Filling free…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

So the strange thing was after the two fillings were replaced my wife almost immediately noticed changes, she said it was like a hood was lifted from her head. I personally noticed a significant change in her personality, she was almost back to the woman I’d fallen in love with and married.

I suppose this was when my interest in what was being done to everyone that had had those fillings in their teeth. I called Huggins again and talked with Stefan. It seemed strange to me to be asking him so many questions, getting answers and wanting to scream at the doctors and dentists that had obviously been lying to me and Susan, my wife.

Over the coming months I must have bought ten books written by Dr.Huggins or Dr.Levy or both… I became very passionate about health in general which encouraged me to take my nutritionist qualification.

During the period between June 08 thru Feb 2011 I think I talked with Stefan, specifically on 14 occasions, some of my calls lasted nearly an hour, it amazed me how he’d spend the time helping me. I’m sure Doc wasn’t too happy about it but that’s just who Stefan was.

I only learnt recently that Doc is no longer with us.. R.I.P. Doc you were a good man. And Stefan I wish you all the best of luck now you are back over the pond in the UK, take care my friend and if you are ever over here in California you know Susan and I would love to see you.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

To carry on my experience of Dr Huggins and Stefan Cairns, as I mentioned earlier my wife had been struggling with what the doctor’s told her was a problem that was “all in her head”. In other words the lethargy and mood swings couldn’t possibly be anything else as she was only in her late 20’s (I’ve been warned that a woman’s age especially my wife’s is no-one else’s business) so late 20’s will suffice.

Dr.Huggins explained the problem was actually the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth!! you can imagine the look on our faces when he said that. Complete and utter confusion, I explained that we were both very conscious of additives in foods and household cleaners etc so our house was almost devoid of those things. The next question was almost rhetorical asking, no stating that the fillings she’d had were those “silver” one’s not white resin fillings. We both tutted and rolled our eyes saying why would that make any difference at all. Doc then went to great length explaining what the “silver” fillings really were. Neither of us knew that they were really mainly mercury with other heavy metals that included a small percentage of silver. Those people (some dentists) are not nice at all in fact in my opinion they are either stupid or evil.Shortly after the consultation we made an appointment to see the dentist.

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First meeting..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I want to start this post by firstly thanking Stefan Cairns for the wealth of experience he so graciously shared with my wife and I,

I first contacted Huggins Applied Healing in the summer of 2008 and although my early conversations with Stefan seemed to result in strong differences of opinion bordering on arguement I was soon to learn he was telling the truth and what I thought I knew to be the truth wasn’t.

My wife had been having several health issues that seemed to baffle my family doctor and several clinic’s we’d visited here in southern California. A good friend of mine in Simi Valley knew a Naturopath who knew a biological dentist who was in the elite Huggins Alliance of Huggins trained dentist’s. Hence my call to this organization called Huggins Applied Healing and my first contact with Stefan. After a lengthy conversation with this opinionated Brit I eventually agreed to a telephone consultation with Dr. Huggins who was always referred to as “Doc”.

Needless to say the views of Doc were 180 degrees from traditional western medical practitioners and it took several weeks for my wife and I to accept his words as the truth.


Stefan has suggested I keep this reasonably short this time and write again over the weekend.

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Guest writer…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Several years ago while working for the late and great Dr Hal Huggins I would take  literally hundreds of calls each week. Some of those would become client’s, some patients and some friends.

One of those I talked with three or four times each year providing information that proved to be very helpful in his and his wife’s life, specifically their health. My connection encouraged them to delve deeper into natural healing so much so that he recently qualified as a nutritionist.

I received an email this morning explaining how their lives have changed for the better, now their improvements are not purely down to me however I do feel quite proud of the fact that I was able to share the knowledge and experience from “Doc” with them that enabled them to move forward so positively.

One of his questions was if he could be a guest writer on my blog, my answer of course was yes, so in the next few days I’ll be posting some of his work. Because of what he does and his employer he’s asked me to leave his name out

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Looking good..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Since a good friend of mine who is the most prolific researcher ever, obviously I don’t know every researcher but she is amazing and I know I have a lot to thank her for, well she sent a great deal of information about MSM and then SAM-e which I’ve previously mentioned. These two sulphur based minerals have been shown in detailed studies to be very influential to the improvement in MS patient’s.

Well so far I’m a month into MSM (6,000mg daily) and 6 days of 400 iu’s of SAM-e, the changes I’m seeing are in my opinion quite wonderful, the obvious improvements like balance and strength are quite special.

Not having to drink so much water is having a great  psychologically improvement, not having to get up and shuffle to the loo so  often is great.

A small change although huge to me happened this morning while in bed, I stretched my legs, no, I’ve done that before….no I could actually feel my toes spread out. Now that probably seems like nothing to you but to me not being able to consciously feel my toes for the past ten years, this was nothing short of incredible…

So optimism is rife in my mind..

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On going improvements…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Ongoing improvements is a good thing for me to be saying, even nicer to actually be feeling and experiencing them. As I’ve said on numerous occasions before, they are small subtle improvements but when the medical professionals tell you all that’s going to happen is that you’ll slowly but surely get worse, so feeling stronger is brilliant. Actually most days I don’t actually feel any better but I definitely don’t feel any worse so in my book that’s good.

Since I started taking the Salt tablets I don’t need to have as much water which initially worried me because it’s frightening how weak I’d get if I didn’t drink almost a gallon of water each day. The water was always with either Himalayan crystal salt or Bicarbonate of soda, obviously the amount of salt in the water was nowhere near the amount in the salt caps. The caps are SaltStick caps and have 550 mg of sodium chloride.
I think the regimen I’ve been on for the past month has filled me with true hope and inspiration, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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