Dear parents, are you being lied to..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I came across a post last week entitled “Dear Parents, you are being lied to. “ In it the author attempted to essentially tell parents who choose not to vaccinate that they are wrong, victims of a deceitful web of lies, and the equivalent of “vaccine preventable disease receptacles.” I was so hoping this article would not be popular because to be honest, I didn’t want to address the flaws in her argument (where does one start?) and I certainly didn’t want to increase her blog traffic.

But reading that article was like dangling a carrot in front of a ravenous rabbit or a carcass in front of a starving wolf. Okay, maybe it’s more like throwing a red flag at an attorney (can someone say charge!). Either way, this article got shared, and posted on my wall, and posted on other walls, and people began to wonder “Are we being lied to?” Well, yes…you are…if you actually believe what you read in that article.

Here is how the article should have read:
Dear Parents,

You are being lied to. There are pharmaceutical companies who claim to be acting in the best interests of your children, but they’re putting your health and even lives at risk for the sake of profits. There are some doctors, who, despite not being trained on the history of, lack of science behind, adverse reactions, or additives in vaccinations, refuse to read the package inserts and contrary scientific evidence, and do not inform you of the true risks of a vaccine so you can make an educated decision. You’re being lied to…because you’re told you’re just a parent, and you don’t have a say.

They say that measles is a deadly disease. But it’s not…unless you look at a fact sheet from the World Health Organization (cited in the opposing article) which looks at measles rates globally. You know what else is deadly in third-world countries? A sneeze. Do you know how measles presents most of the time? A rash.

They say that chickenpox is a big deal. But it’s not.

Before the licensure of the vaccine, only 4 million cases of chicken pox occurred annually and thevaricella mortality rate was only 0.4 deaths per 1 million people. In the 25 years prior to vaccine licensure, only 2,262 people died (about 90 people per year). Let’s put that into perspective…more than1,000 people die every year falling down their stairs and 200 people die each year from accidentally drowning. I think the real epidemic here centers around your staircase.

They say the flu is dangerous. But it’s not.

The data on influenza statistics is a mess. Currently influenza/pneumonia is the 9th leading cause of death. According to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, “influenza and pneumonia” took 62,034 lives in 2001. Most people would hear that number and run out and get a flu shot. Funny how they lump two “illnesses” in together like that. What they should have said was “61,777 people died from pneumonia and 257 from the flu and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.”

Since the flu shot is ineffective and often exposesone to the flu. I’ll opt out and take my chances.

They say the vaccine prevents whooping cough. But it doesn’t. According to the pertussis prevalencedata, incidence of pertussis was decreasing before the licensure of the vaccine in 1949. After licensure pertussis incidences increased, stabilized, and then reached a 50-year high in 2013. (Do check out the lovely chart on p. 64 here). And now, the CDC admits they’ve discovered vaccine-resistant pertussis and that children who receive the vaccine can becomeasymptomatic carriers and spread the bacteria.What? So the vaccine is to blame for the outbreaks occurring in an almost exclusively vaccinated population? I’m shocked (okay, not really).

Here are your real options: increase your child’s chance of getting (and spreading) whooping cough by getting a harmful, ineffective vaccine associated with brain damage (DTP), one that may cause autism and enhances the growth of parapertussis bacteria, which can cause a typically milder strain of whooping cough (DTaP) or makes one anasymptomatic carrier (Tdap). No thanks. I don’t want my child to get pertussis (or give it to anyone else) so I’m running as far away as I can from that vaccine.

They give credit to vaccines for eradicating diseases, but they didn’t. 
Polio (licensed in 1955), hepatitis A (1995) and B (1991), mumps (1967),measles (1963), and pertussis (1949), were all on the decline before the vaccines were introduced. Small pox and pertussis ultimately saw an increase in prevalence after the vaccine and rubella and tetanus was practically nonexistent prior to the vaccine.Mortality in all areas with all diseases were significantly decreased before the vaccine came on the scene. Instead of looking at deceptive CDC graphs that give credit where credit’s not due, try plugging in the year of licensure on both prevalence and mortality charts and discover where the decline occurred for yourself. (For prevalence of polio refer to “Incidence of poliomyelitis in the USA from CDC, 1972 and for measles prevalence use

What eradicated and decreased the prevalence of these diseases? Considering “germs only live in environments conducive to their growth,” the stark declines in disease can be attributed to better living conditions, quarantine programs, hygiene, clean water, indoor plumbing, and better access to acute care. But if you want, we can pretend that maggots, parasites, microbes, and other germs don’t respond to changes in their environment. They’d much prefer a clean house to a rotting trash can.

They say vaccination is better than “natural infection.” But they’re wrong.

Yeah, it completely makes sense that we are all born with immune systems that have absolutely no clue how to function. Instead of exposing ourselves to viruses in nature which build our immune systems (like every other mammal) and give us lifetime immunity, we’ll expose ourselves to the mutated, live, and attenuated viruses and harmful additives in a vaccine, that may or may not work, and if it does only affords temporary immunity. Makes complete sense.

They say that vaccines have been rigorously tested for safety and are subjected to a higher level of scrutiny than any other medicine. But they’re wrong.

Medical drug approval is rigorous and requires pre-clinical testing in animals, an application and review, three phases of testing, and another review before it is approved. Studies are usually done with inactive placebos (like a sugar pill or saline solution) to determine side-effects, and then later compared to other treatments for the same disease, but not without passing the prior phase first. The dying cancer patient who did not get into the clinical trial will not get their hands on that experimental drug until it’s licensed and approved. Period.

Vaccine approval is a cake-walk in comparison. Usually two small studies (where test subjects are followed for a mere 5-15 days) are all that a pharmaceutical company needs to have before approval is granted (except in the case of themeningitis vaccine, which is being distributed without a license and is not approved for use in the United States). Most studies are not even done in this country – they are done in other countries and disposable children in Africa. Oh, the CDC conveniently leaves out the part about clinical trials being done with prior vaccines, adjuvants, or complex vaccines.

Indeed, the FDA has never even spelled out in regulations the criteria it uses to decide whether a vaccine is safe and effective for its intended use. –Bruesewitz v. Wyeth LLC

They say doctors readily admit the side effects of vaccinations, that side effects are well-known, and except in very rare cases, are “quite mild.” Actually, most doctors haven’t read the package inserts, don’t inform the patient of side-effects that go beyond “redness, pain, and swelling at the injection site, dizziness, or fainting” and in all actuality, they don’t have to because the U.S Supreme Court exempted physicians and pharmaceutical companies from vaccine liability in their infamous landmark case that declared vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe.”

So the side-effects of a vaccine are “quite mild” but the rash associated with chicken pox isn’t? Tell that to the recipients of rewards from the Vaccine Compensation Injury Act or the parents of children listed on the VAERS database. Yeah, I know you got paralysis, cancer, guillain barre, and your baby died of SIDS but hey…good thing your baby didn’t get that 3-5 day flu people used to get or that ugly red rash.

They say vaccines are safe. But they’re not.

The DTP vaccine caused brain inflammation and death in children. The oral polio vaccine crippled children and adults with vaccine-strain paralytic polio and caused cancer. The pertussis vaccine causes pertussis, the MMR vaccine causes irritable bowel diseases and neurological disorders, the flu shot causes paralysis, and they’re all associated with hundreds of side-effects you can find by reading thepackage inserts, court cases, and studies.

Until vaccines are subjected to double-blind placebo controlled studies using an inert saline solution (the standard of evidence-based medicine) and until the benefits outweigh the risks…they’re not safe.

They say MMR doesn’t cause autism. But it might.

Even the vaccine court has rule that evidence of a causal relationship between autism and MMR exists and that MMR can cause brain encephalopathy leading to permanent brain injury or death. Study after study after study, vaccine inserts,and countless court cases have confirmed this link. I don’t know about you, but I am not a fan of the “inject now worry about it later” mentality and I certainly didn’t choose my stance because I saw an unsubstantiated, inflammatory media attack on Dr. Wakefield. It’s time to stop bashing Wakefield and start addressing autism.

They say thimerosal in vaccines doesn’t cause autism, but it might.

There are over 15,000 articles in the medical literature describing the adverse health effects of mercury exposure on the human body, so it seems logical that one might be concerned. Although thimerosal has been reduced or removed from most vaccines, it is still present in the yearly influenza vaccine (unless you request one without) and was present in three vaccines (DTaP, Hep b, and Hib) all of which either listed autism, brain encephalitis, orneurological damage as possible adverse reactions. Considering the most recent autism statistics are from 2010 and aluminum was the replacement of choice for thimerosal – the verdict is still out. Is replacing something harmful with something harmful any better? We should probably make sure there’s no chance of autism before we go injecting any neurotoxin into our children.

They say a child gets more exposure to aluminum in breast milk and that aluminum is safe. Wrong again.

A minute amount of aluminum (0.04 mg/L) may be present in breast milk (which differs from mother to mother and goes through the digestive tract and easily exits via feces), but 0.1 – 0.5 mg/L is present in each dose of a vaccine and gets carried through the blood stream to be eliminated by the kidneys. That’s alarming considering a baby doesn’t obtain full kidney function until they are 1-2 years old and can’t properly excrete aluminum. So a child gets 49 doses of various vaccines injected into the bloodstream before age 6 and that’s not concerning? Can you say, heavy metal toxicity?

Regardless, there is no logical justification for exposing a baby to more of something that is harmful. Aluminum is classified as a hazardous substance that triggers an immune system pathway response associated with all sorts of chronic medical conditions like allergies, eczema, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, autism, hyperactivity disorders, dysfunctional immune system,neurotoxicity, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, brain encephalopathy, bone disease, and interferes with a variety of metabolic and cellular processes in the nervous system. Here’s a good read on the toxicological profile of aluminum.

They say that claims made to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) and National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) don’t prove vaccines are harmful. But they do.

VAERS is a database that one can go to report an adverse reaction to a vaccine. It is estimated that only 1% of the population actually reports these side-effects. And it’s true, no “cause and effect” relationship has ever been established between the millions of reported side-effects and deaths associated with vaccinations. How convenient, no “cause and effect” relationship was established in the clinical trials either, or on any other pharmaceutical or government-funded study. Doing otherwise would de-regulate the entire billion dollar vaccine industry. Besides, its much easier to blame your child’s brain encephalitis or post-vaccine seizure on the weather anyway.

As for the NVICP, this program was founded because there was so much tort litigation as a result of vaccine injuries that an attempt was made to stabilize the vaccine market. There’s a tax on each vaccine that goes into a fund to pay these claims which a petitioner will not get compensated for unless their condition has no other proven cause but the vaccine. “As of December 1, 2011, the program had awarded $2.35 billion in 2,810 separate claims, including compensation for 390 deaths.” And so many people have reported the development of autism post-vaccine that the Autism Omnibus Proceeding was established to handle these cases.

Even the U.S Supreme Court recognizes vaccines have risks (including death). Let’s get on board guys and stop ignoring the millions of vaccine-injured children who live among us.

They say unvaccinated children put vaccinated children at risk. But they don’t.

Yes, that’s completely logical. How about I take birth control so you don’t get pregnant. Maybe I should run an extra mile too so you can lose weight. Put your burger down…it’s going to go straight to my butt. Seriously, if you’re vaccinated and you believe you’re protected then you have nothing to worry about right?

They say unvaccinated children are causing outbreaks of “vaccine preventable diseases.” But that’s impossible to prove and the opposite could be true. Someone please tell me how one can scientifically prove a disease outbreak is caused by an unvaccinated child, when the “outbreaks” are occurring almost exclusively in the vaccinated population? In some cases, vaccination rates have been at 100%. It’s like trying to figure out which of your 600 cows pooped in the pasture and coming to the ultimate conclusion that the cow poop came from your chicken.

Now…we know from reading the studies and vaccine package inserts that vaccines can cause the very diseases they’re designed to prevent. We know from studies conducted on MMR that some children experience vaccine-strain measles post-vaccination. We know that chicken pox vaccine can cause chicken pox, Tdap can cause outbreaks of pertussis, and the oral polio vaccine caused vaccine-associated paralytic polio. We know that meningitis is a side effect on several package inserts and that the old HiB meningitis vaccine was removed from the market because it caused meningitis. We know that mumps outbreaks have occurred in the fully vaccinated population. And finally, we know that live-virus vaccines like yellow fever, MMR, and varicella shed and that people who get inactivated viral vaccines can become asymptomatic carriers.

Logically and scientifically, I am having a really hard time blaming the chicken for the cow poop.

They say vaccine herd immunity exists. But it doesn’t.

Herd immunity 101: Herd immunity is the belief that if a certain portion of the population becomes immune to a disease the rest of the population will be protected from infection. Sounds great, except herd immunity only applies to diseases derived naturally that give one lifetime immunity. A vaccine is deemed effective if it introduces an antigen but that antigen may not cause an antibody response but if it does, won’t necessarily give one immunity, but if it does, only provides temporary immunity. In other words, effective doesn’t equal protective. You can have the antibodies and still get sick. Major fail.

A.W. Hedrich, founder of the herd immunity concept found that a 68% exposure rate was all that was needed (not 95% as people have been mistakenly led to believe). By that definition, even if herd immunity did apply to vaccinations we should not see outbreaks of any vaccine preventable diseases especially in exclusively vaccinated areas. (For more on herd immunity check out this article and thisbook).

They don’t believe the body’s immune system serves any useful purpose. But it does. They say vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements but they’re not. They say injecting 49 doses of 14 vaccines by age 6 is safe, but it’s not. They believe vaccines are the only way to prevent disease, but it’s not. They say “anti-vaccine activists” aren’t educated and haven’t done their research, but just because one comes to a different conclusion, doesn’t mean they haven’t. They say vaccines are science-based, while ignoring conflicting scientific studies.
So why are they lying to you? Pharmaceutical companies are doing it for profit, and are scared out of their minds of the liability that would fall upon them if vaccines were the admitted cause of any number of medical conditions (think asbestos and tobacco litigation). The government won’t question because of their conflict of interests and profit margin. Some doctors don’t want to admit they’re wrong. Some people are looking for someone to blame. A few people truly think vaccines work and have made their choice but don’t think you have the right to make yours. And some people…hate others who don’t vaccinate more than they hate bad science.

Like the original article suggests, I too encourage you to educate yourself. Of course there are parameters:

First, pretend that there is no split among the scientific community on this issue. Next, pretend that the hundreds of brilliant doctors and researchers who have spoken out against vaccines are all quacks. Then, pretend that vaccines are the only drugs in the world that conveniently have no harmful side-effects. And finally, if you don’t know where to start, look to the media, people who haven’t done their research, and internet blogs that spread nothing but hate towards parents and their unvaccinated children.

As the original article quoted, an astrophysicist once said “The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.” Great quote, but might I point out that sometimes people refuse to acknowledge the real science because of what they believe.

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Option A or B..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Feeling great breathing in the fresh air as you hike along a trail through the forest, it’s a great feeling knowing that all in your life is good, you have a great job, live in a beautiful house with a loving partner.

Nice looking back at the wonderful exciting experiences over the past 25 years while soaking up the beauty of nature surrounding you, you realise that you’ve been so lucky but at the end of the day you’ve worked hard at this. Funny how the harder you’ve worked the luckier you’ve become, well in some peoples eyes that’s the case.

You are hiking along loving what you see around you when you come across a tricky section where there is a steep wet bank sloping down to a fast running river on one side and a steep rocky slope on the other. You know it’s potentially dangerous but as long as you are careful you should be able to negotiate the path running along the ridge, so slowly but carefully you edge along towards the other side. It shouldn’t be a problem and you’ve faced far more dangerous obstacles in your life so far.

Everything seems fine until for some unknown reason your foot slips on a muddy part, your feet both shoot out from under you and you fall awkwardly on your side and begin to slide down what you realise is an extremely slippy slope. Desperately you grasp at plants and rocks, arms and legs flailing about but you are constantly slipping further and further down towards what you know will be your death in the wide fast flowing water.

You manage to stop your descent by grasping onto what looks like a deeply rooted plant, you’ve stopped temporarily and reach for another plant so you can get back up the slope to safety. Then a horrible feeling as the first plant comes loose and the desperation is flashing through your body again, another plant and partly buried rock are in sight so you use your fingertips to hold on even though it seems nigh on impossible.

You hear a voice coming from the side you walked from shouting that they are calling for help, the rescue team will be here soon and everything will be alright. Meanwhile the hold you have by your fingertips has broken so you are sliding again picking up momentum to your certain end.

Then amazingly your foot stops on a protruding rock, this is great, surely now you’ll be able to get into a better position so the rescue team who’ve arrived  will be able to get you out of this. The slow dripping of muddy water is making things very difficult, your clothes are getting very wet and covered in mud making them very heavy and so tiring to move.

The rescue team are there at the top but are shouting to me that the overhanging trees, narrow path and the muddy water is making it impossible to get to me. So what they’ll do is throw some hooks that will enable me to wedge myself against the slope, I won’t be able to get back up but I will be able to slow my descent.

So their plan is not to save me but to slow down my impending death, not acceptable but all thats on offer.


So if this was you, would you A) stay where you are laying flat against the muddy bank waiting for death after your arms and legs have become too tired to hold on any longer, or B) do whatever you can to get back to the top and safety.


OK so this is me…The rescue team or the medical practitioners have told me there is nothing that they or anyone can do for me.

So option A is definitely a big NoNo as far as I’m concerned, option B means that I’m going to do whatever I can, every day I’m going to look for a way back, I’ll try whatever is available, eat whatever I need to, try every unction and potion on God’s green earth until I find a way back to safety.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Very interesting book I’ve read this last week all because I have a theory about my MS. This disease is still very much a confused subject when it comes to the medical community at least so in the western world of allopathic medicine. All disease and illness is treated based on the symptoms each person is experiencing, yes there are minor differences in the medication, actually that sickens me to refer to it as medication when in reality in 99.9% of the cases it’s a pharmaceutical drug to pacify or mask the symptom.


One of the many symptoms of MS that bothers me is the number of times I have to pee, not a big problem but getting up and to the loo is very tiring for me and when it happens 20 or 25 times per day it’s a very tiring pain.

I know I have a hummingbird bladder but what is it thats causing this problem, this made me think about my kidneys, were they partly blocked or just functioning badly and if so why?


During my many hours searching I came across a book called “The Miracle Kidney Cleanse” by Lauren Felts, CN. This I’ve found truly inspirational, yes I knew of the basic kidney functions but he goes into so much depth about the many problems created through poor kidney efficiency.

I want to say so much more but I’ll restrict my ravings until I have a more detailed opinion.

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The shameful power of advertising…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food

I think everyone on the planet will have heard of Mo Farrah, so watching TV if you are in the UK you will I’m sure have seen Quorn advertised by Mo Farrah. I think seeing that incredible athlete promoting Quorn has had a tremendous influence on sales.

You’ll listen to the advertising and be convinced that this synthetic food is healthy and good for you because Mo Farrah is telling everyone that he eats it.  But that very clever advertising is filling your head with as much crap that its made from. 

Read this informative article written by Dr Mercola..



If you want to stay healthy, the simple rule is to avoid processed foods and this is certainly true for meat substitutes. There are a number of meat substitutes on the market, but some appear to be more unsavory than others, in terms of safety.

The Quorn brand meat substitute falls into this category. Quorn is a fungus-based ferment. Its advertised claims include being 75 percent lower in fat and 50 percent lower in calories compared to regular meat. It’s also high in fiber and protein, and low in cholesterol and salt.

That may sound all well and good, but there are lingering questions about its ability to cause severe reactions in some people. In an August 18 press release,1 the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) writes:

“Of the several shortcomings of the Food and Drug Administration’s oversight of food additives exposed in today’s Washington Post,2 none is more glaring than the agency’s lack of curiosity in the safety of Quorn-brand meat substitutes…

The fungus at issue, Fusarium venenatum, had never before been used in human food before it became Quorn. (‘Venenatum,’ inauspiciously, is Latin for poisonous.)”

Adverse Effects Reported

Launched in 1985, Quorn is now sold in 16 countries around the world. It’s been on the US market since 2002.

It was originally developed by one of the largest chemical companies in Great Britain called Imperial Chemical Industries, and this in and of itself could serve as a clue as to its health potential…

The fungus, Fusarium venenatum, is first grown in large fermentation vats, where it is fed with oxygen, glucose, and other nutrients. Once the water is removed, what is left is a paste-like biomass, which is then processed into various food products.

Since its inception, several studies have raised concerns about Quorn’s safety—especially in people with food and/or mold allergies. A CSPI survey also found that mycoprotein is more likely to cause adverse reactions than other common allergenic foods such as shellfish, milk, and peanuts.

So far, CSPI has collected more than 2,000 reports of adverse reactions to Quorn.34 Adverse effects include:

  • Nausea
  • Cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Forceful vomiting
  • Anaphylactic reactions

Two deaths5 are even suspected to have resulted from eating the Quorn brand meat substitute. In a previous post,6 CSPI also noted that an early study done by the manufacturer found that 10 percent of 200 human subjects developed nausea or a stomachache after eating Quorn.

This might be expected if the name of the fungus is in any way indicative of its health effects. After all, the Latin word venenatum means “filled with venom.”

Should You Eat Meat?

While I certainly sympathize with those who choose to abstain from meat for ethical reasons, there isn’t a single meat-substitute on the market that I would recommend, and that includes soy protein, which may even be worse than Quorn.

There are health benefits to eating meat and other animal products that simply have no equivalence in the plant kingdom. However, the KEY is to choose your meat wisely. Doing so can eliminate many of the ethical objections as well.

Animals raised in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are best avoided, both for health and ethical reasons. CAFO cows are fattened for slaughter in gigantic feed lots as quickly as possible (on average between 14 and 18 months) with the help of grains and growth promoting drugs, including antibiotics.

This routine practice, which is done predominantly for financial reasons, has led to the current scourge of antibiotic-resistant disease, which now kills at least 23,000 Americans each year.

Besides raising your risk of antibiotic-resistant disease, regularly consuming small doses of antibiotics is also a surefire way to destroy your gut health, which in turn will have a detrimental effect on your overall health and immune function.

Organically raised, grass-fed or pastured animal products on the other hand can provide valuable nutrients that your body requires for optimal functioning, such as high-quality protein.

Cattle raised on their natural diet of plain grass typically also contain three to five times higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) compared to CAFO cattle. CLA is a valuable nutrient known for its health benefits, from fighting cancer to decreasing insulin resistance and improving body composition.

Grass-fed beef also tends to be leaner, and have higher levels of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It also has a healthier ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats.

But perhaps the most crucial factor that makes grass-fed beef better than CAFO is that it doesn’t contain antibiotics and hazardous growth-promoters, and hasn’tbeen fed genetically engineered and /or glyphosate-contaminated grains.

California Slaughterhouse Charged with Selling Condemned Meat

I firmly believe we have to stop supporting our current CAFO practices for meat production and focus on more health- and environmentally-friendly options. CAFO products really have little if any redeeming value, besides being slightly cheaper at the checkout line.

This lower cost comes at a high price, however—a price that many people fail to take into account. Case in point: the California slaughterhouse Rancho Feeding Corporation in Petaluma was recently charged with “knowingly processing and distributing meat from cancerous cows,” according to a CNN report.7

Four former workers at the slaughterhouse, including the general manager and co-owner Jesse J. Amaral Jr., have now been indicted on charges of conspiring to sell and distribute “adulterated, misbranded, and uninspected” meat.

Authorities recalled nearly 10 million pounds of meat from the slaughterhouse in February. Nestle also issued a voluntary recall for its Philly Steak and Cheese Hot Pockets, which contained meat from Rancho. According to CNN:

“Prosecutors allege that Amaral directed Corda and Cabrera to circumvent inspection procedures for certain cows with signs of epithelioma of the eye, also known as ‘cancer eye.’ This included directing employees to carve ‘USDA Condemned’ stamps out of certain cow carcasses and to process them for sale and distribution, despite having been rejected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture veterinarian.

Corda and Cabrera are also alleged to have replaced the heads of sick cows with those of healthy ones, placing the healthy heads next to the bodies of cows whose eyes had signs of cancer. The switch occurred during the inspectors’ lunch break, prosecutors said.”

If convicted, the four workers could face up to 20 years imprisonment and $250,000 in fines. In February, Rancho Feeding was sold to Marin Sun Farms, which specializes in pasture-raised livestock, so chances are the facility may be properly rehabilitated. As noted by the LA Times,8 it’s now the last remaining beef slaughterhouse in the Bay Area.

CAFO Meats Also Contain Drugs Banned in Other Countries

Besides antibiotics, CAFO livestock are also given a number of other drugs, including drugs that are banned in other countries for suspected adverse health effects. Ractopamine, for example, is a beta-agonist drug that increases protein synthesis, thereby making the animal more muscular. This reduces the fat content of the meat and increases the profit per animal.

Beta-agonist drugs have been used in US cattle production since 2003. The drug is administered in the days leading up to slaughter, and as much as 20 percent of it can remain in the meat you buy. This is disconcerting when you consider that the drug label warns: “Not for use in humans,” and “individuals with cardiovascular disease should exercise special caution to avoid exposure.”

Ractopamine is banned from food production in at least 160 countries around the world, including countries across Europe, Russia, mainland China, and Republic of China (Taiwan), due to its suspected health effects. Animal research has linked ractopamine to:

  • Reductions in reproductive function
  • Birth defects (Canadian researchers9 found that, in rats, the drug produced a variety of birth defects, including cleft palate, protruding tongue, short limbs, missing or fused digits, open eyelids, jaw abnormalities, limb abnormalities, and enlarged heart)
  • Increase of mastitis in dairy herds
  • Increased disability and death

In pigs and cattle, FDA reports10 link the drug to: excessive hunger, anorexia, bloat, respiratory and hoof problems, lameness, stiffness, stress and aggression, and death. In fact, of all reported side effects, death tops the list as the most reported problem associated with ractopamine. In humans, ractopamine is known to affect the human cardiovascular system, and is thought to be responsible for hyperactivity. It may also cause chromosomal abnormalities and behavioral changes.

Zilmax is another beta-agonist drug used in the US, and this drug has also been linked to horrific side effects in cattle. In August, 2013, Tyson Food Inc issued a statement saying it would no longer purchase Zilmax-fed cattle for slaughter due to animal welfare concerns.11 The company had noticed that many of the cows that had been fed the drug had trouble walking. The cattle also displayed other behavioral issues. FDA records show at least 285 cattle unexpectedly died or were euthanized after receiving Zilmax between 2007 and 2013—many of them had lost their hooves. Other reported adverse effects in cattle following the administration of Zilmax include:

Stomach ulcers Brain lesions Blindness Lethargy and lameness
Bloody nose Respiratory problems Heart failure Sudden death

Rethink Your Shopping Habits to Protect Your Family’s Health

When a feed or feed additive makes an animal sick, infirm, or dead, is it really wise for you to eat the meat from it? I would suggest the answer is a firm no. Hence, when it comes to animal products, the closer you can get to the grower, the better. Ideally, you’ll want to get all your animal products, including meat, chicken, and eggs, from smaller community farms with free-ranging animals that are organically fed and locally marketed.

This is the way food has been raised and distributed for centuries, before the era of corrupted politics and corporate greed took over. Small-scale butchering facilities are also more humane, which is an important concern from an ethical standpoint. The following organizations can help you locate farm-fresh foods in your local area, raised in a humane, sustainable manner:

  • Local Harvest — This Web site will help you find farmers’ markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area where you can buy produce, grass-fed meats, and many other goodies.
  • Farmers’ Markets — A national listing of farmers’ markets.
  • Eat Well Guide: Wholesome Food from Healthy Animals — The Eat Well Guide is a free online directory of sustainably raised meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs from farms, stores, restaurants, inns, and hotels, and online outlets in the United States and Canada.
  • Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) — CISA is dedicated to sustaining agriculture and promoting the products of small farms.
  • FoodRoutes — The FoodRoutes “Find Good Food” map can help you connect with local farmers to find the freshest, tastiest food possible. On their interactive map, you can find a listing for local farmers, CSA’s, and markets near you.

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Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

This past week I’ve experienced changes that to the majority of readers will appear to be minor inconsequential things, but to me an improvement in balance, strength and my bodily feeling is great. I’ve noticed tiny changes when maneuvering around the flat, I have better stability which to me is huge.

The reality of these things  in my opinion is a culmination of dietary changes, supplementation and attitude, yes attitude to life. I firmly believe that attitude plays a significant role in coping and actually beating disease, if you think you can beat it or you think you can’t beat it….you’re right!! so choose.

In 2004 I was told by the neurologist that I had an incurable disease, I refused medication and he told me I’d be in a wheelchair in six months, after a very stressful and worrying last two years in the States I was forced to use one for trips outside but not so for my days at home.

For the last month I have vegetable and fruit that has been through my juicer for breakfast and lunch, I was quite skeptical at first, not just about the nutritional benefits but my ability to stick with it. But so far I’ve managed to stick with the regimen and not cheat. I am so grateful to my fantastic niece Deb’s for getting lots of fresh fruit and veggies from the market once or twice each week, then making the drinks..luv you Deb’s.

I also think getting outside once or twice each day, my aim is grounding or earthing, ok don’t roll your eyes and yell Tree Hugger….it might seem strange or a little “out there” but after I’ve spent 45 mins bare footed on the grass I feel different, better different so whether it’s the earth sending good negative ions into my body or it’s just fresh air it makes no difference to me, something is helping.

I still take my XanGo and supplements, magnesium, vit d3, sphingolin and a multi vitamin daily, my regular meal in the evening is gluten and preservative free and I drink close to a gallon of ph balanced water.  I meditate three times per day, first and last thing at night and mid afternoon.


When sitting outside I tend to get strange looks, it might be a little chilly, but there I am with a fleece keeping me warm but bare footed on the concrete or grass. A man stopped to talk the other day and asked a few questions. One was if i got bored? I told him that I didn’t, I just remind myself of how things were a couple of years ago and how much better things are now. Now I have an attitude of gratitude and expectation, I know I will be healthy, just ask Cecilia!!

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