Is “paleo” the healthiest human diet?

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Food, Health

The hottest thing in nutrition over the last few years is the “Paleo” style of eating (aka, Paleolithic nutrition). In some ways, it’s a simple concept, and it’s common sense… eat a similar hunter-gatherer diet like our ancestors did for over 1.9 Million years, and since this is the diet that the human digestive system is most adapted to during 99% of our existence, good health will follow, and getting a lean body becomes easier.

Some paleo authors though forbid even tiny amounts of grains and dairy in their recommendations, while other mainstream health authors and experts just aren’t convinced yet (or haven’t been explained the science yet) that whole grains can possibly be bad for you in any way.

My thought on this is that not all grains are necessarily bad for you, but some are a LOT worse than others… this is where I see “paleo” nutrition in a slightly different light than some very strict Paleo authors that advise to 100% eliminate ALL grains. I don’t quite see it that way.

A couple things that I keep in mind in terms of deciding on the healthiest paleolithic nutrition plan:

1. For people that are extremely active such as long distance bikers, runners, and athletes that do intense activity for several hours per day, the extra calories from starch that grains give can be useful. The extra calories and carbs from grains can also be useful to those looking to build muscle mass.

However, there’s no reason at all that these types of people can’t fuel their carb needs with potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruit, squash, quinoa, and other non-grain carb sources, and still get the calories and carbs they need without getting all of the gluten and other problematic anti-nutrients that are in many popular grains.

2. Some grains are worse than others. For example, rice and oats still have anti-nutrients, but have a lot less anti-nutrients than wheat does. Rice and oats also don’t contain gluten (unless they contain traces from processing machines that also processed wheat or barley), and as you know, chronic gluten intake can irritate the gut and cause internal inflammation in a large majority of us, even if we’re not Celiac.

This means that rice and oats are more “neutral” than wheat is, and if you’re extremely active and burn boatloads of calories with hours of exercise each day, then rice and oats can be a reasonable source of calories, although still not necessarily the “best” carb source per se.

However, if you’re an average person that exercises a couple days a week, and not daily for hours each day, there’s really no need for the extra calories and carbs that even “neutral” grains provide.

3. It’s important to know that grains are NOT “essential” to the human diet in any way. After all, before agriculture started approx 10,000 years ago, grains were just a very tiny % of the human diet, dating back almost 2 Million years.

Currently, it’s estimated that the average modern day person obtains 67% of their total calories come from only 3 foods — wheat, corn, and soy and their derivatives.

However, ancient paleolithic humans most likely only consumed about 1 or 2% of their total calories from wild grains that they could have gathered. Mass produced grains to make bread, baked goods, and pasta that are modern day staples simply didn’t exist back then.

This means that for 99% of human existence, humans only ate grains in a very tiny fraction of their total calories, and for the last 1% of human existence, we now eat 67% of our total calories from wheat, corn, and soy alone (although technically, soy is not a grain…it’s a legume, but soy has it’s own health issues as well).

Ancient paleolithic humans were very active hunting and gathering each day (and probably fighting off predators too in most locations!), yet somehow us humans managed to “fuel our bodies” for almost 2 Million years without the need for large amounts of grains like modern day athletes resort to as the go-to carb source.

Although I’m not personally a competing athlete in anything, I’m a very active skier, mountain biker, hiker, and weight lifter. But I don’t fuel my body on grains, and I don’t necessarily fuel my body on primarily carbohydrates either. And I feel amazing every single day!

I tend to prefer to fuel my body primarily from healthy fats like avocados, nuts, egg yolks, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter and cream. But I still also fuel my body with small to moderate amounts of carbs each day from eating loads of veggies, raw honey in my morning or afternoon tea, maybe a few potatoes or sweet potatoes each week, squash, and one or two pieces of fruit a day. This type of plan replicates the ancient paleolithic hunter-gatherer diet much more closely than these modern plans loaded with grains at every meal.

I’m sure we’ll talk more about this topic in upcoming newsletters, but let’s look at the big picture here…

The way I see it is that you can probably find a lot of examples of people you know that eat a lot of grains and yet remain lean, and seemingly healthy. This doesn’t mean that gluten and other anti-nutrients they are consuming daily aren’t causing at least some form of moderate internal inflammation, blood sugar problems, or minor digestive problems though in many of these grain-eaters.

I personally don’t avoid grains altogether, but I would say that I only eat grains about 1 day per week, and I try to get variety when I do instead of only one type of grain, so that I’m not always consuming the same types of anti-nutrients which might affect specific minerals from being absorbed in the body. This can lead to some mineral deficiency with over-consumption of certain grains too often.

With all of this said, I think the nutrition community is starting to become more acutely aware of some of the health problems of eating too much grains, specifically modern-day hybridized wheat and GM corn (which is 90% of the corn products in the store). The articles below will help you explore some of the problems that scientists are finding with too much wheat and corn intake:

11 Ways that “whole wheat” can harm your body (including joint problems, skin problems, visceral fat, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune diseases and more)

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Are children being zombified?

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

A conscious parent may be described as one who would like to raise a child who is fully alive to their choices to live free, intelligent, healthy lives, in tune with themselves and connected to nature.

Compare that conscious parental aspiration to these proven facts about behavior in youth in relation to using and viewing media:
•Heavy media use causes worsening grades and less contentment
•Viewing violence can lead to antisocial behavior
•Watching certain rap videos can cause higher incidence of drinking and drugs

•Watching certain videos leads kids to drink earlier
This powerful infographic, “The Repercussions of Growing Up on Screens,” from Healing the World, Healing Ourselves tells more in a colorful way.

Vigilance against the zombie-war on children
Children of any age can succumb to the forces of “zombification.” Zombifying factors on the loose include glorification of addiction, vaccines, propaganda-filled education, pesticides, overmedication, and of course, the mind-hooking programming of the media, which children and youth view and use for 7 to 10 hours per day!

Just recently, for example, professional basketball announcers across the country promoted how “cool” it is to be a “zombie.” Nationwide, broadcasters described the Boston Celtics, who had just won an elimination game, as “zombies” who the New York Knicks “just couldn’t bury.” The seeds were planted for how “cool” it is to be in a state of the living-dead, in a semi-waking sleep. In a “cool minute,” the media had produced more zombie-slaves in the next generation.

Alternately, what type of media could lift up our children’s consciousness, strengthen their life-force which is eternally under attack, and support their sovereignty, inspiring self-knowledge, health, and connection to nature?

Discover a revolutionary new dance video

Aaron Ableman is an acclaimed entertainer and visionary behind Heal the World, Heal Ourselves, a platform seeking an increase of positive entertainment alternatives for children and families. With the backing of hundreds of major orgs and celebs (including one of the campaign supporters being the company that brought us “Food Fight”, reviewed by Mike Adams here), Ableman has led the creation of a showcase video called”I Heart Nature.”See this amazing new video on YOUTUBE.

Ableman says, “Unprecedented child and youth media consumption influences mass behavior is causing a myriad of health, social, and environmental crises. Children’s behavior isdisproportionatelyinfluenced by popular media like music and television. We’ve launched the “Heal Our World, Heal Ourselves” campaign (alongside with a film for children)to increase the entertainment options for parents and children. The campaign has launched with over 100 organizations, celebrities and kids inviting mainstream media to support uplifting children’s entertainment.”

Further, Ableman says he feels “a huge responsibility to help inspire and uplift the next generations through media, which is the message carriers of our lives… As a producer reaching thousands upon thousands of children, I must engage in the process of creating a fresh aesthetic that feels like what’s popular while still delivering a positive and educational message…”

“Forage City” App empowers people to share and eat food that grows in urban yards and trees

Forage City is another example by which youth are empowered through media. In fact, teen youth developed Forage City, a smartphone app that allows people in a city or town to share and find surplus yard produce in their community. The brilliance and innovation of youth is empowering people to eat local, non-chemically treated food, no matter what is stocked at their supermarkets and inconvenience stores. Youth Radio supported the teens’ development of Forage City.

Consciously re-thinking the media

What would be possible for the future of natural living if the role of youth media was completely rethought and reconstituted? And perhaps more relevant to our conversation here, what is the real-life impact of popular culture and media on your children?

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Michael Bedar MA, BS, is a researcher, writer, and holistic wellness counselor. After ghostwriting in natural health publications and writing-directing documentary films, he will be publishing a book in his name in 2013. He is the associate producer with a founding role in the documentary, “Simply Raw: Revering Diabetes in 30 Days” and is the writer-director of “EcoParque.” He now distributes approximately 50 film, ebook, and audio titles through He facilitates local and online natural wellness and spiritual growth programs that help people to live in healthy homes, support their natural fertility, encourage their optimal nutrition, and come into their full presence. He is the Co-Director of Tree of Life – Bay Area, and he has an MA in Live-Food and Spiritual Nutrition from the Cousens School of Holistic Wellness. Bedar”s BS from UCSD is an interdisciplinary concentration of Environmental Chemistry, Law and Society, and Design Anthropology.

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Ayurvedic medicine can change your life..

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Six ways Ayurvedic medicine can change your life

China has their ancient medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and India has its ancient medical version called Ayurveda. Both go back 5,000 years or more. This article focuses on Ayurveda.

Good Ayurveda practitioners can determine potential health problems before modern allopathic expensive instruments can, and then do what’s necessary to prevent them safely without expensive instruments.

They do this by examining skin tone and color, eyes, and the tongue, using a sophisticated awareness of the tongue’s subtle characteristics that indicate different health issues.

They also determine different aspects and nuances of your pulse by hand, not just pulse rate and strength. Then they ask questions about your lifestyle including diet, exercise, and mental and emotional issues.

All of this determines your doshas and their probable imbalance. A dosha is a unique body/mind principle or dynamic. There are three basic doshas and each is subdivided into five categories.

The doshas are vata (wind), pita (heat or fire), and kapha (earth and water). Each dosha contains one or two of Ayurveda’s five elements: Air, space, fire, earth, and water.

Although we contain all three doshas, one or more is usually predominant and it determines our metabolic type and essential constitutional nature, or prakuti. Then a dietary list is prescribed with herbs as required.

If those doshas are a train wreck, then panchakarma, Ayurveda’s lengthy total cleansing regimen under close supervision, is recommended.

Some people who underwent panchakarma in Albuquerque, NM, which seems to have the highest per capita concentration of Ayurveda clinics in the USA, experienced radical health improvements, and one even claimed it saved her life.

Essentially, Ayurveda is aligned with natural laws and dynamics without arrogantly trying to one-up nature.

Six ways Ayurveda improves your health
(1) Herbs: A variety of herbs is contained in an Ayurveda clinic’s private pharmacy. They are dispensed from their own bulk stocks, and they target one’s health issues specifically.

Triphala powder, for digestion and elimination, is the most generally prescribed herbal for westerners who have indulged in the standard American diet.

Ayurveda considers good digestion the key to good health, while poor digestion creates disease.

(2) Overall diet: A complete list of foods that often doesn’t require or exclude meats is given to the client according to his or her dosha distribution or prakuti for optimum metabolism. The largest meal should be as close to peak sunshine as possible, and breakfasts should be small.

Peaking sunshine corresponds to the digestive tract’s optimum fire, or agni for digestion. Ayurveda teaches that drinking cold beverages during mealtime diminishes one’s agni. Ayurveda eliminates soy products unless they’re fermented and recommends eating fruits separately from other foods.

(3) Ginger root: Ginger tea is the beverage of choice in Ayurveda. It is often served in clinic waiting rooms. Anti-inflammatory ginger is often used in Ayurveda cooking, especially with a dish called kitcheri.

(4) Kitcheri: A dosha-balancing restoration diet that one can do anytime is kitcheri as the main meal for a few or several days. Kitcheri is a blend of several spices, including turmeric, with a basmatic rice and mung bean or lentil stew.

Scroll down the linked list of recipes and you’ll find kitchari and a couple of chutnis that can delightfully spice up that kitcheri (

(5) Warm lemon water upon arising is an Ayurveda practice. But before downing that water, scrape your tongue as cleanly as possible with a tongue scraper to get rid of the ama coating, the tongue’s evidence of toxic residue from poor digestion.

(6) If you can find a nearby Ayurveda clinic or have the wherewithal to stay in a motel or hotel for 10 days in an area that has a clinic offering panchakarma, such as Albuquerque, you can have your health turned around dramatically. Here’s how (

Sources for this article include:

What is Ayurveda?

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Health Starts with Your Diet….

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Food, Health

Are you afraid that trying to eat healthily will drain your wallet? Not to worry — some of the healthiest foods in the world are actually very, very cheap. Planet Green lists a number of foods that are great for your body but won’t break the budget:


It’s loaded with vitamin C, vitamin B, and calcium, and costs just over a dollar a bunch.

Broccoli and Cabbage

These low-cost cruciferous vegetables neutralize toxins in your liver.

Winter Squash

It’s just a few dollars a pound, it’s a good source of vitamin B6 and folate.

Sweet Potatoes

They’re full of fiber, protein, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

Adzuki Beans

Adzuki beans contain some of the highest levels of protein of any variety of beans, and they also contain high levels of potassium, fiber, B vitamins, iron, zinc, and manganese.

Black Beans

These are a good source of folate, dietary fiber, manganese, protein, magnesium, vitamin B1 (thiamin), phosphorus, and iron.

Sunflower Seeds

Raw sunflower seeds contain 76 percent of the RDA for vitamin E.


Almonds are good for heart health and loaded with vitamin E.

To see the rest of their cheap superfood selections, along with a recipe for each food, click on the link below.

Dr. Mercola’s Comments:

It’s impossible to talk about health without coming back to the basics, namely food. The state of your physical health is the result of what you put into your body, and how you live your life. Unfortunately, the financial situation of most people is strained these days, to say the least. But that doesn’t mean you can’t maintain good health through your diet.

It’s a common misconception that buying pre-packaged processed foods is less expensive than eating fresh and cooking from scratch, but don’t fall for this notion. When you consider the nutrient value of fresh versus processed-to-death denatured foods and the subsequent health consequences of each choice, it’s quite clear that you can eat well and improve your health and still not spend a fortune.

Health Starts with Your Diet

Your body was designed to maintain equilibrium of health, and one of the basic cornerstones is your diet. Unfortunately, most Americans are flat out delusional about what constitutes healthy eating.

When you’re misinformed about what foods are actually healthy, then even the strictest adherence to your diet will get you nowhere.

I think part of the problem is that a lot of people do not understand what “processed food” means. They keep thinking they’re eating healthy because they leave the lettuce on their Big Mac’s, and they choose vitamin water over soda and eat microwaved veggies with their dinner…

One key aspect of eating healthy is eating non-adulterated foods—foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. If you do that, then basically everything you eat is a “superfood.” You need nutrients—all of them—and nutrients are found in abundance in fresh, raw foods.

Still, lists like the one by Planet Green above, and mine below, can be helpful to steer you in the right direction. Just remember that broccoli, for example, will likely not be a superfood any longer if you buy the pre-packaged, sauced-up variety that comes in a microwaveable bag… Ditto for canned health foods like beans and vegetables, and irradiated and pasteurized almonds.

In order for any of these foods to impart the health benefits you’d expect, they must be eaten as close to their natural state as possible. If you don’t understand (and implement) this key point, you’ll never experience the truth of your diet being your number one health insurance policy.

Eating for Your Personal Biochemistry

Another important factor is that we all have different nutritional needs. Everyone needs the basic nutrients of fats, protein and carbohydrates, but the ratio of these will vary from person to person based on their personal biochemistry, or simply “nutritional type.”

There is no one-size-fits-all diet—even if you’re only eating healthy foods.

A simple way to ascertain how well-suited your diet is for your constitution is to evaluate how you feel after eating. If you feel hungry, irritable, sleepy or sluggish after you eat, it’s a sign that you’re likely not giving your body the fuel that it needs to do its job properly.

I outline the details of nutritional typing in my book Take Control of Your Health, but I’m pleased to now also be able to provide the entire online nutritional typing program for free to everyone. We’ve previously charged $29 for this program that we’re now offering free of charge. It’s such an important factor, I urge you to take advantage of this offer to improve your health.

Take a fresh salad, for instance. On the surface, this is a healthy meal. Yet, the same salad is not ideal for everyone. Your body may do best with some chicken, olive oil and onions added. Or you may feel better by adding some grass-fed steak, and using spinach instead of lettuce.

Additionally, while vegetables have potent medicinal qualities, the amount and type of vegetables you should eat daily will also depend on your nutritional type.

For example, Swiss chard, as well as collard greens, kale, and regular lettuces are typically too high in potassium for protein types and will tend to cause biochemical imbalances, whereas these veggie varieties are on the recommended list for carbohydrate types. Protein types tend to do better with vegetables that are lower in potassium, such as cauliflower, green beans, spinach, asparagus, mushrooms, and celery.

So, although some foods may not be deemed a “superfood” in general, if they’re right for your constitution, then they are superfoods for you (again, provided they’re not processed or cooked into oblivion).

Once you know which foods your body needs (and which you do better without), you will truly be on the road to increased energy, an upbeat mood, and a decreased risk of chronic disease. In short, you’ll be on your way to reaching optimal health.

Diet as “Health Insurance”

While the Green Planet article above focuses on nutrient-dense foods that are easy on the pocketbook, I want to redirect your attention here to foods rich in nutrients that can help stave off a majority of health problems—foods that really give you lots of value. Some of these foods would not make the ‘Most Inexpensive’ list, but their value to your health is tremendous.

As I’ve discussed on numerous occasions, one of the primary risk factors of diseases of all kinds is chronic inflammation in your body. Low inflammation levels and a strong immune system typically go hand in hand, and together these two factors lay the groundwork for robust health.

Some of the foods below are both inexpensive and highly nutritious while others do cost a bit more but can go a long way toward healing your body of chronic inflammation and boosting your immune system naturally, without resorting to either supplements or drugs.

Some of these foods are also excellent detoxing agents, which is yet another important factor to consider as most of us are exposed to toxic chemicals on a daily basis, even when we actively try to avoid them.

Optimal Health “Superfoods” that Harness the Innate Power of Your Immune System and Quench Inflammation

Unpasteurized grass-fed milk — Raw organic milk from grass-fed cows contains both beneficial fats and bacteria that boost your immune system. An outstanding source of vitamin A, zinc, and enzymes, raw organic milk is not associated with any of the health problems of pasteurized milk such as rheumatoid arthritis, skin rashes, diarrhea and cramps. Although raw milk availability is limited in the US, depending on where you live, you can locate the source closest to you at

Whey protein — Even if you don’t have access to raw milk, you can use a high-quality whey protein derived from the milk of grass-fed cows to receive much of the same health benefits. Whey protein contains beta-glucans and immunoglobulins, which protect your immune system and support your body’s natural detoxification processes.

Fermented foods — If you are serious about boosting your immunity, then adding traditionally fermented food is essential. One of the most healthful fermented foods is kefir — an ancient cultured, enzyme-rich food full of friendly microorganisms that balance your “inner ecosystem” and strengthen immunity. Besides kefir, other good fermented foods include natto, kimchee, miso, tempeh, pickles, sauerkraut, and olives.

Raw organic eggs from free-range chickens – Raw, free-range eggs made it to my 2008 list of the 10 Healthiest Foods Under $1, and they’re still an inexpensive and amazing source of high-quality nutrients that many people are deficient in, especially high-quality protein and fat. A single egg contains:
•Nine essential amino acids.
•Six grams of the highest quality protein you can put in your body. Proteins are nutrients that are essential to the building, maintenance and repair of your body tissues such as your skin, internal organs and muscles. They are also the major components of your immune system and hormones.
•Lutein and zeaxanthin (for your eyes).
•Choline for your brain, nervous- and cardiovascular systems.
•Naturally occurring B12

And as long as you have a good source for fresh, organic eggs, you need not worry about salmonella if you choose to eat them raw. To find free-range pasture farms, try your local health food store, or go to or

Grass-fed beef or organ meats — Grass-fed beef is very high in vitamins A, B12 and E, omega-3 fats, beta carotene, zinc and the potent immune system enhancer CLA (conjugated linoleic acid, a fatty acid). But don’t confuse “organic” with grass-fed, since many organically raised cows are still fed organic corn, which you don’t want. However, most grass-fed cows are raised organically.

Coconut oil — Besides being excellent for your thyroid and your metabolism, coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which converts in your body to monolaurin – a compound also found in breast milk that strengthens a baby’s immunity.

Its medium chain fatty acids, or triglycerides (MCT’s) also impart a number of health benefits, including raising your body’s metabolism and fighting off pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. Additionally, a very exciting and recent discovery is that coconut oil may serve as a natural treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, as MCT’s are also a primary source of ketone bodies, which act as an alternate source of brain fuel that can help prevent the brain atrophy associated with dementia.

Make sure you choose an organic coconut oil that is unrefined, unbleached, made without heat processing or chemicals, and does not contain GM ingredients.

Berries — Blueberries and raspberries rate very high in antioxidant capacity compared to other fruits and vegetables. They are also lower in sugar than many other fruits. Other good ones include natural cranberries, which have five times the antioxidant content of broccoli, and have been found to decrease total cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol) levels in animal studies. Unsweetened cranberry juice has also been traditionally used to successfully treat urinary tract infections.

Broccoli – Broccoli is also on Green Planet’s list, and for good reason. This humble vegetable is indeed a superfood with near miraculous powers of healing and disease prevention. It contains the highest amount of isothiocyanates, a cancer-fighting compound, of all the crunchy vegetables. Isothiocynates work by turning on cancer-fighting genes and turning off others that feed the disease.

Other vegetables containing isothiocyanate include:
•Brussel sprouts

Research has shown that eating cruciferous vegetables can significantly reduce your risk of breast, bladder, lung and prostate cancer. Best of all, you don’t need to eat massive amounts of these veggies to take advantage of their health benefits. Studies have shown that just 10 spears a week (5 servings) can make a difference in your health.

Chlorella – A superfood if there ever was one, chlorella is a single-cell freshwater algae that acts as an efficient detoxification agent by binding to toxins (most of which promote chronic inflammation), such as mercury, and carrying them out of your system. The chlorophyll in the chlorella helps you process more oxygen, cleanses your blood and promotes the growth and repair of your tissues. (For more information, please see my interview with expert, Ginny Banks.)

Tea – As for beverages, clean pure water is a must for optimal health, but if you want another beverage, a good choice with added health benefits is high quality herbal teas.

Matcha tea is the most nutrient-rich green tea and comes in the form of a stone-ground powder, completely unfermented. The best Matcha comes from Japan and has up to 17 times the antioxidants of wild blueberries, and seven times more than dark chocolate. Tulsi is another tea loaded with antioxidants and other micronutrients that support immune function and heart health.

Is Organic Worth the Price?

Last but not least, when shopping for fresh foods, do you have to buy everything organic?

I’ve noted a few instances in my list above where organic is essential, such as when buying eggs, dairy products (including milk, yoghurt, cheese and butter) and meats. Ideally, you’ll want these to come from free-range, grass-fed animals that have been raised organically. If you can’t afford to buy everything organic, focus your attention on these instead of organic vegetables. They will actually give you the greatest health benefits for your money.

This is because conventionally-raised animal foods, which are given pesticide-laced feed, tend to have higher concentrations of pesticides. Non-organic meats can have up to five times more pesticides than non-organic vegetables! Conventionally-raised animal products also contain inferior nutrition.

That said, most fruits and vegetables contain unacceptable and unsafe levels of pesticides, so it’s a wise choice to buy organic produce as often as you can. Alternatively, and perhaps even preferably, look for fresh, locally-grown fruits and vegetables that are in season, as oftentimes locally grown foods are raised according to organic standards at a more affordable price.

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Four Commonly Overlooked Superfoods..

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Food, Health

One of your most basic health principles is to eat a diet of whole, nutritious foods rather than processed fare. Cutting out grains and sugar (particularly fructose) — which happens more or less naturally once you ditch processed foods from your diet — will take you a long way toward normalizing your weight and improving your health.

But what are the best foods to eat in place of foods you shouldn’t eat?

In her new book The Drop 10 Diet, Lucy Danziger, editor-in-chief of Self Magazine, describes how focusing on so-called “superfoods” might change the way you look at weight loss. And she certainly has a good point.

Feeding your body the right nutrients rather than stuffing it with “empty” calories will beannot only help you lose unwanted pounds, it’s a key ingredient for living a long and healthy life. Believe it or not, many people who are obese area actually profoundly malnourished.

“At the end of the day, you invest in your wardrobe and your hair and your car and everything else. So invest in your body. Because it’s supposed to last for 100 years,” she recently told CNN Health.1

According to the featured article, the term “superfood” was coined in 2004 by Dr. Steven Pratt, author of Superfoods Rx: Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life. He, like Danziger, points out that this kind of eating goes beyond the idea of dieting. It’s really a way of life. “It’s the non-diet diet. It’s food you can eat for a lifetime,” he tells CNN.2

According to Pratt, a superfood fulfills three qualifications:
1.Are readily available
2.Contain nutrients known to enhance longevity, and
3.Have health benefits backed by peer-reviewed, scientific studies

Pratt’s website lists a total of 20 examples, which include:
1.Wild-caught salmon
4.Berries, and
5.Green tea

Four “Superfoods” that are Actually Best Avoided…

While I agree with the vast majority of Pratt’s selections, especially the five listed above, I disagree with the following four, as I believe these may have more harmful than beneficial effects for most people:
1.Beans. The primary concern with beans is that they are relatively high in carbohydrates and are loaded with lectins that may be incompatible with many people. It is also high in phytic acid which is a potent mineral chelator. If you are going to use beans they need to be soaked for 24 hours or longer and frequently changing the water. They are not perniciously deadly foods, but they in no way shape or form qualify as a superfood.
2.Low-fat yoghurt: Not only is the low-fat ideology completely false, low-fat yoghurt is also pasteurized and typically loaded with added fructose. Taken together, these three factors put commercial low-fat yoghurt squarely on my list of items to avoid.

To reap the benefits that real yoghurt can provide, opt for homemade fermented yoghurt, using either raw, ideally pastured organic raw milk, full fat organic milk (not low fat or skim).
3.Soy: If you were to carefully review the thousands of studies published on soy, I strongly believe you would reach the same conclusion as I have — which is, the risks of consuming unfermented soy products far outweigh any possible benefits. Furthermore, genetically engineered soy pose additional health hazards over and beyond the damage caused by unfermented soy itself. The only type of soy I recommend is traditionally fermented organic soy products
4.Dried fruits: While whole fruits are excellent sources of nutrients and antioxidants if consumed in moderation, they also tend to be high in fructose, and dried fruits even more so. If you are in the minority of people who are not struggling with insulin resistance, then small amounts of dried fruit would probably be fine, but if you have type 2 diabetes, are pre-diabetic, obese, hypertensive, or have symptoms of heart disease, you’re better off avoiding dried fruits until your weight and insulin levels have normalized

Four Commonly Overlooked Superfoods

Avocado made Pratt’s list, and its status as a superfood cannot be overemphasized. Besides being rich in potassium (twice as much as that of a banana), avocados are a great source of healthful monounsaturated fat, which is easily burned for energy. This makes it an excellent replacement for grain carbs and other sources of sugar. Remember, when cutting out carbs, you need to replace those calories with healthy fat, which is actually a far better source of energy for your body and brain than carbohydrates.

Four additional superfoods not on Pratt’s list, which I believe most people could benefit from, are:
1.Coconut oil: 50 percent of the fat content in coconut oil is a fat rarely found in nature called lauric acid that your body converts into monolaurin, which has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-protozoa properties. Coconut oil is about 2/3 medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which produce a whole host of health benefits, including stimulating your metabolism. MCFA’s are also immediately converted to energy — a function usually served in the diet by simple carbohydrates — so like avocados, coconut oil is an ideal replacement for unhealthy grain carbs.
2.Bone broth: Simmering leftover bones over low heat for an entire day will create one of the most nutritious and healing foods there is. You can use this broth for soups, stews, or drink it straight. The “skin” that forms on the top is the best part. It contains valuable nutrients, such as sulfur, along with healthful fats, so just stir it back into the broth.
3.Fermented vegetables: Almost everyone has damaged gut flora these days, unless you’re part of the minority that eats a strict organic whole foods diet and avoids antibiotics. Fermented vegetables are one of the most palatable fermented foods that can provide you with a robust dose of beneficial bacteria, known as probiotics, which are critically important for optimal physical and mental health. Additionally, fermented foods are very potent detoxifiers, capable of drawing out a wide range of toxins and heavy metals, including some pesticides.
4.Raw macadamia nuts are a powerhouse of a nut, containing a wide variety of critical nutrients,3 including high amounts of vitamin B1, magnesium, manganese and healthful monounsaturated fat, just to name a few.

Gastrointestinal Cancers Likely Reduced by Consumption of Green Tea

In related news, green tea has once again demonstrated why it deserves being ranked as a superfood. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition4 found that regular green tea consumption, defined as drinking green tea at least three times a week for more than six months, was associated with a 17 percent reduced risk of all digestive cancers combined.

The study included approximately 75,000 middle-aged and senior women enrolled in the Shanghai Women’s Health Study. Mean follow-up was 11 years. The digestive cancers most strongly reduced by regular green tea consumption were stomach/esophageal and colorectal cancers. (Women who had ever smoked or who drank alcohol were excluded from the study.)

Women with higher rates of consumption, drinking two to three cups per day, had an even greater risk reduction — 21 percent — for for all cancers of the digestive system, and, those who had been drinking green tea for at least 20 years had a reduced cancer risk totaling 27 percent.

“These results suggest long-term cumulative exposure may be particularly important,” lead researcher Sarah Nechuta, Ph.D., MPH told Medical News Today.5

This certainly isn’t the first time green tea has been associated with reduced cancer risk. Previous tests of one of the active ingredients in green tea, called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), showed it could kill cancer cells in samples of skin, lymph system, and prostate tissue taken from both humans and mice, while leaving healthy cells unharmed. Previous studies have also indicated that EGCG may be helpful in preventing:
•High blood lipid
•Cerebral thrombus
•Pain and inflammation related to rheumatoid arthritis

Green Tea Lowers Blood Sugar Spikes and May Aid Weight Loss

Yet another study, published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research,6 found that EGCG found in green tea had a significant impact on blood glucose levels in rats when consumed in combination with starchy foods. Blood glucose levels in rats given the equivalent of one and a half cups of green tea for a human were about half as low as in the controls that received the same food but no EGCG. Interestingly, the compound was most effective when given simultaneously with corn starch. No effect was seen when administered with glucose or maltose.

The research raises the possibility that green tea might help you control blood sugar spikes associated with starchy foods when consumed simultaneously. Keep in mind that adding sugar to your tea will likely negate this beneficial effect. And, besides that, no amount of green tea in the world will ever negate the overall detrimental impact of donuts and bagels…

That said, green tea has repeatedly been shown to have a beneficial impact on weight by improving fat burning and metabolism. A couple of the proposed mechanisms for this effect include the activation of hepatic lipid catabolism, which involves the release of energy resulting in the breakdown of complex materials, and increased levels of fat oxidation and thermogenesis, where your body burns fuel such as fat to create heat.

My personal favorite is Matcha green tea, as it has a wonderful flavor and superior nutrient content as it has not been damaged through processing. The best Matcha green tea comes from Japan and is steamed, rather than roasted or pan-fried. As a result, Matcha green tea retains all the nutrient-rich value possible from the tea leaf.

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Nuts are good, Lower Your Risk of Diabetes

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Many people needlessly shun raw nuts from their diet, believing their fat content contributes to weight gain. A new study once again puts this myth to rest, showing instead that eating nuts doesn’t lead to weight gain and may actually help you to slim down.

Eating Nuts May Help You Achieve Your Ideal Weight

In the new review of 31 trials, those whose diets included extra nuts or nuts substituted for other foods lost about 1.4 extra pounds and half an inch from their waists.1

The weight loss, though small, suggests that adding healthful amounts of nuts to your diet can help you to maintain your ideal weight over time. And at the very least, researchers concluded:

“Compared with control diets, diets enriched with nuts did not increase body weight, body mass index [BMI], or waist circumference in controlled clinical trials.”

In fact, if you’re watching your weight, a small handful of nuts like almonds is a better snack choice than a snack high in complex carbohydrates, such as a bran muffin. Past research also bears this out, showing that eating nuts is beneficial for your weight.

In one study comparing those who ate a low-calorie diet that included either almonds or complex carbs, the almond group had a:2
•62 percent greater reduction in their weight/BMI
•50 percent greater reduction in waist circumference
•56 percent greater reduction in body fat

A separate study in the journal Obesity also found that eating nuts two or more times per week was associated with a reduced risk of weight gain.3

Nuts Help Your Heart, Lower Your Risk of Diabetes

As a natural, whole food, nuts are excellent sources of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that can boost your health in numerous ways above and beyond weight control.

For instance, a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that those who ate nuts gained numerous benefits compared to non-nut eaters, including:4
•Decreased body mass index and waist circumference
•Lower systolic blood pressure
•Lower weight
•Less likelihood of having two risk factors for metabolic syndrome: high blood pressure and low HDL (good) cholesterol (for nut consumers)
•Less likelihood of having four risk factors for metabolic syndrome: abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high fasting glucose and a lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome (for tree nut consumers)

Researchers concluded:

“Nut/tree nut consumption was associated with a decreased prevalence of selected risk factors for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and MetS [metabolic syndrome].”

If you’re interested in protecting your heart health, snacking on nuts is a far better option than snacking on whole grains, which are often touted as a heart-healthy choice. A study in the journal Circulation found people with abnormally high levels of lipids, such as cholesterol, in their blood, were able to significantly reduce their risk factors for coronary heart disease by snacking on whole almonds while those who snacked on whole-wheat muffins got no such benefit.5

One reason why nuts are so beneficial is that many, such as walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews and peanuts, contain the amino acid l-arginine, which offers multiple vascular benefits to people with heart disease, or those who have increased risk for heart disease due to multiple cardiac risk factors.

Are Certain Nuts Better Than Others?

With the exception of peanuts (which are technically a legume, heavily pesticide-laden and often contaminated with the carcinogenic mold aflatoxin), most nut varieties have something to offer your health. Generally speaking, each type of nut will offer a slightly different mix of nutrients for your health. For instance:
•Raw macadamia nuts are a powerhouse of a nut, containing a wide variety of critical nutrients including high amounts of vitamin B1, magnesium, manganese and healthful monounsaturated fat, just to name a few. I eat about two pounds of macadamia nuts a week not only because I enjoy them, but also because they are relatively low in carbs and protein and high in olieic acid, omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acid, which is the same fatty acid found in olive oil.
•Walnuts: Walnuts are good sources of plant-based omega-3 fats, natural phytosterols and antioxidants that are so powerful at free-radical scavenging that researchers called them “remarkable.”6 Plus, walnuts may help reduce not only the risk of prostate cancer, but breast cancer as well. They’ve also been shown to reverse brain aging in rats and boost heart health in people with diabetes.
•Almonds: One of the healthiest aspects of almonds appears to be their skins, as they are rich in antioxidants including phenols, flavonoids and phenolic acids, which are typically associated with vegetables and fruits. A study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry even revealed that a one-ounce serving of almonds has a similar amount of total polyphenols as a cup of steamed broccoli or green tea.7
•Pecans: Pecans contain more than 19 vitamins and minerals, and research has shown they may help lower LDL cholesterol and promote healthy arteries. One of my favorite treats is candied pecans in a salad at a restaurant. I know they have sugar but a few grams or less a day is harmless.
•Brazil Nuts: Brazil nuts are an excellent source of organic selenium, a powerful antioxidant-boosting mineral that may help prevent cancer.

Soaking Nuts Helps Break Down Phytic Acid

Phytic acid, which is found in the coatings of nuts, is an “anti-nutrient” responsible for leeching vital nutrients from your body. Phytic acid also blocks the uptake of essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. The presence of phytic acid is one reason why I recommend avoiding non-fermented soy… and it’s also the reason why I strongly recommend soaking nuts for at least eight to 12 hours before eating them. This will help to get rid of the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors, which can interfere with the function of your own digestive and metabolic enzymes, in the nuts.

Enzyme inhibitors in nuts (and seeds) help protect the nut as it grows, helping to decrease enzyme activity and prevent premature sprouting. When nuts are soaked, the germination process begins, allowing the enzyme inhibitors to be deactivated and increasing the nutrition of the nut significantly, as well as making them much easier to digest. Macadamia nuts (and other white nuts) have only negligible amounts of enzyme inhibitors, so soaking is not as necessary.

Choose Raw Organic Nuts, Ideally

To increase the positive impacts on your health, look for nuts that are organic and raw, not irradiated or pasteurized. Be aware that pasteurized almonds sold in North America can still be labeled “raw” even though they’ve been subjected to one of the following pasteurization methods:
•Oil roasting, dry roasting or blanching
•Steam processing
•Propylene Oxide (PPO) treatment (PPO is a highly toxic flammable chemical compound, once used as a racing fuel before it was prohibited for safety reasons)

There are generally no truly “raw” almonds sold in North America, so don’t be misled. It is possible to purchase raw almonds in the US, but it has to be done very carefully from vendors selling small quantities that have a waiver from the pasteurization requirement. The key is to find a company with the waiver that is not pasteurizing them.
When consumed with these guidelines in mind, raw, organic nuts are a convenient and enjoyable superfood to add to your diet. And this is precisely why they’re recommended as one of the best sources of healthy fats in my nutrition plan.

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Millions at Risk of Serious Health Problems…

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

There’s serious confusion about cholesterol; whether high cholesterol levels are responsible for heart disease, and whether statins — which are cholesterol drugs — are really the appropriate solution to reduce heart disease risk.

The documentary above, Statin Nation — The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up, sheds much needed light on this topic. The film is available for free viewing for only seven days, so please share it widely as soon as possible.

As noted in the film, heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, the most common form of which is coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD affects the blood vessels supplying blood to your heart, causing them to narrow, thereby restricting the amount of oxygen supplied to your heart.

The conventional view is that high cholesterol is a major risk factor for this condition — even children “know” that cholesterol forms plaque and is bad for your heart.

The focus on cholesterol has created an enormous market for statins; drugs that act by blocking the enzyme in your liver that is responsible for making cholesterol.

Statins are now among the most widely prescribed drugs on the market, and are the number one profit-maker for the pharmaceutical industry, largely due to relentless and highly successful direct-to-consumer advertising campaigns.

Meanwhile, as of 2010, there were no less than 900 studies proving their adverse effects, which run the gamut from muscle problems to increased cancer risk! Besides the fact that statins are dangerous to your health, they also do not reduce your risk for heart disease, because high cholesterol does NOT increase heart disease risk…

Where Did the High Cholesterol-Heart Disease Myth Originate?

The idea that high cholesterol causes heart disease can be traced back to Rudolph Virchow (1821-1902), a German pathologist who found thickening in the arteries in people he autopsied, which he ascribed to a collection of cholesterol.

Later, Ancel Keys (1904-2004), a well-known physiologist, published his seminal paper known as the “Seven Countries Study1,” which served as the basis for nearly all of the initial scientific support for the Cholesterol Theory.

The study linked the consumption of saturated fat to coronary heart disease. However, what many don’t know is that Keys selectively analyzed information from only seven countries to prove his correlation, rather than comparing all the data available at the time — from 22 countries.

As you might suspect, the studies he excluded were those that did not fit with his hypothesis, namely those that showed a low percentage fat in their diet and a high incidence of death from CHD as well as those with a high-fat diet and low incidence of CHD. When all 22 countries are analyzed, no correlation at all can be found.

And that is what mounting research now confirms. There really is NO correlation between high cholesterol and plaque formation that leads to heart disease.

Why Do You Need Cholesterol?

Missing from the cholesterol-CHD hypothesis is the holistic understanding of how cholesterol operates inside your body, and why arterial plaques form in the first place, which is clearly described in the film. Cholesterol is actually a critical part of your body’s foundational building materials and is absolutely essential for optimal health. It’s so important that your body produces it both in your liver and in your brain.

There’s no doubt that your body needs cholesterol. In fact, we now have evidence showing that cholesterol deficiency has a detrimental impact on virtually every aspect of your health. One of the primary reasons is because cholesterol plays a critical role within your cell membranes.

Your body is composed of trillions of cells that need to interact with each other and cholesterol is one of the molecules that allow for these interactions to take place. For example, cholesterol is the precursor to bile acids, so without sufficient amounts of cholesterol, your digestive system can be adversely affected.

Cholesterol also plays an essential role in your brain, which contains about 25 percent of the cholesterol in your body. It is critical for synapse formation, i.e. the connections between your neurons, which allow you to think, learn new things, and form memories. In fact, there’s reason to believe that low-fat diets and/or cholesterol-lowering drugs may cause or contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. Low cholesterol levels have also been linked to violent behavior, due to adverse changes in brain chemistry.

Furthermore, you need cholesterol to produce steroid hormones, including your sex hormones. Vitamin D is also synthesized from a close relative of cholesterol: 7-dehydrocholesterol.

To further reinforce the importance of cholesterol, I want to remind you of the work of Dr. Stephanie Seneff, who works with the Weston A. Price Foundation. One of her theories is that cholesterol combines with sulfur to form cholesterol sulfate, and that this cholesterol sulfate helps thin your blood by serving as a reservoir for the electron donations you receive when walking barefoot on the earth (also called grounding). She believes that, via this blood-thinning mechanism, cholesterol sulfate may provide natural protection against heart disease. In fact, she goes so far as to hypothesize that heart disease is likely the result of cholesterol deficiency — which of course is the complete opposite of the conventional view.

Identifying Risk Factors for Heart Disease

As mentioned in the film, if you want to understand what causes heart disease, you have to look at what causes damage to your artery walls, interferes in disease processes, and causes blood clotting. When the endothelial wall is damaged, repair mechanisms are set into motion, creating a “scab.” To prevent this scab from dislodging, the endothelial wall grows over it, causing the area to become thickened. This is what is called atherosclerosis. There’s no fat (cholesterol) “clogging the pipe” at all; rather the arterial wall is thickened as a result of your body’s natural repair process. So what causes damage to your arteries?

One of the primary culprits is sugar and fructose in particular. So eating a high sugar diet is a sure-fire way to put heart disease on your list of potential health problems. Meanwhile, total cholesterol will tell you virtually nothing about your disease risk, unless it’s exceptionally elevated (above 330 or so, which would be suggestive of familial hypercholesterolemia, which, in my view, would be about the only time a cholesterol-reducing drug would be appropriate).

Two ratios that are far better indicators of heart disease risk are:
•Your HDL/total cholesterol ratio: HDL percentage is a very potent heart disease risk factor. Just divide your HDL level by your total cholesterol. This percentage should ideally be above 24 percent. Below 10 percent, it’s a significant indicator of risk for heart disease
•Your triglyceride/HDL ratios: This ratio should ideally be below 2

Additional risk factors for heart disease include:
•Your fasting insulin level: Any meal or snack high in carbohydrates like fructose and refined grains generates a rapid rise in blood glucose and then insulin to compensate for the rise in blood sugar. The insulin released from eating too many carbs promotes fat and makes it more difficult for your body to shed excess weight, and excess fat, particularly around your belly, is one of the major contributors to heart disease
•Your fasting blood sugar level: Studies have shown that people with a fasting blood sugar level of 100-125 mg/dl had a nearly 300 percent increase higher risk of having coronary heart disease than people with a level below 79 mg/dl
•Your iron level: Iron can be a very potent oxidative stress, so if you have excess iron levels you can damage your blood vessels and increase your risk of heart disease. Ideally, you should monitor your ferritin levels and make sure they are not much above 80 ng/ml. The simplest way to lower them if they are elevated is to donate your blood. If that is not possible you can have a therapeutic phlebotomy and that will effectively eliminate the excess iron from your body

Statin Drugs Place Millions of Americans at Risk of Serious Health Problems

It’s important to note that statins are classified as a “pregnancy Category X medication” meaning, it causes serious birth defects, and should NEVER be used by a woman who is pregnant or planning a pregnancy. If it is prescribed it is simply gross negligence and malpractice as many doctors are ignorant of this important piece of information as it is relatively recently identified.

Statins have also been shown to increase your risk of diabetes, via a number of different mechanisms. The most important one is that they increase insulin resistance, which can be extremely harmful to your health. Increased insulin resistance contributes to chronic inflammation in your body, and inflammation is the hallmark of most diseases. In fact, increased insulin resistance can lead to heart disease, which, ironically, is the primary reason for taking a cholesterol-reducing drug in the first place. It can also promote belly fat, high blood pressure, heart attacks, chronic fatigue, thyroid disruption, and diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and cancer.

Secondly, statins increase your diabetes risk by actually raising your blood sugar. When you eat a meal that contains starches and sugar, some of the excess sugar goes to your liver, which then stores it away as cholesterol and triglycerides. Statins work by preventing your liver from making cholesterol. As a result, your liver returns the sugar to your bloodstream, which raises your blood sugar levels.

Drug-induced diabetes and genuine type 2 diabetes are not necessarily identical. If you’re on a statin drug and find that your blood glucose is elevated, it’s possible that what you have is just hyperglycemia — a side effect, and the result of your medication. Unfortunately, many doctors will at that point mistakenly diagnose you with “type 2 diabetes,” and possibly prescribe another drug, when all you may need to do is simply discontinue the statin in order for your blood glucose levels to revert back to normal.

Statin drugs also interfere with other biological functions. Of utmost importance, statins deplete your body of CoQ10, which accounts for many of its devastating results. Therefore, if you take a statin, you MUST take supplemental CoQ10, or better, the reduced form called ubiquinol. A recent study in the European Journal of Pharmacology2showed that ubiquinol effectively rescued cells from the damage caused by the statin drug simvastatin, thereby protecting muscle cells from myopathies. Another study3 evaluated the benefits of CoQ10 and selenium supplementation for patients with statin-associated myopathy. Compared to those given a placebo, the treatment group experienced significantly less pain, decreased muscle weakness and cramps, and less fatigue.

Statins also interfere with the mevalonate pathway, which is the central pathway for the steroid management in your body.

How to Optimize Your Cholesterol Levels Naturally

The most effective way to optimize your cholesterol profile and prevent heart disease is via diet and exercise. Remember that 75 percent of your cholesterol is produced by your liver, which is influenced by your insulin levels. Therefore, if you optimize your insulin level, you will automatically optimize your cholesterol and reduce your risk of both diabetes and heart disease.

There is NO drug to cure heart disease, as the underlying cause is insulin resistance and arterial wall damage — both of which are caused by eating too many sugars, grains, and especially fructose. So, my primary recommendations for safely regulating your cholesterol and reducing your risk of heart disease include:
•Reduce, with the plan of eliminating grains and fructose from your diet. This is one of the best ways to optimize your insulin levels, which will have a positive effect on not just your cholesterol, but also reduces your risk of diabetes and heart disease, and most other chronic diseases. Use my Nutrition Plan to help you determine the ideal diet for you, and consume a good portion of your food raw.
•Get plenty of high-quality, animal-based omega 3 fats, such as krill oil, and reduce your consumption of damaged omega-6 fats (trans fats, vegetable oils) to balance out your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio.
•Include heart-healthy foods in your diet, such as olive oil, coconut and coconut oil, organic raw dairy products and eggs, avocados, raw nuts and seeds, and organic grass-fed meats.
•Optimize your vitamin D levels by getting proper sun exposure or using a safe tanning bed.
•Optimize your gut flora, as recent research suggests the bacterial balance in your intestines may play a role in your susceptibility to heart disease as well
•Exercise daily. Make sure you incorporate Peak Fitness exercises, which also optimizes your human growth hormone (HGH) production.
•Walk barefoot to ground yourself to the earth. Lack of grounding has a lot to do with the rise of modern diseases as it affects inflammatory processes in your body. Grounding thins your blood, making it less viscous. Virtually every aspect of cardiovascular disease has been correlated with elevated blood viscosity. When you ground to the earth, your zeta potential quickly rises, which means your red blood cells have more charge on their surface, which forces them apart from each other. This action causes your blood to thin and flow easier. By repelling each other, your red blood cells are also less inclined to stick together and form a clot.
•Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol excessively.
•Be sure to get plenty of good, restorative sleep.

Ninety-Nine Out of 100 People Do Not Need Statin Drugs

The odds are very high — greater than 100 to 1 — that if you’re taking a statin, you don’t really need it. From my review, the ONLY subgroup that might benefit are those born with a genetic defect called familial hypercholesterolemia, as this makes them resistant to traditional measures of normalizing cholesterol.

Remember, your body NEEDS cholesterol for the production of cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D and bile acids that help you to digest fat. Cholesterol also helps your brain form memories and is vital to your neurological function. There is also strong evidence that having too little cholesterol INCREASES your risk for cancer, memory loss, Parkinson’s disease, hormonal imbalances, stroke, depression, suicide, and violent behavior.

Statins really have nothing to do with reducing your heart disease risk. In fact, this class of drugs can increase your heart disease risk — especially if you do not take Ubiquinol (CoQ10) along with it to mitigate the depletion of CoQ10 caused by the drug.

Knowing that high cholesterol is NOT the cause of heart disease finally frees you to take a serious look at what does cause this potentially lethal condition. And as described above, poor lifestyle choices are primarily to blame, such as too much sugar, too little exercise, lack of sun exposure and never grounding to the earth. These are all things that are within your control, and don’t cost much (if any) money to address.

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Arthritis the nation’s number one crippler..

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

*Did You Know…?
*Featured Article: Discover How to Turn Gray Hair Back to Its Natural Color
*A Word from Our Sponsor: Urgent Health Alert for Men with Urination and Prostate Problems

Did You Know…

… a dash of spice might be an effective cure for the nation’s number one crippler?

There’s a reason some call arthritis the nation’s number one crippler. More than 100 different diseases are collected into the category of arthritis, and the symptom that links all of them is inflammation.

That’s why a new study from Tel Aviv University is so exciting. The study’s authors identified an all-natural arthritis treatment that is just as effective as mainstream medicine’s beloved non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs)—but without the dangerous side effects.

Sharpen your mincing knives, and prepare to embrace ginger.

The latest statistics indicate that approximately 80% of individuals over the age of 50 suffer from osteoarthritis. Nearly 7 million people in the United States alone suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic condition that inflames the entire body. Aspirin and other NSAIDs are among the most common treatments for inflammation and pain, yet these drugs, especially NSAIDs, are notorious for their diminishing effectiveness and nasty side effects.

Conventional arthritis treatments cause 3,300 NSAIDs-related ulcer deaths annually.

In contrast, ginger is not only remarkably safe, but studies also show it to be equally effective as aspirin and NSAIDs.

On his site Herbal Legacy, Dr. John R. Christopher writes: “Modern science is beginning to demonstrate that the range of diseases that ginger can positively affect as an anti-inflammatory is staggering.” Two clinical trials in Denmark went further and strongly suggested that ginger be included in all arthritis treatment programs.

“A Healing Gift from God”

While modern science has only just begun to embrace ginger, it has appeared in the annals of nearly every medical system throughout history. In ancient Ayurvedic texts, ginger is called “vishwabhesaj,” the universal medicine. Dr. Christopher notes that traditional Chinese and Indian practitioners considered ginger “a healing gift from God.” Now, thanks to advances in technology, scientists can connect individual chemical constituents to specific effects.

Somewhat surprisingly, ginger contains a high amount of protein. The root is packed full of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids—notably, vitamin A and niacin. Ginger also contains special components called volatile oils. These oils are the secret behind its characteristically pungent flavor and many of its health benefits. Two of the most potent of these volatile oils are shagaols and gingerol.

Studies confirm gingerol’s ability to reduce inflammation and block pain pathways. Gingerol and shagaol are proven to neutralize stomach acid… improve circulation… regularize blood pressure… and tone the muscles of the digestive tract. Existing research demonstrates ginger’s efficacy as a treatment for a variety of health issues, such as…

Elevated blood sugar and cholesterol levels


Some blood clotting disorders

Radiation exposure

Nausea (specifically, resulting from pregnancy or from chemotherapy)

Colon cancer


Ovarian cancer

Ginger also combats a particular aggravating kind of pain: post-workout muscle soreness. An investigation carried out at the University of Georgia showed both raw and heat-treated ginger alleviates moderate muscular pain. Study author Patrick O’Connor noted: “Muscle pain generally is one of the most common types of pain. Anything that can truly relieve this type of pain will be greatly welcomed by the many people who are experiencing it.”

Participants in the study took ginger for 11 days while completing strength-training exercises with heavy weights. O’Connor and his team found taking the spice daily cut participants’ pain by 25%. The work was published in the Journal of Pain.

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Wheatgrass Turns Gray Hair..

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Wheatgrass Turns Gray Hair
Back to Natural Color?

Gray hair: The ultimate telltale sign of aging. Approximately half of all 50-year-olds are at least 50% gray. Try as you may to postpone the inevitable with expensive, foul-smelling and messy dyes, the battle against gray is predictable… gray is pretty much the undefeated champion. Or is it?

Regular consumption of the young grass of a common wheat plant can recolor those grays so that you can enjoy your lush, natural color well into your senior years. And it doesn’t just stop at the gray. This young cereal grass slows down the entire aging process by rejuvenating your cells, detoxifying your body, fighting tumors and tightening loose and sagging skin.

Gray Isn’t Just a Sign of Age

The age-old healing system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) links hair pigmentation to the quality of your blood and the strength of your kidneys. According to TCM, gray doesn’t mean old as much as it points to weak kidneys and blood.

Made up of 70% chlorophyll, wheatgrass, from the wheat plant triticum aestivum, restores the health of your kidneys and blood.

Chlorophyll helps to strengthen, build and oxygenate the blood. It is remarkably similar to hemoglobin, a compound that carries oxygen to the blood. Once consumed, chlorophyll is transformed into blood. It then transports nutrients, such as oxygen, to your cells, tissues and organs, rejuvenating, protecting and strengthening.

Renowned nutritionist, Dr. Bernard Jenson, discovered that wheatgrass and other green juices high in chlorophyll are nature’s best blood builders. In his book Health Magic Through Chlorophyll From Living Plant Life, he cites several cases in which he was able to boost red blood cell count in a matter of days simply by having patients soak in a chlorophyll-water bath. Consuming wheatgrass and other green juices regularly has been proven to boost red blood cell count even more rapidly.

Beyond Beautification and into Total Body Health

Wheatgrass is made up of an impressive array of nutrients that reinforce and rejuvenate everything from our cells and tissues to our organs and bodily systems. In addition to its 70% chlorophyll makeup, wheatgrass contains 17 essential amino acids, 90 minerals, 13 vitamins and 80 enzymes. Prominent research scientist Dr. Earp-Thomas says that,”15 pounds of wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery and so forth.”

Wheatgrass delivers an impenetrable line of defense against disease. An all-natural and powerful detoxifier, wheatgrass protects the liver and purifies the blood by neutralizing toxic substances such as cadmium, nicotine, strontium, mercury and polyvinyl chloride.

Detoxifying is the first step. From there, wheatgrass takes the offensive as a proven anti-cancer agent that stops tumors in their tracks.

Fact: Cancer cells cannot develop in oxygen rich environments!

Wheatgrass is an abundant source of liquid oxygen. Boosting the production of red blood cells and increasing oxygen in the blood helps fight cancer cells because cancer cannot survive in such alkaline rich environments.

A recent study published in the journal Mutation Research pitted chlorophyll against beta-carotene and vitamins A, C and E. Chlorophyll had a greater anti-cancer effect than all the other nutrients. Wheatgrass truly is total body nutrition in one gulp!

Why Has This Proven Anti-Aging Cure Been Hushed Up?

Practically every week, new alternative health breakthroughs are discovered. Most of these anti-aging and longevity cures are already scientifically proven to heal a wide variety of diseases… eliminate pain… slow down or reverse the aging process… and enhance total body wellness. Yet, these powerful health alternatives—most of which are inexpensive or free—are unknown to most people because mainstream media rarely reports them. To the contrary, these powerful health solutions are systematically suppressed and even banned.

The reason for this is simple: these inexpensive natural treatments threaten the profits of mainstream medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. Imagine what would happen to the earnings of Big Pharma and the medical industry if people had the information they needed to heal themselves of virtually any disease or health problem? Everyone would be able to optimize his or her own health and well-being… and no one would ever need medical treatment again—except for emergencies and natural disasters.

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The 7 Deadly Sins of Diet Pills…

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Everywhere you look these days—whether it be the T.V., Internet, or in magazines—new diet pills are popping up like weeds in a garden.
It gets so confusing that a lot of people tend to “throw out the baby with the bath water” and assume that ALL flab-burning products are a waste of time.

But the TRUTH is, some quality products contain ingredients that are backed by real clinical studies. In other words, a few rare products actually work.

We will be talking more about those in an upcoming email, but for now, I want to start by protecting your health (and wallet) by exposing some of the “deadly sins” many diet pills companies are pulling every chance they get.
Deadly Sin #1:
Products disguised to look like
prescription weight loss medications.
Diet pills are supplements; they are not medications. If they were, you’d have to get a prescription to buy them. Many companies try to make their products look and sound like medications in an attempt to trick you into thinking they are prescription-strength. They figure this way you’ll think the pills are more powerful and will pay more for them.

There is currently a pill just like this being advertised on TV and radio. The cost? $150 for the exact same type of cheap, ineffective product you can get at your local grocery store for $9. People think products like these must work if they are that expensive and sound like a medicine. They are wrong.

The truth is, companies like these often hire actors to pose as doctors and customers. These actors hold up large pants and say how much weight they lost when they really didn’t lose any weight at all. They’re ripping us off. If these products were really so amazing, why would the companies have to deceive us by making the products look like medications when they’re not?
Deadly Sin #2:
Diet pills that make you feel jittery,
anxious, depressed, or hungry.
Products like these can cause stress, which leads to emotional overeating and weight gain. They can also negatively impact your health in the long run. Listen to what your body is trying to tell you.
Deadly Sin #3:
Questionable product endorsements.
If you wouldn’t trust a celebrity to babysit your child, don’t trust her advice about a product. Celebrities and doctors are for hire. And, guess what? You’re paying their salaries when you purchase the products they’re pushing.
Deadly Sin #4:
Diet pills that make outrageous claims.
It’s true that the best diet pills are backed by science. However, no diet product can help you lose 30 pounds in 30 days. Nonsense. If you’re following a quality eating and exercise program and taking scientifically backed weight loss nutrients to speed up the results, you can expect to lose anywhere from eight to 12 pounds per month, depending on how much you have to lose, your age, body chemistry, commitment to the program, and a variety of other factors. However, there are ways to speed up these results BIG TIME. We’ll talk more about this soon.
Deadly Sin #5:
Diet products that are not backed by
a 100 percent money-back guarantee.
Oh, and also make sure this guarantee lasts long enough that you can actually try the product before it expires (I recommend at least a YEAR). This way if the product doesn’t work, your bank account doesn’t take the hit. After all, if a company isn’t confident in their product, why should you be? (Always be sure to read the fine print.)
Deadly Sin #6:
Diet pills that contain token amounts of everything but effective amounts of nothing.
Some diet pills may contain trace amounts of scientifically backed ingredients, but this is only a technicality because they cut corners and only put tiny amounts of these ingredients in the pills—not enough to have a positive effect. This is akin to trying to make a loaf of bread with only a tablespoon of flour.

Look for products that list the amounts of every ingredient on the labels instead of hiding the ingredients in proprietary blends. Then search online to make sure the amounts listed in the products match those recommended by studies.
Deadly Sin #7:
Products that are not tested by independent, third-party laboratories.
This is the only way to ensure they contain what their labels say. Here’s something you may not know: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not test supplements to verify the validity of their labels. The scope of this watchdog organization is limited to foods and drugs, which does not include dietary supplements.

So who does make sure that diet pills contain what their labels say and don’t contain any of the bad stuff? Well, it’s up to the manufacturing companies to monitor their own products. But most don’t. So in all reality, some shameless company fills their pills with worthless ingredients and charge you 20, 30, 40, or 50 (or more) bucks a bottle for it. Can you believe it? Some companies are cutting corners and padding their wallets by cheating their customers out of the products they’re paying for. It’s a scam, plain and simple.

Arm yourself with these tips and remember… buyer beware.

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