Dandelion: Your medicinal powerhouse..

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Dandelion: Your medicinal powerhouse go-to herb for spring cleansing

Dandelion is a common weed flower that is usually considered somewhat of a nuisance by fastidious lawn keepers. It can grow wild anywhere. But this weed with it’s cute little yellow flowers packs a punch medicinally.

It has been used as a healing and preventative herb for centuries. And currently it’s one of the top herbs being researched by western medical science. Thus far, that scientific scrutiny has confirmed the medicinal value of dandelion, known for centuries by herbalists and ancient Asian medical practices.

The dandelion greens are commonly used as natural diuretics that boost renal (kidney) health. For the liver, you need the dandelion root as root extracts, teas or tinctures.

Don’t bother pulling those dandelion weeds for your teas if you’re in a heavily polluted area or chemicals are used on the grounds. It’s better to deal with commercially sold organic or wild harvested dandelion or supplements containing the extracts.

Dandelion root for restoring and maintaining proper liver function
The liver’s importance is often underrated. But as you realize its importance, you’ll be taking better care of that large organ in the right front lower abdominal cavity. The liver is partly or mostly responsible for:

* Protein creation
* Creating the master antioxidant glutathione
* Managing bile distribution to digest fats
* Creating blood coagulation factors
* Removing toxins from several source by filtering the blood
* Contributing immune cells to fight infection

The more well known serious liver diseases are hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. A poorly functioning liver also causes less dangerous symptoms of indigestion such as gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea.

Jaundice, a yellowing of skin or whites of the eyes, is an obvious sign of a liver on the decline. Even unexplained aches and pains and chronic fatigue and could be attributed to liver stress. Liver stress can be largely responsible for emotional and psychological problems too.

Chronic irritability, depression, resentment, and indulging in unnecessary angry outbursts often are also indicative of low liver stress. Chinese medicine associates courage or will to the liver’s condition.

Dandelion root stimulates the liver’s bile production for the gall bladder and helps the liver control the gall bladder’s releasing of that bile for digestive purposes, especially fats. Good digestion is the foundation for good overall health.

Dandelion root keeps the liver’s blood detoxification pathways open, which some pharmaceuticals shut down.

Dandelion greens for kidney health
The kidneys are twin, fist-sized and kidney bean-shaped organs located in the lower back area, one on each side. Their primary function is to filter the blood and eliminate toxins through urine. They also help regulate blood pressure and electrolyte balance while assisting the liver with red blood cell production.

Kidney issues share a few symptoms of stressed liver. Basically, toxins begin backing up in the blood because they’re not being eliminated.

Edible dandelion greens can be used in salads or steamed. But that may not be feasible for most. Dandelion juice is high in minerals, especially magnesium. It’s possible to order dandelion green liquid extracts that can be added to water or juice.

Dandelion greens for teas have been used in several cultures for many years as a mild, natural diuretic. This keeps the kidneys from building up waste products and prevents the body’s tissues from retaining too much fluid. Usually, dark urine indicates a level of dehydration. Drinking more pure water could clear that up, literally.

There are other diuretics that make you pee. But dandelion offers more nutritional protective support than the others. Dandelion greens also help restore damaged tissue and protect against inflammation. They also help cleanse the blood, assisting the liver with that task.

Sources for this article include:



Top 10 Dandelion Root Health Benefits


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So much botox it’s stopped working…

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Uncategorized

Women using so much botox it’s stopped working

Forget the clown-like appearance and other physical metamorphoses that the overuse of Botox has created on the mugs of some of Hollywood’s famous faces. Now comes news that some women have used the treatments so often they are no longer working at all.

Costly Botox – short for botulism toxin – treatments have been used by millions to smooth out aging skin and hide wrinkles on foreheads and around the eyes (the dreaded “crows feet”). But those who have relied on it too heavily to hold off the natural effects of aging may be wasting their money because, researchers say, they are becoming immune to the injections, Britain’s Daily Mail reports.

Scientists say the drug, which is a type of neurotoxin, “is failing to freeze the facial muscles of some patients as well as it did before, or for as long,” the paper said.

Too many women, it seems, have no idea of the natural ways you can reduce the physical effects of aging, but I’ll get into those in a moment.

When you inject a harmful foreign substance into your body…
According to researchers, not only are Botox treatments failing to provide the desired effects, many women are even developing antibodies to some forms of Botox treatment, resulting in a zero-net gain.

A review of the treatments by German researchers, the results of which were published in the Journal of Neural Transmission, found that one in 200 Botox users had developed antibodies which, over time, make the treatments much less effective (but no less expensive).

Reports the Mail:

Patients who needed larger doses – including those prescribed it for medical reasons to treat spasms or sweating – were more likely to stop responding, the research found.

Other scientists, writing in the British Medical Journal’s online forum Open, revealed that repeated injections “can trigger an immune response…which might lead to non-responsiveness to treatment.”

Dr. Kuldeep Minocha, of the Absolute Aesthetics Clinic, a specialist in facial injections of Botox, said he has begun to notice that some patients are developing an immunity to his treatments.

“With people who have been using Botox for 10 years or so,” he told the Mail, “you can start to see a bit more resistance. The results can wear out a bit quicker because their body seems to get used to it and recognizes it as a foreign body, and it breaks down quicker.”

Minocha also said while the those developing resistance to the treatment through the formation of antibodies remain well in the minority, true figures might be much higher because of the very small sample size of Botox recipients tested when their treatment failed.

Oxford University plastic surgery consultant Abhilash Jain told the paper that a great deal of people getting Botox treatments don’t know they can become immune to it.

“I inform my patients they may not always get the same result following each injection because there are other factors that contribute to this,” he said. “I also tell them about the small risk of antibody formation as part of the counseling process that I do.”

Right now it’s not known why some patients develop the antibodies and others don’t, but it could be in the way the treatment is administered, say scientists. Patients could also be receiving the wrong dose, they say.

“It’s similar to the way people become resistant to antibiotics,” said Dr. Nick Lowe, a dermatologist consultant and the Cranley Clinic in London. “It may be due to any number of different mechanics by which the toxin works within the cells.”

Ditch the Botox
Ultimately, though, subjecting your body to Botox treatments in the first place is unnecessarily dangerous, considering there are a number of natural ways to defy age:

Exercise your face. Daily facial lymphatic massage can significantly reduce the physical signs of aging, say experts, by smoothing wrinkles, reducing facial tension and dark circles under your eyes. “When used in conjunction with essential oils specifically beneficial to the lymphatic system, the skin is effectively detoxified and collagen production is encouraged,” writes Natural News’ Carolanne Wright.

Improve your diet. Health and dermatology experts know that diet can also affect how you look. According to Dr. Joel Shulman, five foods that can reduce wrinkles and defy age include omega-3 fatty acids, blueberries, tomatoes, sunflower seeds and fish oils.

Sources for this article include:




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Citrus fruits reduces breast cancer risk..

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Citrus reduces breast cancer risk by at least 10 percent

A high intake of citrus fruits lowers breast cancer risk in women by 10 percent, according to a new systematic review of past studies. But importantly, “high” intake was only 17 to 33 grams daily in one of the studies analyzed, and this provided a 32 percent risk reduction of breast cancer.

The anti-cancer effects of citrus fruits
Citrus fruits are excellent sources of numerous phytochemicals such as beta-cryptoxanthin, limonoids and quercetin, each of which has shown potent activity against cancer in laboratory studies. In human studies, citrus fruit consumption has been shown to offer protection from pancreatic, stomach, throat, colorectal and breast cancers. However, in some studies there is only borderline significance or even conflicting results. This is often due to the low level of citrus fruit eaten (even by the highest consumers) and the difficulty in separating the protective effects of citrus from other fruit or vegetables.

Citrus reduces breast cancer risk by at least 10 percent
For the above reasons, researchers in Korea produced a new systematic review which combines previous studies from China, the USA and Australia, in an attempt to clarify the role of citrus fruit in breast cancer prevention. It includes a total of 8,393 participants with ages ranging from 20 to 98. When all the data was combined together, an overall risk reduction of 10 percent was observed for the highest consumers of citrus fruit compared to the lowest. However, if one single study from 20 years ago is left out of the analysis, the results look far better with an average overall risk reduction of about 20 percent.

Interestingly, the largest study of all those in the analysis (with 3,015 participants), and the only one to reach statistical significance on its own (p=0.002), also happened to show the highest protective effect of citrus consumption, yielding 32 percent risk reduction. This study, out of China, also showed citrus to be the most protective of all the fruits observed in the diet (including grapes, peaches, pears, bananas, apples) and on par with the protective effects of vegetables. Most notable is that such a level of protection was achieved with a citrus intake of just 17 to 33 grams daily, which equals about one eighth of a cup of orange juice.

The China advantage: Synergies with green tea?
It appears that Chinese women may require considerably less citrus for protection from breast cancer than Americans. For example, a previous study showed that American women consuming a half-cup serving (125 grams) daily had risk reductions of only 20 percent for postmenopausal, and 17 percent for premenopausal breast cancer. Why might Chinese women be protected by less citrus fruit?

The answer might come from the green tea they drink. A recent and very surprising study from Japan showed that when green tea drinkers consumed citrus fruit daily, they (women) saw a statistically significant 18 percent reduction in overall cancer risk, including a non-statistically significant 26 percent reduction in breast cancer. Importantly, these risk reductions were over and above the protective effects of green tea. Since green tea consumption was not factored into to the Chinese study in this way, it is possible we are seeing a similar synergistic effect in that population.

The new systematic review confirms that citrus fruit clearly has a role to play in breast cancer prevention. While even small amounts of citrus may offer meaningful protection, women looking to maximize their risk reduction should consider eating at least half a cup of citrus fruit daily, and including green tea for its synergizing effects.

Sources for this article include:







About the author:
Ethan Evers is author of the award-winning medical thriller “The Eden Prescription,” in which cutting-edge researchers perfect an effective, all-natural treatment for cancer, only to be hunted down by pharmaceutical interests which will stop at nothing to protect their $80 billion cancer drug cash machine. The Eden Prescription is based on the latest science and draws on real historical events stretching back to the beginning of the “War on Cancer.” Ethan has a PhD in Applied Science.

The Eden Prescription is available on amazon: www.amazon.com/Eden-Prescription-cancer-what-think/dp/1439276552/
Follow Ethan on Facebook for the latest breakthroughs and news on natural medicine for cancer: www.facebook.com/pages/The-Eden-Prescription/130965870291786
For more information: www.edenprescription.com

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Electron Deficiency..

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Might Electron Deficiency Be an Underlying Factor in Most Chronic Disease?

For thousands of years, Eastern civilizations have used forms of energy medicine to unblock and regulate energy channels in the body. For example, acupuncture has a long history of success in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The West has been slow to embrace energy medicine, holding a more biochemical view of the human body, as opposed to “the body electric.”

Hold a stethoscope to your body and you’ll hear a lot of electrical chatter. Your nervous system communicates using electricity (i.e., movement of electrons), receiving and transmitting electrical signals throughout your body. Most of your biological processes are electrical.

Most people in the medical world have no background whatsoever in the electrical world, which is why Clint Ober is so uniquely qualified to offer this fresh perspective, which is brilliantly simple and intuitive, given how our ancestors lived.

Ober spent three decades working in the cable television industry prior to changing course to investigate how Earth’s electrical energy influences health. While struggling to recover from his own healing challenges, he received the following internal whisper:

“Become an opposite charge. Status quo is the enemy.”

This inspiration was the beginning of what could end up being a discovery as groundbreaking as germ theory. What he has discovered could be a major underlying thread in all chronic disease, a phenomenon he calls “electron deficiency syndrome.” The premise is simple. If you are deficient in electrons, your body is unable to effectively combat inflammation.

When inflammation runs rampant, as you probably know, you are vulnerable to a plethora of chronic diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and many other illnesses that are appearing at alarmingly high rates today.

The Earth is the natural antidote for electron deficiency and can provide you with an infinite flow of electrons through grounding, also known as “Earthing.” And I will spend a large part of this article explaining how this works. But here’s the rub. You can’t benefit from this electron flow unless you are directly connected to the Earth. And today, people in industrialized countries are anything BUT connected.

Humankind’s Disconnect from a Healing Source: Mother Earth

Industrialization and the introduction of plastics and other synthetic materials have disconnected us from the Earth and her energy. Whereas we once walked barefoot across the grass and slept on the cool dirt floors of a cave, we now live ABOVE the ground, separated from the Earth by raised wooden floors, rubber-soled shoes, and sometimes hundreds of feet of air, if you live (or work) in a high-rise building.

We are ungrounded—literally!

Have you ever noticed how good it feels to walk barefoot on a sandy beach, or in a forest? There is a reason for that—it’s called the grounding effect. The reason you feel so good on that sandy beach is you are receiving a surge of healing electrons from the ground. The Earth is a relatively infinite source of electrons, having a slightly negative charge. But the Earth’s electrons are free to move. So, when you stand barefoot on that sand, electrons from the Earth flow into your body, a virtual “transfusion” of healing power. This occurs until you equalize with the Earth. Meaning, you cannot get too much—the process simply stops when your charge (your voltage) returns to zero. It’s completely safe and natural.

The Earth is the biggest electrical object, and we are part of it. When you are grounded (i.e., in contact with the Earth), it’s impossible for your body to carry a charge.

Humans used to be naturally grounded. First, we were barefoot, and then we donned leather-soled shoes, which are still moderately conductive. When you wear a shoe with a leather sole, your feet sweat and permeate the leather with moisture and body salts, so the shoe becomes a semiconductor permitting you to receive some electrons.

But, for the past 50 years or so, we’ve added carpets, plastics, synthetic-soled shoes, and athletic sneakers, all serving as non-conductive barriers between the Earth and us. During that same period of time, we’ve seen an explosion of inflammation-based diseases. Our immune systems are struggling.

Pets are designed to be in contact with the Earth as well, but now they live above ground in houses, as we do. Anecdotal evidence shows they are suffering the same effects of electron deficiency as humans. Animals that live in the wild are not bothered with inflammation, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, or even plaque on their teeth. This is why your dog or cat will crawl under the porch and lie on the bare earth if he isn’t feeling well.

What animals have always known, “modern science” is just now figuring out.

Even water is influenced by the Earth’s electrical energy. Water in contact with the Earth has a structure that makes it conducive to healing. When you are grounded to the Earth, it is thought that the negatively charged electrons you are receiving may help increase the structure of the water in your cells—just as water increases in structure when a negative charge is introduced by an electrode. By going outside, barefoot, touching the earth, and allowing the excess positive charge in your body to discharge into the earth, you can alleviate some of the stress on your system. So how does this grounding effect work?

You Are An Earthly Antenna

Your body is a conductor. You are an antenna for the Earth. When you are ungrounded, electric fields are attracted to your body and create a surface charge—a voltage. You know this to be true if you’ve ever shocked yourself after walking across a carpeted floor.

When living above Earth, your charge is positive; when connected to the Earth, your charge is negative—in other words, you become an opposite charge. You accumulate this surface charge any time you’re not grounded. When your charge reaches 3,000 to 5,000 volts and you touch a metal object, ZAP… this is static discharge, the sudden outflow of built-up electrical energy from your body.

This static electricity is the reason workers in microchip factories must be grounded—so they don’t blow the chips. The same goes for operating rooms. Everyone involved in a surgical procedure must be grounded—the patient as well as the medical personnel. Your skin offers some protection from static electricity, but when it’s open (as in surgery), that protection disappears. In fact, in the early days of open-heart surgery, this lesson was learned the hard way when many patients died from static electricity because patients weren’t grounded.

The higher the conductivity between you and the Earth, the more likely you’re going to be grounded. Proximity is key.

The more distance there is between you and the Earth, the greater the charge on your body. In fact, this has been precisely calculated. For every meter you are above the ground, 300 volts of charge will build up in your body. (See The Feynman Lectures on Physics) So, if you are in a second story bedroom, your charge would be 1000 volts, on average. Do you think your risk for illness could be higher living on the second floor? How about the 5th floor, or the 25th? Indeed, a study in 2009 from the University of Iowa revealed a 40 percent increase in stroke risk among people living in multistory homes.

Besides living and working above ground, invisible electromagnetic fields from devices such as cellular and cordless phones, computers, tablets and other technology assault us around the clock. You are bathed in background electricity from ordinary household wiring in the walls of your home, which contributes to your positive electrical charge and therefore increases the stress on your immune system. And if you are on the computer several hours a day, combined with several calls on your cell phone followed by an hour or two of television, you are getting several more hefty exposures to these unnatural electrical fields. If you want an in-depth discussion about Earth’s electrical surface potential, read this article by Gaetan Chavalier, PhD.

Playing with a Voltmeter

If you need convincing, you can watch your own body’s electrical charge wax and wane by availing yourself of a voltmeter, as Clint Ober demonstrates in the above interview. What you need is a low voltage field detector; one that reads in millivolts. Play with this, as it will show you that grounding works!

Measure your body’s charge when you are at varying distances from electrical devices, power cords, your computer, your phone, your refrigerator, etc. You will see that moving away from these objects drops the charge—and grounding zeros you out. This way, you can witness firsthand the effect of these devices on your body, in a very concrete way. You will see that you receive far more electrical noise from devices that are plugged in than from those running on battery power. This is why I recommend NOT using electronic devices while they are charging.

If you’re going to experiment with a voltmeter, make sure you do it safely, using conventional cord that has resistors built into it.

Although grounding does not eliminate dangerous exposure to EMFs, your risk for adverse health effects from them is drastically reduced. Still, I don’t recommend holding your cell phone right next to your head, even if you’re grounded. But grounding is the least expensive, most basic strategy that will allow you to resist that type of biological damage and decrease your body’s risk for developing prolonged inflammation.

Electron Deficiency Syndrome and Inflammation

If you Google the word “inflammation,” you’ll come up with more than 62 million links. This is indicative of just how much of a problem inflammation is. Inflammation is the root of virtually ALL of our chronic diseases. So, the question you should ask next is, what’s CAUSING all of this inflammation? It may very well be a deficiency of electrons—at least, this may be one of the most significant factors.

Electricity is as important for powering your body as for powering your computer and household appliances. We are beginning to understand, with the help of scientists like Clint Ober and James Oschman, that the Earth is our greatest source of healing because it supplies us with an unlimited flow of electrons. These electrons act like little antioxidants—cleaning up the free radicals and toxins that are byproducts of everyday human metabolism and environmental exposure.

Free radicals are primarily produced via metabolic processes, although you also get them from the foods you eat, the water you drink and the air you breathe. Your immune system is the main generator of free radicals, and it’s in operation 24 hours a day. In the process of oxidizing invading pathogens and disposing of damaged cells, your immune system generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are molecules short an electron or with an electron imbalance—they take away electrons from the cell or pathogen.

This creates the need for a “mop” to absorb or give up electrons so that electrical stability can be maintained within your body. Grounding to the Earth fulfills this role—and it’s nearly instantaneous.

Many of these metabolic/electric processes are occurring at the speed of light, just like the electrical current in a wire flows immediately to a light bulb when you flip the switch. When grounding to the Earth, electrons flow instantly into your body, much faster than waiting for particles to travel around in your bloodstream.

How Earthing Affects Your Blood

An important discovery is that Earthing thins your blood, making it less viscous. This has huge implications for cardiovascular disease because virtually every aspect of that disease has been correlated with elevated blood viscosity.

Dr. Stephen Sinatra, cardiologist and Earthing expert, discussed the zeta potential of RBC’s that decreases blood viscosity, when exposed to an electrical field. Within minutes of grounding to the Earth, your zeta potential quickly rises, meaning your blood cells have a greater charge and actually repel each other. This action causes your blood to flow more easily and your blood pressure to drop. When your zeta potential is lower, your blood cells tend to clump together, which is unfortunately what most people’s blood looks like when they are not grounded.

For a visual aid, the difference between grounded and ungrounded blood is like comparing red wine to catsup—thin and flowing with ease, versus thick and sticky and stagnant. Getting back to the increased risk of stroke for folks living in multilevel dwellings, it makes sense when you consider your blood cells being in a perpetual state of “clumping,” which increases the risk of clot formation.

Earth’s Gift to Athletes

The scientific research related to Earthing is really still in its infancy. Nevertheless, studies so far are very promising for a variety of heath benefits. Clint has been involved in more than 30 Earthing studies over the past decade, which have gradually verified that his inspiration to “become an opposite charge” was right on.

I first met Clint Ober about seven years ago through a chiropractor Jeff Spencer. One of the foundational elements he integrates into his training is Earthing. In fact, 200 to 300 of the world’s most elite athletes have been using Earthing as part of their training regimen for the last five years because they feel it offers them a competitive edge, including many professional football players.

Since the athletes were showing such great benefit, researchers at the University of Oregon conducted a study, referred to as the DOMS study (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). Researchers induced inflammation by repetitive and intensive use of a muscle group, and then measured both subjective pain experience and objective markers of inflammation in study participants. The participants were divided into two groups, one grounded and one not. The muscle soreness was essentially the same as what you experience after your first weekend of yard work in the spring—when you wake up a couple days later extremely sore and barely able to hobble out of bed. The results of this study were remarkable:
•White blood cell count was extremely elevated in the ungrounded group, but not elevated at all in the grounded group.
•Bilirubin dropped 40 percent in the ungrounded group but only 5 percent in the grounded. Bilirubin is one of your body’s primary antioxidants.
•The grounded group experienced less pain than the ungrounded group.

Researchers concluded that all signs point to grounding having the effect of markedly decreasing inflammatory response. And this is HUGE as inflammation is key in just about every chronic disease you can name. Reduce inflammation, and you reduce disease. But Earthing has benefits that reach far beyond preventing sore muscles.

Pain Reduction, Better Adrenal Function and Improved Tolerance to Cold

In addition to decreased inflammation, two studies have shown that grounding can stabilize your autonomic nervous system (ANS). Oftentimes, the inflammatory cycle starts with an illness or injury that fails to heal. Besides pain and inflammation, your body’s inability to “restabilize” results in chronic stress. Why is this important? This ongoing stress can lead to adrenal fatigue, which is epidemic today. If your ANS can be stabilized, your chronic stress level will decrease. Grounding appears to be able to do this.

Grounding was found to regulate cortisol levels, according to one small study involving 12 subjects. The 12 were grounded over the course of eight weeks, during which time their saliva levels were monitored for cortisol, DHEA, and other stress-related hormones. All subjects with abnormal cortisol levels normalized, indicating the grounding reduced the stress in their bodies. This has huge implications for public health since the majority of all visits to healthcare practitioners are for stress related disorders.

The new study by Sokal provides even more good news about Earthing’s effects on inflammation. Researchers attempted to answer the question of whether or not Earthing affects human physiologic processes. So, they grounded people and tested their blood and urine chemistry. Just like the prior study, researchers found a significant reduction of inflammation indicators in the grounded test subjects. Specifically, in the group that slept Earthed, they found the following:
•Reduced renal excretion of calcium and phosphorus during a 7- to 8-hour period of sleeping grounded (which reflects a reduced risk of osteoporosis)
•Decreased blood glucose levels (reducing risk for diabetes)
•Decreased free tri-iodothyronine, and increased free thyroxin and TSH (meaning better thyroid function)
•Accelerated immune response following vaccination (as evidenced by gamma globulin concentration), which would suggest a more robust immune system

Having a simple, natural way to reduce stress and inflammation would have benefits for a wide array of medical problems, such as cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes, as well as for issues like carpal tunnel (repetitive stress syndrome). Grounding also appears to help with Raynaud’s syndrome, which involves cold peripheral extremities. Although it isn’t understood exactly how grounding improves temperature regulation, it may be due to the thinning of your blood and improved circulation. It’s interesting that chickens that are allowed to live outside in the pasture don’t freeze, but those in chicken coops need artificial heat to keep from freezing on cold nights. Perhaps chickens grounded in the pasture share similar thermoregulation benefits with people who have Raynaud’s syndrome.

Unearthing the Fountain of Youth

Earthing may actually slow down the aging process. One of the dominant theories on aging is the free radical theory, which is that aging occurs as a result of cumulative damage to your body by free radicals. While you don’t want to completely eliminate ALL free radicals, you do want to maintain a good balance of antioxidant electrons in your body to ensure the damage from free radicals doesn’t’ get out of hand. Earthing can provide this continuous supply of electrons. According to Dr. James Oschman, biophysicist and coauthor of Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?:

“It looks to me, from my study of biophysics and cell biology, like the body is designed with a semi-conductive fabric that connects everything in the body, including inside of every cell. I refer to this system as the living matrix. Those electrons that enter the bottom of your foot can move anywhere in your body. Any place where a free radical forms, there are electrons nearby that can neutralize that free radical and prevent any of those processes: mitochondrial damage, cross linking of proteins, and mutation or genetic damage. So the whole fabric is basically an antioxidant defense system that is in every part of your body.

We have this material called ground substance, which is part of the connective tissue. It goes everywhere in the body. It’s a gel material and it stores electrons. So that if you go barefoot, you will take in electrons and your body will store them, and they will be available at any point where you might have an injury, or any point where a free radical might form.”

So, to summarize then, Earthing offers many potential health benefits from better sleep, to less pain and inflammation, to reducing your risk for diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and I suspect this is just the tip of the iceberg as research in this area is just getting going. So, how do you basically “get grounded”? Let’s take a look at some practical approaches for introducing more Earth energy into your life.

Plugging into the Earth

The best way to gain the benefits of these healing electrons is to simply put your bare feet in contact with the Earth, especially damp Earth, as often as possible. Because water is such a great conductor, seawater is the absolute best. Swimming in seawater, dangling your feet in it, or walking on a sandy beach are all great ways to ground yourself. If you don’t have access to a shoreline, damp grass is a good substitute.

Concrete will work to a degree, but better if it’s got some moisture to it. Sealed or painted concrete, wood, asphalt, and typical insulators like plastic or rubber soles will not allow electrons to pass through.

As I said earlier, the closer you can get to being grounded 24 hours a day, the more benefits you’ll see. Unless you are sleeping in a cave or living on an island somewhere, chances are your domicile isn’t allowing you to be grounded all day every day, and so the most practical alternative is making use of new technology… Which brings me to the grounding mat.

Grounding Mats, Sheets and Patches

Necessity is the mother of invention, and this is certainly true for grounding science. Technology now offers us ways to stay grounded while in buildings, cars, and even airplanes.

There are a variety of mats, pads, sheets and patches that you can put in contact with your bare skin to restore this much-needed connection to the Earth. The grounding device is connected to a cord that plugs into the ground of an ordinary household electrical outlet. The grounding devices have resistors incorporated into them, so they are completely safe to use—you are protected from unexpected electrical currents.

For a grounding mat to work, your outlet must be grounded. In the United States, about 40 percent of houses do not have a ground in the bedroom, particularly homes built before 1970. Even if the outlets have been replaced, they are not necessarily connected to any ground wire, and the only way you can tell is to test them. If your outlet isn’t grounded, then you can have someone install a ground to those outlets. There are a number of ways to do this.

The most important time to be grounded is while you’re sleeping. There are two reasons for this.

First, the average bedroom typically contains more electrical noise than any other room in a house, especially near where your head rests on your bed. You’ve probably got a tangle of wires behind the wall, as well as wires running under the floor if you’re in an upstairs bedroom. Second, you spend a third of your life lying there. This is the time when your body should be repairing and regenerating, and electrical noise interferes with this process, potentially causing chronic stress and inflammation.

I recommend using a grounding sheet on your bed. Earthing happens to be very helpful for sleep. In fact, many people fall asleep within 5 to 10 minutes of becoming grounded. Better sleep and less pain are probably the most immediately appreciated benefits when people begin Earthing.

A Few Medical Precautions

Earthing is so effective that some people have had to decrease their medication dosage. Having to make changes in your meds is not a bad thing, but rather a sign that your body is working better. If you are taking any of the following three types of medications when you begin Earthing, you should be especially careful to observe how you feel and be diligent about monitoring your blood levels:
•Blood Thinners: If you take Coumadin (warfarin) or other blood thinners, your blood is going to get even thinner when you’re grounded, as described previously. You will want to be very diligent about monitoring your blood levels and watching for warning signs, such as bleeding or bruising.
•Oral Hypoglycemics: Grounding is shown to reduce blood glucose levels. A study of rats showed that grounding decreased their blood glucose levels, as well as lowering their triglycerides and body weight by 10 percent. So if you take oral hypoglycemics, you will want to monitor your blood sugar carefully.
•Thyroid: Many people who are on thyroid replacement for hypothyroidism started having heart palpitations within the first few days of Earthing, a sign of thyroid excess, which was confirmed by blood tests. These individuals had to decrease their thyroid dose. Lack of free electrons may be the most unrecognized cause of thyroid dysfunction.

Learn More: Download Free Earthing Book

I am very excited about this Earthing information, and the potential it holds for helping you with a staggering range of health concerns. The idea that nature has influences that are vital for the optimal functioning of your mind and body has been around for thousands of years, and continues to be confirmed by science. Earthing may be the link we’ve been missing, in terms of explaining our inflammation epidemic.

So, you can add Earthing to your “good health tool bag,” where it can enhance the benefits you are already receiving from good nutrition, restorative sleep, adequate water, exercise and effective stress management.

To learn more, I highly recommend downloading a free copy of Clint Ober’s book on Earthing, which reviews the many benefits of earthing in even greater detail.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

Ever Heard Of… Vitamin K!

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

The Vitamin You May Have Never Heard Of… Vitamin K!

Vitamin K is VITAL to the blood clotting process that stops you bleeding to death from injury. It helps to prevent fractures and has been linked to protective effects against coronary heart disease and some types of cancer. It may have a role to play in the brain and cognitive health.

Keep reading if you care about
•Not bleeding to death
•Preventing fractures
•Protecting against heart disease
•Brain health
•Looking good naked

Vitamin K shares a number of similarities with vitamin D. Both substances are fat-soluble. Like vitamin D, vitamin K is important for bone health. Also like vitamin D, vitamin K has been studied for almost a century in relation to one particular area of health (blood clotting), while recent studies have suggested a much wider role in the body.

Some people confuse vitamin K with potassium, because the chemical symbol for potassium on the periodic table is K. These are NOT the same substances and have very different effects in the body.

I will show you why your mother was right about eating greens – they really are good for you – and why eating the whole animal makes sense from both a vitamin K perspective and evolutionary perspective…. Organ meats, anyone? Yummy.

The detailed version starts below, if you are in a hurry, you can skip all the science stuff if you want and go straight to the recommendations part, which will be marked like this


BUT that would be boring and you won’t learn much.

For those sticking with me, let’s get to it.

First, some science background.

What is Vitamin K

Vitamin K is best known for its crucial role in blood clotting. Its name actually comes from the German ‘Koagulationsvitamin’, or ‘coagulation vitamin’, although vitamin K plays a role in anticoagulation and many other physiological functions as well.

Figure 1 Historically vitamin K is known for its role in blood clotting, but it may have a much wider role in the body (photo credit: Sansculotte)

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, along with vitamins A, D, and E. Vitamin K is not one substance but rather a group of compounds with a similar chemical structure. The two naturally occurring forms identified so far are vitamin K1 and K2 and both are biologically active in animals and humans.

Vitamin K1 is found in green plants, where it plays a role in photosynthesis.
•The richest dietary sources of vitamin K1 (400-700 mcg/100g) are the dark green leaves of kale, spinach, collards, Swiss chard, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, parsley, cabbage, mustard greens, and turnip greens.
•Vitamin K1 can also be found in soybean, olive and rapeseed oils (50-200 mcg/100g).

Figure 2 Kale and other green leafy vegetables are a good source of Vitamin K1. (Photo credit: Evan-Amos)
Vitamin K2 is primarily made by bacteria.
•Bacteria in the human gut produce long-chain subtypes of vitamin K2, but it remains unclear how much of this we absorb.
•The vitamin K2 subtype menaquinone-7 (MK7) is found in foods produced by bacterial fermentation like natto (fermented soybeans) and cheese.
•Human and animal tissues such as the brain and arterial walls convert vitamin K1 into a different subtype of vitamin K2, menaquinone-4 (MK4).
•Dietary sources of MK4 include egg yolks, liver and other organs, and (to a lesser extent) meat.

Figure 3 Natto (made from fermented soybeans) is rich in vitamin K2, but doesn’t appeal to everyone as a delicacy! (Photo credit: Gleam)
Synthetic forms such as vitamin K3 are toxic and to be avoided.

Babies derive vitamin K1 and K2 from their mothers’ milk (or from formula if you are unlucky).

Geek box:
•Vitamin K compounds all have a methylated naphthoquinone ring structure.
•In photosynthesis, vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) acts as an electron acceptor during the electron transport chain in Photosystem I.
•In bacterial anaerobic respiration, vitamin K2 (menaquinone) transfers electrons between enzyme complexes in the electron transport chain.
•Cruciferous vegetables belonging to the Brassica genus contain particularly high levels of vitamin K1.
•Vitamin K1 is called phylloquinone, phytonadione or phytomenadione.
•Vitamin K2 is called menaquinone or menatetrenone.
•Vitamin K3 is called menaphthone or menadione.

Completely random side-note.

Whenever I hear the word K2 I can’t help but envisage the MOUNTAIN of the same name in the Himalayas.

Famous for being the second highest mountain in the world and also the second deadliest taker of lives (as big mountains go), this thing is a beast and is considered one of the world’s most difficult summits to climb. Two movies about it I remember are K2 and Vertical Limit, but I digress.


The MOUNTAIN K2 – A beast, but this is not what we are talking about here. (photo credit: Svy123)


Vitamin K1 and K2 are necessary for an important chemical process called carboxylation that allows certain important proteins to function properly. Without vitamin K, these Gla proteins, also known as vitamin K-dependent proteins, would not be able to bind calcium and interact with cell membranes.

Frequently referred to with a traffic light analogy, after speaking about it with my sister, we decided that perhaps the best analogy was your local postal system.

Figure 3: Think of the postal system (photo credit: kladcat)
Think of the postal system. Without stamps (calcium), chances are the envelopes and parcels (Gla proteins) in the mail won’t reach their destinations (tissues throughout the body). When mail doesn’t get delivered, especially crucial mail, life can suck.

The good folks at the Postal Service put the correct stamps in the correct place at the correct time in the correct amount on your mail, ensuring that the system works well (this is the role of vitamin K and associated enzymes).

Vitamin K-dependent proteins play important roles in tissues throughout the body.

Their function is still being understood and is a growth area in science – my bet: vitamin K1 and K2 will have many surprises in store for us yet as the science evolves.

Geek box:
•Vitamin K compounds all have a methylated naphthoquinone ring structure.
•Vitamin K is a cofactor for the enzyme gamma-glutamyl carboxylase.
•This enzyme converts the glutamate (Glu) units or residues of vitamin K-dependent proteins into gamma-carboxyglutamate (Gla) residues that are able to bind calcium.
•The binding of calcium ions is essential to the Gla proteins’ structure and function, facilitating interaction with phospholipids such as cell membranes.

Figure 4 3D image of a Gla protein (photo credit: proteinboxbot)
(note: I am pretty sure I drew this as a three year old)


Hemostasis is the first stage in wound healing and causes bleeding to stop via the blood clotting cascade. Vitamin K (especially K1) is essential to this process.

Drugs prescribed to prevent thrombosis such as warfarin act by blocking the action of vitamin K in all in forms. Warfarin decreases the concentration of vitamin K in body tissues and results in clotting factors with inadequate Gla. People taking warfarin or other vitamin K antagonists need to be especially careful and consistent with their vitamin K intake – please consult your doctor if you are on these medications.

Figure 5 Without the blood clotting cascade you would bleed to death from even a small injury. (photo credit: crystal)
A severe vitamin K deficiency results in bruising and bleeding. It is very rare in adults, but can sometimes occur in newborn babies. This is because vitamin K1 and K2 are not easily transported across the placenta and the baby’s intestines have not yet been colonized with vitamin K2 -synthesizing bacteria. Some pediatricians recommend supplementation with vitamin K for newborns, either orally or through an intramuscular injection. However this is a controversial practice because some studies suggested a correlation between newborn vitamin K supplementation and childhood cancers such as leukemia, although a causal link has not been substantiated.

Geek box: the vitamin K-dependent blood clotting cascade proteins carboxylated in the liver are coagulation factors II (prothrombin), VII, IX, and X, and anticoagulant proteins C, S, and Z.


Studies show that vitamin K has a protective effect against bone fractures and that osteoporosis is associated with low levels of vitamin K.

Figure 6 X-ray showing osteoporosis in the hand and wrist (photo credit: Nevit Dilmen)
Vitamin K2 may be more important than vitamin K1 in this regard, although some studies show also a beneficial effect of vitamin K1 on bone health:
•A number of clinical trials showed that supplementation with vitamin K2 (but not vitamin K1) protects against fractures in the elderly, especially in post-menopausal women.
•In Japan the vitamin K2 subtype MK4 is recommended as a treatment for osteoporosis.
•Japanese people derive the vitamin K2 subtype MK7 through their dietary consumption of natto.

There is inconsistent evidence on vitamin K’s effect on bone mineral density. Some scientists suggest that vitamin K mediates its skeletal effects through other mechanisms, perhaps through collagen metabolism.

Some of you have asked me about the interaction between vitamin K and vitamin D.
Both are important for bone health. For example, vitamin D’s active form, calcitriol, regulates the synthesis of a protein called osteocalcin, but vitamin K activates this protein into a form that can bind calcium. The two vitamins also appear to have a synergistic effect. A clinical study showed that healthy women who took combined vitamin K1, vitamin D and calcium supplements showed greater increases in wrist bone mineral density than the women who took vitamin K1 only or vitamin D and calcium without vitamin K1.

Want good bones, you don’t just need good Vitamin D status, you need to get some Vitamin K action.

Some nutritionists suggest that potential toxic effects of very high vitamin D consumption are in fact only due to vitamin K deficiency, and therefore they advocate co-supplementation as a way to increase total vitamin D intake to higher levels. There is no rigorous evidence to support the safety of this approach.

Geek box:
•Vitamin K-dependent proteins involved in bone metabolism include osteocalcin, matrix Gla protein and periostin.
•Vitamin K-dependent protein S is made by osteoblasts (bone-forming cells).
•Osteocalcin plays a role in bone mineralization and osteoblast and osteoclast activity, and is used as a marker of bone formation.
•The vitamin K2 subtype MK7 induces more complete carboxylation of osteocalcin than vitamin K1.

Cardiovascular System

A build-up of calcium (calcification) in the arterial walls decreases their elasticity and increases the risk of clot formation. In atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), calcification of the atherosclerotic plaque occurs at a late stage of the disease.

Figure 7 Atherosclerosis in the internal carotid artery (photo credit: Patho)
Vitamin K helps to prevent a build-up of calcium in the arteries. A number of large, prospective cohort studies have shown that intake of K2 (but not K1) is associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease and a protective effect against calcification of the coronary and aortic arteries. Vascular calcification is a potential side effect of taking vitamin K-antagonists such as warfarin.

Geek box:
•The mechanism for vitamin K2’s action is likely to be through two vitamin K-dependent proteins that are carboxylated within the blood vessels (rather than in the liver).
•Matrix Gla protein is not only found in bone and cartilage, but also in blood vessel walls and other soft tissues. In the arterial wall, it is expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells and is a potent inhibitor of arterial calcification.
•Gas6 affects vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis (cell death) and movement.

Cell Growth

Vitamin K may have an effect on cell growth through the vitamin K-dependent growth specific gene 6 protein, or Gas6, which promotes cell survival and inhibits cell death. Gas6 protein binds and activates receptor tyrosine kinases, enzymes that can stimulate cell replication and transformation.

In cancer cell lines in vitro, vitamin K has the opposite effect and inhibits cell growth. Prospective studies in humans suggest that dietary intake of K2 (but not K1) is associated with a reduced risk of prostate and lung cancer. However, rigorous clinical trials are needed to explore the potential effects of vitamin K2 on cancer.

Central Nervous System

It is possible that vitamin K in all its forms affects cognitive health via the carboxylation of proteins involved in the brain and nervous system. Vitamin K is involved in the biosynthesis of sphingolipids. These complex lipids are a structural component of cell membranes throughout the body and also play a role in cell signalling. They are present in high concentrations in neuronal and glial cell membranes in the brain. Two other vitamin K-dependent proteins are relevant here. Gas6 protein is involved in cell signalling in both the central and peripheral nervous systems and the anticoagulation protein S is expressed in the brain.

Figure 7: Sphingolipids, Gas6 protein, and protein S are found in the brain – These are all related to Vitamin K (Wiki Commons)

Gut Health

Studies in rats suggest that vitamin K1 and K2 may trigger gene expression of alkaline phosphatase in gut epithelial cells.


By now you should have figured out that vitamin K1 and K2 can be obtained from the diet, and that our own bodies can make K2 from K1. The bacteria living in our gut can also provide us with K2 (as shown by vitamin K deficiency in people taking antibiotics). Both forms of vitamin K are transported around the blood by lipoproteins.

Vitamin K in both forms can be reused in the body because it undergoes a cycle of oxidation and reduction (the vitamin K cycle). However, it is also extensively metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine and in feces (in bile), which means that vitamin K levels need to be continually replenished. Vitamin K1 is the major circulating form of vitamin K and vitamin K2 is the major form stored in the human liver. Vitamin K2 has a longer half life.

As outlined above, the two forms of vitamin K appear to have different physiological actions. Vitamin K1 is preferentially used up by the liver in the synthesis of active blood clotting factors, which may explain its low stores in the liver. Vitamin K2 is linked with skeletal and cardiovascular health.


Symptoms of deficiency include bleeding (including the gums and gut), heavy menstruation, and bruising. Severe deficiency results in low levels of carboxylated blood clotting factors and can lead to uncontrolled bleeding (hemorrhage).

If you’re worried, have a blood test. High serum levels of under-carboxylated prothrombin (coagulation factor II) can indicate sub-clinical vitamin K deficiency. Remember the postal analogy? This is like finding lots of mail without stamps.

Severe deficiency is very rare. People with the following conditions may be at risk of a sub-clinical vitamin K deficiency:
•Fat mal-absorption syndromes
•Inflammatory bowel disease
•Liver disease
•Pancreatic insufficiency

•Cystic fibrosis
•Anorexia and/or bulimia
•Chronic alcoholism

Newborn infants have a higher risk of vitamin K deficiency.

Drugs can affect vitamin K1 and K2 levels in your body. For example, taking antibiotics is associated with low levels. Conversely, large, sudden increases or decreases in vitamin K1 or K2 intake can alter the effectiveness of warfarin and other anti-thrombotics.

If you have any of these medical conditions or are on medication, PLEASE seek your doctor’s advice before taking vitamin K supplements or increasing your dietary intake.


Kiwi, I GET IT. Vitamin K IS Important – But what should I DO?

Clearly, vitamin K is important for the health of our blood, artery walls, and bones.

And vitamin K is likely to have a host of other physiological effects not yet elucidated by science.

No question, food is first, and food is best. I advocate consuming vitamin K in both of its forms through your DIET wherever possible.

Tip: remember that the bio-availability of vitamin K is improved by eating fats and by adequate bile synthesis and fat absorption in the gut. Take down some olive oil with that salad.

Strategically optimize your dietary intake of both K1 and K2 as they appear to have different effects in the body:

For vitamin K1 and blood health:
•Eat plenty of dark green vegetables, such as kale, spinach, collards, Brussels sprouts, parsley and broccoli. When I’m eating out I often order an extra side dish (or two) of spinach.
•Eat them alongside good fats and oils to increase bioavailability of the fat-soluble vitamins in the gut.

Figure 8 Mmm broccoli – a great source of Vitamin K1 (photo credit: David Monniaux)
Figure 9. DOUBLE MMMMMM Chicken livers fried with onions – organ meats are a great source of Vitamin K2 (photo credit: Ludovic Peron)
For vitamin K2 and bone and arterial health:
•Eat eggs and organ meats from poultry, fish and animals. Goose liver pate is a rich source. Our ancestors ate more of the animal than just the prime cuts – why not try it out.
•Other good sources of vitamin K2 include cheese and butter from cows that eat dark green leaves containing vitamin K1 (i.e. grass), but I don’t recommend eating diary products because many people are lactose intolerant.
•Athletic Greens contains 80 mcg of the vitamin K2 subtype MK7. This is processed via fermentation from the same type of bacteria that produce the dietary source of MK7 from natto (see below)
•The richest dietary source of MK7 is natto, a heavily fermented Japanese “delicacy” but due to its smell and slimy texture few non-Japanese people can stomach it. If you’re not brave enough for natto (not many of us are), or if you want to avoid eating legumes for other reasons, just get your vitamin K2 from the sources mentioned above.

Figure 10 Egg yolks are a good source of vitamin K2, and also choline, another one of my favorite nutrients (photo credit: Paul Goyette)

In 2001, the non-governmental organization the Institute of Medicine published Adequate Intake (AI) recommendations for vitamin K of 120 mcg/day for men and 90 mcg/day for women.

You can safely consume more than this in the diet if you want to, because no cases of vitamin K toxicity have ever been reported, to my knowledge. Please note that I’m talking here about the naturally occurring forms vitamin K1 and K2. Do NOT take synthetic vitamin K3 as it can harm you.

As shown by the complementary effects of vitamin D and K on bone, the fat-soluble vitamins can often act synergistic-ally. I recommend that you optimize your intake of vitamins A, D, and K.

The dietary sources for the fat-soluble vitamins tend to overlap, which is helpful. You can get your vitamin A from the same leafy green vegetables and liver that you’re going to eat for vitamin K1 and K2 intake, respectively.

Get your vitamin D from exposing your skin to sunshine, eating oily fish or taking D3 supplements. For more information on vitamin D see my previous post.

Of course, the good folks at team Athletic Greens were nice enough to put Vitamin K2 in the formula, but as always I want you to start with food. Athletic Greens is there for the supercharge component.

So get eat your delicious dark green vegetables, eggs and organ meats to ensure your vitamin K and A intake, and while you’re at it, get outside for some sunshine and vitamin D.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

McDonald’s hamburgers and preservatives.

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Food, Health

McDonald’s hamburgers loaded with preservatives, fillers, and other chemicals

A Utah man’s recent discovery of an old fast food hamburger hiding in a coat pocket serves as a reminder to us all about why we continue to choose fresh foods as close to their natural states as possible over processed foods. What began as a month-long experiment to see how long it takes for a basic McDonald’s hamburger to decompose turned in a shocking revelation for David Whipple, whose 14-year-old McDonald’s hamburger still looks almost exactly the same today as it did back in 1999 when he first purchased it.

Mirroring a similar experiment involving a McDonald’s Happy Meal in the 2004 documentary Super Size Me, Whipple set out back in 1999 to see how long it would take for a McDonald’s hamburger to grow mold and decompose, normal processes that typically occur in natural foods. After one month, the McDonald’s hamburger appeared mostly unchanged, and Whipple eventually forgot about it. Several years later, however, his wife discovered the hamburger in a coat pocket and observed that it still had not changed in appearance, texture, or even smell.

“It wasn’t on purpose,” Whipple is quoted as saying about the now 14-year-old hamburger by ChristianPost.com. “I was showing some people how enzymes work and I thought a hamburger would be a good idea. And I used it for a month and then forgot about it. It ended up in a paper sack in the original sack with the receipt in my coat pocket tossed in the back of my truck and it sat there for, I don’t know, two or three months.”

“My wife didn’t discover it until at least a year or two after that. And we pulled it out and said, ‘Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it looks the same way.'”

Whipple held onto the hamburger for many more years, according to reports, and eventually garnered the attention of the TV show The Doctors, which invited him on the show to feature the eerily-preserved hamburger. As can be seen in the following video clip, the hamburger itself, other than having a dry appearance, has maintained its brown, meat-like color all these years. And the bun, which normally would have molded if it had been made of real bread, is still a toasty golden color with a white inside:

“If the mold won’t eat it, if fungus won’t eat it, if bugs won’t eat it, maybe we shouldn’t be eating it,” stated Dr. Jim Sears, M.D., a pediatrician and co-host of The Doctors, after seeing the burger.

McDonald’s hamburgers loaded with preservatives, fillers, and other chemicals
In response, McDonald’s has since claimed that the reason its burgers do not mold, decay, or change in any perceivable way over time is because they are dried while being cooked and toasted. But this explanation fails to address why even the bun does not mold or decompose.

The real reason why McDonald’s food in numerous tests does not decompose appears to be its high content of preservatives, filler ingredients, and other chemicals that not only keep the highly-processed food appearing fresh, but also detract living organisms from actually eating it. As explained on the blog World’s Oldest Hamburger, a McDonald’s hamburger bun contains at least 20 different additives beyond just the flour, salt, water, and yeast typically used in creating breads.

According to reports, Whipple and his wife have been offered large sums of money for their preserved hamburger, including a $5,000 offer by an East Coast radio station that wanted to use it for a shock promotional campaign. But the couple has held on to the novelty hamburger, and currently keeps it in a small tin shaped like a hamburger.

Sources for this article include:




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Attack Afghanistan with Monsanto GMOs?

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Why didn’t the US just attack Afghanistan with Monsanto GMOs?

It would have been so simple. Flood Afghanistan with Monsanto GMOs. Truckloads of seeds. Tanks full of Roundup herbicide. Result? Nutritionally deficient food crops, chronic disease, poisoning with Roundup. Perfect.

And we know how to do it, because we’ve been doing it to ourselves for almost 20 years. We’ve got it down.

GMO ballot labeling initiatives in Afghanistan? Are you kidding?

Plus…and this is a big winner, Monsanto scientists could have developed a GMO poppy seed. Throw those babies in the growing fields and you’d have gotten some Franken-opium variety. Wildly unpredictable effects. And sprayed with Roundup? Junkies all over the world would rather go cold turkey than shoot that stuff.

Actually, I had a comprehensive plan for closing out the war. It would have worked like a charm. Somehow, the Pentagon wasn’t interested. Now it’s just an historical oddity, a could-have-been. Some day, scholars might cite it in their assessments of US efforts in that far-flung region.

For posterity’s sake, read it. And weep, you Pentagon fools.

Pull all the troops out. Everybody knows we’d have to stay there forever. Kill Taliban, they hide, we leave, they come back. Why go up against that? Just vacate the country.

Then…put a winner of a plan into effect. Something that actually makes sense.

Start easy. From hundreds of planes, drop fast food all over Afghanistan. Burgers. Fishsticks. McMuffins. Legs, breasts, wings. It’s a good intro. Lightens everybody up a little. Two weeks of chicken done right.

Then, from those same planes—candy. Fifty thousand tons of gum drops, jelly beans, Almond Joy, Reese. Hell, Reese all by itself is unstoppable.

Sugar! You’re telling me people can resist sugar? They’ll be scooping that stuff up off the frozen ground. In high mountain areas, tribes live on lichen cooked over yak turds. All of a sudden, here come 20 colors of jelly beans out of the sky!

Give them enough sugar, and they’ll be running in circles one minute and lying back and napping the next. It’s a law of biology.

A month of heavenly candy.

Then next, a million cases of various diet sodas dumped out of our planes. Aspartame! Weird those dudes out. Three months of diet-everything. They won’t be able to find their way back to their yurts. They’ll be bumping into rocks and trees, howling at the moon.

Now comes the heavy action. Carpet bomb the whole country with little TV sets. And beam in soaps, Judge Judy, Rachel Ray, Dave and Jay, Oprah, Little House on the Prairie reruns, Law and Order, CSI, and wait for it – sports! Soccer, and, you guessed it, women’s beach volleyball! Amazons wearing almost nothing running on sand, hour after hour!

“Hey, Ahmed, it’s time for the Friday night tribe meeting.”

“Shh! Beach volleyball! Then Victoria and Billy just adopted a baby. She can’t have kids. Billy paid two million for a little girl. But it’s actually Daisy’s baby. Nobody knows it!”

The fabric of Afghan society comes apart at the seams.

US planes fly over with a few million cases of Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Ritalin. Open the bomb-bay doors. Drop those suckers right down the slot. And tranqs! Valium! Old stocks of Librium.

On the ground, pills and capsules everywhere. You can’t walk by without picking a few up and swallowing them. It’s another law of nature.

So after a few more months, you’ve got the whole country hooked on meds. They’re weaving and wobbling and gnashing their teeth, when they aren’t completely zoned. A suicide problem begins to develop.

And finally, out of those blessed US planes comes the coup de grace. A few million computers. Wireless. Afghanistan is online, which means – that’s right – porn! Porn and gambling!

This, in a matter of, oh, six months, will totally destroy the Afghan culture, such as it is. You see, my friends, we’ve got weapons we didn’t know we had. Real weapons!

So we let all this simmer for a while. We let things take their natural course. We’re out of there. Not a single US casualty is being sustained.

And then, just to make sure we have the entire country enveloped and warped beyond repair, the CIA begins to broadcast, through all those TV sets and computers – take a deep breath—ready?—the AFGHAN HOME SHOPPING NETWORK!


Oh yes, my friends, where there’s a will, there’s a way. Don’t bother bringing up the fact that the Afghan people don’t have money. They’ll find money! They’ll sell each other if they have to! They’ll pawn their yaks and rifles and take out second mortgages on their shacks and huts and yurts.

The Afghan Home Shopping Network won’t be denied. Shampoos, soap on a string, Kleenex, shower caps, earrings, toe rings, rugs, couches, square-dance instruction CDs, kitchen knives, scarves, fans, belts, undies, shoes, pet food, bird houses, pot holders, battery operated hair dryers, perfume, books on tape, storage containers, stockings, lipstick, eye shadow, bathrobes, self-improvement tapes, bracelets…


Absolute conquest.

And not a shot fired.

And when the population begins to develop all sorts of serious symptoms from this campaign, as they surely will, we send in the doctors and the shrinks, and they diagnose! They diagnose diseases and illnesses and disorders from here to Sunday, and they prescribe more (toxic) drugs.

It’s a party.

We do to the Afghans what has been done to us.

Because you see, that’s the pattern. We know it intimately, because we’ve bought into it ourselves.

We’re already that kind of society. Who better to impose it on another population?

And when the people of Afghanistan are softened up, poisoned, and wrecked, we bring in the US public education system and install it. That way we pick up the few remaining holdouts, the kids who have this crazy idea that they want to think for themselves, and we bury them under social programming.

We get those kids collecting aluminum cans and cheering for the 50 or 60 vaccines they’re getting pumped into their already-weakened immune systems. At age six, we teach them the 206 sexual positions described in various ancient texts. We teach them everything equals everything and they must tolerate and respect and celebrate every conceivable point of view.

It’s a blast.

We fly planes over the country dumping chemtrails, and we put fluorides into every water system, to reduce IQ, increase compliance, and promote bone loss.

Now we’re ready for major media outlets. You know, newspapers and TV news networks that do 24/7 he-said he-said and quotes from experts. Beautiful.

And then we can have free elections with candidates from the two major parties. They grin and lie and run for office and people argue and vote and it doesn’t make any difference.

The war is over, no US troops died, no bullets were fired, no bombs were dropped, and everybody’s happy—depending on your definition of happy.

Every once in a while, when the Afghan people start to come out of their trance, the CIA stages a local massacre and the media go crazy. A demand for greater surveillance is invented.

From the high mountain ranges to the lowlands, we’ve got 100 or 200 million video cameras recording everybody, all phone conversations and emails are monitored, and thousands of drones overhead blanket the country with electronic eyeballs.

The government takes away guns. US guns, black-market guns, old Soviet guns, muskets, and stingers, scooped up and shipped to drug cartels for a handsome profit.

All food crops, all trees, all bushes, all weeds, all grass in the country are GMO. The city of Kabul is renamed Monsanto.

It works, it really does.

Pacification, modern style.

Then, back here at home, the Pentagon can take those assets they no longer need for foreign wars…add them to the present considerable DHS arsenal, and deploy them on the domestic front against the restive population, when necessary.

I hereby give the Smithsonian Institute the right to publish, store, and display my Afghanistan war plan along side other military memorabilia.

Sanity deserves a place in history.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

About the author:
The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon
was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of
California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an
investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics,
medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine,
Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon
has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic,
and creative power to audiences around the world.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

The United States of plastic surgery:

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

The United States of plastic surgery: Americans spent $11 billion last year on face lifts, Botox, breast augmentations

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recently released its 2012 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report and the findings are truly astounding. According to the latest available data, Americans and people living in America collectively spent a whopping $11 billion last year on face lifts, Botox injections, breast augmentations and various other purely aesthetic – and technically unnecessary – cosmetic procedures.

The non-profit organization, which supports the interests of the plastic surgery industry, says that in 2012 Americans underwent 1.6 million cosmetic surgeries last year, and these included procedures like face lifts, liposuction, and rhinoplasty, which is also known more familiarly as a nose job. Beyond this, there were an additional 13 million minimally invasive procedures that also took place, including things like Botox injections and dermal fillers.

For the seventh year in a row, breast augmentation was the most popular type of cosmetic surgery performed, according to the ASPS report, with 286,000 operations having taken place. There were also a record-high number of Botox treatments administered, according to the report – a staggering 6.1 million injections of the neurotoxin Botulinum were delivered into the foreheads and in between the eyes of primarily women, all for the purpose of enhancing skin and eye appearance.

Estrogenic world leading many misshapen men to also get plastic surgery
An increasing number of men are also getting plastic surgeries, according to ASPS, and particularly in their chest areas. High levels of estrogen in the environment and food supply as well as sedentary lifestyles have caused many men to develop breasts, for which some of them have opted to receive chest reduction surgery. Every age category of men saw an increase in plastic surgery procedures for a collective total of 1.3 million in 2012.

The cosmetic procedure that saw the most growth overall, however, was brachioplasty, a surgery that involves removing excess skin from the back of the arm. Primarily women with flabby arms are opting for the procedure rather than toning their arms through exercise and proper diet – according to the latest figures, brachioplasty surgery has increased in popularity by 4,378 percent since the year 2000. Back in 2000, only 300 women received the procedure, while 15,457 got it in 2012.

“We are genetically programmed to have different accumulations of fat in different areas, and for some women the arms can be a problem area,” says Dr. David Reath, chair of the ASPS Public Education Committee and plastic surgeon. The only major problem with the surgery, he adds, is that it can leave a visible scar on some women.

Sources for this article include:



The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recently released its 2012 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report and the findings are truly astounding. According to the latest available data, Americans and people living in America collectively spent a whopping $11 billion last year on face lifts, Botox injections, breast augmentations and various other purely aesthetic – and technically unnecessary – cosmetic procedures.

The non-profit organization, which supports the interests of the plastic surgery industry, says that in 2012 Americans underwent 1.6 million cosmetic surgeries last year, and these included procedures like face lifts, liposuction, and rhinoplasty, which is also known more familiarly as a nose job. Beyond this, there were an additional 13 million minimally invasive procedures that also took place, including things like Botox injections and dermal fillers.

For the seventh year in a row, breast augmentation was the most popular type of cosmetic surgery performed, according to the ASPS report, with 286,000 operations having taken place. There were also a record-high number of Botox treatments administered, according to the report – a staggering 6.1 million injections of the neurotoxin Botulinum were delivered into the foreheads and in between the eyes of primarily women, all for the purpose of enhancing skin and eye appearance.

Estrogenic world leading many misshapen men to also get plastic surgery
An increasing number of men are also getting plastic surgeries, according to ASPS, and particularly in their chest areas. High levels of estrogen in the environment and food supply as well as sedentary lifestyles have caused many men to develop breasts, for which some of them have opted to receive chest reduction surgery. Every age category of men saw an increase in plastic surgery procedures for a collective total of 1.3 million in 2012.

The cosmetic procedure that saw the most growth overall, however, was brachioplasty, a surgery that involves removing excess skin from the back of the arm. Primarily women with flabby arms are opting for the procedure rather than toning their arms through exercise and proper diet – according to the latest figures, brachioplasty surgery has increased in popularity by 4,378 percent since the year 2000. Back in 2000, only 300 women received the procedure, while 15,457 got it in 2012.

“We are genetically programmed to have different accumulations of fat in different areas, and for some women the arms can be a problem area,” says Dr. David Reath, chair of the ASPS Public Education Committee and plastic surgeon. The only major problem with the surgery, he adds, is that it can leave a visible scar on some women.

Sources for this article include:



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Your doctor may be misleading you..

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Having recently returned to England after 11 years in the US I must say that although this article is very good, however it isn’t relevent to the UK.

Your doctor may be misleading you about your lab results and what’s ‘normal’

Most Americans have little-to-no medical training whatsoever, so it’s nigh-on impossible for them to figure out what is and is not “normal,” in terms of lab results and so forth.

What’s more, your doctor may not be providing you with complete information either, regarding what is and is not “normal” for you.

According to Dr. Lee Hieb, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in spinal surgery and a past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a free market medical organization, the term “normal” can be used – and misused – in describing the results of lab tests taken by your physician.

Normal versus abnormal

“When you go to the doctor and he does tests, ever wonder how ‘normal’ is determined?” she writes in WorldNetDaily. “Ideally normal should be ‘optimal.’ But, what is optimal for you is not always optimal for me. And, sadly, how we determine ‘normal’ in standard medicine has nothing to do with what would make our bodies’ the healthiest.”

Consider thyroid levels, she says. When the labs “norm” the various studies, they use volunteers – “many times hospital and/or lab employees” – and ask them if they are well on a particular day, then make them part of a random sample. Of the 50 or so employees questioned in the norm test, some of them may actually not be “normal.” Genetic drift, Hieb says, along with a lack of iodine in the diet, exposure to bromine and other factors may mean “a great number of people’s thyroids are not working normally, and they are actually hypothyroid, but haven’t been diagnosed as such.”

Still, though actually abnormal, these participants are lumped into the pool of people “to determine the normal range of thyroid,” thus actually skewing the “normal” range to the abnormal.

Staying with the thyroid, she writes, “TSH is a measure of thyroid function, and as the thyroid fails the TSH gets bigger, we know from studies in the heart as well as bench analysis that if the TSH is above 1, the thyroid function – its effects on different body tissues, is abnormal. Cardiac output, the ability of the heart to pump blood diminishes with a TSH above 1.” But the lab range of “normal” remains 0.4-0.5, which is broad enough to include a good number of sick people.

Consider also, she says, stats for male testosterone levels. A normal 25-year-old has a testosterone level in excess of 150, on average – a level that is found in virile, young, healthy males. But if you are a 55-year-old male who has experienced a “lack of energy, increasing abdominal girth, inability to get benefit from working out and loss of libido,” and “you just don’t feel like yourself,” perhaps you will go to your doctor to inquire about your testosterone level.

Per Hieb:

The doctor gets a blood sample, and your testosterone is 75, which puts you just above the bottom of the “normal range,” and your doctor says, “No, your testosterone is normal – see?”

Of course, what is normal for a 60-year-old may be quite abnormal for a 25-year-old. And certainly, the diminished level of testosterone confirms no biologic advantage. As testosterone declines, muscle wastes, fat deposits rise and thereby estrogen levels in men rise.

‘Free market medicine should be the new normal’
She goes onto note that the risk of developing prostate cancer in men is reduced in those who maintain healthy, youthful testosterone levels. She also notes that higher testosterone levels are associated with heart attack survival – “to name just a few benefits of having a youthful testosterone level.”

In the end, she says, medical professionals should change how they view or think about “normal.” To help in that transition, she recommends that patients ask their doctors questions like, “Well, if that is normal now, what was normal when I was 25?”

“We now have sophisticated testing that assesses “normal” functionally. Instead of taking the average from a bunch of strangers, these tests actually asses the levels of various substances needed to optimize growth and function in an individual patient,” Hieb writes, noting that is the kind of medicine she practices personally – and at age 60, it has left her feeling better than when she was 45.

“Free market medicine for free people also is the best quality medicine. And this truly should be the ‘new normal,'” she says.

Sources for this article include:




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BPA in Baby Bottles Already Banned…

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

BPA in Baby Bottles Already Banned in Canada, Why Not the U.S.?

Although more than 200 research studies show that bisphenol A (BPA) is harmful to human health, the U.S. government has decided that it would rather side with the chemical industry than with children.

The Senate failed to vote on the passage of a bill that would have resulted in a ban on the use of BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups.

And in fact, the ban is no longer even in consideration. According to the Wall Street Journal:

“Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) was the primary backer of a controversial amendment banning the chemical bisphenol A, or BPA, which has been linked to some cancers, in baby bottles and sippy cups.

On Wednesday, she withdrew the amendment from consideration.”

Feinstein says she’ll keep fighting to make the ban a reality.

Dr. Mercola’s Comments:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) amendment to the latest food-safety bill would have banned the use of the toxic chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) from baby bottles and sippy cups, required the FDA to finalize their safety assessment of the chemical by December 2012, and allowed states to ban the chemical entirely if they so choose.

Unfortunately, thanks to heavy pressure from the chemical industry, the amendment has been withdrawn from consideration.

U.S. Babies and Children at Risk From BPA

That BPA should be taken out of all products intended for children is a no-brainer.

Of 115 published animal studies, 81 percent found significant effects from even low-level exposure to BPA. This toxic chemical, an endocrine disrupter, first caught researchers’ attention after normal mice began to display uncommon genetic abnormalities.

The defects were linked to plastic cages and water bottles that had been cleaned with a harsh detergent, causing BPA to leach out of the plastic.

After determining how much BPA the mice had been exposed to, the researchers realized even an extremely small dose of 20 parts per billion daily, for just five to seven days, was enough to produce effects.

Some of the greatest concern surrounds early-life exposure to BPA, which can lead to chromosomal errors in the developing fetus, triggering spontaneous miscarriages and genetic damage. And being exposed to just 0.23 parts per billion of BPA is enough to disrupt the effect of estrogen in a baby’s developing brain.

For this reason, women of childbearing age and those who are pregnant, along with infants and children, should be especially diligent at avoiding BPA.

BPA in Baby Bottles Already Banned in Canada, Why Not the U.S.?

BPA in baby bottles has already been banned in Canada and several U.S. states. Other measures are being considered in 30 U.S. states and municipalities — but at a federal level, the government is treading water and choosing to protect the interests of the chemical industry in favor of public health.

The American Chemistry Council, a lobby group for the chemical industry that issued a statement in early 2010 denying the health hazards of BPA, clearly does not want to see this cash cow bite the dust … nor be held accountable for health problems related to its use. They will pull out all the stops to keep this chemical in your food packaging, baby bottles, and more for as long as possible.

Despite all the research showing serious health effects at low-level exposure, the U.S. FDA has virtually no power to do anything about it because BPA was classified in 1963 as an indirect food additive and is listed among the 3,000 or so chemicals categorized as GRAS (“generally regarded as safe”).

This outdated GRAS designation is what exempts BPA from more careful scrutiny and analysis.

According to the FDA’s regulations, a substance granted GRAS status is not subject to FDA review. The Agency explains these limitations via an “update” on its website:

“Current BPA food contact uses were approved under food additive regulations issued more than 40 years ago. This regulatory structure limits the oversight and flexibility of the FDA.

Once a food additive is approved, any manufacturer of food or food packaging may use the food additive in accordance with the regulation. There is no requirement to notify the FDA of that use.

For example, today there exist hundreds of different formulations for BPA-containing epoxy linings, which have varying characteristics. As currently regulated, manufacturers are not required to disclose to FDA the existence or nature of these formulations.

Furthermore, if the FDA were to decide to revoke one or more approved uses, the FDA would need to undertake what could be a lengthy process of rulemaking to accomplish this goal.”

Where is BPA Found?

In 2009, more than 6 billion pounds of BPA were made, representing nearly $7 billion in sales. It is one of the world’s highest production-volume chemicals and is widely used in the production of:
•Plastic water bottles
•Plastic gallon milk bottles
•Plastic microwavable plates, ovenware, and utensils
•Baby toys, bottles, pacifiers, and sippy cups
•Canned foods and soda cans (most have plastic lining in the cans)
•Tooth sealants

The use of BPA is so pervasive that scientists have found that 95 percent of people tested have dangerous levels of BPA in their bodies.

Again, some of the biggest victims are your children, who may be exposed to the chemical while in utero, and are quite literally “fed” the chemical via plastic baby bottles, sippy cups and toys (which they often put in their mouths).

The cumulative effect of being exposed to minuscule amounts of BPA from cans, bottles, plates and all other sources over the years can eventually spell serious trouble for your health.

One recent study found the chemical can lead to heart disease, diabetes and liver problems in adults, and previous research has linked BPA to:
•Structural damage to your brain
•Hyperactivity, increased aggressiveness, and impaired learning
•Increased fat formation and risk of obesity
•Altered immune function
•Early puberty, stimulation of mammary gland development, disrupted reproductive cycles, and ovarian dysfunction
•Changes in gender-specific behavior, and abnormal sexual behavior
•Stimulation of prostate cancer cells
•Increased prostate size, and decreased sperm production
•Heart disease
•Liver damage

You Can Take Action, Even if the Federal Government Won’t

There has been enough negative press about BPA that the public has been demanding safer, BPA-free alternatives. As a result, as of late summer 2010 BPA bills were pending in five state legislatures, and earlier this year numerous positive steps have been made to get this toxin out of U.S. food containers:
•Vermont banned BPA in baby food, formula and bottles, and will restrict its use in metal food cans starting July 1, 2014
•New York state banned BPA in bottles, sippy cups, pacifiers and drinking straws beginning December 2010
•General Mills announced in April 2010 that it would use BPA-free cans for Muir Glen organic tomatoes starting with the next harvest

Certain manufacturers, including Philips Avent, Disney First Years, Gerber, Dr. Brown, Playtex and Evenflow, have also said they will stop making baby bottles that contain BPA, while several major retailers, including CVS, Kmart, Walmart, Toys R Us and Babies R Us are removing BPA-containing products from their stores.

So the good news is that there are plenty of resources available for you to find BPA-free alternatives for your family. Please support the companies that are removing this chemical from their products, and look for BPA-free labels on all baby bottles and children’s toys you buy.

You can further reduce your family’s exposure to this toxic chemical by following these 11 tips:
1.Only use glass baby bottles and dishes for your baby.
2.Get rid of your plastic dishes and cups, and replace them with glass alternatives.
3.Give your baby natural fabric toys instead of plastic ones, and only BPA-free pacifiers and teethers.
4.Store your food and beverages in glass — NOT plastic — containers. Glass is the safest and most inert way to store your water and food, and is far better than ANY plastic (even BPA-free varieties).
5.IF you choose to use a microwave, don’t microwave food in a plastic container.
6.Use glass, ceramic, or stainless steel travel coffee mugs rather than plastic or Styrofoam coffee cups.
7.Avoid using plastic wrap (and never microwave anything covered in it).
8.If you opt to use plastic kitchenware, at least get rid of the older, scratched-up varieties, avoid putting them in the dishwasher, and don’t wash them with harsh detergents, as these things can cause more BPA to leach into your food.
9.Avoid using bottled water; filter your own using a high-quality filter instead.
10.Before allowing a dental sealant to be applied to your, or your children’s, teeth, ask your dentist to verify that it does not contain BPA.
11.Avoid using canned foods (including soda cans) as the linings often contain BPA. If you do eat canned foods, choose only those that come in BPA-free cans.

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