Man catches fire…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Man catches fire after applying sunscreen; toxic chemicals are flammable

I read this article today and felt that it was worthwhile to repost and enable more people to read about this problem.
I am also a great believer in not putting any creams or lotions on that you wouldn’t put into your mouth, why you ask? well your skin absorbs whatever you rub into it. This product will get into your blood stream and be absorbed into your very being.
Ok the lotion can’t be tasted but thats the only real difference between eating/drinking it and rubbing it into your skin.

Anyone that’s been a regular reader of my blog will know I’m a natural lover, I won’t consciously allow pharmaceutical/drugs into my body, this includes the thousands of foods contaminated with pesticides and hebicides. I say contaminated because thats just what they are, contaminated… so many foods may read well on the label but after processing and the other unnatural processes they go through there is very little of the original nutrition that God planned.

Many folks still don’t know that sunlight is good for you, that it is a wonderful source of vitamin D. That said, you don’t want to overexpose your skin to too much sunlight, lest you wind up with a painful sunburn. Then again, you could get a painful burn simply by using sunscreen, believe it or not, despite its purpose to the contrary.

That’s what happened to Brett Sigworth of Stow, Massachusetts. He tells CBS/Boston that after applying Banana Boat Sport Performance spray-on sunscreen before barbecuing, his body literally caught fire.

“I sprayed on the spray-on sunscreen, and then rubbed it on for a few seconds. I walked over to my grill, took one of the holders to move some of the charcoal briquettes around and all of a sudden it just went up my arm,” he said.

Flames spread from there.

“I went into complete panic mode and screamed. I’ve never experienced pain like that in my life,” he said.

There is a warning label, but is it too vague?

Thank goodness he wasn’t alone. Acting quickly, his friends and girlfriend worked to put out the flames in an act that no doubt saved his life. But not before the lotion did its damage.

Sigworth received second-degree burns (the most painful) on his chest, ear and back in a pattern that corresponds with where he applied the sunscreen. The worst of the burns are around his neck, a very dangerous place because of the proximity to his mouth; breathing in the flames would have likely caused swelling in his esophagus and could have closed off his airway, essentially choking him internally.

Two weeks later, reports said, Sigworth’s skin was still healing.

Doctors said if he had remained on fire just a few seconds more, the burns would have been even more severe, perhaps due to the penetrating nature of the sunscreen.

“There is no warning that says this product is flammable when applied to your skin or for a period of time when applied to skin,” Sigworth said. “I think if people were told this is flammable for two minutes on your skin afterward, people wouldn’t use it.”

According to reports, the labeling on the sunscreen actually does say the spray is flammable and that it should not be used near an open flame. It makes sense when you think about it, because the product is oil-based.

However, the label doesn’t elaborate on the flammability of the spray after it is applied.

Either way, the company is at least trying to be responsive and responsible.

“We were concerned to hear about Brett’s experience,” the company said in the statement to CBS Boston. “At Banana Boat, we take these matters very seriously and will begin a prompt investigation as we continue to strive to deliver products of the highest quality to our consumers.”

Not the first freak burn accident with sunscreen

Apparently, however, Sigworth’s experience is not unique.

Fire inspector Quvondo Johnson of the Los Angeles County Fire Department said in an interview with CBS Los Angeles that his department has responded to calls from similar incidents because such sprays contain propellants – flammable gases – in them.

“If it’s an open flame, it will ignite whether it’s on your skin, whether it’s on your clothes, whether it’s in the air,” he said.

Perhaps the best advice, Johnson says, is to actually read – and heed – the label on such spray sunscreens and stay away from open flames.

Barbequing meat on a grill is one thing, but you should be able to enjoy summer – and the healthy benefits of the sun – without barbequing yourself.


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Great information on Omega 3 and Krill oil…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The omega-3 fats found in fatty fish have been increasingly shown to have beneficial effects on cardiovascular health, inflammation, mental health, and neurodegenerative diseases.
But because fish are such a heavily polluted food source, this is one instance where you’re typically better off getting the omega-3 fats from a purified, high quality, animal-based supplement.
The most common of these is fish oil, which nearly all of you reading this have probably heard of.
Fish oil really started the omega-3 market, and most of the research on the benefits of animal-based omega-3 fats (DHA and EPA), even to this day, is based on studies using fish oil.
However, this, too, has a major downfall – oxidation.
Omega-3 fats are extremely fragile and are highly susceptible to damage by oxygen, which can radially reduce their health benefits and even make them damaging to your body.
Now a new study has determined that adding the antioxidant astaxanthin to fish oil reduces its susceptibility to oxidation while making its immunomodulatory properties more potent. This is the precise reason why I have been recommending you get your omega-3 fats from krill oil instead of fish oil, because it has astaxanthin already built in!
Why Oxidized Fish Oil is a Waste of Money
The primary drawback with fish oil is the problem with oxidation, which can occur at any point during the processing, or after you open the bottle. Dr. Moerck, an expert on omega-3 fats, explains:
“There are a number of ways in which fish oil can be processed. One is by just simply squeezing the fish — in some cases with cod liver oil to actually remove the livers from the cod — and then remove the oil from those by classical mechanical techniques.
In some cases, to get the last few ounces of oil out of the fish, they use solvents, or they use fish oil as a solvent by taking fish oil that’s already been processed, using it as an extraction method to get more fish oil out.
Every time fish oil is subjected to contact with oxygen, however, it starts going rancid. It starts oxidizing.”
This is important to realize, because taking a cheap, poor-quality, rancid fish oil will do you more harm than good, and Dr. Moerck estimates that 25-50 percent of fish oils on the market are rancid. Again, this could be an artifact from the processing and manufacturing of the oil, or due to improper storage. The type of bottle used also impacts the oil’s tendency to go rancid. Ideally, fish oil should be stored in glass or PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles, as they offer the best protection against oxygen.
As a general rule, brands with high turnover also tend to have less rancidity, and they are less likely to be sitting on the shelf for long periods. If you choose to buy fish oil, there are several guidelines you need to follow to help ensure you’re getting a high-quality, non-rancid variety:
• Avoid fish oil in clear containers, because they allow ultraviolet and fluorescent light through, which oxidizes the oil, turning it rancid
• Buy smaller bottles more frequently
• Have them shipped overnight to your home, directly from the manufacturer so you get their freshest batch
• Buy from a company with high product turnover to minimize the possibility of getting a product that’s been in storage for an extended period of time
• Store the fish oil in your refrigerator
• Add astaxanthin to the fish oil the moment you open it. This could be tedious though as you may have to add 10 to 40 capsules depending on the size of the container — and raw astaxanthin will stain your fingers and clothing. It really is close to a dye and is a very difficult stain to remove.
However, even with all of these factors in place it can be difficult to truly gauge its quality, which is why I believe that unless you can verify the purity and freshness of the fish oil, I recommend you avoid it. Besides, fish oil will not contain the most important factor for preserving its freshness naturally, astaxanthin.
Krill Oil Naturally Contains Astaxanthin
There is no need to go through the hassle of seeking to add astaxanthin to your fish oil, as even though it will protect against further oxidation it does absolutely nothing to reverse oxidation in damaged fish oil fats. Once the fat is oxidized it is permanently ruined. The beauty of astaxanthin in krill is that it is there in the krill right from the start, which protects the omega-3 fats along every stage of harvesting and processing.
In tests performed by Dr. Moerck, the krill oil remained undamaged after being exposed to a steady flow of oxygen for 190 hours, whereas fish oil went rancid after just one hour. In other words krill was nearly 200 times more resistant to oxidative damage than fish oil.
When purchasing krill oil, you’ll want to read the label and check the amount of astaxanthin it contains. The more the better, but anything above 0.2 mg per gram of krill oil will protect it from rancidity.
Aside from the astaxanthin, krill oil offers other benefits over fish oil as well. Two studies illustrated the superior benefits of krill oil over fish oil. The first study, published in January, found that the metabolic effects of the two oils are “essentially similar,” but that krill oil is as effective as fish oil despite the fact that it contains less EPA and DHA. This finding corresponds with unpublished data suggesting that krill oil is absorbed up to 10-15 times as well as fish oil, which would explain this discrepancy. But what makes it that much more absorbable?
In a nutshell, it has to do with its molecular composition.
Fish oil is in a triglyceride molecule that has to be broken down in your gut to its base fatty acids of DHA and EPA. About 80-85 percent is never absorbed and is eliminated in your intestine (this is why fish oil can cause you to experience burp back and why about half of all people cannot tolerate fish oil). Then once the fatty acids are absorbed into your bloodstream, your liver has to attach it to phoshphatidyl choline for it to be used by your body.
The amazing beauty of krill is that it is already in the correct form in the capsule, so your body uses virtually 100 percent of it.
According to an article in Functional Nutrition, krill oil typically provides 14 percent EPA and DHA, along with 0.2 percent naturally occurring astaxanthin. Fish oil typically provides 30 percent EPA and DHA. At first glance, it may appear as though fish oil is better simply because it contains a higher ratio of omega-3 fats. However, krill oil is far more efficient, so you actually need far less.
What Exactly is Astaxanthin?
Astaxanthin is a carotenoid antioxidant produced only by the microalgae Haematoccous pluvialis when its water supply dries up, forcing it to protect itself from ultraviolet radiation. It’s the algae’s survival mechanism — astaxanthin serves as a “force field” to protect the algae from lack of nutrition and/or intense sunlight.
There are only two known sources of astaxanthin — the microalgae that produce it, and the sea creatures that consume the algae (such as salmon, shellfish, and krill).
This pigment is the most commonly occurring red carotenoid in marine and aquatic animals and is what gives salmon their characteristic pink color. Astaxanthin is leaps and bounds more powerful than beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, lycopene and lutein, other members of its chemical family. It exhibits VERY STRONG free radical scavenging activity and helps protect your cells, organs and body tissues from oxidative damage and inflammation. This antioxidant has been found to impact your health in a number of beneficial ways, including:
Acting as a natural sunscreen Wrinkle prevention
Powerful anti-inflammatory

Improvements in vision, specifically depth perception
Reduction of lactic acid in muscle tissue Boost endurance
Reduces your risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, blindness, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
Prevent free radical damage Boost your immune system
Astaxanthin’s unique “antioxidative artillery” provides for an impressive array of health benefits, so much so that although I don’t recommend many supplements, I believe many could enjoy even MORE benefits by further increasing your astaxanthin, even if you are already taking a krill oil supplement. If you decide to give astaxanthin a try on its own, I recommend a dose of 8-10 mg per day. If you are on a krill oil supplement, take that into consideration, as different krill products have different concentrations of astaxanthin, so check your label.
What about Flaxseed as a Source of Omega-3 Fat?
The other common question many have when it comes to omega-3 fats is whether flaxseeds are a healthy option. First, let me point out that flaxseed is rich in essential omega-3 fats like ALA, and it is an excellent source of protein and fat. As long as you purchase them whole and grind them yourself just prior to eating them (as 100 percent of commercially ground flaxseeds are rancid), they make an excellent addition to salads, smoothies and virtually any other meal to boost its vital nutrients.
So flaxseeds can be a very healthy addition to your diet — just don’t depend on them to get your omega-3 fats.
Although the ALA in flax and other plant-based sources of omega-3 are healthy and useful as part of a healthy diet, they simply aren’t able to be converted to the longer chain fats DHA and EPA in sufficient quantities for most people.. So it is essential to get some of your omega-3 fats from animal sources so you will have premade DHA and EPA.
Krill is a Highly Sustainable Food Source, Too
The health benefits of krill oil being clear, some have expressed concern that it is not a sustainable resource, but this could not be further from the truth. In fact, there are legitimate environmental concerns with harvesting fish, as 90 percent of the fish that swam in the oceans 60 years ago are now gone due to overfishing.
Krill, on the other hand, is the most abundant biomass on Earth, amounting to about 500 million tons. Despite its growing popularity as a food source, less than 2 percent is harvested.
Krill harvesting is also one of the best regulated on the planet, using strict international precautionary catch limit regulations that are reviewed regularly to assure sustainability. For more on this, please read my article about this issue. Fortunately, you can enjoy the health benefits of krill oil (and its naturally occurring astaxanthin) with peace of mind, as it is the most eco-friendly source of animal-based omega-3 on the planet.
by Dr Mercola

Source: European Journal of Nutrition October 5, 2011

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Fluoride – A Modern Toxic Waste

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Fluoride – A Modern Toxic Waste
By Lita Lee, Ph.D.
I was surprised to read this headline in the Register Guard on August 19, 1993: “Fluoridated Water Safe, Study Finds.” This proclamation came after an 18-month review of research on fluoridation by the National Research Council. On August 14 the NRC panel said that they found no credible evidence that fluoride causes cancer, kidney disease or birth defects. Dr. Bernard Wagner, a NYU School of Medicine professor and chairman of the NRC committee, said that the only proven harm to health from fluoride-laced drinking water that his panel could find was an increase in staining or pitting of tooth enamel (dental fluorosis). He said, “The overwhelming benefits of fluoride in water in terms of preventing (tooth decay), allowing young children to have a life of good teeth and maintaining those teeth into older life, far outweighs the small percentage of our population that shows fluorosis.”
The NRC committee viewed the EPA standard of no more than 4 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride in drinking water as “appropriate.” It is doubtful that the NRC committee reviewed 50 years of research by many scientists such as Yiamouyiannis, Waldbott and others that document the extreme toxicity of fluoride at doses far below the so-called “appropriate” level of 4 ppm.

History of Fluoridation
The fluoridation of drinking water in America began in the 1940’s. The NRC panel estimates that 132 million Americans now use drinking water with fluoride levels above 0.7 ppm, the so-called minimum “beneficial” level. It is estimated that 184,000 Americans are drinking water that contains more than 4 ppm fluoride (Griffiths). The NRC committee admitted that it cannot gauge the true fluoride exposure in Americans because it is present in foods, beverages and a wide array of dental products and procedures
and because everyone consumes different amounts of fluoridated water and foods. Estimates suggested that less than one-quarter of fluoride ingested by Americans comes from fluoridated drinking water. The rest comes from canned foods, drinks processed with fluoridated water, medicines, insecticides, fertilizers, solvents, fuels, and so on. Fluoride is increasing in our food chain, our atmosphere and in our living tissues due to industrial contamination. In 1950, the average American ingested about 1.1 mg of fluoride daily. In 1988, this increased to 6 mg daily. If fluoride prevents tooth decay, and we’re ingesting more than ever before why are dental cavities increasing?

General Toxic Effects of Fluoride
The following information is from the research of Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, unless otherwise documented. Yiamouyiannis has spent years researching the health effects of fluoride toxicity. He founded the Safe Water Foundation, which regularly reports research documenting the harmful effects of fluoride. Fluoride is a cumulative poison that damages the immune system, poisons over 100 enzymes, makes minerals such as calcium and magnesium precipitate and become unavailable, causes premature aging, causes hypothyroidism, increases risk to cancer and bone pathologies such as osteoporosis, and causes seizures in susceptible people. Fluoride also increases the risk for the so-called autoimmune diseases, such as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and others, and increases the incidence of mongoloidism and crib death (SIDS) in newborns.
Yiamouyiannis reports that over 130 million Americans are being poisoned from water fluoridation. Over 20 million Americans have dental fluorosis. One to two million Americans suffer allergic reactions fromfluoride. It’s hard to avoid fluoride even if you drink distilled water. Why? Because fluoridated water is used in the preparation of foods, soft drinks, beer and foods grown with fluoridated water.

Does Fluoride Prevent Tooth Decay?
NO! In May 1989, Yiamouyiannis and his researchers reported the results of their analysis of a large database from the National Institute of Dental Research (NIDR) of the US Public Health Service to determine whether there is a relationship between fluoridation and tooth decay. Released on June 21, 1988, the $22,670,000 nationwide survey examined 39,207 U.S. school children aged 5 – 17 years from 84 geographical areas. The areas included 28 fluoridated for 17 years or more, 29 never fluoridated and 27 partially fluoridated. The results of the study clearly showed no relation between tooth decay rates and fluoridation. The lowest tooth decay rate reported occurred in a nonfluoridated area. Yet, the NIDR claimed that fluoridation reduced tooth decay by 60-70%.The decay-free children in the fluoridated, nonfluoridated and partially fluoridated areas were 34%, 35% and 31%, respectively. In other words, 70% or our children have decayed teeth regardless of fluoridation. Other researchers confirmed Yiamouyiannis’ research. For example, A.S. Gray and J. Colguhoun were public health officials who had previously been very active in promoting fluoridation. Both authors showed that tooth decay in fluoridated areas was the same or slightly higher than in nonfluoridated areas. Colguhoun’s research has documented many flaws in earlier studies claiming that fluoridation reduces tooth decay.
Fluorosis (dental mottling of teeth) occurs in one out of four children.

Why is Fluoride Called “The Aging Factor”?
Yiamouyiannis’ book, Fluoride, The Aging Factor, documents the cumulative effect of tissue damage by fluoride, commonly seen as aging (collagen damage), skin rashes and acne, gastrointestinal disorders, and many other conditions, including osteoporosis. The U.S. Center for Disease Control and the Safe Water Foundation reported that 30,000 to 50,000 excess deaths occur in the United States each year in areas in which the water contains only one ppm fluoride.
The following is a partial list of conditions that show why fluoride is called the aging factor. Fluoride destroys collagen: Fluoride breaks down collagen and interferes with its formation. Collagen comprises 30% of the body’s protein and is a major structural component of skin, ligaments, tendons, muscles, cartilage, bones and teeth. In lab tests, fluoride was fed to animals. Collagen breakdown products – the amino acids hyroxyprolene and hydroxylysine – were observed in their urine. These amino acids are found only in collagen and their levels start increasing in the urine at only one ppm fluoride. (Yiamouyiannis, Health Freedom News).
Fluoride’s destruction of collagen causes premature wrinkles, brittle bones and teeth as well as arthritic symptoms. In fact, fluoride increases the brittleness of bone so much that it shatters like glass when stressed, as in an accident. Yiamouyiannis describes severe health problems among a group of Turkish villagers in Kizilcaoern, who drank water containing 5 ppm fluoride. Their symptoms were quite dramatic because the villagers had a poor, low protein diet. Symptoms included premature aging, bone problems including arthritis, frequent fractures, and a poor birth rate, with stillbirths after 4 or 5 months of gestation.

Fluoride suppresses the immune system: Fluoride inhibits the movement of white blood cells by 70%, thereby decreasing their ability to reach their target. Yiamouyiannis cites 15 references in his pamphlet, Lifesavers Guide to Fluoridation, that document immunosuppressive effects of as little as 10% of the amount of fluoride used in fluoridated water. These include studies in Japan (1985), Russia (1987) and Scotland. Immunosuppressive effects run the gamut, from a cold that won’t go away to increased risk of cancer and other infectious diseases.
Fluoride is a potent enzyme poison: The U.S. Academy of Sciences, the World Health Organization and others have listed over 100 enzymes that are inhibited by fluoride at levels of 0.1 to 2 ppm. For every enzyme inhibited, an important metabolic process is stopped. For example, fluoride accumulating in the thyroid is one of several factors in the current epidemic of hypothyroidism. In fact, the symptoms of fluoride poison are identical to those of hypothyroidism.

Does Fluoride Cause or Increase the Incidence of Cancer?
YES! Yiamouyiannis documents research showing that fluoride increases the tumor growth rate by 25% at only 1 ppm, produces melanotic tumors, transforms normal cells into cancer cells and increases the carcinogenesis of other chemicals. For the original references to these studies, refer to Yiamouyiannis’ pamphlet, Lifesavers Guide to Fluoridation. In 1977, epidemiological studies by Dr. Dean Burk, former head of the Cytochemistry Section at the National Cancer Institute and Yiamouyiannis showed that fluoridation caused 10,000 excess cancer deaths yearly. It was not until 1989 that the results were reluctantly released. Analysis of the results in rats showed that animals who drank fluoridated water showed: an increase in tumors and cancers in oral squamous cells, a rare form of bone cancer (osteosarcoma), and an increase in thyroid follicular cell tumors. A rare form of liver cancer (hepatocholangiocarcinoma) occurred only in animals who drank fluoridated water.

A Partial List of Enzymes Poisoned by Fluoride at levels of 0.1 to 2 ppm Source: Yiamouyiannis Acetylcholinesterase Glutamine Synthetase DNA Repair Enzymes Pterin Deaminase Alkaline Pyrophosphatase dCMP Deaminase Butyrylcholinesterase ATPase Phosphomonoesterase Acid glycerol phosphatase Citrullinase Carbonic anhydrase Phosphatase Acetyl-CoA synthetase Lipase Betaglycerophosphatase

An in-depth analysis of the NTP study showed that the types of cancer caused by fluoride in rats may be entirely different than the types of cancer caused by fluoride in humans. Thus, if fluoride causes cancer in rat-tails, this is compelling evidence of the carcinogenesis of fluoride. You would not want to do a follow-up study in humans to see if fluoride caused cancer in human tails! The compelling conclusion is that the Burk-Yiamouyiannis study confirmed a link between fluoride and cancer.

Is it Okay for Pregnant Women to Ingest Fluoride?
NO! Fluoride readily crosses the placental barrier into fetal circulation. As the fetal skeleton develops and calcifies, it affords binding sites for fluoride. Fluoride crosses all cell membranes and is toxic to all embryonic cells. For this reason, the FDA has banned fluoride in prenatal vitamins. Breast milk is stabilized at 0.1 to 0.14 mg/l of fluoride regardless of the mother’s intake, but this does not mean that the baby is safe from the effects of fluoride. Why? Fluoride decreases the available magnesium and calcium.

Can Fluoride Cause Seizures?
YES! Either calcium or a magnesium disturbance can produce seizures. Fluoride decreases calcium by combining with it to form a very insoluble compound (calcium fluoride). This has been used as an antidote for acute fluoride poisoning. Suppose you don’t have acute poisoning but simply a continuous small dosage in your water supply? It has been found in man and animals that the parathyroid glands are extremely sensitive to fluoride. Continuous doses cause hyperparathyroidism, which further decreases calcium and upsets its delicate balance. This produces seizures. (Faccini, Teotia, Spira).

Is There a Safe Level of Fluoride?
NO! The best you can do is to make sure your water has less than 0.2 ppm (parts per million) fluoride. The U.S. Pharmacopeia says that one or two ppm of fluoridated water can cause varying degrees of pain, bone aching, weakness, brown teeth, stiffness and loss of appetite. These are the same symptoms suffered by the Turkish village people described in Yiamouyiannis’ book.
Water is not the only source of fluoride. All commercial foods contain various amounts of fluoride from fluoridated water and fluoridated pesticides. To find the actual amounts which vary from 0.1 to 440 mg/kg, there are charts available at

Can Fluoride Be Eliminated from The Body?
YES! At least from soft tissues. For example, drinking distilled water for 3-6 months reduces the soft tissue fluoride levels but not bone levels. Soft tissue levels cause the greatest health problems.
Case history (Waldbott): A 12-year-old boy who lived in a town where the water supply was fluoridated developed convulsions of increasing severity. The neurosurgeon did many tests, and exploratory brain surgery but found nothing diagnostic. When fluoridated water was eliminated, the child had no further attacks and urinary fluoride levels decreased from extraordinarily high amounts (4.4 mg per 24-hours) to none.

“Disclaimer: I am a chemist and an enzyme nutritionist, not a medical doctor. I do not diagnose, prescribe for, treat or claim to prevent, mitigate or cure any human diseases. I do not provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, nor apply medical, mental health or human development principles. I do not prescribe prescription drugs nor do I tell you to discontinue them. I provide enzymes and other dietary supplements to improve digestion and to nourish and support normal function and structure of the body. If you suspect any disease, please consult your physician.”

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, prescribe for, treat or claim to prevent, mitigate or cure any human disease. They are intended for nutritional support only. The FTC requires that we tell you that the results in case notes and testimonials published here are not typical, however, they do show what some people have been able to achieve. Individuals vary, which is why we must always consider the whole person when recommending a course of action. The third party information referred to herein is neither adopted nor endorsed by this web site but is provided for general information purposes. The listing of specific disease terms is based upon medical literature and is not a substitute for competent medical advice. If you suspect a medical condition, you should consult a physician.

By Lita Lee, Ph.D.
[email protected]

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My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

Will Merck Get its Day in Court?

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Naomi Snell, a 28-year-old woman in Melbourne, Australia, is leading a class-action civil lawsuit against drug maker Merck after suffering autoimmune and neurological complications following injections with the HPV vaccine, Gardasil.

After receiving the first of three doses of the vaccine, Naomi suffered convulsions, severe back and neck pain, and lost her ability to walk.

Doctors actually diagnosed her with multiple sclerosis, which was later retracted and labeled a neurological reaction to the vaccine.

Seven other women, who say they have suffered various physical problems, including anaphylaxis and miscarriage, after receiving Gardasil may also join the civil lawsuit, and this is likely only the beginning, as Gardasil is being implicated in a growing number of serious, permanent and sometimes deadly adverse reactions.

Multiple Sclerosis-Like Symptoms and Paralysis Not Unusual After HPV Vaccination

Unfortunately, stories like Naomi’s are all too common in relation to Gardasil.

One of the vaccine injury cases featured in the movie The Greater Good is that of Gabi Swank, a 15-year-old honor student who decided to get the Gardasil vaccine after seeing a “Be One Less” Gardasil vaccine advertisement on TV.

Like so many young girls, she wasn’t warned about any possible side effects when she got the shots, which are given as a series of three injections.

At the time the documentary was filmed, she had already suffered two strokes and experienced partial paralysis. She also lost part of her vision and today suffers frequent seizures. When she was in high school, many days she had to use a wheelchair to get around school due to muscle pain and chronic fatigue.

A similar reaction happened to 13-year-old Jenny Tetlock, who began seeing signs of trouble just one month after she was vaccinated against the HPV virus. Fifteen months later, a degenerative muscle disease left her nearly completely paralyzed.

Neurological symptoms such as these were also reported in a study done in 2009 by neurologist Dr. Ian Sutton. He reported five cases of multiple sclerosis-like symptoms emerging shortly after women received the Gardasil vaccine, noting:

“We report five patients who presented with multifocal or atypical demyelinating syndromes within 21 days of immunization with the quadrivalent human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil. Although the target population for vaccination, young females, has an inherently high risk for MS, the temporal association with demyelinating events in these cases may be explained by the potent immuno-stimulatory properties of HPV virus-like particles which comprise the vaccine.”

Further, Judicial Watch, a public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, recently issued an update on adverse reaction reports relating to Gardasil.

The documents obtained from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) detail 26 new deaths reported to the government following HPV vaccination between September 1, 2010 and September 15, 2011. That’s 26 reported deaths of young, previously healthy, girls after Gardasil vaccination in just one year.

Other serious side effects reported during that time frame included:





Speech problems

Short term memory loss

Guillain-Barre syndrome

Ovarian cysts

Between May 2009 and September 2010, 16 deaths after Gardasil vaccination were reported. For that timeframe, there were also 789 reports of “serious” Gardasil adverse reactions, including 213 cases of permanent disability and 25 diagnosed cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome, Judicial Watch reported.

Serious Vaccine Reactions, Deaths, Often Labeled “Coincidence”

While it is not clear exactly what is causing so many adverse reactions, it is known that Gardasil contains genetically engineered virus-like protein particles as well as aluminum, which can affect immune function.

Further, according to the vaccine manufacturer product information insert, the vaccine has not been evaluated for the potential to cause cancer or to be toxic to genes.

In fact, Merck only studied the Gardasil vaccine in fewer than 1,200 girls under 16 prior to it being released to the market under a fast-tracked road to licensure. To date, most of the serious side effects, including deaths, that occurred during the pre-licensure clinical trials and post marketing surveillance have been written off as a “coincidence” by Merck researchers and government health officials.

But on the National Vaccine Information Center’s (NVIC) Web site, you can read about Gabi Swank’s Gardasil reaction and other descriptions of women and girls who have suffered serious health deterioration after Gardasil shots and, in some cases, have died shortly after receiving this vaccine. The growing Gardasil vaccine injury toll has become too large to ignore:
•Christina Tarsell, a 21-year-old college student majoring in studio arts at Bard College, who died suddenly and without explanation shortly after receiving the third Gardasil shot in June 2008.
•Megan, a 20-year-old college student who died suddenly, without explanation, about one month after receiving her third Gardasil shot. No cause of death was found.
•Ashley, a 16-year-old who became chronically ill after receiving Gardasil, and now suffers regular life-threatening episodes of seizure-like activity, difficulty breathing, back spasms, paralysis, dehydration, memory loss and tremors.

Gardasil Protects Against Just FOUR of the 100 Types of HPV Viruses

There are more than 100 types of human papillomaviruses (HPVs). Of them, about 40 types of HPV are sexually transmitted and 15 of these types are most associated with cervical cancers and genital warts in women and men. HPV infections that remain unidentified and untreated for a long time are also associated with development of vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal and oropharyngeal cancers. Some HPV infections can cause minor skin infections and common warts on your hands and feet.

Certain types of chronic HPV infections, which are not identified or treated for a long time, can lead to cervical cancer. It is only when the HPV virus lingers for many years that abnormal cervical cells could turn into cancer. This is why PAP smears identify cervical changes and can prevent cervical cancer deaths far more effectively than the HPV vaccine ever will, because there’s a sufficient amount of time to find and treat any cervical abnormalities if you’re getting regular PAP smears.

It is important to know, however, that over 90 percent of women infected with HPV clear the infection naturally within two years, at which point cervical cells go back to normal.

The death rate from cervical cancer in the United States is 3 per 100,000 and it is estimated that, in 2011, about 12,000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer and 4,000 died. In 2009, there were about 34,000 deaths from car accidents in the U.S. for a death rate of 11 per 100,000.

Women have a much higher risk of dying in a car accident than dying from cervical cancer!

Cervical cancer rates are even lower in some European countries. The reason why the mortality rate is so low is because — for the vast majority of healthy women living in developed countries like Europe and the U.S. — their immune systems are usually strong enough to naturally clear HPV infection within two years. Again, this happens in more than 90 percent of all cases!

Of course, even if you get HPV vaccine, if you contract one of the 40 or more types of HPV that are sexually transmitted and aren’t included in the vaccine, you will not be protected from HPV infections. And, if you’ve already been exposed to one of the four types of viruses in the vaccine, it doesn’t work against those either.

This means that, even if you accept the risks and get vaccinated, your chances of experiencing some form of HPV infection are still very high. Whether or not the HPV virus will lead to genital warts or cervical cancer or other kinds of health problems, however, depends in large part on the state of your immune system and, in the case of cervical cancer, is affected by whether or not you get routine PAP screenings.

Many Teens Mistakenly Think HPV Vaccine Cuts Risk for All STDs…

Unfortunately, according to a recent study nearly one in four girls who get the HPV vaccine mistakenly believes it will also reduce their risk of getting other sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea. Clearly, more education is needed in this area.

The study polled close to 340 girls, average age nearly 17, after their first of three HPV doses, and their mothers. The poll was intended to determine the girls’ perceived risk of getting HPV after the vaccination, their perceived risk of getting other STDs, and their perceived need for continued safer sex behaviors. While the majority of the girls correctly thought the vaccine would not protect them against STDs other than HPV, 24 percent responded they thought the vaccine would reduce their risk of other STDs. According to the authors, those with this misperception were also less likely to be informed about HPV infection and the HPV vaccine in general.

According to the authors:

“Education about HPV vaccines and encouraging communication between girls and their mothers may prevent misperceptions among these adolescents.”

If You Live in California, Your Minor Daughter or Son Can Be Given Gardasil Vaccine Without Your Knowledge or Consent

In October 2011, California Governor Jerry Brown signed bill AB499 that permits minor children as young as 12 years old to be vaccinated with sexually transmitted disease (STD) vaccines like Gardasil — without parental knowledge or parental consent. This means that, if you live in California, school or medical personnel will soon be allowed to give your child Gardasil, hepatitis B vaccine and future vaccines for STD’s without you ever knowing it.

At issue, of course, is whether 12-year-olds are mature enough to fully analyze the benefits versus risks of vaccination (or any medical treatment for that matter), or recognize the benefits of alternatives to STD prevention, such as abstinence or use of condoms. Meanwhile, a child could suffer a serious vaccine reaction and the parent, not knowing the child had been vaccinated, could mistake it for the flu or another less serious health problem, delaying getting the child to an emergency room until it is too late.

Of course, also at issue is whether this law violates long held legal rights for parents to be responsible for making important medical decisions for their children, especially when risk-taking is involved. If a child is injured from complications of a medical procedure or use of a pharmaceutical product, it is the parent who will be legally and financially responsible for providing care for the child. Therefore, the legal right for parents to exercise informed consent to medical risk-taking for minor children, which includes giving consent for use of a pharmaceutical product, such as a vaccine, that carries a risk of injury or death, is an important legal right to defend and protect in America.

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is currently exploring legal options for overturning this new law, which violates parental informed consent rights.

Will Merck Get its Day in Court?

The class-action civil lawsuit in Australia being brought against Merck for injuries and deaths following Gardasil vaccination may help to bring more attention to the risks of this vaccine, which was fast-tracked in the U.S. and brought to market without adequate scientific evidence proving safety and effectiveness. Like in Australia, there are many girls and women in the U.S. speaking out about what happened to them after getting Gardasil shots. If you or a loved one has been harmed by Gardasil or any other vaccine or pharmaceutical product, please consider sharing your story with others so there is greater public awareness about vaccine and prescription drug risks.

Of course, Merck is no stranger to legal action. The company paid out billions in lawsuit claims to tens of thousands harmed by the drug Vioxx, and over the years has had more than $5.5 billion in judgments and fines levied against it. Unfortunately, in the U.S. Merck is protected from civil lawsuits for Gardasil vaccine injuries and deaths because of the liability shield granted to pharmaceutical companies by the U.S. government.

Barbara Loe Fisher, founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, explains:

“In 1986, there were three major drug corporations selling vaccines in the U.S. (Merck, Lederle, Connaught) and now there are eight (Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Astra Zeneca, CSL Biotherapies, Emergent BioSolutions).

That is because, in 1986, Pharma blackmailed Congress into giving them partial liability protection from vaccine injury lawsuits by suggesting they would have to abandon the U.S. childhood vaccine market without a liability shield.

In February of this year [2011], drug companies got what they wanted all along: the U.S. Supreme Court gave Pharma total immunity from lawsuits – even if they could have made a vaccine less harmful.

Vaccines, said the Court, are “unavoidably unsafe.”

So if your child is brain injured by a vaccine that you may not have wanted your child to get in the first place, all you can do is file a claim in the federal vaccine injury compensation program. Even though the program has awarded more than $2 billion dollars to vaccine victims, two out of three plaintiffs are turned away empty handed.

With no liability or accountability for those making, licensing, selling and giving vaccines in America, there are no checks and balances to ensure that vaccines are safe and effective. Doctors, who have been taught to believe that infectious microorganisms should be eradicated from the earth with the mandatory use of multiple vaccines, are as ripe for exploitation as the people they vaccinate.”

What You Can Do to Make a Difference

While it seems “old-fashioned,” the only truly effective actions you can take to protect the right to informed consent to vaccination and expand vaccine exemptions, is to get personally involved in educating your state legislators and the leaders in your community.


Mass vaccination policies are made at the federal level but vaccine laws are made at the state level, and it is at the state level where your action to protect your vaccine choice rights can have the greatest impact.

Signing up for NVIC’s free Advocacy Portal at not only gives you access to practical, useful information to help you become an effective vaccine choice advocate in your own community, but when national vaccine issues come up, you will have the up-to-date information and call to action items you need at your fingertips to make sure your voice is heard.

So please, as your first step, sign up for the NVIC Advocacy Portal.

Contact Your Elected Officials

NVIC will help you learn how to effectively write or email your elected state representatives and share your concerns. You might want to call them, or better yet, make an appointment to visit them in person in their office. Don’t let them forget you!

It is so important for you to reach out and make sure your concerns get put on the radar screens of the leaders and opinion makers in your community, especially the politicians you elect and are directly involved in making vaccine laws in your state. These are your elected representatives, so you have a right and a responsibility to let them know what’s really happening in your life and the lives of people you know when it comes to vaccine mandates. Be sure to share the “real life” experiences that you or people you know have had with vaccination.

Share Your Story with the Media and People You Know

If you or a family member has suffered a serious vaccine reaction, injury or death, please consider sharing your experience with others. If we don’t share information and experiences with each other, everybody feels alone and afraid to speak up. Write a letter to the editor if you have a different perspective on a vaccine story that appears in your local newspaper. Make a call in to a radio talk show that is only presenting one side of the vaccine story.

I must be frank with you – you have to be brave because you might be strongly criticized for daring to talk about the “other side” of the vaccine story. Be prepared for it and have the courage to not back down. Only by sharing our perspective and what we know to be true about vaccination will the public conversation about vaccination open up so people are not afraid to talk about it.

We cannot allow the drug companies and medical trade associations funded by drug companies to dominate the conversation about vaccination. The vaccine injured cannot be swept under the carpet and treated like nothing more than “statistically acceptable collateral damage” of national one-size-fits-all mass vaccination policies that put way too many people at risk for injury and death. We shouldn’t be treating people like guinea pigs instead of human beings.

Internet Resources Where You Can Learn More

I encourage you to visit the following web pages on the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) website at
•NVIC Memorial for Vaccine Victims: View descriptions and photos of children and adults, who have suffered vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths. If you or your child experiences an adverse vaccine event, please consider posting and sharing your story here.
•If You Vaccinate, Ask 8 Questions: Learn how to recognize vaccine reaction symptoms and prevent vaccine injuries.
•Vaccine Freedom Wall: View or post descriptions of harassment by doctors or government officials for making independent vaccine choices.

Connect with Your Doctor or Find a New One that Will Listen and Care

If your pediatrician or doctor refuses to provide medical care to you or your child unless you agree to get vaccines you don’t want, I strongly encourage you to have the courage to find another doctor. Harassment, intimidation, and refusal of medical care is becoming the modus operandi of the medical establishment in an effort to stop the change in attitude of many parents about vaccinations after they become truly educated about health and vaccination.

However, there is hope.

At least 15 percent of young doctors recently polled admit that they’re starting to adopt a more individualized approach to vaccinations in direct response to the vaccine safety concerns of parents. It is good news that there is a growing number of smart young doctors, who prefer to work as partners with parents in making personalized vaccine decisions for children, including delaying vaccinations or giving children fewer vaccines on the same day or continuing to provide medical care for those families, who decline use of one or more vaccines.

So take the time to locate a doctor, who treats you with compassion and respect and is willing to work with you to do what is right for your child.

Courier Mail October 23, 2011
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine January 2012;166(1):82-88

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

Silver fillings…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Actually it’s not silver, it’s a silver coloured filling that is mainly Mercury. Mercury is the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth…Yes and your friendly neighbourhood dentist quite happily will place this into your mouth. He/She will tell you there is nothing to worry about and there is no evidence to prove different. That is as big a lie as “The Cheque is in the mail”.

A comment I read on Facebook recently posted by someone I have a great deal of respect for, suggested that everyone have their amalgams replaced. This is a good idea, however having them replaced by just any dentist or a Biological/Holistic dentist is not a good idea, in fact it’s downright dangerous.
A Biological/Holistic dentist can be someone that has a reasonably good idea that mercury (the main component of an amalgam filling) is deadly and over time will emit copious amounts of a lethal form of mercury vapor.
There is only one safe way of doing this and that is not by an IAOMT dentist, they know part of the process but are not familiar with the most crucial part which is sequential removal. This is a bit like letting an 18 yr old who’s just passed their driving test, take control of and enter a NASCAR race.
To this day there are still millions of amalgam fillings every year being placed into the teeth of unsuspecting people in the US alone, even though the rest of the world or at least Europe has outlawed these killers. I’m not being overly dramatic when I describe them as killers because long term that’s just what they are.
An Amalgam filling is an amalgamation of dissimilar metals; prior to 1976 they consisted of 52% mercury, zinc, copper, tin and maybe 8-10% silver. So when the dentist tells you he is going to put a silver filling in your tooth/teeth quite frankly it’s a blatant lie…Its mercury primarily. Mercury is the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth; it gets worse because every time you brush your teeth, drink hot drinks or chew you stimulate the release of methyl mercury which is 100 times more toxic.
After 1976 the filling was “updated or upgraded” to the high copper amalgam filling, this is equal parts of mercury, copper and silver. Even though there is less mercury it stimulates the release of methyl mercury 50 times faster than the original.
The most sensitive parts of your body are the insides of your cheeks and under your tongue, so you can imagine where the elemental mercury goes…..yes into your body and your blood stream.
The blood consists of red and white cells; the white is essentially your immune system, its primary role is to protect you from invaders.
The red is broken down into roughly 30 components; one of which is hemoglobin which has 4 ports on each cell to carry oxygen….oxyhemeglobin.
Mercury attaches to one, two, three or even all four ports so is now transported around your body, it doesn’t want to wander aimlessly, it wants to find somewhere nice to live, like a filter organ, your liver, kidneys, heart or brain. Once resident there it will prevent the organ from doing its job efficiently and “hey presto you have symptoms”.
I have always found it quite ridiculous to think that the wonderful trusted community of general practitioners (GP’s) insists on treating symptoms and not the cause of the problem. So you see your doctor, are then told to take a medicine/drug and the chances are, you will be on medication for the rest of your life…nice.
In 2008/9 a school in Lakewood, Colorado was closed and 600 pupils were sent home, why, you ask, well there had been a spillage of a hazardous material so the HAZMAT team were called in. Now I’m sure you are thinking that there had been a large amount of a radioactive material spilled, well you would be right in thinking that way. In fact it was a mercury thermometer that had been broken.
Now if 600 kids were sent home because a very minimal amount or mercury was spilled on the floor why oh why is it considered safe to allow larger amount as an amalgam filling to be placed into uninformed, unsuspecting people? Thousands of times every day of the year.
This is interesting, did you know that the ADA actually holds the patent on amalgam fillings, so those wonderful, considerate people are actually being paid every time an amalgam is placed. It’s no wonder they refuse to acknowledge the dangers in these hideous little killers. When it’s eventually accepted worldwide that amalgams are killing people and the ADA have always known this then there will be an even bigger law suit than there was with the tobacco industry.
Let’s move back to amalgam fillings, because of the amalgamation of dissimilar metals, your saliva and the warm environment of your mouth, these fillings have all the basic requirements to be little batteries. They emit a signal, an electrical signal, negative or positive, high or low. Perhaps fillings could be better described electrically by calling them capacitors. Capacitors, like the flash portion of a flash camera, build up a charge over a period of time, and then discharge much of their stored current in an instant This is measured in micro amps’; having an electrical signal requires them to be removed in a very specific sequence. There is only one way of identifying that signal and that is to use a RITA meter, this device that was created by Dr. Huggins. It’s similar to an ammeter or amalgameter but there is very significant difference and that is the RITA meter measures the peak of the signal and stays at that point. This is crucial because the fillings need to be removed sequentially, starting with the highest negative; after that one has been removed the remainder of fillings in that quadrant can be removed.
Now it becomes a little confusing as the remaining fillings starting with the next highest negative are to be removed following the guide in the previous paragraph.
However, the dentist needs to check all the fillings in the mouth; they are marked on a chart by his assistant. If, after the first quadrant has been done the next highest negative filling is on the other side of the head crossing the mid line, draw an imaginary line down your head splitting your eyes, down your nose and thru your lips, then there has to be a 48hr gap between removals unless the dentist is using Conscious sedation. The most popular or commonly used is Versed which is similar to Valium. If conscious sedation is used then after the first highest negative filling is replaced the sequence doesn’t apply.
When Dr. Huggins noted this several decades ago he found that if this protocol is not adhered to, then 63% of patients develop an autoimmune disease, not necessarily immediately but it is likely to happen at some point.
There is almost a conspiracy here between the dentists that have done the honest research and found that Huggins work is real, and the powers that be like the American Dental Association (ADA) plus their cronies like Device Watch or Quack watch. These people will spread malicious misinformation about the pioneering work of Dr. Huggins and Dr. Weston Price before him. I have spoken with my clients and uninformed dentists who truly believe there is nothing wrong with an amalgam filling. This is because of the misinformation being spread by the ADA…
I’m sure you’ll be thinking “I’ll just go and see my local holistic or biological dentist, because he or she will do it right” well the sad thing is that NO, they won’t. There are lots and lots of very competent, experienced dentists, some biological, some holistic and they will tell you that they are very experienced in the removal of amalgam fillings. They have done it thousands of times, “so just come see me and I will take care of you”.
Again I can’t emphasize this strongly enough, biological, holistic, means nothing when it comes to the only safe methods of removing and replacing amalgams.
A Rita meter should be used to identify the correct sequence of removal; the dentist should use a rubber dam, oxygen, water, powerful suction and a Negative Ion Generator to ensure a clear channel over the dental chair. Some dentists will also use some form of suction device to clear the air immediately around the patient.
I’d like to ask this of the dentist’s that profess to be able to competently remove amalgams, “when you’ve removed the amalgams the wrong way, do any of the patients ever come back in six months or a year and tell you they now have MS or one of the other incurable diseases.” No, they don’t because the patient didn’t realize it was the dentistry that caused the problem, dentist’s are living in a dream world, I believe that the pharmaceutical industry are responsible for the millions of people suffering from ill health these days however I also believe the dentist’s are guilty and in some ways even more so.
There is only one safe way to remove amalgams, and that is to follow the protocol laid out by Dr. Huggins as listed above, over the years I have talked with thousands of clients all stating that they had had their amalgams removed the correct way. Most, not all but most would tell me that they had seen a Huggins trained dentist, to which I would ask for the name of the dentist and the city or state they were in. Some people wouldn’t tell me the name, why, I just don’t know; maybe they thought they would get the dentist into trouble.
For those that did tell me the name, it would often be a name I’d never heard before, what their dentist probably meant was that they attended a two hour seminar and shook Dr. Huggins hand, so in their mind they had been trained. The client would try to justify the dentist’s work, this I just couldn’t understand because the client would be suffering from health problems and often serious health problems which are likely to have been caused or at least instigated by dentistry.
Dr. Huggins holds trainings twice each year or at least he did, this would be a three day training program held in Colorado Springs, normally in March and October although that could vary by a month either side depending on when the IAOMT were holding their semi annual seminars. My recommendation is to find a Huggins trained dentist, this can be done by calling Huggins Applied healing on 1 866 948 4638.
At the end of this book I have listed the dentists that were considered to be an elite group of Huggins trained dentists including the city and phone numbers.
One particular dentist is in my opinion stands head and shoulders above the others; this is because of her experience and unequalled skills. Dr. Blanche Grube has followed Dr. Huggins work closer than anyone else for twenty years.
Her passion, compassion, skills, experience and dedication surpass all others, I will not go into detail about a health challenge she experienced because I feel it best coming from her. Needless to say she has been there, done that and has the T-shirt and video when it comes to health issues.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

Sippy Cups and Childhood Hazards..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Sippy cups, bottles and pacifiers are the last items you’d expect to hurt your child. After all, their very purpose is designed for nourishment, nurturing and comfort …

However, a new study has revealed that these objects can be extremely hazardous for young children, and in this case it’s not referring to chemicals in plastic like bisphenol-A, but instead their ability to cause an alarmingly high rate of injuries.

One Child Hurt Every Four Hours …

A new study found that an average of 2,270 children under 3 are treated in emergency rooms every year due to injuries related to bottles, pacifiers and sippy cups.i In all, more than 45,000 such injuries were reported from 1991 to 2010, which equates to about one child harmed every four hours. Since the study only looked at emergency room visits, it’s likely there were actually far more injuries as well, which were treated either at home or by a pediatrician.

Most often (in 86 percent of cases), the injury occurred when a child fell while using the product, often leading to a laceration of the mouth. As you might suspect, 1-year-olds were injured most often, likely because they’re still unsteady on their feet and are more prone to falling down. Bottles were the most common cause of injury, followed by pacifiers and then sippy cups.

It’s estimated that half of 1- and 2-year-olds still use a bottle, while more than three-quarters in this age group use a sippy cup,ii even though the American Academy of Pediatrics officially recommends transitioning to a regular, lidless cup around age 1. The researchers reasoned that up to 80 percent of the injuries could be prevented if these guidelines were followed, primarily because most parents would make sure that their young children were seated while using a lidless cup to avoid spills, and this, in turn, greatly reduces the risk of injury.

Button Batteries Also a Major Source of Injury

A second study revealed that nearly 66,000 children and teens were treated at emergency rooms due to battery-related injuries from 1990 to 2009 — and the rate doubled during the study period.iii Children under 5 were particularly at risk from a battery-related injury.

Small “button” batteries, such as lithium-cell batteries, were the most common source of injury (nearly 84 percent of cases), and most often they were swallowed. This presents not only a serious risk of choking, but in the case of lithium batteries, severe tissue damage can result in a matter of two hours. Past research noted that 13 deaths have been reported due to ingestion of lithium cell batteries, which can lead to esophageal perforation, vocal cord paralysis and other serious problems if they become lodged in the esophagus.iv

Top 5 Dangerous Things Kids Like to Swallow

Batteries are only one of the dangers on this list, so if you have a small child at home, keep reading. These 5 objects reported by Timev are incredibly common, and can be enticing to toddlers who love to pick up anything and everything and put it in their mouths. You might not perceive them as particularly dangerous, but each poses a unique danger if ingested.

1. Tiny Magnets

Magnets have been linked to deaths and serious injury in children. Particularly dangerous are magnets made from neodymium and formed into Buckyballs, which are small, very high-powered magnets, but any magnet can pose a danger. Once ingested, magnets can connect across the intestinal wall, causing serious intestinal injury, like punching holes in the stomach and intestines. In recent months, a 1-year-old boy from Mississippi has lost 90 percent of his intestines after swallowing 8 magnetic beads from an adult desk toy, and a 3-year-old from Oregon allegedly underwent surgery after swallowing 37 Buckyball magnets. Incidences are on the rise.

2. Button Batteries

As mentioned above, button batteries, particularly the 20-mm lithium variety used in children’s toys, hearing aids and watches, are incredibly dangerous. Two deaths and 19 serious complications occurred in the 3,400 children who swallowed lithium batteries in 2010. When the batteries are swallowed, they release an electrical current that causes a hazardous chemical reaction in just two hours. The esophagus and vocal cords can be so badly damaged that a feeding tube is required.

3. Hair

If a child eats enough hair, it can lead to a hairball called a bezoar (a mass trapped in your stomach). Along with causing pain and stomach obstruction, surgery may be required to remove it in severe cases.

4. Pills and Alcohol

Certain medications and even vitamins (especially those that contain iron) can be deadly to small children, as can small amounts of alcohol (including medications containing alcohol). Prescription pain medications, heart pills, aspirin, antidepressants, and diabetes drugs are particularly dangerous. For an infant, even half a tablet of a drug like hydrocodone can be lethal. Because medications are so common, a child can be exposed not only at home when a parent takes a bottle out of the medicine cabinet, but also just about anywhere a pill can fall out of someone’s pocket or be left on a table.

5. Nails, Needles, Pins and Tacks

Young children are drawn to these shiny metal objects, which can easily puncture their esophagus, stomach or intestines when swallowed. Seek medication attention immediately if you see your child swallow any sharp object, although fortunately in most cases, the items noted above will pass through naturally in a day or two. Parents should keep a watchful eye out for any signs of complications, however, including blood in the stool, pain or vomiting.

8 Simple Child Safety Tips

It takes only an instant for a child to get injured or swallow an object that could cause lasting, or even deadly, damage. The tips that follow can help keep your child safe from the common hazards noted above:
1.Only give your children a sippy cup or bottle when they are seated
2.Transition your children away from using a pacifier at about 6 months of age, and transition to a lidless cup around 1 year
3.Keep all medications, whether prescription or over-the-counter, pill form or liquid, out of the reach of children, and do not remove the child-proof caps
4.Be very careful not to drop any pills on the floor (at home or when you’re visiting a friend or in a public place)
5.Install child-safety locks on cabinets to keep little hands out
6.Do not leave button batteries within the reach of children, and only give children battery-powered toys if they have a child-proof battery compartment
7.Be very careful about keeping magnets in your home; small magnets should be treated as a deadly substance and should be kept out of the reach of children
8.Be mindful of small objects anywhere in your home, and do a quick check of floors and countertops for pins, tacks, buttons, batteries, hair balls, etc., before allowing your child access to the space


i Pediatrics May 14, 2012
ii The New York Times May 14, 2012
iii Pediatrics May 14, 2012 (doi: 10.1542/peds.2011-0012)
iv Pediatrics Vol. 125 No. 6 June 1, 2010, pp. 1178 -1183
v Time Healthland March 6, 2012

The New York Times May 14, 2012
Center for Injury Research and Policy May 14, 2012
Pediatrics May 14, 2012
Pediatrics May 14, 2012 (doi: 10.1542/peds.2011-0012)
Reuters May 14, 2012
Fox News May 10, 2012
Time Healthland March 6, 2012

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

What history can teach us…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

A little over 100 years ago a German scientist wrote a letter to a company that made soap, and in so doing changed the way the world cooks its food. The soap company, Procter & Gamble, bought the scientist’s idea—and Crisco was born.

At this time in history, people used animal fats for cooking in the form of lard and butter. And while Crisco was purposely formulated to resemble lard and cook like lard, it was nothing like lard. The rest of the story, as related in The Atlantic, is a tale of marketing successi.

When Marketing Alters Dietary Recommendations…

Recipe in hand, Procter & Gamble launched a massive sales strategy for Crisco that rivals even some of the biggest sales pitches today, and won over the cooks of the world. According to The Atlantic:

“Never before had Procter & Gamble — or any company for that matter — put so much marketing support or advertising dollars behind a product. They hired the J. Walter Thompson Agency, America’s first full service advertising agency staffed by real artists and professional writers.

Samples of Crisco were mailed to grocers, restaurants, nutritionists, and home economists. Eight alternative marketing strategies were tested in different cities and their impacts calculated and compared. Doughnuts were fried in Crisco and handed out in the streets. Women who purchased the new industrial fat got a free cookbook of Crisco recipes. It opened with the line, “The culinary world is revising its entire cookbook on account of the advent of Crisco, a new and altogether different cooking fat.” Recipes for asparagus soup, baked salmon with Colbert sauce, stuffed beets, curried cauliflower, and tomato sandwiches all called for three to four tablespoons of Crisco.”

Since advertising claims back then were unregulated, Procter and Gamble sold this plant-based product (known today as hydrogenated vegetable oil) as being healthier than animal fats, and consumers believed it. It took 90 years before researchers finally discovered that this new, “better-for-you” compound, which we call trans fat today, actually increases your risk of getting heart disease. As stated in the featured Atlantic article:

“It is estimated that for every two percent increase in consumption of trans fat (still found in many processed and fast foods) the risk of heart disease increases by 23 percent. As surprising as it might be to hear, the fact that animal fats pose this same risk is not supported by science.”

Not only that; research has also found that trans fats contribute to cancer, bone problems, hormonal imbalance and skin disease; infertility, difficulties in pregnancy and problems with lactation; low birth weight, growth problems, and learning disabilities in children. It’s so bad for your health that one U.S. government panel of scientists determined that man-made trans fats are unsafe at any level…

What History Can Teach Us

The article in The Atlantic, which is excerpted from the book The Happiness Diet by Drew Ramsey, MD and Tyler Graham, is a fascinating piece of history, and well worth reading in its entirety. It adeptly describes the cultural backdrop that led to this “fake lard” being accepted and embraced, not to mention the sheer power of aggressive marketing. Here’s just a short excerpt of this excellent piece. For more, please see the original article, or the book, The Happiness Diet:

“… Thanks to Procter & Gamble the United States boosted the production of a waste product of cotton farming, cottonseed oil… Before processing, cottonseed oil is cloudy red and bitter to the taste because of a natural phytochemical called gossypol… and is toxic to most animals, causing dangerous spikes in the body’s potassium levels, organ damage, and paralysis. An issue of Popular Science from the era sums up the evolution of cottonseed nicely: “What was garbage in 1860 was fertilizer in 1870, cattle feed in 1880, and table food and many things else in 1890.”

But it entered our food supply slowly. It wasn’t until a new food-processing invention of hydrogenation that cottonseed oil found its way into the kitchens of America’s restaurants and homes.

Edwin Kayser, a German chemist, wrote to Procter & Gamble on October 18, 1907, about a new chemical process that could create a solid fat from a liquid. The company’s researchers had been interested in producing a solid form of cottonseed oil for years, and Kayser described his new process as “of the greatest possible importance to soap manufacturers.” The company purchased US rights to the patents and created a lab on the Procter & Gamble campus, known as Ivorydale, to experiment with the new technology. Soon the company’s scientists produced a new creamy, pearly white substance out of cottonseed oil. It looked a lot like the most popular cooking fat of the day: lard. Before long, Procter & Gamble sold this new substance (known today as hydrogenated vegetable oil) to home cooks as a replacement for animal fats.”

The Saturated Fat Myth

The myth that saturated fat causes heart disease has undoubtedly harmed an incalculable number of lives over the past several decades. While it may have begun as an unsupported marketing strategy for Crisco, this mistaken belief began solidifying in the mid-1950’s when Dr. Ancel Keys published a paper comparing saturated fat intake and heart disease mortality. Keys based his theory on a study of six countries, in which higher saturated fat intake equated to higher rates of heart disease. However, he conveniently ignored data from 16 other countries that did not fit his theory.

Had he chosen a different set of countries, the data would have shown that increasing the percent of calories from fat reduces the number of deaths from coronary heart disease. And, if all 22 countries for which data was available at the time of his study are included, you find that those who consume the highest percentage of saturated fat have the lowest risk of heart disease.

Unfortunately, the idea that saturated fat is bad for your heart has become so ingrained in the medical and health community that it’s very difficult to break through that misinformation barrier. Still, the fact of the matter is that the saturated fat-heart disease link was a hypothesis that did not stand up to further scrutiny. Gary Taubes discussed this lack of evidence in an interview I did with him last year.

Total Video Length: 1:22:58
Download Interview Transcript

Less Saturated Fat in Your Diet = Higher Risk of Heart Disease

Since the introduction of low-fat foods, heart disease rates have progressively climbed, even as studies kept debunking Keys research—repeatedly finding that saturated fats in fact support heart health. For example:
•A meta-analysis published two years agoii, which pooled data from 21 studies and included nearly 348,000 adults, found no difference in the risks of heart disease and stroke between people with the lowest and highest intakes of saturated fat.
•In a 1992 editorial published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, Dr. William Castelli, a former director of the Framingham Heart study, statediii:

“In Framingham, Mass., the more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person’s serum cholesterol. The opposite of what… Keys et al would predict…We found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories, weighed the least and were the most physically active.”
•Another 2010 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a reduction in saturated fat intake must be evaluated in the context of replacement by other macronutrients, such as carbohydratesiv. When you replace saturated fat with a higher carbohydrate intake, particularly refined carbohydrate, you exacerbate insulin resistance and obesity, increase triglycerides and small LDL particles, and reduce beneficial HDL cholesterol. The authors state that dietary efforts to improve your cardiovascular disease risk should primarily emphasize the limitation of refined carbohydrate intake, and weight reduction.

The Cholesterol Myth

Another example of tragically incorrect diet advice is the idea that dietary cholesterol is bad for your heart. Just as the saturated fat myth created an entire industry of harmful low-fat products, the cholesterol myth has given rise to a similar industry of highly processed fake foods posing as healthier alternatives. Take Egg Beaters for example. Introduced in 1972, Egg Beaters has been hailed as a healthy substitute for whole chicken eggs. It basically contains egg whites with added flavorings, vitamins and gum thickeners, providing you with no or low saturated fat and cholesterol, and fewer calories than regular eggs.

This is a tragedy, considering how nutritious whole eggs are—provided they’re from organically raised free-ranging hens. For example, egg yolks have one of the highest concentrations of biotin found in nature. So for 40 years, many Americans have deprived themselves of one of the most nutritious foods on the planet, while epidemiological studies repeatedly show that dietary cholesterol is not related to coronary heart disease incidence or mortality, so there’s no reason to fear eggs!

Your Body NEEDS Saturated Fat

But let’s get back to the issue of saturated fats versus trans fats found in Crisco and other vegetable oils. Foods containing saturated fats include:
•Dairy products
•Tropical oils like coconut and palm oil

These (saturated) fats from animal and vegetable sources provide a concentrated source of energy in your diet, and they provide the building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone-like substances. When eaten as part of your meal, they increase satiety by slowing down absorption. In addition, they act as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Dietary fats are also needed for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, for mineral absorption, and for a host of other biological processes.

Saturated fats are the preferred fuel for your heart, and are also used as a source of fuel during energy expenditure. Furthermore, saturated fats:

Provide building blocks for cell membranes, hormones, and hormone-like substances

Act as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K

Are required for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, and for mineral absorption

Act as antiviral agents (caprylic acid)

Help lower cholesterol levels (palmitic and stearic acids)

Modulate genetic regulation and help prevent cancer (butyric acid)

Trans Fat and Sugar are the True Culprits of Heart Disease

Now, some research still suggests there is an association between fat and heart disease. The problem is that most such studies make the crucial error of not differentiating between saturated fat and trans fat. Additionally, the other primary ingredient in processed food that plays a role in heart disease is sugar, specifically fructose. Most researchers have failed to control for these variables. If researchers were to more carefully evaluate the risks of heart disease by measuring the levels of fructose, trans fat, and saturated fat, they would likely validate what I’ve been teaching for decades.

Both fructose and trans fat are known to increase your LDL levels, or “bad” cholesterol, while lowering your levels of HDL, known as “good” cholesterol, which, of course is the complete opposite of what you need in order to maintain good heart health.

It can also cause major clogging of arteries, type 2 diabetes and other serious health problems. It’s important to realize that it’s virtually impossible to achieve a nutritionally adequate diet that has no saturated fat. What you don’t need, however, are trans fats and fructose in excess of 15 grams per day. Since the average adolescent is now consuming in the neighborhood of 75 grams of fructose per day, one can begin to understand why we obesity and heart disease are at epidemic levels.

Healthy Fat Tips to Live By

Remember, you do need a certain amount of healthy fat, while at the same time you’ll want to avoid the unhealthy varieties. The easiest way to accomplish this is to simply eliminate processed foods, which are high in all things detrimental to your health: sugar, carbs, and dangerous types of fats. And don’t fall for labeling tricks designed to hide trans fat content.

In recent years many food manufacturers have removed trans fats from their products. However, the FDA allows food manufacturers to round to zero any ingredient that accounts for less than 0.5 grams per serving. So while a product may claim that it does not contain trans fats, it may actually contain up to 0.5 grams per serving. If you eat a few servings, you’re quickly ingesting a harmful amount of this deadly fat. So to truly avoid trans fats, you need to read the label and look for more than just 0 grams of trans fat. Check the ingredients and look for partially hydrogenated oil. If the product lists this ingredient, it contains trans fat.

After that, these tips can help ensure you’re eating the right fats for your health:
•Use organic butter (preferably made from raw milk) instead of margarines and vegetable oil spreads. Butter is a healthy whole food that has received an unwarranted bad rap.
•Use coconut oil for cooking. It is far superior to any other cooking oil and is loaded with health benefits. (Remember that olive oil should be used COLD, drizzled over salad or fish, for example, not to cook with.)
•Following my nutrition plan will automatically reduce your modified fat intake, as it will teach you to focus on healthy whole foods instead of processed junk food.
•To round out your healthy fat intake, be sure to eat raw fats, such as those from avocados, raw dairy products, and olive oil, and also take a high-quality source of animal-based omega-3 fat, such as krill oil.

As for how much fat you might need, government guidelines are sorely in need of reconsideration. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends between 20-35 percent for adults, and 25-35 percent for children between the ages of four and 18. The US Department of Agriculture’s dietary guidelinesv are even more ill-advised, recommending you to consume less than 10 percent of calories from saturated fats.

As I and other nutritional experts have warned, most people actually need upwards of 50-70 percent healthful fats in their diet for optimal health! My personal diet is about 60-70 percent healthy fat, and both Paul Jaminet, PhD., author of Perfect Health Diet, and Dr. Ron Rosedale, M.D., an expert on treating diabetes through diet, agree that the ideal diet includes somewhere between 50-70 percent fat.


i The Atlantic April 26, 2012
ii American Journal of Clinical Nutrition March 2010;91(3):535-46
iii Archives of Internal Medicine July 1992;152(7):1371-2
iv American Journal of Clinical Nutrition March 2010: 91(3): 502-509
v US Department of Agriculture’s dietary guidelines

The Atlantic April 26, 2012

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

Celery, Parsley Shrinks Breast Cancer Tumors

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

By Dr. Mercola

The University of Missouri was abuzz with excitement recently when researchers announced they’d found a non-toxic treatment that can stop breast cancer in its tracks.

In the study, this treatment worked even on deadly, fast-growing breast tumors, inhibiting cell proliferation (growth) and reducing expression of a gene associated with cancer malignancy.

But the ingredient needed for the treatment―apigenin―is cheap and is as close as your garden or grocery store, as it’s a natural, active ingredient in celery, parsley, thyme, and a number of other fruits, vegetables, and spices.

The trouble is, the researchers are having a hard time finding anyone to fund further studies on humans …

Celery, Parsley Compound Shrinks Breast Cancer Tumors

When mice that were implanted with cells of a particularly deadly, fast-growing human breast cancer were treated with apigenin, the cancerous growth slowed and the tumors shrank.i Blood vessels feeding the cancer tumors also shrunk and restricted nutrient flow to the tumor cells, starving them of the nutrients need to spread. A study conducted last year showed similarly promising results; when rats with breast cancer were treated with apigenin, they developed fewer tumors and had significant delays in tumor formation.

Though apigenin, a flavonoid, is most prevalent in celery and parsley, it’s also found in many other natural foods, including:















Beans and barley

Human exposure to apigenin occurs mostly through the consumption of apigenin-containing fruits and vegetables, although researchers are not sure how much is absorbed into the bloodstream. While the study used an injection of apigenin, you also obtain biologically significant quantities through a healthy diet. Researchers of the 2011 study noted:ii

” … it appears that keeping a minimal level of apigenin in the bloodstream is important to delay the onset of breast cancer … It’s probably a good idea to eat a little parsley … every day to ensure the minimal amount. However, you can also find this compound in pill supplements …”

Funding Hard to Come by When the Active Ingredient Can be Grown in Your Garden …

Apigenin appears so promising in the fight against cancer that researchers said injections of the substance could be a safe alternative to toxic chemotherapy. While chemo is notorious for its sometimes-lethal side effects (which occur because the drugs are poisons that indiscriminately kill healthy cells right along with cancerous ones), apigenin caused no side effects, even at high doses. But imagine the frustration these researchers must feel, knowing they’ve found a potential safe, inexpensive and natural cancer fighter, but being unable to convince anyone to fund further research …

According to study co-author Salman Hyder:iii

“Clinical trials of apigenin with humans could start tomorrow, but we have to wait for medical doctors to carry out that next step. One problem is, because apigenin doesn’t have a known specific target in the cancer cell, funding agencies have been reticent to support the research. Also, since apigenin is easily extracted from plants, pharmaceutical companies don’t stand to profit from the treatment; hence the industry won’t put money into studying something you can grow in your garden.”

Some of the Best Cancer Cures Come From Nature

The healing, restorative power of natural substances like vegetables has been researched and known for some time, but remains largely obscured and overshadowed by the massive marketing of pharmaceutical drugs, which focus on toxic chemotherapy, radiation and surgery for cancer treatment.

This may be precisely why nearly everyone reading this is familiar with chemo, but a far smaller percentage will be aware of these safe, natural and potentially ground-breaking cancer treatments that receive precious little, if any, media attention:
•Curcumin, the most active component in the curry spice turmeric. Among all nutrients, curcumin has the most evidence-based literature supporting its use against cancer. Researchers have found that curcumin can affect more than 100 different pathways, once it gets into a cell
•Cream containing eggplant extract, known as BEC and BEC5, which appears to cure and eliminate most non-melanoma skin cancers in several weeks time
•Vitamin D, optimizing your skin’s natural production of vitamin D from safe sun exposure, is important for cancer prevention and treatment. Vitamin D increases the self-destruction of mutated cells (which, if allowed to replicate, could lead to cancer), reduces the spread and reproduction of cancer cells, causes cells to become differentiated (cancer cells usually lack differentiation), reduces the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, which is a step in the transition of dormant tumors turning cancerous.

These are but a few examples, as the truth is, eating a diet based on whole foods is one of the best ways to fight cancer, as you will naturally be consuming anti-cancer substances found in veggies and fruits, like flavonoids, carotenoids, lycopene and sulforaphane. Part of the explanation for why food can have such a powerful influence on serious diseases such as cancer is due to its influence on a biological process called angiogenesis — the process your body uses to build blood vessels. Cancerous cells, like all other cells in your body, cannot thrive without the oxygen and nutrients supplied by your capillaries.

Excessive angiogenesis (the production of new blood vessels) are associated with the progression of diseases such as cancer.

Most of us actually carry around microscopic cancer cell clusters in our bodies all the time. The reason why we all don’t develop cancer is because as long as your body has the ability to balance angiogenesis properly, it will prevent blood vessels from forming to feed these microscopic tumors. Trouble will only arise if, and when, the cancer cells manage to get their own blood supply, at which point they can transform from harmless to deadly. As our ancestors intuitively understood, nature has laced a large number of foods and herbs with naturally occurring inhibitors of angiogenesis, rendering them natural “anti-cancer medicines.”

Simply by consuming these anti-angiogenetic foods you can naturally boost your body’s defense system and prevent blood vessels from forming and feeding the microscopic tumors that exist in your body at any given time.

GreenMedInfo has compiled research on over 600 natural substances, many of them in food, that have shown promise in treating and/or preventing cancer.iv This includes compounds in garlic, berries, coffee, sprouts, mushrooms, black pepper and much, much more – the list is incredibly diverse, which is why a varied diet is also one of the best ways to “cover your bases” for cancer protection.

When “Thinking Outside of the Box” Might Save Your Life

The conventional medical approach is to “search and destroy” cancer cells using surgery, extremely potent toxins and dangerous radiation. Most of the conventional treatments still considered ‘standard care’ were created during a time when knowledge of cancer was minimal. For example, chemotherapy was invented in 1960, when poison gas was found to kill cancerous tumors in one mouse. As it turns out, they were not quite able to replicate the success on other mice, but for some reason, for that initial one, it seemed to work quite well.

This ‘fluke’ of an experiment was the original foundation of chemotherapy. When it became clear that chemo wasn’t all that effective on its own, radiation was added, and now chemotherapy in conjunction with radiation therapy is the norm for many types of cancer.

The trouble is, chemotherapy is not all that effective on many types of cancer … and even when it is, the patient often dies from chemo-induced side effects. But as stated in the documentary film Cut, Poison, Burn, as long as the cancer is killed before the patient dies, the treatment is largely heralded as a success …

If you think chemo is your only option, that’s because the system is set up this way. The cancer industry has become a massive for-profit business that is doing everything in its power to maintain the status quo. It is, quite simply, not interested in truly reducing cancer rates; it’s interested in treating cancer by suppressing its gross symptoms, e.g. tumor size, while often driving the surviving cancer cells into greater malignancy, ensuring it will recur with a vengeance years later.

From that perspective, the more cancer cases the better … Even many oncologists, whom most regard as the go-to specialist upon receiving a cancer diagnosis, may be better described as chemotherapy specialists than cancer specialists.

But there are other options. I’ve already written two articles about Dr. Burzynski’s gene-specific treatment using antineoplastons, peptides and derivatives of amino acids that act as molecular and genetic switches. They turn off oncogenes, the genes that cause cancer, and activate chemo suppressor genes; the genes that fight cancer. Furthermore, it’s completely non-toxic, and patients suffer virtually no side effects at all. Best of all, once the cancer is gone, the rate of recurrence is slim to none.

As a testament to the safety and effectiveness of antineoplastons, Dr. Burzynski has patients who have survived with “incurable” cancers for over 20 years, and are still cancer free after going through his program. Some of these cases are highlighted in his film Burzynski: The Movie.

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez was not interviewed in this film but he is another prominent alternative cancer physician who shared his run-ins with the conventional cancer model in my interview with him earlier this year. The bottom line is, if you’re facing a health challenge, I recommend seeking out a qualified natural health consultant – and this might mean thinking outside of the box. A good place to look for recommendations is at your local health food store. Get to know the people who work there, the owners, and those who frequent the store, and obtain a consensus as to who the best clinician for you is in your area. Word travels fast in the natural medical community, so if there’s a knowledgeable practitioner in your area that’s getting awesome results, his or her reputation will be known. Of course, when it comes to cancer, you’ll want to identify someone that is well known and respected for their work in treating cancer patients.

Top Steps for Breast Cancer Prevention

I recently interviewed Dr. Christine Horner, a board certified general and plastic surgeon, who shared her extensive knowledge about breast cancer—its causes and treatments, and the pro’s and con’s of various screening methods. I suggest you listen to that interview now, in addition to learning about the many all-natural cancer-prevention strategies below.

Download Interview Transcript
•Eat healthy. This means avoid sugar, especially fructose, as all forms of sugar are detrimental to your health in general and promote cancer. Also, focus on eating whole foods and fresh vegetables while avoiding cancer-causing foods.
•Exercise. Research suggests that one of the most powerful ways to lower breast cancer risk substantially is through the simple act of exercise.
•Vitamin D. There’s overwhelming evidence pointing to the fact that vitamin D deficiency plays a crucial role in the promotion of cancer. You can decrease your risk of cancer by MORE THAN HALF simply by optimizing your vitamin D levels with adequate sun exposure. And if you are being treated for cancer it is likely that higher blood levels—probably around 80-90 ng/ml—would be beneficial. The health benefits of optimizing your levels, either by safe sun exposure (ideally), a safe tanning bed, or oral supplementation with vitamin D3 as a last resort, simply cannot be overstated.
•Get proper sleep, both in terms of getting enough sleep and sleeping between certain optimal hours. According to Ayurvedic medicine, the ideal hours for sleep are between 10 pm and 6 am. Modern research has confirmed the value of this recommendation as certain hormonal fluctuations occur throughout the day and night, and if you engage in the appropriate activities during those times, you’re ‘riding the wave’ so to speak, and are able to get the optimal levels. Working against your biology by staying awake when you should ideally be sleeping or vice versa, interferes with these beneficial hormonal fluctuations.
•Effectively address your stress. The research shows that if you experience a traumatic or highly stressful event, such as a death in the family, your risk of breast cancer is 12 times higher in the ensuing five years. So be sure you tend to your emotional health in addition to your physical health.


i Hormones & Cancer May 9, 2012
ii News Bureau University of Missouri May 9, 2011
iii News Bureau University of Missouri May 15, 2012
iv GreenMedInfo, Cancers

News Bureau University of Missouri May 15, 2012
News Bureau University of Missouri May 9, 2012
National Institutes of Health
Hormones & Cancer May 9, 2012
Cancer Prevention Research August 2011; 4(8):1316-24

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

Buy the box and ignore the crap inside..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

Nutrition…or the lack of it…

It has become a very sad place to live; I came to the US in 02 and was proud and very happy to live in the most powerful country in the world.
I became quite disillusioned as the years went by as I learnt more about the Monsanto’s of this world, companies whose sole aim is profitability, I admit that business is about making profit’s but not at the expense of humankind.
Here is a company driven by money and money alone, ethically they are at the bottom of the list, their advertising is based on lies, extolling their virtuous and relentless research to help feed the world. That maybe partially true, yes they are trying to feed the world, but with what?
Foods that have been grown from genetically modified seed, seed that has its own pesticides built in, so what happens to the corn or whatever vegetable materializes. It then lives inside your body, it contaminates your organs and prevents them from doing the job God assigned it to.
Around 90% of the foods we buy from mainstream food providers contains unnatural preservatives, has been sprayed or coated with pesticides or herbicides, has been bleached, processed or some other method to allow it to have a longer shelf life. What we are told is that this is better for us, what that really means is that it is better and is more profitable to the growers, transporters and stores selling this nutritionally bereft product.
You’ll read labels that contain misinformation not truth, labels that tell us this product contains the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and nutrients, I ask the question, based on what?
Yes the product in it’s original form, prior to processing probably did have the nutrition needed, however after bleaching, pasteurizing, homogenizing, processing, coloring and so many other unnatural processes there is very little left. Parents buy breakfast cereals that have had millions of dollars spent on them emphasizing the benefits it will give to your child. This isn’t strictly true, in fact the cereal probably contains less nutrition than the box it came in, yes you read that correctly, the cardboard box is probably more nutritional than the cereal, in fact the sugar coating on the cereal is far more damaging to the child than most things he or she will put into their body.
When we were born, it was a culmination of a man and woman meeting to procreate, we’d like to think that love played a big part in the childs creation. We are human, natural, created with God’s blessing, well that was how it was supposed to be, the last thing we need is something synthetic in our human, living body. We are not supposed to have plastic or synthetic products mixing with living tissue.
We have a guardian, a unique protector living in our bodies, the immune system made primarily of white blood cells. Its job is to protect us, it constantly searches for foreign bodies, when it see’s them it goes into attack mode. It tries it’s very best to remove invaders, unfortunately there are some things that prevent that from happening. What are they? well think about it, what are those giants spending millions and millions on, yes you guessed, synthetic products, preservatives, pesticides and other unnatural substances that resist natural things.
So what happens is these unnatual, synthetic products take up residence in areas of your body specifically allocated for the natural nutrition needed to sustain this living temple we call our body. Our organs function inefficiently, we develop symptoms, see the doctor who provides more unnatural substances to fool the brain into thinking all is well. It masks the symptom, turns off the switch telling us we feel pain. So initially we feel ok but the problem is getting worse, but the receptor inside now has it’s eyes closed and ears blocked. The ostrich syndrome, bury your head in the sand, no, you can’t see the problem but it’s still there and probably getting worse by the minute, hour, day.
Doom and gloom prevails, well it doesn’t have to be that way, we can chose to eat good natural foods, not the junk forced down our mouths by the Monsanto’s of this world, make a stand, a true and honest objection to those giants with no interest in humanity. I’m referring to the companies interested in their own well being and profitability, not the health or well being of the majority, those making profits through the lack of understanding. This lack of knowledge isn’t through ignorance or lack of education, it’s through the brainwashing that takes place everyday, the masses watch television, read magazines and listen to the radio. Those at the top of the food chain spend billions on advertising to make people believe what they are promoting is good, the hidden message is that it’s great for them but bad for you.
Just because it has the USDA stamp on it doesn’t mean it’s good and healthy, look for products that are organically grown, do some research yourself.
If it is a basic food but has more than 5 things in it’s contents then it probably isn’t natural, it has lots of preservatives, for some reason when you see natual flavors on the label, it probably means MSG. Mono sodium Glutamate is an excitotoxin used to make you want more, it’s also a neurotoxin, stay away from products containing this.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

Bio Compatiblity and sequence of removal..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

When amalgams are replaced by the dentist, and hopefully a dentist that has been through
the official training with Dr. Huggins, he or she should only place filling
material back into your teeth that is bio compatible with your blood. There are
lots of good filling materials available to dentists, some good because the
supplier/manufacturer is providing this product at a good price or a special
deal for the dentist. But that doesn’t mean it’s good for you the patient, what
is good for you is a material that is bio compatible with your body which is
essentially one that will not have any adverse reactions when placed into your
How is this done? Well there are several ways but in my opinion there is one that
is more accurate than the others.
You will often be told about “muscle testing” or kinesiology, this is where the
dentist will have you hold a particular material in one hand then ask you
questions while pressing down on the opposite arm which is extended out.
I don’t really have a great deal of confidence in this method, I’m sure there are
some very qualified practitioners in this field but I’m a little uncomfortable
with this method, I just feel that it can fluctuate if you or the dentist had a
bad night last night.
So from my experience and having researched the various ways of identifying which
material is going to be safe in your teeth/body I always come back to the bio
compatibility test.
This is done by calling Bio Comp Labs is Colorado Springs, 1 800 331 2303.
They will send you a kit which you take to a lab such as LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics;
the kit includes instructions for the lab and the necessary vials.
Your blood is drawn then spun on a centrifuge to separate the blood from the serum.
The serum is then put into a small vial which is put into a larger vial then
into a polystyrene box and finally into a cardboard box. This is very important
and part of the kit that is sent to you. You should then overnight it back to
Bio Comp Labs, this should never be done on a Friday as it will wait in a truck
for two days until Bio Comp Labs open on the Monday morning. So ideally have
the blood draw first thing on a Monday morning on an empty stomach, fast for at
least 10 hours, then overnight it to Bio Comp.
They will basically run tests with your blood serum against the 96 materials that
dentists have the ability to use plus another 3000 chemicals to identify what
material your body will tolerate. Please note that I said your body…not some
other person’s body just yours. So they will specifically tell the dentist what
is safe for you, a material that your blood is saying is acceptable for you.
Now this is a more scientific method but even this cannot be 100% accurate,
it’s close but the human body is a fragile/delicate and unpredictable thing.
Bio Comp Labs will then mail or email a 62 page document to the dentist so you can
feel confident he or she knows which product is safe for you. The dentist can pre order this product if
they don’t have in on their shelves.
The kit is free to you and will be sent upon your order which you can do over the
phone or online.
The cost of the test was $275 in April 2011, but remember you’ll have to pay for the
blood draw with whatever lab you chose to use.
There is another company that professes to do this test accurately, however I don’t have
a great deal of confidence in them. I know at one time they didn’t test for aluminum which I’m sure
most people realize is a major contaminant. With this in mind I would only use Bio Comp Labs.
Now I know some people will complain about the price, this is your choice, is your
life worth $275?
Don’t have it done and take the risk that the dentist will somehow manage to place a
filling material into your teeth that your blood will not have an adverse
reaction to. You’ll often be told that a particular material is good for most people,
this statement may be true, but then again are you most people?
I’ve probably talked with more than 5,000 people who thought the same way and
regretted it because they came down with Chronic Fatigue or Fibromyalgia or another
of the many diseases waiting to find an unsuspecting body to thrive in.
Sequence of removal.
Although your average everyday biological dentist may well agree that replacing your amalgams is an important thing to do, by the way he is not allowed to tell you that the mercury laden amalgam is unsafe let alone downright dangerous. The ADA or American Dental Association (who should really be called the We don’t give a crap about your health association) will penalize the dentist if he or she tells you about the dangers of mercury, in fact he or she will lose their license to practice as a dentist if they divulge this information. So don’t be too hard on them for keeping this to themselves, they are just being selfish for only thinking about their own livelihood, actually I personally think that you should be hard on them and never ever use them again.
Ok now to sequential removal, a dentist trained in Dr. Huggins methods will practice sequential removal of fillings. A Rita meter is used to identify the electrical signal being emitted by the filling, the signal is recorded by his assistant on a chart so the dentist will know the exact order of removal and replacement.
When this sequence is not adhered to there can be major problems, in fact if this is not done then 63% of patients develop an autoimmune disease. This doesn’t necessarily happen overnight, but days, weeks, months or even years later this can happen.
When it does, you don’t automatically think it had anything whatsoever to do with the dental work, but it was.
Over a period of years I talked with more than 17,500 people, lots of them were very sick or were calling on behalf of a family member. I would ask about the dental work and would often be told that the person believed they had had the work done safely by a reputable biological or holistic dentist. However the dentist didn’t follow the Huggins protocol or any safety precautions at all.
There is so much more to know about and I don’t feel a page of explanation will do this justice, so I strongly recommend that you call either Huggins Applied Healing in Colorado Springs, or look at the list of Huggins trained dentists listed on my site.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99