Posted by: admin / Category:
Over the last three days I’ve been following a recommendation from a good friend of mine, Echoe is an amazing woman and has got to the the best medical researcher I’ve ever known and I’m not referring to pharmaceutical drugs but genuine natural health products.
The information she’d come across had been done by Harvard, Brigham Young and Johns Hopkins so this had been done by three well respected university’s.
Vitamin D3 is incredibly beneficial to the human body, being able to get it absorbed and metabolized in large doses is extremely difficult. So when research was done and the effects proven using Vitamin D3 cream this has been quite incredible to say the least.
What isn’t well known is that vitamin d3 is an absolute necessity for more than 2,000 Genomes to function correctly. A Genome is the complete composition of every organism in the body, cells, DNA etc.
It’s been accepted that small amounts like 400 to 600 I.U.’s( international units) are the general requirement, but the research has shown mega doses of 40,000 + I.U.’s is making massive differences in people suffering with an autoimmune disease.
As I said I’ve been trying this and definitely feeling better. Because getting hold of AnuMed vit d3 cream is difficult I’ve been restricted to much lower dosage so far. My high dose cream won’t get here for a couple of weeks so I’ll have to use smaller doses in the meantime.
Needless to say I’m very excited and optimistic.
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Posted by: admin / Category:
I wonder sometimes about my attitude towards my health, I know that I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis officially in 2004 and that I’d been experiencing symptoms since 1997. So I’ve been sick for nearly one third of my life, but I honestly believe I will beat this so called incurable disease.
If I look at it logically, looking at the facts laid out by the medical fraternity then I should just accept their diagnosis but in my head knowing what I was taught by Dr Huggins and all I’ve read by the foremost alternative health professionals then staying sick is not an option.
I will keep trying, I will keep reading and using my knowledge and experience of body chemistry re-balancing to restore my health.
Yes I’ve been sick for nearly ⅓ of my life, but i’ve done and seen so much in the first 43 years that has ingrained my desire to live life and not to simply exist.
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Posted by: admin / Category:
Saturday 16th
Well as I said yesterday that the only thing I could think of that was possibly making me extremely weak in the latter part of the day was the Hemp seeds. So I didn’t have them today and it was no surprise to me that I felt much better especially from midday onwards. I didn’t have the same weakness or at least nothing like yesterday so needless to say I’ll not be taking them again.
Sunday 17 th. Frightening..
I say this because I think today I’ve felt stronger and more capable than at anytime in the last 4 years and the fear is that this is only temporary.
I’ve been using the Youngevity supplements although a smaller than recommended dose purely from a cost point. So I added a similar product called OptiMen at 2 tabs 3 times daily. I also stopped taking the Hemp seeds, since this change I’ve felt really good.
Today is only the 2nd day so we’ll see how things go tomorrow.
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Posted by: admin / Category:
Friday 15 th April.
The worst thing about being sick and trying to learn how I can get better by trying different supplements and foods is that the wrong food or supplement can and often does have a horrendous effect on me.
For instance today as well as most of the past week I’ve been really weak as the day wore on. But today was the worse its been in weeks.
I’ve wracked my brain thinking of what it could be and the only thing I can come up with is the Hemp seeds..
I’ve been having a teaspoon of them with my supplements so tomorrow I’ll not have them and see if there’s any improvement.
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