Dead milk…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Do you remember your mother telling you when you were a kid to drink milk because it was good for you?

It turns out that she may have been unknowingly stretching the truth, because pasteurized milk is not the health food that nearly everyone thought it was, Dr. Joseph Mercola points out.

Milk is not bad per se, but once it is pasteurized, it is essentially “dead”– whether you are intolerant to it or not. Pasteurization destroys valuable enzymes and beneficial bacteria, depletes the levels of vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and vitamin C, and transforms proteins into unnatural amino acid configurations that are harmful to your health, Dr. Mercola explains.

Dr. Mercola recommends raw milk as a healthy alternative to pasteurized milk because it is an excellent source of calcium, enzymes, beneficial bacteria, and vitamins. It also is generally not associated with the issues related to pasteurized milk. Typically, people who have been allergic to pasteurized milk for many years can safely consume, and even thrive on raw milk.

Some people, however, may still be unable to consume raw milk and experience problems such as upper respiratory congestion, depending on the breed of cows that produce the milk.

Why the Breed of the Cow is Crucial When Looking for Raw Milk

There are distinct differences in the milk produced by various breeds of dairy cows. A1 cows are the “newer” breeds that experienced a mutation of a particular amino acid about 5,000 years ago, while A2 cows are the older breeds that did not undergo this mutation, Dr. Mercola explains.

Milk is composed of three parts: butterfat, whey, and milk solids. Milk solids consist of a variety of proteins, lactose and other sugars. One of these proteins is called beta-casein. Proteins are composed of long chains of amino acids, with beta casein being a chain of 229 amino acids. A2 cows produce beta casein with a proline at number 67, while A1 cows have a mutated proline amino acid, which converts it to histidine.

The proline in A2 milk has a strong bond to another protein called BCM 7, which helps keep it from being released. On the other hand, histidine (the mutated protein), weakly holds on to BCM 7 and is released in the gastrointestinal tract of animals and humans who drink A1 cow milk.

BCM 7 is a powerful opiate that can have a number of harmful effects on your body. It is believed to increase the production of phlegm in your digestive and respiratory tract, which can worsen upper respiratory problems. BCM7 has also been associated with other serious health conditions, such as autoimmune disease, autism, cardiovascular disease, impaired immune function, schizophrenia, and Type 1 diabetes.

The U.S., unfortunately, raises mostly A1 cows, including the familiar black and white breeds like Holsteins and Friesians. But it’s not that difficult to find milk from A2 cows. If you know a local dairy farmer who raises cattle organically and lets his cows graze on fresh grass, ask him what kind of breed he takes care of. A2 cow breeds include Jersey, Guernsey, Asian, and African cows. You can start your search for raw milk retailers in the US by going to the RealMilk web site.

The Truth About Overeating…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The Truth About Overeating: Why Are We Struggling with This Problem?

Overeating is one of the most prevalent health issues that plague many people today. It’s very easy to overeat, especially when sumptuous and delicious meals are served at the dining table. But eating beyond what is required by your body can lead to dire health problems. So, why do people today eat more than they are supposed to?

Improper leptin signaling may be one of the primary reasons why overeating is a widespread dilemma. “The answer lies in understanding the biochemistry of the brain, where the [leptin] signals that tell your body you’re full are no longer working,” says Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Leptin: How Does This Hormone Affect Your Eating Habits?

The naturally-occurring hormone leptin plays a major role in your eating patterns. Produced by fat tissues, leptin regulates what you eat and signals your brain when you have consumed enough. Humans have been relying on leptin for thousands of years, but this useful regulator has become confused in recent years. This is why many people today don’t know how to stop eating.

According to many studies, leptin may influence parts of your brain that control the intensity of your desire to eat. Not only does this hormone change your brain chemistry, but it also rewires important parts of your brain, particularly those that control your metabolism and hunger.

“The way your body stores fat is a carefully regulated process that is controlled primarily by leptin. If you gain excess weight, the additional fat produces extra leptin that should alert your brain that your body should stop creating and storing more fat and start burning the accumulated excess,” Dr. Mercola explains.

Leptin sends signals to your brain to stop being hungry and stop eating. In turn, your brain must be able to “hear” and respond to the messages accurately. If this does not happen, you will continue to feel hungry and your brain will push you to eat more.

Unfortunately, many people are now leptin-resistant, meaning they cannot hear leptin signals properly. This is one of the reasons why many people cannot control their eating habits, leading to excessive weight gain and alarming obesity rates.

Sugar: The Culprit Behind Leptin Resistance

Eating too much sugar is the main reason why many people are now leptin-resistant. It’s similar to what happens when you become resistant to insulin. High blood sugar levels lead to repeated insulin surges, causing your cells to become insulin-resistant. This leads to higher insulin levels and, eventually, type 2 diabetes.

A similar process also happens with leptin. As sugar is metabolized and stored as triglycerides in fat cells, the fat cells release leptin surges that lead to leptin resistance.

“It is much the same as being in a room with a strong odor for a period of time. Eventually, you stop being able to smell it, because the signal no longer gets through,” explains Dr. Mercola.

Leptin resistance and insulin resistance are both dangerous to your health. Not only can they lead to weight gain and obesity, but they also increase your risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease, autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, and reproductive disorders. They may also contribute to early aging.

The Shocking Truth: An Average American Consumes 12 Teaspoons of Sugar Daily

This amount of sugar may not seem much, until you realize that it adds up to almost two tons during your entire lifetime. Sugar molecules are probably the most damaging and most capable of inflicting damage in your body.

Even though you get pleasure as you savor it, eating too much sugar can cause you to crave it and eventually become addicted to it. Dr. Mercola says that this sugar addiction can actually rewire your brain and make you very sick.

Fructose, particularly high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), is the most potent and dangerous type of sugar because it speeds up the aging process and creates harmful advance glycation end products (AGES). Fructose also leads to the formation of harmful fat cells or visceral fat around your vital organs – a primary risk factor for heart disease and diabetes.

Remember that even though it’s okay for your blood sugar levels to slightly increase after every meal, it is not normal and healthy for these levels to always be elevated. This is what happens when you consume the typical American diet.

“When you add in other low-quality carbohydrate-rich foods such as white bread, sugar, pasta, pastries, cookies, and candy, which also break down to sugar (starch is broken down into glucose) in your body and often contain added sugar as well, it’s not so difficult to see why so many Americans are in such poor health,” says Dr. Mercola.

It’s Time for You to Stop Consuming Too Much Sugar

Dr. Robert Lustig, professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco, believes that overeating and sugar addiction are virtually unstoppable. However, Dr. Mercola says that there may be a way to break free from this damaging cycle, which is to limit or eliminate your sugar consumption. He recommends avoiding processed foods that contain excessive amounts of sugar, and to eat natural, whole foods instead. It is also advisable to limit your fructose intake to just less than 25 grams a day, including that from fresh fruit.

If you want to use a sweetener occasionally, opt for the natural herb stevia, a non-addictive substitute. Dr. Mercola warns against using artificial sweeteners like aspartame, as they can cause far more damage than sugar.

If you are having difficulty getting rid of your sugar addiction, Dr. Mercola recommends:
•Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – Many soda addicts found this acupuncture-like technique effective.
•Exercise – This causes a dramatic reduction in insulin levels, which can help curb your appetite for sweets. Dr. Mercola recommends significant amounts of cardiovascular exercise to get rid of food cravings.
•Organic black coffee – A potent opioid receptor antagonist, coffee contains cafestrol, which binds and occupies your opioid receptors, blocking your addiction to sugar and other opioid-releasing foods.

Reduce Your Osteoporosis Risk…

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This Powerful Nutrient Trio Can Reduce Your Osteoporosis Risk

Vitamin D is recommended by doctors for bone health because it helps improve your calcium absorption. But did you know that there is a lesser-known nutrient that you should not miss out on? Recent research says that vitamin K2 plays a significant role in optimal bone health and may even help you avoid bone fractures in your senior years.

A study published in Osteoporosis International found that postmenopausal women who had a lifetime supplementation with calcium, vitamin D3, and vitamin K1 had a 20 percent reduced risk of fractures. When vitamin K1 was substituted with the more beneficial vitamin K2, the researchers found that the probability of developing fractures became 25 percent less. (link)

This is very important, since bone loss dramatically speeds up during the first 10 years after menopause, which is also the period when osteoporosis is more likely to develop.

Dr. Joseph Mercola says: “If you currently take calcium and vitamin D for your bones, it’s important that you also get plenty of vitamin K2. These three nutrients have a synergistic effect that cannot be achieved when one piece of the puzzle is missing.”

The Best Type of Vitamin K for Your Bones

There are two types of vitamin K:
• Vitamin K1 – This goes to your liver directly and helps you maintain optimal blood clotting function. It is also needed by infants to prevent a fatal bleeding disorder. Vitamin K1 is mostly acquired from green vegetables.
•Vitamin K2 – Produced by good bacteria, this type of vitamin K thrives in your gut. Unfortunately, it is not absorbed and is instead excreted through your stool. Vitamin K2 goes directly to your liver, vessel walls, tissues, and bones. This is why it is said to be more beneficial to your bone health.

Vitamin K2 comes in several forms: MK4, MK8, and MK9, and MK7. MK7 is considered the most beneficial. It has a longer-acting form and has practical applications. You can get it from natto, a Japanese fermented soy product, and fermented cheese. Vitamin K2 supplements are also available today.

How Does Vitamin K2 Improve the Vitamin D-Calcium Team?

Dr. Mercola explains how vitamin K2 improves the effects of vitamin D and calcium:
1.Vitamin K2 directs calcium to your bones and prevents calcium deposits from forming in your joint spaces, organs, and arteries. Calcium deposits can cause dangerous arterial plaque to form (atherosclerosis). This is why while your bones benefit from calcium, your arteries may be damaged by this nutrient. Vitamin K2 activates osteocalcin, a protein hormone made from osteoblasts, which works by binding calcium to your bone matrix. Osteocalcin prevents calcium from being deposited into your arteries.
2.Vitamin K2 prevents vitamin D3 from working against you. While vitamin K2 directs calcium to your bones, vitamin D acts as the “gatekeeper,” so that your body can absorb the nutrient. Without vitamin K to direct calcium, vitamin D3 would simply allow your body to absorb the nutrient everywhere – including your coronary arteries. According to recent studies, vitamin D toxicity may even arise if you have vitamin K2 deficiency (link).

Get These Essential Nutrients from Natural Sources

Dr. Mercola says that even if vitamin K2, vitamin D3, and calcium are available in supplement form, it is still a good idea to get them from natural sources. Here are some simple guidelines you should remember:
•The best dietary sources of vitamin K2 are green, leafy vegetables and fermented foods like raw milk cheeses and natto. Dr. Mercola says that K2 supplementation is also a good idea, especially for people who do not get sufficient amounts of dietary vitamin K2. “You must use caution with vitamin K if you take anticoagulants, but if you are generally healthy and not on these types of medications, I suggest 150 to 300 mcg daily,” he says.
•Vitamin D3 can be acquired from proper sun exposure. The vitamin D you get from sunlight works as a pro-hormone and transforms into vitamin D3 (25-hydroxyvitamin D) in your skin. If you live in an area with inadequate sunlight, Dr. Mercola recommends using a safe tanning bed or taking an oral vitamin D3 supplement. Be sure you monitor your vitamin D levels adequately to make sure you stay within the therapeutic range.
•Calcium is best absorbed by your body in its food form. Your best options are raw milk and cheese, sesame seeds, wheatgrass, the pith of citrus fruits, carob, and green leafy vegetables.

Dr. Mercola says exercising is also essential to your bone and optimal health. He recommends weight-bearing exercise, which will greatly benefit your skeletal system.

“My favorite is Peak Fitness, but it is also very important to do strength-training exercises to produce the dynamic electric forces in your bones that will stimulate the osteoblasts to produce new bone,” he explains.

He also recommends minimizing sugar and grain consumption. Instead, include fresh, organic whole foods from local sources – such as vegetables, organic meats, eggs, raw organic unpasteurized dairy, and nuts and seeds – in your diet.

Sitting Kills, Moving Heals…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

If you’re like most people, myself included, you probably spend a large portion of each day in a seated position. It’s hard to avoid these days, as computer work predominates, and most also spend many hours each week driving to and from work.

Mounting research now suggests that sitting in and of itself is an independent risk factor for poor health and premature death—even if you exercise regularly.

Dr. Joan Vernikos, former director of NASA’s Life Sciences Division and author of Sitting Kills, Moving Heals, presents a simple yet powerful scientific explanation for why sitting has such a dramatic impact on your health, and how you can simply and easily counteract the ill effects of sitting.

She was one of the primary doctors responsible for ensuring the health of the astronauts as they went into space, investigating the health ramifications of space travel, and what can be done to counter them.

On a side note, one of my initial life ambitions was actually to be an astronaut, up until college when I opted for pre-med instead. I’m glad I didn’t pursue being an astronaut because I think there are far too many health dangers associated with working in space. But it was definitely an initial ambition of mine.

My primary passion is improving health which is why I’m very excited about Dr. Vernikos’ work. There have been a number of studies within the last year or two that show that even if you are very fit, exercising as much as five times a week for a half hour to an hour each time, you can fall far short of optimum fitness if you sit most of the rest of the time. You’re even at an increased risk of dying prematurely.

Dr. Vernikos’ research with astronauts has clarified why this occurs and, even more importantly, provides us with a simple regimen that could counteract those consequences.

In order to determine why regular exercise does not appear to compensate for the negative effects of prolonged sitting, some of her research focused on finding out what type of movement is withdrawn by sitting. What she discovered was as revolutionary as it was counterintuitive. Not only did she discover that the act of standing up is more effective than walking for counteracting the ill effects of sitting, the key is how many times you stand up.

It’s actually the change in posture that is the most powerful signal, in terms of having a beneficial impact on your health, not the act of standing in and of itself. Put another way, the key to counteract the ill effects of sitting is to repeatedly interrupt your sitting. The key is frequent intermittent interactions with gravity. Standing up 35 times at once will provide only a small percent of the benefit of standing up once every 20 minutes.

It’s All About Interacting Regularly With Gravity

During Skylab, which was the longest mission Dr. Vernikos worked on in the early 1970s, many medical observers noted that astronauts were prematurely aging while in space. Interestingly, the changes that were occurring were found to be very similar to what happens to you when you’re bedridden, and to the aging process itself. Initially, Dr. Vernikos referred to these phenomena as parallel processes, as she could not prove a cause and effect that were identical to all three.

That eventually changed when she was doing a bed-rest study.

“I was helping a friend out whose parents had come from Greece and spoke no English,” she says. “The lady had fallen and broken her hip, had it fixed and replaced. But she refused to stand up and get out of bed. She eventually ended up in a nursing home in California… What struck me at the nursing home was that many of the things I saw in these older people were very similar to what I could see in my subjects who have been lying in bed for seven days. Especially when they got out of bed, when balance and coordination is affected, and they would pass out when standing up, and they would shuffle their feet.

I thought, well, this is very strange. The people who are in bed, and the astronauts, recover. But here are these people in the nursing home who are showing exactly the same changes. Maybe one should turn the question around?

Maybe the question is not ‘what causes the changes in them—is it or isn’t it aging?’ Maybe it is the conditions that they find themselves in—the inactivity or the relative inactivity in space that induces these changes rather than the number of years one has? When I started asking that question, then some of the research began to make sense.”

Did you know that the changes in bone and muscle that occur here on Earth in one year’s time–approximately one percent loss of bone or one percent loss of muscle–occur in just one week to one month when you’re in space? Incredibly, you get close to a 10-fold acceleration of the aging process when you live in a gravity-free environment! And this is part of the equation when it comes to explaining why chronic sitting is an independent risk factor for premature death.

Astronaut Legend Proves Biological Age Can Be Counteracted

Astronaut John Glenn was the first man to perform an orbital flight. He eventually became a US Senator, and at the age of 77 became the oldest man in space, thanks to Dr. Vernikos, when he participated in her experiment to validate her theory of aging in the microgravity of space.

“[Glenn] happened to be chair of the Committee on Aging at the time,” she says. “It occurred to him, as he was listening to all these testimonies, that what he heard was very much like what he had experienced and what he knew his colleagues were experiencing as they flew. So, he got very excited.

One day in 1997, he walked into my office. He had done some fantastic research… comparing the aerospace medicine textbook with the PDR on the effects of aging and drew comparisons between the two. He said, ‘Well, I think if I flew again, it could provide information that could help everyone as we age’… I was concerned not because of what might happen to him during the nine days of flight, but what might happen to him in terms of recovery.”

Still, the flight took place, placing Glenn at the age of 77 in space with five other astronauts, averaging in age between 35 and 45. The results, which were double-blind, were presented before a full auditorium at the NIH.

“What they showed on the slide was that out of the seven people who flew, one was an outlier. So, we all thought to ourselves, ‘Oh, dear, they’re his. He’s an outlier. He’s older, that’s why’… This confirms that if you’re older, you will react differently.”

But when the identities of the astronauts in the data points were revealed, John Glenn was NOT the outlier. A 35-year-old astronaut was. Glenn was actually right in the middle of the cluster of astronauts, suggesting that if you’re healthy and fit, you really can do anything, regardless of your age. His recovery post-flight also turned out to be just as fast as his younger peers.

Your Lifestyle Determines How Quickly Your Body Ages

What this means for us living permanently here on Earth is that the changes that accompany aging are more likely a result of our lifestyle rather than the inevitable outcome associated with a numerical or physiological age. The good news is that you can prevent, and to a great degree delay, the damage associated with a large portion of biological aging, especially the most crippling, which is pain with movement and loss of flexibility that you had as a youth.

It also means that getting too hung up on a once-a-day exercise routine is to put the cart before the horse. FIRST you need to make sure you’re engaging in more or less perpetual non-exercise movement, as this is an independent risk factor. You then want to add structured exercise on top of that to reap all the benefits associated with exercise. Going to the gym a few times a week for an hour simply isn’t going to counteract hours upon hours of chronic uninterrupted sitting, which essentially mimics a microgravity situation, i.e. you’re not exerting your body against gravity. Only frequent non-exercise movement will do that.

“What became abundantly clear to me very quickly was that gravity plays a big role in our physiological function and in the aging process,” Dr. Vernikos says.

Fortunately, there’s nothing complicated about this. The key point is to move and shift position often, when you’re sitting down. Meaning, you want to interrupt your sitting as often as possible.

“We were designed to squat. We were designed to kneel. Sitting is okay, but it’s uninterrupted sitting that is bad for us,” Dr. Vernikos says. “We are not designed to sit continuously. We are not designed to be in quasi-microgravity… It’s not how many hours of sitting that’s bad for you; it’s how often you interrupt that sitting that is GOOD for you!”

The other thing is that when I say ‘Stand up,’ then you say, ‘Okay, standing is the opposite of sitting.’ No, standing is not the opposite of sitting, because sitting continuously is bad for you, and standing continuously is bad for you. The body is not designed to respond to square waves. Any retail employee will tell you that they suffer all kinds of consequences of many hours of standing on the job. Even nurses have known this for years: standing on the job is not good for you It’s about interrupting the sitting. The interrupting the sitting is not necessarily walking; it is the change in posture [that matters].”

Gravity as a Stimulus to Achieve Health…

Interestingly, lipoprotein lipase is dramatically reduced during inactivity, and increases with activity, the most effective activity being, you guessed it, standing up from a seated position. Lipoprotein lipase is an enzyme that attaches to fat in your bloodstream and transports it into your muscles to be used as fuel. So essentially, simply by standing up, you are actively helping your body to burn fat for fuel. But what is it about the mechanism of standing up that would account for this?

“These are all movements, almost below-threshold kind of movements, that do not burn up a lot of calories, as we know them, but that are designed to work against gravity,” Dr. Vernikos explains.

Dr. Vernikos views gravity a bit differently from the norm. She thinks of gravity as a virtual rod that runs through your body when you’re standing up; down to the center of the Earth. This virtual rod acts as a stimulus for your body, or put another way, gravity is a source of stimulation to your body. When you use it; when you challenge its downward force, you get a sense of acceleration and a sense of fun. Examples include jumping, skipping rope, cycling, downhill skiing, snow- or bodyboarding…

“I’ve come to the conclusion that all the fun activities that we indulge in are based on gravity,” she says. “All these fun activities, all these games and play that we think of, are gravity-dependent. We are using gravity every which way. The moral to the story is be a child again. Have fun. Play!”

On Picking a Better Office Chair… And Standing Up 35 Times a Day

A better alternative to the traditional office chair, according to Dr. Vernikos, would be an upright wooden chair with no armrest.

“I will accept the armrest if you promise me that you really rest your elbows on it. You’re not resting your elbows, are you? If you rest your elbows and push them back every so often, which means your shoulder blades are being pushed back, and then you can relax again. But you do it as often as you possibly can. That will correct a lot of your postural problems. But if you sit in a hard back chair, a good old-fashioned chair, it can have a nice comfortable pillow, but it forces you to stand up and to sit up straight,” she says.

In the end, it’s really all about structuring your life to incorporate everyday body movements that your parents and grandparents used to do in the course of day-to-day living: picking stray socks off the floor, stirring a pot of sauce, reaching up high for an item in a cupboard, getting off the couch to change the channel, walking to the mailbox and back. Think about it… if you didn’t have a computer or a smart phone, what would you have to do to get that message to a friend, for example?

Dr. Vernikos calls these types of movements gravity habits or “G habits.” These are all movements that are quantified as non-exercise activities, and the challenge is to get more of them into your daily life. When it comes to interrupting your sitting, you want to stand up around 35 times a day or so to counteract the cardiovascular health risks associated with sitting. This is based on double-blind research where volunteers would spend four days in bed to induce detrimental changes. She then tested two groups to see which was more effective, walking or standing, and how long would you have to walk or how many times do you have to stand up to get better again?
•Standing up once every hour was more effective than walking on a treadmill for 15 minutes for cardiovascular and metabolic changes
•Sitting down and standing up repeatedly for 32 minutes does NOT have the same effect as standing up once, 32 times over the course of a day. To get the benefit, the stimulus must be spread throughout the day

What I Now Do to Interrupt My Sitting

After reading Dr. Vernikos book, Sitting Kills, Moving Heals, I was inspired to give some serious attention to this because even though I perform a lot of structured exercise, including high intensity interval training, I was guilty of sitting down a vast majority of the rest of the day.

So what I’ve done is this: I found an online timer and set it to go off every 20 minutes. When it goes off, I stand up and do four jump squats. I thought of this after looking at a table of different activities that increase your exposure to gravity in her book. One of them was jumping up and down, which gets you up to six times gravity. Alternatively, I simply stand up really slow and sit really slow five times doing a Foundation posture or I do four or five one legged squats and alternate during each period.

As explained by Dr. Vernikos, squatting is an extension of standing. If you squat and stand, you can get the maximum benefit of working against the force of gravity. By adding jumping to it (going from a squat to a jump, landing into a squat again), you end up with about 6.5 G’s.

However, an interesting update to this interview is that I introduced Dr. Vernikos to Dr. Eric Goodman, the creator of Foundation Training, and she was very excited to learn of his work as she believes it may provide an even more effective solution. They have yet to actually meet at this time but I am hoping they will have a fruitful collaboration and be able to report, at a future date, on a refinement of these current recommendations.

It’s Never Too Late to Start Delaying Aging

One of the most exciting aspects of Dr. Vernikos research is that it shows how dynamic and changeable the human body is. You can reverse damage already incurred, and it’s never too late to start. That is a massively important fact that you want to embrace. Your body CAN recover from the damage you have likely been inflicting on it for decades. Obviously, the younger and healthier you are, the quicker your body will likely respond.

“That’s why I called my first book The G-Connection: Harness Gravity and Reverse Aging,” she says. “[B]ecause yes, you can change what you are. Your body changes all the time. We have new cells being generated all the time – new brain cells – which was thought not to be the case some years ago, as well as new cells everywhere, including skin cells.”

You can boost the gravity stimulus by using either a sway plate, or a whole body vibration plate such as the Power Plate. This can be particularly beneficial for if you’re advancing in age. But other than that, what Dr. Vernikos is advocating is NOT exercise. It’s simply regular movements of everyday life:

“When you’re moving around and you see a speck on the floor, you bend down to pick it up, is that exercise? No. If you reach up to get a book off the shelf or a pot off the cupboard, is it exercise? No. When you brush your teeth, is it better to brush with a brush or with an electric brush? Electric brush already takes away some of the movement that we would normally do with a regular brush. Play golf… [but] don’t take a cart. Carry your golf-bag.”

An important and, I think, fascinating perspective that Dr. Vernikos brings to the table is that if you had to choose between starting up non-exercise activity or starting up an exercise program. Dr. Eric Goodman also believes similarly. He is in fantastic shape. He used to be a personal trainer and body builder but hasn’t worked out formally in many years; he just does his Foundation work throughout each day. They both believe non-exercise activities are more important than regular exercise programs, but ideally you would do both. Dr. Vernikos states:

“Yes, it’s my belief that the non-exercise activities are the foundation of your body tuning and your health, and more important than regular exercise,” she says. “Regular exercise is the next step. You build on the foundation.”

In short, as long as we understand the basic requirements that are dictated by our human ancestors, our biochemistry or genetics, and if we honor those with relatively simple techniques that only take a few minutes a day, it can have dramatic and profound implications on our health, and on the quality and length of our life. To learn more, I highly recommend picking up Dr. Vernikos book, Sitting Kills, Moving Heals, available online at Amazon. It’s an easy read, but it helps to reinforce the concepts discussed in this interview.

Sugary Drinks Linked to 180,000 Deaths Annually

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

If the thought of drinking toilet water makes you cringe, you will probably be none too pleased to find out that ice served at many fast food restaurants contains more bacteria than the water found in their toilets. As reported by the featured article:1

“Scientific tests have shown that ice from branches of McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, Starbucks, Cafe Rouge and Nando’s all had higher levels of bacteria than samples of water taken from their lavatory bowls.

Experts say it could be due to them being cleaned more often than the ice machines… The Burger King result suggested the cause was human contamination, likely to be from a staff member failing to wash their hands.”

While none of the samples presented an immediate health risk, four of them contained high enough levels to be considered a “hygiene risk,” the laboratory warned.

And, while the study was carried out in restaurants in the UK, the results can be expected to be about the same in the US as the issue relates not to the water itself, but rather the bacterial growth that can occur in the ice machine, and/or lack of hygiene on the part of the workers.

This revelation is similar to an investigation done on lemon wedges served in restaurants, back in 2008. At that time, two-thirds of all restaurant lemon wedges were found to be contaminated with disease-causing bacteria — including fecal bacteria. In all, 25 different, and potentially dangerous, microorganisms were discovered on the wedges.

The fact that people are not keeling over from foodborne pathogens en masse is proof that your body is equipped to handle these types of infectious assaults, but that certainly does not mean there’s no health risk.

Children, the elderly, and anyone with a poorly functioning immune system are among the most vulnerable. Ironically, regularly frequenting fast food restaurants and drinking lots of sweetened beverages is, in and of itself, a factor that will take a toll on your immune function, which could render you more susceptible to experiencing health problems from contaminated ice.

Are You Ready to Ditch Sweetened Drinks Yet?

I’ve been warning you of the many dangers of soda and sweetened drinks ever since I started this site over 17 years ago. Americans in particular get a majority of their daily calories from sugar, primarily in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in soda and other sweetened beverages. Half of the US population over the age of two consumes sugary drinks on a daily basis,2 and this figure does not include 100% fruit juices, flavored milk or sweetened teas, which means the figure is actually even higher.

Fructose (and especially HFCS) has been identified as one of the primary culprits in the meteoric rise of obesity and related health problems—in large part due to its ability to turn on your “fat switch.”

The HFCS found in sweetened beverages and most processed foods is also highly processed and has been found to be frequently contaminated with mercury. Add to that the fact that most HFCS is made from genetically engineered corn, and you have a recipe for poor health, regardless of whether you’re ingesting it from a can or a meal…

Please note that freshly squeezed fruit juices also contain fructose, which will have the same detrimental health effects as HFCS when consumed in excess, but at least it’s not processed from GE corn…

Ditching sodas and other sweetened drinks and replacing them with pure, vitalized structured water, I believe, is one of the most powerful actions you can take to improve your health and lower your risk of disease and long-term chronic health conditions.

Especially when you consider that just one can of soda per day can add as much as 15 pounds to your weight over the course of a single year, and increases your risk of diabetes by 85 percent! Fructose is also a likely culprit behind the millions of U.S. children struggling with non-alcoholic liver disease, which is caused by a build-up of fat within your liver cells. Fructose is in fact very hard on your liver, in much the same way as drinking alcohol.

How Much Sugar Do You Consume Each Day?

Around 100 years ago, the average American consumed a mere 15 grams of fructose a day, primarily in the form of whole fruit. Today, 25 percent of Americans consume more than 135 grams per day (that’s over a quarter of a pound!), largely in the form of soda and other sweetened beverages. Just one 12-ounce regular soda contains the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar. Similarly, one eight-ounce glass of orange juice has about eight full teaspoons of sugar, and at least 50 percent of that sugar is fructose.

Fructose at 15 grams a day is unlikely to do much if any harm and may even be beneficial for some. But at nearly 10 times that amount it becomes a MAJOR cause of obesity and nearly all chronic degenerative diseases.

As a standard recommendation, I strongly advise keeping your total fructose consumption below 25 grams per day, or 15 grams a day if you are insulin resistant, obese, or have high blood pressure, high uric acid levels, diabetes or heart disease. To get to that low a level, you would essentially need to eliminate processed foods and sweetened beverages from your daily diet, and make sure everything you put into your mouth is a whole food. You might need to limit your whole fruit intake as well. For a list showing the amount of fructose contained in common fruits, please see this previous article.

Sugary Drinks Linked to 180,000 Deaths Annually

In 2009, the American Heart Association (AHA) issued a scientific statement3 about sugar intake and heart health, pointing out that there is evidence for a relationship between the two. According to the abstract:

“High intakes of dietary sugars in the setting of a worldwide pandemic of obesity and cardiovascular disease have heightened concerns about the adverse effects of excessive consumption of sugars. In 2001 to 2004, the usual intake of added sugars for Americans was 22.2 teaspoons per day… Between 1970 and 2005, average annual availability of sugars/added sugars increased by 19%… Soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages are the primary source of added sugars in Americans’ diets. Excessive consumption of sugars has been linked with several metabolic abnormalities and adverse health conditions, as well as shortfalls of essential nutrients…”

The postulated relationship between sugar intake and heart disease is undeniable at this point. Hundreds of excellent scientific articles have linked insulin and leptin resistance to cardiovascular disease much more strongly than cholesterol, and they are in fact at least partially responsible for cholesterol abnormalities. For instance, insulin and leptin resistance result in “small dense” LDL particles and a greater number of particles, which is much more important than your total cholesterol number for evaluating heart disease risk. Insulin and leptin resistance in turn are directly caused by excess fructose and other sugars in your diet.

As I reported back in April, research presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2013 Scientific Sessions suggests sugary beverages alone are responsible for about 183,000 deaths worldwide each year, including:
•44,000 heart disease deaths
•133,000 diabetes deaths, and
•6,000 cancer deaths

Among the 35 largest countries in the world, Mexico had the highest death rates associated with sugary beverage consumption. There, the average consumption of sugary beverages was 24 ounces per day. The US ranked third, with an estimated 25,000 annual deaths4 from sweetened drinks.5 (Many might have expected the US to come in first place, but remember that American processed foods contain far more sugars than other nations, so Americans also consume a lot of “hidden” sugar in products other than beverages. This factor was not addressed in this study.) Interestingly, and quite disturbingly, the death rates associated with sweetened beverages were highest in those under the age of 45.

What’s the Healthiest Beverage You Can Drink?

Your body requires a constant daily supply of water to fuel all the various waste filtration systems nature has designed to keep your body healthy and free of toxins. Your blood, your kidneys, and your liver all require a source of good clean water to detoxify your body from the toxic exposures you come into contact with every day. Clearly, the most efficient way help your body both avoid and eliminate toxins is to provide your body with the cleanest, purest water you can find. This is easily done by installing one or more types of water filtration systems in your house.

A whole house water filtration system is ideal, as water contaminants can be even more hazardous to your health when absorbed through your skin into your blood stream, bypassing your gastrointestinal tract. I’ve written a large number of articles on the hazards of tap water, from fluoride to dangerous chemicals and drugs, to toxic disinfection byproducts and heavy metals, so having a good filtration system in place is more of a necessity than a luxury in most areas. There’s just one water line coming into your house, so putting a filter on this is the easiest and simplest strategy you can implement to take control of your health by ensuring the water and the air in your house is as clean as possible. To learn more about different types of water and water filtration systems, please see my special report on this topic.

One of my new passions is structured water as pioneered by Victor Schauburger. Vortexing appears to be one of the best ways to produce this and I’m currently doing some research to help define this better.

Another option to consider is to bottle your own water from a gravity-fed spring. This may be one of the highest quality waters and may not require vortexing as the water is already highly structured and full of H3O2. The web site FindaSpring.com6 can help you find natural springs in your local area. As an added boon, most of these spring water sources are free. Just remember to bring either clear polyethylene or glass containers to collect the water so no unsafe chemicals can contaminate your water, and be sure to wrap them in towels to keep them from breaking during transport.

Ditching Sweetened Drinks Is the First Step Toward a Healthier Life

Remember, sweetened beverages (including flavored milk products, bottled teas, and “enhanced” water products), whether sweetened with sugar, HFCS, naturally-occurring fructose, or artificial sweeteners, are among the worst culprits in the fight against obesity and related health problems, including diabetes, heart and liver disease, just to name a few. Ditching ALL of these types of beverages can go a long way toward reducing your risk for chronic health problems and weight gain.

So what should you drink? Your best most cost effective choice is to drink filtered tap water. The caveat though is to make sure you filter your tap water. Nothing beats pure water when it comes to serving your body’s needs. If you really feel the urge for a carbonated beverage, try sparkling mineral water with a squirt of fresh lime or lemon.

If you struggle with an addiction to soda and other sweets, try Turbo Tapping. It’s a simple and clever use of the Emotional Freedom Technique, designed to resolve many aspects of an issue in a concentrated period of time.

Just another way of conning the public..

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Before his death, father of ADHD admitted it was a fictitious disease

If you or someone you know has a child that has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), chances are the child is actually just fine. At least this is what the “father” of ADHD, Leon Eisenberg, would presumably say if he were still alive. On his death bed, this psychiatrist and autism pioneer admitted that ADHD is essentially a “fictitious disease,” which means that millions of young children today are being needlessly prescribed severe mind-altering drugs that will set them up for a life of drug addiction and failure.

As explained by The Sons of Liberty host Bradlee Dean, who also writes for The D.C. Clothesline, ADHD was merely a theory developed by Eisenberg. It was never actually proven to exist as a verifiable disease, despite the fact that Eisenberg and many others profited handsomely from its widespread diagnosis. And modern psychiatry continues to profit as well, helping also to fill the coffers of the pharmaceutical industry by getting children addicted early to dangerous psychostimulant drugs like Ritalin (methylphenidate) and Adderall (amphetamine, dextroamphetamine mixed salts).

“ADHD is fraud intended to justify starting children on a life of drug addiction,” said Dr. Edward C. Hamlyn, a founding member of the Royal College of General Practitioners, back in 1998 about the phony condition. Adding to this sentiment, psychiatrists Peter Breggin and Sami Timimi, both of whom oppose pathologizing the symptoms of ADHD, say that ADHD is more of a social construct than it is an objective “disorder.”

Psychiatric profession all about generating obscene profits for Big Pharma
The purpose all along for pathologizing ADHD symptoms, of course, was to generate more profits for the drug industry. According to the citizen watchdog group Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHRI), roughly 20 million American children today are taking dangerous, but expensive, psychiatric drugs for made-up behavioral conditions like ADHD. And another one million or so children have been blatantly and admittedly misdiagnosed with phony behavioral conditions for which psychiatric medications are being prescribed.

“Remember, there are two ways drug companies can make money: Invent new drugs, and invent new diseases already invented drugs can treat,” writes Dr. Jay Parkinson, M.D., M.P.H., about the fake disease-creation industry. “In the past decade or so, Big Pharma has created no less than 10 new novel drugs per year,” he adds, noting that many of the people who have been told they suffer from ADHD actually suffer from “the consequence of bad design,” meaning a conventional social and educational system that is unable and unwilling to recognize unique individuality.

This is definitely true for Jacob Barnett, the 14-year-old autistic genius whose mother was told that her son would probably never read or write. Today, Jacob is already working on his Master’s Degree in quantum physics while most of his peers are still in junior high. He is also currently developing his own original theory in astrophysics, according to recent reports.

“The psychiatric/pharmaceutical industry spends billions of dollars a year to convince the public, legislators and the press that psychiatric disorders such as Bi-Polar Disorder, Depression, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, etc. are medical diseases on par with verifiable medical conditions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease,” explains CCHRI. “Yet unlike real medical disease, there are no scientific tests to verify the medical existence of any psychiatric disorder.”

Sources for this article include:

When drugging replaced spanking

Glyphosate Drives Breast Cancer Proliferation

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Glyphosate Drives Breast Cancer Proliferation, Study Warns, as Urine Tests Show Europeans have this Weed Killer in Their Bodies

Disturbing discoveries relating to glyphosate—the active ingredient in Monsanto’s broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup—keep emerging. No less than two shocking discoveries recently went public on the same day…

Earlier this month, groundbreaking research was published detailing a newfound mechanism of harm of the chemical.

Now, testing shows that people in 18 countries across Europe have glyphosate in their bodies1, while yet another study reveals that the chemical has estrogenic properties and drive breast cancer proliferation in the parts-per-trillion range2. As reported by

“Does this help explain the massive mammary tumors that the only long term animal feeding study on Roundup and GM corn ever performed recently found?”

Meanwhile, a new EU-US free trade agreement3,4 known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), has again cracked the door open for genetically engineered (GE) crops and foods into Europe.

This may effectively negate the hard work Europeans have done to limit the proliferation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their food supply, and with genetically engineered “Roundup Ready” crops and the food made from it come increased glyphosate exposure…

People Across Europe Test Positive for Glyphosate

A 2011 study detected glyphosate in 60-100 percent of all US air and rain samples, and last year another study revealed widespread glyphosate contamination in groundwater. When groundwater is used as a drinking water source, this contamination poses a risk to animals, plants and humans alike.

Now, the first-ever test for weed killer contamination in human bodies was commissioned by Friends of the Earth Europe5. Volunteers from 18 different countries provided urine samples.

Of the 182 urine samples tested, an average of 44 percent was found to contain glyphosate, although the proportion of contamination varied from country to country. All volunteers were city dwellers who had not handled or used glyphosate, and only one person per household was tested.

Macedonia and Bulgaria had the least number of positive tests (10 percent), while 90 percent of samples in Malta tested positive. Seventy percent of volunteers in Germany, UK and Poland had the weed killer in their bodies.

Can you even imagine what the results might be if similar testing was conducted in the US, considering the fact that Americans eat their own weight or more in genetically engineered foods6 each and every year—in large part because the US does not require GE foods to be labeled, so many are still completely in the dark about such stealth ingredients.

The fact that close to half of all people are testing positive for glyphosate (including countries that don’t even use it) is profoundly disturbing in light of the recent findings that this commonly used weed killer may be among the most important factors in the development of modern diseases, as the pathway by which glyphosate kills plants is the identical pathway found in animal and human gut bacteria.

According to Friends of the Earth Europe’s spokesperson Adrian Bebb7:

“Most people will be worried to discover they may have weed killer in their bodies. We tested people living in cities in 18 countries and found traces in every country. These results suggest we are being exposed to glyphosate in our everyday lives, yet we don’t know where it is coming from, how widespread it is in the environment, or what it is doing to our health.

Our testing highlights a serious lack of action by public authorities across Europe and indicates that this weed killer is being widely overused. Governments need to step-up their monitoring and bring in urgent measures to reduce its use. This includes rejecting any genetically modified crops that would increase the use of glyphosate.”

Glyphosate Found to Be Carcinogenic in Infinitesimal Amounts

The second study pertains to the carcinogenic nature of this popular weed killer. Contrary to Monsanto’s claims that Roundup is “minimally toxic” to animal and humans, along with claims of it being environmentally friendly and biodegradable—claims found to be false in the highest court of law—Roundup is quite the disaster… As reported by GreenMedinfo.com8:

“The study, titled, ‘Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors,’ compared the effect of glyphosate on hormone-dependent and hormone-independent breast cancer cell lines, finding that glyphosate stimulates hormone-dependent cancer cell lines in what the study authors describe as ‘low and environmentally relevant concentrations.'”

The researchers concluded that glyphosate is a xenoestrogen that is functionally similar to estradiol, the most potent human estrogen, and concentrations in the parts-per-trillion range had carcinogenic effects. Adding insult to injury—in light of the fact that more than 90 percent of soybeans grown in the US are genetically engineered (GE)—they also found that the phytoestrogen genistein, naturally found in soybeans, heightened the estrogenic effects when combined with glyphosate. According to the authors:

“This study implied that the additive effect of glyphosate and genistein in postmenopausal women may induce cancer cell growth. In this present in vitro study, we showed an estrogenicity of pure glyphosate… Furthermore, this study demonstrated the additive estrogenic effects of glyphosate and genistein which implied that the use of glyphosate-contaminated soybean products as dietary supplements may pose a risk of breast cancer because of their potential additive estrogenicity.” [Emphasis mine]

Glyphosate Implicated as Driver of Modern Diseases

Another groundbreaking report, published earlier this month in the journal Entropy9, argues that glyphosate residues, found in most commonly consumed foods in the US, “enhance the damaging effects of other food-borne chemical residues and toxins in the environment to disrupt normal body functions and induce disease.” As explained by the authors, Dr. Stephanie Seneff and Anthony Samsel:

“Glyphosate’s claimed mechanism of action in plants is the disruption of the shikimate pathway… The currently accepted dogma is that glyphosate is not harmful to humans or to any mammals because the shikimate pathway is absent in all animals.

However, this pathway is present in gut bacteria, which play an important and heretofore largely overlooked role in human physiology through an integrated biosemiotic relationship with the human host. In addition to aiding digestion, the gut microbiota synthesize vitamins, detoxify xenobiotics, and participitate in immune system homeostasis and gastrointestinal tract permeability. Furthermore, dietary factors modulate the microbial composition of the gut.”

Remember, the bacteria in your body outnumber your cells by 10 to 1. For every cell in your body, you have 10 microbes of various kinds, and all of them have the shikimate pathway, so they will all respond to the presence of glyphosate! It causes extreme disruption of the microbe’s function and lifecycle; worse yet, glyphosate preferentially affects beneficial bacteria, allowing pathogens to overgrow. At that point, your body also has to contend with the toxins produced by the pathogens. Once the chronic inflammation sets in, you’re well on your way toward chronic and potentially debilitating disease. In a nutshell, Dr. Seneff has summarized the two key problems caused by glyphosate in the diet as:
•Nutritional deficiencies
•Systemic toxicity

She believes glyphosate is possibly the most important factor in the development of multiple chronic diseases and conditions that have become prevalent in Westernized societies, including but not limited to:


Gastrointestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, chronic diarrhea, colitis and Crohn’s disease



Cardiovascular disease




Alzheimer’s disease

Parkinson’s disease

Multiple sclerosis


Meanwhile, the EPA Raises Allowable Glyphosate Limits…

Just as more independent reports are emerging confirming the multivariate health hazards of glyphosate, the Environmental Protection Agency10 (EPA) is proposing to RAISE the allowed residue limits of glyphosate in food and feed crops11. The new allowable level of glyphosate in teff animal feed will be 100 parts per million (ppm). Allowed levels in some fruits and vegetables eaten by humans will also rise. Root and tuber vegetables, with the exception of sugar, will get one of the largest boosts, with allowable residue limits being raised from 0.2 ppm to 6.0 ppm. The new level for sweet potatoes will be 3 ppm.

This is unconscionable, considering the finding that glyphosate is carcinogenic in parts-per-TRILLION concentrations. Previous research by Professor Andres Carrasco documented malformations in frog and chicken embryos at just over 2 ppm glyphosate12.

Not surprisingly, Monsanto has petitioned and received approvals for increases in glyphosate residue levels for several crops. Clearly, they need allowable levels to be raised because farmers are increasingly forced to use more glyphosate due to glyphosate-resistant weed growth. The question is, how many of its citizens will the US government sacrifice in order for Monsanto to continue making money from its failing products?

Help Spread the Word, as Most Consumers Are Still Unaware of Risks from GMOs

The biotech industry, led by Monsanto, is increasing their propaganda efforts to sway opinion against the need to label genetically engineered foods. Many consumers are still in the dark about the very real risks that GE crops pose, both to the environment and human health. This is precisely what the biotech industry wants, even as increasing research demonstrates the many dangers associated with GE foods.

For example, one recent study found that rats fed a type of genetically engineered corn that is prevalent in the US food supply for two years developed massive mammary tumors, kidney and liver damage, and other serious health problems. This was at dietary amounts of about 10 percent. Does 10 percent or more of your diet consist of genetically engineered ingredients? Or are you like the average American who eats his or her own weight in genetically engineered foods each year?

If processed foods form the basis of your diet, then you’re likely in the latter category. Unfortunately, you can’t know for sure which items might contain GMOs since the US does not require genetically engineered foods to be labeled. With the latest revelations discussed above, the need for labeling couldn’t possibly be greater.

Last but not least, I would also encourage you to educate yourself a bit more on the topic of food sovereignty, and the critical nature of biodiversity for food sustainability and security. Because aside from the human health hazards associated with GE foods, seed patenting endangers the very future of life on Earth, as it destroys biodiversity and effectively prevents agricultural methods from flourishing that call for less, or no, agricultural chemicals.

An excellent resource is the free e-book, The Law of the Seed13; the result of a working group meeting of leading lawyers, scientists, and members of the International Commission on the Future of Food and Agriculture, including the tireless environmental activist Dr. Vandana Shiva14.

Genetically-modified eggplant found to be unsafe..

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Genetically-modified eggplant found to be unsafe for human consumption, environment

Field trials of genetically-modified (GM) Bt eggplant, also known as Bt talong, have officially ceased in the Philippines following a major ruling by the nation’s Court of Appeals. Representing a massive victory for food sovereignty, the Court found that Bt talong is a monumental threat to both environmental and human health, and has subsequently ordered that all existing plantings of Bt talong in test fields be immediately destroyed and blocked from further propagation.

Like in many other nations across the globe, the biotechnology industry has been craftily trying to sneak its genetic poisons into the Philippines under the guise of improving crop yields, reducing chemical use, and yada yada ad nauseum – all the typical industry propaganda and lies used to convince the more gullible among us that GMOs are some kind of food production miracle. But the Philippines is not buying all the hype. And unlike the U.S., the southeast Asian country is taking a bold stand against a technology that has never been proven safe or beneficial in any way.

According to the non-profit advocacy group Greenpeace, which has been working on behalf of humanity to stem the tide of GMO onslaught all around the world, the Court recently issued a “Write of Kalikasan,” which basically means that all field trials of Bt eggplant in the Philippines must stop. The Court also ordered that the biotechnology aggressors “permanently cease and desist” from conducting further trials, as well as “protect, preserve, rehabilitate and restore” all the land they have destroyed in the process.

“The field trials of Bt talong involve the willful and deliberate alteration of the genetic traits of a living element of the ecosystem and the relationship of living organisms that depend on each other for their survival,” states the ruling. “Consequently, the field trials … could not be declared by this Court as safe [for] human health and our ecology, [since they are] an alteration of an otherwise natural state of affairs in our ecology.”

Philippines light years ahead of US in adopting precautionary principle, protecting its people and food supply from corporate takeover
Everything about this common-sense decision by the Filipino justice system makes perfect sense – GMOs definitively spread their poisonous traits throughout the entire ecosystem, contaminating other crops along the way, and thus have no place in agriculture, period. But sadly, such common sense no longer exists in the U.S., where corporate greed and fundamental corruption have essentially placed profits before people in every aspect of life.

“We commend the Court of Appeals for living up to its constitutionally-mandated role as protector of constitutional rights,” said Greenpeace Southeast Asia Sustainable Agriculture Campaigner Daniel Ocampo about the Philippines rejecting GMOs. “This landmark decision reflects that there are indeed flaws and lapses in the current regulatory process for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) such as Bt eggplant which exposes our environment and health to unknown long-term consequences and does not establish their safety in any way.”

Meanwhile, millions of acres of uncontested GMO crops in the U.S. continue to ravage both human and environmental health while the hordes of mindless puppets in the U.S. Congress ignore the issue or even pretend that GMOs are not an issue. But this new American pastime of greed and denial about reality will not last forever, as nature will eventually catch up and extinguish this agricultural scourge with “superweeds,” “superbugs,” and disease – that is if the American people do not take action first to forcibly cleanse their nation of GMOs. The question is, what will it take for the people to wake up and take action?

Sources for this article include:


A superfood with amazing health benefits..

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Food, Health

Organic coconut oil: A superfood with amazing health benefits

Pound for pound, coconut oil is one of the single most nutritious superfoods you can put in your body. It has a vast array of incredible health benefits and is something recommended to almost everyone I talk to on a regular basis. People are always asking me, Chris “What can I eat to be healthier”? The answer is simple: organic coconut oil. This stuff is simply amazing and is something everyone should include in their diet.

Specifically, you should look for “Organic, unrefined, expeller-pressed coconut oil”. This is the unprocessed product derived directly from the organic coconuts with minimal processing or modification. This is as close to “unprocessed” you can get. The more foods are processed, the less the health value they offer. You can find this on the shelves of most all natural foods stores or purchase online.

There are a couple ways to eat coconut oil. Some people cook with it. I recommend eating it in an unheated, uncooked manner. Reason being is high heat levels can change the properties of the oil, (further processing it), and therefore affect the overall nutritional value.

Health benefits
Eating coconut oil on a regular basis has numerous health benefits. If you do some basic research on the health benefits on coconut oil you will discover just how amazing this food really is. These benefits include healthier skin and hair, lower cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased levels of immunity, proper digestion and metabolism. It has been show to provide relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and other viruses, cancer, and bone strength. The reason it is so effective and healthy is because of high levels of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid. The presence of these acids contributes to coconuts antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial and general body nourishing properties.

How to use

There are a couple ways to use coconut oil. Some people cook with it. Coconut oil is rare in that it has a high melting point. This means it’s a solid form at room temperature. It doesn’t melt until about 77 degrees Fahrenheit. You will notice when you purchase a bottle, it will be in solid form. It doesn’t take much heat for this to melt.

If you are using coconut oil for topical purposes (hair or skin application) you can bring it to a liquid form simply by immersing a container with the solid oil into warm water. It will melt in a matter of a few moments. You can also take a small amount out, put it in a small bowl and heat over an open flame. Do not microwave as it will affect the healing properties of the oil. Next, take the oil on your palm and apply it to your hair, face and skin. You will notice healthier skin and hair if you do this regularly. For cooking, try using coconut oil instead of vegetable oil or butter.

For maximum health value, I personally recommend consuming it in an unheated, uncooked manner. To do this, simply open the bottle and use a table spoon to eat the product. It will melt in your mouth. If you have a problem with taste or swallowing it, take it with some organic orange juice after it melts in your mouth.

Give coconut oil a try; it’s one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods you can consume. I’ve been using this stuff for years. Trust me; your body will thank you!

Sources for this article include:


About the author:
Chris Sumbs is a natural health activist and enjoys writing about the natural lifestyle and healing benefits of holistic remedies. Visit his website for more great articles on these topics. You can also shop for thousands holistic remedies in the Underground Health Natural Health Store or visit the Underground Health Facebook Page.

Research Links Gluten Grains to Schizophrenia

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

60 Years of Research Links Gluten Grains to Schizophrenia

By Sayer Ji

Does the consumption of gluten-containing grains contribute to psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia?

Believe it or not, this question has been asked for well over 60 years by researchers who stumbled upon evidence that the removal of gluten from the diet results in improved symptoms, or conversely, that gluten grain consumption leads to higher prevalence of both neurological and psychiatric problems.

Reports of the resolution of emotional disturbances after the institution of a “gluten free” diet exist in medical literature at least as far back as 1951.1

In 1954, Sleisenger reported to have found three schizophrenics among a group of thirty-two adults with celiac disease,2 and in 1957, Bossak, Wang and Aldersberg reported discovering 5 psychotic patients among 94 patients with celiac disease.3

The initial recognition that celiac disease, or at least gluten sensitivity, occurred at a far higher prevalence among schizophrenics than the healthy, opened up the door to more elaborate investigations.

Wartime Reduction in Gluten Grain Rations Reduces Schizophrenia Prevalence

For instance, in 1966, a remarkable epidemiological study was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition titled,”Wheat “Consumption” and Hospital Admissions for Schizophrenia During World War II,” which sought to confirm the possible relationship between schizophrenia and celiac disease by investigating the reported decrease in the number of admissions to mental hospitals during some wars.

The author of the study, F. C. Dohan, M.D., looked at the number of women admitted to the mental hospitals in Finland, Norway, Sweden, Canada and the United States before and after World War II. These figures were then compared to volume of wheat and rye consumed during those two periods. As Dohan explains:

“The percent change in the mean annual number of first admissions for schizophrenia to the hospital in each of the five countries from the respective pre-war mean was compared to the percent change in the “consumption” of wheat and wheat plus rye.”

The results can be view in the figure below:

As you can see above, the percent change from prewar values during World War II in the number of patients admitted to hospitals for the first time with schizophrenia in five countries was found to be significantly correlated to the percent change in the amount of wheat and wheat plus rye consumed. As gluten grain rations decreased, so did the worldwide rate of first-time admission to psychiatric institutions.

Increasing Body of Research Implicates Gluten Grains in Schizophrenia Pathogenesis

Since then, a number of studies have been published linking the consumption of gluten-containing grains to schizophrenia:
•Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2011: Persons with schizophrenia have higher than expected titers of antibodies (7 fold increased prevalence) related to celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.4
•Schizophrenia Research, 2010: Individual with schizophrenia have a novel immune response to gliadin distinct from those with celiac disease (i.e. absence of antibodies to the transglutaminase enzyme and the HLA-DQ2/DQ8 genetic locus of susceptibility.5
•Acta Psychiatra Scandinavica, 2006: A review of the literature found a drastic reduction, if not full remission, of schizophrenic symptoms after initiation of gluten withdrawal has been noted in a variety of studies.6
•Biological Psychiatry, 1984: Only two chronic schizophrenics were found among over 65,000 examined or closely observed adults in remote regions of Papua New Guinea (PNG, 1950-1967) and Malaita , Solomon Islands (1980-1981), and on Yap , Micronesia (1947-1948), who do not consume grains. Researchers noted that when these peoples became partially westernized and consumed wheat, barley beer, and rice, the prevalence reached European levels.7
•Science, 1976: Schizophrenics maintained on a grain-free and milk-free diet challenged with gluten saw interruption of their therapeutic progress. After termination of the gluten challenge, the course of improvement was reinstated.8

New Research Confirms Gliadin-Schizophrenia Link

The latest study to confirm the gluten-schizophrenia link was published this month in the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry and titled, “Elevated gliadin antibody levels in individuals with schizophrenia.” Researchers compared the blood work of 950 schizophrenics with 1,000 healthy controls. They discovered that the odds ratio of having anti-gliadin IgG antibodies was 2.13 times higher in schizophrenics, indicating that t the least schizophrenics are more likely to experience an adverse immune response to wheat proteins.

Gliadin is the alcohol soluble complex of proteins found within what is known colloquially as gluten (the term is misleading as wheat technically contains over 23,000 different proteins, not one), and is considered the primary immunotoxic class of proteins in wheat. For instance, in celiac disease, a genetically mediated immune process unfurls where upon exposure to gliadin, the enzyme tissue transglutaminase modifies the protein, and the immune system cross-reacts with the small-bowel tissue, causing an inflammatory reaction that results in the destruction of the intestinal villi.

The discovery of antibodies to gliadin in the blood of both celiac disease patients and schizophrenics implies several things:
•The Wheat Protein Gliadin Doesn’t Break Down During Digestion: Undigested wheat-derived macromolecules can act as antigens, provoking an antibody-mediated immune response, particularly if they get through the intestinal lining and into the blood. The fact that antibodies to wheat protein gliadin can be found in the blood indicates that it is not being fully broken down into constituent amino acids.
•Wheat Proteins In the Blood Stimulate Auto-Immunity: The presence of gliadin in the blood also indicates intestinal permeability. It turns out that gliadin has been found to up-regulate the protein zonulin in the gut of those either with or without celiac disease, which essentially opens “pandora’s box” of intestinal permeability, and subsequent autoimmunity. In another essay, we also described the intestinal permeability generating effects of wheat lectin, also known as Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) – [see Opening Pandora’s Bread Box]
•Wheat Protein May Cause The Immune System To Attack the Nervous System: Anti-gliadin antibodies appear to cross react with neurological self-structures, which may explain how they contribute to schizophrenia. A study published in 2007 in the Journal of Immunology found that anti-gliadin antibodies bind to neuronal synapsin I, a protein found within nerve terminal of axons, which the study authors believe may explain why gliadin contributes to “neurologic complications such as neuropathy, ataxia, seizures, and neurobehavioral changes.”

Another example of anti-gliadin antibodies possibly contributing to the formation of autoantibodies against neurological self-structures is in autism. A 2004 study in Nutritional Neuroscience found that children with autism show antibody elevations against gliadin and cerebellar (brain) proteins simultaneously. In other words, wheat proteins may simulate antibodies that cross-react, resulting in neurological damage. Learn more on the topic by reading our article: Wheat: A Missing Piece In the Autism Puzzle

Just a Problem for Schizophrenics? There Is One Surefire Way to Find Out…

A broader question is also raised by this research. Since anti-gliadin antibodies are found in approximately 27 percent of the population, and as high as 57 percent in those suffering from neurological dysfunction of unknown causes, is it then possible that gluten-containing grains are adversely affecting the mental health of the world at large, perhaps mostly on a subclinical basis?

We actually explored this possibility in greater depth in our essay The Dark Side of Wheat, focusing on the Roman empire’s use of the wheat-based economy as a form of both cultural and biological imperialism.

Certainly we can say that wheat adversely affects the physical health of far more than present day conventional medical estimates which focus on celiac disease and food allergies to wheat. We have indexed over 200 adverse health effects of gluten-containing grains , with 20 adverse ‘modes of toxicity’ described thus far. Interestingly, top on the list is neurotoxicity, with 23 articles describing this effect available to view here: Wheat Neurotoxicity Link .

There are likely far too many variables to ever point to gluten-containing grains as a singular cause of psychiatric problems, malaise, mania, addiction, depression, schizophrenia, etc. However, one thing is sure. Your first hand experience is as valuable as a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized human trial. And so, if you remove them from your diet, and you feel better, and health conditions, both physical and mental, improve, then there is no better proof than that!

About the Author

Sayer Ji is the founder and director of and an advisory board member at the National Health Federation, an international nonprofit, consumer-education, health-freedom organization. He co-authored the book Cancer Killers: The Cause Is The Cure, and is working on another one with Tania Melkonian titled EATomology: An Edible Philosophy of Food.

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