Look younger with beet juice…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Prevent Wrinkles and Repair Your Skin with Beet Juice

Danica Collins |

The benefits of beet juice have been backed by countless studies, but it seems most people are unaware of its nutritional power.

These bright red root vegetables pack a variety of vitamins and minerals rarely found in such high concentrations within one food.

Beets became popular around the world in the 19th century when it was discovered they could be used to make sugar; the very first beet sugar plant was built in Poland.

Beets belong to the Chenopod family – along with spinach and chard – and continue to amaze researchers with their incredibly unique antioxidant values.

Beet Juice Benefits for Anti-Aging

High in folate, beets stimulate the production and repair of cells, which helps protect against premature aging.

Top 3 Anti-Aging Benefits of Beet Juice
• Fight wrinkles and skin conditions naturally with folate!
• Prevent age-related macular degeneration with vitamin A and carotenoids!
• Preserve brain function with nitrates that improve blood flow!
Beet juice might not be incredibly delicious on its own but adding apple juice or carrot juice – both topically or orally – sweetens it and boosts the overall antioxidants.

Anti-Aging Beet Skin Care Facial Mask 1…2…3

1. Mix 1 tablespoon of carrot juice and 1 tablespoon of beet juice. Apply to face with a cotton ball. Leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
2. Smooth a small bit of coconut oil into your skin for deep-tissue moisturization and to repair damaged skin.
3. Exfoliate with 1 tablespoon of pineapple juice mixed with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and rub into skin.
The bromelain in pineapple removes dead skin without damaging the new skin underneath. Rub for several minutes – until dead skin begins to flake off – then rinse and apply a light layer of coconut oil to rehydrate the skin.

Treating your face to natural skin care treatments works just as well as a spa day, costs less and delivers better results.

Researchers estimate you could reduce the depth and appearance of wrinkles by as much as 60% – without cosmetic surgery or painful / dangerous procedures.

Looking good isn’t the only benefit of beet juice. The scientific community is studying beets in every application from acne treatment to improving your chances of survival after surgery.

Top 5 Total Body Benefits of Beet Juice
1. Naturally fat-free, low in calories, inexpensive and available year-round – beets are a good fuel source of carbohydrates that don’t leave you lagging like processed foods.

Folate, fiber, iron, manganese, potassium and vitamin C – to name a few – make these unassuming veggies a must-have in your nutrition plan. They satisfy hunger, aid in weight loss and boost your energy levels.

2. Prevents heart disease and lowers blood pressure significantly. Professor Amrita Ahluwalia, of Barts and the London School of Medicine, and her team observed an immediate effect of nitrate-rich beet juice in lowering blood pressure within one hour and continued benefits were observed as much as 24 hours later.

3. Fights cancer – especially colon cancer – and shrinks tumors. This is due to the high concentration of betacyanin – which gives beets their red pigment – and the ability of beets to increase the body’s natural production of glutathione.

According to Sherry Rogers, M.D., this compound is effective against hundreds of pollutants – including those known to cause cancer – by attaching to them and flushing them from your system.

Conventional medicine has included ‘beet therapy’ as complimentary medicine for fighting cancer since Dr. Alexander Ferenczi, a doctor in Hungary, treated patients with final-stage cancer who had not responded to other treatments. Each of his patients showed outstanding progress – no matter their form of cancer.

4. Detoxifies the entire digestive system, according to Mikhail Tombak, Ph.D., a Russian anti-aging researcher, and breaks down stones in the bladder, kidneys and liver. It also cleanses the blood and colon specifically.

5. The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry published a study that stated beets lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL (good) cholesterol – all thanks to the antioxidant betanin. Folate, also found in abundance in beets, is effective in breaking down homocystein – a bio marker for heart disease.

Beets can be sautéed on low heat, grated raw, boiled or steamed. Added to soups, salads or entrees – you will not regret adding this often overlooked Super Food to your daily eating plan.

The benefits of beets are just now being fully examined…imagine what else researchers are going to discover!

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Aspartame, holes in the brains of animal subjects.

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The laws governing the sale of drugs and food additives require substances be safe for human consumption. The artificial sweetener aspartame primarily consumed in beverages and as a popular sugar substitute has consistently been found to cause tumors and brain seizures in animal subjects. In 2005, a European Cancer Research Center, the Ramazzini Foundation, called for an urgent re-examination of aspartame in food and beverages to protect children. This call is made in the face of the US FDA stand that aspartame is safe for human consumption on the ground that “aspartame as a carcinogen is not supported by data.”

Aspartame: A brief history
As early as 1960 aspartame was determined to be a dangerous chemical and the emerging research years later only served to affirm the true nature of this artificial sweetener. Over the years, aspartame has been found to create holes in brain tissue, adversely affect the brain and nerve development in the fetus, cause cancer, migraines, headaches, seizures, convulsions and even retinal damage. With this amount of negative findings, aspartame should have been removed from the market years ago!

Ironically, aspartame was indeed removed from the market after it was already approved for limited use based on tests selected by Searle, the company who originally produced the artificial sweetener. This was after Dr. John Olney, a research psychiatrist from Washington School of Medicine, revealed that consumption of aspartic acid, a major ingredient in aspartame, produced holes in the brains of animal subjects.

After two task forces that found questionable laboratory practices as well as findings, the FDA ordered a grand jury investigation of aspartame studies, but lawyers for the government failed to initiate a legal action against Searle. Time ran out, and the grand jury investigation had to be terminated. Of interest to note was that one of the lawyers for the government, U.S. attorney William Conlon, later joined the law firm representing Searle.

Unfazed by this setback, the FDA this time recommended a Public Board Inquiry which recommended that aspartame be kept off the market until further tests could prove that it did not cause tumors. This led to a formation of another team of experts brought together to look into the Public Board of Inquiry’s conclusions. This team found itself in a deadlock over aspartame approval, causing the FDA Commissioner not to approve aspartame this time.

In April 1981, Dr. Arthur Hayes was appointed the new Commissioner for the FDA and he later approved aspartame for use in dry goods. In 1983, he also approved aspartame for use in diet drinks, conveniently leaving months later to work for Searle’s advertising agency.

Warning to aspartame consumers
We can only guess and read between the lines what kind of politics it took to get aspartame approved. After more than 8,000 complaints on Nutrasweet side effects, a list of symptoms attributed to aspartame from complaints submitted to the FDA was made public. This list included among others: hallucinations, diarrhea, seizures, depression, migraine, fatigue and insomnia. Aspartame has also been linked to tumors, cancer and infertility.

Except for a brief declaration that carefully controlled clinical studies showed aspartame is not an allergen, the FDA merely issued an advisory that products containing aspartame must include a warning to phenylketonurics, people sensitive to the compound phenylalanine. It still continues to adhere to its stand that “aspartame as a carcinogen is not supported by data.”

Aspartame was never tested on humans before its approval. Now, it is found in 6,000 products and consumed by more than 250 million people, with Americans consuming around half of the world supply. By default, we have now become the test subjects for aspartame’s safety. Unwittingly we are providing evidence to aspartame’s toxicity through the devastating effects it is slowly producing among its consumers. The list of complaints submitted to the FDA as well as from anecdotal reports does not seem to end anytime soon. If the government chooses to turn a blind eye on aspartame, let us at least choose not to be a willing conspirator and suffer the consequences of being a willing victim.

Sources for this article:


Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035195_aspartame_brain_tumors_seizures.html#ixzz2EplKpYRw

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What a label should tell you…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Are you being fooled by your labels? 50 percent of people falsely believe ‘all natural’ means no GMOs

Navigating the grocery store aisles in search of truly healthy food can be a daunting task, especially if you do not know exactly what to look for. And according to a new survey put out by ViJuvenate.com, as many as half of all shoppers are still confused by the terms “natural” and “all natural,” falsely believing them to imply that a food item is free of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs).

Based on a survey that included 206 respondents from across the U.S., it was determined that 50 percent of shoppers from varying backgrounds and income levels falsely believe that “natural” foods automatically contain no GMOs. As can be expected, this assumption lies in the obvious fact that GMOs are not natural, and thus would not feasibly be found in foods bearing such a label.

But as we have pointed out in the past, terms like “natural” and “all natural” are very loosely regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which means food producers are free to use them interchangeably on all sorts of food items that are not technically natural. Unlike certified organic products, “natural” products are not required to be GMO-free, nor are they necessarily required to be grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.

According to the Rodale Institute, the USDA’s guidelines for “natural” foods are ambiguous at best, and the term can be used voluntarily by food companies at their own discretion, with no anchoring to any set of standardized guidelines. And while the USDA website states that all natural claims “should be accompanied by a brief statement which explains what is meant by the term natural,” this requirement is hardly enforced.

At the same time, 43 percent of survey respondents indicated their belief that the word “natural” is highly regulated by the USDA, while 33 percent said they believe “natural” products are grown without synthetic chemicals. Even among those who said they regularly purchase organic food, 41 percent indicated their belief that “natural” foods are GMO-free.

NaturalNews has been trying to get the word out for years about widespread deception in the “natural” foods industry. Not all food products labeled “natural” are bad, of course, but there are a number of popular “natural” brands such as Barbara’s Bakery and Kashi that are deliberately betraying their customers with deceptive advertising, and the public needs to know about it.

Unless a food product specifically states that it does not contain GMOs; has been officially certified by the Non-GMO Project as being GMO-free; or bears an official USDA certified organic seal, you can be sure that it most likely contains GMOs if it was produced in the U.S., even if it also bears a “natural” label.

Sources for this article include:





Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038206_food_labels_GMO_natural_foods.html#ixzz2E4k9JNj4

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What can cause depression…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Depression and mood disorders are devastating health problems today. When you go to your doctor, their answer is often a prescription for one of the various popular anti-depressant drugs. Many doctors do not investigate for metabolic or nutritional deficiencies that may be the ‘real problem’ for your depression. Patients have no idea why they feel so awful or where to start looking for the answer. They expect their doctor to give them real solutions. Instead they get drugs as the easy fix. Drugs are not an easy fix because of the serious side effects that come with taking them. Doctors prescribe these drugs from information they get from the drug sales rep which often is only part-truth. The side effects and dangers of these drugs are down-played or left out altogether. Prescription drugs should only be prescribed after other medical problems have been ruled out.

Learn About 10 Nutrient Deficiencies That Cause Depression and Mood Disorder Symptoms:

If you suffer from depression or mood disorders you may be deficient in one of the nutrients below. Researchers have found that many people who suffer from depression and mood disorders are deficient in not just one nutrient but several, all contributing to the symptoms.

#1: Healthy Food Deficiency? Junk Food Diet Is your diet filled with sugar, junk foods, sodas, or processed foods? Do you often skip meals. If you suffer from depression or mood disorders, start a food diary of the foods you eat every day. You will find answers to your health problems while doing that. Your shopping cart and refrigerator tell the story of your health. My husband works as a cashier at Walmart. People shopping for their family fill their cart with junk sugar filled cereal, chips, candy, soda, , TV dinners, and over-processed food in general. Seven-Elevens thrive on selling candy, soda, and chips to the eat-on-the-run customers. There are very few fresh vegetables or fruit on the average American’s grocery list. This is why so many Americans are obese, depressed, and suffering from diabetes. If your life is not going well, eating junk food is not going to improve your outlook.

#2: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Deficiency: These are found in foods such as fish and Flax Seed Oil. A deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids or an imbalance between Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids may be one of the contributing factors to your depression. Omega 3 Fatty acids are important to brain function and your mental outlook on life. They also help people who suffer from inflammation and pain problems. Researchers have found that many patients with depression and mood disorders are deficient in Omega 3 Fatty Acids. It is important to buy fish oil that has been cold processed and tested for heavy metals and other contamination. It should state that on the label.

#3: Vitamin D Deficiency: Important to immune function, bones, and brain health. Sunlight is the richest source for natural Vitamin D. The Journal Clinical Nutrition in Jan 21st, 2013 published the result of research that analyzed over 18000 British citizens for Vitamin D deficiencies and associated mental disorders links. They found that a deficiency of Vitamin D was present in patients with depression and panic disorders. The study results stated that people who are deficient in Vitamin D are at higher risk for developing depression later in life. Most seniors are deficient in Vitamin D. Often people working long hours in offices are deficient as well. Get out in the sun. Take a walk during your lunch break or walk your dog. Play a game with your kids outside away from computers and the television. Get out of the house and into the sunshine. Just don’t overdo it if you are sensitive to the sun. Overdoing it is not good either.

#4: B-Vitamins Deficiency: There is much research in Neuropsychiatry that proves the link between B-Vitamin deficiencies and mood disorders including depression. Buy gel capsules instead of tablets with at least 25 mg for each of the different B- Vitamins included in the formulation.

#5: Zinc , Folate, Chromium, and Iron Deficiencies: Patients with depression are often found deficient in many nutrients including these. Often today’s foods are sadly lacking in minerals and trace minerals.

#6: Iodine Deficiency: Iodine is necessary for the thyroid to work properly. The thyroid, part of the endocrine system, is one of the most important glands in your body. The thyroid gland affects every function of the body including body temperature, immune function, and brain function. Iodine is found in foods such as potatoes, cranberries, Kelp, Arame, Hiziki, Kombu, and Wakame. This problem was once solved by using Iodine enriched salt. Today iodine deficiency is again becoming a problem with salt free diets. Salty chips, processed foods, and junk food do not contain iodized salt.

#7: Amino Acids Deficiency: There are 9 necessary amino acids that cannot be manufactured in your body. You must supply them to the body by eating quality food choices.

Amino acids are found in meat, eggs, fish, high quality beans, seeds and nuts. You need to eat a variety of different foods to furnish the body with all the amino acids needed to be healthy. Not all foods contain all nine amino acids. Vegetable food sources for amino acids include Moringa Oleifera leaves. Your brain uses the amino acids found in the food you eat to manufacture neurotransmitters needed for optimal brain function.

What are neurotransmitters and what do they have to do with depression? Healthy brain function needs the proper balance of neurotransmitters. Some neurotransmitters calm the brain and others excite the brain. Their balance in the brain creates stability of emotions and thinking. Often depression and other mental disorders are caused by imbalances in neurotransmitters. Dopamine, noradrenaline, and GABA are three important neurotransmitters often deficient in depression. Orthomolecular physicians have found that treatment with amino acids including tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and methionine can correct different mood disorders like depression. The Orthomolecular doctor first takes urine and blood samples to test your amino acid levels. Then if he finds imbalances, you will be given amino acid supplements in the optimal dosage to correct the problem. Orthomolecular doctors treat the base cause for the depression or mental symptoms. If it is a nutritional imbalance such as a Omega 3 deficiency, you will be prescribed that supplement. Instead of treating with drugs, they treat the deficiencies that cause the mental symptoms with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

There are tests that prove nutrient deficiencies. The problem is often your standard medicine doctor will not give clearance for the tests, nor will your insurance pay for them. Most doctors are not schooled in nutrition and diet. They have no time to go over your eating and lifestyle habits. Saying that, a few companies and health providers exist who do have preventive health programs. The reality is a majority of people do not get quality preventive healthcare, especially those on Medicaid or Medical. You need to visit a holistic doctor who knows his nutrition. More than likely you will have to pay out-of-pocket for the tests. You can go through Life Extension Institute. After becoming a member, you can receive the tests through the mail. You take the kit to a lab to get your blood drawn. You then send the kit back by mail and receive the results by mail. They do not give you interpretation for the tests nor how to correct the problems found by testing. You can at least find out what vitamins and minerals you are deficient in. Drug-focused therapy is the main reason that so many people never get diagnosed properly. Insurance plans will pay for drugs but not nutritional supplements. That is the sad state of our health care system here. You must take control of your health and find a doctor whose goal is holistic and preventative medicine.

References for Research:

Life Extension : Facebook.com/LifeExtension ; Titter.com/LifeExtension ; Life Extension Customer service: 800-678-8989 It is a paid membership to access their products and research. Reduced cost on lab tests is part of membership benefits.





MS and me…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

In February 2004 I was diagnosed with MS, like everyone who is told that horrible news I was devastated, I had been seeing a physicians assistant not the doctor and he gave me some great advice, he suggested that I didn’t allow them to officially diagnose MS. The reason was that MS would be on my health records forever and it would affect everything I did in the future. My insurance would sky rocket, not just health insurance but also my vehicle and life insurance. So I took his advice and didn’t go back for the official dianosis when they would try to put me on medication to address the symptoms rather than the cause.
Through a great deal of research I found several ways of addressing the problem, some seemed to have some validity but others didn’t, in 2007 I met Dr Huggins who had been an MS patient for 37 years but was living a normal life. I was offered a job as the Client Service Director and began three and a half years of learning the truth about illness.
I’ve said this thousands of times before and I’m sure I will say it at least another thousand times, mercury is the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth, the majority of MS patients will have amalgam fillings in their teeth. Every time you brush your teeth, drink hot drinks or chew, you stimulate the release of methyl mercury which is 100 times more toxic. The most sensitive parts of your body are the insides of your cheeks and under your tongue, so guess where the methyl mercury goes.
Once inside your body, it is attached to the hemeglobin in your red blood cells and is transported throughout your body, in fact there is a very good chance it will find a home in a filter organ and for the MS patient it has crossed the blood brain barrier.
The answer is not just to rush into your local holistic or biological dentist, because they do not know the correct way of removing amalgams, there is a very specific sequence to do this and only a dentist that has gone through the official training with Dr Huggins will know the correct way.
So having the amalgam fillings removed the correct way is the first part of your healing.
Another possible way of beating my MS was to use H202 or hydrogen peroxide, Dr Madison Cavanaugh wrote a book called “One minute cure” which I bought for $40 a few years ago, it was a 119 page download. She talked very positively about using 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide, it was administered using a dropper, 3 drops in 8 ozs of distilled water three times per day. Then increasing by one drop each day until you took 25 drops three times a day.
I strongly recommend that you do not do this unless you have the book, Dr Cavanaugh explains in great detail how this is to be taken and the safety precautions that must be followed. H202 will burn your skin, badly if you are not extremely careful.
I think there were three things that made the biggest impact on my health and recovery, firstly to have the dentistry done by a Huggins trained dentist, I was very lucky because I was able to use Dr Blanche Grube in Scranton, PA. I had over ten hours of dental work done on two sittings.
Body chemistry re-balancing with Dr Huggins and finally the CCSVI operation in Bulgaria.
Dr Grube is far and away the best at what she does, skill, passion, compassion and experience all of which in my opinion far exceed anyone else.
Now I’ve said several times, I truly believe that there isn’t one way to cure everything, there are so many protocols that profess to address the many problems we as frail delicate human are subject to. The food conglomerates spend millions if not billions with slick advertising agencies to bamboozle the general public into thinking their food product, that in reality has very little nutritional value after processing, is good and nutritious.
We get into a rhythm of eating a food product for breakfast, we give it religiously to our children thinking we are doing the right thing when in reality, all we are doing is depriving ourselves and our children of the very nutrition necessary to sustain life.
It’s no wonder that this nation, the most powerful nation in the world is close to being in the bottom half of the world’s nations from a health standpoint. That is according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
When I was first diagnosed with MS in February 2004, I honestly thought my life was over as I knew it, however the English and German in me (English dad and German mother) which makes a good combination for a stubborn attitude, refused to give in.
I surfed the internet for months and talked to anyone and everyone I could, eventually a friend told me about a health beverage, no, not the Noni or Viavienti but something called XanGo. A juice made from the mangosteen fruit, it grows in south East Asia, not in the US or Europe. The whole fruit is processed or blended including the rind of the fruit, actually I’d better go back a bit to explain some very important details.
A man called Joe Morton was in Malaysia on business, while there he stumbled across a fruit that was being served for desert. Yes the fruit was deliscious but Joe’s inquisitive mind made him ask a lot of questions.
To cut a long story short, Joe teamed up with two of his brothers and three other amazing men, they eventually struck up a partnership with “Wild Flavours” the biggest health beverage company in the world, based out of Germany.
Together they produced the juice XanGo a name created from Xanthones and Mangosteen, there are only 200 xanthones known to man and 43 of them can be found in the mangosteen fruit.
Now because of the phenomenal success of XanGo, there are lots of imitators, none of which have the xanthones or at least the beneficial ones in their product, so don’t be fooled by their claims.
I use XanGo to this day and I truly believe I’d be in a wheelchair if I didn’t take it.
I drink about 6 ozs of he juice each day, 2 ozs three times per day, this is because it has a half life of about 4 hrs in your body to it’s best to consume it three times each day.
Don’t be put off because it’s a network marketing company, it is simply the best way of avoiding the middle men and having it cost significantly more. You can just go online to www.xango.com and order it, they are an incredible company that stand by their product and their name. The best way is to join for $35 and then you can buy it wholesale, also if you order two cases and for some unknown reason decide at any time it’s not working for you they will reimburse you the money you paid for the product, no questions asked…
Several years ago I did a search on “natural ways of beating MS”, I came across a company called Micro Bio Flora who sold a product called “Progurt” a Probiotic in yogurt form that contained more than 200 times the CFU’s (colony forming units) than any other probiotic in the world.
I talked with the owner of the company a Mr Robert Beson a new yorker living in Australia; they had found their product was having great effects on MS patients.
Its not cheap at $620 per month but I can vouch for its efficacy, I used it for about a year and had only positive results from using it, the only reason I stopped was that I started working for Dr Huggins and realised there were other issues involved such as amalgam fillings.
As far as I am concerned the benefits of using Progurt far outweigh the cost, so it’s well worth a try if…and only if you’ve had your amalgams replaced by a Huggins trained dentist.
A point to mention here is that if you buy your Probiotic from the health food store, you will find it primarily in two forms, pills or drinks, they vary from as little as 1 million CFU’s to as high as 35 billion CFU’s ( colony forming units) and they are made from 1 to 5 different strains of Probiotic.
Progurt however is made from a lot more strains of Probiotic providing far more protection and benefit’s over the regular Probiotic. The massive difference is that Progurt has 1 trillion CFU’s, that is at least 200 times more powerful than anything else available.
It can be mailed from Australia and be anywhere in the world in three days at no extra charge, it arrives with a yogotherm to “cook” the Progurt and a month’s supply of product. It is in powder form in very slim sachet’s which you mix with ultra pasteurized milk and leave in the yogotherm for 8 hrs. I actually found it to be more palatable if left for 24 hours. It is a really nice vanilla flavored yogurt which you drink each day. I was told to start by having two pints per day for he first month then to reduce my consumption to one pint for the next month.
If finances allowed I would still be taking it now.

In May of 2011 I lost my job, actually I was laid off because my employer wanted a DNA specialist and as I didn’t fit the bill and was one of only two salaried employees it was obvious who would have to go in his eyes. They used the excuse that the company was struggling financially but as the biggest revenue generator he had ever had I found that to be an invalid excuse, the real reason was that I had MS and he was too concerned about financial liability as we didn’t have any health insurance.
So I’ve struggled on trying to do my best, at the end of the day it is my own responsibility not anyone else.
I’ve maintained my supplemental regimine but it is hard to cope financially and physically of course. I am determined to win this challenge.

I’ve now had to come back to England primarily because of finances and my health, wanting to maintain a healthy diet with very little money is nigh on impossible and luckily because of some amazingly wonderful family members (mum and sister Suzie) I’ve been able to start a new chapter of my ongoing adventure called life.

I am determined to beat the odds and walk away from this life threatening supposed incurable disease.

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