
Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

During my time working for Dr. Huggins I constantly
came across clients wanting to go through some form of detoxification or chelation,
my first question was to ask why?. The standard response was “to
remove the heavy metals from my body
” it has been proven that these come
primarily from the amalgam fillings placed in the teeth over the years.

I can understand why this would be a strong desire especially as the person had been
experiencing one form of health problem or another and often this had been the
case for several years.

I would then ask if they still had amalgam fillings in their teeth, if the answer was
yes then I’d explain that there was no point in using one of the many forms of
detox or chelation at this time.

To do this was a little like trying to dry yourself while still in the shower…yes
that does sound a little silly but that is what they would be doing.

The amalgam was, and is the greatest source of mercury released into the body,
every time you chew, brush your teeth or drink hot drinks you stimulate the
release of methyl mercury which is 100 times more toxic than mercury, mercury
is the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth.

So, detoxification is simply not a viable option until the amalgams have been

Now back to the subject of detoxification, I will cover this assuming that there
are no amalgams in your teeth.

We’ve all seen and heard the many claims that a particular product will remove all
heavy metals from your body in two days, or one week or a month. All you have
to do is drink this unction or potion twice a day or take this pill with all
meals or whatever…

Some, I’m sure will have some positive effect’s however, most don’t…mercury is not an
element that actually wants to leave the body once it has found somewhere to
live. The problem is that blood tests in the main will not show mercury in the
blood, it’s devious, it hides, and I liken it to the Taliban or some other
terrorist organization. They wouldn’t wander the streets of NY holding a banner
claiming to kill all the American infidels. No, they would take a job and
pretend to be an active member of the community.

Ok so what do I mean by this, your blood cells all carry an identifier like a
number plate on a car, this is called a Major Histocompatibily Complex (MHC).
This is unique to every person; your immune system constantly looks for “non
self” cells, when found the alarm bells are sounded

The first line of defense is Globulin, part of the total protein in your body. Globulin
will rush in to attack the invader, but sadly, mercury is indestructible to
anything the body can throw at it so all that happens is the globulin is
rendered totally ineffective and the mercury now has a hiding place.

So, when you have your blood tested by those wonderful people telling you that
their product is “the best thing since sliced bread”, mercury doesn’t show up,
and “wow, this amazing product has
done its job…no it hasn’t, it’s just
that the mercury is hiding.

To my knowledge there is only one way of actually finding the level of mercury in one’s
body, this test is done by a wonderful company called “Quicksliver Scientific”
in Lafayette, Colorado run by Chris Shade, PhD.

This is a methyl and inorganic mercury test, and as far as I know, Dr Shade is the
only one in the country doing this. At the beginning of 2011 the cost was $250.00.

There are several tests that can be done in addition to the methyl mercury test that
will help, please spend some time at their website.

Dr. Shade is a wonderful man and can be contacted:

303 531 0861

[email protected]

The test is done by Quicksilver Scientific but you still need pay to have the blood
draw, this is done through a lab such as LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics, you’ll
need to do your own research here because the blood draw can vary from $35 to
$100. At the end of the day it’s just a blood draw and should be on the lower
end of the scale.

Probably the easiest and least traumatic way of detoxifying is to use the C-flush method
which is basically using Vitamin C or Sodium Ascorbate powder, when doing this
you should always ensure you have the following ingredients:

Sodium Ascorbate powder

Probiotic capsules/tablets/drink

Activated charcoal capsules


Or you can call Huggins Applied Healing and buy the C-Flush package which includes
all the above. 1 800 948 4638

This process is best started on a Saturday if you work during the week; this is to
allow a day of rest following the C-flush.

The program is done over a 7 week period, week one you start by taking one gram of
sodium ascorbate powder (roughly a level teaspoon) in 2 oz’s of water, mix
thoroughly and swallow.

This is done every 20 minutes until the onset of diarrhea, it typically takes 8 or 9
grams to induce diarrhea, and once the diarrhea starts it will normally
continue for a couple of hours. Do not take any more sodium ascorbate powder
that day. If however diarrhea hasn’t started by the fifteenth gram you should
stop and try again the next day.

You should drink the electrolyte drink to replace those lost during the elimination;
I found that taking two activated charcoal caps a few hours after the diarrhea
has stopped will also help in preventing an unexpected reoccurrence.

Now I said this is done over a 7 week period so here are the specific instructions:

Week 1.

One gram of sodium ascorbate powder in 2 oz’s of water every 20 minutes until diarrhea
starts, continue to eat normally during the day. Take two charcoal capsules
several hours after the diarrhea has stopped, also take the electrolyte drink
and the Probiotic.

The following day should be a day of rest and recuperation because you will feel
rather drained and a little tired.

Week 2.

Repeat the process as per week one.

Week 3.

Repeat the process as per week one.

Week 4, 5 and 6.

Eat normally; take no sodium ascorbate powder.

Week 7.

Repeat process for week one.

This is the least traumatic way of detoxifying and one that is recommended by Dr.

When I first joined Dr. Huggins, I wanted to try the C Flush so I would have
firsthand experience and be able to honestly relate my findings to the clients
I talked to each day. So during the first seven weeks I used this method of
detoxifying and found it quite helpful and very easy to do.

If you’ve had your amalgam fillings removed and there is a very specific procedure
to do this which I will cover later in the book under the heading Amalgam
fillings. A couple of weeks later you can start the detoxification through a
vitamin c flush or another very useful and effective product is IMD made by Quicksilver Scientific.

IMD is Intestinal Metal Detox which
comes in a powder or 100mg capsule form, the contact information is listed
earlier in this e-book.

I personally used this product with very positive effects for 18 months, during
this time I had no negative side effects.

In fact when I first met Dr. Shade in 2008, we discussed my health problems, I had
been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2004 so he suggested I use the
IMD and gave me a three month supply.

I had recently gone through a Total Dental Revision with the wonderful Dr.
Blanche Grube so exercising wasn’t an option for me initially; however after a
three month wait which was very difficult for me I was able to start to gently

During the first week of using IMD I was taking it in the morning after eating
breakfast, Dr. Shade had suggested I
take it on an empty stomach but that just didn’t work for me as it gave me an upset
stomach. However after I started taking it an hour after my food in the morning
I started noticing very positive results.

Before I started on IMD I tried exercising but it was still very difficult for me, an
exercise called a squat thrust, starting in a push up position then jumping
your legs forward and backwards.

I managed 6 pathetic squat thrusts, I was embarrassed at my feeble attempts,
however a week after using IMD I was able to do 20 squat thrusts, then 30
minutes later I did another 20.

Over the next month it improved to sets of 60 three times in the evening, meaning I
did 180 each day.

As far as I know the product costs around $130 for a 10 week supply, taking one
per day, 5 days on then 2 off.

Another method recommended by Dr. Huggins would be a hot bath or/and a far infra red
sauna, now if both are used, they should not be done both on the same day, I’ll
explain the reasons why.

Firstly the hot bath is probably the easier and cheaper method than far infra red sauna;
it is only the cost of a bath of hot water and some Epsom salts.

Run a bath of hot water, but not too hot, the temperature should be only as hot as
you feel comfortable stepping in without burning your feet or making that “ah
sound. Pour a cup of Epsom salts into the running water, swish it around to mix
the salts effectively into the water.

Make sure you have a bath sheet, a large bath towel, lower yourself into the bath
and pull the bath sheet around you in the water.

Stay in the bath no longer than you feel comfortable, this would vary between
people, so I suggest no longer than 15 minutes. Then stand up and shower
yourself off, do not wipe the water off yourself first as all this will do is
push the excreted mercury back into your skin.

You can do this three times per week.

If you have a Far Infra Red Sauna, only use this on the days you are not taking the
bath, alternate between the two, only use the sauna three times per week. This
is because your body can only detox at a certain speed. Think of it this way,
if you had a wide mouthed funnel, you can pile whatever you want funneled as
quick as you like, however the other end is only a narrow tube. So, it will
come out at a much slower rate, meaning the material you are trying to detox
from will overflow which will cause you to feel sick or at least very unwell.

I’m talking from experience here, while going through a detox after my dental
revision and feeling very good about myself. I “overdosed” on my detox. Sad because I’m very good at giving advice
but it seems not too good at taking my own, is that a man thing? So I learnt
the hard way, and want you to benefit from my own silly mistakes.

Over the years I regularly spoke to people who asked about chlorella, my opinion is
different from Dr. Huggins, he tells people to stay away from this product
because it comes from the ocean. In his opinion anything from the ocean and
that includes all forms of sea food/fish/plankton etc is contaminated with

I have the utmost respect for Dr. Huggins and the amazing work he has done over
the years and I’m not saying that he is wrong, at the end of the day I am just
me, Stefan Cairns, I’m not a doctor/PhD/Scientist .just someone that worked for
him for three and a half years.

However I did a great deal of research and I believe your mind should be like a
parachute, it doesn’t work unless it’s open. With this attitude I put a great
deal of faith in Dr. Joseph Mercola who has the biggest natural health website
in the world.

Dr. Mercola talks very positively about chlorella products and the effectiveness in
heavy metal removal.

Gluten and your child’s ADHD…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

I realised my gluten intolerance about four years ago.

At first I just noticed that I felt bad after I’d eaten some bread, and I love bread so this was a big issue for me to start with. I searched and searched and eventually found some gluten-free bread which to be honest tasted marginally better than chewing cardboard, but I knew it was better for me than eating regular bread.

Over the past four years I’ve found lots of really tasty foods that are gluten-free so this isn’t a problem for me anymore.

Over the next few weeks I’ll let you know of some really great alternatives to foods with gluten so stay tuned and visit my site daily/

By Dr. Mercola

There’s evidence suggesting that gluten sensitivity may be at the root of many neurological and psychiatric conditions, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

What is gluten?

It’s a protein found in wheat grain and part of “gluey” proline and glutamine rich proteins known as prolamines. Prolamines are found in all cereal grains, even rice, corn and oats, but only wheat, and to a lesser extent rye, spelt and einkorn, are assosiated with the serious neurological and autoimmune reactions often linked to autism spectrum disorder.

Gluten is only found in wheat species. Spelt or einhorn gluten has dramatically lower antigenicity of common wheat (Triticulum aestivum) that is used in bread products. Other cereal grasses have what are known as prolamines (proline-glutamine rich proteins) with rye containing secalin, barley containing horedin, etc, but they have very little cross-reactivity with antigens associated with wheat intolerance.

It has long been known that people with celiac disease are also more likely to suffer from ADHD, another condition that is heavily influenced by dietary habits.

However, while the treatment of celiac disease is a completely gluten-free diet, with ADHD the most oft-cited dietary villain is sugar, whereas grains are often overlooked (even though they act much like sugar in your body).

It turns out, though, that there may be a closer link between the symptoms of celiac disease and ADHD than was previously recognized, and that connection is gluten.

A Gluten-Free Diet May “Cure” ADHD

Many children with ADHD do not respond well to most grains, especially wheat. This could be because they have full-blown celiac disease, which impacts an average of one out of every 133 people in the United States (although some studies have found that this number may be as high as 1 in 33 in at-risk populations) — or because they have a less obvious condition known as gluten sensitivity.

People with gluten sensitivity, which may comprise 10 percent of the U.S. population or more, experience many of the same symptoms as celiac disease causes, including headaches, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, gas and more, but may be unaware that the culprit triggering these symptoms is wheat and other gluten-containing grains. It’s also very possible to have celiac disease and not know it … as researchers state, “in many cases, the disease may be clinically silent despite manifest small bowel mucosal lesions.”

But the psychological and behavioral symptoms of ADHD are now overlapping so often with those of celiac disease and gluten sensitivity that it’s recommended “celiac disease … be included in the ADHD symptom checklist.” This suggestion was prompted by a new study, which found people with ADHD who tested positive for celiac disease improved significantly after following a gluten-free diet for at least six months. The researchers noted:

“After initiation of the gluten-free diet, patients or their parents reported a significant improvement in their behavior and functioning compared to the period before celiac diagnosis and treatment … “

It may sound strange to you that eating a grain that wreaks havoc on your gut would manifest as symptoms related to your brain, rather than your digestion, but grains are inherently pro-inflammatory and will worsen any condition that has chronic inflammation at its root — and not just inflammation in your gut, but anywhere in your body. Chronic inflammation in your body can wreak havoc in your brain, and the importance of reducing inflammation when dealing with mental health issues is well known. It is very common for people to experience a wide variety of mental health and emotional improvements upon eliminating gluten from their diet.

Why Even Whole, Sprouted Wheat is a Problem

I recommend that everyone following my beginner nutrition plan eliminate all gluten from their diets, whether or not they have celiac disease or ADHD, because many experience health improvements upon doing so. Among the most important foods to avoid are those gluten-containing grains that contain gliadin molecules, such as wheat.

When gliadin in the wheat protein complex (containing over 23,000 proteins) activates the protein zonulin in the gut, it opens up the gaps between the enterocytes causing an influx of improperly digested wheat proteins and stomach bacteria.

Therefore regardless of your sensitivity level to the wheat proteins, gliadin opens up a pandora’s box of intestinal permeability, and subsequent systemic inflammation and immune dysregulation.

See Dr. Natasha Campbell-
McBride and Me Speak
in November

We are both scheduled to speak at the Weston Price Foundation Conference Nov 11-13th.

Please click here for more details.

Wheat also contains high amounts of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), a glycoprotein classified as a lectin, which is largely responsible for many of wheat’s ill effects. Other grains high in lectins include rice, spelt, and rye. Interestingly enough, the highest amounts of WGA is found in whole wheat, including its sprouted form, which is touted as being the most healthful form of all.

Lectins are actually designed to withstand degradation through a wide range of pH and temperatures, which is why sprouting, fermenting and cooking will NOT negate its ill effects. WGA lectin is particularly tough because it’s actually formed by the same disulfide bonds that give strength and resilience to vulcanized rubber and human hair.

Furthermore, because lectins are so small and hard to digest, they tend to bioaccumulate in your body, where they can interfere with biological processes. WGA is particularly troublesome in this regard. Studies indicate it has a number of health-harming characteristics and activities:

Why ADHD Symptoms are Closely Linked to Gut Health

A variety of behavioral problems are linked to problems in your gut, not only from gluten, WGA and other components of grains but also due to the gut-brain connection. The gut-brain connection is well recognized as a basic tenet of physiology and medicine, so this isn’t all that surprising, even though it’s often overlooked. There’s also a wealth of evidence showing gastrointestinal involvement in a variety of neurological diseases.

With this in mind, it should also be crystal clear that nourishing your gut flora is extremely important at all life stages because in a very real sense you have two brains, one inside your skull and one in your gut, and each needs its own vital nourishment.

Your gut and your brain are actually created out of the same type of tissue. During fetal development, one part turns into your central nervous system while the other develops into your enteric nervous system. These two systems are connected via the vagus nerve, the tenth cranial nerve that runs from your brain stem down to your abdomen. This is what connects your two brains together, and explains such phenomena as getting butterflies in your stomach when you’re nervous, for example.

As explained by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, a medical doctor with a postgraduate degree in neurology, in the video below, toxicity in your gut can flow throughout your body and into your brain, where it can cause symptoms of autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression, schizophrenia and other mental disorders.

Total Video Length: 1:13:21
Download Interview Transcript

See Dr. Natasha Campbell-
McBride and Me Speak
in November

We are both scheduled to speak at the Weston Price Foundation Conference Nov 11-13th.

Please click here for more details.

She believes the epidemic of autism and other learning disorders originate in the gut, and manifest as a condition known as Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS).

GAPS may manifest as a conglomerate of symptoms that can fit the diagnosis of either autism, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), attention deficit disorder (ADD) without hyperactivity, dyslexia, dyspraxia, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, just to name a few possibilities … Fortunately, it is possible to identify GAPS within the first weeks of your baby’s life, which can help you make better informed decisions about vaccinations, as if your child has the metabolic characteristics of GAPS, they should NOT be immunized until that is reversed.

What are the Keys to Treating ADHD with Dietary Changes?

It is my sincere hope that people will begin to realize that drug therapy, if at all necessary, should be a very last resort, after all other options have been exhausted, when it comes to behavioral problems such as ADHD. The first route of treatment should actually be dietary changes, including:

  • Eliminate most grains and sugars, including fructose, from your child’s diet. Grains and sugars both tend to cause allergies in sensitive individuals. Even organic, whole, sprouted grain can cause problems in many children so it would be wise to give them a “grain holiday” and see if their behavior improves.
  • Replace soft drinks (whether diet and regular), fruit juices, and pasteurized milk with pure, clean non-fluoridated water.
  • Increase omega-3 fats by taking a high quality animal-based omega-3 oil. Research has confirmed that animal-based omega-3 fat can improve the symptoms of ADHD more effectively than drugs like Ritalin® and Concerta®. In my view, krill oil is the best option for this. It contains essential EPA and DHA in a double-chain phospholipid structure that makes it far more absorbable than the omega-3s in fish oil.
  • Minimize your use of nearly all processed fats, especially trans fats as they disrupt nerve cell intercommunication.
  • Avoid all processed foods, especially those containing fructose, artificial colors, flavors and preservatives, which may trigger or worsen symptoms. Gluten is also commonly hidden in processed foods like ready-made soups, soy sauce, candies, cold cuts, and various low- and no-fat products, as well as refined grain products like bread, pizza crust, pasta, cookies and pastries.

I also recommend you have your child follow a gluten-free diet to see if this eliminates their symptoms. Your best bet when deciding to eliminate gluten is to primarily base your diet on lean proteins, vegetables and raw dairy products, as described in my nutrition plan, and stick with the grains, seeds and flours available that are naturally gluten-free.

This includes:

Rice Corn   (only eat organic, non-GM corn)
Quinoa Sorghum
Soy   (but I don’t recommend eating this for other reasons) Flax   and amaranth seed
Buckwheat   and millet do not contain the gliadin molecule that can provoke the inflammatory   reaction from gluten. Therefore, they are usually safe to eat as well.

Gluten-free options are becoming much more in demand and as a result are showing up in grocery stores, restaurants and from caterers. But keep in mind, particularly if you are relying on processed gluten-free foods, that cross-contamination can and does occur, most likely during processing, and many companies simply aren’t testing to make sure the final product is still gluten-free.

One study found that of the 22 naturally gluten-free products tested, seven of them would not be considered gluten-free under the proposed FDA rule for gluten-free labeling, which requires products labeled as ‘gluten-free’ to contain less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten. So again, to be sure your diet is truly gluten-free, it should be based on whole foods, not processed ones.

Finally, the benefits of a gluten-free diet do not always appear overnight. Some do experience improvements rapidly, but in others it can take 9 to 12 months before the lining of your small intestine is fully healed. Generally, allow 6 to 9 months of following a gluten-free diet before you expect symptoms to resolve.

$20,000 and counting…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I know there are some people who will think that $20,000 is a great deal of money, and yet others will be totally opposite, $20k is no big deal.

But when it’s the difference between living or existing it’s huge.. That’s what I’m faced with, getting my life back and helping others through this site or struggling through.

I hope more people read this and take a moment to think about what this means to me, I had a life before the accident, now I exist….just.

I often daydream of how it used to be, some people think I’m exaggerating when I tell them of the activities and sport I participated in before my accident in 1999.

It seems like another life to me in so many ways, are we meant to live two different lives, I don’t know, but that is how things are for me now.

I’ve actually done 834 skydives, I was a hang glider pilot, scuba diver, rock climber, mountain biker and a pilot, before that fateful day when I tripped and smashed my face into some concrete steps at the apartment complex I lived in Florida.
After extensive dentistry and several thousand dollars, thanks to my mum and step dad, I returned to England thinking everything would be ok. Little did I know at the time but the dental work, specifically the root canals created a major challenge to my immune system.

Six month’s later I started having symptoms, at the time I was naive and just went along with the advice of the medical professionals and took the meds. All they did was address the symptoms, so I’d feel better albeit temporarily but I felt better and that’s all that mattered, at the time.

If that happened to me now, it would be a different story but there’s no going back. Anyway getting back to the point of the subject line.

I believe $20,000 is what I need to be able to have the CCSVI operation in Sofia, Bulgaria. This is a life saving operation that has changed the lives of more than 15,000 people around the world.

I believe it’s my turn to get better now, I also believe that you are reading this story, looking at my site because you have a different attitude to most people. You’re interested in natural health, fairness, justice and God. It’s not a big thing to donate $5.00. But if enough of you reading this make a small donation by clicking on the red Donate button it will generate enough for me to have a life saving operation.

I’m not begging but I am appealing to that part of you that will feel good knowing you are helping to give me back my life.


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I want to talk about calcium, not calcium that you are
constantly encouraged to take in an inorganic form but calcium in an organic
form that is helpful, actually, very necessary for a healthy body to function.

Firstly let’s look at the tissue in your body; there are two
types of tissue, healthy and unhealthy. I know which type is more desirable if
given the choice, however, we as 21st century humans are constantly
bombarded by the media to consume a form of calcium that doesn’t have a
positive effect in the body, in fact it has the opposite effect.

The correct form of calcium is a direct supplier of
electrons to the energy factories in our body which are mitochondria, mitochondria
then manufacture the ATP which is then converted into ADP, the necessary
energy, or fuel for the body.

The incorrect calcium, the inorganic or non-biological calcium,
comes in the form of dolomite (rock), bone meal, oyster shell or coral calcium.
This form does not transport electrons so, if anything will work against your
own body and undermine its ability to heal itself

If you watch TV or read magazines, which I suppose 95% of
the population do, you will have seen commercials or advertisements for calcium
in one form or another. In the main, these commercials and ads promote calcium
in a contaminated form. This cannot carry electrons as they have been altered
by the food industry, I’m not saying they have done this to harm you, but it’s
been done to enable their product to have a longer shelf life or has been
diluted of its active nutritional benefits.

When working for Dr Huggins, I regularly talked with clients
boasting of how many supplements they consumed every day. Most would tell me
about the calcium they took but also complained because they were still very
unhealthy. This only emphasized that just taking supplements, without knowing
specifically what your body needs is not the right thing to do. There is only
one way of knowing this, in my humble opinion, and that is to have your blood
tested and the results interpreted by someone who understands body chemistry.
That being said my recommendation is to call Huggins Applied Healing and use
the Assist program, this way your chemistry’s would be analyzed. You will
receive a 120 page document detailing the imbalance in your chemistry’s and
most importantly, how to address this imbalance.

I must point out that at this time I have no connection
physically or financially to Huggins Applied Healing: The above is purely my
opinion based on the more than three years of working for Dr Huggins.

Aluminum is a potent neurotoxin…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


By Dr. Mercola

When it comes to vaccine safety, much of the talk about adjuvants — agents that stimulate your immune system to increase immunologic response to the vaccine — has centered around thimerosal (mercury). But a different adjuvant, aluminum — which is a demonstrated neurotoxin commonly given to children through multiple vaccines — has been largely ignored, even though it can induce serious disorders in humans that may even exceed the toxicity of mercury..

According to a new study published in Current Medical Chemistry, children up to 6 months of age receive 14.7 to 49 times more aluminum from vaccines than the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) safety limits allow.

Aluminum Has Replaced Mercury in Many Vaccines

Mercury (thimerosal) exposure from vaccines has declined significantly since it was eliminated from the single-dose vials of most childhood vaccines. However, while mercury use has decreased, the use of aluminum additives has increased! Many vaccines contain aluminum, including those in the table below. This is NOT an all-inclusive list, however. Your best bet if you’re wondering about a specific vaccine is to read through the package insert of each vaccine in question.

Hepatitis   A Hepatitis   B
DTaP   (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) Hib   vaccine
Pneumococcal   vaccine Gardasil   (HPV vaccine)

Like other adjuvants, aluminum is added to the vaccine in order to boost your immune response to the antigen. The antigen is what your body responds to and makes antibodies against (the virus being injected). By boosting your body’s immune response, the vaccine manufacturer can use a smaller amount of antigen, which makes production less expensive.

Interestingly enough, according to Dr. David Ayoub, a radiologist and physician who has become a specialist on the additives and preservatives used in vaccines, even our modern medical literature admits that exactly how this happens is still a mystery. And it’s not a consistent finding either. In our interview last year he mentioned a couple of studies on the more recent HPV vaccine, which found that the aluminum adjuvant had no effect at all on immune response. So it could be that adding aluminum to vaccines is not having the intended effect at all … but rather is causing unforeseen, and potentially devastating, consequences.

Aluminum is a Brain Toxin

Aluminum is found in the earth’s crust, and in air, soil and water. However, although aluminum is a common, “natural” substance, it’s important to realize that it has absolutely no biological role inside your body and is, in fact, a demonstrated neurotoxin.

As researchers wrote in Current Medicinal Chemistry:

“Experimental research … clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences.”

There is overwhelming evidence that chronic immune activation in your brain is a major cause of damage in numerous degenerative brain disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and ALS, which may explain the link between aluminum-containing vaccines and these diseases.

When you or your child is injected with a vaccine, the aluminum compounds it contains accumulate not only at the site of injection but travel to your brain and accumulate there. In your brain, aluminum enters neurons and glial cells (astrocytes and microglia). Studies have shown that aluminum can activate microglia and do so for long periods, which means that the aluminum in your vaccination is priming your microglia to overreact.

Even a study in Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, admitted that:

“Aluminum is now being implicated as interfering with a variety of cellular and metabolic processes in the nervous system and in other tissues.”

Aluminum is not only toxic in and of itself, but it also impairs your body’s ability to excrete mercury, and it impairs glutathione synthesis. As a consequence, aluminum will make whatever amount of mercury you have in your system — from eating seafood, dental fillings, vaccines, etc. — even more toxic. The problem, of course, is that U.S. regulators have once again thrown the precautionary principle to the wind, and have allowed this known poison to be injected into our children without proper safety and toxicity testing.

Researchers continue in Current Medicinal Chemistry:

“Despite almost 90 years of widespread use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science’s understanding about their mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor. There is also a concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these compounds … We hope that the present paper will provide a framework for a much needed and long overdue assessment of this highly contentious medical issue.”

Which Vaccine Contains the Most Aluminum?

According to the FDA, the maximum amount of allowable elemental aluminum is 850 mcg per vaccine. How was this limit determined? When Dr. Ayoub investigated the FDA regulations on aluminum, he discovered that the limitation of 850 mcg per vaccine is based on the effectiveness of the adjuvant and has nothing to do with limitations based on safety! So although 850 mcg of aluminum may be “legally” safe in a vaccine, this is based solely on the efficacy of the vaccine, NOT on any safety data whatsoever.

With that in mind, Dr. Ayoub has identified one vaccine in particular as being one of the absolute worst in terms of aluminum content — Pediatrix. It’s a combination vaccine, which contains the full legal limit: 850 mcg of elemental aluminum.

The average aluminum content per vaccine ranges between 200 to 400 mcg, but if your child receives multiple vaccines at one time, which is common, the dose will rise much higher. Based on the number of vaccines given, children today are receiving 17 shots that contain aluminum, compared to four vaccines in the 1970s into the mid-80s. According to Dr. Ayoub’s calculations, the milligram dose of aluminum received has more than doubled in that time.

How Do You Get Rid of Aluminum?

This is not an easy metal to eliminate but some preliminary evidence suggests that have enough sulfur in your body is essential. This is partially related to the fact that sulfur is essential for glutathione, which is a powerful intracellular detoxifier that your body produces. Although you can take supplemental glutathione it is not recommended as it is far inferior to your body’s own glutathione and costs much more.

As this point it is unclear to me if supplemental sulfur like MSM would be beneficial as I am in the process of doing comprehensive literature reviews on this topic. So my current recommendation is to optimize your sulfur intake through dietary sources. Onions and garlic are good if they are grown in sulfur replete soils but most soils are actually deficient in sulfur. So animal-based proteins seem to be one of your best bets. Whey protein concentrate is particularly high in cysteine, one of the two sulfur-bearing amino acids that is a direct precursor to glutathione.

Please note that if you avoid animal proteins it is VERY easy to become sulfur deficient and this may be one of the most significant risk factors for choosing an animal protein free diet.

Tips for Making Informed Vaccine Choices

It is up to you whether you want to avoid aluminum-containing vaccines, but if you do decide to use them for yourself or your child, you may want to separate aluminum-containing vaccines by 2-4 weeks, and only take single formulas/shots.

For more information, I strongly urge you to listen to the above interview with Dr. Ayoub in its entirely to learn more about the dangers of this common vaccine adjuvant. You can also read Aluminum in Vaccines — a Neurological Gamble, an e-book by Neil Miller, director of the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute, which documents many of the hazards associated with aluminum-laden vaccines.

Clearly, aluminum stands poised to take over mercury as one of the worst offenders against health, but remember this too is only one aspect of vaccination to consider. Before making a decision on vaccinating your children against anything, I strongly urge you to review ALL the side effects and risks involved. Making this effort could make a tremendous difference in the health of your child.

  • Remember: Vaccines can cause serious health problems including brain inflammation and autoimmune disorders, allergies, ear infections, and more
  • There’s a very real association between vaccine complications and learning and behavioral disorders in children
  • The components of vaccines, and the combination of vaccines administered together in the CDC’s official schedule, have never been proven safe
  • The ingredients and contaminants in vaccines can be detrimental to your health

For more information, I encourage you to get involved with the work that the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is doing to protect your right to choose which vaccines you want your children to receive, including the legal right to use all, some or no vaccines at all.