Rid your body of toxins..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

During my time working for Dr. Huggins I constantly came across clients wanting to go through some form of detoxification or chelation. My first question was to ask why?. The standard response was “to
remove the heavy metals from my body
” it has been proven that these come
primarily from the amalgam fillings placed in the teeth over the years.

I can understand why this would be a strong desire especially as the person had been
experiencing one form of health problem or another and often this had been the
case for several years.

I would then ask if they still had amalgam fillings in their teeth, if the answer was
yes then I’d explain that there was no point in using one of the many forms of
detox or chelation at this time.

To do this was a little like trying to dry yourself while still in the shower…yes
that does sound a little silly but that is what they would be doing.

The amalgam was, and is the greatest source of mercury released into the body,
every time you chew, brush your teeth or drink hot drinks you stimulate the
release of methyl mercury which is 100 times more toxic than mercury, mercury
is the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth.

So, detoxification is simply not a viable option until the amalgams have been

Now back to the subject of detoxification, I will cover this assuming that there
are no amalgams in your teeth.

We’ve all seen and heard the many claims that a particular product will remove all
heavy metals from your body in two days, or one week or a month. All you have
to do is drink this unction or potion twice a day or take this pill with all
meals or whatever…

Some, I’m sure will have some positive effect’s however, most don’t…mercury is not an
element that actually wants to leave the body once it has found somewhere to
live. The problem is that blood tests in the main will not show mercury in the
blood, it’s devious, it hides, and I liken it to the Taliban or some other
terrorist organization. They wouldn’t wander the streets of NY holding a banner
claiming to kill all the American infidels. No, they would take a job and
pretend to be an active member of the community.

Ok so what do I mean by this, your blood cells all carry an identifier like a
number plate on a car, this is called a Major Histocompatibily Complex (MHC).
This is unique to every person; your immune system constantly looks for “non
self” cells, when found the alarm bells are sounded

The first line of defense is Globulin, part of the total protein in your body. Globulin
will rush in to attack the invader, but sadly, mercury is indestructible to
anything the body can throw at it so all that happens is the globulin is
rendered totally ineffective and the mercury now has a hiding place.

So, when you have your blood tested by those wonderful people telling you that
their product is “the best thing since sliced bread”, mercury doesn’t show up,
and “wow, this amazing product has
done its job…no it hasn’t, it’s just
that the mercury is hiding.

To my knowledge there is only one way of actually finding the level of mercury in one’s
body, this test is done by a wonderful company called “Quicksliver Scientific”
in Lafayette, Colorado run by Chris Shade, PhD.

This is a methyl and inorganic mercury test, and as far as I know, Dr Shade is the
only one in the country doing this. At the beginning of 2011 the cost was $250.00.

There are several tests that can be done in addition to the methyl mercury test that
will help, please spend some time at their website.

Dr. Shade is a wonderful man and can be contacted:

303 531 0861

[email protected]

The test is done by Quicksilver Scientific but you still need pay to have the blood
draw, this is done through a lab such as LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics, you’ll
need to do your own research here because the blood draw can vary from $35 to
$100. At the end of the day it’s just a blood draw and should be on the lower
end of the scale.

Probably the easiest and least traumatic way of detoxifying is to use the C-flush method
which is basically using Vitamin C or Sodium Ascorbate powder, when doing this
you should always ensure you have the following ingredients:

Sodium Ascorbate powder

Probiotic capsules/tablets/drink

Activated charcoal capsules


Or you can call Huggins Applied Healing and buy the C-Flush package which includes
all the above. 1 800 948 4638

This process is best started on a Saturday if you work during the week; this is to
allow a day of rest following the C-flush.

The program is done over a 7 week period, week one you start by taking one gram of
sodium ascorbate powder (roughly a level teaspoon) in 2 oz’s of water, mix
thoroughly and swallow.

This is done every 20 minutes until the onset of diarrhea, it typically takes 8 or 9
grams to induce diarrhea, and once the diarrhea starts it will normally
continue for a couple of hours. Do not take any more sodium ascorbate powder
that day. If however diarrhea hasn’t started by the fifteenth gram you should
stop and try again the next day.

You should drink the electrolyte drink to replace those lost during the elimination;
I found that taking two activated charcoal caps a few hours after the diarrhea
has stopped will also help in preventing an unexpected reoccurrence.

Now I said this is done over a 7 week period so here are the specific instructions:

Week 1.

One gram of sodium ascorbate powder in 2 oz’s of water every 20 minutes until diarrhea
starts, continue to eat normally during the day. Take two charcoal capsules
several hours after the diarrhea has stopped, also take the electrolyte drink
and the Probiotic.

The following day should be a day of rest and recuperation because you will feel
rather drained and a little tired.

Week 2.

Repeat the process as per week one.

Week 3.

Repeat the process as per week one.

Week 4, 5 and 6.

Eat normally; take no sodium ascorbate powder.

Week 7.

Repeat process for week one.

This is the least traumatic way of detoxifying and one that is recommended by Dr.

When I first joined Dr. Huggins, I wanted to try the C Flush so I would have
firsthand experience and be able to honestly relate my findings to the clients
I talked to each day. So during the first seven weeks I used this method of
detoxifying and found it quite helpful and very easy to do.

If you’ve had your amalgam fillings removed and there is a very specific procedure
to do this which I will cover later in the book under the heading Amalgam
fillings. A couple of weeks later you can start the detoxification through a
vitamin c flush or another very useful and effective product is IMD made by Quicksilver Scientific.

IMD is Intestinal Metal Detox which
comes in a powder or 100mg capsule form, the contact information is listed
earlier in this e-book.

I personally used this product with very positive effects for 18 months, during
this time I had no negative side effects.

In fact when I first met Dr. Shade in 2008, we discussed my health problems, I had
been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2004 so he suggested I use the
IMD and gave me a three month supply.

I had recently gone through a Total Dental Revision with the wonderful Dr.
Blanche Grube so exercising wasn’t an option for me initially; however after a
three month wait which was very difficult for me I was able to start to gently

During the first week of using IMD I was taking it in the morning after eating
breakfast, Dr. Shade had suggested I
take it on an empty stomach but that just didn’t work for me as it gave me an upset
stomach. However after I started taking it an hour after my food in the morning
I started noticing very positive results.

Before I started on IMD I tried exercising but it was still very difficult for me, an
exercise called a squat thrust, starting in a push up position then jumping
your legs forward and backwards.

I managed 6 pathetic squat thrusts, I was embarrassed at my feeble attempts,
however a week after using IMD I was able to do 20 squat thrusts, then 30
minutes later I did another 20.

Over the next month it improved to sets of 60 three times in the evening, meaning I
did 180 each day.

As far as I know the product costs around $130 for a 10 week supply, taking one
per day, 5 days on then 2 off.

Another method recommended by Dr. Huggins would be a hot bath or/and a far infra red
sauna, now if both are used, they should not be done both on the same day, I’ll
explain the reasons why.

Firstly the hot bath is probably the easier and cheaper method than far infra red sauna;
it is only the cost of a bath of hot water and some Epsom salts.

Run a bath of hot water, but not too hot, the temperature should be only as hot as
you feel comfortable stepping in without burning your feet or making that “ah
sound. Pour a cup of Epsom salts into the running water, swish it around to mix
the salts effectively into the water.

Make sure you have a bath sheet, a large bath towel, lower yourself into the bath
and pull the bath sheet around you in the water.

Stay in the bath no longer than you feel comfortable, this would vary between
people, so I suggest no longer than 15 minutes. Then stand up and shower
yourself off, do not wipe the water off yourself first as all this will do is
push the excreted mercury back into your skin.

You can do this three times per week.

If you have a Far Infra Red Sauna, only use this on the days you are not taking the
bath, alternate between the two, only use the sauna three times per week. This
is because your body can only detox at a certain speed. Think of it this way,
if you had a wide mouthed funnel, you can pile whatever you want funneled as
quick as you like, however the other end is only a narrow tube. So, it will
come out at a much slower rate, meaning the material you are trying to detox
from will overflow which will cause you to feel sick or at least very unwell.

I’m talking from experience here, while going through a detox after my dental
revision and feeling very good about myself. I “overdosed” on my detox. Sad because I’m very good at giving advice
but it seems not too good at taking my own, is that a man thing? So I learnt
the hard way, and want you to benefit from my own silly mistakes.

Over the years I regularly spoke to people who asked about chlorella, my opinion is
different from Dr. Huggins, he tells people to stay away from this product
because it comes from the ocean. In his opinion anything from the ocean and
that includes all forms of sea food/fish/plankton etc is contaminated with

I have the utmost respect for Dr. Huggins and the amazing work he has done over
the years and I’m not saying that he is wrong, at the end of the day I am just
me, Stefan Cairns, I’m not a doctor/PhD/Scientist .just someone that worked for
him for three and a half years.

However I did a great deal of research and I believe your mind should be like a
parachute, it doesn’t work unless it’s open. With this attitude I put a great
deal of faith in Dr. Joseph Mercola who has the biggest natural health website
in the world.

Dr. Mercola talks very positively about chlorella products and the effectiveness in
heavy metal removal.

When silver is actually mercury..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Actually it’s not silver, it’s a silver coloured filling that is mainly Mercury. Mercury is the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth…Yes and your friendly neighbourhood dentist quite happily will place this into your mouth. He/She will tell you there is nothing to worry about and there is no evidence to prove different. That is as big a lie as “The Cheque is in the mail”.

A comment I read on Facebook recently posted by someone I have a great deal of respect for, suggested that everyone have their amalgams replaced. This is a good idea, however having them replaced by just any dentist or a Biological/Holistic dentist is not a good idea, in fact it’s downright dangerous.
A Biological/Holistic dentist can be someone that has a reasonably good idea that mercury (the main component of an amalgam filling) is deadly and over time will emit copious amounts of a lethal form of mercury vapor.
There is only one safe way of doing this and that is not by an IAOMT dentist, they know part of the process but are not familiar with the most crucial part which is sequential removal. This is a bit like letting an 18 yr old who’s just passed their driving test, take control of and enter a NASCAR race.
To this day there are still millions of amalgam fillings every year being placed into the teeth of unsuspecting people in the US alone, even though the rest of the world or at least Europe has outlawed these killers. I’m not being overly dramatic when I describe them as killers because long term that’s just what they are.
An Amalgam filling is an amalgamation of dissimilar metals; prior to 1976 they consisted of 52% mercury, zinc, copper, tin and maybe 8-10% silver. So when the dentist tells you he is going to put a silver filling in your tooth/teeth quite frankly it’s a blatant lie…Its mercury primarily. Mercury is the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth; it gets worse because every time you brush your teeth, drink hot drinks or chew you stimulate the release of methyl mercury which is 100 times more toxic.
After 1976 the filling was “updated or upgraded” to the high copper amalgam filling, this is equal parts of mercury, copper and silver. Even though there is less mercury it stimulates the release of methyl mercury 50 times faster than the original.
The most sensitive parts of your body are the insides of your cheeks and under your tongue, so you can imagine where the elemental mercury goes…..yes into your body and your blood stream.
The blood consists of red and white cells; the white is essentially your immune system, its primary role is to protect you from invaders.
The red is broken down into roughly 30 components; one of which is hemoglobin which has 4 ports on each cell to carry oxygen….oxyhemeglobin.
Mercury attaches to one, two, three or even all four ports so is now transported around your body, it doesn’t want to wander aimlessly, it wants to find somewhere nice to live, like a filter organ, your liver, kidneys, heart or brain. Once resident there it will prevent the organ from doing its job efficiently and “hey presto you have symptoms”.
I have always found it quite ridiculous to think that the wonderful trusted community of general practitioners (GP’s) insists on treating symptoms and not the cause of the problem. So you see your doctor, are then told to take a medicine/drug and the chances are, you will be on medication for the rest of your life…nice.
In 2008/9 a school in Lakewood, Colorado was closed and 600 pupils were sent home, why, you ask, well there had been a spillage of a hazardous material so the HAZMAT team were called in. Now I’m sure you are thinking that there had been a large amount of a radioactive material spilled, well you would be right in thinking that way. In fact it was a mercury thermometer that had been broken.
Now if 600 kids were sent home because a very minimal amount or mercury was spilled on the floor why oh why is it considered safe to allow larger amount as an amalgam filling to be placed into uninformed, unsuspecting people? Thousands of times every day of the year.
This is interesting, did you know that the ADA actually holds the patent on amalgam fillings, so those wonderful, considerate people are actually being paid every time an amalgam is placed. It’s no wonder they refuse to acknowledge the dangers in these hideous little killers. When it’s eventually accepted worldwide that amalgams are killing people and the ADA have always known this then there will be an even bigger law suit than there was with the tobacco industry.
Let’s move back to amalgam fillings, because of the amalgamation of dissimilar metals, your saliva and the warm environment of your mouth, these fillings have all the basic requirements to be little batteries. They emit a signal, an electrical signal, negative or positive, high or low. Perhaps fillings could be better described electrically by calling them capacitors. Capacitors, like the flash portion of a flash camera, build up a charge over a period of time, and then discharge much of their stored current in an instant This is measured in micro amps’; having an electrical signal requires them to be removed in a very specific sequence. There is only one way of identifying that signal and that is to use a RITA meter, this device that was created by Dr. Huggins. It’s similar to an ammeter or amalgameter but there is very significant difference and that is the RITA meter measures the peak of the signal and stays at that point. This is crucial because the fillings need to be removed sequentially, starting with the highest negative; after that one has been removed the remainder of fillings in that quadrant can be removed.
Now it becomes a little confusing as the remaining fillings starting with the next highest negative are to be removed following the guide in the previous paragraph.
However, the dentist needs to check all the fillings in the mouth; they are marked on a chart by his assistant. If, after the first quadrant has been done the next highest negative filling is on the other side of the head crossing the mid line, draw an imaginary line down your head splitting your eyes, down your nose and thru your lips, then there has to be a 48hr gap between removals unless the dentist is using Conscious sedation. The most popular or commonly used is Versed which is similar to Valium. If conscious sedation is used then after the first highest negative filling is replaced the sequence doesn’t apply.
When Dr. Huggins noted this several decades ago he found that if this protocol is not adhered to, then 63% of patients develop an autoimmune disease, not necessarily immediately but it is likely to happen at some point.
There is almost a conspiracy here between the dentists that have done the honest research and found that Huggins work is real, and the powers that be like the American Dental Association (ADA) plus their cronies like Device Watch or Quack watch. These people will spread malicious misinformation about the pioneering work of Dr. Huggins and Dr. Weston Price before him. I have spoken with my clients and uninformed dentists who truly believe there is nothing wrong with an amalgam filling. This is because of the misinformation being spread by the ADA…
I’m sure you’ll be thinking “I’ll just go and see my local holistic or biological dentist, because he or she will do it right” well the sad thing is that NO, they won’t. There are lots and lots of very competent, experienced dentists, some biological, some holistic and they will tell you that they are very experienced in the removal of amalgam fillings. They have done it thousands of times, “so just come see me and I will take care of you”.
Again I can’t emphasize this strongly enough, biological, holistic, means nothing when it comes to the only safe methods of removing and replacing amalgams.
A Rita meter should be used to identify the correct sequence of removal; the dentist should use a rubber dam, oxygen, water, powerful suction and a Negative Ion Generator to ensure a clear channel over the dental chair. Some dentists will also use some form of suction device to clear the air immediately around the patient.
I’d like to ask this of the dentist’s that profess to be able to competently remove amalgams, “when you’ve removed the amalgams the wrong way, do any of the patients ever come back in six months or a year and tell you they now have MS or one of the other incurable diseases.” No, they don’t because the patient didn’t realize it was the dentistry that caused the problem, dentist’s are living in a dream world, I believe that the pharmaceutical industry are responsible for the millions of people suffering from ill health these days however I also believe the dentist’s are guilty and in some ways even more so.
There is only one safe way to remove amalgams, and that is to follow the protocol laid out by Dr. Huggins as listed above, over the years I have talked with thousands of clients all stating that they had had their amalgams removed the correct way. Most, not all but most would tell me that they had seen a Huggins trained dentist, to which I would ask for the name of the dentist and the city or state they were in. Some people wouldn’t tell me the name, why, I just don’t know; maybe they thought they would get the dentist into trouble.
For those that did tell me the name, it would often be a name I’d never heard before, what their dentist probably meant was that they attended a two hour seminar and shook Dr. Huggins hand, so in their mind they had been trained. The client would try to justify the dentist’s work, this I just couldn’t understand because the client would be suffering from health problems and often serious health problems which are likely to have been caused or at least instigated by dentistry.
Dr. Huggins holds trainings twice each year or at least he did, this would be a three day training program held in Colorado Springs, normally in March and October although that could vary by a month either side depending on when the IAOMT were holding their semi annual seminars. My recommendation is to find a Huggins trained dentist, this can be done by calling Huggins Applied healing on 1 866 948 4638.
At the end of this book I have listed the dentists that were considered to be an elite group of Huggins trained dentists including the city and phone numbers.
One particular dentist is in my opinion stands head and shoulders above the others; this is because of her experience and unequalled skills. Dr. Blanche Grube has followed Dr. Huggins work closer than anyone else for twenty years.
Her passion, compassion, skills, experience and dedication surpass all others, I will not go into detail about a health challenge she experienced because I feel it best coming from her. Needless to say she has been there, done that and has the T-shirt and video when it comes to health issues.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

The importance of bile…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The importance of bile.
As already mentioned, one of the liver’s most important functions is to produce bile, about 1 to 1.5 quarts per day. Liver bile is viscous yellow, brown or green fluid that is alkaline and has a bitter taste. Without sufficient bile, most commonly eaten foods remain undigested or partially digested. For example, to enable the small inte3stines to digest and absorb fat and calcium from the food you eat, the food must first combine with bile. When fat is not absorbed properly, it indicates that bile secretion is insufficient. The undigested fat remains in the intestinal tract. When undigested fat reaches the colon along with the other waste products, bacteria break down some of the fat into fatty acids or excrete it with the stool. Since fat is lighter that water, having fat in the stool may cause it to float. When fat is not absorbed, calcium is not absorbed either, leaving blood in a deficit. The blood subsequently takes its extra calcium from the bones. Most bone dentistry problems (osteoporosis) actually arise from insufficient bile secretion and poor digestion of fats rather than from not consuming enough calcium. Few medical practitioners are aware of this fact and hence, merely prescribe calcium supplements to their patients.
Apart from breaking down the fats in our food, bile also removes toxins from the liver. One of the lesser known but extremely important functions of bile is to deacidify and cleanse the intestines.
When gallstones in the liver or gallbladder have critically impeded bile flow, the color of the stool may be tan or orange-yellow or pale as in clay, instead of the normal greenish-brown.
Gallstones are a direct product of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. If gallstones are still present in the liver even after all other disease causing factors are eliminated, the pose a considerable health risk and may lead to illness and premature aging. For this reason the subject has been included her as a major risk factor or cause of disease. The following sections describe some of the main consequences of gallstones in the liver on the different organs and systems in the body. When these stones are removed the body as a whole can resume its normal, healthy activities.

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Does your blood like it…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

When amalgams are replaced by the dentist, and hopefully a dentist that has been through
the official training with Dr. Huggins, he or she should only place filling
material back into your teeth that is bio compatible with your blood. There are
lots of good filling materials available to dentists, some good because the
supplier/manufacturer is providing this product at a good price or a special
deal for the dentist. But that doesn’t mean it’s good for you the patient, what
is good for you is a material that is bio compatible with your body which is
essentially one that will not have any adverse reactions when placed into your
How is this done? Well there are several ways but in my opinion there is one that
is more accurate than the others.
You will often be told about “muscle testing” or kinesiology, this is where the
dentist will have you hold a particular material in one hand then ask you
questions while pressing down on the opposite arm which is extended out.
I don’t really have a great deal of confidence in this method, I’m sure there are
some very qualified practitioners in this field but I’m a little uncomfortable
with this method, I just feel that it can fluctuate if you or the dentist had a
bad night last night.
So from my experience and having researched the various ways of identifying which
material is going to be safe in your teeth/body I always come back to the bio
compatibility test.
This is done by calling Bio Comp Labs is Colorado Springs, 1 800 331 2303.
They will send you a kit which you take to a lab such as LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics;
the kit includes instructions for the lab and the necessary vials.
Your blood is drawn then spun on a centrifuge to separate the blood from the serum.
The serum is then put into a small vial which is put into a larger vial then
into a polystyrene box and finally into a cardboard box. This is very important
and part of the kit that is sent to you. You should then overnight it back to
Bio Comp Labs, this should never be done on a Friday as it will wait in a truck
for two days until Bio Comp Labs open on the Monday morning. So ideally have
the blood draw first thing on a Monday morning on an empty stomach, fast for at
least 10 hours, then overnight it to Bio Comp.
They will basically run tests with your blood serum against the 96 materials that
dentists have the ability to use plus another 3000 chemicals to identify what
material your body will tolerate. Please note that I said your body…not some
other person’s body just yours. So they will specifically tell the dentist what
is safe for you, a material that your blood is saying is acceptable for you.
Now this is a more scientific method but even this cannot be 100% accurate,
it’s close but the human body is a fragile/delicate and unpredictable thing.
Bio Comp Labs will then mail or email a 62 page document to the dentist so you can
feel confident he or she knows which product is safe for you. The dentist can pre order this product if
they don’t have in on their shelves.
The kit is free to you and will be sent upon your order which you can do over the
phone or online.
The cost of the test was $275 in April 2011, but remember you’ll have to pay for the
blood draw with whatever lab you chose to use.
There is another company that professes to do this test accurately, however I don’t have
a great deal of confidence in them. I know at one time they didn’t test for aluminum which I’m sure
most people realize is a major contaminant. With this in mind I would only use Bio Comp Labs.
Now I know some people will complain about the price, this is your choice, is your
life worth $275?
Don’t have it done and take the risk that the dentist will somehow manage to place a
filling material into your teeth that your blood will not have an adverse
reaction to. You’ll often be told that a particular material is good for most people,
this statement may be true, but then again are you most people?
I’ve probably talked with more than 5,000 people who thought the same way and
regretted it because they came down with Chronic Fatigue or Fibromyalgia or another
of the many diseases waiting to find an unsuspecting body to thrive in.
Sequence of removal.
Although your average everyday biological dentist may well agree that replacing your amalgams is an important thing to do, by the way he is not allowed to tell you that the mercury laden amalgam is unsafe let alone downright dangerous. The ADA or American Dental Association (who should really be called the We don’t give a crap about your health association) will penalize the dentist if he or she tells you about the dangers of mercury, in fact he or she will lose their license to practice as a dentist if they divulge this information. So don’t be too hard on them for keeping this to themselves, they are just being selfish for only thinking about their own livelihood, actually I personally think that you should be hard on them and never ever use them again.
Ok now to sequential removal, a dentist trained in Dr. Huggins methods will practice sequential removal of fillings. A Rita meter is used to identify the electrical signal being emitted by the filling, the signal is recorded by his assistant on a chart so the dentist will know the exact order of removal and replacement.
When this sequence is not adhered to there can be major problems, in fact if this is not done then 63% of patients develop an autoimmune disease. This doesn’t necessarily happen overnight, but days, weeks, months or even years later this can happen.
When it does, you don’t automatically think it had anything whatsoever to do with the dental work, but it was.
Over a period of years I talked with more than 17,500 people, lots of them were very sick or were calling on behalf of a family member. I would ask about the dental work and would often be told that the person believed they had had the work done safely by a reputable biological or holistic dentist. However the dentist didn’t follow the Huggins protocol or any safety precautions at all.
There is so much more to know about and I don’t feel a page of explanation will do this justice, so I strongly recommend that you call either Huggins Applied Healing in Colorado Springs, or look at the list of Huggins trained dentists listed on my site.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

Part three…Gallstones..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Cleansing the liver and gallbladder from all accumulated stones helps to restore homeostasis, balances weight and sets the precondition for the body to heal itself. The liver cleanse is also one of the best precautionary measures you can take to protect yourself against nearly every kind of illness, known or unknown.
If you suffer any of the following symptoms, or similar conditions you most likely have numerous gallstones in your liver and gallbladder:
Food cravings
Digestive disorders
Clay-colored stool
Dull pain on the right side
Difficulty breathing
Liver cirrhosis
Most infections
High cholesterol
Heart disease4
Brain disorders
Duodenal ulcers
Nausea and vomiting
A bilious or angry personality
Other sexual problems
Prostate diseases
Urinary problems
Hormonal imbalances
Menstrual menopausal disorders
Problems with vision
Puffy eyes
Any skin disorder
Liver spots, especially those on the back of the hands and facial area
Dizziness and fainting spells
Loss of muscle tone
Excessive weight or wasting
Strong shoulder and back pain
Pain at the top of the shoulder blade and or between the shoulder blades
Dark color under the eyes
Morbid complexion
Tongue that is glossy or coated in white or yellow
Frozen shoulder
Stiff neck
Headaches and migraines
Tooth and gum problems
Yellowness’ of the eye and skin
Numbness and paralysis of the legs
Joint disease
Knee problems
Chronic fatigue
Kidney diseases
Multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia
Alzheimer’s disease
Cold extremities
Excessive heat an perspiration in the upper part of the body
Very greasy hair and hair loss
Cuts or wounds that keep bleeding and refuse to heal
Difficulty sleeping, insomnia
Stiffness of joints and muscles
Hot and cold flashes.

From The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse
Andrea Moritz PhD

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Follow up to Gallstones..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Gallstones in the liver, Part two

A healthy liver receives and filters pints of blood per minute and produces 1 to 1.5 quarts of bile every day. This ensures that all the activities in the liver and in the rest of the body run smoothly and efficiently. Obstructive gallstones greatly undermine the liver’s ability to detoxify any externally supplied and internally generated harmful substances.
These stones also prevent the liver from delivering the proper amounts of nutrients and energy to the right places in the body to the right places in the body at the right time. This upsets the delicate balance in the body, known as homeostasis, thus leading to disruption of its systems and undue stress on it’s organs.
A clear example of such ia disturbed balance is an increased concentration of the endocrine hormones estrogen and aldosterone in the blood. These hormones, produced in both men and women are responsible for the correct amount of salt and water retention. When stones congest the gallbladder and the liver’s bile ducts, these hormones may not be sufficiently broken down and detoxified. Hence, their concentration in the blood rises to abnormal levels, causing tissue swelling and water retention. Most oncologists consider elevated estrogen levels to be the leading cause of breast cancer among women, I men, high levels of this hormone. In men, high levels of these hormones can lead to both excessive development of breast tissue and weight gain.
Over 60% of the American population is overweight of obese. Men, women and children in the condition suffer mainly from fluid retention (with relatively minor fat accumulation). The retained fluids help tap and neutralize noxious substances that the liver can no longer remove from the body. This helps the overweight or obese person to survive a major, possibly fatal, toxicity crisis such as a heart attack, septic poisoning, or massive infection. The side effects of fluid retention in the tissues, however, is that it causes these toxins and other harmful waste matter(metabolic waste and dead cell material) to accumulate in various parts of the body and further congest the pathways of circulation and elimination.
Wherever in the body the storage capacity for toxins and waste is exceeded, symptoms of illness begin to occur.

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Part two..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Gallstones in the liver, Part two

A healthy liver receives and filters pints of blood per minute and produces 1 to 1.5 quarts of bile every day. This ensures that all the activities in the liver and in the rest of the body run smoothly and efficiently. Obstructive gallstones greatly undermine the liver’s ability to detoxify any externally supplied and internally generated harmful substances.
These stones also prevent the liver from delivering the proper amounts of nutrients and energy to the right places in the body to the right places in the body at the right time. This upsets the delicate balance in the body, known as homeostasis, thus leading to disruption of its systems and undue stress on it’s organs.
A clear example of such ia disturbed balance is an increased concentration of the endocrine hormones estrogen and aldosterone in the blood. These hormones, produced in both men and women are responsible for the correct amount of salt and water retention. When stones congest the gallbladder and the liver’s bile ducts, these hormones may not be sufficiently broken down and detoxified. Hence, their concentration in the blood rises to abnormal levels, causing tissue swelling and water retention. Most oncologists consider elevated estrogen levels to be the leading cause of breast cancer among women, I men, high levels of this hormone. In men, high levels of these hormones can lead to both excessive development of breast tissue and weight gain.
Over 60% of the American population is overweight of obese. Men, women and children in the condition suffer mainly from fluid retention (with relatively minor fat accumulation). The retained fluids help tap and neutralize noxious substances that the liver can no longer remove from the body. This helps the overweight or obese person to survive a major, possibly fatal, toxicity crisis such as a heart attack, septic poisoning, or massive infection. The side effects of fluid retention in the tissues, however, is that it causes these toxins and other harmful waste matter(metabolic waste and dead cell material) to accumulate in various parts of the body and further congest the pathways of circulation and elimination.
Wherever in the body the storage capacity for toxins and waste is exceeded, symptoms of illness begin to occur.

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