This is used so often by organizations around the world and in reality is the cause of so many problems. Obviously it’s a very broad topic so I’m going to only address one area that specifically relates to me but in this case many many others so please read.
Ok, food per se is often categorised as having X number of calories, this part is true, but the following is where the information is rather ambiguous and very misleading. And the guilty statement is “A calorie is a calorie”, actually this is a blatant lie..
You’ll have all heard or read by so called “experts” that from a health standpoint, be it from a “weight” or “health” point of view that you should limit the number of calories if you want to lose weight and get healthy. Utter crap, as in this is pure and simple misinformation, and companies and food manufacturers use this to fool and mislead you. Admittedly they themselves have been misinformed so they aren’t lying but they are feeding misinformation.
Ok an analogy here is you go to buy a new car, you want the best for you in whatever capacity you specifically are. Just say you’re a single man and want something fast that looks cool. So you decide you can afford a Jaguar sports car and go to the showroom. You decide on a Jaguar F type. You know it’s fast and great to drive because that’s what the commercial on TV said. You drive home but are disappointed because it didn’t seem fast or to handle that good. You get home and look under the bonnet to see the engine of a Ford fiesta, oops.
So on the outside yes it is a Jaguar F Type but under the bonnet it’s something completely different. Going back to the lie a calorie is a calorie, the question to ask is “what is in the calorie” not how many there are.
So when you see adverts shouting about how wonderful their particular product is and how low it is in calories, just think for a minute.
Probably 50 years ago before the advent of herbicides, pesticides, genetically modified food and of course the spread of misinformation as a way to make ridiculous profits at the expense of human life. Crops and fruits vegetables were grown in a healthy way so what you were getting was foods containing all you need as in Nutrition……foods had all the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids.
In reality if you look up the word “Calorie” you’ll see it bears no relation to the nutrition in a food. It relates to weight, as in 1000 small calories equal one large calorie or kilocalorie. As far as what nutritional value it has the the term “calorie” means diddly squat.
Foods can be broken down by their composition, carbohydrate, protein and lipids (fats). Each group can be looked at as so many small calories, as in the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.
You could adhere religiously to the advice of the so called experts and stick to having 1,500 calories per day and they’ll tell you you’ll lose weight, that’s a blatant lie. You might stumble your way to losing a few pounds but in reality the damage you’re doing to your body can be so hard to rectify. I’m sure lots of you reading this can relate to the problem of always dieting. Losing weight then putting it back on and more. Your body is crying out, screaming for nutrition not simply something that fills you up and satisfies immediate craving. By having bulk you alleviate the empty feeling but that doesn’t last so you have more food. A never ending cycle sadly, if you continue to eat foods with very little nutrients and lots of sugar then you’ll always be unhealthy and probably overweight.
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