Finding ways.

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


The constant battle of life is a trial, always searching for ways of improving the quality of a very basic lifestyle is a pain in the butt. Because of who I am, as in Stefan the stubborn scouser I have to do what I do, never accepting the diagnosis of incurable and it’ll only get worse. But in some ways I’m seeing this as a challenge and in a very weird way I’m enjoying it…. It’s very rewarding to see myself as winning this battle, I know it’s a constant effort just to do the most basic of everyday things but the small and ever so subtle improvements I’ve been experiencing lately are making me smile, I’m a little strange I know but as I mentioned earlier, I’m Stefan the stubborn scouser…

I talked about the Thyroid gland and it’s role in controlling a multitude of functions in the body, the D3 cream I’m applying every day is certainly helping. Over the past month I have tried applying it in smaller and larger doses, at various times of day and multiple sites on my body.

The thyroid gland is located at the base of the neck, lately I’ve applied around 40,000 I.u.’s three times per day to address the thyroid at the front od my neck and parathyroid at the back. On Wednesday I also applied it on the legs and last night I felt really good.

I did the same this morning and hopefully the improvements will continue.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


In the past I was always pleased about the fact that I very rarely got cold, I’d often still be wearing shorts in winter. I remember when I worked in the I.T. industry and had to travel around the country on business, once I was getting fuel on my way up north, I would often wear shorts and t-shirt then stop before my appointment and change into my suit.

I was filling the car, it was a cold winters morning, a guy walked past a looked at me dressed like a summers day, he shook his head and asked what planet I was from.

I loved summer especially when I could be out in the sunshine, the heat didn’t bother me either.

I’m saying this because now I seem to shiver when it’s a little chilly even at home and I’ve mentioned how the heat, even mildly like we’ve had in England, I become frighteningly weak. There’s been days when it’s been a little chilly so I’ve worn a sweatshirt or fleece. Only to find it really difficult to stand let alone walk.

Ok to get to the point, the Thyroid gland has a multitude of functions, two specifically are it’s role in controlling body temperature!!!! So about a month or two back I started to take a very low dose of levothyroxine. I hate taking any pharmaceutical drug so I spent a lot of time today researching natural thyroid support.

I came across lots of research on natural thyroid support with several testimonials of one particular product comparing the results to synthetic pills in a very favourable way so with some more digging I found it and ordered.

Now I know I have MS and I know this isn’t going to cure me, I’m not delusional but the under active thyroid or hypothyroidism is exacerbating this already hideous disease., and my thoughts are that improving the gland that controls hundreds of essential activities could possibly improve my everyday existence.

 It was almost like a light was switched on in a dark room, I’ll keep you updated on my progress.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


It’s so frustrating when I’m feeling very good mentally and in my own way , physically and to then to get a bolt from the blue…

I woke early this morning and had my usual 90 minute soak in a warm bath with magnesium chloride. It would probably drive most people round the bend to just lay in a warm bath for an hour and a half. But the mag chloride is really helpful to me so I do it a couple of times each week and meditate.

Anyway after my soak I covered myself with vitamin d3 cream before getting ready to go to my sister Suzie’s for Sunday lunch. Suzie picked me up and drove me to her place 25 mins away. When we arrived Stewart met us and explained the whole village was “cut off” so no electricity meant no food, so Stu drove me home.

Obviously no Sunday lunch was disappointing as he’s a brilliant cook, but the main frustration was because even though I’d felt great in the morning by midday my body was frighteningly weak in fact my left leg refused to work at all.

Fortunately by mid afternoon and lots of water I was almost back to being just sick not totally incapable so much happier.

Then Suzie and Stu brought my Sunday lunch over and it was absolutely yummy.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Looking back on my life so far, and it’s nowhere near over yet, I’m happy to say that there are lots of things I’ve done and places I’ve been to but I feel that there are probably four very specific milestones that I can say “yes, I’m very happy and proud about.

Firstly that I spawned two beautiful kids, regardless that for some unbeknownst reason to me that they’ve chosen to ignore me, but I still do and will always love them.

Secondly I’m really proud of the ten plus years of skydiving. Just the incredible experiences and being part of what was then the British record 60 way.

Thirdly, being the Client Service Director for the  late Dr Hal Huggins who was then the world leading authority in biological dentistry. During a three and a half year period I feel truly blessed to have significantly helped thousands of people and played a major part in saving the lives of three people. In some ways that time that was the most rewarding time of my life.

The fourth is an on going thing, as you know I was diagnosed with MS in 2004. Since 07 I’ve been very actively involved in not just surviving but searching for an answer. It’s very much a never ending battle but one I will never give up on.

I think life presents everyone with challenges, some people can look back and say they faced their challenges and dealt with them but then there are others that have just given up.

I’ve been lucky to have had the mindset to accept a challenge and give it my best shot, some have resulted in significant milestones in life so far. The biggest challenge I’ve had will , I believe will be the most significant and important milestone, the on going fourth.

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Transport system..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I take liquid chlorophyll daily, in fact I’m now drinking 2 litres of filtered water with it, along with another 2 ½ litres of water during the day. I’m sure to some people it might seem a little “out there” but not having so much water plays havoc on my body.

I use the chlorophyll specifically because of the potential benefits it has and how it might make a difference to me, I’ll explain my thinking.

Firstly, as I’ve mentioned before our blood has a very important role role in keeping us alive and when it’s given the correct nutrition it will transport it to the relevant organs in the body. Within the blood are red and white cells, the white is essentially our immune system and the red is comprised of many components. Hemoglobin is part of it that does several things such as being the main transport system for nutrition and oxygen amongst other things.

OK now back to chlorophyll, when looked at on a cellular level, chlorophyll and hemoglobin are almost identical, this being the case my thoughts are that adding to human hemoglobin has got to be helpful. Providing the body with a better chance of distributing the necessary oxygen in the form of oxyhemoglobin and nutrition has got to be helpful, fingers crossed..   

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No doubt…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I truly believe that my efforts at searching and trying various supplemental options will at some point pay dividends. It obviously can be and has been a frightening experience, I will read certain research that’s been done or do myself about a natural supplement or vitamin or herb and if I feel I can justify using it then I try it. Some results are going to be either positive or negative, I think it’s quite obvious that the majority will either have no effect or a negative effect on me. But occasionally something I try actually helps, at this time after many years and countless trials I feel more optimistic about what I’m currently doing than in previous years.

The Mighty90 is a very specific organic blend of 90 vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, liquid chlorophyll and mega doses of vitamin d3 cream.

It’s very difficult to document specific improvements as they can vary from day to day but looking at the big picture, I have to go on an overall feeling. Based on this I truly believe that I’m slowly but surely stopping the disease from progressing in my body. Time will tell if reversing the effects of 17 years with MS can actually be possible.

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Best ever…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Although I have what the medical experts say is an incurable disease, that in itself should make any sane person a little depressed and despondent. But as many who have known me as a friend or relation you probably will know I’m not your average everyday ho hum run of the mill person, said care of “The Princess Bride”.

I personally see myself as quite an extraordinary person, I’ve so far done more than most people will ever do, skydive, hang glide, scuba diver, mountain biker, rock climber and pilot, I also did lots of jet skiing, and was only 5 or 6 lessons short of my helicopter rating. So up to this point which is my 61st year on earth I am happy to have “lived”.

But I want to stress that this isn’t over yet, I actually think and honestly believe that my 6th decade will be my best ever, so believe me when I say it ain’t over till the fat lady sings and she’s going to have laryngitis for at least the next 25 years.

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Taken for granted..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

It’s strange how just being alive and more importantly Healthy.. Is taken for granted!!

We wake in the morning and open our eyes, we breath, we move around, we eat, drink, speak and the thousands of other things we do and just accept.

If we have a headache, we take a pill!! That’ll make it better so there’s nothing to worry about. Some get hay fever every year so just have allergy pills, it seems that taking a pill or medicine for anything and everything has become “the norm”.

Do we ever think about the 15 million plus breath’s we take each year? What actually happens to the air we breath, by the way the air is really 79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. The blood running through our body isn’t just “red stuff”, it’s a very complex fluid made up of red and white cells. The red has around 150 ish components that all have a very specific role to play. The white cells are essentially your immune system, the lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils are different levels of protection, the lymphocytes are basically the local Bobby right up to the basophils being the nuclear bombers.

I say this because since I went to work for the Late, Dr Hal Huggins in 07 I stopped being being one with the Health, taken for granted people and studied Dr Huggins and many other leaders in natural health.

Being in a not so healthy condition has totally changed my attitude to life in general, I look upon foods and medicine with a critical eye. Seeing how the companies that produce product to be consumed have utilised the advertising giants to mislead and basically lie about the health benefits of nutritionally bereft fodder. This money grabbing attitude with no consideration for people, quite frankly pisses me off (sorry).

At the end of the day, “You are what you eat”, if you eat cardboard with an artificial flavouring added to it, it’s still cardboard irrespective of the taste.

The many organs in your body, the millions of enzymes and 37 trillion cells will over time fail to do the jobs they were designed to do, don’t complain to your local GP and take another pill to address the symptom, change what you eat to fix the cause..  

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Continuous research into the pro’s and con’s of various foods and supplements and how they specifically help or hinder my progress along the road to recovery, is as I’m sure you all can appreciate, quite demanding and challenging. I will read about research that has been done by researchers in the field of natural medicines and then do my own due diligence. This is often done by searching for second opinions and justification of said improvements, then the sometimes painful or positive personal trial by taking the food or supplement.

A good friend of mine that I’ve mentioned before, Echoe LaCaille who has researched supplements to a far deeper level than any I’ve previously come across.

A month or so back she extolled the benefits of using mega doses of Vitamin d3 cream, I say megadoses because most research has shown that a daily dose of 400 to 600 iu’s is the correct daily dose. Echoe’s recommendation is to use the cream  in 40,000 i.u’s daily dose.

I started about 4 weeks ago and have steadily increased the dose to around 40,000 i.u’s  and I can honestly say that this is making a difference in a positive way.

Taking any supplement orally means it has to go through many stages before it can be truly metabolised, conversely the cream is absorbed through the skin which is the body’s largest organ and quickly metabolised and directed to the hundred’s of enzymes and organs that have not been able to function correctly.

However it must be understood that to go from not enough to enough will not result in an immediate resolution of the many problems that have been caused. It takes time and consistency before the minor improvements become permanent.

I am doing this to help myself because the world of medicine has consistently maintained that myself and the millions of other MS sufferers have no hope for the future.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I truly amaze myself, there are times when I am so proud of myself for the things I’ve done, how I’ve helped others, I’m referring to my past life in Colorado. But occasionally as I’ve researched and tried things, supplements or activities that have significantly improved my situation.

And then there are times like yesterday…  I’ve written in my diary and my blog about specific foods that my body has reacted badly to. So why oh why do I stupidly ignore my own experiences and personal warnings.. why? Because I’m a plonker!!!!

Rice and Quinoa and eggs tastes so good but I’ve had some bad reactions in the past so having it yesterday (my choice) was not silly but a Damn stupid mistake.

By 6pm  I was horribly weak and fell, luckily my rubberized body didn’t break. It’s not really rubberized and I really should learn that my 60 year old body isn’t going to bounce back many more times.

So I’ll tell myself as I’ve done many many times in the past and hopefully the very relevant and important information will be absorbed, assimilated and acted upon so I can avoid damaging this delicate body of mine.

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