Vaccinations, saint or Sinner..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

As you know, health authorities around the globe fiercely maintain that vaccines are safe, regardless of what’s happening in the real world. Time and again, serious side effects from vaccines are overlooked and swept under the rug as being “coincidental.”

But just how many coincidences does it take before a pattern emerges, and how long do you stare at the pattern before you acknowledge that it’s there?

It’s all very convenient to ascribe all vaccine reactions to sheer chance; brushing them aside with comments like, “they would have gotten ill anyway due to predisposition.”

However, once you take the time to truly investigate the information we already have at our disposal, in the form of medical studies and disease statistics, it’s quite clear that a pattern is staring us right in the face. In a nutshell, this pattern could be summarized by saying that vaccines generally reduce health and worsen health outcomes.

Patterns of Vaccine-Induced Disease

There are all sorts of research showing that vaccines can, and do, cause or contribute to disease—either the disease the vaccine is supposed to protect against, or other diseases. Here’s are but a few examples that I’ve covered in previous articles: •Vaccinating children against chickenpox can increase the risk of adult shingles. Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a painful blistering rash that is potentially dangerous in the elderly. According to researchers at Britain’s Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS), while vaccination might save thousands of lives over time, thousands of elderly people may also suffer the painful effects of shingles and even die prematurely from the complications of shingles.

Interestingly enough, instead of reconsidering the strategy of vaccinating against this typically harmless childhood disease, the pharmaceutical industry simply responded by creating a shingles vaccine for seniors. The vaccine, according to some studies, has been shown to prevent shingles about half the time.

•Of the children who contracted chickenpox in an outbreak in Maryland in 2001, 75 percent of the affected had been vaccinated against the disease. •Similarly, last year the US experienced the largest outbreak of mumps since 2006. More than 1,000 people in New Jersey and New York fell ill, yet 77 percent of those sickened were vaccinated against mumps. •In 2007, it became clear that the use of the vaccine Prevnar, used against pneumonia, meningitis, and deadly bloodstream infections in young children, has unleashed a superbug that is resistant to all currently available drugs.

In the U.S. Prevnar is given to infants as four shots between the age of 2 months and 15 months. It covers seven of the 90-odd strains of the strep bacteria, and although diseases from the seven covered strains have declined, one strain called 19A has developed super resistance and is now spreading.

•Certain vaccines have also been linked to a rise in type 1 diabetes in a number of studies. One such study, published in 2003 to further investigate this connection concluded that clusters of cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) may be linked to six different vaccines: the haemophilus influenza B (HIB), pertussis, MMR, and BCG vaccine. The authors stated:

“The identification of clusters of cases of T1DM occurring in consistent temporal time periods allowed a link between the hemophilus vaccine and T1DM to be established. The current findings indicate the there are also clusters of cases of T1DM occurring 2-4 years post-immunization with the pertussis, MMR, and BCG vaccine. The data are consistent with the occurrence of clusters following mumps infection and the progression to T1DM in patients with antipancreatic autoantibodies.”

•In the late 1960’s, an experimental vaccine in development, the RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) vaccine killed two infants, and a staggering 80 percent of all children who received it were hospitalized with severe respiratory disease.

A report issued eight years later concluded that the reason for this abysmal failure was because the children’s antibodies did not bind to the inactivated virus to produce a protective immune response, meaning their immune system could not recognize the infectious invader. Instead, the dead virus circulated throughout their bodies, triggering a massive immune system attack.

This last example is part and parcel of what many pro-vaccine-safety educators have been saying about other vaccines as well – that they can create serious health problems for those who are injected with lab altered micoorganisms that can wreak havoc on immune function. And, when several vaccines are administered together, or in close succession, their interaction may completely overwhelm your child’s developing immune system.

Narcolepsy—A Now Confirmed Side Effect of the Latest Flu Vaccine

Last year, Sweden and Finland sounded the alarm as a disproportionate number of youths suddenly developed narcolepsy after being vaccinated with the H1N1 swine flu vaccine. Other European countries, such as France, Germany and Norway, also reported cases of the rare sleeping disorder, causing the EU to launch an investigation.

In Sweden, the Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket) began their inquiry in August 2010, the results of which are now published.

The verdict?

The Pandemrix vaccine against H1N1 influenza increases the risk of narcolepsy in children and adolescents under the age of 20 by 400 percent.

For every 100,000 children/adolescents vaccinated, 4.06 of them ended up being diagnosed with narcolepsy, compared to the normal incidence, which is 0.97 cases per 100,000. That means that for every 100,000 children vaccinated, three are guaranteed to develop narcolepsy as a result of the vaccine.

Finland also conducted an investigation into the Pandemrix vaccine. There, the vaccine was found to increase the risk of narcolepsy by 900 percent in children and adolescents below the age of 19!

As a result of these findings the Swedish Medical products Agency (MPA) concluded that the vaccine should be withdrawn from use in children and adolescents.

The Pandemrix vaccine was not licensed for use in the US, and so far none of the flu vaccines licensed here have been linked to narcolepsy. However, it just goes to show how little anyone really knows about the interaction between vaccines and health, and how easily something can go awry.

Other Harmful Effects of 2010 Flu Vaccines Around the World

As you may recall, Australia also temporarily suspended its seasonal flu program for children under the age of five last year, after detecting an abnormal number of side effects within 12 hours of vaccination, compared to previous years. Side effects included high fevers and seizures.

A one-year-old child also went into a coma after receiving the flu vaccine. However, three months later, the Australian Department of Health resumed seasonal flu vaccinations for young children, stating that “the higher than usual occurrence of fever and febrile convulsions appears to be confined to the vaccine Fluvax,” and advised parents to simply vaccinate their children with some other brand of flu vaccine.

In August of last year, the Korea Herald also reported that nearly 2,600 side effects had been reported to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in association with the swine flu vaccine. There, side effects included fevers, headaches and allergic responses, and 10 deaths.

In the US, the H1N1 flu vaccine has now been statistically linked with abnormally high rates of miscarriage and stillbirths.

Why Vaccinations Can Be so Dangerous

The presumed intent of a vaccination is to help you build immunity to potentially harmful organisms that cause illness and disease. However, your body’s immune system is already designed to do this in response to organisms that invade your body naturally.

Most disease-causing organisms enter your body through the mucous membranes of your nose, mouth, pulmonary system or your digestive tract – NOT through an injection.

These mucous membranes have their own immune system, called the IgA immune system. It is a different system from the one activated when a vaccine is injected into your body. Your IgA immune system is your body’s first line of defense. Its job is to fight off invading organisms at their entry points, reducing or even eliminating the need for activation of your body’s immune system.

However, when a virus is injected into your body in a vaccine, and especially when combined with an immune adjuvant, your IgA immune system is bypassed and your body’s immune system kicks into high gear in response to the vaccination. Adjuvants can trigger unwanted immune responses, as they can cause your immune system to overreact to the introduction of the organism you’re being vaccinated against.

Make no mistake about it, injecting organisms into your body to provoke immunity is contrary to nature, and vaccination carries enormous potential to do serious damage to your health.

The Problem with Artificial Immunity (Vaccination)

Since vaccines bypass your natural first-line defense (your lgA immune system), they are never 100 percent protective because they provide only temporary, typically inferior immunity compared to that your body would receive from naturally contracting and recovering from a disease.

In the case of many childhood diseases, such as mumps for instance, immunity is typically permanent when you contract and recover from it in childhood. According to Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center:

“Vaccines are supposed to fool your body’s immune system into producing antibodies to resist viral and bacterial infection in the same way that actually having the disease usually produces immunity to future infection.

But vaccines atypically introduce into the human body lab altered live viruses and killed bacteria along with chemicals, metals, drugs and other additives such as formaldehyde, aluminum, mercury, monosodium glutamate, sodium phosphate, phenoxyethanol, gelatin, sulfites, yeast protein, antibiotics as well as unknown amounts of RNA and DNA from animal and human cell tissue cultures.

Whereas natural recovery from many infectious diseases usually stimulates lifetime immunity, vaccines only provide temporary protection and most vaccines require “booster” doses to extend vaccine-induced artificial immunity.

The fact that manmade vaccines cannot replicate the body’s natural experience with the disease is one of the key points of contention between those who insist that mankind cannot live without mass use of multiple vaccines and those who believe that mankind’s biological integrity will be severely compromised by their continued use.”

So, is it really better to protect children against all infectious diseases early in life through inferior temporary immunity from vaccines? Wouldn’t it be better for the majority of healthy children to experience certain contagious infections in childhood, especially if they are usually mild like chicken pox, and allow them to get more robust, longer lasting immunity?

Another important question, from a vaccine policy standpoint, is whether or not vaccine complications ultimately cause more chronic illness and death than the infectious diseases do. Unfortunately, such investigations have not been done, but again, there is growing evidence that too much vaccination is leading to a deterioration in health in growing numbers of children and adults, who were otherwise healthy prior to receiving one or many different vaccines.

Would You Knowingly Inject Yourself with Toxins?

The main “active” ingredient in a vaccine is either killed bacteria or live viruses that have been attenuated (weakened). However, that’s by no means the sole ingredient in vaccines. All vaccines also contain a variety of chemicals; some of which are more toxic than others.

Most seasonal flu vaccines, for example, contain 25 mcg of mercury dangerous levels of mercury in the form of thimerosal, a vaccine preservative. Mercury is a known neurotoxin and thimerosal containing vaccines have been associated with long-term immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions. (Aluminum is another neurotoxin that is used in some vaccines as an adjuvant and has been associated with neurological problems such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia).

Just imagine the potential brain damage you’re exposing yourself to if you get a seasonal flu vaccine every single year!

But thimerosal is not the only concern when it comes to flu vaccines. You also have the dangers of immune adjuvants like squalene or aluminum to contend with. (Aluminum adjuvants are used in approved U.S. influenza vaccines while other countries may allow squalene to be added as an adjuvant).

Other toxic substances found in various vaccines include:

Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)

Triton X100 (detergent)

Formaldehyde – a known cancer causing agent

Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

Neomycin and streptomycin (antibiotics)

Phenol (carbolic acid)

Aluminum — a neurotoxin linked to Alzheimer’s disease

Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™) – which can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis

(To determine which vaccines contain which ingredients, see this CDC list.)

Personally, I don’t think too many people would knowingly and voluntarily inject even one of these ingredients into their bodies. No, injecting detergent and antifreeze would seem ridiculous to most people, knowing how dangerous it can be swallow even a small amount of these caustic substances. And yet, every parent is asked, or even required by law, to repeatedly inject these and other toxic chemicals into their infants!

Make Educated Decisions

Before making a decision on vaccinating your children against anything, I strongly urge you review the side effects and risks involved. Making this effort could make a tremendous difference in the health of your child. •Remember: Vaccines can cause serious health problems including brain inflammation and autoimmune disorders, allergies, ear infections, and more •There’s a very real association between vaccine complications and learning and behavioral disorders in children •The components of vaccines have never been proven safe •The ingredients and contaminants in vaccines can be detrimental to your health

There are far safer and more effective ways to protect your children and yourself against disease. For example, a Japanese study from last year showed that school children taking vitamin D3 supplements were 58 percent less likely to catch influenza A. That’s a higher effectiveness than any flu vaccine can claim, and doesn’t come with a barrage of potentially devastating side effects!

There are numerous studies like these, showing the superior effectiveness of natural strategies in the prevention of disease.

Overall, your best defense against any disease is a robust immune system, which vaccines can compromise. So supporting your immune system should always be at the top of your list. Vitamin D is one crucial component for optimal health, so I urge you to get your children’s vitamin D levels tested, and, if found deficient, to follow my recommendations for optimizing their levels.

Do this, and they’ll be less likely to catch a cold or flu this year.

Remember, all of the information you need to boost your immune system and health is available, for free, on my Web site in a clear, concise format that is broken down for beginners, intermediate, and advanced. I encourage you to browse through this information today for tips on how to stay healthy, naturally.

Protect Your Health Freedom

I always like to remind everyone that we cannot take our freedom to make informed, voluntary vaccine choices in America for granted. There is an attack on non-medical vaccine exemptions in state public health laws that is being led by the pharmaceutical lobby to severely restrict or even eliminate the religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccination.

If we don’t stand up NOW for our right to make vaccine choices for our children, the day could come when we wake up and find out that we have no choices left.

I encourage you to get involved with the work that the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is doing to protect YOUR right to choose which vaccines you want your children to get, including the legal right to use all, some or no vaccines at all. Register for the free NVIC Advocacy Portal that educates you about how to communcicate effectively with your state legislators. Stay informed about what is happening in your state and make your voice heard.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog.

Blending is better than Juicing

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Blenders for Green Smoothies: Healthy Eating Habit for  Weight-Loss, Healing, and Anti-Aging

Using a blender for  green smoothies is one simple and healthy eating habit that is  arguably the single most  health-enhancing, weight-reducing, healing, detoxifying and anti-aging habit you  can adopt.

If you plan to make one simple change in your life that can revolutionize  your health, why not choose one that is not only one of the best ways to supercharge your body with energy every day … cause you to easily lose excess weightdetoxify your body … slow down or even halt your aging processprevent  and treat practically any disease — all in one fell swoop? And while  you’re at it, why not have a New Year’s resolution that is easy to incorporate  into your lifestyle and easy to stick to because … it tastes so good? blenders for green smoothies

The simple healthy eating habit that can accomplish all this is …blending.

Blending is the practice of combining fruits and vegetables together in a  high-speed blender — and consuming the resulting blend as a smoothie or soup. While this might not sound appetizing to most people, the blends  (also called “green  smoothies“), are actually quite delicious — even to those who are not fruit  and vegetable lovers, and even to children.

According to blending practitioners, the ideal fruit and vegetable blend  would have 60% ripe organic fruit mixed with 40% organic green leafy vegetables.  Some people add almond milk or soy milk to make the blend creamier. This “green  smoothie” is often referred to as the most nutritious meal on  earth.

Many advocates of blended food claim that when you include 5 fruits and 3  vegetables into your diet every day, it’s almost impossible to develop a chronic  disease. The human organism as a whole benefits significantly from the optimum  nutrition of fruits and vegetables. Research shows that green smoothies can even prevent and treat diseases such as cancer and heart disease,  and reduce one’s risk of developing common health conditions ranging from  age-related cataracts to diabetes.

The nutritional value of green  smoothies has become a trend that’s gaining popularity not only among  health-conscious individuals but among those who seek to eat healthier … prevent  or reverse disease … or fill in what’s missing in their diets.

“Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food” – Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine”

Why blending for green smoothies, is a healthy eating habit is superior to  juicing

A juicer extracts the juice of fruits and vegetables, but discards the pulp  into the waste chamber of the extractor. Even when one uses a masticating juicer  that squeezes every drop of juice from the produce — leaving only dry pulp — that pulp, which is often discarded, contains one of the main health benefits of  fruit and vegetable consumption, that is, fiber. On the other hand, blending liquefies the whole fruit or vegetable, and keeps the fiber in  the blend instead of discarding it.

Many nutritionists believe that drinking juices extracted from vegetables  with high sugar content (such as carrots) or from sweet fruits (such as dates,  lychees and bananas) will spike the body’s insulin levels, affect blood sugar  levels and lead to an increased risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular  disease. That’s not. the case  with blended fruits and vegetables. That’s because they contain fiber, which  slows down the release of natural sugars into the bloodstream.

High-powered blenders for green smoothies like Blendtec and  Vita-Mix are able to break down the cell walls of the fruits and vegetables,  thereby releasing all the nutrients which the body can readily absorb.UHR approved

Another advantage of using blenders for green smoothies is that they retain  their freshness longer than juices. Although it’s always best to consume  smoothies as soon as they’re blended, they can be refrigerated for up to a few  days. Juices, however, begin oxidizing as soon as the juice has been prepared,  and they should therefore, be consumed immediately. Otherwise, the juice’s  nutritional content significantly deteriorates.

How Green Smoothies Can Reduce Unwanted Weight
Glance at any  list of the most common New Year’s resolutions people make — and invariably,  you’ll find that shedding excess weight tops the list.


One of the most riveting stories of weight reduction I’ve ever encountered  with regards to blending is the story of a Costco employee named Clent Manich  who dropped 240 pounds in one year simply by consuming green  smoothies daily. He was also able to beat Type II Diabetes and was completely  off all of his medications and insulin within 3 weeks. His amazing story was  chronicled in Victoria Boutenko’s book titled Green Smoothie  Revolution.

Clent had made it a practice to start each day by a healthy eating habit of  making a gallon of blended fruits and vegetables — and he drank some of it every  2 to 3 hours. This helped eliminate his food cravings better  than anything he had ever tried before. Most other diets always made him feel  hungry and weak

Here are just a couple of recipes Clent used to lose such a dramatic  amount of weight:


  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 2 bananas
  • 1/2 bunch kale
  • 2 cups of pure or filtered water

Diabetic-Friendly Smoothie:

  • 1 mango
  • A handful of blueberries
  • 1 bunch of dandelion greens
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)
  • 2 cups of pure or filtered water

Recently, my friend Margo became an avid blending enthusiast when she visited  her sister, Mallory. When Mallory saw that Margo was exhausted and clearly  having one of her bouts of depression, she gave her a fruit and vegetable blend  to drink. Immediately after consuming the blend, Margo’s energy level increased  and her depression disappeared. That got her hooked on the practice of  blending.

From that day on, Margo began making green smoothies every morning — for  herself and her kids. In a few weeks’ time, without making any other changes in  her diet, she had shed so much weight that she was able to fit into her teenage  daughter’s jeans! Margo, 49, and her two sisters (aged 53 and 55), always used  to struggle with the middle-age “bulge” — but the green smoothies made their excess weight melt away effortlessly.

There are really no hard and fast rules for making a green smoothie, and you  can vary the ingredients to make it taste the way you want it to — and depending  on what fruits are in season — while abiding by the guideline of using 60%  organic fruits and 40% organic leafy greens.

The only appliance you need in order to blend efficiently is a high-powered blender for green  smoothies, preferably a commercial blender. A regular blender  doesn’t have the power to liquefy or emulsify hard vegetables and fruits (such  as carrots and apples).

Blendtec is  considered by many green smoothie enthusiast as the gold standard in high  quality blenders, and it’s the one I prefer over Vita-Mix. Investing in a Blendtec or a Vita-Mix is  well worth the investment for all the health benefits they can give you and your  family.

Parents use green  smoothies to give their kids (as well as themselves) more vegetables and  fruits in their diet that they normally wouldn’t be able to consume in their  regular meals.

Since blended food tastes so good both as a smoothie or a soup, adopting this  healthy eating habit in 2011 may prove to be the easiest, healthiest and most  pleasurable New Year’s resolution that you can stick to.

Read more:


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The Forward to my ebook which is called “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available on Amazon for a paltry 2.99


According to a recent survey by the American Dental Association, 52% of dentists in America are no longer placing mercury amalgam fillings in previously decayed teeth. The United Nations is now preparing a worldwide treaty to ban the use of mercury in all industrial, medical and dental manufactures.  That’s all good news but there are still thousands of mercury amalgam fillings being placed everyday and millions of fillings still in the mouths of people. If your mouth is one of the ones that still has black amalgam fillings and you’re looking for the safest way to remove them, then this book is for you.

Stefan Cairns gleaned the absolutely essential teachings of Dr. Hal Huggins and placed them in the hands of the everyday person.  I say everyday person because most doctors and scientists now know that mercury is incredibly toxic.  In fact, Dentists are taught that it is to be treated as a poison prior to placing it into the mouth and treated as hazardous waste after placing it in the mouth.  It never occurred to most dentists, me included, that it would escape the “solid” filling and be doing harm to the patient while in their mouths.

It wasn’t until Dr. Hal Huggins wrote his now famous book“It’s All in Your Head” and the dental world was shaken that informed dentists would seriously reconsider the use of amalgam. If for some reason, you are not able to “sit at the masters’ feet” and learn directly from Dr. Hal Huggins, then reading Stefan Cairns book is your best choice.   

Blanche D. Grube, DMD, IMD






I met Stefan about three and a half years ago at his very first Alliance Meeting of Huggins trained dentists.  He was a newbie.  I had just given a presentation to the group on Oxygen/Ozone therapy.  He was full of questions and enthusiasm.  We sat together at dinner that night.  He asked so many questions that evening about dentistry.  This guy, I thought, really wants to know this information about the science of mercury fillings, root canals, infections and the immune system of the human body. As a Huggins trained dentist and practicing now for over 31 years, I have had many conversations with Stefan and witnessed the logarithmic learning he has achieved.  Stefan learned from 17,000 patients, their problems, their symptoms, their failures, and their successes. 

Stefan quickly became a leader and advisor in the Huggins organization.  Now, I may not agree with Dr. Huggins’ method 100%, I feel that his protocols are some of the best in the dental field for dental revisions and building up the immune system to achieve a healthy body and mind.  He has been revered by many patients and dentists throughout the world. Stefan has followed Dr. Huggins obsessively for those years, not only through shadowing him but also “walking the talk”.  He has gone through an extensive dental revision and detox and has gained health and wellness, and experience through it.  God only knows what kind of mess Stephan would be in physically and mentally if the forces had not brought him to the Huggins Center.

Stefan is knowledgeable and experienced.  You don’t work with that many people 24/7 and not gain the ability to counsel patients affectively.  This guy knows a lot!  Trust him (as I do) with his knowledge and let him lead you on a path of wellness!

It is an honor to write this forward for Stefan Cairns.


John A. Rothchild, DDS, FAGD, MAGD, DAAPM, NMD,

Doctor of Integrative Medicine, Dentistry and Naturopathy

Assistant Professor Emeritus, Capital University School of Integrative Medicine

Former Dean, School of Integrative Biological Dental Medicine

NO…Its not silver it’s mercury…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Amalgam fillings


To this day there are still millions of amalgam fillings every year being placed into the teeth of unsuspecting people in the US alone, even though the rest of the world or at least Europe has outlawed these killers. I’m not being overly dramatic when I describe them as killers because long term that’s just what they are.

An Amalgam filling is an amalgamation of dissimilar metals; prior to 1976 they consisted of 52% mercury, zinc, copper, tin and maybe 8-10% silver. So when the dentist tells you he is going to put a silver filling in your tooth/teeth quite frankly it’s a blatant lie…Its mercury primarily. Mercury is the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth; it gets worse because every time you brush your teeth, drink hot drinks or chew you stimulate the release of methyl mercury which is 100 times more toxic.

After 1976 the filling was “updated or upgraded” to the high copper amalgam filling, this is equal parts of mercury, copper and silver. Even though there is less mercury it stimulates the release of methyl mercury 50 times faster than the original.

The most sensitive parts of your body are the insides of your cheeks and under your tongue, so you can imagine where the elemental mercury goes…..yes into your body and your blood stream.

The blood consists of red and white cells; the white is essentially your immune system, its primary role is to protect you from invaders.

The red is broken down into roughly 30 components; one of which is hemoglobin which has 4 ports on each cell to carry oxygen….oxyhemeglobin.

Mercury attaches to one, two, three or even all four ports so is now transported around your body, it doesn’t want to wander aimlessly, it wants to find somewhere nice to live, like a filter organ, your liver, kidneys, heart or brain. Once resident there it will prevent the organ from doing its job efficiently and “hey presto you have symptoms”.

I have always found it quite ridiculous to think that the wonderful trusted community of general practitioners (GP’s) insists on treating symptoms and not the cause of the problem. So you see your doctor, are then told to take a medicine/drug and the chances are, you will be on medication for the rest of your life…nice.

In 2008/9 a school in Lakewood, Colorado was closed and 600 pupils were sent home, why, you ask, well there had been a spillage of a hazardous material so the HAZMAT team were called in.  Now I’m sure you are thinking that there had been a large amount of a radioactive material spilled, well you would be right in thinking that way. In fact it was a mercury thermometer that had been broken.

Now if 600 kids were sent home because a very minimal amount or mercury was spilled on the floor why oh why is it considered safe to allow larger amount as an amalgam filling to be placed into uninformed, unsuspecting people? Thousands of times every day of the year.

This is interesting, did you know that the ADA actually holds the patent on amalgam fillings, so those wonderful, considerate people are actually being paid every time an amalgam is placed. It’s no wonder they refuse to acknowledge the dangers in these hideous little killers. When it’s eventually accepted worldwide that amalgams are killing people and the ADA have always known this then there will be an even bigger law suit than there was with the tobacco industry.

Let’s move back to amalgam fillings, because of the amalgamation of dissimilar metals, your saliva and the warm environment of your mouth, these fillings have all the basic requirements to be little batteries.  They emit a signal, an electrical signal, negative or positive, high or low. Perhaps fillings could be better described electrically by calling them capacitors. Capacitors, like the flash portion of a flash camera, build up a charge over a period of time, and then discharge much of their stored current in an instant This is measured in micro amps’; having an electrical signal requires them to be removed in a very specific sequence. There is only one way of identifying that signal and that is to use a RITA meter, this device that was created by Dr Huggins. It’s similar to an ammeter or amalgameter but there is very significant difference and that is the RITA meter measures the peak of the signal and stays at that point. This is crucial because the fillings need to be removed sequentially, starting with the highest negative; after that one has been removed the remainder of fillings in that quadrant can be removed.

Now it becomes a little confusing as the remaining fillings starting with the next highest negative are to be removed following the guide in the previous paragraph.

However, the dentist needs to check all the fillings in the mouth; they are marked on a chart by his assistant. If, after the first quadrant has been done the next highest negative filling is on the other side of the head crossing the midline, draw an imaginary line down your head splitting your eyes, down your nose and thru your lips, then there has to be a 48hr gap between removals unless the dentist is using Conscious sedation. The most popular or commonly used is Versedwhich is similar to Valium. If conscious sedation is used then after the first highest negative filling is replaced the sequence doesn’t apply.

When Dr Huggins noted this several decades ago he found that if this protocol is not adhered to, then 63% of patients develop an autoimmune disease, not necessarily immediately but it is likely to happen at some point.

There is almost a conspiracy here between the dentists that have done the honest research and found that Huggins work is real, and the powers that be like the American Dental Association (ADA) plus their cronies like Device Watch or Quack watch. These people will spread malicious misinformation about the pioneering work of Dr Huggins and Dr Weston Price before him. I have spoken with my clients and uninformed dentists who truly believe there is nothing wrong with an amalgam filling. This is because of the misinformation being spread by the ADA…

I’m sure you’ll be thinking “I’ll just go and see my local holistic or biological dentist, because he or she will do it right” well the sad thing is that NO, they won’t. There are lots and lots of very competent, experienced dentists, some biological, some holistic and they will tell you that they are very experienced in the removal of amalgam fillings. They have done it thousands of times, “so just come see me and I will take care of you”.

Again I can’t emphasize this strongly enough, biological, holistic, means nothing when it comes to the only safe methods of removing and replacing amalgams.

A Rita meter should be used to identify the correct sequence of removal; the dentist should use a rubber dam, oxygen, water, powerful suction and a Negative Ion Generator to ensure a clear channel over the dental chair. Some dentists will also use some form of suction device to clear the air immediately around the patient.

I’d like to ask this of the dentist’s that profess to be able to competently remove amalgams, “when you’ve removed the amalgams the wrong way, do any of the patients ever come back in six months or a year and tell you they now have MS or one of the other incurable diseases.” No, they don’t because the patient didn’t realize it was the dentistry that caused the problem, dentist’s are living in a dream world, I believe that the pharmaceutical industry are responsible for the millions of people suffering from ill health these days however I also believe the dentist’s are guilty and in some ways even more so.

There is only one safe way to remove amalgams, and that is to follow the protocol laid out by Dr Huggins as listed above, over the years I have talked with thousands of clients all stating that they had had their amalgams removed the correct way. Most, not all but most would tell me that they had seen a Huggins trained dentist, to which I would ask for the name of the dentist and the city or state they were in. Some people wouldn’t tell me the name, why, I just don’t know; maybe they thought they would get the dentist into trouble.

For those that did tell me the name, it would often be a name I’d never heard before, what their dentist probably meant was that they attended a two hour seminar and shook Dr Huggins hand, so in their mind they had been trained. The client would try to justify the dentist’s work, this I just couldn’t understand because the client would be suffering from health problems and often serious health problems which are likely to have been caused or at least instigated by dentistry.

Dr Huggins holds trainings twice each year or at least he did, this would be a three day training program held in Colorado Springs, normally in March and October although that could vary by a month either side depending on when the IAOMT were holding their semi annular seminars. My recommendation is to find a Huggins trained dentist, this can be done by calling Huggins Applied healing on 1 866 948 4638.

At the end of this book I have listed the dentists that were considered to be an elite group of Huggins trained dentists including the city and phone numbers.

One particular dentist is in my opinion stands head and shoulders above the others; this is because of her experience and unequalled skills. Dr Blanche Grube has followed Dr Huggins work closer than anyone else for twenty years.

Her passion, compassion, skills, experience and dedication surpass all others, I will not go into detail about a health challenge she experienced because I feel it best coming from her. Needless to say she has been there, done that and has the t shirt and video when it comes to health issues.

Turbo charged Vitamin C…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Several years ago I was fortunate to be one of the early users of Lipspheric Vitamin C, this was because I was working for Dr Hal Huggins a good friend of Dr Thomas Levy a pioneer of this product.

I thought leaving the US and being back here in England meant there would be no way I’d be able to afford let alone get Lipospheric Vit C again. You can imagine the shock and absolute joy to find it on Amazon for the same price, so I was able to order a couple of boxes on Thursday and even happier to receive it on Saturday.

So I’ve started with one per day to supplement my raw food diet and am filled with optimism.

Vitamin-C is probably the most overlooked and underrated vitamin, the reason for this is quite simple. It’s cheap, very readily available, it works in a multitude of positive ways oh and the biggest reason is that Big Pharma can’t make billions of dollars ripping off innocent people.

Now don’t rush out and buy copious amounts of Vitamin C to throw down your throat, please read this chapter and have a better understanding of how this incredible vitamin can improve your life.

Taking vitamin c orally in large doses will more than likely induce diarrhea, I personally take 10g’s per day, I didn’t just jump up to 10 grams, I started with 1g per day and did that for a few days then gradually increased the dose by 1g every few days until I was taking 10g’s per day.

Dr Levy who I’ll talk about in more detail recommends taking between 7-15g’s per day, and Dr Huggins says that by taking just 3g’s per day will mean it’s unlikely you will ever have a cold or the flu again.

I’ll start by telling you about this incredible man, Thomas E Levy, MD, JD. Wonderful combination, doctor and lawyer, now I think he has a very good understanding of what he can and can’t say.

A product Dr Levy promotes very strongly is Lypo-Spheric Vit-C; this comes in small 1g packs. You might remember earlier I talked about small doses of Vit-C and how that’s not very effective. Well this comes in a liposomal form, a gel that is absorbed in the small intestine so it has the same effect as 8.25 grams of regular vitamin c. You can get this product which I strongly recommend from Livon Labs..


What Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, says about Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C

“Comparing the bioavail-ability of all other oral vitamin C delivery with your oral liposomal delivery is like comparing a squirt gun to a fire hose. Not only am I convinced that the efficacy of Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C far surpasses any traditional oral vitamin C supplement, but my recent personal experience with it suggests that it may sometimes be better than IV injection.”

So what are liposomes, exactly?

Liposome ArticlesLiposome-Encapsulated Products

Liposomes are belayed (double-layer), liquid-filled bubbles made from phospholipids. Over 50 years ago, researchers discovered that these spheres could be filled with therapeutic agents and used to protect and deliver these agents into the body and even into specific cells of the body.
The belayed structure of liposomes is nearly identical to the belayed construction of the cell membranes that surround each of the cells in the human body. This occurs because of the unique composition of phospholipids. The phosphate (source of “phospho” in phospholipid) head of phospholipids is hydrophilic — it loves water — whereas the fatty-acid tails (lipids) are hydrophobic — they hate water.

Liposome  containing vitamin C. Currently liposome-encapsulation is the best oral way  to deliver vitamin C known to man.


When phospholipids find themselves in a water-based solution, the hydrophobic tails quickly move to distance themselves from the liquid just like oil separates from vinegar. So, as all the tails turn inward and all the heads turn toward the liquid, they form a double-layered membrane with all the tails pointing toward one another and the heads facing the outside or the inside of the sphere that they have formed.

Now let’s go back in time to the last century, the 1940’s, Dr Frederick Klenner, a general practitioner specializing in disease of the chest.  A man was brought into the hospital with encephalitis which at that time was another of the incurable diseases.

The hospital basically said “there is nothing we can do for him, put him into the ward, he’ll be dead in two days.

Dr Klenner suggested that he could help him; you can imagine the response from the other doctors. Anyway Dr Klenner gave him 5,000 mg of vitamin c intravenously three times each day for three days. On the fourth day he was discharged from hospital and on the fifth day he went back to work.

Great information about Dr Klenner and his work with polio patients.

Mercury-Free Dentistry..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Today we begin the third Mercury-free Dentistry Week. We set aside an entire week for three reasons.

    1. First, we build awareness of this stark fact: Dental amalgam is 50 percent mercury.

Through misleading marketing to the public and through gagging dentists who tried to speak the truth via its control over dental boards, the American Dental Association (ADA) convinced most consumers and parents that dental amalgams are “silver fillings.” But amalgam has almost twice as much mercury as silver. What a public deception!

We honor the world’s mercury-free dentists: those who refuse to put in mercury fillings, those who stand up to the American Dental Association, those who tell you the truth — the whole truth — when you are in the dental chair.

    1. Second, we celebrate the enormous successes of the past year by the Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry.

In January in Geneva, at its 5th and final negotiation session, delegates from over 140 nations agreed to a treaty that will address mercury. Amalgam is part of that treaty – every nation must take concrete steps to phase down its use, and a mechanism exists to petition for a full world phase-out.

The treaty is having a direct impact in the United States. On Easter Sunday, the largest newspaper in the Midwest, the Chicago Tribune, published a story with this headline excerpt: “Momentum is building to phase out dental amalgam.”

Giving credit where it is due, we today wish to spotlight the extraordinary work of The Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry — the project organized and led by Charlie Brown of Consumers for Dental Choice.

    1. Third, we chart the roadmap to victory.

The treaty has a road map for how to phase down amalgam – switch dental school curriculum to composites as the primary material; re-train dentists, change insurance to prefer alternatives, develop a national plan to reduce amalgam use, etc.

The Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry is not waiting for this treaty to be formally signed and ratified; from January on, Charlie and his team hit the ground running, on every continent.

Fight for Mercury-Free Dentistry Is Now International

Charlie’s masterful plan started with defeating the notorious amalgam gag rule – virtually ending the state licensing board threats to shut down dentists who spoke out. Then his US team worked to implement consumer disclosure laws at the state level, before doing the now-famous lawsuit that compelled action by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

From there, the cause went international. At the mercury treaty negotiations, Charlie led a talented coalition of environmentalists, dentists, scientists, physicians, attorneys, and other experts from 16 nations to victory at the treaty talks. Now, they are in the field — in America, Asia, Europe, and Africa — working to get the treaty’s goals implemented.

Donate Now to Double Your Impact!

This week, we will match your gift to Consumers for Dental Choice. The Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry – known in our nation as Consumers for Dental Choice, known internationally as the World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry — spearheaded a remarkable campaign that has moved mercury-free dentistry from the fringe to the mainstream. No longer are mercury-free dentists outcasts in their communities; they are the pioneers – and often the heroes.

So if you donate to Consumers for Dental Choice this week (by September 21), the Natural Health Research Foundation (which I founded) will match, dollar-for-dollar, what you give.

Indeed, we up the ante in 2013. In 2012 we matched up to $50,000 raised. This year, we raise the bar by 50 percent — matching up to $75,000 raised. Why? The stakes are truly that big.

Donate Today!

Why Public Awareness Counts So Much

Mercury is a neurotoxin, the most toxic and the most volatile of the heavy metals. What parent for his or her child, or what pregnant woman, would choose a “mercury filling”? Now you see why the ADA, for years the holder of patents on amalgam (since expired), did not want this truth known – why they had promotional brochures for so-called “silver fillings.”

It’s time for all of us to tell our families, neighbors, and colleagues:

  • “Silver” amalgam fillings are really mercury fillings.
  • Alternatives are available, affordable, and effective.
  • Amalgam is a primitive, polluting, pre-Civil War product which cracks good teeth.

Amalgam should be rejected by every man, woman, and child in a dentist chair. You can learn this directly from a mercury-free dentist. It was my privilege a few months ago to speak to the International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine,; at that event too, the Academy was nice enough to organize a coffee for me, humorously called “joe with Joe.”

2013 Is a Year of Great Celebration—Let Me Recount the Ways!

    1. Amalgam is in the mercury treaty. It was a three-year campaign, with five negotiations sessions with all the nations; fifteen regional sessions, dozens of papers and reports, and hundreds of meetings with individual governments. The Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry was there for us, each step of the way.

Repeatedly, Charlie and his team outwitted the World Dental Federation (the ADA at the world level). The World Dental Federation brought only white men from North America and Europe; Charlie countered with a team of women and men from every race and continent. The ADA white guys spoke English, while Charlie’s team’s fluency extended to more than 20 languages. Charlie’s team organized luncheons to explain mercury-free dentistry; the nonplussed World Dental Federation had no choice but to attend, and watch!

    1. Amalgam is the only mercury-added product in the treaty with a road map for how to phase down its use. Nations have specific guidance on what measures can be taken to transition to mercury-free alternatives. So we don’t wait on target phase-out dates for other products that are between 7 and 12 years off. For amalgam, we begin now! Now is the time to begin the phase-out of amalgam!
    2. Being defeated at the treaty aboard, the ADA is suffering a string of defeats at home. America’s TV educator on medicine, Dr. Oz, ran a great program that explained the health, environmental, and technical problems with amalgam. Many of you sent him compliments, but the ADA was irate. Unable to persuade Dr. Oz to retract a single word, the ADA was humiliated into withdrawing their affiliation with Sharecare, a consumer website co-founded by Dr. Oz.

The ADA tried to get the American Public Health Association (APHA) to endorse the ongoing use of amalgam. After winning the first round before the treaty was completed, the ADA was rebuffed once APHA took a full look at the issue. For organized dentistry, solidarity in favor of amalgam has disintegrated. Until now a stalwart for amalgam, the British Dental Journal recently published an article calling on dentists to recognize that amalgam is finished and to embrace composite.

    1. A worldwide campaign has begun to get amalgam manufacturers to switch — and they are getting the message. Dentsply, based in York, PA, is being challenged to switch to alternatives, both via a grassroots campaign right there in Pennsylvania,1 and a call from environmental and social justice organizations on six continents not to dump amalgam in developing nations.

The Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry has launched a petition drive.2 It has over 8,000 names and is aiming to reach 10,000 — this week. It’s your decision whether to sign, but the common rule in these drives is… the more signatures, the more effective.

Signaling they may be throwing in the towel, European dental materials manufacturers devoted an entire day of its recent two-conference to the topic, “The Demise of Amalgam Use and Development of Enhanced Materials to Advance Novel Dentistry.”3

    1. The Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry is a potent force on all six continents. The World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry elected, and kept, Charlie as its president. In that role he has brought together a powerhouse of talent – ten regional vice presidents plus an array of chapter leaders — people who are scientists, dentists, environmentalists, a journalist, a physician, professors, and attorneys.

Governments are seeking advice from Consumers for Dental Choice on how to end amalgam. Here’s a good example: MERCOSUR is the South American regional organization analogous to the European Union. In 2013, Charlie Brown was the first person from civil society ever invited to address the MERCOSUR Environmental Ministers – which he did in Montevideo, Uruguay, in May.

Working closely with Michael Bender of the Mercury Policy Project and Elena Lymberidi-Settimo of the European Environmental Bureau, the Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry has laid the groundwork to win in Europe. With the European Union weighing a phase-out of amalgam on a strict timetable, they organized a team that went to the European Parliament in Brussels.

Your Donation Makes a BIG Difference

We believe in inspiring progress — and nowhere is the progress more evident than the work of Consumers for Dental Choice and its Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry. So consider donating your funds where you know it will get results. We match all gifts given during Mercury-Free Dentistry Week — every single dollar up to $75,000 raised.

People ask: Why is Consumers for Dental Choice succeeding when earlier attempts and other strategies against amalgam failed? Having seen Charlie Brown’s work up close for the past two years, I can say that he runs clearly a lean, effective, and efficient organization; your dollars go a long way with Consumers for Dental Choice. But there is another reason: Consumers for Dental Choice takes the Holistic Approach to Advocacy. You wouldn’t go to traditional dentist who uses mercury amalgam fillings. So why would you go to a traditional activist to fight for mercury-free dentistry? That’s why so many people, including myself, support Consumers for Dental Choice’s holistic approach to advocacy.

“We’ve worked with mercury-free dentists and other holistic health professionals from the very beginning,” says Charlie Brown, executive director and national counsel of Consumers for Dental Choice. “And we’ve learned a lot from them that we then carry back to our work: campaigning for mercury-free dentistry.”

How does it work? Here are three basic principles that every holistic health care professional applies to heal patients… and that Consumers for Dental Choice puts into action for mercury-free dentistry.

Principle #1: Oral Health and Overall Health Are Linked

Holistic dentists, also called biological dentists, view your teeth and gums as an integrated part of your entire body, meaning that oral health problems can be linked to overall health problems and vice versa. For example, they know that putting a toxin, like the mercury in amalgam fillings, into your teeth can be harmful to your overall health.

Like holistic dentists, Consumers for Dental Choice knows that the problems with amalgam fillings go far beyond the tooth, affecting your overall health and well-being in many ways… some more well-known than others. If you are a regular reader, you know amalgam releases mercury – a neurotoxin and reproductive toxin – into your body. But did you know about these other problems caused by the amalgam in your teeth?

  • Environment: Amalgam pollutes 1) water via dental clinic releases and human waste; 2) air via cremation, dental clinic emissions, sludge incineration, and respiration; and 3) land via landfills, burials, and fertilizer. Once in the environment, dental mercury converts to its even more toxic form: methylmercury and becomes a major source of mercury in the fish people eat. Dental mercury in the environment can cause brain damage and neurological problems, especially for children and the unborn babies, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Workplace: Due to mercury exposure from amalgam in the workplace, studies have shown that dental workers have elevated systemic mercury levels. Few of these dental workers – mostly women of child-bearing age – are given protective garb or air masks to minimize their exposure to mercury; many are not aware of the risks of occupational mercury exposure. As a result, dental workers have reported neurological problems, reproductive failures, and birth defects caused by amalgam in the workplace.

And the amalgam problem even goes beyond mercury…

  • Broken teeth: Placing amalgam requires the removal of a significant amount of healthy tooth matter. This removal, in turn, weakens overall tooth structure which increases the need for future dental work. On top of that, amalgam fillings – which expand and contract over time – crack teeth and once again create the need for still more dental work.
  • Consent: Most dentists do not inform consumers that amalgam contains mercury. As a result, over 76% of consumers do not know that amalgam is mainly mercury according to Zogby polls. But once they are informed, 77% of people do not want mercury fillings – and they were even willing to pay more to avoid this unnecessary source of mercury exposure.
  • Illegal Uses: Amalgam isn’t only used by dentists… it can also fall into the hands of people who want it for criminal purposes or for a dangerous form of gold mining. For example, amalgam is commonly shipped to developing countries labeled for dental use, but then it is diverted to illegal use in artisanal and small-scale gold mining. Not only are the miners exposed to the risks of mercury poisoning, but the dental mercury they use to extract gold is released into the environment.
  • Social Injustice: While middle class consumers opt for mercury-free filling materials, people in developing nations, low-income families, minorities, military personnel, prisoners, and people with disabilities are still subjected to amalgam. Racial minorities are more likely to receive amalgam; for example, dentists place almost 25% more mercury fillings in American Indian patients than in white patients. In his testimony before Congress, former Virginia state NAACP president Emmitt Carlton described this injustice as “choice for the rich, mercury for the poor.”

“Our advocacy is much richer – and more effective – because we look at the overall problem of amalgam, not just one narrow aspect of the problem,” says Charlie Brown.

Principle #2: Every Treatment Plan for Every Patient Is Unique

Holistic dentists know that every patient is different; hence they carefully tailor treatments for each individual patient. Likewise, Consumers for Dental Choice knows that every government official and every forum is different. “So we tailor our strategy – that is, our message, our style, who is speaking, and even what language is spoken – to rise to every occasion,” explains Charlie Brown.

For example, Consumers for Dental Choice designed a legal strategy focused on First Amendment Rights to save the licenses of mercury-free dentists who were persecuted by dental boards a decade ago. Dentists had their licenses threatened – or even taken away – because they were speaking out for mercury-free dentistry. But Charlie argued that their speech was protected by the First Amendment right to free speech… and the courts agreed.

Then Consumers for Dental Choice launched a grassroots strategy to obtain laws requiring dentists to distribute amalgam fact sheets to patients. Basing the arguments on consumers’ basic human right to choose for themselves what filling material is used in their bodies, they succeeded in passing fact sheet laws in Maine, Connecticut, California, New Hampshire, and the city of Philadelphia.

Most recently, Consumers for Dental Choice had to make a fast transition to a diplomatic strategy highlighting amalgam’s environmental impact at the mercury treaty negotiations – and talked amalgam into this new environmental treaty! That’s why your gift is so important now.

Donate Today!

Principle #3: Working as a Team Is Paramount

Holistic dentists know that teamwork is important to achieve optimal health for their patients. They work with dental hygienists, dental assistants, naturopaths, nutritionists, homeopaths, chiropractors, and so many other health professionals to keep you well. Consumers for Dental Choice knows more than a little about teamwork; they have built the largest network ever assembled to fight for mercury-free dentistry.

“With the first of five mercury treaty talks fast approaching in February 2010, we knew it was time to organize the mercury-free dentistry advocates from around the globe into a strong voice for patients, dental professionals, and the environment,” recalls Charlie Brown. “Hence, with our friends from around the world, we founded the World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry to be the umbrella coalition fighting for mercury-free fillings at the treaty talks… and we saw support for this cause skyrocket like never before.”

The World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry rapidly grew to include organizations from every inhabited continent. The experienced advocates working with the World Alliance speak more than 12 languages and hold advanced degrees in dentistry, medicine, law, international policy, journalism, environmental engineering, science, and economics. “With this much support, we were in an excellent position as we entered into the final treaty talk last January.”

Now, the mercury treaty is done – and amalgam is in it! The team accomplished three things in the mercury treaty, formally called the Minamata Convention on Mercury:

    • For the first time, nations have acknowledged that amalgam waste management is not enough. The final treaty language calls for nations to take measures “to phase down the use of dental amalgam.”
    • Amalgam is the only mercury-added product in the treaty with a road map for how to phase down its use, providing nations with specific guidance on what measures can be taken to transition to mercury-free alternatives. That’s how seriously the nations are taking this issue. Phase-down measures listed in the treaty include adopting national objectives to minimize amalgam use, promoting the use of mercury-free alternatives, training dentists and dental students on alternatives, encouraging insurance policies that disfavor amalgam, and ending the use of unencapsulated bulk amalgam.
    • The American Dental Association fought hard to keep amalgam out of Annex C, the part of the treaty that will be regularly reviewed and can be easily amended. Consumers for Dental Choice with the World Alliance team pushed hard to get amalgam into Annex C – and won! So now, the treaty’s amalgam provision that currently calls for a phase-down can be upgraded later… to set a phase-out date that will end amalgam use once and for all.

“Everyone at the treaty talks was surprised by how much progress we were able to make on the amalgam issue… from off the table to its own section in the mercury treaty,” says Charlie Brown. “This treaty is the framework we need to move forward toward mercury-free dentistry everywhere.”

And the team Charlie Brown assembled is doing just that, from training dentists to use alternatives in Africa… to speaking with dental students in Asia… to working with environmentalists in Latin America… to explaining the science to governments in Europe… to leading the grassroots protest against amalgam manufacturers right here in the U.S.

How You Can Support Mercury-Free Dentistry

Consumers for Dental Choice and its team have made amazing progress toward mercury-free dentistry. But there’s still hard work ahead as Consumers for Dental Choice is now running education programs for consumers… holding training sessions for dentists… and organizing briefings for governments around the world. You can help stop dental mercury today! Will you please consider a donation to Consumers for Dental Choice, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to advocating mercury-free dentistry?

Donations are tax-exempt and can be made online at Checks can be mailed to:

Consumers for Dental Choice 316 F St., N.E., Suite 210 Washington DC 20002

For updates on the movement for mercury-free dentistry, join Consumers for Dental Choice on Facebook or sign up to receive their newsletter. Thank you for supporting mercury-free dentistry!

The overlooked and underated vitamin…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Vitamin C

Vitamin-C is probably the most overlooked and underrated vitamin, the reason for this is quite simple. It’s cheap, very readily available, it works in a multitude of positive ways oh and the biggest reason is that Big Pharma can’t make billions of dollars ripping off innocent people.

Now don’t rush out and buy copious amounts of Vitamin C to throw down your throat, please read this chapter and have a better understanding of how this incredible vitamin can improve your life.

Taking vitamin c orally in large doses will more than likely induce diarrhea, I personally take 10g’s per day, I didn’t just jump up to 10 grams, I started with 1g per day and did that for a few days then gradually increased the dose by 1g every few days until I was taking 10g’s per day.

Dr Levy who I’ll talk about in more detail recommends taking between 7-15g’s per day, and Dr Huggins says that by taking just 3g’s per day will mean it’s unlikely you will ever have a cold or the flu again.

I’ll start by telling you about this incredible man, Thomas E Levy, MD, JD. Wonderful combination, doctor and lawyer, now I think he has a very good understanding of what he can and can’t say.

A product Dr Levy promotes very strongly is Lypo-Spheric Vit-C; this comes in small 1g packs. You might remember earlier I talked about small doses of Vit-C and how that’s not very effective. Well this comes in a liposomal form, a gel that is absorbed in the small intestine so it has the same effect as 8.25 grams of regular vitamin c. You can get this product which I strongly recommend from Livon Labs..


What Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, says about Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C

“Comparing the bioavail-ability of all other oral vitamin C delivery with your oral liposomal delivery is like comparing a squirt gun to a fire hose. Not only am I convinced that the efficacy of Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C far surpasses any traditional oral vitamin C supplement, but my recent personal experience with it suggests that it may sometimes be better than IV injection.”




So what are liposomes, exactly?

Liposome ArticlesLiposome-Encapsulated Products

Liposomes are belayed (double-layer), liquid-filled bubbles made from phospholipids. Over 50 years ago, researchers discovered that these spheres could be filled with therapeutic agents and used to protect and deliver these agents into the body and even into specific cells of the body.
The belayed structure of liposomes is nearly identical to the belayed construction of the cell membranes that surround each of the cells in the human body. This occurs because of the unique composition of phospholipids. The phosphate (source of “phospho” in phospholipid) head of phospholipids is hydrophilic — it loves water — whereas the fatty-acid tails (lipids) are hydrophobic — they hate water.


When phospholipids find themselves in a water-based solution, the hydrophobic tails quickly move to distance themselves from the liquid just like oil separates from vinegar. So, as all the tails turn inward and all the heads turn toward the liquid, they form a double-layered membrane with all the tails pointing toward one another and the heads facing the outside or the inside of the sphere that they have formed.

Now let’s go back in time to the last century, the 1940’s, Dr Frederick Klenner, a general practitioner specializing in disease of the chest.  A man was brought into the hospital with encephalitis which at that time was another of the incurable diseases.

The hospital basically said “there is nothing we can do for him, put him into the ward, he’ll be dead in two days.

Dr Klenner suggested that he could help him; you can imagine the response from the other doctors. Anyway Dr Klenner gave him 5,000 mg of vitamin c intravenously three times each day for three days. On the fourth day he was discharged from hospital and on the fifth day he went back to work.

Great information about Dr Klenner and his work with polio patients.

This shocked me…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

NATURAL BLOOD SUGAR SOLUTION SHOCKS U.S. DOCTORS Plus Why a Natural Solution Is Safer and Much More Effective

Dear Health Conscious Reader,
Are you one of the tens of millions of Americans who struggle to maintain healthy blood sugar metabolism? Often, a blood sugar issue first manifests with symptoms like fatigue, mood swings, food cravings and weight gain.
But if you fail to heed warning signs, it can lead to a condition known asinsulin resistance, which can cause your blood sugar to fluctuate wildly, leading to more serious health problems. If this happens, your doctor may tell you that your only option is to take a dangerous drug (or likely, multiple drugs) for the rest of your life.
I’m here to tell you that this is nonsense. The consequences of living with a serious blood sugar imbalance can be tragic — but so can the side effects of taking a drug used to “fix” the problem. And the truth is that there is an easy, inexpensive way to maintain healthy blood sugar levels safely and permanently — and YOU deserve to know about it.
My name is Joshua Corn and I am the Editor-in-Chief of Live in the Now, one of the fastest growing natural health publications in the nation. My passion for natural health drives me to seek out alternative health solutions that are both safe and effective.
Please keep reading because the benefits of getting a handle on your blood sugar (the natural way) will improve just about every aspect of your health forever.

Why You Want Balanced Blood Sugar
Your body has the amazing ability to convert the food you eat into glucose, which is the raw fuel it uses to produce energy. Once you’ve got glucose circulating in your bloodstream, your pancreas produces a hormone called insulin, which transports glucose into your cells. But if your cells don’t respond to insulin (as is the case with insulin resistance), your blood sugar can start to fluctuate wildly, leading to serious health problems.

Joshua Corn, Editor-in-Chief of the Live in the Now newsletter, is a health freedom advocate who’s been involved in the natural health movement for over 15 years. He’s always been dedicated to promoting health, vitality, longevity and natural living. Josh is currently writing a book on natural remedies and is gearing up to launch the Live in the Now radio show. In addition to his work in the natural health field, Josh is an avid outdoorsman, organic gardener, animal lover and enjoys “living in the now” with his wife and two sons.

The Dangers of Drugs for Blood Sugar Management
The current mainstream medical mentality on blood sugar management has created Big Pharma’s most lucrative class of drugs, and they will stop at nothing to keep them on the market. But they are nowhere near as safe as we’ve been told!
You may recall the scandal surrounding the controversial drug, Avandia. It appears that the makers of Avandia manipulated “scientific” data and outright lied about its safety record.[1] Yet it is still being prescribed despite having caused over 83,000 heart attacks, according to the Senate Finance Committee.[2] But there’s no reason for YOU to jeopardize your health for their profits, especially when there are safer options.

A Spice That’s Nice for Blood Sugar
Some people are predisposed to blood sugar problems, while others may be at increased risk due to lifestyle. The good news (that Big Pharma wants to keep under wraps) is that in most cases, it’s easy to correct a blood sugar imbalance with a natural extract that I consider a true gift from the earth.
Cinnamon has been used as both a culinary spice and medicinal herb for thousands of years. Recently however, groundbreaking research on cinnamon has led to some exciting discoveries in the areas of blood sugar control, weight loss, cardiovascular health and more.

The Science Behind Cinnamon Is Impressive
The positive effects of cinnamon on glucose metabolism were actually discovered by USDA scientists who were shocked to discover that cinnamon significantly increases insulin production and has a fantastic balancing effect on both blood sugar and cholesterol.[3,4]
More recently, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutritionshowed that people who consume cinnamon daily have improved insulin function and increased levels of a peptide that help prevent overeating, which can lead to spikes in blood sugar.[5] Another amazing study showed that supplementing with 500 mg of a water-soluble cinnamon extract regulates blood sugar levels in people with insulin resistance.[6]

Cinnamon Supports Optimal Heart Health Too!
In addition to its blood sugar benefits, research has also shown that cinnamon contains powerful antioxidant substances that promote optimal heart health[7] , tame inflammation and supports strong heart function. Scientists believe that cinnamon’s antioxidant properties may be the reason that cinnamon has effectively balanced both blood pressure and cholesterol levels in numerous clinical studies.[8]

Do You Have an Addiction You Don’t Know About?
Food cravings are one of the primary challenges people face when attempting to stick to a weight loss plan. Oftentimes these seemingly uncontrollable cravings are the result of a physical addiction to sugar. Breakthrough research has actually shown that refined sugar may be more addictive than cocaine! You may be familiar with sugar addiction if you’ve ever struggled with intense, overpowering cravings for baked goods, desserts or other sweet or starchy foods. This is where cinnamon can really help!

Cinnamon to the Rescue – AGAIN!
According my friend Dr. Harry Preuss, MD, a professor at Georgetown Medical Center and the world’s foremost expert on glucose metabolism, cinnamon’s ability to help control blood sugar makes it a valuable tool for weight loss. The fat cells in your abdomen are particularly sensitive to high insulin levels, and are very effective at storing excess calories that become fat. Research shows that cinnamon may actually mimic insulin, which can translate into fat loss.[9]

WARNING: Make Sure You Take the Right Cinnamon
Most people don’t know that cinnamon contains volatile oils, and when used frequently in high doses, it can be toxic to the liver.[10] Your best bet is to take a cinnamon extract supplement, but make sure it is says “water-soluble” on the label which insures that the toxic constituents have been removed while leaving the important active compounds intact. Currently, most experts recommend taking 500 mg a day of a standardized, water-soluble cinnamon extract.

The PERFECT Blood Sugar Solution
In addition to my work with Live in the Now, I own a company called Stop Aging Now, which has been making premium grade dietary supplements for over 15 years. Working with my Scientific Advisory Board, I created a breakthrough cinnamon formula called CinnaPure™ that is superior to anything else out there. My goal in creating CinnaPure was to offer a cinnamon extract of superior quality at an affordable price so that everyone can easily and safely take advantage of cinnamon’s amazing health benefits.
I encourage you to do your own research, to make sure I’m not just shamelessly promoting my own product. But here’s why I am confident that CinnaPure is simply the best cinnamon extract out there:

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To Your Good Health, Joshua Corn CEO of Stop Aging Now Editor-In-Chief of Live in the Now

Don’t Be Fooled By Fruit Juices and Smoothies..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food

By Dr. Mercola

You’re probably well-familiarized with my controversial stance on fructose. Compelling evidence shows that fructose is, by far, more harmful to your health than other sugars—especially when it’s removed from whole fruits and highly processed and genetically modified, such as high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) found in most processed foods.

I’ve also, as a general rule, warned you of eating too much fruit, as many fruits can be quite high in fructose.

This has caused some confusion and consternation among many readers, as fruit has long been promoted as an important part of a healthy diet. That said, there are considerations to take into account when it comes to fruit consumption—some of which are dependent on your individual and specific circumstances.

I will seek to clarify some of these points here. I believe there’s more than compelling evidence supporting the concept that high-fructose diets are a primary factor that is responsible for most chronic disease; insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and obesity in those who eat a highly processed food diet..

I’ve long urged those struggling with these health issues, or who have hypertension, heart disease or cancer, to pay extra-careful attention to the fructose content of whole fruit in addition to other sources of fructose. Now, recent research indicates that some fruits may in fact be protective against type 2 diabetes.

Can You Reduce Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes with Your Fruit Choices?

According to a new analysis of three cohort studies, published in the British Medical Journal,1 whole fruits—particularly blueberries, grapes, prunes and apples—may in fact reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. Conversely, consumption of fruit juices was associated with greater risk. According to senior author Qi Sun, an assistant professor in the department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health:2

“While fruits are recommended as a measure for diabetes prevention, previous studies have found mixed results for total fruit consumption. Our findings provide novel evidence suggesting that certain fruits may be especially beneficial for lowering diabetes risk.”

The researchers analyzed the dietary records of nearly 190,000 people who had participated in three studies from 1984 to 2008. None of the participants were diagnosed with diabetes, cardiovascular disease or cancer at the outset of the studies.

They found that those who ate blueberries, grapes and apples at least twice a week were up to 23 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, compared to those who ate these fruits once a month or less.

I find this quite surprising as, grapes and apples are particularly high in fructose (as you can see in the chart below). It’s unclear why the authors observed this benefit here but it’s likely that the phytonutrients found in the apples and grapes are more than compensate for any potential fructose toxicity.

Antioxidants and other phytonutrients combat inflammation, which is a hallmark of diabetes and most other chronic disease. Similarly, blueberries, which are much lower in fructose, have in other studies also been found to be of benefit for diabetics primarily due to their high antioxidant content.

One antioxidant in particular, called quercetin, could potentially help explain some of the results. Apples for example, while high in fructose, contains this flavonoid, which actually blocks some of the fructose metabolism according to expert Dr. Richard Johnson. If you haven’t done so yet, I recommend viewing my “What Are Apples Good For?” information page for a listing of even more benefits of apples.

Red grapes, plums and many different berries, including blueberries. also contain quercetin. I have scheduled an interview with Dr. Johnson, in which we’ll delve into this at greater depth. So keep your eye out for that interview, which should be out before year end, if you want to learn more.

Don’t Be Fooled By Fruit Juices and Smoothies

In comparison, the featured study found that those who drank one or more servings of fruit juice each day had a 21 percent higher risk for type 2 diabetes compared to the others. This is a really important point, and I’ve often highlighted the potential harm of drinking fruit juices.
You’re simply getting FAR too much fructose, not to mention the rarely mentioned methanol toxicity in any preserved juice. Furthermore, while whole fruits do contain fructose, they’re also rich in fiber, antioxidants, and a vast array of health-promoting phytochemicals.

Fruit juices, especially not pasteurized, commercially-available fruit juices have virtually none of these phytonutrients. The fiber in the whole fruits also plays a large in protecting you from a rapid and exaggerated rise in blood sugar. The fiber slows the rate at which sugar is absorbed into your bloodstream.
This also applies to fruit smoothies, which are often touted as a convenient strategy to boost your fruit and veggie intake. Unfortunately, they too contain excessive amounts of fructose, and perhaps even added sugars on top of that. As reported by the Guardian:3

“In the UK, Coca-Cola owns Innocent Smoothies while PepsiCo has Tropicana. Launching Tropicana smoothies in 2008, Pepsi’s sales pitch was that the drink would help the nation to reach its five a day fruit and vegetable target.
“Smoothies are one of the easiest ways to boost daily fruit intake as each 250ml portion contains the equivalent of two fruit portions,” it said at the time.

However, Popkin [professor at the department of nutrition at the University of North Carolina] says the five a day advice needs to change. Drink vegetable juice, he says, but not fruit juice. “Think of eating one orange or two and getting filled,” he said. “Now think of drinking a smoothie with six oranges and two hours later it does not affect how much you eat.

The entire literature shows that we feel full from drinking beverages like smoothies but it does not affect our overall food intake, whereas eating an orange does. So pulped-up smoothies do nothing good for us but do give us the same amount of sugar as four to six oranges or a large coke. It is deceiving.”

Revisiting Fruit Consumption

I recently interviewed Dr. Brian Clement of the Hippocrates Institute, where they teach raw veganism. Interestingly enough, they also strongly advise most people avoid eating fruits. One of the primary reasons for their stand against fruits is because of the hybridization of fruits, which has made them up to 50 times sweeter than their ancient ancestors. Many fruits have been selectively and purposely bred for increased sweetness, which has also resulted in reduced phytochemical content. This hybridization and subsequent deterioration of healthful nutrition in whole foods was highlighted in a New York Times4 article published earlier this summer.

The dramatically increased fructose content of otherwise natural and “wholesome” fruits is the primary problem with high fruit consumption, and this is why I’m leery of very high-fruit diets.

Many of the most beneficial phytonutrients found in fruits actually have a bitter, sour or astringent taste, but to satisfy the palate, farmers have, throughout time, opted to selectively breed the sweetest varieties. Today, the “candification” of food is being taken to a whole new level, and if you’re stuck on the idea that all fruit is good for you, you may end up in a real metabolic pickle… For example, according to a recent report in the Los Angeles Times,5 one fruit breeder has created a type of grape called the Cotton Candy grape, which is absolutely bound to be just as problematic as any other junk food!

“Bite into one of these green globes and the taste triggers the unmistakable sensation of eating a puffy, pink ball of spun sugar,” the article states. “By marrying select traits across thousands of nameless trial grapes, Cain and other breeders have developed patented varieties that pack enough sugar they may as well be Skittles on the vine. That’s no accident. “We’re competing against candy bars and cookies,” said Cain, 62, a former scientist at the US Department of Agriculture who now heads research at privately owned International Fruit Genetics in Bakersfield.”

In light of these issues, let me restate my recommendations on fruit and fructose consumption as simply as possible:

  1. If you’re insulin- or leptin resistant (are overweight, diabetic, hypertensive, or have high cholesterol), which includes about 80 percent of Americans, then it would be advisable for you to limit your fruit intake. As a general rule, I recommend limiting your fructose intake to a maximum of 15 grams of fructose per day from ALL sources, including whole fruit.
  2. If you are not insulin/leptin resistant, (are normal weight without diabetes, hypertension or high cholesterol) and regularly engage in strenuous physical activity or manual labor, then higher fructose intake is unlikely to cause any health problems. In this case, you can probably eat more fruit without giving it much thought.
  3. However if you are in category two above you might benefit from a further refinement. Fruit will still increase your blood sugar and many experts believe this will increase your protein glycosylation. So my approach is to consume the fruit typically after a workout as your body will use the sugar as fuel rather than raise your blood sugar.
  4. Additionally ,if you’re an endurance athlete, you can probably get away with eating fairly large amounts of fruits, since your body will use most of the glucose during exercise, so it won’t be stored as fat. (That said, I still believe athletes would be well-advised to consider becoming fat adapted rather than relying on quick sugars. This is outside the scope of this article, however, so for more information, please see this previous article).
  5. If you’re still unsure of just how stringent you need to be, get your uric acid levels checked, and use that as a guide. I’ll review this in more detail in the section below.

Using Your Uric Acid Level as a Marker for Fructose Toxicity

I’ve previously interviewed Dr. Richard Johnson about his research into the health dangers of fructose, specifically how fructose causes high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes, revealed in his excellent book, The Sugar Fix. He’s also the chief of the division of kidney disease and hypertension at the University of Colorado.

Dr. Johnson’s research suggests that your uric acid levels can be effectively used as a marker for fructose toxicity; meaning, an indicator of just how significant of an impact fructose has on your individual body and health. As such, it can help you gauge just how careful you need to be in your food selections.

According to the latest research in this area, the safest range of uric acid is between 3 and 5.5 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl), and there appears to be a steady relationship between uric acid levels and blood pressure and cardiovascular risk, even down to the range of 3 to 4 mg/dl. What this means is that if you have a level of 4 mg/dl for men and 3.5 mg/dl for women, you probably are at a very low risk for fructose toxicity and can be more liberal with the fructose limits given above. The higher your uric acid though, the more you need to limit, or even avoid, fructose until your uric acid level normalizes.

Using this biochemical marker, I came to realize that I am particularly sensitive to fructose, and that it’s best for me, personally, to keep my fructose consumption as low as possible. This is most likely due to genetics and would explain why most of my paternal relatives have, or have died from, diabetes. That side of the family is probably particularly sensitive to fructose. Dr. Johnson has developed a program to help people optimize their uric acid levels, and the key step in this program is complete elimination of fructose, until your levels are within the ideal range of 3-5.5 mg/dl.

Helpful Fructose Chart for Common Fruits

Again, most people will need to limit your fructose to 25 grams of fructose per day from all sources, or less, while endurance athletes could have more. The chart below is excerpted from Dr. Johnson’s book, The Sugar Fix, which contains more details on the fructose content of common foods. His latest book, The Fat Switch, also gives further details on HOW fructose impacts your body, contributing to excess weight and chronic health problems.

Fruit Serving Size Grams of Fructose
Limes 1 medium 0
Lemons 1 medium 0.6
Cranberries 1 cup 0.7
Passion fruit 1 medium 0.9
Prune 1 medium 1.2
Apricot 1 medium 1.3
Guava 2 medium 2.2
Date (Deglet Noor style) 1 medium 2.6
Cantaloupe 1/8 of med. melon 2.8
Raspberries 1 cup 3.0
Clementine 1 medium 3.4
Kiwifruit 1 medium 3.4
Blackberries 1 cup 3.5
Star fruit 1 medium 3.6
Cherries, sweet 10 3.8
Strawberries 1 cup 3.8
Cherries, sour 1 cup 4.0
Pineapple 1 slice                         (3.5″ x .75″) 4.0
Grapefruit, pink or red 1/2 medium 4.3
Fruit Serving Size Grams of Fructose
Boysenberries 1 cup 4.6
Tangerine/mandarin orange 1 medium 4.8
Nectarine 1 medium 5.4
Peach 1 medium 5.9
Orange (navel) 1 medium 6.1
Papaya 1/2 medium 6.3
Honeydew 1/8 of med. melon 6.7
Banana 1 medium 7.1
Blueberries 1 cup 7.4
Date (Medjool) 1 medium 7.7
Apple (composite) 1 medium 9.5
Persimmon 1 medium 10.6
Watermelon 1/16 med. melon 11.3
Pear 1 medium 11.8
Raisins 1/4 cup 12.3
Grapes, seedless (green or red) 1 cup 12.4
Mango 1/2 medium 16.2
Apricots, dried 1 cup 16.4
Figs, dried 1 cup 23.0

What About Fruit Juices?

One of the profound highlights revealed in the featured study was the dramatic difference in health outcome between eating whole fruits versus drinking fruit juice. It’s important to realize that fruit juice typically contains very high concentrations of fructose, which will cause your insulin to spike and may counter the benefits of the antioxidants.

Previous studies have already clearly demonstrated that drinking large amounts of fruit juice dramatically increases your risk of obesity. Children are at particular risk here, since so many children are given juice whenever they’re thirsty instead of plain water. For example, research has revealed that 3- and 4-year-olds who carry extra weight and drink just one to two sweet drinks a day double their risk of becoming seriously overweight just one year later.

Furthermore, when buying commercial fruit juice, you need to check the label, as the majority of fruit juices contain high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors in addition to concentrated fruit juice. That said, even freshly squeezed fruit juice can contain about eight full teaspoons of fructose per eight-ounce glass! So, as a general rule, it’s wise for most to severely restrict your consumption of fruit juice, especially if your uric acid is above the ideals recommended. Also, if you suffer from type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease or cancer, you’d be best off avoiding fruit juices altogether until you’ve normalized your uric acid and insulin levels.

Within Certain Limits, Fruit is OK for Most People

Going back to the issue of genetic variability, it seems that some people may be able to process fructose more efficiently, and the key to assess this susceptibility to fructose damage lies in evaluating your uric acid levels. I believe this is an ideal way for most people to personalize the recommendations on fructose intake.

Aside from that, I believe most will benefit from restricting their fructose to 25 grams a day; and as little as 15 grams a day if you’re diabetic or have chronic health issues. This includes fructose from whole fruits. So I’m not advocating fruit avoidance for everyone; I’m simply placing fruit in the category of a fructose-rich food that needs to be included when you’re calculating your fructose intake.

If you choose low-fructose fruits, such as blueberries, you can eat more of it than if you choose a fruit high in fructose. Other low-fructose fruits include fresh apricots, lemons, limes, passion fruit, plums and raspberries. Also remember that avocado is actually a fruit too. It’s very low in fructose, and high in healthful fat, making it an excellent choice. Endurance athletes and others who engage in strenuous activities and who are neither overweight nor have chronic health issues probably do not need to concern themselves too much with their fruit consumption however.

Processed foods linked to obesity..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

Processed foods are typically loaded with excess sugar, salt, unhealthful fats, preservatives and other additives.

But you probably know this already. What you may not know about processed foods is the extent of the havoc they can wreak on your body, a closely guarded secret that the processed food industry doesn’t want you to know.

In short, though they may taste good and be easy to prepare, when you eat processed foods you’re exchanging convenience for your health.

10 Processed-Food Secrets the Food Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know

In the featured article,1 Donna Gates, author of The Body Ecology Diet, explains 10 reasons why you might want to think twice the next time you’re tempted to eat processed foods.

1. They’re Addictive and May Cause You to Overeat

Processing modifies or removes important components of food, like fiber, water and nutrients, changing the way they are digested and assimilated in your body.

Unlike whole foods, which contain a mix of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fiber and water to help you feel satisfied, processed foods stimulate dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter, making you feel good even though the food lacks nutrients and fiber. This artificial dopamine stimulation can lead to excessive food cravings and, ultimately, food addiction.

2. They’re Linked to Obesity

Processed foods are virtually guaranteed to contain additives that are linked to obesity. This includes monosodium glutamate (MSG), high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners and more. Plus, refined carbohydrates like breakfast cereals, bagels, waffles, pretzels, and most other processed foods quickly break down to sugar.,

This increases your insulin and leptin levels, and contribute to insulin resistance, which is the primary underlying factor of nearly every chronic disease and condition known to man, including weight gain.

3. They Break Principles of Food Combining

Some nutrition and health experts, such as Wayne Pickering, believe that eating foods in certain combinations helps your body’s digestive processes to work more efficiently and absorb more nutrients. Wayne actually constructed a very useful food combining chart that can be obtained on his website. According to one such premise, eating proteins and starches together, which is common in processed foods (such as a pepperoni pizza), inhibits digestion leading to putrification of your food, acidic conditions in your blood and supports disease-causing pathogens in your gut.

4. Processed Foods Lead to an Imbalanced Inner Ecosystem

The microorganisms living in your digestive tract form a very important “inner ecosystem” that influences countless aspects of your health. Processed foods disrupt this system, suppressing beneficial microflora and leading to digestive problems, cravings, illnesses and chronic disease. Beneficial organisms in your gut thrive on whole, unprocessed foods.

5. They’re Detrimental to Your Mood and Brain

Mood swings, memory problems and even depression are often the result of a heavily processed-food diet. In fact, the greatest concentration of serotonin, which is involved in mood control, depression and aggression, is found in your intestines, not your brain! Your gut and brain actually work in tandem, each influencing the other. This is why your intestinal health can have such a profound influence on your mental health, and vice versa – and why eating processed foods that can harm your gut flora can have a profoundly negative impact on your mood, psychological health and behavior.

6. Processed Foods Encourage ‘Eating on the Run’

Processed foods are quick and easy, making them ‘perfect’ to grab when you’re on the go. But eating on the go, or while you’re multi-tasking, can cause you to lose touch with your body’s natural signals telling you you’re full, leading to overeating and weight gain. It’s also more difficult for your body to digest properly when you’re busily engaged in other tasks.

7. Nutrition Labels Can be Misleading

A processed food may be labeled ‘natural’ or ‘sugar-free,’ but that doesn’t make it healthful. For instance, the natural food label on a processed food has no standard definition and really no meaning at all. A “natural” product is meaningless as it can legally be genetically modified, full of pesticides or made with corn syrup, additives, preservatives and artificial ingredients.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also allows processed food manufacturers to use absurdly tiny serving sizes on their labels, which can lull you into a false sense of security when it comes to determining how much of each stated nutrient or toxin, like trans fat, you’re actually consuming.

8. Processed Meats Are Linked to Cancer

Processed meats are those preserved by smoking, curing or salting, or the addition of chemical preservatives, which includes bacon, ham, pastrami, salami, pepperoni, hot dogs, some sausages and hamburgers (if they have been preserved with salt or chemical additives) and more. Particularly problematic are the nitrates that are added to these meats as a preservative, coloring and flavoring.

The nitrates found in processed meats are frequently converted into nitrosamines, which are clearly associated with an increased risk of certain cancers. Meat cooked at high temperatures, as many processed meats often are, can also contain as many as 20 different kinds of heterocyclic amines, or HCAs for short. These substances are also linked to cancer.

9. Processed Foods May Increase Your Risk of Infertility and Malnutrition

Because processed foods are stripped of nutrients your body needs, you could be eating a large number of calories but still become malnourished. In just three generations, a nutrient-deficient diet can lead to infertility, which is on the rise in the US.2 Plus, processed foods often contain genetically modified (GM) ingredients, which are also linked to reproductive problems.

10. Processed Foods Lead to a Long Shelf Life, Not a Long Human Life

Processed foods can last a long time on the shelf without going bad, thanks to their chemical cocktails of preservatives and other additives. Unfortunately, their makers put a lot of money and time into strategies to increase shelf life and create attractive packaging, with little attention put on the foods’ nutrient value or how it will actually detract from lasting health.

What Are the Worst Processed Food Additives?

When foods are processed, not only are valuable nutrients lost and dietary fiber removed, but the textures and natural variation and flavors are also lost. After processing, what’s left behind is a bland, uninteresting “pseudo-food” that most people wouldn’t want to eat.

Additives are added back in not only to slow spoilage, prevent fats and oils from going rancid, prevent fruits from turning brown, and fortify or enrich the food with synthetic vitamins and minerals to replace the natural ones that were lost during processing, but also to improve taste, texture and appearance. When reading product packages, here are some of the worst offenders to avoid if you want to protect your health (many of these are already banned in other countries due to health risks):


Found in

Health Hazards

Coloring agents: blue 1, blue 2, yellow 5, and yellow 6

Cake, candy, macaroni and cheese, medicines, sport drinks, soda, pet food, and cheese

Most artificial colors are made from coal tar, which is a carcinogen

Olestra (aka Olean)

Fat-free potato chips

Depletion of fat-soluble vitamins and carotenoids. Side effects include oily anal leakage

Brominated vegetable oil (aka BVO)

Sports drinks and citrus-flavored sodas

Competes with iodine for receptor sites in the body, which can lead to hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, and cancer. The main ingredient, bromine, is a poisonous, corrosive chemical linked to major organ system damage, birth defects, growth problems, schizophrenia, and hearing loss

Potassium bromate (aka brominated flour)

Rolls, wraps, flatbread, bread crumbs, and bagel chips

See bromine above. Associated with kidney and nervous system disorders, gastrointestinal discomfort


Breads, frozen dinners, boxed pasta mixes, and packaged baked goods

Linked to asthma


Cereal, nut mixes, gum, butter, meat, dehydrated potatoes, and beer

BHA may be a human carcinogen, a cancer-causing agent. BHT can cause organ system toxicity

Synthetic hormones: rBGH and rBST

Milk and dairy products

Linked to breast, colon, and prostate cancers



EPA classifies inorganic arsenic as a “human carcinogen”

A Simple Step-by-Step Guide to Ditching Processed Foods

When it comes to staying healthy, avoiding processed foods and replacing them with fresh, whole foods is the “secret” you’ve been looking for. This might sound daunting, but if you take it step-by-step as described in my nutrition plan it’s quite possible, and manageable, to painlessly remove processed foods from your diet.

Remember, people have thrived on vegetables, meats, eggs, fruits and other whole foods for centuries, while processed foods were only recently invented. Many of the top executives and scientists at leading processed food companies actually avoid their own foods for a variety of health reasons!

I believe you, too, should spend 90 percent of your food budget on whole foods, and only 10 percent on processed foods (unfortunately most Americans currently do the opposite). This requires that you plan your meals in advance. Ideally, this will involve scouting out your local farmer’s markets for in-season produce that is priced to sell, and planning your meals accordingly, but you can also use this same premise with supermarket sales. You can generally plan a week of meals at a time, make sure you have all ingredients necessary on hand, and then do any prep work you can ahead of time so that dinner is easy to prepare if you’re short on time in the evenings (and you can use leftovers for lunches the next day).

Further, by cutting out these high-glycemic foods you can retrain your body to burn fat instead of sugar. However, it’s important to replace these foods with healthy fats, not protein—a fact that’s often not addressed. I believe most people may need between 50-70 percent of their daily calories in the form of healthful fats, which include:

Olives and olive oil

Coconuts and coconut oil

Butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk

Organic raw nuts, especially macadamia nuts, which are low in protein and omega-6 fat

Organic pastured egg yolks and pastured meats


If cravings are a problem for you, please review my article about how to wean yourself off processed food in seven easy steps. If you’re currently sustaining yourself on fast food and processed foods, this is one of the most positive life changes you could ever make.