The 7 Nastiest Things Lurking In Your Food..

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1. Flame-Retardant Sodas

The toxic flame retardant chemical brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, was first used to keep plastics from catching on fire. However, the food industry has been using it in sodas, juices and sports drinks to keep those artificial flavoring chemicals mixed in with the rest of the liquids. You’ll find it in drinks such as Mountain Dew, Fanta Orange, Sunkist Pineapple and Powerade.

BVO has been linked to skins lesions, memory loss, and nerve disorders.

2. Petroleum-Laced Candy

You’ve probably wondered if that candy with those wacky bright colors is good for you. It’s not. Many of the artificial food dyes found in everyday foods, including candy, are made from petroleum-derived materials. Kids love those “fun” colors in their cereal and candy, but food dyes are also used in hundreds of supermarket foods.

They are harmful: orange and purple food dyes have been shown to impair brain function, while other dyes have been linked to ADHD and behavioral problems in kids. Of course, companies don’t care because it’s cheaper for them to use those fake dyes than it is to use real ingredients.

3. Moldy Berries


Here’s a sobering fact: the FDA legally allows up to 60 percent of canned or frozen blackberries and raspberries to contain mold; 15 percent mold is the limit for canned fruit and vegetable juices.

It’s true that it’s perfectly fine to eat some food when it starts to grow mold, but you should toss soft fruits and vegetables, since they may have mold growing below the surface. Also, because mold spreads quickly in fruits and vegetables, check nearby foods in your produce drawer.

4. Salade Verte With Paint Chemicals


Perhaps you didn’t know that your salad dressing may well contain titanium dioxide, which is a component of titanium, a mined substance that is sometimes contaminated with toxic lead.

This chemical is widely used in paints and sunscreens, but Big Food also adds it to lots of things we eat, including processed salad dressing. They do this to to make dingy, overly processed items, like your salad dressing, appear brighter and whiter.

5. Hormone-Heavy Milk


Ah, the wonders of modern technology: today’s cows produce double the amount of milk they did just 40 years ago, and that’s mostly because of a genetically engineered, synthetic hormone called recombinant bovine somatotropin, or rBST, that helps them along.

This synthetic hormone is banned in many other countries because it has been linked to prostate, breast and colon cancers. However, it is still legal here, although many dairies are being pressured to abandon it.

6. Meat Laced With Flesh-Eating Bacteria


Beware the supermarket meat department! Grocery store meats are commonly infused with nasty extras, including staph bacteria, and especially the hard-to-kill, potentially lethal MRSA strain. A study published last year in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases found that half of grocery store meat tested positive for staph bacteria.

MRSA kills about 19,000 people a year in America.

7. Toxic shrimp


Imported shrimp is on the Monterey Bay’s Seafood Watch List as “Avoid” at all costs. Less than two percent of all imported seafood is inspected, which is a huge problem.

As a result, imported shrimp often contains antibiotics, cleaning chemicals used in farmed shrimp pens, residues of toxic pesticides banned in the U.S., and pieces of insects.

Domestic shrimp would be the answer, except that 70 percent of domestic shrimp comes from the Gulf of Mexico, and the recent oil spill has made us all wary of eating that. Instead, try buying shrimp from Texas, the East Coast, Maine and the Carolinas.

The obvious solution to all these nasty items: avoid processed food, and stick to organic produce as much as possible. Not to mention, if you are buying processed food, always check the ingredients.

Are You Eating This Protein Wonder Food?

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By Leah Zerbe

The benefits of hemp are boundless. This wonderfood balances your hormones, nourishes your skin and hair, calms post-workout inflammation, and relaxes your muscles. Once a mainstay crop in the United States with the Declaration of Independence drafted on hemp, and early American flags were made of this durable, plant-based fabric.

In the early 1900s, one report declared 25,000 uses for hemp, everything from ropes and sails to linens and food. But its confusion with marijuana, also in the cannabis family, led to an American campaign that ultimately made it impossible for U.S. farmers to capitalize on this important agricultural crop.

Bringing it back could prove to be a potent economic booster that could help clean up agriculture (hemp grows readily without toxic pesticides) while providing healthy, low-impact protein to millions.

So just to be clear: Although hemp plants resemble pot plants, hemp is not marijuana and will not cause false positives on drug tests, explains Michael Fata, CEO and cofounder of Manitoba Harvest, a leader in the hemp food movement.

Instead of getting hung up on the drug myth, Fata would much rather talk about hemp’s amazing healing powers. Tasting like what he calls a cross between a sunflower seed and a pine nut, shelled hemp seeds and hemp protein powders are pleasant-tasting protein powerhouses, containing all 10 essential amino acids to form a complete vegetarian protein source. Hemp is better for the planet, too.

According to Environmental Working Group, animal proteins can create up to 20 times the climate-damaging emissions compared to plant-based protein sources.

With U.S. demand up 62 percent in the first quarter of 2013, hemp is turning out to be quite a trendy little seed. Industry data shows hemp is growing at a rate of 115 percent, compared to an 84 percent increase in chia seeds. It’s a powerhouse in the protein powder category, too. As whey and soy proteins are slowing, hemp protein powder sales are up 30 percent in the first part of 2013.

Ready to give hemp a try? Consider these facts.
•It’s one of the world’s most potent natural sources of magnesium—a mineral required for a healthy metabolism and one that as much as 75 percent of the U.S. population doesn’t get enough of
•It’s a key food for exercisers, thanks to its levels of iron and phosphorus, important trace elements that maximize oxygen levels
It contains twice the protein found in chia and flax seeds.
It’s naturally non-GMO.

Here’s how to work hemp into your diet:
•Sprinkle shelled hemp hearts on salads, yogurt, and cereal

•Add shelled hemp seeds to soup for a creamy, nondairy protein boost
Toss protein powder into smoothies and mix with any ingredients that would be complemented by hemp’s subtle, nutty flavor

Source Link:

Are We Overfed And Starving To Death?

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

By Mark Hyman, MD

Americans are overfed and undernourished. That’s right, the most obese children and adults in the country are also the most nutritionally deficient! How can those two things possibly co-exist?

The mistake is to think that if you eat an abundance of calories, your diet automatically delivers all the nutrients your body needs. But the opposite is true. The more processed food you eat, the more vitamins you need. That’s because vitamins and minerals lubricate the wheels of our metabolism, helping the chemical reactions in our bodies run properly. Among those biochemical processes greased by nutrients is the regulation of sugar and burning of fat. The problem is that the standard American diet (SAD) is energy dense (too many calories) but nutrient poor (not enough vitamins and minerals). Too many “empty calories” confuse the metabolism and pack on the pounds.

A Nutritionally Deficient Culture
After reviewing the major nutritional research over the last 40 years and doing nutritional testing on over 10,000 patients. I can tell you that Americans are suffering from massive nutritional deficiencies. What I see in my office is reflected in the scientific literature. Upwards of 30 percent of American diets fall short of such common plant-derived nutrients as magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin A. More than 80 percent of Americans are running low on Vitamin D. And nine out of 10 people are deficient in omega-3 fats, which are critical for staving off inflammation and controlling blood sugar levels.

So, Why Are We So Undernourished?


Food Is Less Nutritious.
Processed foods, stuffed with high fructose corn syrup, refined flours and trans fats-are a modern phenomenon. These foods crowd out more nutrient-dense foods because they are inexpensive and convenient. Your grandmother wouldn’t recognize most of the foods filling the center aisles of our grocery stores today. Imagine what early humans would think of Lunchables!

Our species evolved eating foods that contained dramatically higher levels of all vitamins, minerals, and essential fats. Wild game is leaner and healthier than animals raised in factory farms. Plus, the meats and fish eaten by hunter-gatherers were almost always fresh. Most store bought meat today are laced with chemicals, such as nitrates, used to process and preserve.

Soil Is Being Squeezed.

There is a reason our food is less nutritious, industrial farming is depleting the nutrients in the country’s farmland. As a result, most vegetables harvested today have fewer nutrients than those plucked from the ground just two generations ago.

One of the largest and most compelling studies on this topic was published in 2004 in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Using data from the USDA’s archives, a team of scientists looked at the nutrient content of 43 fruits and vegetables – everything from rutabaga to honeydew – grown in 1950 and compared them to the identical fruits and veggies grown in 1999. Their findings were disturbing. Levels of calcium were down 16 percent, iron 15 percent, and Vitamin C 20 percent. Not a single nutrient had increased in the past 50 years.

Because those foods contain fewer nutrients, the servings we do eat don’t deliver as much nutrition as they once did. Fewer nutrients means lowered immunity and increased vulnerability to chronic disease and obesity. When your body doesn’t get the right nutrition, it just keeps asking for more food. The endless cycle of craving a Catch-22; people are eating more, getting fatter, but still not feeling satisfied – it’s a nightmare from which they can’t escape.

Refining Kills Nutrients.

In general, foods are stripped of their nutrients during the refining process. One of the most telling examples of this mistake is wheat. The process of refining whole wheat flour into white reduces the fiber by 80 percent and slashes levels of essential minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients.

Eventually, food manufacturers started adding synthetic versions of the most important vitamins and minerals back into food and call the food “enriched.” But the idea that you can process out nutrients, such as B vitamins in the making of white flour, and then add them back is reductionistic and neglects the synergistic qualities of food. Food makers call these “enriched foods” but that’s only because they are so impoverished in the first place!

Three Ways to Grab More Nutrient-rich Calories

1. Eat more plant-based foods: Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains are the foundation of a lifelong ultraprevention diet. They are high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, fiber, and essential fatty acids. These foundation foods also eliminate the many triggers of chronic illness, such as saturated fat, trans fat, sugar and toxic food additives.

2. Prioritize healthy plant-based fats: The best way to eat most of your fat is in the form of extra-virgin olive oil, flax, nuts, and seeds with minimal amounts of properly processed (expeller-pressed) vegetable oils. Avoid oils that do not state the method of extraction or have a bitter aftertaste or rancid flavor.

3. Dine on modest amounts of lean animal protein: The best sources are small cold-water fish that don’t contain high levels of metals and other contaminants. Healthy fish choices include sardines, herring, mackerel, wild caught salmon, trout, and arctic char. Wild game, such as wild elk and deer, are also rich sources of omega-3 fats because of the wild plants they eat.

The Three Stages of Adrenal Burnout

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Your adrenal glands are each no bigger than a walnut and weigh less than a grape, yet are responsible for one of the most important functions in your body: managing your stress.

When your adrenal glands are overtaxed, a condition known as adrenal fatigue or adrenal exhaustion sets in, which in turn can set a cascade of disease processes into motion. One tell-tale sign of adrenal burnout is feeling chronically fatigued.

It’s estimated that up to 80 percent of adults experience adrenal fatigue during their lifetimes, yet it remains one of the most under-diagnosed illnesses in the United States.

The Kalish Method1, designed and taught by Dr. Daniel Kalish, integrates scientific testing with natural health solutions to heal your adrenals and restore their normal function.

I first met Dr. Kalish about 17 years ago when he first started using and perfecting this process, which originated with Dr. Timmins, who has since passed away.

Unfortunately, while many conventional health practitioners have started testing adrenal function, many are still unaware of the protocols for solving adrenal dysfunction. Dr. Kalish is passionate about getting the message out that such protocols do exist, and are profoundly effective—capable of restoring health in most individuals in as little as six to 12 months.

The basis of adrenal fatigue or burnout is stress, which over time can tax your adrenal glands to the point of causing other health problems, such as:
•Sleep disorders
•Weight gain

The precipitating event for most people is a period of intense emotional stress. According to Dr. Kalish, approximately 95 percent of his patients report having experienced major emotional stress around the time their health began to falter.

How to Test Your Adrenal Function

Conventionally, you’d see an endocrinologist who would evaluate your adrenal glands, or perhaps a doctor of internal medicine. Unfortunately, they tend to primarily test for specific diseases like Addison’s disease or Cushing’s disease, both of which are relatively rare.

As stated by Dr. Kalish:

“In the conventional medical context, when they think about the adrenal glands, they really only think about these extreme medical conditions that are not going to be what most suffer from. They do a conventional medical test [to] determine whether you have one of these rare endocrine disorders or not.

In the conventional medical world, they’re really not aware of the kinds of lab tests called a functional adrenal stress profile. It means that we’re not worried about the disease processes as an endocrinologist would be, but we’re really looking at functional problems.

Those are problems that are not going to send people to the hospital, but are more of disrupting your day-to-day life. These would be fatigue, depression, problems with weight gain, and problems with sleep.

Those types of issues – the functional adrenal problems – that aren’t severe disease processes, are determined better by either salivary testing, or some doctors also use urine samples.”

The Kalish Method calls for testing your adrenal function by taking four saliva (or urine) samples over the course of a day. This maps out your circadian rhythm, showing how your cortisol levels rise and fall throughout your day. Saliva is collected at approximately four-hour intervals: first thing in the morning upon waking, then at noon, late afternoon, and again at night before going to bed. The first video in this playlist explains why testing your hormones might be a good idea. The second video reviews the differences between urine and saliva testing.

How the Kalish Method Helps Normalize Dysfunctional Adrenals

The Kalish Method is aimed at normalizing dysfunctional adrenals and restoring normal adrenal function. It’s a clinically validated method that’s been used for a long time, yet most physicians are still not aware of it.

“What we find is that if we just restore what’s missing in the person for a period of six months or maybe at the most 12 months, the adrenal glands and the internal production of these hormones comes back,” Dr. Kalish explains. “So, we’re actually restoring the normal production of these hormones in the body. The treatments, therefore, are relatively short-term; six months to a year. The only way we’ve found to do this real repair process is to use these really low dosages of DHEA and pregnenolone over a period of time.”

Another helpful test that can be used is hair analysis. A nutritionist friend of mine has been using this for many years through a company called Trace Elements. According to the theory on hair analysis, the ratio of certain minerals can also be strongly suggestive of adrenal function, specifically the sodium to magnesium ratio. It’s similar to a glycohemoglobin test and it’s measured over three months.

According to Dr. Kalish, this makes sense as your adrenal glands control so many different body functions, some of which involve minerals. Calcium and magnesium can have an impact on your adrenal function as stress tends to make your body use these minerals up at a higher rate, for example. This is also true for sodium and potassium.

“These are like general indicators of how much stress a person is under, which is a great screening tool,” Dr. Kalish says. “And then you can get more specific with the four-times-a-day testing, so you can see exactly what’s happening on a given day.”

The Three Stages of Adrenal Burnout

In the Kalish Method, adrenal issues are divided into three general categories: stage one, stage two, and stage three. In a stage one pattern, your cortisol levels are very high, and you’re under a lot of stress. But it’s usually an enjoyable type of stress. Perhaps you’re a student or a new parent, which is stressful, yet you’re enjoying yourself and you feel more charged and alive than anything else. You need that excitement. Your body requires it. It’s somewhat like exercise. But the key is to have the adaptability and the resiliency to absorb that stress, enjoy it, benefit from it, and then dissipate it.

If you don’t sufficiently rest and recharge, your adrenals will get overtaxed, causing your cortisol levels to drop, and this is where most people notice there’s a problem. Dr. Kalish explains:

“If you stay in this high-cortisol state for long enough – at stage one – you eventually go to stage two. Stage two means that the cortisol levels are now starting to fail. This is when people start to gain weight. This is when people start to not be able to sleep. This is when your sex drive starts to go away. This is when people just know that there’s some health problem.”

If you stay at stage two long enough, and you fail to change your lifestyle to address your failing adrenals such as not eating right, not resting, and not exercising, you eventually enter stage three. Here, your adrenals are actually burned out and your cortisol levels are low all the time, causing you to feel chronically fatigued and unable to recover your energy despite resting.

Dr. Kalish suggests thinking about cortisol like units of energy. In the morning, you’re supposed to wake up with around 20 units of energy. When you go to bed, it should be down around two. That normal fall of cortisol is what creates that feeling of a “normal” day that ends restfully. But many are waking up with reduced cortisol levels, which translates to feeling exhausted despite having just slept. And many are going to bed with dramatically elevated cortisol levels, making it virtually impossible to shut down your brain and fall asleep.

“This natural rhythm you’re hardwired for is based on your exposure to light and day. When the sun comes up, cortisol goes up. When the sun is down, cortisol is low… You pretty much have to fall in line with this rhythm in order to be healthy… Now, when we do the labs, we’re analyzing where you’re at and then restoring you back to this normal rhythm. That’s the point of the testing,” Dr. Kalish says.

Four Causes of Adrenal Dysfunction

There are three main reasons for adrenal fatigue and dysfunction:
1.Emotional stress, typically related to grief or loss
2.Poor diet: Eating too many carbs can disrupt cortisol and a certain group of corticosteroids (a blood pressure-stabilizing hormone), and the Standard American Diet is “a perfect recipe for destroying your adrenal glands,” Dr. Kalish warns.

One of the most important things that cortisol does is regulating secretory IgA in your gut. What this means is that the immune response in your gut is controlled by cortisol. Hence, if you’re stressed, the immune response in your gut suffers, the gut tissue becomes damaged, and good bacteria give way to bad bacteria, causing immune dysregulation that is centered in and around your gut.

Two important components to address this problem are to 1) regularly eat fermented foods, which will dramatically increase the beneficial bacteria in your body (which automatically will help decrease pathogenic bacteria), and 2) to eat a diet low in sugars and carbs, as that will also promote a healthy gut flora.
3.Chronic inflammation in your body: Inflammation is the hallmark of virtually every disease you can think of, from diabetes to cancer, and when chronic, it stresses your system, including your adrenals.

One little-known strategy to counter inflammation is grounding or earthing, which requires nothing more than taking off your shoes and walking barefoot outside, ideally on dewy grass or on the beach. Connecting your soles to the earth will massively increase the influx of free electrons into your body, which helps dissipate inflammation due to their potent anti-inflammatory action.

Another common hormonal cause of adrenal fatigue is hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid. Thyroid function is diagnosed by a blood test, but there’s some controversy over what is normal and what’s not. Many alternative doctors feel the conventional reference ranges are far too broad, and opt to treat people exhibiting sub-clinical thyroid symptoms.

“What’s interesting about the thyroid and the adrenals is that as the cortisol levels go up, one of the normal body mechanisms is to downregulate thyroid,” Dr. Kalish says. “So, most everybody with high cortisol is going to have lower than ideal thyroid hormone levels. At that point, it becomes a decision as to if you want to work on the adrenals, work on thyroid, or work on both together…

More than 90 percent of the time, the adrenal program is enough to restore thyroid function. The biggest reason [for doing] the adrenals first is that when you start taking thyroid hormones your internal production of thyroid hormones drop. With the adrenal glands, it’s the opposite. When you start to take these adrenal-support products, your internal production of adrenal hormones comes back. If you can restore adrenal function, you can save the person from having to be on thyroid medications potentially for the rest of their life.”

Intermittent Fasting Is Contraindicated if You Have Adrenal Fatigue

One of the most powerful interventions I’ve ever encountered for controlling your weight and optimizing your insulin and leptin levels is to intermittently fast by skipping breakfast. However, Dr. Kalish brings up an important caveat to this strategy… The reason why intermittent fasting works so well is this: There are two fuels your body can burn for energy: sugar and fat. And you have about six to eight hours of stored sugar as glycogen in your muscles and in your liver.

Once you exhaust that, then you’re out of fuel for the most part, unless your enzymes are adapted to burning fat. Most people have plenty of fat to burn. The problem is when that when you keep your glycogen stores consistently replenished by eating every six to eight hours, then the enzymes that are adapted to burn the fat get impaired, preventing your body from burning the fat.

So you get into a vicious cycle, which I think is exacerbated by having breakfast, as this doesn’t allow your body to enter that fat-burning zone. You need that 12-hour window (or more) where you’re not eating any food, which upregulates your enzymes to burn fat, downregulates the enzymes to burn the carbs, and shifts your body into fat-burning mode as your primary way of supplying energy. There are three major benefits to this:
1.Your hunger for junk food and sugars disappears. It’s the closest thing to magic I’ve ever seen with respect to diet
2.You’re able to normalize your body fat, and
3.Your weight typically goes down, unless you’re very muscular (as it doesn’t decrease your muscle mass)

All of that said, Dr. Kalish brings up a very important point, and that is that you need to be reasonably healthy before your body can properly adjust to an intermittent fasting schedule. He explains:

“A lot of the people that we work with have inconsistent blood sugar stability. They need to work into [intermittent fasting]. This is actually the way that I eat every day myself. But sometimes if you try that too early in the process where a patient is sick, it can backfire. But the healthier you get, the easier it is to do.

… The other thing that is tricky about this topic in general is that a lot of people have used skipping breakfast as a way to lose weight. But the rest of their diet was really unhealthy. What we try to do at the Kalish Method is to get the healthy diet going, get the regular meals going, and then introduce [intermittent fasting] when they’re more advanced…

It’s very hard for a person to have normal energy and to burn fat when their metabolism is basically broken. The more dysfunctional your cortisol is, in a sense, the more damaged your metabolism is… Through these adrenal tests and the 6-12 month protocol, we can work to reset their normal production of these hormones.”

So, to summarize, if you are suffering from adrenal fatigue, keep in mind that intermittent fasting may not be such a good idea. You need to be relatively healthy and your adrenals have to be functioning normally in order to allow the hormonal shift to occur that will take you from sugar- to fat-burning mode.

The Crisis of Adrenal Fatigue Among Today’s Youth

Shockingly, Dr. Kalish is now seeing increasing numbers of “tweens,” teens, and young adults with adrenal fatigue. In one recent month, at least a dozen women in their early 20s had levels of sex hormones that were almost identical to women in their 80s and 90s!

“We had… a 12-year-old and a 15-year-old with stage three adrenal burnout… I’m seeing this trend now, which is really alarming,” he says. “I just want to make people aware that kids are under a lot of stress now. It’s not normal for a 15-year-old boy or girl to be in adrenal burnout. And it’s really not normal for an 18- 22-year-old woman to have burned out adrenals and sex hormone levels that are the same as her grandmother’s. I think that it’s something we need to be aware of.

This younger generation is under a lot of pressure right now. We need to support them. I don’t know what all the factors are but I’m sure some of it is toxins in the environment and [improper] diet, [and] emotional pressure. They’re clearly not getting enough rest and downtime anymore.”

Finding a Clinician Trained in the Kalish Method

The Kalish Method training program2 is a six-month mentorship class available to medical doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, and acupuncturists.

“I have a sense of urgency to get the word out and get a lot of practitioners trained, so that the public can have access to these safe, low-dose protocols. They really work. They’ve been tested for decades. I just want to make sure that we get the word out, so that people can have access to them,” he says.

As of last year, there were about 500 clinicians trained in the Kalish Method, from all around the globe, including Bahrain, Egypt, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and all across the US. Fortunately, many of them do telemedicine, providing consultations over the phone. Whether you’re a health practitioner or a potential patient, you can learn more on Dr. Kalish’s website: kalishinstitute.com3.

Again, the Kalish Method simply calls for a basic adrenal test, where you spit in a test tube four different times over the course of a day. If it is determined that your cortisol levels are too low, you are then given a program of various vitamins, minerals, and low-dose adrenal hormone supports that will help your body to begin producing more on its own. Other hormones, such as testosterone and pregnenolone levels may also be checked, and if necessary addressed with supplements.

“What the most important part is the test also reveals the level of stress that you’re under and how much you need to focus on the lifestyle changes. The more advanced the adrenal exhaustion is, the more meticulous and careful you have to be about sleep, exercise, diet, and stress management,” Dr. Kalish says.

Gluten Confirmed To Cause Weight Gain…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

By PF Louis, Natural News

The case against gluten seems to have been closed with recent research from a Brazilian research team that published a report in the January 2013 Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. It seems to have put an exclamation point on the wheat belly controversy.

The Study

Lacking scientific data confirming the mechanics of how gluten may or may not affect obesity, the study was set up to examine the differences in specific genetic and biochemical markers between rats fed gluten and rats that were kept gluten free.

The “wheat belly” syndrome and how it leads to other health issues was the purpose of their research. The research team chose biological markers that could indicate the onset of obesity and metabolic syndrome, precursors to diabetes and cardiac issues.

Both groups of rats were fed high fat diets. But one group was gluten free and the other group’s diet was 4.5 percent gluten. Even without tracing their predetermined markers, it was obvious the gluten free mice exhibited weight loss without any trace of lipid (fat) excretion.

An Analysis Of The Study

Sayer Ji of proposed this analysis: “… the weight gain associated with wheat consumption has little to do with caloric content per se; rather, the gluten proteins … disrupt endocrine and exocrine processes within the body, as well as directly modulating nuclear gene expression … to alter mamalian metabolism in the direction of weight gain.”

This study report, according to Sayer Ji proves that the major factor of obesity is gluten, not calories. Considering that both groups of mice were fed high fat diets and the gluten free mice lost weight without excreting lipids also implies that fat free diets for losing weight are bogus. This has been suspected by other nutritional experts who’ve abandoned matrix thinking.

Sayer Ji recommends that those who are overweight, pre-diabetic, experiencing metabolic syndrome, or suffering from irritable bowel syndrome try avoiding gluten grains, especially wheat, to determine from experience if gluten is the underlying cause.

There is evidence that gluten can be a factor in gut and psychology syndrome (GAPS) and even autism. (

So How Did Wheat, “The Staff of Life,” Become A Weed of Disease?

Wheat is not the same today. It has been agriculturally hybrid, not genetically lab engineered over some decades to resist fungus, grow more quickly, and be more pliable for industrial bread baking. As a consequence, 50-60 years ago wheat containing only five percent gluten has become 50 percent gluten today.

Agricultural resources used the hybrid process for wheat to accommodate the baking industry’s mechanical requirements of pliable proteins, leading to the 10-fold increase of wheat’s gluten.

The processed food industry’s concern for production efficiency and perception of consumer demands has focused on the bottom line with the usual disregard to negative health consequences.

Slightly different high speed methods of baking evolved over time. By artificially bleaching flour and adding “improvers” with often toxic additives and mixing the dough violently, loaves of bread could be baked, cooled, and packaged within a few, short hours. Cheap, unhealthy foods for many with massive profits for a few.

This is beginning to change with measures that seem to offset gluten’s damage for some. For example, Whole Foods has their own bakery providing fresh breads daily without bromides, which can displace the thyroid gland’s iodine contents and create hypothyroidism.

Other local bakeries may provide sprouted grain and real sourdough breads, which even some celiac sufferers manage to consume without adverse reactions.

If you wish to cut out wheat products completely, beware of gluten free products as most contain high glycemic substitutes and GMO corn or soy. For healthy gluten free recipe check out the Hungry For Change book which includes 120 delicious recipes.

Source Link:

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Eat A Summer Rainbow For Better Health!

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

By Dr. Jason Carlton and Mira Carlton

It’s summertime and we can’t wait for all of the fresh fruits and veggies that come with the season—juicy strawberries, plump blueberries and creamy avocados—all ripe for the eating! It is time for us to break down the seasonal produce and share why it’s so important to have every color of the rainbow in your picnic baskets.
Just like a painter must have a variety of possible paint colors to choose from when creating his masterpiece, you too will benefit from choosing produce from the broadest range of colors. Think of optimal health as the finest masterpiece you can paint. In order to create it, you will need to consume foods of many different colors.

As it just so happens, a fruit or vegetable’s color can tell you a lot about which beneficial micronutrients it will deliver. The color of the skin is determined by the specific plant compounds it contains, and those in the same color family will deliver similar micronutrients and health benefits. Your job is to add a bit of each color to your daily dietary color palette so that you can obtain an ideal range of micronutrients everyday and paint your way to optimal health.


Red foods are made red by two antioxidants—lycopene and anthocyanin. Lycopene is associated with reduced incidence of cancer, cardiovascular disease and macular degeneration and is said to lower bad cholesterol and enhance immunity. Anthocyanin has been shown to possibly relieve pain, depression and anxiety.

Tomatoes: Lycopene in tomatoes can help curb depression and reduce inflammation. Iron and vitamin B6 found in tomatoes help create mood-regulating neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. The magnesium is also a mild mood tranquilizer that regulates energy levels and reduces stress.

Hot peppers*: Capsaicin could help keep your appetite in check by moderating levels of the “hunger hormone” ghrelin, according to a study in the British Journal of Nutrition. Try adding some hot peppers to your breakfast to help you stick to your diet. Also, the capsaicin will cause your body to release endorphins, which will naturally keep you calm.

Strawberries*: Strawberries are a great source of both ellagic acid and vitamin C, which help protect skin from environmental damage. The acid helps your skin retain moisture, which vitamin C is important for your collagen. The berries contain salicyclic acid, which is a natural tooth whitener.


Orange foods have high levels of beta-carotene, which has cancer-fighting, anti-viral and eyesight-improving qualities.

Squash: Best during the latter part of summer and early autumn, squash is full of carotenoids. Research shows that those with diets high in carotenoids are 43 percent less likely to develop age-related macular degeneration—a common eye disorder, which can lead to blindness. 36 percent were less likely to die of a heart attack.

Apricots: An apricot a day may be able to keep the pounds at bay. The carotenoids in apricots improve the body’s ability to detoxify the liver, which enhances fat metabolism.



Yellow foods have high levels of beta-cryptoxanthin, a brain-booster.

Yellow Plums: You may not have ever noticed yellow plums, but if you ever spot them in the store in the peak of summer—grab them! Studies show yellow plums contain chlorogenic acid, a natural substance proven to fight the oxidative stress that prematurely ages skin. Yellow plums also contain high levels of pro-vitamin A, which helps increase skin-cell production to ward off fine lines—and vitamin C, which helps build collagen.

Yellow Peppers*: When you think of vitamin C, you think oranges, right? Well, the truth is, yellow bell peppers have nearly five and a half times more (341 mg vs. 63 mg) vitamin C content per serving than a serving of oranges. When Arizona State University looked at people who supplemented vitamin C, they found that they burned more fat than those who were deficient. What most people don’t know is that your body needs vitamin C to synthesize carnitine, a compound that exerts a substantial antioxidant action and helps convert fat into energy.



Green foods get their color from chlorophyll, which is antibacterial and stimulates the growth and maintenance of lean muscle tissue. Green foods are also the richest source of the dynamic duo zeaxanthin and lutein, which research shows reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases, including cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Avocados: The high level of essential fatty acids in avocados are naturally found in skin cells and help you keep y our skin smooth and supple. When it’s applied topically, avocado can stimulate collagen and elastic production. Mix a little avocado with sour cream (which contains lactic acid to help exfoliate dead skin) and apply to your face for about 10 minutes before washing with water.

Green Leafy Vegetables*: That’s right, an eleven-year study of 1,360 Australian adults found that those who ate the most leafy green vegetables, like kale, chard, and bok choy, reduced their risk of getting squamous cell carcinoma (the second most common type of skin cancer) by 54 percent compared with those who ate the least. Green leafy vegetables are rich in carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) and a wide variety of other micronutrients that can help guard against UV-induced free-radical damage and may help block tumor development in skin exposed to UV radiation.



The purple and blue colors in produces come from flavonoids called anthocyanins. These are powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage and may reduce cancer and stroke risks, improve memory and improve longevity.

Plums/Prunes: Prunes (dried plums) are loaded with antioxidants and contain boron, potassium and vitamin K—all essential bone-building micronutrients. A study by Florida State University suggests that prunes help increase bone density in post-menopausal women. The high fiber content also helped reduce hunger.

Blueberries*: A handful of blueberries helps give your body a quick energy kick by moderating insulin and blood sugar. The antioxidants in berries increase the blood flow to the brain, improving neuron function.

Grapes*: Grapes contain proanthocyanidins, which help stabilize collagen and maintain elastin. These compounds have been shown to repair and strengthen veins and shrink varicose veins by 41 percent in only two months. Grape phenolics have been researched for their anti-obesity effect.



Fruits and veggies with whitish flesh (garlic, onions, coconut, bananas, mushrooms) can help reduce the risk of stroke by 52 percent. A recent 10-year study concluded that the white-fleshed foods are rich in the flavonoid quercetin and were better than all other colored produce in reducing the risk of stroke.

Onions: Onions are full of bone-building compounds which may inhibit the activity of cells responsible for breaking down bones. The quercetin and kaempferol may increase bone density and inulin may increase calcium absorption by 33 percent. Serving onions in a cream sauce may go a long way in preventing osteoporosis.

Mushrooms: Recent studies show crimini mushrooms have been shown to have more antioxidant benefits than some of the exotic mushrooms. The caps are an excellent source of selenium, zinc and manganese—all of which are critical antioxidant nutrients. Crimini mushrooms may also contain some unusual antioxidant molecules called ergothioneine that specifically help to prevent oxidative damage to DNA, which also provides great cardiovascular benefits.

*And don’t forget that many different varieties of produce are heavily sprayed with pesticides. Those with an asterisk above should be purchased organically as they fall on our Terrible 20 list.

Source Link:…

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Food Contaminants…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

Food Contaminants Worsen Metabolic Problems in Obese Mice

What happens when you eat low doses of food contaminants like dioxin, PCB, bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates over the course of a lifetime, starting in utero via your mother’s consumption?

This is what French researchers recently set out to determine, albeit via a study on mice instead of humans.

“Mice were challenged from preconception throughout life with a high-fat diet containing pollutants commonly present in food… added at low doses in the tolerable daily intake range,” the study, published in the FASEB Journal reported.1

Both male and female mice were affected by the contaminants, in quite different but equally disturbing ways. And considering that low doses of these same contaminants are pervasive in the food supply, it’s not a stretch to think of yourself as just another lab rat…

Common Food Contaminants Lead to Potentially Dangerous Metabolic Changes

For the study, mice were fed a high-fat diet to which low doses of dioxin, PCB, BPA and phthalates were added (the mice were also born to mothers fed this diet). Compared to a control group of mice fed a contaminant-free high-fat diet, the contaminant group experienced significant metabolic changes. Specifically:
•In females, glucose intolerance worsened and their estrogen pathway was altered
•In males, both cholesterol and lipid metabolism were altered

The researchers noted:

“In males, pollutants increased the expression of hepatic [liver-related] genes (from 36 to 88%) encoding proteins related to cholesterol biosynthesis and decreased (40%) hepatic total cholesterol levels.

In females, there was a marked deterioration of glucose tolerance, which may be related to the 2-fold induction of estrogen sulfotransferase and reduced expression of estrogen receptor α (25%) and estrogen target genes (>34%).

Because of the very low doses of pollutants used in the mixture, these findings may have strong implications in terms of understanding the potential role of environmental contaminants in food in the development of metabolic diseases.”

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Likely to Cause Harm Even at Low ‘Safe’ Doses

The chemical contaminants used in the study were chosen not only because they’re pervasive in the food supply, but also because they’re known endocrine disruptors. The glands of your endocrine system and the hormones they release influence almost every cell, organ, and function of your body. It is instrumental in regulating mood, growth and development, tissue function, metabolism, as well as sexual function and reproductive processes.

Endocrine disrupters are substances or mixtures that alter the functions of your endocrine system and consequently cause adverse health effects, either in your body or in your offspring. These types of chemicals can exert their effects by:
•Mimicking the biological activity of your hormones by binding to a cellular receptor. This can initiate your cell’s normal response to the naturally-occurring hormone at the wrong time or to an excessive extent (agonistic effect).
•Binding to the receptor but not activating it. Instead the presence of the chemical on the receptor prevents binding of the natural hormone (antagonistic effect).
•Binding to transport proteins in your blood, thus altering the amounts of natural hormones that are present in your blood circulation.
•Interfering with the metabolic processes in your body, affecting the synthesis or breakdown rates of your natural hormones.

The strongest evidence showing that exposure to these types of environmental chemicals can lead to disruption of endocrine function comes from the bizarre changes seen in a number of wildlife species, such as male fish transforming into females, frogs developing a variety of defects like multiple testes or ovaries, and hermaphrodite bears, just to name a few.

Yet, it’s commonly stated that these chemicals are not dangerous to humans because they exist at such low levels, even as research suggests otherwise. For instance, of 115 published animal studies, 81 percent found significant effects from even low-level exposure to BPA.

And the latest study only adds to this undeniable knowledge:

“With this study, we have succeeded in providing proof-of-concept that low doses of contaminants, even at levels normally considered to be without health impacts in humans, do in fact affect humans when subjected to chronic exposure, and when the contaminants are combined with a high-calorie diet,” the researchers said.2

What Are the Long-Term Health Risks from Exposure to Common Food Contaminants?

A typical American comes in regular contact with some 6,000 chemicals and an untold number of potentially toxic substances on a less frequent basis. There are about 75,000 chemicals regularly manufactured and imported by US industries, so you could be exposed to any number of them. Disturbingly, many of them have never been fully tested for safety, and virtually none have been studied in combination with one another, which is how real-world exposure occurs and where their toxicities can be amplified exponentially.

Upwards of 20 environmental chemicals, most of them endocrine-disrupting chemicals, have been shown to cause weight gain when exposure occurs during fetal and infant development, although some are also linked to adult exposures. Others, including BPA, PCBs, phthalates and agricultural pesticides can lead to health problems including:

Non-descended testes in young males

Breast cancer in women

Prostate cancer in men

Developmental effects on the nervous system in children

Attention deficit hyperactivity in children

Thyroid cancer

According to a World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) report:3

“The diverse systems affected by endocrine-disrupting chemicals likely include all hormonal systems and range from those controlling development and function of reproductive organs to the tissues and organs regulating metabolism and satiety. Effects on these systems can lead to obesity, infertility or reduced fertility, learning and memory difficulties, adult-onset diabetes or cardiovascular disease, as well as a variety of other diseases.”

Specifically, health problems linked to some of the most common food contaminants include:
•BPA: Plasticizing chemicals like BPA, found in plastics and canned food linings, disrupt embryonic development and are linked to heart disease and cancer. Beware that many manufacturers of ‘BPA-free’ products have simply replaced BPA with bisphenol-S (BPS), an equally toxic chemical. More recently, research has found that other bisphenols used in the production of consumer products, namely, bisphenols M, AP and P, are actually more toxic to DNA than BPA.4
•Phthalates: Phthalates dysregulate gene expression and cause genital anomalies, especially in baby boys, that may pass down several generations. Phthalates are found in vinyl flooring, detergents, automotive plastics, soap, shampoo, deodorants, fragrances, hair spray, nail polish, plastic bags, food packaging, garden hoses, inflatable toys, blood-storage bags, and intravenous medical tubing.
•Dioxins: Dioxins are a byproduct of industrial processes, such as chlorine bleaching of paper products and the manufacturing of some pesticides. Because they are persistent environmental pollutants, they accumulate in the food chain and more than 90 percent of human exposure is through foods like meat, dairy products and fish. According to WHO, “Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer.”5
•PCBs: Like dioxins, PCBs are persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that persist in the environment and resist breaking down, accumulating in the food chain and posing serious risks to human health and the environment. For instance, even though PCBs have been banned in the US for decades, they are still present in your environment. PCBs and other POPs have caused birth defects and other abnormalities among wildlife, along with damage to virtually every human bodily system.

Tips for Finding the Purest Foods Possible

When it comes to staying healthy, avoiding processed foods and replacing them with fresh, whole foods is the “secret” you’ve been looking for. The more steps your food goes through before it reaches your plate, the greater your chances of contamination becomes. If you are able to get your food locally, you eliminate numerous routes that could expose your food to contamination with not only disease-causing pathogens but also with the chemical contaminants noted above, which often exist in food packaging.

It’s also important to choose your fresh foods wisely, as you’ll want to focus on those grown in non-polluted areas using organic farming methods. Whatever food you’re looking to eat, whether organic or locally grown, from either your local supermarket or a farmer’s market, the following are signs of a high-quality, healthy food. Most often, the best place to find these foods is from a sustainable agricultural group in your area. You can also review my free nutrition plan to get started on a healthy eating program today:

It’s grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers (organic foods fit this description, but so do some non-organic foods)

It’s not genetically engineered

It contains no added growth hormones, antibiotics, or other drugs

It does not contain artificial anything, nor any preservatives

It is fresh (if you have to choose between wilted organic produce or fresh conventional produce, the latter may still be the better option as freshness is important for optimal nutrient content)

It was not grown in a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO)

It is grown with the laws of nature in mind (meaning animals are fed their native diets, not a mix of grains and animal byproducts, and have free-range access to the outdoors)

It is grown in a sustainable way (using minimal amounts of water, protecting the soil from burnout, and turning animal wastes into natural fertilizers instead of environmental pollutants)

Support a Cancer Cure, Not the Awareness..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Support a Cancer Cure, Not Merely the Awareness of the Condition

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski received much deserved publicity with the release of the 2011 film, Burzynski—The Movie.

Eric Merola’s award-winning documentary showcased Dr. Burzynski’s remarkable cancer discovery for all the world to see, and explained how he won the largest and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battles against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in American history.

Dr. Burzynski’s story now continues in the compelling follow-up film: Burzynski—Cancer Is Serious Business, Part II. This second film details his continued struggles and victories, and explores the current status of Antineoplastons’ clinical testing—now (finally) sanctioned by the FDA.

Dr. Burzynski’s Cancer Treatment

Dr. Burzynski, trained as both a biochemist and a physician, has spent the last 35+ years developing and successfully treating cancer patients suffering with some of the most lethal forms of cancer at his clinic in Houston, Texas.

The treatment he developed involves a gene-targeted approach using non-toxic peptides and amino acids, known as Antineoplastons. I personally interviewed Dr. Burzynski about his treatment in the summer of 2011.

He coined the term ”antineoplastons” and defines them as peptides and derivatives of amino acids that act as molecular switches. However, as genome research blossomed and science progressed, Dr. Burzynski discovered that antineoplastons also work as genetic switches.

They actually turn off the genes that cause cancer (oncogenes), and turn on or activate tumor suppressor genes—genes that fight cancer. His treatment strategy, which he refers to as “Personalized Gene Targeted Cancer Therapy,” includes mapping the patient’s entire cancer genome.

This involves analyzing some 24,000 genes in order to identify the abnormal genes. Once they’ve determined which genes are involved in the cancer, drugs and supplements are identified to target those specific genes.

Antineoplastons work on approximately 100 cancer-causing genes, but traditional oncology agents (including chemotherapy) may also be used, typically in combination with antineoplastons. This expanded direction of “personalized gene-targeted treatment” has permitted people who would otherwise be denied access to the still-unapproved antineoplastons to benefit from his treatment.

The War on Cancer Cures

As the first film in this series clearly revealed, the FDA began scheming to eliminate the threat Dr. Burzynski and his discovery posed to the cancer industry as early as 1977, when Dr. Burzynski first tried to get antineoplastons approved.

The reason he was (and still is) considered a significant threat to the cancer industry is because he’s the sole patent holder of the treatment, which means he’s the sole beneficiary, should the FDA approve Antineoplastons—not a pharmaceutical company and the bosses thereof.

As a matter of fact, Dr. Burzynski is the first and only scientist in United States’ history to enter the federal drug approval process for a proprietary cancer therapy without any financial support from the American government, the pharmaceutical industry, or the cancer establishment.

Vast amounts of money are at stake, since FDA approval of Antineoplastons would not only threaten conventional chemotherapy and radiation, it would also result in billions of dollars of cancer research funds being funneled over to the one single scientist who has exclusive patent rights—Dr. Burzynski.

The sad fact is, as stated by Dr. Julian Whitaker in the featured film, that true medical breakthroughs are suppressed these days because they “put at risk the entire financial underpinnings” of medicine.

If a medical breakthrough replaces failing therapies, the cash flow and profits of those failing therapies are lost forever, and the industry simply chooses profits over cures… Instead of investing in actual cures, medicine, over the past five decades, has invested in awareness campaigns. But, as Dr. Whitaker points out, awareness does not cure the disease, and will never lead to a cure, no matter how much money is raised by these campaigns, for the simple fact that there’s too much vested interest in therapies that fail and perpetuate a money-making disease.

Cancer Is Serious Business

In recent years, the focus for cancer therapy has increasingly shifted toward individualized gene-targeted cancer treatment, such as that provided by Dr. Burzynski for the past decade. So it’s no wonder, really, that the industry has tried so hard to get rid of him, in order to protect their own profits and access to research funds. Burzynski—Cancer is Serious Business, picks up where the first movie left off, detailing Dr. Burzynski’s continued struggles and victories, and explores the current status of Antineoplastons’ clinical testing, now sanctioned by the FDA. It also follows the progress of several of his patients. As described in the film’s synopsis:1

“For most patients undergoing Burzynski’s treatment, their advanced cancer itself runs secondary to the constant barrage of skepticism coming not only from their local oncologists, but also from friends and family who feel their loved ones are making suspect treatment decisions—even though mainstream oncology has already left many for dead.

As the story unfolds, you will observe a real-time change of hearts and minds from many of these doctors and families. Unlike the first documentary, Part II showcases interviews with board-certified oncologists, surgeons and neurosurgeons, who witnessed patients leave their care, soon to return in great health after opting for the Burzynski Clinic.”

National Cancer Institute Acknowledges Antineoplastons’ Success

Incredibly, in August of last year, America’s National Cancer Institute (NCI) finally acknowledged and cited some of Burzynski’s peer-reviewed Antineoplaston studies, as well as findings by Japanese researchers who have been independently reproducing Antineoplaston clinical trial studies since the 1980’s, without any involvement by Dr. Burzynski. One of the most remarkable admissions by The National Cancer Institute is the following:2

“A Phase II study also conducted by the developer and his associates at his clinic reported on 12 patients with recurrent diffuse intrinsic brainstem glioma. Of the 10 patients who were evaluable, two achieved complete tumor response, three had partial tumor response, three had stable disease, and two had progressive disease.”

What’s truly remarkable about this is that a brainstem glioma has simply never been cured before in the history of medicine—Antineoplastons hold the first cures ever! In the featured film, you will also learn how a Japanese team, consisting of pathologists, oncologists and surgeons, has conducted the first-ever independently-run randomized controlled human clinical trials on Antineoplastons, and the results thereof. According to Dr. Hideaki Tsuda, MD with the Kurume Medical University in Japan:

“After 27 years of independently testing Antineoplastons—including randomized clinical trials, we found that Dr. Burzynski was right. It’s obviously not anecdotal anymore.”

The Story Everyone Needs to Know

Dr. Burzynski has developed a cancer treatment that surpasses all other treatments on the market today, and the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry knows it. They also know his treatment threatens the entire paradigm of the cancer industry, which is based on expensive treatments with a high rate of failure and retreatment.

For the past 15 years, they’ve harassed him, tried to take away his medical license, and even tried to put him in prison for life—all in order to protect the status quo. Adding insult to injury, you and I have been paying for the brutal opposition to Dr. Burzynski’s cancer treatment this whole time. The US government spent $60 million on legal fees for just one of his trials alone.

Still, Dr. Burzynski has prevailed, and the truth about his gene-targeted treatment is finally receiving some well-deserved acknowledgment. After all, Dr. Burzynski has published over 300 articles on Antineoplastons, many of them peer-reviewed. And more than 100 independent Antineoplaston studies have been published, including those from Japan.

Support a Cancer Cure, Not Merely the Awareness of the Condition

Earlier this year, a group of patients and patient advocates launched a campaign to have Antineoplastons accepted worldwide as a “standard of care” for the treatment of cancer.3 For more information, please see

“Unlike all other cancer research campaigns which rely 100% on awareness alone, we realize that awareness itself does not cure the disease. Medications such as Antineoplastons are what can lead to the cure of the disease of cancer.

If the United States still refuses to allow Antineoplastons into its marketplace, we will then make sure another country will be properly funded to set up the proper channels for Antineoplastons to be approved for their marketplace. Another avenue would be simply opening up a massive Antineoplastons clinic allowing the cancer patients of the world to seek treatment using Antineoplastons.

Upon gaining either market approval—or the funding the construction of an Antineoplaston clinic overseas, our funds will then go to make sure everyone who cannot afford to travel overseas to receive Antineoplaston therapy—can do so by requesting money through this organization.

Either way, whether the market or its government’s regulatory agencies want Antineoplastons available to its citizens or not—Antineoplastons are here to stay, and the members of our global human family deserve the right to have access to them.”

Deadly American foods banned overseas..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

Another reason that I’m glad to be living back in England after eleven years of eating crap, ok I used my common sense and tried hard to avoid the toxic contaminated foods on the shelves of most grocery stores but it became harder and harder and increasingly more expensive to eat the foods our grand parents did. Natural organic foods are sold at a premium especially in one of the leaders in natural foods, Wholefood Markets who recently stated on their website that organic foods can live in harmony with GMO’s…
I started to avoid WholeFoods because of this and I’d encourage you all to boycott them until they ban GMO’s.

I don’t know about you, but lately it feels like my grocery bill has been climbing faster than a mountain goat with hiking boots. The last time I wrote a check at my local supermarket, I swear they almost asked for a cosigner!

If rising food prices are giving you the blues, I have a simple solution that just may cut your grocery bills in HALF! Here it is — pack up your suitcase, sell the house, and move overseas.

Because according to a frightening new book, literally DOZENS of the foods filling your shopping cart each week are banned by foreign countries and labeled as serious and deadly threats to your health!

If you’re thinking of heading abroad and sipping a Mountain Dew while snacking on some Ruffles Wow chips, think again. Because there’s a good chance that some of the dangerous ingredients used in those foods have led to them being pulled right off of grocers’ shelves.

A new book, Rich Food, Poor Food, by nutritionists Jayson Calton and Mira Carlton, reveals a laundry list of toxic foods we Americans eat by the ton that have been linked to everything from asthma to cancer. On top of the list is brominated vegetable oil (BVO), a flame retardant that’s added to citrus-flavored sodas and sports drinks.

BVO has been banned in every single European Union country, as well as in India and Japan, meaning it’s completely off the market for billions of consumers. But we’ve been drinking it in our Mountain Dew and other fruit-flavored sodas for years!

(Of course BVO’s aren’t the only thing you need to worry about lurking in your food. Food borne-illness has reached epidemic proportions here in the United States. And the government is…well…doing pretty much nothing about it. Click here to learn more.)

And it doesn’t stop there. Dozens of foreign countries have banned potassium bromate found in packaged bread products after studies showed it could cause thyroid and kidney cancer. Milk with bovine growth hormones is also banned throughout the world, thanks to its links to cancer and infertility, as are the asthma-inducing azodicarbonamide found in many TV dinners and the bowel-busting Olean found in low-fat potato chips.

Our overseas friends aren’t a bunch of under-informed rubes who haven’t been properly introduced to fire or the printing press either. These are highly developed nations that have access to the same science we use to make decisions about food safety. But, it seems to me, what they’re lacking is the influence of major food companies willing to spend BILLIONS on lobbyists to keep their deadly products on the market.

I will say it until I’m blue in the face — you can’t count on Big Food or the government to keep you safe. Stick to organic produce and meat, and stay away from the lab-created Frankenfoods loaded with toxic preservatives and God knows what else.

It’s not that our overseas friends know something we don’t — they know EXACTLY what we know. The only difference is that they’re doing something about it. I hope you’ll follow suit.

Tips for Staying Active in the Office..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Nearly 70 percent of costs associated with health care are due to preventable conditions, and new research confirms that spending long hours sitting down during commuting and working can play a significant role in the development of chronic disease.

In fact, a growing body of evidence suggests that sitting in and of itself is an independent risk factor for poor health and premature death—even if you exercise regularly. Researchers have dubbed this phenomenon the “active couch potato effect.”

Even the World Health Organization (WHO) now lists inactivity as the fourth biggest killer of adults, responsible for nine percent of premature deaths1.

In the video above, Dr. Jeff Spencer shares his tips on how to stay active at the workplace.

Research by Dr. Joan Vernikos2, former director of NASA’s Life Sciences Division (one of the primary doctors assigned to keep the astronauts from deteriorating in space) and author of Sitting Kills, Moving Heals, shows that your body actually needs to perpetually interact with gravity through motion in order to function optimally.

Interestingly, with regard to counteracting the ill effects of sitting, simply standing up every 10 minutes or so is actually more effective than taking a walk. And, it’s not how long you stand up, but how many times you stand up that makes the difference.

How to Get More Active During Work Hours

A recent article in The Guardian3 offers several common sense tips for getting more movement into your day-to-day life, especially during work hours.

Using a pedometer will help you assess how many steps you take throughout your work day; then simply make a concerted effort to continuously increase the number of steps you take daily. Simple changes to the way you move about the office can add up, such as:
•Walking across the hall to talk to a coworker instead of sending an email
•Taking the stairs instead of the elevator
•Parking your car further away from the entrance
•Taking a longer, roundabout way to your desk

Another strategy that can help eliminate some of the sitting is to hold standing-only office meetings. This tends to discourage unnecessary discourse and make meetings more productive in less time. Making slight alterations to your individual work space can also make a difference. For example, you can:
•Organize the layout of your office space in such a way that you have to stand up to reach oft-used files, the telephone, or your printer, rather than having everything within easy reach. Ideally, you’ll want to stand up at least once every 10 minutes, or more, so simply moving one or more things you frequently reach for could allow you to build this kind of movement into your regular work day.
•Use an exercise ball for a chair. Unlike sitting in a chair, sitting on an exercise ball engages your core muscles and helps improve balance and flexibility. Occasional bouncing can also help your body interact with gravity to a greater degree than sitting on a stationary chair.
•Alternatively, use an upright wooden chair with no armrest, which will force you to sit up straight, and encourage shifting your body more frequently than a cushy office chair.
•Use a standing workstation. Standing rather than sitting while doing your work can also be a helpful option. For a demonstration on proper posture, whether you’re sitting or using a standing workstation, check out Kelly Starrett’s video in this previous article.

Mounting Evidence Indicts Sitting as Independent Risk Factor for Poor Health

In recent years, researchers have taken a serious look at the effects of inactivity, and have repeatedly found that not moving or engaging in very limited-range movements for extended periods of time has a profoundly negative impact on health and longevity. For example, a recent analysis4 of 18 studies (which in total included nearly 800,000 people) found that those who sat for the longest periods of time were twice as likely to have diabetes or heart disease, compared to those who sat the least. And, while prolonged sitting was linked to an overall greater mortality risk from any cause, the strongest link was to death due to diabetes.

According to lead researcher Thomas Yates, MD5:

“Even for people who are otherwise active, sitting for long stretches seems to be an independent risk factor for conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease.”

An earlier study6 highlighted much of the recent evidence linking sitting with biomarkers of poor metabolic health, showing how total sitting time correlates with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other prevalent chronic health problems—even if you exercise regularly. In other words, even if you’re fairly physically active, riding your bike to work or hitting the gym four or five days a week — you may still succumb to the effects of too much sitting if the majority of your day is spent behind a desk. According to the authors:

“Even if people meet the current recommendation of 30 minutes of physical activity on most days each week, there may be significant adverse metabolic and health effects from prolonged sitting — the activity that dominates most people’s remaining ‘non-exercise’ waking hours.”

What I Now Do to Interrupt My Sitting

Dr. Vernikos’ groundbreaking research into the health effects of anti-gravity situations may actually be among the most practical, as she has been able to determine what it is about uninterrupted sitting that robs you of your health, and what kind of movements will counteract this damage—and how much of it is required to make a difference. In essence, sitting prevents your body from interacting with and exerting itself against gravity. While not nearly as severe as the antigravity experienced by astronauts, uninterrupted sitting mimics a microgravity situation, which has the effect of accelerating the aging process.

Thankfully, Dr. Vernikos’ research shows that simply standing up, about 35 times a day or so, will counteract the cardiovascular health risks associated with uninterrupted sitting. This is based on double-blind research where volunteers would spend four days in bed to induce detrimental changes. She then tested two groups to see which was more effective, walking or standing, and how long you would have to walk, or how many times you’d have to stand up to get better again. Her findings revealed that:
•Standing up once every hour was more effective than walking on a treadmill for 15 minutes for cardiovascular and metabolic changes.
•Sitting down and standing up repeatedly for 32 minutes does NOT have the same effect as standing up once, 32 times over the course of a day. To get the benefit, the stimulus must be spread throughout the day.

After reading Dr. Vernikos’ book, Sitting Kills, Moving Heals, I was inspired to give some serious attention to this because even though I perform a lot of structured exercise, including high intensity interval training, I was guilty of sitting down a vast majority of the rest of the day. So what I’ve done is this: I found an online timer and set it to go off every 10 minutes. When it goes off, I stand up and do one of the following:
•Four jump squats. (I thought of this after looking at a table of different activities that increase your exposure to gravity in her book. One of them was jumping up and down, which gets you up to six times gravity. Squatting is an extension of standing, so if you squat and stand, you can get the maximum benefit of working against the force of gravity. By adding jumping to it—going from a squat to a jump, landing into a squat again—you end up with about 6.5 Gs)
•Stand up really slow and sit really slow five times doing a Foundation posture (which you can learn more about in this previous article), or
•Four or five one legged squats, alternating legs each period and for the third round, squatting with both legs. This will also go a long way towards building your leg strength and costs you nothing but a few minutes of your time

Sedentary Lifestyle Linked to More Harmful Body Fat

Your level of day-to-day activity also influences the type of fat your body accumulates, with more sedentary lifestyles being linked to higher levels of “white fat”—a type of fat that is less metabolically active than so-called “brown fat.” Brown fat is a heat-generating type of fat that burns energy instead of storing it, and this may have important implications when it comes to weight management. Previous research has shown that certain groups of people tend to have more brown fat than others, and there are direct correlations between the activation of brown fat and metabolic measures of good health.

For example:
•Slender people have more brown fat than obese people do
•Younger people have more brown fat than elderly people, and
•People with normal blood sugar levels have more brown fat than those with high blood sugar

Exercise, it turns out, helps transform white fat into healthier brown fat. Both mice and men participating in a recent study were found to respond to intense exercise in this way. As reported by Medical News Today7:

“The exercise regime had the men training on an exercise bicycle for 12 weeks and the mice running on an exercise wheel for 11 days. Compared to the original white fat caused by sedentary behavior, the new, browner fat, was much more metabolically active… Kristin Stanford, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, said: ‘… It’s clear that when fat gets trained, it becomes browner and more metabolically active. We think there are factors being released into the bloodstream from the healthier fat that are working on other tissues.’

… Stanford says the findings provide even more motivation to go out and start exercising. Even if you don’t lost weight, the study suggests that exercising will still train your fat to be more metabolically active and improve overall metabolism and health.”

Keeping Active for Life

Avoiding sitting for long periods of time may at first seem “impossible” if you commute to a fulltime desk job, but really, all you need to do is alter the way you work and travel in small ways. For example, standing up every 10 minutes or so could easily compensate for the majority of the damage associated with sitting. Simply reorganizing your office space to be less convenient, forcing yourself to repeatedly get out of your chair, can help you build more physical movement into your workday.

It’s important to realize that while modern technology has ushered in an era of previously unfathomed speed, connectivity and productivity, it comes at a big price if you’re not careful about counteracting factors such as increased physical inactivity. The answer is quite simply to revert back to a lifestyle that incorporates natural movement, even if you have to devise “ploys” like moving your printer to the other side of the room, instead of having it on your desk within easy reach.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that your body needs perpetual movement in order to function optimally, and this includes both non-exercise movements, and a more regimented exercise plan. In the case of the latter, exercises in which you use your body the way it was designed to be used is quite clearly the most powerful way to optimize your health and fitness. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is an example of this.

This type of Peak Fitness exercise mimics the way ancient hunter-gatherers used their bodies, and research has again and again confirmed that HIIT outperforms traditional aerobic cardio exercise. That said, I believe it’s important to include a variety of exercises, as doing the same ones all the time will lead to a relative tolerance and will not provide your body with the variety of stresses it needs to continuously adapt, improve, and grow stronger. Four additional types that will turn your Peak Fitness regimen into a truly comprehensive exercise plan are:
2.Strength Training
3.Core Exercises (including Pilates, yoga, and/or Foundation Training)