years it’s been running has had almost 2 million views. Quite good, and would be great if the occasional reader would help. I don’t write for any other reason other than I enjoy doing it, it almost feels like I have a job. An unpaid one but still a job, in a way it’s almost like I’m lulling myself into believing I have a purpose.

Just as a matter of interest to me I’d hope some of the “friends” I’ve made over the years would just comment with the word “friend” so I at least know you’re reading this, that way I’ll know who to keep as a friend on Facebook.

Ok so it’s almost 10 on Sunday morning and it’s not as if I’ve miraculously changed but I do feel quite good with the additional drinks, if it’s still positive tomorrow I’ll publish some specific details.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


It’s now just after 4.00 on Friday afternoon and I’m struggling, I know why and it’s not worrying me too much but, pain is pain.

Recently I’ve experienced extremes of sensations, aches and pains, weakness and bad coordination. As I said I totally understand why, but at times it’s difficult to cope. I’ve talked about my hummingbird bladder, y’know I look at water and the need to go is there. Well the aches and pains and weakness make the trip (as short as it is) difficult.

These feelings, problems have come about because of the exercise, not extreme for most but in my case then yes it is.

The fact is that MS  plays havoc with the CNS as doctors refer to it, the central nervous system is apparently attacked by the immune system, making the mistake by thinking that foreign invaders are residing there. Idiots!!! Surely they just need to be told that they are Stef’s good guys and need to be left alone, If only it was that easy.

Well obviously it’s not, so what happens is the myelin sheath, think of insulating tape around the nerves in the brain is broken up revealing raw nerve which comes into contact with other raw nerves. As I’m sure you can imagine, the effect can be quite calamitous.

So back to the exercise, I get really weak so push on with the exercise, this helps a lot within a day. The problem is that the nerves are constantly being attacked which means the problem is never ending. But as you well know, I’m a stubborn scouser so f#):k you MS…….. Sorry mum.

Ok it’s now almost 11pm and after a 3 hour struggle I’m finally in bed. This evening was a great reminder that although I think I know what’s best for me, obviously I don’t. Debbie had said before she left at lunchtime that I was hotter than it seemed and as you know heat or humidity are killers for me.

At about 6.45 I went to the loo, or at least I tried, halfway there my left leg simply refused to work then after a 10 minute struggle I fell quite heavily against the door jamb. Ignoring my cheek that hurt like hell I attempted to crawl into the bathroom. That was a joke or at least that’s how it would have looked had there been anyone watching. After 30 minutes of absolute struggle I gave up and tried to get into the bedroom. It was pathetic trying to crawl and attempting to get on my hands and knees. I was so weak I couldn’t do either and my attempts always ended with face planting, ouch. I’d not realised at the time but the closeness and humidity made me ridiculously weak, while on the floor i hadn’t the strength to bend my leg and push myself forward.

As I said a totally exhausted me finally managed to get on the bed, tomorrow’s lesson, keep the window open.

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Misinformation and lies..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


This is used so often by organizations around the world and in reality is the cause of so many problems. Obviously it’s a very broad topic so I’m going to only address one area that specifically relates to me but in this case many many others so please read.

Ok, food per se is often categorised as having X number of calories, this part is true, but the following is where the information is rather ambiguous and very misleading. And the guilty statement is “A calorie is a calorie”, actually this is a blatant lie..

You’ll have all heard or read by so called “experts” that from a health standpoint, be it from a “weight” or “health” point of view that you should limit the number of calories if you want to lose weight and get healthy. Utter crap, as in this is pure and simple misinformation, and companies and food manufacturers use this to fool and mislead you. Admittedly they themselves have been misinformed so they aren’t lying but they are feeding misinformation.

Ok an analogy here is you go to buy a new car, you want the best for you in whatever capacity you specifically are. Just say you’re a single man and want something fast that looks cool. So you decide you can afford a Jaguar sports car and go to the showroom. You decide on a Jaguar F type. You know it’s fast and great to drive because that’s what the commercial on TV said. You drive home but are disappointed because it didn’t seem fast or to handle that good. You get home and look under the bonnet to see the engine of a Ford fiesta, oops.

So on the outside yes it is a Jaguar F Type but under the bonnet it’s something completely different. Going back to the lie a calorie is a calorie, the question to ask is “what is in the calorie” not how many there are.

So when you see adverts shouting about how wonderful their particular product is and how low it is in calories, just think for a minute.

Probably 50 years ago before the advent of herbicides, pesticides, genetically modified food and of course the spread of misinformation as a way to make ridiculous profits at the expense of human life. Crops and fruits vegetables were grown in a healthy way so what you were getting was foods containing all you need as in Nutrition……foods had all the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids.

In reality if you look up the word “Calorie” you’ll see it bears no relation to the nutrition in a food. It relates to weight, as in 1000 small calories equal one large calorie or kilocalorie. As far as what nutritional value it has the the term “calorie” means diddly squat.

Foods can be broken down by their composition, carbohydrate, protein and lipids (fats). Each group can be looked at as so many small calories, as in the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.

You could adhere religiously to the advice of the so called experts and stick to having 1,500 calories per day and they’ll tell you you’ll lose weight, that’s a blatant lie. You might stumble your way to losing a few pounds but in reality the damage you’re doing to your body can be so hard to rectify. I’m sure lots of you reading this can relate to the problem of always dieting. Losing weight then putting it back on and more. Your body is crying out, screaming for nutrition not simply something that fills you up and satisfies immediate craving. By having bulk you alleviate the empty feeling but that doesn’t last so you have more food. A never ending cycle sadly, if you continue to eat foods with very little nutrients and lots of sugar then you’ll always be unhealthy and probably overweight.

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