I think this news is quite disgusting and frightening, I’m sure there are a lot of people that will say “big deal!!! it’s only China and they are on the other side of the world so it isn’t affecting me“. Wrong..
Apart from the fact that China exports all their Sodium fluoride, a waste product from aluminium smelting (aluminum for my American friends) to the US. Apart from that disgusting fact, they also export a great deal of veggies there and herbs.
Now if the majority of their drinking water is contaminated just think what is used to water plants and veggies?
China’s long standing reputation as the world’s worst polluting country has once again been affirmed following the release of a new government report on the quality of the nation’s drinking water. The Ministry of Land and Resources reportedly notified state media that an overwhelming 60 percent of the groundwater in China is now too polluted to drink, up from 57.4 percent two years ago.
Water quality tests conducted in 203 cities throughout China revealed exceptionally high levels of contaminants, rendering the water either “relatively poor” or “very poor” on the safety scale. Water in the “relatively poor” category can be safely drunk as long as it undergoes pretreatment, while “very poor” water cannot be used for drinking water under any circumstances.
According to the report, the vast majority of China’s groundwater falls into either of these two categories, meaning only a very small percentage of it is actually pure at the source. It is no wonder then, with its rapid industrialization and gradual takeover of American industry, that China’s economic successes have led to massive environmental pollution.
Besides the cities evaluated, authorities also monitored water in several thousand different rural areas, many of which were also polluted. Overall, 43.9 percent of monitored sites in both cities and rural areas were found to be “relatively poor,” while nearly 16 percent tested as “very poor.” And while 647 sites have seen water quality improvements since 2012, 754 others became worse.
“According to China’s underground water standards, water of relatively poor quality can only be used for drinking after proper treatment,” reads an official article from the Chinese news source Xinhua. “Water of very poor quality cannot be used as a source of drinking water.”
20 percent of Chinese farmland polluted with heavy metals
The consequences of this extend well beyond just drinking water, as pollutants first have to touch soil before seeping into groundwater. This means that farmland soil throughout China is also becoming tainted, a fact reiterated by China’s environmental ministry in a separate but perhaps equally disturbing report issued just prior to the water quality report.
Experts say that as much as 16 percent of China’s total land area is severely polluted, with nearly 20 percent of its farmland also affected. Among the inorganic elements being detected in soils are heavy metals like cadmium, which as we have recently been reporting are turning up in many dietary supplements, protein powders, superfoods and other products.
In fact, many popular herbal and dietary supplements contain ingredients grown or produced in China, which means whatever is going on over there is also, by proxy, going on here. Many vitamin C products for instance, which are labeled with names like ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate, are made in China, as are many products that contain brown rice protein.
“China’s top vitamin and supplement production areas are among the most polluted in the country (and thus in the world),” explains a report by The Epoch Times. “China-made vitamins are everywhere, and even those who do not consume vitamins and supplements can hardly escape,” it adds, noting that many of the synthetic vitamins added to conventional cereals and other foods come from China.
Natural News is on the cutting edge of supplement safety and quality, having recently launched a forensic food lab that tests for heavy metal content in food and dietary supplements. This lab also enabled the first-ever discovery of tungsten in rice protein, which is one of many discoveries helping to raise the bar in the natural products industry.
One of the first conversations I had with Dr.Huggins when I started working for him in 2007 was about natural sunshine, I’d been reading in a magazine about the dangers of exposing the skin to the sun and possible skin cancer. I, as most people do, enjoy getting some colour instead of looking pasty white. I remember one of my first trips to Z Hills in Florida. The Mecca for skydivers around the world, this was back in “84”, my brother and I parked the car and walked up to the seasoned and very experienced sky-god. He looked at the two of us walking over wearing obligatory skydiving t-shirts, shorts and Teva’s and said “whoa, have you got your legs on high beam”. Ever since then I made every effort to get a tan as soon as possible and to avoid the typical Brit look of white with sun burn patches.
Anyway over the years I’d become aware of the dangers of over exposure and to slather factor 15 on whenever I walked around in the sun. The inquisitive side of me was very curious so when I got the opportunity I talked to doc about it and to be honest was quite surprised by his response.
He went into great length about the importance of natural sunlight, however he did point out that 20 to 30 minutes per day was more than enough for the uncovered skin to absorb the necessary Vit-D. He explained the dangers of over exposure and just as importantly about sunscreen.
The skin is the largest organ in the body, it’s quite amazing really and often overlooked and taken for granted. Doc explained that you should never cover your skin with anything you wouldn’t put in your mouth, the skin absorbs it, so when you put a chemical synthetic product all over your skin then 20 minutes later it’s in your body. It will contaminate your blood and then every organ which in turn fails to function correctly. And guess what, you are laying the foundations for a sickly unprotected body.
The merits of regular sun exposure for optimal health have been reiterated by one of the most comprehensive studies yet to look at the connection between vitamin D and early mortality. Researchers from Sweden, after compiling the results of a 20-year research project they started back in the early 1990s, found that avoiding natural sunlight, or slathering yourself with sunscreen every time you go outside, can actually double your risk of premature death.
The study out of the Karolinska Institute in Solna evaluated nearly 30,000 women over the course of two decades, tracking their outdoor behaviors in conjunction with rates of cancer and early mortality. During this time, the women were asked to fill out questionnaires at certain intervals indicating how often they went to tanning salons or spent time outside in direct sunlight without sunscreen.
At the end of the study period, a total of 2,545 women died, and many of these women had previously admitted to spending little or no time outdoors in the sun. On the flip side, women who regularly spent time in the sun, allowing their skin to absorb vitamin D from the sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, had much lower rates of early death. Overall, women who avoided the sun were determined to have a doubled risk of dying early.
“The results of this study clearly showed that mortality was about double in women who avoided sun exposure compared to the highest exposure group,” stated lead study author Dr. Pelle Lindqvist about the findings. “Sun exposure advice which is very restrictive in countries with low solar intensity might in fact be harmful for women’s health.”
Skin melanomas caused by too little sunlight, reveals study
Though often blamed as the most prominent cause of skin cancer, sun exposure was also found in the study to have protective benefits. Fewer women in the sun-exposed group developed skin melanomas, according to the study, and these same women were also 10 percent less likely to die from skin cancer compared to women who avoided the sun.
This flies in the face of government recommendations from both the U.S. and Canada that urge people to avoid the sun to protect against skin cancer. Not only does avoiding the sun actually increase skin cancer risk, but it also puts people at an increased risk of developing other conditions associated with vitamin D deficiency, including supposedly eradicated conditions like rickets.
“As the authors comment, our bodies need sunlight to make essential vitamin D, which can help us resist some cancer types,” said Professor Dorothy Bennett from St. George’s University in London to The Telegraph. “Those who normally avoid the sun and/or cover most of their skin are advised to take vitamin D supplements.”
With more than half of the world’s population now believed to be vitamin D deficient, the new recommendations could not be more timely. Every system of the body requires vitamin D at levels far higher than the average person likely receives on a daily basis, a message that groups like the Vitamin D Council are spreading far and wide in the interest of public health.
“Vitamin D deficiency causes growth retardation and rickets in children and will precipitate and exacerbate osteopenia, osteoporosis and increase risk of fracture in adults,” explains a 2008 study on vitamin D and health published in the journal Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. “The vitamin D deficiency has been associated pandemic with other serious consequences including increased risk of common cancers, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and cardiovascular disease.”
Over the past five years my life changed quite dramatically, no, not my health, but my mind, this was because I started working for Dr.Hal Huggins the leader in his field. Just listening to the man and sitting in on his consultations with sick patients, often they weren’t just sick as in feeling under the weather but mostly people suffering from a life threatening incurable diseases. Because of this and realising that most of them had become this way not because they had indulged in a bad diet or smoked and drank too much. No it was mainly because of the dental work they’d had.
Being quite shocked by this it opened my mind to the subject of health or the lack of it really, I started reading and studying the different or unconventional researchers alive now and those that had pioneered this interesting field of medicine. Obviously Dr.Huggins and the many books he’d written was top of my list, and rapidly followed by Weston A Price, Melvin Page, Thomas E Levy who I was privileged to meet and talk with on several occasions.
The more I learned the more disgusted I became by what was happening around the world, yes Europe was included but to a much lesser degree than the US where I was living. The Americans are an amazing race, I loved how it was considered perfectly ok to show emotion, the Americans in the main work very hard which I enjoyed however there were areas I was not happy with, it had become normal to eat fast food totally devoid of nutrition and pay extortionate amounts for insurance, topped by health or sickness insurance.
I’d hate the winter, not because of the snow but on every corner (not quite) there would be a Walgreen’s with a big sign warning people that it was “Flu season” and to get their flu shot. I found it quite shocking to think that 99% of people actually believed that crap. It seems that most people simply accept anything they read on a billboard or anything promoted by big pharma in magazines or on TV and radio.
The flu shot is totally bogus, it’s just a way of keeping people sick and reliant on more drugs to line the very deep pockets of the pharmaceutical industry.
The flu shot has claimed its first victim in the state of Utah, at least according to state health officials who insist that there is no official record of any individual ever previously dying as a result of the annual jab. 19-year-old Chandler Webb, a formerly healthy young man who worked out at the gym daily, reportedly suffered violent reactions and slipped into a coma just one day after getting his first flu vaccine ever, which prompted his death just a few weeks later.
Chandler was given the flu shot as part of a routine physical he received in preparation for an upcoming mission with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Salt Lake Tribune (SLT) reports that the young man suffered his first adverse reactions on October 16, just one day after getting jabbed. His symptoms included violent shaking, headaches and vomiting, all of which were the worst he had ever experienced.
“He said he never shook so hard in his whole life,” sobbed Lori Webb, Chandler’s mother. “He had the worst headache, throw up.”
Chandler’s health continued to decline in the immediate days following the vaccine, prompting his parents to take him to the Intermountain Medical Center in Murray. A team of six neurologists ran a battery of tests on the young man, testing him for every known virus, bacterium and fungus, but came up with nothing.
After weeks of being in a coma, Chandler eventually died as a result of severe brain swelling, which just so happens to be a common adverse effect associated with vaccinations. Though the hospital and the state say they cannot talk about the details of the case, Chandler’s parents have since ordered a brain biopsy to verify the cause of death, which they believe was the vaccine.
“We’re angry because we believe it’s the flu shot that [caused] it,” said Lori. “I’ve never been so scared in all my life to see my son go through so much.”
State health officials says flu shot may be ‘associated’ with serious adverse events like death
In an interview with Fox13Now.com, Utah state epidemiologist Dr. Allyn Nakashima admitted that the flu can cause severe adverse events, but such events are rare. Stopping short of fessing up and definitively linking flu vaccines to causing the type of brain swelling that killed Chandler — such swelling is commonly referred to in the medical literature as encephalitis — Dr. Nakashima conceded to an association between the two.
“We certainly have seen associations of encephalitis or encephalitis-type illnesses following flu vaccine,” stated Dr. Nakashima to reporters. “It’s very rare, and we can’t necessarily say there’s a cause and effect here, [but] we can say there’s an association.”
Tom Hudachko, a Utah Department of Health spokesman, provided a similar spiel. He told SLT reporters that, while rare, “more severe side effects” can result from getting the flu shot, essentially affirming what Chandler’s family observed in their loved one. Yet at the same time, the agency stopped short of all-out implicating the flu vaccine as the cause of Chandler’s death.
Lori told reporters that she plans to seek justice for her son through the legal system, apparently unaware of the fact that back in 1986 the Supreme Court granted immunity — oh the irony — to drug companies against certain lawsuits arising from injuries or deaths associated with vaccines. This so-called law was affirmed back in 2011 by Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote for the majority that the parents of vaccine-injured children will have to continue dealing with the illegitimate “vaccine court.”
It’s so confusing when each day my symptoms change so radically for what appears to be the smallest change I’ve made, I try to rationalise why my body is in need of something so simple and depriving it results in a 180 degree turn in my health.
For instance I woke Tuesday morning at 6.15 and my initial thoughts were that I felt good, normally I stay in bed checking emails and my blog for an hour or so. I use this time to drink a litre and a half of water with sole (soley) made from himalayan crystal salt. That morning I realised I’d forgotten to put the half litre bottle in my bedroom so I only drank a litre.
I then got up and ran my bath and added the magnesium chloride as normal, but I still didn’t get the additional half litre thinking it wouldn’t matter too much.
I soaked for an hour in water that was just a little too hot, we’re talking about a minor difference in temperature.
When I started to get out I realised that I was extremely weak, so weak I found it really difficult to lift myself out of the bath. I obviously did it but the process of drying and dressing really tired me out.
I imagine it’s hard for most people to really understand this but imagine how frightening it would be if you didn’t have the strength to pull your socks on, well that was me, scary…
Eventually I was dry and dressed so I shuffled into the kitchen, my left leg didn’t work at all so maneuvering about the flat knowing I had to have more of my special water was quite frankly a pain in the butt.
I got the water and settled onto the sofa feeling a little confused and a bit sorry for myself but 15 minutes after drinking the water I felt considerably better.
So is it just the water or the himalayan crystal salt ?
Contrary to the brainwashed belief that 99% of people have, ….salt is vital,
not your regular table salt which has been through a multitude of processes and finishes as a white flavouring totally bereft of nutrition but a good natural rock salt or ideally himalayan crystal salt. This is truly mined in the himalayan mountains. The rocks are a minimum of 400 years old so the haven’t been tainted by toxic materials such as mercury.
I’ll not go into an explanation about himalayan crystal salt but if you are interested a great site can be found here.. http://www.americanbluegreen.com/
So after a day of very mixed emotions of feeling great then really bad and ending with feeling very good I think the lesson I learnt was to make it a priority to ensure there is a litre and a half of filtered water with sole in it when I go to bed.
In the main, I’m feeling better physically and mentally so now I have to get the emotional part up to speed.
Original Himalayan Crystal Salt contains all the elements of which the human body is comprised. From the periodic table of elements we are familiar with 94 natural elements (stable as well as unstable). Apart from inert gases, all of these elements (84) can be found in crystal salt. Hence, crystal salt contains all natural minerals and trace elements that are found in the human body.
When I was in my 20’s I used to think there were very few things better than taking the top off a cold bottle of coke and glugging down half the bottle on a hot summer’s day.
There were very few people and organisations standing on a soapbox complaining about sugar or additives. It seemed to be easier to live a complaint free life.
But now it seems that there are lots of complainers, me included that are trying to stop people from jeopardizing their health. Why is that I wonder? why do we have to complain so much now compared to 30 years ago? Simples as the Meerkat says, 30 years ago we didn’t have artificial sweeteners like aspartame or Aminosweet as its called now. Food wasn’t messed with, you could buy a food stuff that contained 3 or 4 ingredients. Now you only have to look at the label of 99% of products on the shelves in the supermarket and you’ll see 20 or 30 ingredients, and that will be for what is generally perceived to be basic foods.
Stop and think about this, as a nation both here in the UK and across the pond in the US, actually more so in the US. How many people do you know that are overweight, not just a few lbs but dangerously obese. Lots of people glug down a soda or two or three each day, every day. Regular soda’s (leaded) like Coke has about 9 heaped spoons of sugar per can. Sugar is without a doubt the most dangerous natural foodstuff on the planet. I could go into the specific’s in relation to the imbalance this creates between Calcium and Phosphorus but I won’t other than to say that imbalance causes a multitude of problems.
Now diet soda’s, promoted as a healthy way of getting your “fix” for coke or whatever addictive drink you prefer. Is not healthy in fact it’s downright unhealthy. There are more than 9,000 foods that now have artificial sweeteners, because of the way foods seem to be dependent on additives they are mostly dangerous and even toxic to the human body. The reason why so many people are overweight and sickly is quite simply down to the food and drinks we consume. “We Are What We Eat…
Lots of foodstuffs now have been processed so much there is little or no nutritional value, ignore the statement printed by the manufacturer telling you its healthy and nutritious because it’s not true. maybe it has certain ingredient that contained various vitamins and nutrients. But that was when it was raw but its not true after its been processed.
Coca-Cola Co. has launched a new ad campaign to assure consumers that its no- or low-calorie beverages containing the artificial sweetener aspartame are a safe alternative
There are no studies showing the use of diet drinks for foods lowers ones weight. In fact, calorie counting as a weight loss strategy has been firmly debunked by research.
It is far more important to look at the source of the calories than counting them. You get fat because you eat the wrong kind of calories, and artificial sweeteners cannot fool your body
Despite being promoted for weight loss, foods and beverages with artificial sweeteners have never been proven to help weight loss. In fact studies that look at this actually find artificial sweeteners promote weight gain
Research has also demonstrated that aspartame worsens insulin sensitivity to a greater degree than sugar, which is quite the blow for diabetics who obediently follow the recommendation to switch to diet sodas to manage their condition
Aspartame has also been found to cause cancer, such as leukemia, lymphoma, and other tumors, in laboratory animals
Next time you go shopping, just look at the labels and think, why does a can of peas or beans have to have so many additives, several E numbers in Europe and a lot more unpronounceable’s in the US.
I should have entered this after part 2 and before part 3…
In 2011 a friend on mine, a client called Linda living in Nova Scotia who also had MS, sent me an email urging me to look at W5 CTV, a Canadian TV station that had a ground breaking story.
The reporter had gone to see Dr Paolo Zamboni at the university of Ferrera in Italy, he was determined to cure his wife of MS and had been researching for several years. His research lead him to believe that his wife had a blockage in her jugular vein which was restricting the blood flow in his wife’s body. Now from the work I’d been doing with Dr Huggins, I understood that the hemoglobin in the red blood cells carries oxygen throughout the body, oxyhemoglobin. Dr Zamboni did an operation to enlarge the jugular veins and clear the blockage, this resulted in improved blood flow, hence, more oxygen to the brain.
His wife had tremendous results, he didn’t want to tell the world of his findings without having done further research. His work continued with another group of 120 MS patients and he found the common denominator with all patients was that they had all had some form of head trauma prior to being diagnosed with MS. In fact he found that all 120 patients he studied had the same story, they had fallen, car accident, been hit over the head or something to create head and neck trauma. He performed the operation on the patients who all had significant improvements.
He named the operation CCSVI or Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency. He then set about telling the world.
I knew that this was what I wanted to do, what I needed to do, but how was that going to happen knowing I loved my job but it wasn’t highly paid.
The problem of raising the money to go to Bulgaria where the operation was done was very slim, I searched for alternative locations that could possibly be more affordable.
I found that there were several countries performing the operation, Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, India, Sweden, Scoland and Puerto Rico. I called and asked about prices and was shocked to find it would be cheaper to go to Bulgaria than anywhere else. Yes the treatment was cheaper in India but getting there was very expensive and hygiene was a major consideration.
I eventually heard of three locations in the US, this has got to be a better option I thought. Sadly none of the locations were following Dr Zamboni’s protocol exactly, there is an arrogance problem here, yes they were performing CCSVI but it was being done in a different way. This gave me major concerns, I called and talked to staff who informed me that the operation was being done in “their own way”. The alarm bells were ringing, was this just a way to show the operation as not being credible or successful. A way of demeaning Zamboni’s work and persuading MS patients to stick with drugs rather than attempting to get their lives back.
So I decided to make Bulgaria my choice for having the operation, just knowing that more than 14,000 patients worldwide had had positive results from the operation and more than 1,500 had been to Bulgaria gave me a lot of confidence in their work. There are two locations in Bulgaria that are performing the CCSVI operation and following Dr Zamboni’s protocol, the main location is Tokada hospital in Sofia and the other in Varna.
From a cost perspective the Varna location was more viable financially, but Sofia was where I wanted to go, a good friend on mine in England had been there and reported wonderful results so if it would be possible, Sofia would be where I went.
The problem now was raising the money, I’d need about $10,000 to be able to go, have the operation, pay for a hotel for a week after to recuperate and feed myself during that time. Ok that was the biggest issue but I’d also be a lot better off if someone could be my caregiver during the time in Bulgaria.
My girlfriend at the time was a wonderful lady from Thailand although she lived in Israel, I didn’t think it would be possible for her to accompany me and stay for a week. Panee is an amazing woman who told me she would definitely be there to look after me for the whole week. I was really excited and extremely pleased that she would take the time off work and travel to Bulgaria.
Now, how do I get the money, after wracking my brains trying to think of ways I could generate the necessary funds and not coming up with any positive idea’s I was hit by a life changing slap in the face.
Friday April 22nd, I had to leave work in the afternoon to have the brakes on my truck replaced, I didn’t have much money so I opted to just have the front brakes replaced and keep the cost down as much as possible. $200 lighter I returned to work only to see Jamie our office manager looking quite upset. She came into my office and sat down looking really sad, she asked me to come into her office as she had some bad news.
As I sat down I noticed something on her desk that made me feel that dreaded pit in the stomach, a check.
She told me that Dr Huggins wanted to focus his attention on DNA testing rather than helping people through body chemistry re-balancing. In order to do this he would have to bring in a specialist in the area of DNA testing, to be able to pay this specialist he would have to cut his outlay, as I was one of only two salaried employee’s, the other being the office manager, I would have to go.
I know lots of people lose their jobs all the time, it’s a fact of life, the world moves on, the slap in the face was that I’d dedicated my life to Dr Huggins for the past three and a half years, taken very little vacation time, in fact in 08 I’d worked an additional 400 hours, unpaid..
He gave me a check, paying me to the end of the month, yes one weeks pay and that was it, I’d worked there with no pension or medical benefits and my reward was a check for one week and a slap in the face. It looked like the ccsvi operation was not going to happen now.
The first days as unemployed were very difficult, I think I was close to being in a state of depression, although in the back of my mind I kept telling myself that I had to do something to improve my situation, how I could raise the money to get to Bulgaria and give me a chance to live a normal life again. I started to think about the Alliance dentist’s who I’d worked with quite closely over the past three and a half years. They were all reasonably affluent, they had a good attitude towards helping others so why not help me?
I decided to write to all 43 Huggins trained dentists and explain my situation and appeal to them, my email explained why I was no longer working for Dr Huggins and reminded them of my willingness to help in the past. I had spent a great deal of time talking to their patients and getting patients to them for dental treatment. Now I was asking for them to return the favor and donate some money to the fund of saving my life.
In some ways I was a little disappointed in the response, of the 43 only 10 responded positively, but three friends and my sister and mother also helped financially. So, over the coming months I’d managed to raise around $13,000 which was enough to go to Bulgaria, have the operation and allow some time for recuperation after the surgery.
Jim and Nidnoy, my girlfriends aunt and uncle also made a big financial donation which really made a big difference, not only would I be able to go but I’d be able to survive financially for a few months until I was able to work again, this was excellent and relieved me of a great deal of stress.
I booked my surgery for the end of June and made the appropriate arrangements for flights etc, the wonderful, beautiful, amazing Panee also made arrangements to meet me there, I booked the hotel in Varna, made arrangements to stay in a motel the night before my flight from Denver and was like a kid with a gold card in Toys R us waiting to go.
June 27th I flew from Denver to London via Philadelphia, it actually was cheaper to fly to the UK, change airports then fly to Bulgaria, than to fly directly to Bulgaria. I arrived in London Heathrow the following day and had to transfer to Luton. This was very difficult for me as walking any distance was nigh on impossible. So I had to be wheelchaired from the plane, through customs and out to the taxi rank where I’d meet the taxi to transfer me the 35 miles to Luton.
Arriving at Luton was the start of several more problems, Luton airport used to be a small provincial airport but had gone through some major refurbishment over the past ten years. The taxi wasn’t allowed to take me to a drop off point at the terminal, he had to drop me about 100 yards away, it was extremely busy, lots of railings so the route was not direct, it was very a winding path that crossed roads. To make it worse a monsoon had started, rain was coming down so hard it was like a river flooding along the road.
The driver helped in that he parked then ran in the rain to get me a wheelchair, then he pushed me into a very small, partly covered waiting area where I could use a phone to ask for assistance. The person on the other end told me they would get someone out to me as soon as possible. Twenty minutes passed which doesn’t sound too bad except I was not completely sheltered from the rain. In fact my back was getting drenched, so I called again and was told “the person who was supposed to help, didn’t want to go out in the rain”. I tried not to sound too angry with the person on the phone and explained I was in a wheelchair and was getting soaked, so they sent someone out straight away.
It was another ten minutes before I was eventually in the terminal, through customs and in the departure lounge waiting for my Wizzair flight allowed me to really feel excited about the operation and seeing Panee again. She and I originally met in February in Colorado and I’d not seen her since March.
I arrived in Varna and was met by Irina, the Western Sales Manager for the clinic, she wheeled me through the airport and took me to her car. What a lovely woman she was, driving through Varna made me feel that I was in war torn Bosnia, it was a communist country until 23 years ago so the the buildings were grey concrete and didn’t look very friendly.
As we pulled up at the hotel, which looked really nice, I could see Panee stood on the steps waiting for me. I was really excited about having my operation but I almost felt just as excited about seeing Panee. Our meeting was wonderful, lots of hugs and kisses, I checked in, made arrangements with Irina for tomorrow then Panee and I went to our room.
The following morning after breakfast we were met by Irina who took us to the clinic for an evaluation and discussion with the neurologist. She was a nice lady, probably in her late 60′s or early 70′s, our communication was through Irina who interpreted. I became a little agitated when the neurologist explained that she didn’t think I had MS. Her words were that she felt it could be another type of sclerosis. I was confused by this comment and asked what she meant.
When she said that the symptoms I had made her feel that it could be something else, I could see she was struggling to find the right words to say to me, I then realised that she was intimating that it might not be MS but ALS. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is an 18 month to 5 year death sentence.
I immediately said that I didn’t think it was ALS because of several things, I had come into contact with several ALS patients and I really didn’t see my symptoms as ALS symptoms, after all I was still able to get around, work out and think clearly. No I could not accept that this was possibly happening to me, no not ALS.
I was really upset and it was difficult for me to think, or not think, I had to get this thought out of my head, there was no way I could have that disease.
We left and went to a nice little cafe to have lunch, I talked to Irina over lunch and expressed my concern about the neurologist and her view. Irina told me that she hadn’t said I had ALS, just that my symptoms were not typical MS.
Panee and I spent the rest of the day in the hotel, we just read and surfed the internet on her laptop, I was now getting really excited because tomorrow I would have my CCSVI operation and if things went really well I would be on my way to health again.
Irina picked Panee and I up from the hotel and took us to the hospital, pulling up in the parking lot, actually it wasn’t a parking lot it was park wherever you could, in side streets, in fields, wherever possible. Entering the hospital was a little daunting because there were lots of people milling around, the entrance looked old and decrepit. The paving stones were all cracked and it looked dirty, not what you want to see when entering a hospital.
What a difference between the western world and a country that only 23 years ago was communist. Inside wasn’t a lot better, so to say I was apprehensive was not really a good description of how I actually felt.
I was eventually taken to a special ward to meet the surgeon, a nice man who spoke some english so I started to feel a little better. After meeting the nurses I was taken into the operating theater, not really sure if that’s a good description, but that was where I was about to have the CCSVI.
I sat on the table, or where I was about to be operated on, the surgeon started to do some ultra sound scans on my neck to check for a blockage in the jugular veins. The left side was fine but the right was very constricted, it should have been around 14mm thick but only showed 4mm which meant the flow of blood had been very restricted. Because of my work with Dr Huggins and the research I’d done when I first heard about CCSVI I knew that the hemoglobin in the red blood cells carried oxygen or oxyhemoglobin to the organs and tissues throughout the body.
Having such a restriction meant the oxygen wasn’t getting to the organs, specifically the brain resulting in CCSVI or Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency.
Now comes the good part, the nurses who didn’t speak English gestured that I should lay on the operating table, they then removed my shoes, socks and sweat pants. At this point I was starting to feel a little strange but it became even more uncomfortable when a big burly nurse then removed my underwear. So I’m laying down with a T shirt on and the lower half of my body completely naked.
Another nurse then looked at me with a strange look in her eyes, she then began to shave me, moving my penis to one side then the other. She then brought out a tub of blue liquid and basically painted a pair of shorts on me, lifting my private parts up to swab around my genitals, I’m sure you can imagine how I was feeling, slightly embarrassed and slightly worried but I just kept telling myself that it would all be ok.The surgeon then explained what he would be doing as he made an incision at the top of my left leg and inserted a 2 mm diameter tube into the vein at the top of my leg, ouch.
He then thread a camera into the tube and started to push it into my body, there was a very advanced doppler scanner overhead monitoring my body so I could see where the camera was going. The surgeon would ask if I felt any pain as he approached the terminus in my chest, I seem to remember he called it the azygos vein, not sure if I’m right about that but anyway that vein was ok so he moved on to the jugular on the left side which was also ok.
It felt a little strange as he was threading this camera through my body but I knew it was for a good cause so I didn’t complain. When he reached the jugular on the right I definitely felt some discomfort, not real pain just discomfort so he continued. It was here that the vein was very constricted so he would have to use the angioplasty to inflate the balloon so the vein was increased in diameter.
The strangest feelings were going through my mind as I was aware of what was happening, seeing the surgeon manipulating the feed going into my body and watching the screen as the angioplasty balloon was inflated. He kept asking me if I was feeling pain as the balloon was pumped higher, although it wasn’t painful I could feel a tightness in my chest. Nothing like anything else I’d experienced.
When he finished and started to withdraw the camera and balloon, I could tell this thing was winding it’s way through my body, just weird, really weird.
The surgeon applied a lot of pressure to the exit point to stop it from bleeding, he did this by pressing very hard on my leg, he did this for about five minutes and then the nurses cleaned the area and covered me with a sheet. I looked at him and said, you remember in my notes it said that I had a humming bird bladder. He acknowledged my comment then nodded to the nurses to bring a bottle for me to pee in. This was the weirdest thing as the nurse removed the sheet, grabbed hold of my penis and placed it into a bottle. I was then told to pee, which I did, the nurse waited for me to finish, removed the bottle and wiped me before replacing the sheet.
Then Panee and Irina came into the operating theater and asked how I felt, I said OK but not any different at this time. I was then told that it may take three to six months before the operation could truly have a long lasting positive effect.
I was then wheeled out after dressing and taken in an elevator that had no internal door, as it went up to the top floor I could see the walls moving past, well the elevator moving past the walls actually. We got to the top floor and then wheeled into a ward, you could tell it was newly painted with a pastel green color. There were two very basic beds with two inch plastic mattresses. I could just about see out the window and Varna looked like war torn Bosnia, so not exactly a good view, but I’d had the operation and I was grateful.
That day in the hospital was terrible for me, I was confined to the very uncomfortable plastic mattresses bed for 24 hrs, not being able to get out of be meant that I would have to pee in a bottle, in itself isn’t so bad but the fact that I have a hummingbird bladder meant I would pee every hour. This is where Panee showed true love for me, every time I moved or looked uncomfortable she would jump to my rescue. If I needed anything she was there, I never had to ask for help, she just offered and that was absolutely wonderful.
The night was horrendous, I didn’t sleep at all, my butt was numb through laying in the same position, the bed was sweaty because of the plastic mattress and cheap sheets but I just kept telling myself it was only temporary and would be over soon. My faith in God was so important at that time, I kept reassuring myself that the Lord would look after me and with his help things would be good soon.
At 9 am the surgeon came to see me and inspected the wound where he’d made the incision, it had healed so after a few questions I was discharged from hospital.
Panee and I left with Irina, me in a wheelchair until I was off hospital grounds, back to the hotel and the comfort of a wonderful bed which I took advantage of straight away, I managed to sleep for several hours.
The first day after the operation was spent relaxing by the pool or reading, just taking it easy. I was so grateful to Panee, she helped me so much throughout the day, in fact I know I wouldn’t have been able to do anything without her help, I felt so blessed.
In some ways I felt a little sad because the improvements I expected weren’t happening, or at least not as quickly as I’d expected. I was still very unstable on my feet, my coordination and stability were just as before the operation.
I kept reminding myself that the surgeon had said it could take up to six months before I felt 100% again, so I just prayed that the success of the operation would take place in time. After all, there had been more than 14,000 success stories around the world to date so why wouldn’t it happen for me.
After a week of relaxing at the hotel, it was time to leave Bulgaria, I was a little sad as my healing hadn’t happened as I’d expected and I was saying goodbye to Panee, she had to return to Israel for the rest of the year and I was flying to England to see family and friends.
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To date I’ve tried several different protocol’s and supplement’s always believing that I’ll find something that would prove the so called medical experts are wrong about their prognosis of MS being incurable. I firmly believe I am right in maintaining my attitude that MS is curable and it’s just a case of trying to find the right supplement or protocol or combination of them to rid my body of this debilitating degenerative disease.I dream of living a normal life, getting in the car and going for a nice drive in the country, hiking and going to a nice pub and having a pint and ploughmans. Flying again, skydiving again and being in a position to have a loving relationship again.
About a month ago I stumbled upon an article on bovine myelin which really interested me. “medical experts” have deemed multiple sclerosis as an incurable disease. OK these people are leaders in medical research so they must be right, mustn’t they?
Since I was diagnosed in 04 I’ve always had doubts about the “Incurable” part of their prognosis, it seems that there are two very different camps, polar opposites in fact. One group, the side I am in lives in hope that a cure can be found, it will be found. The other camp lives in the land of negativity, they have been battered into believing they will never get better.They will slowly move from bad to worse, this depressive attitude is perpetuated by doctors who know nothing about true healing per se, they themselves have been brainwashed by the multi bazzillionaires known as “Big pharma” who have openly stated that by 2020 they want every American to be taking at least one drug.
I came across a book called Reversing Multiple Sclerosis by Celeste Pepe, D,C., N.D. she cured herself and states the 9 different things she did to achieve true healing. Most of what she did I know of, I’d used several of the methods she talks about. The book was written more than 20 years ago and several of the protocols have advanced significantly. She talks about a dental revision and body chemistry re-balancing with Drs Huggins and Levy. I was very frustrated by mistakes she made after the treatment, after working for him for many years and advising more than 17,000 patients I know of what should and shouldn’t be done. The cardinal errors she made definitely hindered the healing process, however, she did heal so I’m in no place to criticise, I think Celeste was in a far more favorable position than 99.9% of MS sufferers, she had a loving partner (some of the time) she lived on a ranch in California and was quite affluent.
One of the 9 things was Sphingolin Myelin Basic Protein, a natural substance harvested from the spinal cord of New Zealand cattle.
The explanation of what happens to MS patients is that the immune system is mistaken and attacks the myelin sheath around the nerves surrounding the brain. The myelin ( think of it as insulating tape) is worn away resulting in bare nerves making it harder and harder for the Central Nervous System (CNS) to function correctly.
Her explanation which makes complete sense to me is this, the sphingolin or bovine myelin lures the immune system to attack it instead of the myelin around the brain. What isn’t attacked finds its way to replace the damaged myelin. As I said this makes sense to me and sounds totally feasible..
I searched for this product and found it on Amazon, I was about to order it but the saw a caveat stating it wasn’t available in the UK, damn.. but I also found the exact same product on ebay and it was available here. I have been using it for a month, it lists 2 tablets daily to start, I’m taking 2 in the morning and another 1 with lunch. I am definitely noticing improvements in my balance. I’m going to increase the dose to 4 caps for a week then up again to 6. There was 240 caps in the bottle so I’m about halfway through so I’ll order another 240 tomorrow.
In my haste to explain all I’ve done I completely missed a very significant part that happened in 2011 shortly after I lost my job which I’ll tell tomorrow when I have fingers and hands instead of numb bits attached to my arms…
The first thing I reinstated was XanGo, a juice made from the mangosteen fruit that grows in SouthEast Asia. When I was first diagnosed in 2004 a friend introduced me to this juice and to be quite honest drinking it 3 times each day made a big difference. Obviously coming back to England I didn’t have a penny to my name, so mum offered to buy a case of 4 bottles each month.
I take an ounce three times each day, a side effect of taking the juice is to totally relieve all symptoms of osteoarthritis in my knees. Not a bad side effect at all, I remember back in ‘04’ when I was very pleasantly surprised that not only was it making me feel better and easing the symptoms of MS but it completely eased the arthritis.
As the months passed on I was very lucky to qualify for disability so I found a great little place to live. Unlike living in Colorado I can afford to buy decent food and the supplements I have to take daily. Although I’m not able to get the blood tests I am in a far better place and don’t have the stress of worrying about if I can afford to pay my bills. It’s tight but I’m able to get the essential supplements and even try the occasional new vitamin or nutrient I’ve read about.
Being able to dedicate the time, of which I have quite a bit of free time now, I’m able to read a lot. Since meeting Dr.Huggins my attitude to life has changed. I know I never took good health for granted, I was sick before I met him, but he inspired me to read about the forerunners in what is mistakenly called “Alternative or Complementary medicine”. I say mistakenly because Allopathic medicine is driven by the pharmaceutical giants who encourage the use of drugs to address a symptom of the illness or disease we are suffering from. Alternative, Complementary medicine or Ayurvedic treatment has more of a holistic view and look at the cause then treat it. This way when treated correctly the health problem goes away…..permanently.
My research and studying proved to me the benefits of naturally occurring vitamins and nutrients and minerals so Magnesium, Potassium and Manganese to name a few became a staple in my life. I came across a book written by Carolyn Dean ND, MD. called “ The Magnesium Miracle”. What an amazing book that went into magnesium to a far greater degree than I’d seen before including research by Huggins and Levy et al.
Learning that magnesium was significantly influential for the body to function correctly was not a surprise but finding out that there are more than 800 systems, enzymes that need magnesium to actually work did shock me. She describes in depth how and why a large percentage of people in the western world are magnesium deficient. This deficiency materialises as mostly minor ailments but sometimes as what can be perceived as major life threatening disease. As I’ve said many times before doctors here (UK and US) then treat the symptom. There are thousands, millions of people every week are given a drug to “MASK” the pain or irritation and feel better temporarily only for the problem to raise it’s ugly head a month later when the course of “antibiotics” is finished.
Anyway I’ll stop ranting and get on with the “me” part.
Magnesium comes in many guises as I’ve highlighted in previous posts, it’s magnesium chloride that I’m using both as magnesium chloride flakes that goes into my two daily soak and in tablet form. I get both from Amazon, the tablets are by a company called “ALTA” and I’m taking 3 grams daily which is probably 6 times the recommended dose for healthy people. The flakes come from a company called “Holistic Valley” and I get a 10 kilo tub that lasts about a month. I’ve experimented with various quantities but i’m settled on 5 cups per bath and I soak for an hour.
At this time there is just one other product I take and excited about which I’ll talk about tomorrow.
A month later I’d done everything necessary in preparation for my dentisty, i’d bought my flights and booked the motel for 5 days.. on the Tuesday after work I set off to Denver to catch the flight to Scranton via Pittsburg. Dr Grube collected me from the airport and took me to her clinic where Beckie her assistant was waiting to do some last minute preparations for my Wednesday session.
My first session lasted 5 hours which is twice as long as a regular dental appointment would normally last, but Dr Grube used Conscious Sedation which is sometimes called Sleep dentistry.Needless to say the dental work was quite extensive, the second session was on Friday and also lasted 5 hours….phew 10 hours over 2 days.
That night I was in the motel, alone obviously and as you can imagine after such extreme dentistry I was in quite a bit of pain as the anesthesia wore off. I seemed to be awake all night constantly getting more ice for my makeshift ice pack for my swollen face, but I coped although I did feel quite isolated and lonely being thousands of mile from my family.
After a week back at work in Colorado the discomfort had gone and all I was focussed on was when I’d be healthy again. There was an improvement but nothing like I’d expected and hoped for. Doc told me to be patient and rest as much as possible when I went home after work, he explained that my immune system was working overtime as so many toxins and mercury had been released by the dental work, he emphasized that I couldn’t do anything physical, no exercise for at least three months. I complied…..nearly for three month’s, probably two months and two weeks before I rode on my exercise bike.
At first I limited each ride to two miles and gradually increased it to five the ten miles each day. I felt good, my recovery times were getting shorter as each day went by. Dr Chris Shade of Quicksilver Scientific gave me a product he’d invented called IMD or Intestinal Metal Detox. After two days my rides went from five miles to ten miles so I was feeling really good.
In some ways I was disappointed because although I was not getting worse and my MS episodes were less frequent I didn’t feel I was getting better significantly. Maybe I was just impatient and that could have been down to the fact I was in a stressful job and worked long hours. My good friend Carolyn (BFF) would always be researching for doc and occasionally came to me with ideas which in the main were good and I’d try
Over the next two years I’d tried several off the wall supplements but none gave me the improvements I was praying for.
2012 and I returned to England because my health had deteriorated, I’m confident that the supplemental regimen I’ve stuck with and the various protocols I’ve used have helped a great deal. If I’d not done and do what I do I believe I’d be a great deal worse than I am. The fact that my MS “episodes” still knock me back I believe were influenced by loosing my job and being so stressed which exacerbated the disease.
Since returning I’ve been fortunate in many ways and able to explore a few more potentials which I’ll cover tomorrow.
Over the past 5 years as things gradually got worse and the effects of what “they” say is an incurable disease my goal, no my quest in life hasn’t been to have a better, faster car or bigger nicer more comfortable house it’s been to try and find a cure for my MS.
This hideous disease is just that…. hideous, I’m in pain 24 hours a day, I find it difficult to walk, actually it’s impossible unless I have a wall or furniture to lean on.So I can’t transfer food or drinks about the flat unless it’s moved from worktop to worktop to chair but I’ve got a routine and it works. The pain and discomfort has been with me for 14 years so it’s part of my life and I just accept it.
I’m not saying this because I want you to feel sorry for me because I don’t, I want to be treated like anyone else, ok it help’s when my limitations are understood and taken into consideration. The people I see most of are my fantastic niece Debbie, my beautiful sister Suzie and the best mum anyone could want. They are just on the plus side of fantastic so I’m blessed, I’m amazingly lucky to have them in my life.
So going back to my quest… I worked for Dr, Hal Huggins, what he has done for humanity will be remembered as someone not known by the masses but revered by those that knew him or knew of him. Being so close to the man, he was/is also a grumpy cantankerous selfish man but I learnt a great deal because of him.
He cured himself of MS, or should I say his MS wasn’t visible normally providing he took his supplements daily, his very worst day was a damn site better than my very best day. So the continued attempts by me to reverse MS really started here.
Initially body chemistry re-balancing which was doc’s speciality was the first in-depth look at the reason’s why I was suffering and how to correct the imbalances in my blood. There are 34 components of the blood we’d look at. There are lot’s more but through his research and his forerunners Weston A Price and Melvin Page ,these 34 were critical in restoring health.
The next and even more important was to correct the damage done by dentist’s, I know all dentist’s believe they are helping by filling and removing teeth, or replacing teeth with root canals and implant’s but they aren’t helping at all. In fact dentist’s are causing so many problems with their patients health. If you read up on Weston A Price you’ll learn so much it will scare the pants off you.
A full dental revision was the way Huggins had changed the lives of hundreds of people, initially it was doc that did the dental work but because it flew in the face of traditional dentistry and his outspoken way’s had caused major upsets with the powers that be. The ADA, State board and the instrumental and very influential pharmaceutical industry he lost his licence to practice.
This didn’t change his desire to prove them wrong so fortunately an alliance of trained by Huggins dentists still exist, A list of names and contact details is on this site.
Anyway I made enquiries with the two best. Dr Blanche Grube in Scranton, PA. and Dr Stuart Nunnally in Marble Falls, TX.. Over the previous fiscal year I’d sent patients to Dr Nunnally that generated in excess of $800,000 and for Dr Grube more than $350,000 so I hoped they’d take this into consideration when quoting me for the work. I knew it was going to be expensive but I’d just have to get a bank loan. I had the xrays and sent them off to Dr Nunnally. A few days later I got a call from Cassie at Dr Nunnally’s office and was told my dentistry would be $26,000 and that was after a 30% discount. Needless to say I knew this would have to wait.
A month later doc had a new dentist seminar, he would take the majority of time over the two days but Dr Grube had a half day session, I just did the initial hosting and greeting and a 30 minute session on the benefits of the Huggins Recovery Program.
At the end of the second day I was in the lift (elevator) with Drs Grube and Medina when Dr Grube asked if I was going to have the full dental revision. I smiled and explained it would have to wait although it was very important to me.
Dr Grube asked why? I then told her I had MS, the look on her face was a classic shocked and surprised mouth wide open and eyebrows touching her hairline glare at me. She had no idea which showed how well my natural supplements through docs body chemistry re-balancing was working…. The doors opened but no one moved, she then said “you are coming to Scranton”, I said I’d love to but I just can’t afford it now. She then said “ No, you ARE coming to Scranton, don’t worry about the money”.
At this point my eyes filled with tears and I hugged her like I was seeing my mum after 10 years.
This has taken nearly two hours of one digit typing so I’ll stop now and continue tomorrow,,