
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


In life I think most people would like to think of themselves as good, I personally think it’s nice to do something to help others in need. I don’t think of myself as being better than anyone else but I know it makes me feel good. My website is a small way of sharing information that I know can help others. It costs me to keep it active,  it’s not a profitable thing thing to do taking my time and and the costs involved into consideration, but with people all over the world looking for help I want to do this.

As you know I’m disabled now but fortunately for me I get disability benefits, not a lot but enough to pay the bills, I know there are millions of people in a far worse place than me so I do what I can to “pay it forward”. I do this through my site and give 5% of my monthly benefits to several worthy charities.

Now, the title of this post will indicate how I feel about certain so called charities that in my view having done my own research into them are not deserving of your trust and donations.

I personally feel that one particular organization is disgusting, partly because they are fooling most people into thinking that they are really trying to help. They aren’t because it’s not in their best interests, I know some people reading this are going to call me all the worst names under the sun, but this is the truth and at some point you’ll realize I’m right.

This “charity” pays six of the senior executives more than £200.000 per year, in fact the CEO is Harpal Kumar and is paid £240.000 and lives in a £1.6m home in north west London and no mortgage.

Knowing that this charity portrays itself as a glowing light and is genuinely trying it’s best to help millions that are suffering and dying every year. in my view a charity should be doing charitable and honourable work not paying senior executives as much as and in two cases more than the Prime Minister. These 6 executives are not directly involved in any research or actually physically helping. What is this charity? Cancer research UK.

The subject of cancer and the constant requests to donate always play on the heartstrings of most people seeing the tv advertising. They give the impression that without the donations of millions of people then their ability to fund the necessary research would be seriously impacted.  But consider that  about £3.5 billion was donated over the past 5 years for so called “research” with no cure in site. I wonder how Marie Curie or Louis Pasteur or the research into Diphtheria, Polio or Pneumonia would have managed over the past 120 years when all they had to work with was a microscope and Petri dishes.

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Thank you….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized


In 2012 I’d just been let go from Huggins Applied Healing because of my health, I totally understand and have no bad feelings toward the late Dr Huggins. At the end of the day it was probably the best thing for me and certainly less risk for the company. Having an accident at work in the States is very different from an insurance standpoint.

During that near four year period I learned far more about health and life than I ever could have done anywhere else. So a couple of months after leaving I decided to write a book about some of the things I’d learned. The book initially was called “Life after Huggins” but was changed to “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health”. I thought the first title meant something to me but not explaining what it was about, so the name changed and it went on the shelf with Amazon as a Kindle book although it can be read with the Kindle App that’s free to download.

Anyway I’m writing this as a thank you to all the people that invested the grand sum of two quid on me.over the past 3 1/2 years several thousand copies have been bought. It pleased me a great deal that I’ve received several thousand questions and positive emails from people all over the world. It’s honestly shocked me when I’ve had emails from readers in China, Japan, Malaysia, Germany, Italy and several other European countries as well as thousands from The Americas. But I think I was most surprised when I had a question from a young woman in Bhutan.

So thanks again and I’m so pleased my book has helped so many people.

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TSH, T3 and T4….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Part of the on going research for me, lead me to the thyroid and the importance in my current situation and although this isn’t new to me I’ve decided to give Lugol’s another try.

Reasoning…..the thyroid in everyone’s body is, putting it mildly… damn important.. and in my case and of course everyone suffering with the same health problems it’s even more important that it’s functioning correctly. The thyroid, a small butterfly shaped gland at the base of the neck and it needs iodine which is normally extracted from foods. I’m sure everyone who’s read my posts know that my view on the nutrition that’s supposed to be in food, is nigh on extinct due to farming techniques, herbicides, pesticides and the major nutrition exterminator, GMO’s. So extracting iodine from foods nowadays is none existent. When the thyroid doesn’t have enough T3 and T4 the pituitary gland secretes TSH the thyroid stimulating hormone. When this fails the hypothalamus secretes TSH releasing hormone. Obviously these glands in my case are a tad overworked so in order to help I’m going to start the Lugol’s again. Lugol’s is 15% iodine and in all my research appears to be the best, especially knowing that the Levothyroxine which I’ve agreed to take, primarily produces T4 alone.

Overall it seems that the current methods are continuing to help, I’m feeling good generally, I seem to be sleeping better and certainly feel better mentally and physically for longer through the day.  This disease it is working 24/7 to weaken me, to limit the muscles in the whole of my body. So it’s not as if I will just stay the same each day, I  get weaker everyday so I exercise every day, several times actually.  Everyday it’s as if I’m starting from scratch with no benefits of the previous exercise on previous days. I’ve described it as fighting a never ending battle, trying to get out of quicksand, trying to walk up a downward escalator.

A couple of years ago it was 1 step up but 2 steps back. I haven’t beaten this illness, yet, but now it feels that I’m going up one but only going back one so to me I’m winning…


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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized


In 2002 I made a decision to go to the U.S., I chose to do this to be with a woman I’d been talking to. We had only been talking for two weeks before I decided to go and it was only 2 weeks later that we married. A very rash decision was made by she and I which only six years later ended in divorces.

I could look back and say it was a stupid mistake made by us both, but the decisions were made when we both had hidden agendas. Mine was because I wanted to be living in the US and hers because she was going through a difficult time financially and thought having a husband would help. Obviously we both had feelings for each other but there is no way it could possibly be perceived as love, it wasn’t really a marriage it was just cohabitation. Am I proud of it?….No. So in each of our own individual ways we were both selfish and as I said earlier the marriage ended six years later after she started having an affair. I can’t condemn her because of it, I wasn’t unfaithful but my motive for marriage was equally as misguided as hers.

I’ve no idea what or who happened in her life but in all honesty I hope it’s good. Again looking back both she and I did what we thought and probably was for the best for ourselves individually. In my case which is what I’m concerned about is that I met Dr. Hal Huggins who was a pioneer in his field of expertise. I didn’t realise it at the time but the 3 1/2 years working for him was the most rewarding time of my life so far. I talked with many thousands of people, some became patients and in later years some became friends.

So what started as two people making two very selfish decisions turned into an unforgettable experience, an adventure never to be repeated.

After being his Client service director, his sounding board and his friend I saw life in a very different way. He opened my eyes and helped me to help others and for that and for the honour of knowing him I am very proud and will be forever grateful.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Well yesterday, Sunday was my 61st birthday, it was strange in some ways but great in others. Strange in that apart from a telephone call from my sister Suzie who in in Florida for the next 3 months and seeing Mel who is a temporary carer I spent the day on my own. Ah, poor Stefan, no no not really because being alone is quite nice, I am very comfortable with my own company and I see this anniversary of my birth as just another day, no big deal.

The good part is actually a great thing because it seems that my determination, my resilience to the inconvenience, the awkwardness, the pain and frustration is actually paying off. I felt stronger and more stable so yes… it’s been a good day.

As I’ve said before, this illness definitely has an uncanny ability to put a dampener on things sometimes without any warning but after 17 years of this, the investigation the research and trials I think I have a good understanding of it. When the bad stuff happens and the really bad has only been once or twice each year, I dig deep and draw on the resilience and my tenacity to not give up. The great days such as Sunday serve to remind me, to confirm that this is beatable and never in my case be incurable.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I have to start this post by stating that I’m happy and just as optimistic as ever. There has been a minor problem but only a little frustrating one and no more than that.

I started the day feeling really good, (Saturday) it’s fairly normal of late to feel strong and confident during the first four or five hours even though I tend to experience a weakness as the day wears on. Obviously the symptoms of this disease  (and notice I don’t refer to it by name anymore) mean that being physical is always going to have a detrimental effect on my body.

Personally I’m so proud of myself to be able to be mentally strong  regardless of the fatigue  I experience and I force myself to persevere.

Ok, I started by saying I’m happy, yes that’s true when I look at the big picture but looking at the situation at a particular moment in time then I’m frustrated. I suppose I have to accept that I’m just me, I’m studying and researching as to why the disease I have continues to make my life so limited. Major hospitals, universities and research facilities are apparently trying to find a cure to the world’s worst diseases and that includes the one that’s living in this incredible human body that I also live in. So I shouldn’t be so frustrated because I can’t experiment as they do using “invitro” techniques rather than “invivo” as I do. So when something works or not they can simply use a different Petri dish but with me I have to try for a month or so then either try something different or continue doing what I’m doing. But overall I’m happy and see only positives when it comes to my nutrition and just as importantly, my mental approach.

This is life, we all live our own, we all have problems, be it health, financial, love or family or whatever so we can either complain and go through the “Woe is me” phase or we can just get on and do our best and make the best of what we have. I’m lucky because I inherited the “suck it up and do the best you can attitude” from my incredible mother.

Yes there are times during the day when I know what I have sucks and physically I’m very limited and in pain 24/7,  but I also know that things could be a lot worse, so I’m genuinely happy and so grateful.

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The chaos of life…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized


It seems after watching another video of Mike Dooley that so many millions of people, me included have been going about manifesting the wrong way. He talks about how most people will attempt to do this by asking for specifics such as winning the lottery or finding love with a specific person. He explains why this is wrong and why most of us will never have success in any great magnitude. Our desires, our manifestation is just that, it’s uniquely ours not what someone else might want, desire or need.

We need to be focussing on the big picture not on the steps to achieve it, divine intelligence will work out the best route taking into consideration all options, all obstacles and diversions to reach and achieve our goal.

I personally believe in a higher power, some may identify this as God, some may chose universal intelligence. Whoever this is and I believe that He and It are the same, wants us all to live in good health and abundance. So have faith and confidence that the chaos of life has a purpose, no need to worry about the route, the direction because that doesn’t matter, it’s the end result that matters regardless of the steps and hiccups along the way.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


The fact that when a product or service is advertised nationally, regardless of the truth, if the advertisers have cleverly promoted the item, whatever it is, it will be believed by the millions watching the TV or listening to the radio or seeing it on paper. The power held by these companies is quite amazing, especially when the message they are sending is based on what the makers of the product have said. These people can and do say whatever they want in relation to the benefits or lack of,  this is bad and potentially very dangerous when their product is directly related to the health of those using it.

So in reality the only justification for a product being seen, believed and used by the innocent uninformed public is how much money the makers have thrown at the advertisers. When the makers will be making exorbitant profits through the sale then they are able to spend literally millions on advertising.

I imagine the majority of people reading the warnings by me and the many others saying this, think we are conspiracy theorists, that’s not the case. During a near four year period, part of my work with world authorities in this area was directly involved in researching some of the products used every day that have had a seriously detrimental effect on literally millions of people.

There are several products being promoted as either healthy or unhealthy and used or avoided depending upon the recommendations being shouted out as truth in the commercials. Two of the many items are fluoride and cholesterol.

Fluoride in water, toothpaste and other dental products is promoted as something that helps to prevent tooth decay. The advertisers are only saying what they have been told themselves so they aren’t to blame. The truth, unbiased truth, not lies from the manufacturer is that yes fluoride may possibly help in preventing decay, but the amount of fluoride on a toothbrush is about 34 times the necessary amount to do that. This amount of fluoride if swallowed by a small child could kill the child…yes kill a small child, so this is  seriously dangerous and should be avoided. On top of this the fluoride is actually sodium fluoride which is a by-product of aluminium smelting. In the USA the sodium fluoride is imported from China, the Chinese wouldn’t put into their dental products and certainly not their water. I’ll not go on about the many other detrimental effects this has but I seriously recommended that you do your own research and not listen to what is being said by the manufacturers.

Cholesterol and anti cholesterol drugs, I think this annoys me more than anything else. The drug companies for years have been making billions by selling this lie. The truth is that about 40% of cholesterol in the body is actually made by the liver. The human body has got to be the most incredible thing, a million times more advanced than the most up to date leading edge computer. So why would it make cholesterol? It makes it because it’s the second biggest natural detoxifying substance in the body, albumin being the first. It’s there to protect you, it’s there to break down and destroy toxins. But based on very old and very wrong research that says it’s cholesterol that’s causing health problems, this research is almost laughable it’s so wrong. What’s happening is the contaminants and toxins that have been consumed in nutritionless  and adulterated foods are causing serious problems then cholesterol goes in to destroy it. When people have heart attacks or strokes the misinformed doctors say the cholesterol levels are high so that’s why the person died. But in reality the drugs prescribed by the doctor has prevented the cholesterol from doing its God given job.

Look at the statistics for accidents on the road, at every accident there was always an ambulance present, so statistically if you remove all ambulances there would be fewer accidents, no I don’t think so.

The title of this post is Guilty…but it’s really guilty by association.

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How hard could it be…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


When I stop and spend time in thought about my intentions, on paper it sounds quite straightforward, but being healthy and wealthy isn’t quite as easy when there are some serious obstacles in the way. Firstly and probably the biggest obstacle is a little matter of a disease 99% of doctors around the world would say is incurable. I suppose they have a legitimate argument when you look at the conversion rate from sick to healthy. Ok it’s a big obstacle but as it says, it’s an obstacle not an insurmountable obstacle but certainly one that could be difficult.

Now the remaining problems are all associated with the first, getting a well paid job in my condition is just not going to happen. I mean being able to actually work for anything more than two or three minutes at a time doesn’t pay well.

I have no financial assets, no car, I’m in a rented flat, I’m on disability benefits. Not looking good so far but the one factor not being taken into consideration is who we’re talking about.

The title of this post is “How hard can it be” the answer is simple, impossible unless your name is Stefan and that’s mine so watch this space and be prepared to be amazed…

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


As we go through our lives the are numerous phases or stages, obviously they can be looked back on as either good, bad or whatever. As we get older I think most people would say they enjoyed their 20’s or 30’s best, I mean that was when you may have been at your fittest or healthiest or maybe when you had more freedom or less stress. Whatever your reason, it was a part or phase of your life. It wasn’t your life per se, it was part of it.

The way I see it was yes my 20’s  and 30’s was probably the time when I was at my physical best, probably less available cash with kids, wife and mortgage. But it was just a part of this incredible life  so far, there is and will be so many more adventures and experiences that I just can’t even imagine right now.

The time I came back to England and lived alone in a flat, a nice one but still a flat (apartment) in Worksop is a stepping stone. This isn’t what I am, ok yes I do have (it) and I do live here but it’s not where I’m going, this is a very small part of the adventure that is my life. I started in Liverpool in 1955, where and when it will end I don’t know but what I do know is that when I look back at the end I’ll be able to say quite confidently that this was an amazing journey.

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