When Treatment is Poison…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

In 1994, a tanker truck carrying fluorisilic acid lost a set of wheels, causing its 4,500-gallon load to spill onto Interstate 4 in Volusia County Florida. Forty-seven people were sent to the hospital as a result, and 2,300 in the area had to be evacuated.

The highway was closed for two days, and those who happened to be nearby had breathing troubles and burning sensations on their skin. Even vehicles that drove through the spill had to be professionally decontaminated, as the chemical was so noxious it could cause respiratory problems to bystanders.i

That chemical — fluorosilicic acid – is one of the fluoride variants currently added to about two-thirds of U.S. drinking water supplies – what amounts to pure poison in your tap water, under the guise of protecting your teeth.

Water Fluoridation is the Result of a Massively Successful PR Campaign

If you live in the United States, then you undoubtedly have been exposed to mass psychological conditioning. With the average American being accosted with thousands of advertisements each day, whether blatant or not, many pieces of “conventional wisdom” are actually contrived and implanted into society. One method of doing so is through driving public opinion — the idea that if most people believe it, then it must be true.

The history of this kind of conditioning can be traced back to the early part of the last century, specifically the work of people like Edward L. Bernays, known as the “Father of Spin.” Edward L. Bernays took the ideas of his famous uncle Sigmund Freud, and applied them to the emerging science of mass persuasion. However, instead of using the psychological principles to uncover hidden themes in the human unconscious in the way Freudian psychology does, Bernays used them as a marketing tool.

It was this method that led Bernays to become wildly successful in the field of PR and marketing, conditioning Americans to buy into corporate lies.

Bernays dominated the PR industry until the 1940s, and was a significant force for another 40 years after that. During all that time, Bernays took on hundreds of diverse assignments to create a public perception about some idea or product.

One of Bernays’ first assignments was to help sell the First World War to the American public with the idea to “Make the World Safe for Democracy.” A few years later, Bernays set up a stunt to popularize the notion of women smoking cigarettes …

In the 1930s Edward Bernays was public relations adviser to the Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) and later was brought on board to promote water fluoridation to the American public – a more than coincidental connection considering it’s been suggested that fluoridating water supplies was a way to protect aluminum and steel producers from lawsuits against the fluorine pollution coming from their plants …

New York City Water Fluoridation Paved the Way for the Entire U.S.

It was, in fact, the Reynolds Aluminum Company that first utilized a pro-fluoride booklet titled “Our Children’s Teeth” (produced by the Committee to Protect Our Children’s Teeth) in court to defend against fluoride injury charges. The booklet included testimonials and statements from scientists that reportedly agreed fluoride posed no harm, but as reported by Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University James F. Tracy:ii

“ … of the 360 “chemists” and “authorities on nutrition” listed in the brochure, 201 worked for 87 institutions including universities that received over $151 million in grants. In the late 1950s a majority of such grants originated from the foremost proponent of water fluoridation — the Public Health Service. Another major recipient of PHS funding was the American Dental Association (ADA). Exner’s [Dr. F. B. Exner, public health advocate and water fluoridation opponent] research and data proved to be especially valuable in lawsuits brought against the industry and fluoridation proponents. In 1978, shortly after his death, all of his files were lost in an unusual fire.

As the pro-fluoridation propaganda campaign grew to a crescendo in the late 1950s a collaborative surveillance campaign targeting anti-fluoridationists was undertaken by the PHS, the ADA, and the American Water Works Association.

The National Fluoridation Information Service of the Division of Dental Health of the US Public Health Service, an intelligence-gathering setup operating out of the PHS-controlled National Institutes of Health, was formally established to monitor and create databases on fluoridation critics in the medical professions. Fluoride heretics were subject to flailing in the press or outright expulsion from their professional organizations.

Fluoridation was finally launched in New York City in 1965 apart from popular referendum and in the face of continued opposition by handing the choice to the municipality’s five-member Board of Estimate. Behind the final effort to fluoridate were Mary and Albert Lasker. The former was involved in the Committee to Protect Our Children’s Teeth and the latter an advertising executive and associate of Bernays who helped American Tobacco Company make Lucky Strikes America’s best-selling cigarettes.”

Junk Food and Soda Ruins Kids’ Teeth – Not Lack of Fluoride

Following New York City’s decision to fluoridate water, the trend caught on and now upwards of two-thirds of U.S. water supplies contain fluoride. Dr. Karen Sokal-Gutierrez, a pediatrician and former Peace Corps volunteer, pointed out that kids living in El Salvador had near perfect teeth 20 years ago. When she returned to similar villages recently, she noticed the children’s teeth were black, and decay was setting in as young as age 2.

The culprit? Junk food and sodas had replaced many of the staple foods that once made up the children’s diets.

She described one boy who was so emaciated and sick from having all 20 baby teeth decayed that he “looked like a child dying of AIDS.” His parents owned the village store, which meant the boy had “unlimited access to candy.”iii

Dr. Sokal-Gutierrez has been returning to the village and training local health workers about oral health and nutrition. She also trained the dentists to apply fluoride varnish to the children’s teeth.

But the solution here is not fluoride – remember, the children of decades’ past had near-perfect teeth! The solution is to get the junk food and soda out of these kids’ diets. Even in a study that reported low-fluoride toothpaste alone was as effective as toothpaste combined with application of antiseptic chlorhexidine (CHX) gel,iv the researchers noted that the low number of early childhood cavities was most likely the result of “the telephone contact with oral health professionals, increasing the mothers’ motivation to follow toothbrushing instructions and dietary advice.”

The Real Risks of Fluoride are Becoming “Mainstream” Knowledge

Earlier this year, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted 253-23 in favor of mandating infant fluoride warnings on all water bills in fluoridated communities (the bill will now go to the Senate). According to the text of the bill, the warning would read, in part:

“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if your child under the age of 6 months is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated water, there may be an increased chance of dental fluorosis.”

But dental fluorosis is not “just cosmetic.” It can also be an indication that other tissues, such as your bones and internal organs, including your brain, have been overexposed to fluoride as well. There are more than 100 published studies illustrating fluoride’s harm to the brain,v plus 25 published studies directly linking fluoride exposure to reduced IQ in children!

Fluoride is a toxic agent that is biologically active in the human body where it accumulates in sensitive tissues over time, wreaks havoc with enzymes and produces a number of serious adverse health effects—including neurological and endocrine dysfunctions.

Adding insult to injury, even promoters of fluoridation now admit that fluoride’s predominant action is on the surface of the tooth (although even this is now questionable) and not from inside the body – so why are so many Americans still being forced to swallow it? Swallowing fluoride provides little or no benefit to your teeth!

Fluoride compounds like fluorosilicic acid are toxic industrial waste products, which can also be contaminated with lead, arsenic, radionucleotides, aluminum and other industrial contaminants. The story gets even more convoluted, as mentioned earlier, as now declassified files of the Manhattan Project and the Atomic Energy Commission show that the original motivation for promoting fluoride and water fluoridation in the United States was to protect the bomb-, aluminum-, and other fluoride-polluting industries from liability. In the early days some of the sodium fluoride used to fluoridate water supplies in the U.S. came from Alcoa.

A couple of years later, they switched to the even more hazardous waste product hydrofluorosilicic acid from the phosphate fertilizer industry. But none of the studies on fluoride actually used the far more toxic and contaminated hydrofluorosilicic acid that is presently added to the water supply. Rather, they use pharmaceutical-grade fluoride, which while harmful, is not quite as bad as what’s being used for water fluoridation. So, the health hazards are likely FAR worse than any study has so far discerned.

Do You Want Healthy Teeth? Eat a Healthy Diet!

When it comes to oral hygiene and preventing cavities, there’s a virtual war going on. If you listen to conventional health agencies’ and your dentist’s advice, you may still believe that fluoride is the answer.

Think again!

Good oral health and strong, healthy teeth are NOT the result of drinking fluoridated water and brushing your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste. Rather it’s virtually all about your diet.

Dr. Weston A. Price, who was one of the major nutritional pioneers of all time, completed some of the most extensive research on this topic back in the 1900s, and it is still very much relevant today. What he found, and documented in his classic book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, is that native tribes who were eating their traditional diet had nearly perfect teeth, and were almost 100 percent free of tooth decay — and they did not have toothbrushes, floss, toothpaste, or root canals and fillings.

But when these tribal populations were introduced to sugar and white flour, guess what happened … their health, and their perfect teeth, rapidly deteriorated, just like the kids in El Salvador. By avoiding sugars and processed foods, you prevent the proliferation of the bacteria that cause decay in the first place.

Most people whose diet includes very little sugar and few processed foods have very low rates of tooth decay. So the simple act of limiting, or eliminating sugar, and avoiding processed foods — along with regular cleanings with your natural mercury-free dentist — will ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy and cavity-free naturally

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My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

Immune System…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The gastrointestinal tract is a prominent part of the immune system. The surface area of the digestive tract is estimated to be the surface area of a football field. With such a large exposure, the immune system must work hard to prevent pathogens from entering into blood and lymph.

The low pH (ranging from 1 to 4) of the stomach is fatal for many microorganisms that enter it. Similarly, mucus (containing IgA antibodies) neutralizes many of these microorganisms. Other factors in the GI tract help with immune function as well, including enzymes in saliva and bile. Enzymes such as Cyp3A4, along with the antiporter activities, also are instrumental in the intestine’s role of detoxification of antigens and xenobiotics, such as drugs, involved in first pass metabolism.

Health-enhancing intestinal bacteria serve to prevent the overgrowth of potentially harmful bacteria in the gut. These two types of bacteria compete for space and “food,” as there are limited resources within the intestinal tract. A ratio of 80-85% beneficial to 15-20% potentially harmful bacteria generally is considered normal within the intestines. Microorganisms also are kept at bay by an extensive immune system comprising the gut-associated lymphoid tissue.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

Human Gastro Intestinal Tract

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The human gastrointestinal tract refers to the stomach and intestine, and sometimes to all the structures from the mouth to the anus. (The “digestive system” is a broader term that includes other structures, including the accessory organs of digestion). In an adult male human, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is 5 metres (20 ft) long in a live subject, or up to 9 metres (30 ft) without the effect of muscle tone, and consists of the upper and lower GI tracts. The tract may also be divided into foregut, midgut, and hindgut, reflecting the embryological origin of each segment of the tract.

Transit Time

The time taken for food or other ingested objects to transit through the gastrointestinal tract varies depending on many factors, but roughly, it takes 2.5 to 3 hours after meal for 50% of stomach contents to empty into the intestines and total emptying of the stomach takes 4 to 5 hours. Subsequently, 50% emptying of the small intestine takes 2.5 to 3 hours. Finally, transit through the colon takes approximately 30 hours.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

How Digestion Works.

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Why we need powerful probiotics, I’m not talking about the pathetic probiotics you can buy from the healthfood store. These are often touted as leading edge or powerful probiotics, you’ll see them with 5 to 50 billion CFU’s that’s colony forming units.
This in reality is the most CFU’s you’ll find but it’s not enough. Come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you about a probiotic more powerful than anything else in the world that also has a wider variety of strains that are so much more beneficial to the human body.
I’ll tell you about a life changing probiotic that is more cost effective and more powerful than anything else.

Digestion is the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into smaller components that are more easily absorbed into a blood stream, for instance. Digestion is a form of catabolism: a breakdown of large food molecules to smaller ones.

The whole digestive system is around 9 meters long. In a healthy human adult this process can take between 24 and 72 hours. Food digestion physiology varies between individuals and upon other factors such as the characteristics of the food and size of the meal.
Food enters the mouth, being chewed by teeth, with chemical processing beginning with chemicals in the saliva from the salivary glands. This is called mastication. Then it travels down the esophagus into the stomach, where hydrochloric acid kills most contaminating microorganisms and begins mechanical break down of some food (e.g., denaturation of protein), and chemical alteration of some. The hydrochloric acid also has a low pH, which allows enzymes to work more efficiently. After some time (typically an hour or two in humans, 4–6 hours in dogs, somewhat shorter duration in house cats, …), the resulting thick liquid is called chyme. Chyme will go through the small intestine, where 95% of absorption of nutrients occurs, through the large intestine, and are eliminated during defecation.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

Coconut flour, oil and the many benefits..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

“At Last — A Natural And Delicious Alternative To Wheat and Grain That’s Packed with Dietary Fiber
And Is A Good Source of Protein Too!”

If you are serious about living healthier, then you will want to consider coconut as a regular part of your diet. Fortunately when it comes to coconut, there are endless ways to indulge! The best way to experience the many health-giving gifts of coconut is to use virgin coconut oil. It’s a small investment in your health that yields tremendous returns!

Muffins, cookies, crackers, cakes, and pies … can be enjoyed with less guilt when you make them with coconut flour. Loaded with healthy dietary fiber, foods made with coconut flour are a good source of protein with fantastic flavor and texture! Saying goodbye to grain has never been easier!

I believe Virgin coconut oil is one of the smartest oils you can eat. Rich in lauric acid, coconut oil contains NO trans fat, strengthens your immune system and boosts your metabolism!

And now we’ve added a very important coconut product to our store — one that can help transform the way you cook, eat and feel for the better! By substituting our new Coconut Flour in some of your baking recipes, you can literally recreate your favorite treats, turning them into delicious guilt-free health promoting foods.

Our coconut flour is made from fresh organic coconut meat (only natural coconuts grown in the beautiful, tropical Philippine Islands are used) that is dried, defatted and then finely ground into a powder very similar in consistency to wheat flour. However, that’s where the similarities begin and end.

Coconut flour is unlike any other consisting of 14% coconut oil and 58% dietary fiber! The remaining 28% consists of water, protein, and carbohydrate. If you haven’t tried coconut flour yet, here are some more excellent reasons to start:

Coconut Flour is ideal for baking. It has fewer digestible (net) carbs than other flours, and it even has fewer digestible carbs than some vegetables!

Coconut Flour is gluten-free and hypoallergenic. With as much protein as wheat flour, coconut flour has none of the specific protein in wheat called “gluten”. This is an advantage for a growing percentage of the population who have allergies to gluten or a wheat sensitivity.

Coconut Flour consists of the highest percentage of dietary fiber( 58%) found in any flour. Wheat bran has only is 27% fiber.

Coconut Flour can help you reach a healthy weight. Ideal for those who follow a low-carb eating plan, coconut flour works well as part of a weight loss program because it has high fiber, and foods with high fiber can help promote a feeling of fullness.

Whoever said “you can’t have your cake and eat it too” was definitely in the dark about the benefits of coconut flour!

Say YES to Your Favorite Foods Again with GLUTEN-FREE Coconut Flour!

Coconut Flour Recipe:

Chocolate Cake

•½ cup Fresh Shores coconut oil
•¼ cup cocoa powder
•¼ cup coconut milk
• 9 eggs
• 1 ½ cups Steviva Blend
•¾ teaspoon Himalayan salt
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
•¾ cup sifted coconut flour
•¾ teaspoon baking powder

1.Melt coconut oil in a saucepan over low heat or place jar in pan of warm water. (note coconut oil easily melts and will congeal as it cools)
2.Add cocoa powder and coconut milk and mix together. Remove from heat and set aside.
3.In a bowl, mix together eggs, sugar, salt, and vanilla.
4.Stir in cocoa mixture.
5.Combine coconut flour with baking powder and whisk into batter until there are no lumps.
6.Pour batter into greased 8x8x2 or 9x9x2-inch pan.
7.Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes or until knife inserted into center comes out clean.
8.Cool and cover with frosting, (optional) of your choice.

I have posted studies that show celiac disease, a genetic disease that is a severe form of gluten intolerance that results in intestinal complications, may effect as many as one in thirty-three people.

Most people are unaware that there are many reactions to wheat, aside from celiac disease, that can cause health problems. Most of us are addicted to breads, bagels, pizza, pasta, waffles and pancakes and would rather die than give them up, and many people do just that — die from the side effects of eating wheat!

But eliminating gluten from your diet is no small task. The good news is that food manufacturers are finally realizing there’s a growing need for a variety of gluten-free breads and foods.

The bad news is that large portions of commercially prepared gluten-free foods are made using soy flour. I cannot emphasize enough that soy is not the health food that you think it is. If you are still using soy, I urge you to consider how some studies are linking soy to serious health conditions including:

Increased risk of breast cancer in women, brain damage in both men and women, and abnormalities in infants

Contributions to thyroid especially in women

Weakening of your immune system

Severe, potentially fatal food allergies

It appears that the tide is beginning to turn against the soy craze and many people are now wisely looking for healthier alternatives. Nut flour is becoming more popular but it is expensive and few people can afford to use it regularly. There are a variety of other flours like potato, garbanzo, and rice flour, but like soy, these can present a host of health challenges for many people too.

Coconut flour is a healthy and delicious alternative for most anyone who is allergic to nuts, wheat, milk or other common foods that trigger sensitivities. Because so few people are allergic to coconut, it is regarded as hypoallergenic.

If you are looking for a gluten-free way to make your favorite baked foods, coconut flour is a delicious, safe, healthy, relatively low-cost, and easy way to do it. You can make a variety of breads and pastries using little more than coconut flour, eggs, and coconut oil!

Coconut Flour: The Secret Weapon to Managing Your Weight

Food contains two types of carbohydrate: digestible and non-digestible. Digestible carbohydrate consists of starch and sugar and provides calories. Non-digestible carbohydrate is the fiber and provides NO calories. Coconut meat is composed primarily of non-digestible fiber with a beneficial amount of water and smart oil.

Dietary fiber acts like a broom, sweeping your intestinal contents along your digestive tract aiding in elimination, regularity and helping to promote digestive health. Since you cannot digest the dietary fiber in coconut flour, you derive no calories from it.

Studies have shown that an additional 14 grams of fiber daily (the amount in about ¼ cup of coconut flour) is associated with a 10% decrease in calorie intake and a resulting loss in body weight. The health benefits of dietary fiber include:

Promotes heart health and supports your immune system

Facilitates better digestion and promotes digestive comfort

Promotes absorption of vitamins and minerals

Assists in detoxifying your body

Helps promote cholesterol health

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, only 24 % of the carbohydrate in oat bran is composed of fiber. Soybeans contain only 29% fiber, and wheat bran is 42% fiber. When you add the abundant health-promoting qualities of coconut oil to those listed above, it is my opinion that you’d be hard pressed to find a more nutritional cooking source than coconut flour!

The chart below shows that when it comes to dietary fiber content, other local flours do not come close to rivaling coconut flour!

Dietary Fiber Can Help You Support Blood Sugar Health

While dietary fiber helps support a healthy weight, it also plays a role in supporting blood sugar health. Dietary fiber slows down the release of glucose and therefore requires less insulin to utilize the glucose and transport it into the cell where it is converted into energy. Foods rich in soluble dietary fiber are low glycemic index foods.

In contrast, foods without dietary fiber allow for a fast release of glucose creating a need for more insulin. The excess glucose can also be stored in your body and increase your weight.

One research study (at the Food and Nutrition Research Institute, Department of Science and Technology in collaboration with the Philippine Coconut Authority) was done on bakery products supplemented with increasing amounts of coconut flour using human subjects. The study found that increasing levels of coconut flour in bakery products resulted in a lower glycemic index.

Numerous studies like this one have shown that the abundance of dietary fiber found in coconut flour helps support blood sugar health and helps support a healthy weight. If you are interested in becoming more weight-conscious, adding coconut flour to your daily meals is a delicious and smart choice!

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Fraudulent Risperdal Marketing…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Major Drug Company to Pay at Least $1.5 Billion Over Fraudulent Risperdal Marketing

Earlier this year, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) agreed to pay more than $1 billion in a civil settlement involving fraudulent marketing of their antipsychotic drug Risperdal – but federal prosecutors decided to hold out for more.

Now their illegal marketing of Risperdal for unapproved uses is set to cost them at least $1.5 billion in a settlement with the U.S. Justice Department, and sources say the final amount could end up exceeding $2 billion.

The amount could end up rivaling the largest health care fraud settlement in history — $2.3 billion paid by Pfizer in 2009, also for illegally promoting uses of four of its drugs.

Risperdal Aggressively Promoted for Unapproved Uses for More Than a Decade

Risperdal was heavily promoted for unproven off-label uses for more than a decade, even after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued warnings against the misleading claims. Doctors are well within their legal rights to prescribe a drug for off-label use; it’s actually a common, albeit sometimes dangerous, practice. However, drug companies may not promote them for uses other than those that are FDA-approved.

Research has shown that up to two-thirds of prescriptions for Risperdal were for unapproved uses that had little or no scientific support.i How did this happen? Simple — J&J sent out an army of salespeople to doctor’s offices, nursing homes, Veteran’s Administration facilities, and jails to tout Risperdal as a proverbial miracle drug for mental illness and dementia.

The FDA told the company to stop the false and misleading marketing claims not once, not twice, but three times from 1994-2004, but J&J reportedly continued to include marketing the drug for unapproved uses right in their business plan.

In the years to follow, the FDA did eventually approve Risperdal for bipolar disorder and autism symptoms, but it was never approved for dementia, even though it was heavily marketed as a dementia drug. Outrageously, elderly dementia patients who were prescribed Risperdal for off-label uses were found to increase their chances of death by 54 percent within the first 12 weeks of taking it!ii

Another off-label use for which Risperdal was marketed was post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – even though research in JAMA found Risperdal is no more effective than a placebo,iii and is associated with a long list of potentially devastating side effects, some of which may be permanent, including those in the chart below. J&J, of course, is not unique among drug companies when it comes to questionable advertising campaigns…

Somnolence and fatigue

Increased appetite and weight gain

Upper respiratory tract infection


Metabolic disorders

Muscular tics, tremors, muscle stiffness

Vomiting, coughing, fever


Urinary incontinence

Merck Using Cartoon Movie Characters to Promote Children’s Claritin – Prompting Calls for a Federal Investigation

Eleven advocacy groups have asked the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate Merck’s marketing campaign for the over-the-counter allergy drug Grape-Flavored Children’s Claritin, which uses characters from the animated movie Madagascar 3. Not only are the characters also used on packages for candy and fruit snacks, giving the impression that the drug is candy, but Merck has been offering free movie tickets and stickers with the purchase of the drugs and has a Facebook page that offers free Madagascar games.

But it gets even more egregious than that, as Merck has “mom crews” that are holding movie-viewing parties where attendees can get popcorn, stickers, DVDs… and a sample of Claritin. CBS News reported:iv

“Other evidence submitted by the [advocacy] group states that Merck told its “Children’s Claritin Mom Crew” bloggers to hold Madagascar-themed viewing parties, with one blogger writing that Merck distributed “full size Claritin product featuring ‘Madagascar 3,’ product samples and coupons to share with my mommy friends, stickers for the kids, popcorn boxes and Madagascar 1 and 2 DVDs.””

The advocacy groups are calling for the FTC to take action to stop child-directed marketing of over-the-counter medications, stating it is “unfair and deceptive and violates longstanding FTC precedent.”

It Gets Worse as Even Cereal Companies are Targeting Your Kids

It’s a close call as to which is worse – grape-flavored allergy medications being pawned off as a “fun” treat, or hooking kids on sugar-laden breakfast cereals, which are among the worst foods you can eat.

A study from Yale researchers revealed that spending to promote child-targeted cereals was $264 million in 2011, up more than 30 percent from 2008. During that period, kids’ exposure to TV ads for Froot Loops cereal increased 79 percent, to ads for Reese’s Puffs by 55 percent and to Pebbles by 25 percent.v The very cereal products that score lowest on nutrition and the highest on added sugar are among the most aggressively marketed directly to your kids.

“It is obvious that industry regulating itself is a failure. If there is to be any hope of protecting children from predatory marketing, either public outcry or government action will be necessary to force the companies to change,” said study co-author Kelly Brownell, director of the Rudd Center.vi

How to Stay Safe (and Sane) in an Era of Fraudulent, Aggressive Marketing

When it comes to making money, many industries throw ethics and integrity out the window. Whether it’s J&J illegally promoting Risperdal for dementia, Merck making kids equate its allergy medication with candy, or Kellogg targeting your kids and making them crave junk food like Froot Loops for breakfast, it’s a buyer beware world out there.

In most cases, a billion-dollar (or more) fraud settlement would be a death-sentence for a business, but for the drug industry, it’s just another cost of doing business.

You cannot trust that the companies making your medications have your best interest at heart any more than the makers of your sugary breakfast cereals do. While medications remain one of the leading causes of death in the United States, processed foods, which contain few nutrients and plenty of disease-promoting sugar and poorly tested chemicals, are at the heart of the obesity epidemic and promoting chronic disease in millions of people.

But if you thought the federal government was really going to do something about all of this, think again, as the pharmaceutical industry and the food industry are two of the biggest lobby groups around – and you can often follow the corporate money trail directly to the front door of Congress.

As discussed by former lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who served 3.5 years in federal prison after pleading guilty to corrupting public officials, tax evasion and fraud, our current political system basically runs on bribes. So one necessary step to have any chance of quelling this out-of-control corruption, fraud, and criminal activity is to prohibit all members of Congress and their staff from ever becoming a lobbyist after their service on the Hill is over.

The good news is that increasing numbers of people are now waking up to these harsh realities, and you, being among those who are informed, can help share this knowledge with others. Remember that the definition of fascism is a government system that has complete power in regimenting all industry and forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism. What we have here is a hybrid—a sort of corporate fascism, where industry has powerful control over government, and forcefully suppresses anything that threatens their monopoly on profits.

But, this doesn’t mean that you have to buy into their agenda.

The ultimate goal is to reach a critical mass of people who refuse the unnecessarily dangerous and counterproductive solutions currently offered by all of these industries, and demand that our public servants serve the public rather than corporate interests. That will serve as the powerful stimulus to generate authentic change. More than 1.6 million people receive this newsletter, and together we can make a huge difference.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

Here we go again…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

H5N1, aka the bird flu, doesn’t spread easily among humans, but its capability to mutate has scientists worrying whether it could mutate enough to cause a human pandemic. According to the featured article in The New York Timesi, a 10-year old Cambodian girl died on May 27 after being infected with the H5N1 a week earlier:

“The girl was the most recent documented victim of the influenza virus H5N1, a strain that has caused 606 known human cases and 357 deaths since it re-emerged in 2003 after a six-year absence.

H5N1 can race through bird populations, and the World Health Organization suspects the girl was infected while preparing chicken for a meal.

While humans are not ideal hosts for H5N1, bird flu viruses do sometimes manage to adapt for easy transmission from human to human, and the results can be devastating. In 1918, one such transformation led to the Spanish flu pandemic, a global outbreak that claimed an estimated 50 million people.”

It’s déjà vu all over again folks, and they’re using the same tired old examples to hype the fear, namely the 1918 Spanish flu. This despite the fact researchers have since questioned the cause of that pandemic, suggesting its lethality may have had more to do with bacterial strep infections than the flu virus itself.

Déjà vu: One Profitable Flu Hoax After Another…

In recent years we’ve seen a number of hyped flu pandemics that never materialized. While it’s prudent to be aware that a pandemic could occur, what we’ve repeatedly seen is that this slim possibility is massively over-sold, allowing drug companies to rake in billions of dollars for inadequately tested vaccines and other dangerous and/or ineffective anti-viral drugs.

Sadly, each time a greater number of people tend to end up being harmed by the drugs and vaccines than succumb to the alleged “pandemic” virus…
•The non-existent 1976 swine flu pandemic: In 1976 the U.S. acted out the first swine flu pandemic scare, devising a vaccine program in which five million people were vaccinated. The hastily contrived vaccination program resulted in hundreds of Guillain Barre Syndrome paralysis victims and 25 deaths for a flu pandemic that never actually materialized. Within a few months, claims totaling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who were permanently disabled from the vaccine, and more people died from the vaccine than from the virus itself.
•The 2005 bird flu hoax: Headlines warned the U.S. was facing a cataclysmic extermination event, with a calculated two million Americans succumbing to the bird flu. The best case scenario called for the death of 200,000 Americans. Then, as now, constant references to the tragedy of 1918 heightened the fear factor to a fever pitch, despite the fact that the scientific data did not support any of these hyped claims.

At that time, they mysteriously translated the minuscule number of deaths of bird handlers that had occurred worldwide into an impending extermination-level event from a virus that did not—and still does not—readily spread from birds to humans, nor between humans.

Most of the people who acquire the infection were, and still are, bird handlers in continuous contact with sick birds. How anyone in their right mind could envision similar circumstances among the general population of the United States is a mystery, but it goes to show that it’s unwise to throw common sense to the wind…
•Bird flu hoax repeats: In 2006, 2007, and again in 2008, hyped warnings over the bird flu were repeatedly exposed as little more than a cruel hoax, designed to instill fear and line the pocketbooks of industry and various vested individuals.
•The 2009 swine flu hoax: After four consecutive years of bird flu warnings that just refused to come to fruition, the H1N1 swine flu became front-page news again. This turned out to be yet another faux threat that cost tax payers billions, and in which hastily concocted vaccines wrought havoc across the world. The 2009 H1N1 vaccine was the most reactive flu vaccine ever created, and just like its 1976 predecessor, it harmed far more people than the virus itself.

Bird Flu Mutation Possible; Renewed Calls for Fast-Tracked Vaccines

In recent weeks, we’ve heard renewed fears about the potential of the H5N1 bird flu to cause widespread death and destruction, and the need to stock up on pandemic vaccines. The calls for fast-tracked pandemic bird flu vaccines are in response to the publication of two studies detailing the successful mutation of the H5N1 virus into a more virulent and airborne strain. Both studies were published in the June 22 issue of the journal Scienceii, iii.

According to their findings, it only takes five mutations for the bird flu virus to become more easily transmittable. So here we go again…

According to a recent article in USA Todayiv.

“Knowing that the H5N1 bird flu can mutate into a form that can be easily transmitted, researchers have redoubled efforts to quickly create a vaccine should a pandemic strain emerge.

The good news is that there now exists technology that makes creating vaccines much faster than in the past, says Rino Rappuoli, global head of vaccines research for Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, in Siena, Italy… Fast and increasingly inexpensive machines allow the genomes, or genetic blueprints, of newly evolved flu varieties to be quickly sequenced. Instead of needing to ship live virus to vaccine manufacturers, today researchers only need to e-mail a computer file containing the genetic code.

Scientists can then simply buy short strands of genetic code from commercial DNA synthesis companies and stitch them together in the correct order to synthesize a copy, creating a virus “seed.” This can quickly be grown in cell cultures to produce vaccines. It is a process that is much faster than the current one, which involves injecting the actual virus into chicken eggs to grow. “The hurdle will be only to change the regulatory process,” Rappuoli says.”

As I’ve discussed on numerous occasions, there are tremendous hazards inherent with fast-tracking vaccines. By their very definition, fast-tracked vaccines are those that have received very little safety testing prior to being used, and US regulations already place ALL the risk on the public receiving the vaccine, regardless of whether the vaccine is mandated or voluntary. Vaccine makers can more or less create a lethal vaccine and get away scot free at this point; they’re that well protected against liability for adverse events of pandemic vaccines.

The Great Bird Flu Hoax

In 2006, I became so convinced by the evidence AGAINST the possibility of a bird flu pandemic that I wrote the book The Great Bird Flu Hoax, detailing the massive fraud involved. The book went on to become a New York Times bestseller. In it I explained how:
•Multi-national drug companies and food corporations pour billions into manipulating your perception of health and the daily news, just to increase their profits, and the health threats (and ethics breaches) they are really responsible for
•Scientists are bought by drug companies and other big business to report whatever “research findings” they have been paid to report
•Government is more than just complicit—it actively works with the drug companies and other stalwarts of the conventional healthcare paradigm, and are directly responsible for raising false alarms in order to draw your attention away from the real public health and safety issues they perpetuate

Right now, we’re seeing these tactics in full swing again. On June 26, Reutersv reported that the 2009 swine flu outbreak was 15 times deadlier than initially reported, according to a newly published study in the Lancet Infectious Diseases.vi The study came to this conclusion using statistical modeling:

“The swine flu pandemic of 2009 killed an estimated 284,500 people, some 15 times the number confirmed by laboratory tests at the time, according to a new study by an international group of scientists. The study, published on Tuesday in the London-based journal Lancet Infectious Diseases, said the toll might have been even higher – as many as 579,000 people.

The original count, compiled by the World Health Organization, put the number at 18,500. Those were only the deaths confirmed by lab testing, which the WHO itself warned was a gross underestimate because the deaths of people without access to the health system go uncounted, and because the virus is not always detectable after a victim dies.”

Please… Let me draw your attention back to an explosive CBS News investigation published in October 2009, which clearly showed that the vast majority of “swine flu cases” were not any type of flu at all, let alone H1N1! Rather, based on lab testing, the vast majority of people who reported flu-like symptoms had some other type of cold or upper respiratory infection. It’s also worth noting that the lead researcher of this Lancet study, Dr. Fatimah Dawood, works for the CDC—an agency that has a very clear interest in justifying the actions taken in response to the alleged swine flu pandemic, as well as justifying any future actions to a perceived pandemic, such as the now hyped bird flu.

Sharyl Attkisson was the investigative reporter behind the groundbreaking CBS News study that found H1N1 flu cases were nowhere near as prevalent as feared. I interviewed her about this last year. If you missed it then, I highly recommend reviewing it now, to learn how the CDC managed to paint such a contrary picture of reality.

Major Fraud Alert

This latest Lancet study appears to be little more than abject fear mongering, designed to reinvent history and ignite concerns that maybe, just maybe, the 2009 swine flu debacle was a real event after all. Nothing could be further from the truth. There were deaths from the flu, yes. People die from complications of the flu every single year. But the 2009 H1N1 “pandemic” was actually one of the MILDEST flu seasons in recent years with the fewest number of reported deaths.

The only reason they managed to keep the pandemic charade going as long as it did was because the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advised states to STOP testing for H1N1 flu, and they also stopped counting individual cases in late July 2009. Their rationale for this, according to CBS News, was that it was a waste of resources to test for H1N1 flu because it was already confirmed as an epidemic. So NO lab tests were done for anyone for the bulk of the “epidemic,” and anyone with a viral illness like a simple cold was classified as having swine flu.

What this meant was that virtually every person who visited their physician with flu-like symptoms since late July 2009 was assumed to have H1N1. If anything, this will tell us that the numbers of infection and subsequent deaths will automatically be grossly overstated, not understated, as WHO claims. And this is exactly what the three-month-long investigation by CBS News revealed. After reviewing the actual lab results across all 50 US states performed prior to the CDC ending all testing, they discovered that:

” The vast majority of cases were negative for H1N1 as well as seasonal flu, despite the fact that many states were specifically testing patients deemed to be most likely to have H1N1 flu, based on symptoms and risk factors, such as travel to Mexico…. “If you’ve been diagnosed “probable” or “presumed” 2009 H1N1 or “swine flu” in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn’t have H1N1 flu. In fact, you probably didn’t have flu at all.”

Again, to be clear, the Lancet study claiming the 2009 swine flu pandemic killed 15 times the number of laboratory-confirmed H1N1 cases came to this conclusion using statistical modeling, whereas the CBS investigation looked at the results of actual lab-testing conducted across the 50 states. If as little as one to two percent of all flu-like illnesses were due to H1N1, then it stands to reason that the death toll due to H1N1 was quite insignificant, and the risk of it having been “grossly underestimated” is slim…

This strategy is tobacco science at its finest. It’s very effective, yet it continues to amaze me how this bastardization and perversion of the scientific process is not more carefully scrutinized. Especially in light of the massive collusion and revolving doors between federal regulatory agencies and the vaccine industry. For example, the former head of the CDC, Julie Gerberding, is now the president of Merck’s vaccine unit, which is the largest producer of vaccines in the worldvii.

Vaccine Makers are Not Liable for Damage Resulting from Pandemic Vaccines

As calls for fast-tracked vaccines are escalating, it’s important to remember that the U.S. government has granted vaccine makers total legal immunity from any lawsuits that result from any new fast-tracked pandemic vaccine. Drug manufacturers got a major boost in protection and were granted unprecedented powers to experiment on the population with the passing of the 2006 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (the PREP Act). This law allows the Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to invoke almost complete immunity from liability for manufacturers of vaccines and drugs used to combat a declared public health emergency.

The PREP Act removes your right to a trial jury unless you can provide clear evidence of willful misconduct that resulted in death or serious physical injury. But that’s not all. First you must apply for and be granted permission to sue by the DHHS Secretary.

The most problematic aspect of the PREP Act is that it removes all financial incentive to make a safe product.

In fact, vaccine makers now have a negative incentive to test it for safety, because if they are aware of problems, then they could potentially be held liable for willful misconduct! As long as they can prove they “didn’t know” of any problem, they will not be liable for damages. Hence it’s in their best interest to know as little as possible about the adverse reactions it might cause. It seems unimaginable, but you and your children are now being enlisted as an unpaid human trial subjects for experimental, fast-tracked vaccines like the swine flu vaccine, and any soon-to-come bird flu vaccine.

How to Protect Yourself Against the Flu Without Vaccination

While the media is sure to continue hyping the bird flu, I’d like to remind you that a healthy immune system is your best and primary defense against any viral threat. Following these simple guidelines will help you keep your immune system in optimal working order so that you’re far less likely to acquire the infection to begin with.
•Optimize your vitamin D levels. As I’ve previously reported, optimizing your vitamin D levels is one of the absolute best strategies for avoiding infections of ALL kinds. This is probably the single most important and least expensive action you can take. I would STRONGLY urge you to have your vitamin D level monitored to confirm your levels are therapeutic at 50-70 ng/ml year-round.
An inexpensive option to get your vitamin D levels checked on a regular basis is to join the GrassrootsHealth D*action Project.

•Avoid Sugar and Processed Foods. Sugar decreases the function of your immune system almost immediately. Be aware that sugar is present in foods you may not suspect, like ketchup and fruit juice.
•Get Enough Rest. Just like it becomes harder for you to get your daily tasks done if you’re tired, if your body is overly fatigued it will be harder for it to fight the flu. Be sure to check out my article Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep for some great tips to help you get quality rest.
•Have Effective Tools to Address Stress . We all face some stress every day, but if stress becomes overwhelming then your body will be less able to fight off the flu and other illness. If you feel that stress is taking a toll on your health, consider using an energy psychology tool such as the Emotional Freedom Technique, which is remarkably effective in relieving stress associated with all kinds of events, from work to family to trauma.
•Exercise. When you exercise, you increase your circulation and your blood flow throughout your body. The components of your immune system are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of finding an illness before it spreads.
•Take a Good Source of Animal-Based Omega-3 Fats. Increase your intake of healthy and essential fats like the omega-3 found in krill oil, which is crucial for maintaining health. It is also vitally important to avoid damaged omega-6 oils that are trans fats and in processed foods as it will seriously damage your immune response.
•Wash Your Hands. Washing your hands will decrease your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth or other people. Be sure you don’t use antibacterial soap for this — antibacterial soaps are completely unnecessary, and they cause far more harm than good. Instead, identify a simple chemical-free soap that you can switch your family to.
•Use Natural Antibiotics. Examples include colloidal silver, oil of oregano, and garlic. These work like broad-spectrum antibiotics against bacteria, viruses, and protozoa in your body. And unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, they do not appear to lead to resistance.
•Avoid Hospitals. I’d recommend avoiding hospitals unless you’re having an emergency, as hospitals are prime breeding grounds for infections of all kinds and could be one of the likeliest places you could be exposed to any new bug. Also keep in mind that virtually all vaccinations will LOWER your immune system (this is the main job of the vaccine adjuvants), NOT make it stronger!

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Far from being an essential dental product with no viable alternatives, amalgam (mercury) fillings are substitutable with other filling materials.

Yet this toxic material is still being widely used by dentists in the United States by about half the dentists, the other half refuse to use this toxic material.

It’s high time for this archaic practice to be put to rest, as yet another report, this time from the Health Care Research Collaborative, has ruled that the impacts of mercury on human health and the environment far outweigh those posed by safer alternative materials.

Mercury Alternatives “Less Hazardous” to Public Health and the Environment

Such was the conclusion of researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago School of public Health when comparing mercury-based dental fillings with alternatives like resin composites and glass ionomer fillings.i

They reported:

“Based on current evidence, the ultimate goal of a phase-out of virtually all usage of dental mercury is recommended. This phase-out must be planned and deliberate, assuring continued emphasis on adequate restorations to prevent continued tooth decay and the potential of malnutrition in economically impoverished areas … Based on this comparative review and the practical experience of countries and dentists that have essentially eliminated mercury amalgams, a virtual phase-out of dental amalgam, with exceptions provided for difficult cases, is possible and advisable.”

Already, Denmark, Sweden and Norway have banned dental amalgam (a specific exception can be granted for individual cases), and Canada, Italy and Australia have taken steps to reduce amalgam use.

The 47 nations of the Council of Europe also passed a resolution calling on the nations to start “restricting or prohibiting the use of amalgams as dental fillings,” explaining that “amalgams are the prime source of exposure to mercury for developed countries, also affecting embryos, fetuses (through the placenta) and children (through breastfeeding).”

The problems with mercury fillings are two-fold. First, virtually any kind of stimulation can cause these fillings to release mercury — eating, drinking, brushing your teeth, grinding your teeth, chewing gum, anything. If you want to see the vapors released for yourself, watch the shocking video below.

Mercury vapor from the amalgams passes readily through cell membranes, across the blood-brain barrier, and into your central nervous system, where it causes immunological, neurological, and even psychological problems. Children and fetuses, whose brains are still developing, are most at risk, but really anyone can be impacted.

Second, dental mercury is the number one source of mercury in our wastewater, so dentists are handing the clean-up bill for their pollution to taxpayers and water ratepayers. And this mercury ends up in your food supply, where it can cause continued damage to your health if you eat fish and other contaminated seafood. It’s estimated that 362 tons of dental mercury are used annually worldwide, causing a significant environmental burden – for absolutely no reason, as safer alternatives are already widely available.

WHO Also Takes Stand Against Dental Mercury

The World Health Organization (WHO) released its final report on dental amalgam,ii and also took a stance against the use of mercury in dentistry, urging “a switch in use of dental materials away from amalgam.”

As reported by Charlie Brown, director of Consumers for Dental Choice,”[F]or many reasons,” WHO explains, “restorative materials alternative to dental amalgam are desirable.” As Consumers for Dental Choice, which was founded by Bob Jones and Sue Ann Taylor, reported, WHO noted the following three reasons for the position:iii
1.Amalgam releases a “significant amount of mercury” into the environment, including the atmosphere, surface water, groundwater, and soil. WHO reported:

“When released from dental amalgam use into the environment through these pathways, mercury is transported globally and deposited. Mercury releases may then enter the human food chain especially via fish consumption.”
2.WHO determines that amalgam raises “general health concerns”: While the report acknowledges that a few dental trade groups still believe amalgam is safe for all, the WHO report reaches a very different conclusion: “Amalgam has been associated with general health concerns.” The report observes:

“According to the Norwegian Dental Biomaterials Adverse Reaction Unit, the majority of cases of side-effects of dental filling materials are linked with dental amalgam.”
3.WHO concludes “materials alternative to dental amalgam are available” and cites studies indicating they are superior to amalgam. For example, WHO says “recent data suggest that RBCs [resin-based composites] perform equally well” as amalgam. And compomers have a higher survival rate, says WHO, citing a study finding that 95% of compomers and 92% of amalgams survive after 4 years.

In particular, WHO explains that “Alternative restorative materials of sufficient quality are available for use in the deciduous [baby] dentition of children” – the population whose developing neurological systems are most susceptible to the neurotoxic effects of dental mercury. Perhaps more important than the survival of the filling, WHO asserts that:

“Adhesive resin materials allow for less tooth destruction and, as a result, a longer survival of the tooth itself.”

The report also included mention of the known toxic effects of mercury exposure, stating:

“Mercury is highly toxic and harmful to health. Approximately 80% of inhaled mercury vapor is absorbed in the blood through the lungs, causing damages to lungs, kidneys and the nervous, digestive, respiratory and immune systems. Health effects from excessive mercury exposure include tremors, impaired vision and hearing, paralysis, insomnia, emotional instability, developmental deficits during fetal development, and attention deficit and developmental delays during childhood.”

Crime Against Humanity Complaint Filed for Victims of Mercury Filling Experiment Funded by U.S. Government

In 2006, a study funded by the U.S. government’s National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) was published in JAMA.iv It involved children from low-income families, as well as those from an orphanage, who were given either fillings that contained mercury or a mercury-free composite material. Now the consumer group Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions (DAMS) and the International Criminal Court have filed a “Crime Against Humanity” complaint against those involved.

Along with exposing the children to a known toxic substance, it’s alleged that misleading consent forms were used that did not disclose the mercury exposure or absorption possible from the fillings. Some did not even disclose that the fillings contained mercury. Further, while the study concluded there were no differences in the health impacts caused by the two materials (and as a result is used by the American Dental Association and other public health agencies to “prove” the safety of mercury fillings), major scientific flaws in the study design and conclusions were detected by Boyd Haley, PhD, chairman of IAOMT’s Scientific Advisory Board and Professor Emeritus at the University of Kentucky.v Among them:
•Neglecting to properly measure the amount of mercury exposure to the children
•Using urine and blood mercury levels even though more than 90% of mercury is excreted in feces
•Used less sensitive clinical testing parameters for detecting mercury toxicity
•Did not specify that their conclusions should not apply to children with neurodevelopmental or systemic illness

DAMS is asking for an investigation to be launched, directed at those responsible for the design, funding, execution, analysis, and publication of the experiment, noting:vi

“The experiment exposed the children to significant amounts of mercury, a deadly poison, in order to justify the use of dental amalgam fillings, and the results were used to promote the use of mercury fillings on millions of additional children throughout the world.”

What Types of Alternative are There?

About 77 percent of consumers who are told that amalgam contains mercury choose mercury-free alternatives.vii

One of the most popular alternatives to amalgam is resin composite. Resin composite is made of a type of plastic reinforced with powdered glass. It is already common throughout the United States and the rest of the developed world, offering notable improvements over amalgam, as it:
•Is environmentally safe: Composite, which contains no mercury, does not pollute the environment. This saves taxpayers from paying the costs of cleaning up dental mercury pollution in our water, air, and land – and the costs of health problems associated with mercury pollution.
•Preserves healthy tooth structure, because, unlike amalgam, it does not require the removal of significant amounts of healthy tooth matter. Over the long term, composite preserves healthy tooth structure and actually strengthens teeth, leading to better oral health and less extensive dental work over the long-term.
•Is long-lasting: While some claim that amalgam fillings last longer than composite fillings, the science reveals this claim to be baseless. The latest studies show that composite not only lasts as long as amalgam, but actually has a higher overall survival rate.

A lesser-known alternative is increasingly making mercury-free dentistry possible even in the rural areas of developing countries. Atraumatic restorative treatment (also called alternative restorative treatment or ART) is a mercury-free restorative technique that has been demonstrated a success in a diverse array of countries around the world, including Tanzania, India, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Turkey, South Africa, Thailand, Canada, Panama, Ecuador, Syria, Hong Kong, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Chile, Nigeria, China, Uruguay, Peru, and the United States.

ART relies on adhesive materials for the filling (instead of mercury) and uses only hand instruments to place the filling, making it particularly well-suited for rural areas of developing countries.

Important Information Regarding Amalgam Removal

For those of you who have mercury fillings, I recommend that you have them removed … but avoid making the mistake I did nearly 20 years ago by having it done by a non-biological dentist. When you have these fillings removed you can be exposed to significant amounts of mercury vapors if the dentist doesn’t know what he or she is doing. It’s also for this reason that I strongly suggest you get healthy BEFORE having your fillings removed, as you want your detoxification mechanisms optimized prior to removal.

My struggles with my own teeth led me to learn about and embrace biological dentistry, also known as holistic or environmental dentistry. In a nutshell, biological dentistry views your teeth and gums as an integrated part of your entire body, and any medical treatments performed takes this fact into account. The primary aim of holistic dentistry is to resolve your dental problems while working in harmony with the rest of your body. Biological dentists are well aware of the dangers involved with toxic materials such as mercury fillings (aka amalgams). Some things that need to be done to keep you (and your dentist) safe during amalgam removal include:
•Providing you with an alternative air source and instructing you not to breathe through your mouth
•Using a cold-water spray to minimize mercury vapors
•Putting a rubber dam in your mouth so you don’t swallow or inhale any toxins
•Using a high-volume evacuator near the tooth at all times to evacuate the mercury vapor
•Washing your mouth out immediately after the fillings have been removed (the dentist should also change gloves after the removal)
•Immediately cleaning your protective wear and face once the fillings are removed
•Using room air purifiers

How to Find a Qualified Biological Dentist

Knowledgeable biological dentists can be hard to come by, so start your search by asking a friend, relative, neighbor, or inquire at your local health food store. The following links can also help you to find a mercury-free, biological dentist:
•International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
•Consumers for Dental Choice
•International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine (IABDM)
•Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions (DAMS). E-mail them at: [email protected] or call 651-644-4572 for an information packet
•Huggins Applied Healing. You’ll need to fill out a form and they will connect with you to find a suitable dentist in your area
•Holistic Dental Association
•International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

Obamacare, the Great Swindle

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Now that Obamacare has been ruled a tax by the U.S. Supreme Court, reality is starting to sink in for all those who emotionally supported it. Promoted as a way to provide either free health care or low-cost health care to the masses, the sobering reality is that under Obamacare, health insurance prices keep rising, not falling. That’s no surprise, of course, since the Obamacare legislation was practically written by the health insurance companies, and they sure didn’t put their weight behind a sweeping new law that would earn them less profit.

In an era when the so-called “99%” are sick and tired of being exploited by the one percent who control everything, they just handed their medical futures over to precisely the one percent who skillfully monopolize the conventional health care system!

Obamacare is, at every level, a huge victory for the one percent.

A costly new tax on the middle class
By the year 2016, the Obamacare “penalty” tax will reach roughly $2,000 per year for a two-person household. According to Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal, 75% of the financial burden of Obamacare’s new taxes will fall onto Americans making less than $120,000 a year (http://www.humanevents.com/2012/06/30/wsj-chief-economist-75-of-obama…). The great Middle Class, in other words, will bear this new tax more than anyone else.

In effect, what has really happened here is a great swindle: Obama got the middle class to support his legislation by promising it was NOT a tax, and by promising it would LOWER health insurance costs. In reality, however, it RAISES health insurance costs, it IS a tax, and the majority of that tax burden falls squarely on the very same middle-class voters who put Obama into office under false pretenses. That’s a swindle, by any definition.

Not surprisingly, this realization doesn’t sit well with many middle class taxpayers. While the original emotional appeal of Obamacare was nicely packaged and seductively marketed to the masses, the sobering, post-honeymoon reality slaps us all in the face like a wet fish: Smack! This thing is another huge tax increase on the working class! And on top of that, it gives the IRS scary new powers to pry into our private finances. How did you all think compliance with Obamacare was going to be enforced, anyway? It’s going to empower the IRS with even more agents!

Government monopoly for Big Pharma
Even worse than the trillions in new taxes and the IRS spy grid that’s now being set up to monitor compliance with Obamacare, there’s also the sobering fact that Obamacare never even attempted to give consumers a free choice in their health care providers. There’s no coverage of naturopathic medicine, herbal medicine, acupuncture or nutritional therapies. The entire law is written around — and for — Big Pharma and the conventional “sick care” industry that’s best described as a “medical racket.”

Thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court, we don’t even have a chance to opt out of this corrupt, failed system of patented chemical medications and overpriced surgical procedures. Now, we are forced to hand over our hard-earned money to the very same medical system that we already know is responsible for killing over 750,000 Americans a year. It’s called “iatrogenic death,” and it means death by health care.

So not only are we being chemically abused and medically enslaved in America, we are now financially forced to pay for the privilege of being raked over the coals by the medical establishment. It makes you wonder… where is the “care” in Obamacare?

But wait, there’s more! From this position of being coerced by the government to pay for a system of medicine you don’t even want, it’s not much of a leap to being coerced to undergo medical procedures you don’t want, either.

How Obamacare will lead to mandatory vaccinations for everyone
Forced vaccinations — for adults! — are on the way, friends. And here’s why: Once everybody is “in the system” of mandatory health care, we will begin to hear arguments like this:

“Anyone who refuses to get vaccinated against influenza is thereby at risk of being an influenza carrier and infecting other people, thus increasing health care costs for us all. To save money, government must force everyone to get vaccinated!”

It’s a false argument, of course, but it will be used to literally line people up at courthouses (with the threat of arrest and jail time) and force them all to be vaccinated against their will.

The same false logic can be used to force people to undergo chemotherapy, take AIDS drugs, undergo coronary bypass surgery or be subjected to almost any medical procedure deemed “necessary” by the government. In the realm of mental health and psychiatry, this opens up a Pandora’s Box of exploitation of patients for the purpose of raking in record profits for the criminally-operated psychiatric drug industry.

Such is the inevitable abuse of monopolistic market practices enforced by a corrupt government that serves the interests of its corporate masters: Once the sick care industry has this monopoly and can force everyone to participate, they will exploit that advantage to its fullest profiteering capacity.

Remember: It is the dream of every corporation to dominate the world. Obamacare just gave Big Pharma and the other sick care giants huge monopolistic cheats to pursue precisely that goal.

Sober up, America
In a time when consumers are increasingly demanding transparency, free choice and the ability to shop around for competitive bargains, Obamacare codifies secrecy, mandatory compliance and monopolistic practices.

Maybe it’s time to sober up and take an honest look at what Obamacare really is instead of what Obama promised it would be. People bought into the dream, but what they actually received was a monumental swindle.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99