Posted by: admin / Category:
I sometimes wonder how I’m perceived by other people, it doesn’t bother me particularly it’s just a thought that I have now and then when I write an article, especially one that goes against the general understanding of the public.
In 2007 I was employed in a senior role for who then was the world leading authority in biological dentistry, he had developed methods to correct the body chemistry of some people suffering from what was perceived as an incurable disease. Now obviously every person is unique so his work was specifically tailored to each individual. His success rate was as high as 86% which I’m sure you’ll agree is rather amazing, even when not actually curing he often improved the quality of their lives.
I was fortunate to have learned a great deal from his tireless teaching and for that I feel very honoured and blessed. One of the area’s he felt very strongly about was how something that is perceived as a necessity to life, and that’s sugar. He explained in depth to me how dangerous this is and how it is directly responsible for so many health problems that mankind is suffering with today.
I’ve tried to share my concerns by telling anybody and everyone that will listen, my Blog www.ratherbehealthy.com has been running for several years and has had more than 1.4 million hits so lots of people see what I write.
Going back to my initial thoughts about how I’m perceived, in the last few months it seems that the danger of sugar has now become a buzzword when it comes to health. There are TV programs and ad’s in magazines and now possibly a sugar tax. I don’t think of myself as someone special just as someone very fortunate to have known such an incredible man as Dr Hal Huggins.
Please don’t dismiss or dis-count the hype about the poison otherwise know as sugar, I’ve been writing about the toxic effects of it for years, it is simply a killer…
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Posted by: admin / Category:
It’s so surprising when during a period of good things happening that a small distraction can lead to a total collapse in the improvements. Thankfully that total collapse was just a temporary thing but a massive reminder to stick with what I know is good and to not deviate.
This is referring to my Mighty90 supplements and my love of raw milk, the supplements have for the last 5 or so weeks been changing my life in such a positive way. The Raw milk has undeniable benefits over conventional irradiated nutritionally bereft pasteurized milk. At one point in my life about 5 years ago I was drinking 3 1/2 gallons of it per week. Until I became lactose intolerant, so trying it again seemed to have little or no bad reactions, until last night.
After a half pint at 6.30 I felt a little weak in my legs so I just finished my water for the night and decided to go to bed about 7.45. Moving about seemed very difficult so I very carefully tried to walk but my left leg stayed planted to the floor. The big problem was that the upper part of me thought I was walking, this resulted in a similar crash to one I had a few months ago. Fortunately I only hurt my butt and pride and nothing else.
It’s 8.30 am and the bad effects appear to have gone so back to my supplements and no more milk, which had been my own choice, my bad…
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Posted by: admin / Category:
Day 36 of the Mighty 90 and it’s just getting better, over the past few weeks I’ve been riding the exercise bike every other day. Obviously after exercise everybody is going to need a 24 hour recovery period especially if there has been expressly strenuous differences to what is considered normal.
In my case knowing my normal to be getting up and furniture walking around the flat then actual exercise is extremely strenuous and fatigues my body greatly so a 24 hour recovery is essential.
Today I managed to ride non stop for 6 ½ minutes which is brilliant, as I’ve said before, immediately afterwards my legs are like jelly and I shuffle back to the couch and flop down. There was no difference today immediately after but now only 2 hours later I’m feeling good and feel comfortable writing this whereas normally I’d feel very weak and uncoordinated.
So this group of essential fatty acids, amino acids, minerals and vitamins collectively know as The Mighty 90 is changing my life for the better.
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