Lies….blatant lies..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I am always surprised, no, shocked by the way food companies can blatantly lie to the public about foods that are supposedly healthy when in reality are the exact opposite. Case in point is to do with yogurt that is claiming to help you indulge in a healthy treat by being “fat free” and helping you to lose weight.

OK they are telling you something that is partly true, yes it is fat free but it’s not healthy. Reducing the fat is not actually good, eliminating Trans fats is good but the fact is the body needs healthy fats for a multitude of reasons. The advertisers constantly harp on about cholesterol as being the number 1 reason for heart attacks which is another blatant lie. Cholesterol is truly helpful for the body, 25% of the dry weight of the brain is cholesterol, 23% of the cell membrane of the red blood cells is cholesterol, without it the cells couldn’t flex and contort to get through the miniscule capillaries which would result in heart attack or stroke.

Another lie and possibly the worst is that yes it is fat free but what they aren’t saying is that it’s high in sugar and sugar is the worst of the worst, sugar is as addictive as cocaine,

All carbohydrates are converted into sugar in the body, some sugar is then used as energy, theres a very complicated process that takes place and when done correctly and enables the body to burn up sugars. But the excess sugar is converted into triglycerides and are stored, not always but often around the hips and belly resulting in the often seen and referred to “Love handles” and “Front butt”.


If one looks at the average body shape of men and women today then compare to the average of men and women 50 years ago you’ll notice huge differences. Yes there were overweight people but not as many, now it seems perfectly acceptable to be not just a few pounds or kilos overweight but a couple of stones or 20 kilos overweight. Now it’s considered normal to be unhealthy and natural to be taking medicines for the allergy or sniffle or constant headache.

I think a very large percentage of people seem to think that it’s acceptable to not feel good.

Just look around you, take a few minutes to think about your family and friends, are there some that you think of as nice people but a little strange because they don’t eat or drink the same as you, they have to eat “special foods” or don’t drink Coke, I mean who doesn’t drink Coke… Then consider if they seem to be healthy, you might say yes they are slim or not overweight but I’d rather eat and drink what I like, when I like not be so fussy.

Well by avoiding the sugar laden foods and drink you aren’t putting your body under great stress and enabling it to do what it was designed to do and not be constantly battling with the crap being shovelled into your body.

Your body sends you a signal to let you know when it needs food, the problem that’s developed over the years is that very little foods have actual nutrition in them. The body sends you the signal which should be that it needs nutrition not just bulk to fill your belly. You then eat something tasty that fills you and quells the desire but in reality it’s not had what it needs, nutritious foods so a short time passes and you eat again and wonder why you gain weight.

I’m a strong believer in how the nutrition in foods have steadily been depleted, partly through farming techniques and the developments made by the pharmaceutical giants. There is so much money to be made by using cheaper materials, fillers etc to bulk up the size and weight of foods. The public think they’re getting more for their money and see these things as bargains when in reality the quality of the food is so inferior to 50 years ago. Then people spend a little to buy a product that has apparently been “enriched” but all it is is it hasn’t had as much nutrition removed, if the nutrition naturally found in natural organically grown foods were still there, the people of this world would live far healthier lives. This is a problem for Food, Pharmaceutical, Insurance, Medical, Advertising  and Insurance giants that make ridiculous and disgusting profits from the ill health of mankind…

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Five hopes..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I think that everyone has an imagination, a list of things in their mind that are accepted as fictitious and imaginary but also secretly believed to be possible in a strange way. I mean why go to the movies to watch Stallone kick Apollo Creed’s butt or overcome overwhelming odds as Rambo if these things were not actually possible. It’s a form of escape that we all like to indulge in when getting lost in a book that can and often does move us to tears..

Winning against all odds is the best feeling ever….


I’m sure a very large percentage of “ordinary people” like to think of themselves in a heroic way, when faced with horrible things we all know we would go to extremes to protect our child… nothing would stop us from saving our baby, we’d take a bullet or stand in front of a speeding train if we had to.

So why oh why do the same people simply accept when the so called medical professionals say there is nothing that can be done.


In my case, the medical professionals told me I have an incurable disease, in fact last year a neurologist actually looked me in the eye and said I was stage 4 MS and there was nothing that could be done for me….I should just accept that things could only get worse.


That’s when my Rocky Balboa and John Rambo came out, that’s when I knew in my heart of hearts that the doctor had five hopes of her being right and me accepting defeat, and they were Bob Hope, Periscope, Antelope,  Envelope and NO HOPE…


I will win, I will beat this so called incurable disease, it might take several more years but it will happen, I’ve done more in my life so far than the majority of people will ever do but there’s so much more to do, I don’t have a bucket list per se because the bucket big enough hasn’t been built.


This last week has been huge for me, the improvements I’ve been experiencing are huge in my world, I’m more optimistic and confident than I’ve been for a long time.

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New book…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I think most of my readers and Twitter followers will know I wrote a book which primarily is about dentistry and the potential dangers this involves. I think the majority of people don’t like their dental visits for obvious reasons but probably 99.9% have no idea that a lot of dentists can cause serious health problems by doing what they believe is safe and helpful

Up until a few years ago, maybe ten years, most dentists worldwide still honestly believed that an Amalgam filling was safe, some actually believed they were good. I’m certain that they would never have told a patient that it wasn’t “silver” as most people were lead to believe, they wouldn’t have told you that the silver content was 8 or 10% at most or that more than 50% was actually Mercury..

Mercury is the Most Toxic Non Radioactive Substance on Earth and these people put it into your teeth, yes they told you if you asked them that it was encapsulated in the tooth so it was perfectly safe, oh yes and “the cheque is in the mail”…a likely story.


I’ve started a second book albeit another short ebook and this will cover my two biggest pet hates told by the medical profession, Cholesterol and Fluoride..

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Bucket list..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The thought of becoming totally immobile and unable to move or do anything for myself is terrifying but that is how it can feel on occasions with MS. There have been days when I’ve stupidly indulged in a food eaten by almost everyone reading this, an innocuous thing like pizza or cereal. Probably 90% of the population will not experience any bad reaction or if they do it will be minor and ignored. But for me and other MS sufferers that have become gluten, lactose and sugar intolerant these food stuffs cause significant or severe problems. So my life requires me to avoid them and in the main I do without too much of a problem.

A few months ago I had a horrible reaction to eating granola, now most people will not have any adverse side effects from eating what is perceived by many to be a healthy breakfast, the problem I made and yes it was my own stupid mistake was to not look at the ingredients. This list clearly showed that each portion had more than 26 grams of sugar and I had two individual sachets for my evening meal. I thought initially that it would be ok to have two to replace my evening meal. That wasn’t just a big mistake it very nearly killed me, no I’m not exaggerating, it did. The next day I was unable to stand even with help, at one point I couldn’t lift my head and I was face down.

So thats when I felt like I was living in a body that I had absolutely no control over, I was able to think clearly, move my eyes and swallow but anything else, any physical movement was nigh on impossible.

So constantly looking and trying to fix me is my only priority, there are supplements I try and understand that these things don’t “fix” me, its not a case of swallowing a pill and feeling good, this is something that may have subtle improvements noticeable by me over several months.

After several years of trying various things, some of which may have helped others but not necessarily me have been dropped but over the past six months or so I think that I’m experiencing more positives than negatives. So I’m sticking with the 6 or 7 that appear to be working.

Using myself as a guinea pig can be frustrating and time consuming but at the end of the day it’s me that lives in this body and this body has a lot more places to go and things to do before Stefan has completed his bucket list…

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So lucky…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Essentially I’m a happy person, I’m happy and so grateful for all I have, especially after the final traumatic year in Colorado. I’d spent several years involved in helping others while working for a truly great man. There is no doubt in my mind that I didn’t intend to go there and work for him but I know it was where I was meant to be. So although I have what is perceived to be an incurable disease I can look back at my life so far and say ”wow” I made a difference to thousands of people. People that needed something very important to their lives at that time. So knowing that makes me very happy and as I said yes I’m sick but…..I made a difference and that has been so fulfilling in my life.

Every day it’s difficult for me to move around, I’m in pain 24/7 but, big deal !!! I have all I need to get by, I’ve the best mother the best sister and an amazing niece, three beautiful women in my life that I will forever be grateful to.

So I’m happy, grateful and so very very lucky…

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