Ok the first few weeks after being told I had MS were definitely strange, initially Dona and my work colleagues treated me differently, with kid gloves, but I asked that I was treated as normal as possible. At this time I didn’t know or understand what I know now so even though I had a reasonable understanding of nutrition in general, I was still very naive in comparison. So it was a case of continually focussing on the ways of western medication. Just to clarify my comments about not taking the recommended medication. I didn’t know what I know now about the evil pharmaceutical giants, but I knew I didn’t want to take a drug for life and ignore the cause.
One Saturday morning at a really nice cafe in Castle Pines (nice part of town) the server who we’d become friends with talked about a nutritional beverage that claimed to do so much in relation to health, the drink XanGo changed my life.
There is no doubt in my mind about the beneficial effects of this juice, I took this 3 times per day for 10 years and I know that the changes it made allowed me to actually live my life. However I also realise that it enabled me to function by tamping down the symptoms of Ms. It wasn’t curing me although I think drinking a bottle per day over a three month period would have done that. Over the years I honestly met and talked to numerous people with supposedly incurable diseases that had been cured. Some in as little as 4 weeks of drinking a bottle per day and others that were financially able to do this for several months but at £20 a bottle it wasn’t available to me. So I stuck to an ounce three times per day which without doubt enabled me to function reasonably well. I would say that the majority of people I met had no idea I had MS and the most important thing was not once did I have a lapse, no bouts of dizziness or weakness if I just didn’t push myself physically.
However, in 2007 I wanted to try and see if the bottle per day would work for me so I paid around $700 to buy the necessary amount and drank a bottle each day in three doses. The improvements were noticeable to me and others close to me but after a month I had to stop. Obviously the financial demands wasn’t a viable option at that time. I didn’t get depressed about it, I just knew that it wasn’t possible just then and I’d just keep looking.
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